George Gibbs v. Robert Legrand ( 2014 )

  •                 FOR PUBLICATION
    GEORGE W. GIBBS,                          No. 12-16859
    D.C. No.
    v.                       2:11-cv-00750-
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Nevada
    Kent J. Dawson, Senior District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    March 13, 2014—San Francisco, California
    Filed September 17, 2014
    Before: Sidney R. Thomas, Raymond C. Fisher,
    and Marsha S. Berzon, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Berzon
    2                       GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    Habeas Corpus
    The panel reversed the district court’s order dismissing a
    habeas corpus petition as untimely, and remanded for
    consideration of the petition on the merits.
    The panel held that the petitioner’s attorney’s misconduct
    was an extraordinary circumstance which directly caused the
    petitioner not to learn that the time for him to file his federal
    habeas petition had begun until the time was over – where
    counsel did not inform the petitioner that state post-
    conviction proceedings had ended, even though counsel had
    pledged to do so, even though the petitioner wrote to his
    counsel repeatedly for updates, and even though the time in
    which to file a federal habeas petition was swiftly winding
    down. The panel also held that the petitioner exercised
    reasonable diligence in pursuit of his post-conviction rights
    both before and after learning of the Nevada Supreme Court’s
    denial of the appeal of his state post-conviction petition.
    Megan C. Hoffman (argued), Debra A. Bookout, and Ryan
    Norwood, Assistant Federal Public Defenders, Las Vegas,
    Nevada, for Petitioner-Appellant.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                       3
    Victor-Hugo Schulze, II (argued), Senior Deputy Attorney
    General, Las Vegas, Nevada, for Respondents-Appellees.
    BERZON, Circuit Judge:
    This case arises from a prisoner’s vigorous pursuit of
    post-conviction review in the face of egregious misconduct
    from his court-appointed lawyers. We focus here on one
    serious episode of attorney misconduct: The failure, despite
    prisoner-petitioner George Gibbs’s repeated inquiries, to
    inform Gibbs that the Nevada Supreme Court denied the
    appeal of his state post-conviction petition. By the time
    Gibbs learned the fate of his appeal, he had already missed
    the one-year deadline for filing a federal habeas corpus
    We hold that the attorney’s conduct amounted to client
    abandonment, and that the district court erred by not
    recognizing that such abandonment can, in certain
    circumstances, constitute an extraordinary circumstance
    warranting equitable tolling of the federal filing deadline.
    Accordingly, we reverse the district court’s dismissal of
    Gibbs’s petition and remand for consideration of the petition
    on the merits.
    Gibbs was convicted by a Nevada jury for crimes ranging
    from manufacture of a controlled substance to possession of
    child pornography and received a life sentence with the
    possibility of parole. The Nevada Supreme Court affirmed
    4                         GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    his conviction on June 3, 2003. Two instances of attorney
    misconduct, not directly relevant here, prevented Gibbs from
    properly filing his state petition for post-conviction relief
    (“PCR petition”) until 2007.1 That petition was rejected on
    the merits, and Gibbs appealed to the Nevada Supreme Court.
    Dayvid Figler was appointed to represent Gibbs on the PCR
    Relations between Gibbs and Figler quickly soured. In
    November and December of 2008, Gibbs sent a series of
    letters to Figler noting his frustration with Figler’s failure to
    communicate with him. Figler did not respond to Gibbs’s
    letters, and Gibbs lodged a complaint against Figler with the
    Nevada State Bar. The State Bar forwarded the complaint to
    Figler’s law firm, Bunin & Bunin, prompting Figler to reach
    out to Gibbs. Gibbs, in turn, alerted the State Bar that Figler
    was now “on board.” The Bar dismissed the complaint,
    informing Gibbs that the “matter has been resolved.”
    Figler filed Gibbs’s state PCR appeal with the Nevada
    Supreme Court on August 12, 2009. On May 25, 2010, he
    wrote to Gibbs on the letterhead of a new firm, Bailus, Cook
    & Kelesis, promising to forward him “any receipt of notice
    from [the] Supreme Court” (emphasis in original) and
    First, Gibbs’s attorney on direct appeal refused to hand over Gibbs’s
    files. Then, new counsel agreed to file Gibbs’s PCR petition but never did
    so. Gibbs was not aware that PCR counsel did not file the promised
    petition until the state court ruled that any further petitions were barred as
    untimely because the first PCR petition was never filed. Gibbs appealed
    the state court’s untimeliness ruling pro se, arguing that his attorney’s
    misconduct constituted good cause to overcome the state procedural bar.
