Robert Montour v. Hartford Life & Accident Insur ( 2009 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    ROBERT MONTOUR, an individual;         
    TINA MONTOUR, an individual,
    No. 08-55803
    D.C. No.
       2:07-cv-05215-DSF-
    HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT                           RZ
    a Connecticut Corporation,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Dale S. Fischer, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    June 1, 2009—Pasadena, California
    Filed September 14, 2009
    Before: William A. Fletcher, Richard R. Clifton and
    Milan D. Smith, Jr., Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Clifton
    Bradley P. Knypstra, Knypstra & Associates, Irvine, Califor-
    nia, for the plaintiffs-appellants.
    Bruce D. Celebrezze, Dennis G. Rolstad (argued) and Erin A.
    Cornell, Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold LLP, San Fran-
    cisco, California, for the defendant-appellee.
    CLIFTON, Circuit Judge:
    This case presents the question of how a district court
    should apply the abuse of discretion standard when reviewing
    MONTOUR v. HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT                  13351
    a decision by the administrator of an employee benefits plan
    governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
    of 1974 (ERISA), 88 Stat. 829, as amended, 29 U.S.C.
    §§ 1001-1461, when that administrator has a conflict of inter-
    est. We conclude that a reviewing court must take into
    account the conflict and that this necessarily entails a more
    complex application of the abuse of discretion standard. Spe-
    cifically, a modicum of evidence in the record supporting the
    administrator’s decision will not alone suffice in the face of
    such a conflict, since this more traditional application of the
    abuse of discretion standard allows no room for weighing the
    extent to which the administrator’s decision may have been
    motivated by improper considerations.
    Robert Montour appeals the district court’s order granting
    summary judgment in favor of Hartford Life and Accident
    Insurance Company in his action challenging Hartford’s deci-
    sion to terminate his long-term disability benefits as an abuse
    of its discretion. We reverse and, applying the proper standard
    of review to the facts of this case, conclude that Hartford
    abused its discretion because its conflict of interest too heav-
    ily influenced its termination decision. Accordingly, we
    remand to the district court for an order reinstating Montour’s
    long-term disability benefits.
    I.        Background
    As an employee of Conexant Systems, Inc. for approxi-
    mately thirty-seven years, Montour participated in his
    employer’s group long-term disability insurance plan, which
    is a welfare benefit plan governed by ERISA. Hartford is both
    the insurer and the administrator of the Plan. The Plan grants
    Hartford, as the administrator, discretionary authority to inter-
    pret Plan terms and to determine eligibility for benefits,1 and
    Specifically, the policy provides:
    Who interprets policy terms and conditions?
    We [Hartford] have full discretion and authority to determine eli-
    gibility for benefits and to construe and interpret all terms and
    provisions of the Group Insurance Policy.
    it places the burden of proving both initial and ongoing dis-
    ability on the claimant.
    In July 2003 Montour took a medical leave of absence from
    his position as a telecommunications manager after develop-
    ing symptoms of acute stress disorder. At the time, he was
    fifty-five years old. In January 2004, following a period of
    180 days during which no benefits were payable under the
    Plan, Hartford accepted Montour’s application for benefits
    under the Plan and began paying him disability benefits.
    At the outset of his psychiatric illness, Montour consulted
    several times with his primary care physician, Dr. Samuel
    Park. In September 2003 he began regular psychotherapy ses-
    sions with a psychiatrist. His last documented psychotherapy
    session took place in April 2005.
    Meanwhile, in June 2004 Montour consulted Dr. Kenneth
    Kengla, an orthopedic surgeon, about pain in his right knee
    and his lower back. Dr. Kengla diagnosed Montour with
    degenerative changes in both regions and notified Hartford in
    September 2004 that Montour was at that time also suffering
    from physical disability that prevented him from returning to
    the labor force. In October 2004 Dr. Kengla performed
    arthroscopic surgery on Montour’s right knee. The subject of
    Montour’s back condition did not come up again during their
    consultations until April 2005. Subsequently, Montour con-
    sulted Dr. Kengla about his back pain during appointments in
    December 2005 and May 2006.
    Dr. Kengla consistently maintained to Hartford that Mon-
    tour remained physically disabled and unable to work in any
    job as a result of his back and knee impairments. Specifically,
    he listed the following restrictions on Montour’s physical
    activities: 1) “no sitting for more than 15-20 min[utes] at a
    time”; 2) “no prolonged walking”; 3) “no standing greater
    than 15 min[utes] at a time”; 4) “no lifting or carrying greater
    than 10 [pounds;]” 4) “no work at or above shoulder level”;
    MONTOUR v. HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT           13353
    5) “no moderate pushing activities”; 6) “no moderate pulling
    activities”; and 7) “no driving greater than 30 min[utes] at a
    In November and December 2005 Hartford hired two out-
    side companies to conduct surveillance on Montour over the
    course of four nonconsecutive days. Video footage from this
    surveillance depicted Montour driving his car to perform
    occasional errands, such as picking up his grandchildren from
    school, going to the pharmacy, and getting a haircut. He was
    observed once bending at the waist to reach into his car.
    In March 2006 a Hartford investigator conducted a personal
    interview with Montour at his home, during which Montour
    listed a “bad back, [an] arthritic right knee, and sleep apnea”
    as the “disabling medical condition(s)” preventing him from
    returning to work. He also described an inability to concen-
    trate, which he attributed to the medication he must take to
    treat his “constant pain.” The investigator observed that Mon-
    tour remained alert and responsive during the entire four-and-
    a-half hour interview, although he called the investigator by
