City of La v. County of Kern ( 2009 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    CITY OF LOS ANGELES; ORANGE            
    MAGAN, individually and dba’s
    Honey Bucket Farms; Tule
    Ranch/Magan Farms; WESTERN
    EXPRESS INC.,                                No. 07-56564
    Plaintiffs-Appellees,           D.C. No.
    and                        CV-06-05094-GAF
    KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY;                     OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Gary A. Feess, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted March 2, 2009
    Submission vacated March 19, 2009
    Resubmitted September 9, 2009
    Pasadena, California
    12860         LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN
    Filed September 9, 2009
    Before: Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain, Pamela Ann Rymer, and
    Kim McLane Wardlaw, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge O’Scannlain
    12862          LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN
    Steven L. Mayer, Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk &
    Rabkin, San Francisco, California, argued the cause for
    defendants-appellants and filed the briefs. Jerome B. Falk, Jr.
    and Adam Polakoff, Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk
    & Rabkin, San Francisco, California; Bernard C. Barmann
    and Stephen D. Schuett, County of Kern, Bakersfield, Califor-
    nia; and Michael M. Hogan, Hogan Guiney Dick LLP, San
    Diego, California, were also on the briefs.
    Thomas S. Hixon, Bingham McCutchen LLP, Los Angeles,
    California, argued the cause for plaintiffs-appellees and was
    on the briefs. James J. Dragna and Marc R. Bruner, Bingham
    McCutchen LLP, Los Angeles, California; Rockard J. Del-
    gadillo, Christopher M. Westhoff, and Keith W. Pritsker, City
    of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; James B. Slaughter
    and Gary J. Smith, Washington, District of Columbia; Daniel
    V. Hyde and Paul J. Beck, Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith
    LLP, Los Angeles, California; Bradley R. Hogin, Woodruff
    Spradlin & Smart, Orange, California; Michael J. Lampe,
    Law Offices of Michael J. Lampe, Visalia, California; and
    Roberta L. Larson and Jonathan Schutz, Somach Simmons &
    Dunn, Sacramento, California, were also on the briefs.
    James Sullivan, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria,
    Virginia, filed a brief on behalf of Amicus Curiae Water
    Environment Federation.
    Keith J. Jones, National Association of Clean Water Agen-
    cies, Washington, District of Columbia, filed a brief on behalf
    of Amicus Curiae National Association of Clean Water Agen-
    cies. Nathan Gardner-Andrews, National Association of Clean
    Water Agencies, Washington, District of Columbia, was also
    on the brief.
    LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN                     12863
    O’SCANNLAIN, Circuit Judge:
    We must decide whether recyclers challenging a local ordi-
    nance that bans a particular method of waste disposal have
    prudential standing to raise its constitutionality under the dor-
    mant Commerce Clause.
    The fact that the subject matter of the case before us
    involves sewage sludge will be of no surprise to those familiar
    with the negative implications of the Commerce Clause. For
    our purposes, sludge is the “solid, semi-solid, or liquid residue
    generated during the treatment of domestic sewage.” 40
    C.F.R. § 503.9(w). Here, we deal with the “land application”
    of “biosolids”: essentially, a particular recycling method
    which involves the use of treated sludge as fertilizer.1 See 40
    C.F.R. § 503.11(h) (“Land application is the spraying or
    spreading of sewage sludge onto the land surface; the injec-
    tion of sewage sludge below the land surface; or the incorpo-
    ration of sewage sludge into the soil so that the sewage sludge
    can either condition the soil or fertilize crops or vegetation
    grown in the soil.”).
    In 2006, voters in Kern County, California (“Kern”),
    adopted a local ordinance (“Measure E” or the “Ordinance”)
    The local ordinance before us defines biosolids as “treated solid, semi-
    solid or liquid residues generated during the treatment of sewage in a
    wastewater treatment works and includ[ing] material derived from or con-
    taining sewage sludge such as compost and pelletized sewage sludge, irre-
    spective of where generated, produced or treated.” The measure describes
    land application as “the spraying, spreading or other placement of Bio-
    solids onto the land surface, the injection of Biosolids below the surface,
    or the incorporation of Biosolids into the soil.”
    12864            LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN
    by ballot initiative that makes it “unlawful for any person to
    Land Apply Biosolids to property within the unincorporated
    area of the County.” Violation of the Ordinance is a misde-
    meanor punishable by “a fine of not more than $500 or by
    imprisonment of not more than six months.” By its terms, the
    Ordinance applies to both in-county and out-of-county waste
    generators. In practical effect, however, because Kern does