    The Nevada Supreme Court agreed and, in November 2006, vacated the
    state court’s judgment and remanded for consideration of Gibbs’s petition
    on the merits.
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                             5
    inviting him to “send written correspondence to the above
    address if you have any questions or concerns.” The letter
    also stated, erroneously, that “the time for you to file post-
    conviction relief has not yet started”; in fact, Gibbs was in the
    midst of pursuing post-conviction relief.
    In June 2010, the Nevada Supreme Court affirmed the
    denial of Gibbs’s PCR petition. Despite his pledge to do so,
    Figler did not forward Gibbs the notice from the Nevada
    Supreme Court that the petition had been denied. In both
    June and October of 2010, unaware that the Nevada Supreme
    Court had issued its decision, Gibbs wrote to Figler
    expressing his renewed frustration with the attorney’s lack of
    communication and offering suggestions about how to
    present his case to the Nevada Supreme Court. “I have not
    heard from you in over 8 months,” Gibbs complained. “I
    never got a response from you, asking you to add the
    Melendez case to my opening brief. It was a big concern to
    me that you look it over and respond to your thoughts of all
    my effort.” Figler did not reply.
    On December 3, Gibbs wrote to the Nevada Supreme
    Court requesting the docket sheet and explaining, “I can not
    find my attorney of record.” On December 11, he wrote to
    the Nevada State Bar in search of Figler’s address, phone
    number and bar number.2 Two days later, on December 13,
    he wrote a third letter to Figler, with suggestions for possible
    oral argument. The next day, December 14, Gibbs received
    the docket sheet from the court and discovered that his appeal
    had been rejected six months earlier.
    The current record does not indicate whether or when the State Bar
    provided Gibbs Figler’s address, nor whether the December 13 letter was
    correctly addressed.
    6                        GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    Gibbs promptly took pen to paper to express his
    “amazement” at Figler’s unethical conduct. “I have done
    everything in my power to locate you to no avail. The
    concern [be]came very serious so I wrote the Supreme Court
    for a Docket Sheet.” He asked, “what do I do now[?]” and
    requested that Figler address his concerns “with simple
    communication.” Figler did not respond. On December 20,
    Gibbs wrote to the Supreme Court again, requesting copies of
    its order affirming the denial of his petition and the remittitur.
    Finally, on February 7, 2011, Gibbs wrote to Figler
    terminating him as counsel and requesting that he return
    Gibbs’s documents within five days.3 “By failing to inform
    me you have put me in a terrible position,” Gibbs wrote.
    “[U]nskilled in law” and with “little access to a full law
    library service,” he explained that he now faced the “daunting
    task” of preparing his own federal habeas petition. Three
    weeks later, on February 28, Gibbs’s sister acquired a
    “banker’s box” of files from Figler. Gibbs mailed his federal
    habeas petition on May 3, 2011, approximately sixty-five
    days after his sister procured his files from Figler.
    The Warden moved to dismiss, arguing that Gibbs’s
    petition was untimely. Gibbs countered that his attorney’s
    misconduct entitled him to equitable tolling such that the
    petition was timely. The district court granted the motion to
    dismiss, ruling that equitable tolling was not merited because
    The record does not indicate how Gibbs discovered that Figler had
    again switched law firms — he was now, apparently, at J.S.L. Law Firm.
    Presumably by this point, the State Bar had provided the address in
    response to Gibbs’s request. In any case, the record suggests that Figler’s
    change of firms, without notice to Gibbs, made it particularly difficult for
    Gibbs to contact him.
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                        7
    Gibbs had “not demonstrated that his counsel was . . .
    incompetent,” but only that “he had trouble communicating
    with the attorney and that he was not timely informed that his
    appeal had been decided.” After the district court issued a
    certificate of appealability on the equitable tolling question,
    Gibbs brought this appeal.
    We review de novo the dismissal of a federal habeas
    petition as untimely. Spitsyn v. Moore, 
    345 F.3d 796
    , 799
    (9th Cir. 2003). “If the facts underlying a claim for equitable
    tolling are undisputed, the question of whether the statute of
    limitations should be equitably tolled is also reviewed de
    novo. Otherwise, findings of fact made by the district court
    are to be reviewed for clear error.” 