    the wrong name about two hours into the interview. Montour
    acknowledged that the surveillance video footage accurately
    depicted his level of functionality. He was physically able to
    complete the interview, but he demonstrated signs of pain in
    front of the investigator, such as moaning when he stood up
    or twisted, walking around his house stiffly with a slight limp,
    and complaining of back pain three times during the final two
    In May 2006 a Hartford nurse case manager submitted let-
    ters to Dr. Kengla and Dr. Park surmising that Montour was
    capable of performing “sedentary to light” work and soliciting
    their agreement. Dr. Park signed and returned the letter, which
    signified that he either agreed or found “no contraindications
    to this work capacity level.” Dr. Kengla, on the other hand,
    indicated that he disagreed with Hartford’s conclusions, citing
    Montour’s persistent orthopedic symptoms and physical
    In July 2006 Hartford hired a consulting physician, Dr.
    Gale Brown, to conduct a file review. Dr. Brown analyzed
    Montour’s medical records for the 2003-2006 period, includ-
    ing X-rays and MRIs of Montour’s lower back taken in June
    2004 and May 2006, Montour’s pharmacy records for the
    2004-2006 period, Hartford’s surveillance video and accom-
    panying reports, and the personal interview report. He also
    spoke with Dr. Kengla on the phone. Dr. Brown concluded
    that medical evidence supported the existence of a lower back
    condition called “degenerative spondylostenosis/DDD” but
    that Dr. Kengla’s offered restrictions were excessive for this
    “mild to moderate” condition and understated Montour’s
    demonstrated and admitted physical abilities. Dr. Brown
    acknowledged that medical evidence supported Montour’s
    chronic pain but found that Montour was nevertheless capable
    of working full-time with modest restrictions, such as chang-
    ing positions every thirty to forty-five minutes.
    Hartford next enlisted a vocational rehabilitation expert to
    compile an Employability Analysis Report, which evaluated
    Montour’s experience, qualifications, and the physical restric-
    tions identified by Dr. Brown. That expert concluded that
    Montour was capable of working in a high-level managerial
    capacity in five different fields.
    In August 2006 Hartford informed Montour of its decision
    to terminate his benefits in light of its conclusion that he no
    longer met the policy’s definition of disability. Montour
    appealed this decision internally and included a vocational
    appraisal report by Gene Bruno. The Bruno report concluded
    that Montour was “not employable in any setting” and that
    Hartford’s decision was based on numerous mistakes, includ-
    ing a disregard for the fact that the Social Security Adminis-
    tration (SSA) considered Montour to be “totally disabled.”
    MONTOUR v. HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT          13355
    In response, Hartford hired Dr. Renat Sukhov to conduct a
    second file review. Dr. Sukhov reviewed Montour’s records
    for evidence of a physical condition that would preclude sed-
    entary work and, like Dr. Brown, found none. He noted in
    particular a lack of objective, clinical data demonstrating the
    extent to which Montour’s pain impacted his functionality. He
    also noted that Montour’s activities depicted on the surveil-
    lance videos exceed the activity requirements of a sedentary
    job. Dr. Sukhov concluded that Montour could work, at mini-
    mum, in a sedentary job with reasonable restrictions, such as
    avoiding static work posture, not lifting objects weighing
    more than twenty pounds, and not pushing or pulling loads
    weighing more than thirty to thirty-five pounds.
    In light of concerns raised in the Bruno report, Hartford
    also requested a vocational specialist to conduct an Employ-
    ability Analysis Report addendum, which reached the same
    conclusion as the Employability Analysis Report regarding
    the sedentary nature and thus the feasibility of the five pro-
    posed managerial positions. In February 2007 a Hartford
    appeal specialist affirmed the company’s previous decision to
    terminate Montour’s benefits.
    Having exhausted his administrative remedies, in June
    2007 Montour and his wife, Tina Montour, filed suit against
    Hartford in California Superior Court to recover benefits
    under ERISA § 502(a)(1)(B), 29 U.S.C. § 1132(a)(1)(B). The
    complaint also alleged breach of fiduciary duty, promissory
    estoppel, invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emo-
    tional distress, and loss of consortium. Hartford removed the
    case to the Central District of California and promptly moved
    to dismiss. The district court dismissed the causes of action
    for breach of fiduciary duty and promissory estoppel,
    remanded the claims for invasion of privacy, intentional
    infliction of emotional distress, and loss of consortium back
    to state court, and proceeded to hold a bench trial on the
    administrative record for the remaining ERISA benefits
    recovery claim.
    In April 2008 the court entered its Findings of Fact and
    Conclusions of Law ordering Judgment in favor of Hartford.
    The district court concluded that although Hartford had a
    structural conflict of interest in its position as both the admin-
    istrator of the insurance policy and the payor of benefits, it did
    not abuse its discretion in determining that Montour failed to
    provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate disability within
    the meaning of the policy.
    Montour timely appealed.
    II.   Standard of Review
    The district court’s findings of fact in a bench trial on the
    administrative record are reviewed under the clearly errone-
    ous standard. See Pannebecker v. Liberty Life Assurance Co.
    of Boston, 
    542 F.3d 1213
    , 1217 (9th Cir. 2008); see also
    Kearney v. Standard Ins. Co., 
    175 F.3d 1084
    , 1095 & n.6 (9th
    Cir. 1999) (en banc). In contrast, we review “a district court’s
    choice and application of the appropriate standard for review-
    ing benefits decisions by an ERISA plan administrator” de
    novo. Sznewajs v. U.S. Bancorp Amended & Restated Supple-
    mental Benefits Plan, 
    572 F.3d 727
    , 732 (9th Cir. 2009)
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    As for review of a plan administrator’s decision, “[t]he
    Supreme Court has held that a denial of benefits ‘is to be
    reviewed under a de novo standard unless the benefit plan
    gives the administrator . . . discretionary authority to deter-