    not currently apply its biosolids to land within the county,
    Measure E does not directly impact Kern’s own waste dis-
    posal programs.
    Prior to the Ordinance, in-state waste generators frequently
    disposed of their biosolids by land application at various
    farms throughout the unincorporated area of Kern County.2
    For example, the City of Los Angeles, Orange County Sanita-
    tion District, and County Sanitation District No. 2 of Los
    Angeles County ship large amounts of waste generated by
    their residents to Green Acres, Honey Bucket Farms, and Tule
    Ranch. If these generators were precluded from land applying
    their biosolids in Kern County, they would be required to find
    alternative locations to dispose of their sludge. They have
    submitted declarations pointing to Arizona as a probable des-
    tination, and asserting that this site change would result in
    increased transportation costs.
    These out-of-county generators, along with waste transport-
    ers and in-county farmers (collectively, “the recyclers”), filed
    suit in the United States District Court for the Central District
    of California. They alleged that Measure E violated the dor-
    mant Commerce Clause and the Equal Protection Clause and
    was preempted by the Federal Clean Water Act, the California
    Integrated Waste Management Act (“CIWMA”), and the Cali-
    fornia Water Code. They also asserted that it constituted an
    Consequently, campaign literature supporting the passage of Measure
    E claimed that it would “stop L.A. from dumping on Kern.”
    LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN             12865
    invalid exercise of Kern’s police power. The district court ini-
    tially dismissed the Clean Water Act and the California Water
    Code claims under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6),
    while granting the recyclers’ request for a preliminary injunc-
    tion halting enforcement of Measure E. The parties filed cross
    motions for summary judgment.
    The district court granted Kern’s motion for summary judg-
    ment on the recyclers’ equal protection claim, and denied
    summary judgment on the police power claim, citing the exis-
    tence of disputed facts. As for the dormant Commence
    Clause, the district court concluded that Measure E discrimi-
    nated against interstate commerce in effect. Accordingly, the
    court applied strict scrutiny, determined the Ordinance could
    not survive, and granted summary judgment in favor of the
    recyclers. The district court also exercised supplemental juris-
    diction over the recyclers’ CIWMA claim under 28 U.S.C.
    § 1367 and held that Measure E was preempted by state law.
    Kern timely filed this appeal, challenging only the district
    court’s rulings on the dormant Commerce Clause and state-
    law preemption claims.
    We first assess whether the recyclers have standing to bring
    suit under the dormant Commerce Clause. That inquiry
    involves “both constitutional limitations on federal-court
    jurisdiction and prudential limitations on its exercise.” Warth
    v. Seldin, 
    422 U.S. 490
    , 498 (1975). “Constitutional [or “Arti-
    cle III”] standing concerns whether the plaintiff’s personal
    stake in the lawsuit is sufficient to make out a concrete ‘case’
    or ‘controversy’ to which the federal judicial power may
    extend under Article III, § 2.” Pershing Park Villas Home-
    owners Ass’n v. United Pac. Ins. Co., 
    219 F.3d 895
    , 899 (9th
    Cir. 2000); see also Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 
    504 U.S. 555
    , 559-60 (1992). These limits are jurisdictional: they can-
    not be waived by any party, and there is no question that a
    12866              LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN
    court can, and indeed must, resolve any doubts about this con-
    stitutional issue sua sponte. See, e.g., Indep. Living Ctr. of S.
    Cal., Inc. v. Shewry, 
    543 F.3d 1050
    , 1064-65 (9th Cir. 2008).
    Here, no party contends the recyclers lack Article III standing,
    and we are independently satisfied that they have met the
    requirements of Lujan.
    Over and above the limits of Article III, however, there
    exists a body of “judicially self-imposed limits on the exercise
    of federal jurisdiction,” Allen v. Wright, 
    468 U.S. 737
    , 751
    (1984), “founded in concern about the proper—and properly
    limited—role of the courts in a democratic society,” 
    Warth, 422 U.S. at 498
    . Citing their nonconstitutional nature, we
    have previously held that these requirements, commonly
    referred to as “prudential” standing, “can be deemed waived
    if not raised in the district court.” Bd. of Natural Res. v.
    992 F.2d 937
    , 946 (9th Cir. 1993).3
    Because Kern admittedly failed to raise prudential standing
    before the district court,4 we must satisfy ourselves that we
    should address the matter in the first instance. At times, we
    have exercised our prerogative to “deem” this issue waived in
    such circumstances. See, e.g., Laub v. U.S. Dep’t of Interior,
    342 F.3d 1080
    , 1087 n.6 (9th Cir. 2003); Pershing 
    Park, 219 F.3d at 899-900
    . Past practice, however, does not preclude