     (citation omitted)
    (citing Miles v. Prunty, 
    187 F.3d 1104
    , 1105 (9th Cir. 1999)).
    Under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act
    of 1996 (“AEDPA”), a state prisoner ordinarily has one year
    from the date his state conviction becomes final to file a
    habeas corpus petition in federal court. 
    28 U.S.C. § 2244
    (d)(1)(A). By statute, the limitations period is tolled
    while a properly filed state post-conviction petition is
     § 2244(d)(2).
    Excluding the statutorily tolled period when Gibbs’s post-
    conviction petition was before the Nevada courts, both
    parties, and the district court, agree that Gibbs accrued 257
    untolled days before the Nevada Supreme Court denied his
    PCR appeal. Absent equitable tolling, then, Gibbs had 108
    days to file his federal habeas petition, with the limitations
    period expiring October 22, 2010. Gibbs did not file his
    federal petition until May 3, 2011, 193 days late.
    8                        GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    AEDPA’s one-year statute of limitations is subject to
    equitable tolling. Holland v. Florida, 
    560 U.S. 631
    , 649
    (2010). A litigant seeking equitable tolling bears the burden
    of establishing two elements: (1) “‘that he has been pursuing
    his rights diligently, and (2) that some extraordinary
    circumstance stood in his way’ and prevented timely filing.”
     (quoting Pace v. DiGuglielmo, 
    544 U.S. 408
    , 418 (2005)).
    For Gibbs’s petition to be timely, he has to establish
    equitable tolling through at least January 15, 2011.4 In
    considering whether he had done so, we address the two
    Holland requirements for equitable tolling in reverse order,
    as the facts of this case lend themselves better to that
    A. Extraordinary Circumstances
    Courts take a flexible, fact-specific approach to equitable
    tolling. “[S]pecific circumstances, often hard to predict in
    advance, could warrant special treatment in an appropriate
    case.” Id. at 650; see also Whalem/Hunt v. Early, 
    233 F.3d 1146
    , 1148 (9th Cir. 2000) (en banc).
    Consistent with the flexible approach, attorney conduct
    compromising the filing of a timely federal habeas petition
    At oral argument, the Warden objected for the first time to the district
    court’s finding that statutory tolling ceased when the Nevada Supreme
    Court’s remittitur issued on July 6, 2010, claiming instead that it ceased
    when the decision was reached, on June 9, 2010. If equitable tolling is
    warranted, it is warranted for the time period when, due to Figler’s
    abandonment, Gibbs was unaware that the Nevada Supreme Court had
    reached its decision. Thus, whether statutory tolling ended on June 9 or
    July 6 is irrelevant to our disposition of this appeal; either date would be
    within the equitable tolling period if one is warranted.
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                               9
    can constitute the requisite “extraordinary circumstance” in
    some circumstances but not others. Holland held that
    “garden variety claim[s] of excusable neglect” — such as
    “simple miscalculation” of time limits — do not constitute an
    extraordinary circumstance. 
    560 U.S. at
    651–52 (internal
    quotation marks omitted). But attorney misconduct can be so
    egregious as to create an “extraordinary circumstance,”
    justifying equitable tolling. 
    Id. at 652
    . In a concurring
    opinion, Justice Alito explained his understanding of the logic
    behind this framework, reasoning that, “the principal
    rationale for disallowing equitable tolling based on ordinary
    attorney miscalculation is that the error of an attorney is
    constructively attributable to the client and thus is not a
    circumstance beyond the litigant’s control.” 
    Id. at 657
    J., concurring).
    Maples v. Thomas clarified Holland’s distinction between
    “garden variety” attorney negligence and egregious attorney
    misconduct, drawing on Justice Alito’s Holland concurrence
    and casting the distinction in terms of agency principles.5
    132 S. Ct. 912
    , 923–24 (2012). Maples explained that while
    agency law binds clients, including federal habeas petitioners,
    to their attorneys’ negligence, “a client cannot be charged
    with the acts or omissions of an attorney who has abandoned
    Id. at 924
    . An attorney’s failure to communicate about
    Maples involved cause for procedural default rather than entitlement
    to equitable tolling, but the Supreme Court saw “no reason” why the
    distinction between attorney negligence and attorney abandonment should
    not hold in both contexts. 