    mine eligibility for benefits or to construe the terms of the
    plan.’ ” Burke v. Pitney Bowes Inc. Long-Term Disability
    544 F.3d 1016
    , 1023 (9th Cir. 2008) (quoting Firestone
    Tire & Rubber Co. v. Bruch, 
    489 U.S. 101
    , 115 (1989)).
    Where, as here, the plan “does grant such discretionary
    authority, we review the administrator’s decision for abuse of
    discretion.” Saffon v. Wells Fargo & Co. Long Term Disabil-
    ity Plan, 
    522 F.3d 863
    , 866 (9th Cir. 2008). The manner in
    which a reviewing court applies the abuse of discretion stan-
    MONTOUR v. HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT                   13357
    dard, however, depends on whether the administrator has a
    conflicting interest.
    [1] In the absence of a conflict, judicial review of a plan
    administrator’s benefits determination involves a straightfor-
    ward application of the abuse of discretion standard. See
    Sznewajs, 572 F.3d at 733-35
    ; Boyd v. Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle
    NFL Players Ret. Plan, 
    410 F.3d 1173
    , 1178-79 (9th Cir.
    2005). In these circumstances, the plan administrator’s deci-
    sion can be upheld if it is “grounded on any reasonable basis.”
    Sznewajs, 572 F.3d at 734-35
    (internal quotation marks
    omitted). In other words, where there is no risk of bias on the
    part of the administrator, the existence of a “single persuasive
    medical opinion” supporting the administrator’s decision can
    be sufficient to affirm, so long as the administrator does not
    construe the language of the plan unreasonably or render its
    decision without explanation. See 
    Boyd, 410 F.3d at 1179
    ; see
    Sznewajs 572 F.3d at 733-35
    [2] Commonly, however, the same entity that funds an
    ERISA benefits plan also evaluates claims, as is the case here.
    See Metro. Life Ins. Co. v. Glenn, 
    128 S. Ct. 2343
    , 2346, 2348
    (2008) (“MetLife II”).2 Under these circumstances, the plan
    administrator faces a structural conflict of interest: since it is
    also the insurer, benefits are paid out of the administrator’s
    own pocket, so by denying benefits, the administrator retains
    money for itself. Application of the abuse of discretion stan-
    dard therefore requires a more complex analysis. See Abatie
    v. Alta Health & Life Ins. Co., 
    458 F.3d 955
    , 965 (9th Cir.
    2006) (en banc) (“[T]he existence of a conflict of interest is
    relevant to how a court conducts abuse of discretion review.”
    (emphasis added)). Simply construing the terms of the under-
    lying plan and scanning the record for medical evidence sup-
    porting the plan administrator’s decision is not enough,
    because a reviewing court must take into account the adminis-
    We refer to the Supreme Court’s decision as “MetLife II” because we
    also reference the lower court’s opinion, infra, which MetLife II affirmed.
    trator’s conflict of interest as a factor in the analysis. See
    II, 128 S. Ct. at 2346
    , 2348, 2350; 
    Abatie, 458 F.3d at 968-69
    [3] More particularly, the court must consider numerous
    case-specific factors, including the administrator’s conflict of
    interest, and reach a decision as to whether discretion has
    been abused by weighing and balancing those factors
    together. See MetLife 
    II, 128 S. Ct. at 2351-52
    (describing the
    garden variety “combination-of-factors method of review”).
    Under this rubric, the extent to which a conflict of interest
    appears to have motivated an administrator’s decision is one
    among potentially many relevant factors that must be consid-
    ered. Other factors that frequently arise in the ERISA context
    include the quality and quantity of the medical evidence,
    whether the plan administrator subjected the claimant to an
    in-person medical evaluation or relied instead on a paper
    review of the claimant’s existing medical records, whether the
    administrator provided its independent experts “with all of the
    relevant evidence[,]” and whether the administrator consid-
    ered a contrary SSA disability determination, if any.3 See
    II, 128 S. Ct. at 2352
    ; see also 
    Saffon, 522 F.3d at 869-73
    The weight the court assigns to the conflict factor depends
    on the facts and circumstances of each particular case. For
    example, the Supreme Court has explained that this factor
    should prove more important (perhaps of great
    importance) where circumstances suggest a higher
    For example, in MetLife II the Supreme Court endorsed the approach
    taken by the Sixth Circuit, which weighed three factors, namely, the medi-
    cal evidence, a contrary SSA disability determination, and the administra-
    tor’s inherent conflict of interest, and ultimately concluded that the
    administrator had abused its discretion in denying benefits to the claimant.
    See Glenn v. MetLife, 
    461 F.3d 660
    , 666-74 (6th Cir. 2006) (“MetLife I”),
    aff’d by MetLife 
    II, 128 S. Ct. at 2351-52
    (finding “nothing improper in
    the way in which the [Sixth Circuit] conducted its review”).
    MONTOUR v. HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT            13359
    likelihood that it affected the benefits decision,
    including, but not limited to, cases where an insur-
    ance company administrator has a history of biased
    claims administration. It should prove less important
    (perhaps to the vanishing point) where the adminis-
    trator has taken active steps to reduce potential bias
    and to promote accuracy, for example, by walling off
    claims administrators from those interested in firm
    finances, or by imposing management checks that
    penalize inaccurate decisionmaking irrespective of
    whom the inaccuracy benefits.
    II, 128 S. Ct. at 2351
    (internal citation omitted and
    emphases added); see also 
    Abatie, 458 F.3d at 967
    that in weighing a conflict of interest, the court’s discretionary
    review must be “informed by the nature, extent, and effect”
    that conflict may have had “on the decision-making process”).
    Our court has implemented this approach by including the
    existence of a conflict as a factor to be weighed, adjusting the
    weight given that factor based on the degree to which the con-
    flict appears improperly to have influenced a plan administra-
    tor’s decision. See 
    Abatie, 458 F.3d at 968
    ; see also Nolan v.
    Heald College, 
    551 F.3d 1148
    , 1153-54 (9th Cir. 2009); Saf-
    fon, 522 F.3d at 867-68
    . These cases should not be mistaken