    Other circuits have taken a different tack. See Am. Immigration Law-
    yers Ass’n v. Reno, 
    199 F.3d 1352
    , 1357-58 (D.C. Cir. 2000) (prudential
    standing is non-waivable); Cmty. First Bank v. Nat’l Credit Union Admin.,
    41 F.3d 1050
    , 1053 (6th Cir. 1994) (same); Thompson v. County of Frank-
    15 F.3d 245
    , 248 (2d Cir. 1994) (same).
    Kern’s appeal was confined to the district court’s rulings on the federal
    constitutional question and state law preemption. We had concerns, how-
    ever, as to whether the recyclers had prudential standing to bring this
    claim under the dormant Commerce Clause. Accordingly, we directed the
    parties to discuss the issue at oral argument and requested that they file
    supplemental briefs.
    LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN              12867
    our consideration of the subject in the case at hand. Rather,
    the permissive language in our caselaw—“can be deemed”—
    indicates that the choice to reach the question lies within our
    discretion. We are also mindful of the Supreme Court’s
    description of constitutional and prudential standing as
    “threshold determinants of the propriety of judicial interven-
    Warth, 422 U.S. at 518
    The Seventh Circuit’s opinion in Mainstreet Organization
    of Realtors v. Calumet City, 
    505 F.3d 742
    (7th Cir. 2007), is
    instructive. In that case, the court reached the issue of pruden-
    tial standing, despite the “wrinkle” that “the City did not
    argue [prudential standing] until [the panel] raised the issue at
    oral argument.” 
    Id. at 747.
    “[N]onconstitutional lack of stand-
    ing,” according to the Seventh Circuit, “belongs to an inter-
    mediate class of cases in which a court can notice an error and
    reverse on the basis of it even though no party has noticed it
    and the error is not jurisdictional, at least in the conventional
    sense.” Id.; see also 
    id. at 747-48
    (citing failure to exhaust
    state remedies in habeas cases and abstention as examples);
    cf. Tenet v. Doe, 
    544 U.S. 1
    , 6 n.4 (2005) (“[A]pplication of
    the Totten rule of dismissal, like the abstention doctrine . . .
    or the prudential standing doctrine, represents the sort of
    ‘threshold question’ we have recognized may be resolved
    before addressing jurisdiction.” (emphasis added) (citation
    Thus, we may cite a party’s “failure to invoke [prudential
    standing]” as “a ground for refusing to invoke it” on our own
    initiative: such failure, however, does not bar our examination
    of the matter. 
    Mainstreet, 505 F.3d at 749
    . “In other words,
    [we] may raise an unpreserved prudential-standing question
    on [our] own, but unlike questions of constitutional standing,
    [we are] not obliged to do so.” Rawoof v. Texor Petroleum
    521 F.3d 750
    , 757 (7th Cir. 2008).
    We recognize that at times, the “prudential objectives[ ]
    thought to be enhanced” by standing restrictions “cannot be
    12868           LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN
    furthered” by consideration of an unpreserved argument. See
    Craig v. Boren, 
    429 U.S. 190
    , 193-94 (1976). Here, we have
    provided the parties with an opportunity fully to brief the
    issue, and further development of the record would not aid
    our decisionmaking process. Those briefs indicate that at least
    one of the parties (Kern) “resist[s]” an “authoritative . . .
    determination” by this court. 
    Id. at 193.
    Our disposition of the
    prudential standing question might also affect the district
    court’s decision under 28 U.S.C. § 1367 to exercise jurisdic-
    tion over the state-law claims.
    Perhaps most importantly, a ruling on prudential standing
    could obviate the need to rule on the merits of the dormant
    Commerce Clause challenge. In such circumstances, “we are
    guided by the traditional principle that a federal court should
    not decide federal constitutional questions where a dispositive
    nonconstitutional ground is available. This rule against unnec-
    essary constitutional adjudication applies even when neither
    the trial court nor the parties have considered the nonconstitu-
    tional basis for decision.” Correa v. Clayton, 
    563 F.2d 396
    400 (9th Cir. 1977) (internal quotation marks and citations
    [1] Accordingly, we choose to exercise our discretion to
    rule on the recyclers’ prudential standing to bring this suit.
    [2] Several doctrines fall under the rubric of “prudential
    standing.” Here, we consider only “the zone of interests test[,
    which] governs claims under the Constitution in general, and
    under the negative [dormant] Commerce Clause in particu-
    lar.” Individuals for Responsible Gov’t, Inc. v. Washoe
    110 F.3d 699
    , 703 (9th Cir. 1997) (second alteration
    in original) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted);
    see also Clarke v. Sec. Indus. Ass’n, 
    479 U.S. 388
    , 396 (1987)
    (noting that interests must be “arguably within the zone of
    interests to be protected or regulated by the statute or constitu-
    LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN                   12869
    tional guarantee in question” (internal quotation marks and