    to imply that the existence of a conflict of interest alters the
    standard of review itself, rather than merely its application.
    As Abatie explicitly held, if a conflict of interest exists,
    “abuse of discretion review applies” and “that conflict must
    be weighed as a factor in determining whether there is an
    abuse of 
    discretion.” 458 F.3d at 965
    (internal quotation
    marks and alteration omitted). In fact, Abatie “conscious[ly]
    reject[ed]” the “sliding scale metaphor” that some other cir-
    cuits had adopted, which involved adjusting the level of “def-
    erence” or “scrutiny” in the standard of review itself in
    proportion to the “seriousness of the conflict.” 
    Id. at 967
    (internal quotation marks omitted); see also 
    id. at 968
    any given case, all the facts and circumstances must be con-
    sidered, and nothing ‘slides[.]’ ”). This comports with the
    Supreme Court’s more recent pronouncement “that a review-
    ing court should consider [a] conflict as a factor in determin-
    ing whether the plan administrator has abused its discretion in
    denying benefits[,] and that the significance of the factor will
    depend upon the circumstances of the particular case.”
    II, 128 S. Ct. at 2346
    [4] In any event, Abatie explained that the court should
    adjust the level of skepticism with which it reviews a poten-
    tially biased plan administrator’s explanation for its decision
    in accordance with the facts and circumstances of the case.
    See 458 F.3d at 969
    ; see also 
    Saffon, 522 F.3d at 868
    . If those
    facts and circumstances indicate the conflict may have tainted
    the entire administrative decisionmaking process, the court
    should review the administrator’s stated bases for its decision
    with enhanced skepticism: this is functionally equivalent to
    assigning greater weight to the conflict of interest as a factor
    in the overall analysis of whether an abuse of discretion
    [5] In clarifying the standard of review, Abatie also abro-
    gated a line of cases, including Jordan v. Northrop Grumman
    Corporation Welfare Benefit Plan, 
    370 F.3d 869
    (9th Cir.
    2004), and Bendixen v. Standard Insurance Company, 
    185 F.3d 939
    (9th Cir. 1999), that had directed reviewing courts
    to disregard structural conflicts of interest and affirm an
    administrative decision “grounded on any reasonable basis,”
    unless a plaintiff could produce sufficient evidence that the
    conflict was “serious.” See 
    Abatie, 458 F.3d at 966-67
    , 969.
    This more traditional application of the abuse of discretion
    standard allowed no room for a reviewing court to factor the
    existence of a conflict of interest into the analysis. See Jor-
    dan, 370 F.3d at 878-80
    Bendixen, 185 F.3d at 944
    . In the
    wake of Abatie, therefore, the traditional application of
    administrative discretionary review that our court still applies
    in cases where no conflict exists does not apply to the review
    of a decision by an inherently conflicted plan administrator.
    MONTOUR v. HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT            13361
    See, e.g., 
    Sznewajs, 572 F.3d at 734-36
    (holding that “[u]nder
    the deferential standard which courts must use to review the
    administrator’s interpretation in the absence of any evidence
    of conflict of interest,” the “plan administrator’s decision to
    deny benefits must be upheld under the abuse of discretion
    standard if it is based upon a reasonable interpretation of the
    plan’s terms and if it was made in good faith” (internal quota-
    tion marks omitted and emphasis added)).
    For this reason, the district court’s reliance in this case on
    Boyd, another decision in which there was apparently no evi-
    dence of a conflict of interest, was incorrect. 
    See 410 F.3d at 1178-79
    . The district court acknowledged there were “signs
    of bias in Hartford’s determination” but, applying Boyd,
    deemed itself capable of reversing Hartford’s decision as an
    abuse of discretion “only . . . if it [found] clear error in Hart-
    ford’s determination” that Montour failed to provide suffi-
    cient evidence to demonstrate his disability. (Emphasis
    added.) While the district court found that Hartford’s conflict
    of interest tainted much of the administrative decisionmaking
    process, its “analysis of the plan administrator’s basis for ter-
    minating benefits does not include any discussion of the role
    that . . . conflict of interest may have played in [Hartford]’s
    decision nor appear to give that conflict any weight.” MetLife
    I, 461 F.3d at 666
    . Likewise, the court acknowledged the dis-
    sonance between the SSA’s disability determination and Hart-
    ford’s contrary conclusion, but it does not appear to have
    given this factor adequate consideration or weighed it against
    other factors. Instead, the court relied on Boyd, a case involv-
    ing no conflict and thus a less complex application of the
    abuse of discretion standard, to conclude that no abuse of dis-
    cretion occurred because the record contained some medical
    evidence supporting Hartford’s decision to deny benefits. In
    fact, the language of the district court’s decision suggests that
    because of that evidence, the court felt itself obliged to affirm,
    irrespective of any taint. After Abatie, this is incorrect.
    [6] As the district court’s decision did not appropriately
    balance the pertinent factors, and in particular the conflict fac-
    tor, we proceed to do so here. Judicial review of an ERISA
    plan administrator’s decision on the merits is limited to the
    administrative record,4 so “we are in the same position as the
    district court . . . .” See Moapa Band of Paiute Indians v. U.S.
    Dep’t of Interior, 
    747 F.2d 563
    , 565 (9th Cir. 1984); see also,
    e.g., Ranchers Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stock-
    growers of Am. v. U.S. Dep’t of Agric., 
    499 F.3d 1108
    , 1114-
    15 (9th Cir. 2007) (reaching the merits in a case requiring
    administrative record review because the court of appeals
    faced the same task as the district court did). Therefore, while
    we accept the district court’s factual findings, we apply the
    standard of review de novo. See Ramstad v. Hodel, 
    756 F.2d 1379
    , 1382 (9th Cir. 1985).
    III.     The Merits
    [7] We begin with the district court’s comprehensive
    description of the “signs of bias” exhibited by Hartford
    throughout its decisionmaking process:
    Hartford was both the plan administrator and funder
    of the Plan, and evidence of this conflict of interest
    appears throughout the record. For example, in its
    letters to Plaintiff, Hartford overstates and over-
    relies on surveillance of Plaintiff. Plaintiff was
    observed over forty daylight hours on four days in
    November and December 2005. During this time, he
    was observed making two twenty minute trips to
    pick up or drop off his grandchildren from school
    and one trip of about two and a half hours conduct-
    ing errands at various stores. He was also observed
    to be away from his home on two occasions for
    In the ERISA context, the “administrative record” consists of “the
    papers the insurer had when it denied the claim.” See 
    Kearney, 175 F.3d at 1086
    MONTOUR v. HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT           13363
    about an hour and forty minutes. During this time, he
    was observed bending once at the waist and picking
    up a small bag of medication.
    This observed activity was brief and consistent
    with Plaintiff ’s self-reported limitations. Plaintiff
    admitted that he was able to drive for up to thirty
    minutes, could walk short distances, and could lift
    objects lighter than five pounds. Yet Hartford
    claimed that Plaintiff ’s “self-reported limitations
    were not consistent with his observed activities.”
    Hartford strung together a laundry list of discrete
    activities observed over the course of four days, sug-
    gesting that Plaintiff was capable of sustaining those
    activities throughout the day, as would be required in
    a sedentary occupation. However, that Plaintiff could
    perform sedentary activities in bursts spread out over
    four days does not indicate that he [ ]is capable of
    sustaining activity in a full-time occupation.
    Furthermore, despite its own internal observation
    that Plaintiff walked “in a slightly stiff and slow
    manner” and entered his car in “a somewhat slow
    and deliberate manner”, Hartford indicates that
    Plaintiff “did not show any limitation in his move-
    ment and demonstrated no sign of physical distress.”
    This statement is also inconsistent with Hartford’s
    report on the in-home interview, which noted that
    Plaintiff showed signs of pain and discomfort, moan-
    ing the majority of times that he stood or twisted.
    Hartford’s attempts to obtain information from
    Plaintiff ’s physicians were marred by this overstate-
    ment of the surveillance findings, as well as apparent
    advocacy for the position that Plaintiff was not dis-
    abled. In the letter sent to Drs. Park and Kengla,
    Hartford again strung together discrete activities
    observed in short bursts over several days, stated that
    he was seen “walking at a brisk pace,” and noted that
    his activities were “performed without apparent dif-
    ficulty, hesitation, or the use of assistive devices.”
    Instead of noting the observations of pain seen dur-
    ing Plaintiff ’s in-home interview, the letter stated
    that Plaintiff “displayed minimal physical or mental
    limitation” while participating in the interview.
    In response to this letter, Dr. Park, who saw Plain-
    tiff twice a year and was not treating him for his
    back condition, stated that he either agreed or found
    no contraindication to the sedentary work capacity
    suggested by Hartford. Dr. Kengla, who saw Plain-
    tiff once a month for the conditions that rendered
    him disabled, stated that Plaintiff remained disabled.
    Dr. Park was apparently less familiar with Plain-
    tiff ’s condition and thus more apt to be swayed by
    Hartford’s slanted presentation of the facts. Nonethe-
    less, Hartford found the disagreement between Dr.
    Park and Dr. Kengla to be significant, and sent
    Plaintiff ’s file to Dr. Brown for independent review.
    Although he based his opinion on a number of
    factors, Dr. Brown relied on both the surveillance
    and the conflict of opinion between Drs. Park and
    Kengla in reaching the conclusion that Plaintiff was
    able to return to work. In conducting a further review
    of Plaintiff ’s medical records after Plaintiff
    appealed the denial of benefits, Dr. Sukhov again
    overemphasized the surveillance, stating that the
    “video clearly shows the claimant performing activi-
    ties above those required for a sedentary job.” As
    noted above, this was clearly not the case.
    Thus, there is a common theme, both in Hartford’s
    communications with Plaintiff and in the assess-
    ments of those professionals Hartford hired to evalu-
    ate Plaintiff ’s condition, of presenting evidence of
    MONTOUR v. HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT           13365
    capability in the best possible light, while failing to
    subject evidence of capability to the same skepticism
    and rigorous analysis applied to evidence of disabil-
    (Alterations and internal citations omitted). In other words,
    Hartford’s bias infiltrated the entire administrative decision-
    making process, which leads us to accord significant weight
    to the conflict.
    [8] Another factor is Hartford’s failure to present extrinsic
    evidence of any effort on its part to “assure accurate claims
    assessment[,]” such as utilizing procedures to help ensure a
    neutral review process. See MetLife 
    II, 128 S. Ct. at 2351
    . To
    the contrary, in fact, Hartford’s nurse case manager took an
    advocacy position in her letters to Montour’s physicians solic-
    iting their agreement with her disability conclusion. While
    Hartford was not required to present evidence demonstrating
    its efforts to achieve claims administration neutrality, the
    Supreme Court’s decision in MetLife II placed it on notice as
    to the potential significance of such evidence in defense of a
    suit by a claimant challenging an adverse benefits determina-
    tion. See 
    id. at 2351;
    id. at 2356
    (Kennedy, J., concurring
    in part and dissenting in part). On the other hand, Montour
    also did not submit any extrinsic evidence of bias, such as sta-
    tistics regarding Hartford’s rate of claims denials or how fre-
    quently it contracts with the file reviewers it employed in this
    case. See 
    id. at 2351;
    Abatie, 458 F.3d at 968-69
    ; cf. 
    Nolan, 551 F.3d at 1152
    & n.3.
    [9] Another factor is Hartford’s decision to conduct a “pure
    paper” review in this case, that is, to hire doctors to review
    Montour’s files rather than to conduct an in-person medical
    evaluation of him. While the Plan does not require a physical
    exam by a non-treating physician, in this case that choice