    citation omitted)). While the test “is not meant to be espe-
    cially demanding,” 
    Clarke, 479 U.S. at 399
    , a party’s “com-
    plaint must ‘fall within the zone of interests to be protected
    or regulated by the statute or constitutional guarantee in ques-
    tion.’ ” Washoe 
    County, 110 F.3d at 703
    (quoting Valley
    Forge Christian Coll. v. Ams. United for Separation of
    Church & State, Inc., 
    454 U.S. 464
    , 475 (1982)). Thus, this
    prudential standing requirement “denies a right of review if
    the plaintiff’s interests are . . . marginally related to or incon-
    sistent with the purposes implicit in the [relevant constitu-
    tional provision].” 
    Id. (alterations in
    original) (internal
    quotation marks and citation omitted).
    [3] Accordingly, to “ascertain whether [the recyclers] have
    standing to raise the dormant Commerce Clause challenge in
    the present case, [we] must . . . determine[ ] whether their
    interests bear more than a marginal relationship to the pur-
    poses underlying the dormant Commerce Clause.” 
    Id. We have
    previously concluded that the “chief purpose underlying
    [the] Clause is to limit the power of States to erect barriers
    against interstate trade.” 
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks and
    citation omitted); see also Fort Gratiot Sanitary Landfill, Inc.
    v. Mich. Dep’t of Natural Res., 
    504 U.S. 353
    , 359 (1992)
    (“[T]he ‘negative’ or ‘dormant’ aspect of the Commerce
    Clause prohibits States from ‘advanc[ing] their own commer-
    cial interests by curtailing the movement of articles of com-
    merce, either into or out of the state.’ ” (alternation in
    original) (quoting H.P. Hood & Sons, Inc. v. Du Mond, 
    336 U.S. 525
    , 535 (1949))).5 The question, therefore, is whether
    the recyclers’ claims “bear more than a marginal relationship”
    to claims addressing a state or county’s effort to erect barriers
    to interstate commerce.
    A state’s political subdivisions are likewise precluded from impeding
    interstate commerce. See, e.g., 
    Carbone, 511 U.S. at 390
    12870           LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN
    Our decision in Washoe County provides the answer to this
    question. In that case, we addressed Nevada county ordi-
    nances which required residents to employ garbage collection
    services run by “the County and its authorized agents or con-
    tractees.” Washoe 
    County, 110 F.3d at 701
    . “[P]rior to enact-
    ment of the ordinances, [some residents had] transported their
    garbage across state lines for disposal at the dump sites in . . .
    Id. at 703.
    Displeased with paying for a service
    they did not desire, these residents brought suit, alleging that
    the ordinance violated the dormant Commerce Clause insofar
    as it “prevent[ed] them from utilizing dump sites outside the
    State of Nevada.” 
    Id. at 702.
    We held that though the resi-
    dents met the constitutional requirements for standing, they
    failed to satisfy the prudential limitations. 
    Id. at 702,
    Paying for unwanted garbage collection services—even if one
    had previously dumped out of state—was “an injury not even
    marginally related to the purposes underlying” the Clause. 
    Id. at 703.
    We posited that even if all residents forced to pay for
    garbage collection services had previously transported their
    waste across state lines, the litigants’ claim could not meet the
    zone of interests test. “Their injury (being forced to pay for
    services they did not want) would exist even if the [garbage
    collection service] were to dump all the garbage it collects
    from Nevada across the state line in California. Under those
    circumstances, the Washoe County ordinance would impose
    no barrier to interstate commerce.” 
    Id. at 703-04;
    see also On
    the Green Apartments L.L.C. v. City of Tacoma, 
    241 F.3d 1235
    , 1239-40 (9th Cir. 2001) (reaching the same conclusion
    with respect to a similar waste disposal ordinance).
    [4] Such analysis controls the case at hand. The interest the
    recyclers seek to secure is their ability to exploit a portion of
    the intrastate waste market—they want to be able to ship their
    waste from one portion of California to another. But as we
    have said, the “chief purpose underlying [the dormant Com-
    merce] Clause is to limit the power of States to erect barriers
    against interstate trade.” Washoe 
    County, 110 F.3d at 703
    (emphasis added) (internal quotation marks and citation omit-
    LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN                     12871
    ted). Nothing in Measure E hampers the recyclers’ ability to
    ship waste out of state. Likewise, no recycler claims to apply
    out-of-state waste to land in Kern County. In short, Measure
    E in no way burdens the recyclers’ protected interest in the
    interstate waste market. We decline to expand the zone of
    interests protected by the Clause to purely intrastate disputes.
    [5] The recyclers miss the point when they contend that if
    Measure E stands, some of them will be forced to pay higher
    fees to ship their waste to different sites, likely in Arizona.
    While this injury-in-fact suffices for Article III purposes, see
    County, 110 F.3d at 702
    , it is insufficient to establish
    prudential standing. As the name implies, the zone of interests
    test turns on the interest sought to be protected, not the harm
    suffered by the plaintiff. See Ass’n of Data Processing Serv.
    Orgs., Inc. v. Camp, 
    397 U.S. 150
    , 153 (1970) (“[The zone of
    interests test] concerns . . . the question whether the interest
    sought to be protected by the complainant is arguably . . . pro-
    tected or regulated by the statute or constitutional guarantee
    in question.” (emphasis added)). Financial injury, standing
    alone, does not implicate the zone of interests protected by the
    dormant Commerce Clause. That financial injury must some-
    how be tied to a barrier imposed on interstate commerce. The
    recyclers here have not established that requisite link.6 Like
    the residents in Washoe County, they would suffer the same
    injury (being forced to pay higher prices for biosolid disposal)
    if Measure E permitted land application from out-of-state
    entities, but prohibited land application from in-state entities.
    “Under those circumstances,” Measure E would “impose no
    barrier to interstate commerce,” Washoe 
    County, 110 F.3d at 704
    , yet the harm to the recyclers would be the same.7 There-
    The recyclers contend that they generally engage in interstate com-
    merce and that the Supreme Court has described waste as an article of
    interstate commerce. See Fort 
    Gratiot, 504 U.S. at 359
    . Neither fact, how-
    ever, links the financial injury they allege in this case with an impediment
    to interstate commerce.
    For this reason, the recyclers’ claims are more analogous to the claims
    of the residents in Washoe County, 
    see 110 F.3d at 703
    ; On the Green, 241
    12872              LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN
    fore, we cannot conclude that the recyclers alleged injury is
    tied to the purposes animating the dormant Commerce Clause.
    In their supplemental brief, the recyclers discuss a number
    of cases where courts have determined that in-state plaintiffs
    have prudential standing to bring suit under the dormant
    Commerce Clause. See, e.g., 
    Carbone, 511 U.S. at 387-88
    Gen. Motors Corp. v. Tracy, 
    519 U.S. 278
    , 286-87 (1997);
    Or. Waste Sys., Inc. v. Dep’t of Envtl. Quality, 
    511 U.S. 93
    97-98 (1994); Huish 
    Detergents, 214 F.3d at 711-12
    . All of
    those cases, however, involve impediments to in-state plain-
    tiffs’ access to out-of-state markets, restrictions on the ability
    of out-of-state entities to make use of in-state plaintiffs’ ser-
    vices, or burdens on out-of-state entities which were passed
    on to in-state plaintiffs. See 
    Carbone, 511 U.S. at 388
    Tracy, 519 U.S. at 286-87
    ; Or. Waste 
    Sys., 511 U.S. at 96-97
    ; Huish
    Detergents, 214 F.3d at 711
    .8 No such allegations are present
    in this case. Rather, the recyclers either contend that Measure
    E prevents them from shipping their waste intrastate, or that
    they are denied the benefits of such shipments. As we have
    discussed above, such circumstances do not implicate the
    interests protected by the dormant Commerce Clause.
    [6] Accordingly, because the recyclers’ injury is not even
    “marginally related” to the interests the Clause seeks to safe-
    F.3d at 1239-40, than the apartment complex in On the Green, 
    see 241 F.3d at 1241
    . Moreover, the ordinance in On the Green barred the plaintiff
    from engaging in interstate commerce. Measure E creates no such prohibi-
    tion. Cf. Huish Detergents, Inc. v. Warren County, 
    214 F.3d 707
    , 711 (6th
    Cir. 2000) (concluding that prudential standing was established when
    plaintiffs’ financial injury would disappear “if it could hire a waste hauler
    to transport its waste out-of-state“ (emphasis added)).
    In Ben Oehrleins & Sons & Daughter, Inc. v. Hennepin County, 
    115 F.3d 1372
    (8th Cir. 1997), the Eighth Circuit found that in-state haulers
    and processors had standing to challenge a local ordinance that required
    waste designated for in-state disposal to pass through designated facilities.
    Id. at 1377-79.
    That decision was made in a single, conclusory sentence,
    which we decline to follow. 
    Id. at 1379.
                    LOS ANGELES v. COUNTY OF KERN                 12873
    guard, they lack prudential standing to bring their federal con-
    stitutional claim.
    [7] Based on the foregoing, we dismiss the recyclers’
    claims under the dormant Commerce Clause. With that, we
    are left with a complex question of state-law preemption.
    Because our dismissal of the federal constitutional claim may
    materially alter the district court’s decision to exercise supple-
    mental jurisdiction over the preemption claim, see, e.g., Gol-
    den v. CH2M Hill Hanford Group, Inc., 
    528 F.3d 681
    , 684
    (9th Cir. 2008), we vacate its judgment and remand the state-
    law claim for reconsideration of the factors listed in 28 U.S.C.
    § 1367.
    DISMISSED        in    part,    VACATED       in    part,    and