    “raise[s] questions about the thoroughness and accuracy of the
    benefits determination[,]” Bennett v. Kemper Nat’l Servs.,
    514 F.3d 547
    , 554 (6th Cir. 2008) (quotation marks
    omitted), as it is not clear the Plan presented Dr. Brown and
    Dr. Sukhov “with all of the relevant evidence.” MetLife 
    II, 128 S. Ct. at 2352
    . Specifically, neither of Hartford’s profes-
    sional experts mentioned the SSA’s contrary conclusion, “not
    even to discount or disagree with it, which indicates that
    [they] may not even have been aware of it.” See MetLife 
    I, 461 F.3d at 669
    (internal quotation marks and alterations
    In its decision to terminate Montour’s benefits, Hartford
    relied significantly on the conclusions reached by Dr. Brown
    and Dr. Sukhov. Dr. Brown, who conducted the first file
    review, diagnosed Montour with a “mild to moderate” back
    condition that he felt should not cause Montour as much pain
    as he was reportedly suffering. Likewise, the second file
    reviewer, Dr. Sukhov, based his conclusion of non-disability
    in part on the lack of objective medical data to support Mon-
    tour’s alleged pain levels, in addition to the lack of a self-
    reported pain scale or some form of quantification of the
    impact of his pain on his functional abilities. It would proba-
    bly have been unreasonable for Hartford to require Montour
    to produce objective proof of his pain level, per Dr. Sukhov,
    or to reject his subjective claims of “excess pain” based solely
    on Dr. Brown’s observation. See Smolen v. Chater, 
    80 F.3d 1273
    , 1281-82 (9th Cir. 1996); Fair v. Bowen, 
    885 F.2d 597
    601-03 (9th Cir. 1989); see also 
    Saffon, 522 F.3d at 872-73
    & n.3. However, Dr. Brown and Dr. Sukhov also observed
    that: (1) Montour’s pharmacy records indicate he was using
    limited and relatively mild pain medication; and (2) his medi-
    cal records with Dr. Kengla suggest that he had not recently
    engaged in any pain treatment programs. These observations
    probably constitute sufficient “objective” evidence to support
    their conclusion that Montour’s pain does not rise to the level
    of disabling pain. See Orn v. Astrue, 
    495 F.3d 625
    , 637-38
    (9th Cir. 2007); 
    Fair, 885 F.2d at 602-03
    On the other hand, Dr. Sukhov also fixated on the lack of
    progression (i.e., lack of further degeneration) in Montour’s
    MONTOUR v. HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT            13367
    back condition, as evidenced by X-rays and MRIs taken in
    June 2004 and May 2006, and Hartford noted this in its deci-
    sion on appeal. It is not clear “why further degeneration is
    necessary to sustain a finding that [Montour] is disabled.” Saf-
    fon, 522 F.3d at 871
    . Given that Hartford found Montour dis-
    abled in 2004 and paid him benefits for over two years, “[i]n
    order to find [him] no longer disabled, one would expect the
    MRIs to show an improvement, not a lack of degeneration.”
    Id. [10] One
    final factor is Hartford’s failure to grapple with
    the SSA’s contrary disability determination. The Plan requires
    claimants to apply for social security disability benefits from
    the SSA and, if denied, to exhaust all possible appeals. Hart-
    ford emphasized this requirement to Montour in its initial
    award letter and then again in a separate letter the following
    month. In March 2004, the SSA concluded that Montour was
    disabled and awarded him disability benefits retroactively to
    January 2004. Hartford benefitted from this award signifi-
    cantly, as it received a dollar-for-dollar financial offset, nearly
    halving its liability. As of April 2005 and December 2006, the
    SSA considered Montour’s disability to be “continuing.” In
    August 2006, Hartford nevertheless concluded that Montour
    was no longer disabled. Although Montour had immediately
    forwarded the SSA’s April 2005 notice of continuing disabil-
    ity to Hartford, the plan administrator made no mention of the
    SSA’s contrary determination in its initial termination deci-
    sion. In its decision denying Montour’s appeal, Hartford
    acknowledged the SSA’s decision but did not articulate why
    the SSA might have reached a different conclusion. See
    I, 461 F.3d at 671
    n.3 (noting that there is a distinc-
    tion between mentioning a contrary determination and dis-
    cussing it).
    [11] While ERISA plan administrators are not bound by the
    SSA’s determination, complete disregard for a contrary con-
    clusion without so much as an explanation raises questions
    about whether an adverse benefits determination was “the
    product of a principled and deliberative reasoning process.”
    See MetLife 
    I, 461 F.3d at 674
    ; see also MetLife 
    II, 128 S. Ct. at 2352
    ; cf. 
    id. at 2361
    (Scalia, J., dissenting). In fact, not dis-
    tinguishing the SSA’s contrary conclusion may indicate a fail-
    ure to consider relevant evidence. See MetLife 
    II, 128 S. Ct. at 2355
    (Roberts, C.J., concurring in part and concurring in
    the judgment).
    Unlike the SSA, Hartford was not bound by the treating
    physician rule, which accords “special weight” to the opinions
    of a claimant’s treating physician. See Black & Decker Dis-
    ability Plan v. Nord, 
    538 U.S. 822
    , 825, 831, 834 (2003)
    (holding that while ERISA administrators may not arbitrarily
    ignore a treating physician’s opinion, that opinion also is not
    entitled to any “special deference”). However, this distinction
    alone does not provide a basis for disregarding the SSA’s
    determination altogether, because in some cases, such as this
    one, the SSA deploys a more stringent standard for determin-
    ing disability than does the governing ERISA plan. See, e.g.,
    I, 461 F.3d at 668
    & n.1; Calvert v. Firstar Fin., Inc.,
    409 F.3d 286
    , 294 n.4 (6th Cir. 2005). Specifically, after
    twenty-four months the Plan defines “disability” as being pre-
    vented by, inter alia, accidental bodily injury or sickness from
    performing an essential duty of any occupation for which the
    claimant is “qualified by education, training or experience”
    that pays at least as much as the claimant would otherwise be
    eligible for if receiving benefits under the Plan, which con-
    sists of a formula based in part on the claimant’s past earn-
    ings. The SSA’s standard is more strict, defining “disability”
    as the “inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity
    by reason of any medically determinable physical . . . impair-
    ment” that is of “such severity that [the claimant] . . . cannot,
    considering his age, education, and work experience, engage
    in any other kind of substantial gainful work which exists in
    the national economy, regardless of whether such work exists
    in the immediate area in which he lives.” 42 U.S.C.
    § 423(d)(1)(A), (2)(A). In other words, unlike the Plan, the
    SSA’s standard does not take into account a claimant’s past
    MONTOUR v. HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT            13369
    earnings or location. Accord MetLife 
    I, 461 F.3d at 668
    cf. DeLisle v. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, 
    558 F.3d 440
    , 446 (6th Cir. 2009) (“Even though [the administrator]
    did not have the opinion accompanying the notice of award,
    it still was well aware of the uniform federal standard that
    applies to Social Security claims.”).
    Ordinarily, a proper acknowledgment of a contrary SSA
    disability determination would entail comparing and contrast-
    ing not just the definitions employed but also the medical evi-
    dence upon which the decisionmakers relied. See, e.g.,
    I, 461 F.3d at 668
    . Unfortunately, the administrative
    record in this case only contains the SSA’s award letters with-
    out the opinion by the SSA administrative law judge (ALJ) or
    the SSA administrative record on which that decision was
    based. This omission makes the process of comparing and
    contrasting the two opposing disability determinations more
    Although the Plan places the burden on Montour to submit
    “written proof” of his disability, that is, the pertinent docu-
    ments and information necessary to facilitate a disability
    determination, regulations promulgated by the Secretary of
    Labor authorize, if not require, plan administrators working
    with an apparently deficient administrative record to inform
    claimants of the deficiency and to provide them with an
    opportunity to resolve the problem by furnishing the missing
    information. See 29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-1(f)(3)-(4), (g)(1)(iii);
    see also 
    Saffon, 522 F.3d at 870
    (“In resolving [Montour]’s
    claim for benefits, [Hartford] was required to give [him] ‘a
    description of any additional material or information’ that was
    ‘necessary’ for [him] to ‘perfect the claim[.]’ . . .” (quoting 29
    C.F.R. § 2560.503-1(g)(1)(iii) (alterations omitted))). We
    have also construed this regulation to require a plan adminis-
    trator denying benefits in the first instance to notify the claim-
    ant not just of the opportunity for internal agency review of
    that decision but also of what additional information would be
    necessary “to perfect the claim[.]” Chuck v. Hewlett Packard
    455 F.3d 1026
    , 1032 (9th Cir. 2006).
    Although the record reflects that Montour kept Hartford
    regularly apprised of his continuing disability status with the
    SSA, Hartford’s initial decision in this case made no mention
    of the contrary SSA disability determination and did not
    advise Montour that further documentation, such as the ALJ’s
    decision or the underlying administrative record, would facili-
    tate Hartford’s review. At the appeals stage, Hartford’s sole
    acknowledgment was that the SSA’s contrary determination
    was “a consideration and part of the totality of the evi-
    dence[,]” but it then continued with the statement that its deci-
    sion “must be based on the weight of the evidence in this file
    . . . .”
    To the extent this latter statement implies that the missing
    ALJ opinion and underlying record precluded Hartford from
    attributing much weight to the SSA’s contrary determination,
    this information came too late. See 
    Chuck, 455 F.3d at 1032
    fon, 522 F.3d at 871
    (“Insofar as [Hartford] believed that”
    additional documentation establishing the reasoning and evi-
    dence underlying the SSA’s disability determination “was
    necessary for it to evaluate [Montour]’s claim,” it should have
    said so “at a time when [Montour] had a fair chance to present
    evidence on this point.”); see also 29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-
    1(h)(2)(iv) (requiring plan administrators to consider docu-
    mentation submitted by a claimant at the appeal stage). Mon-
    tour does not challenge the reasonableness of Hartford’s
    claims procedures on appeal. See 29 C.F.R. § 2560.503-
    1(h)(2), (l). Nevertheless, we explained in Abatie that “an
    administrator that adds, in its final decision, a new reason for
    denial, a maneuver that has the effect of insulating the ratio-
    nale from review, contravenes the purpose of ERISA[,]” and
    “[t]his procedural violation must be weighed . . . in deciding
    whether [the administrator] abused its 
    discretion.” 458 F.3d at 974
    MONTOUR v. HARTFORD LIFE & ACCIDENT            13371
    Ultimately, Hartford’s failure to explain why it reached a
    different conclusion than the SSA is yet another factor to con-
    sider in reviewing the administrator’s decision for abuse of
    discretion, particularly where, as here, a plan administrator
    operating with a conflict of interest requires a claimant to
    apply and then benefits financially from the SSA’s disability
    finding. See MetLife 
    II, 128 S. Ct. at 2352
    (“This course of
    events [is] not only an important factor in its own right
    (because it suggest[s] procedural unreasonableness), but also
    would . . . justif[y] the court in giving more weight to the con-
    flict (because [Hartford]’s seemingly inconsistent positions
    were both financially advantageous).”).
    [12] Weighing all of the foregoing factors together, we con-
    clude that Hartford’s conflict of interest improperly motivated
    its decision to terminate Montour’s benefits. This constituted
    an abuse of its administrative discretion.
    IV.   Conclusion
    [13] We reverse the district court’s summary judgment in
    favor of Hartford and remand to the district court to enter
    summary judgment in favor of Montour and to order the rein-
    statement of long-term disability benefits in accordance with
    this opinion and the terms of the Plan. See 
    Pannebecker, 542 F.3d at 1221
    (“[W]hether the administrator abused its discre-
    tion because the decision was substantively arbitrary or capri-
    cious, or because it failed to comply with required procedures,
    benefits may still be reinstated if the claimant would have
    continued receiving benefits absent the administrator’s arbi-
    trary and capricious conduct.”).