Document Info

Docket Number: 07-56564

Filed Date: 9/9/2009

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/14/2015

Authorities (26)

Dana Leigh Thompson v. County of Franklin, William A. ... , 15 F.3d 245 ( 1994 )

Huish Detergents, Inc. v. Warren County, Kentucky Monarch ... , 214 F.3d 707 ( 2000 )

Rawoof v. Texor Petroleum Co., Inc. , 521 F.3d 750 ( 2008 )

Independent Living Center of Southern California, Inc. v. ... , 543 F.3d 1050 ( 2008 )

Mainstreet Organization of Realtors v. Calumet City , 505 F.3d 742 ( 2007 )

ben-oehrleins-and-sons-and-daughter-inc-elk-river-landfill-inc , 115 F.3d 1372 ( 1997 )

Staff Sergeant Agustin Correa v. Honorable William Graham ... , 563 F.2d 396 ( 1977 )

On the Green Apartments L.L.C., a Washington Limited ... , 241 F.3d 1235 ( 2001 )

pershing-park-villas-homeowners-association-an-unincorporated-and , 219 F.3d 895 ( 2000 )

Golden v. CH2M HILL HANFORD GROUP, INC. , 528 F.3d 681 ( 2008 )

American Immigration Lawyers Association,appellants v. ... , 199 F.3d 1352 ( 2000 )

board-of-natural-resources-of-the-state-of-washington-and-washington-state , 992 F.2d 937 ( 1993 )

individuals-for-responsible-government-inc-a-non-profit-nevada , 110 F.3d 699 ( 1997 )

don-laub-debbie-jacobsen-ted-sheely-california-farm-bureau-federation-v , 342 F.3d 1080 ( 2003 )

H. P. Hood & Sons, Inc. v. Du Mond , 69 S. Ct. 657 ( 1949 )

Warth v. Seldin , 95 S. Ct. 2197 ( 1975 )

Valley Forge Christian College v. Americans United for ... , 102 S. Ct. 752 ( 1982 )

Association of Data Processing Service Organizations, Inc. ... , 90 S. Ct. 827 ( 1970 )

Craig v. Boren , 97 S. Ct. 451 ( 1976 )

Clarke v. Securities Industry Assn. , 107 S. Ct. 750 ( 1987 )

View All Authorities »