Document Info

Docket Number: 08-55803

Filed Date: 9/14/2009

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/14/2015

Authorities (23)

Bennett v. Kemper National Services, Inc. , 514 F.3d 547 ( 2008 )

DeLisle v. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada , 558 F.3d 440 ( 2009 )

Orn v. Astrue , 495 F.3d 625 ( 2007 )

Ranchers Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stock-Growers ... , 499 F.3d 1108 ( 2007 )

Vicki Jordan v. Northrop Grumman Corporation Welfare ... , 370 F.3d 869 ( 2004 )

Wanda Glenn v. Metlife (Metropolitan Life Insurance Company)... , 461 F.3d 660 ( 2006 )

Mary Anne Bendixen v. Standard Insurance Company , 185 F.3d 939 ( 1999 )

Moapa Band of Paiute Indians, a Chartered Indian Tribe v. ... , 747 F.2d 563 ( 1984 )

Saffon v. Wells Fargo & Co. Long Term Disability Plan , 522 F.3d 863 ( 2008 )

Pannebecker v. Liberty Life Assur. Co. of Boston , 542 F.3d 1213 ( 2008 )

Rex T. KEARNEY, Jr., Plaintiff-Appellant, v. STANDARD ... , 175 F.3d 1084 ( 1999 )

Jack FAIR, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Otis R. BOWEN, Secretary ... , 885 F.2d 597 ( 1989 )

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Burke v. Pitney Bowes Inc. Long-Term Disability Plan , 544 F.3d 1016 ( 2008 )

Brent Boyd v. Bert Bell/pete Rozelle Nfl Players Retirement ... , 410 F.3d 1173 ( 2005 )

Nolan v. Heald College , 551 F.3d 1148 ( 2009 )

Sznewajs v. U.S. Bancorp Amended & Restated Supplemental ... , 572 F.3d 727 ( 2009 )

karla-h-abatie-v-alta-health-life-insurance-company-a-delaware , 458 F.3d 955 ( 2006 )

kenneth-chuck-v-hewlett-packard-co-a-foreign-corporation-the-hewlett , 455 F.3d 1026 ( 2006 )

View All Authorities »