    132 S. Ct. at
    924 n.7. Because we hold that
    Figler’s conduct amounted to abandonment of his client under the standard
    announced in Maples, we do not have occasion to consider whether
    attorney misconduct which stops short of effective abandonment could, in
    appropriate instances, constitute an extraordinary circumstance supporting
    equitable tolling.
    10                        GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    a key development in his client’s case can, therefore, amount
    to attorney abandonment and thereby constitute an
    extraordinary circumstance. Maples, 
    132 S. Ct. at
    see also Towery v. Ryan, 
    673 F.3d 933
    , 942–43 (9th Cir.
    So, contrary to the district court’s analysis of the
    circumstances here, it was absolutely critical that Gibbs “had
    trouble communicating with [his] attorney” and “was not
    timely informed that his appeal had been decided”: If Gibbs’s
    attorney effectively abandoned him, Gibbs cannot be charged
    with the knowledge that the Nevada Supreme Court had
    denied his appeal.
    Failure to inform a client that his case has been decided,
    particularly where that decision implicates the client’s ability
    to bring further proceedings and the attorney has committed
    himself to informing his client of such a development,
    constitutes attorney abandonment. See Mackey v. Hoffman,
    682 F.3d 1247
    , 1253 (9th Cir. 2012). Attorneys are generally
    required to “perform reasonably competent legal work, to
    communicate with their clients, to implement clients’
    reasonable requests, [and] to keep their clients informed of
    key developments in their cases.” Holland, 
    560 U.S. at
    652–53. Gibbs’s attorney failed on all but the first count.6
    After reciting these general standards, Holland remanded as to whether
    there were extraordinary circumstances, because the district court had not
    reached the issue. But Holland identified as “serious instances of attorney
    misconduct” possibly constituting extraordinary circumstances, several
    factors: that Holland’s attorney “failed to file Holland’s federal petition on
    time”; did not “do the research necessary to find out the proper filing
    date”; “failed to inform Holland in a timely manner about the crucial fact
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                            11
    Our case law confirms that Figler’s behavior in failing to
    notify Gibbs of the Nevada Supreme Court’s decision
    constituted abandonment, and thereby created extraordinary
    circumstances sufficient to justify equitable tolling. Busby,
    for example, held that extraordinary circumstances existed
    where counsel failed to timely file his client’s habeas petition
    despite having promised to do so, even though the petitioner
    hired him over a year before the AEDPA deadline, paid him
    $20,000, gave him his files and repeatedly inquired about his
    case. 661 F.3d at 1012. Likewise, Spitsyn held that an
    attorney’s failure to file a habeas petition at all, despite being
    hired almost a year before the AEDPA deadline, was
    sufficiently egregious to constitute extraordinary
    circumstances, where Spitsyn contacted him three times and
    filed two complaints with the state bar. 
    345 F.3d at 798, 801
    Relatedly, we recognized in Ramirez v. Yates that, “‘a
    prisoner’s lack of knowledge that the state courts have
    reached a final resolution of his case can provide grounds for
    equitable tolling if the prisoner has acted diligently in the
    571 F.3d 993
    , 997 (9th Cir. 2009) (quoting
    Woodward v. Williams, 
    263 F.3d 1135
    , 1143 (10th Cir.
    2001)). Although that case dealt with a pro se petitioner who
    should have received notification directly from the court, it is
    instructive here. If Gibbs had been proceeding pro se, he
    would have been entitled to notification from the court, and
    the court’s failure to mail him notice of its denial of his PCR
    petition would have been an extraordinary circumstance
    justifying equitable relief. “Because [Figler] failed to notify
    that the Florida Supreme Court had decided his case”; and “failed to
    communicate with his client over a period of years,” despite Holland’s
    repeated communications and requests that his lawyer do all of these
    560 U.S. at 652
    12                  GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    the court of his intention to withdraw, [Gibbs] was deprived
    of the opportunity to proceed pro se and to personally receive
    docket notifications from the court.” Mackey, 682 F.3d at
    1253. Here, Gibbs’s lack of actual notice was occasioned by
    the breach and abandonment of his attorney, but the result
    was the same: Gibbs did not know that the federal limitations
    clock had started ticking. Furthermore, as counsel had
    expressly promised Gibbs that he would forward him the
    court’s notice of decision, it is as true here as it was in
    Ramirez that the petitioner’s “ignorance of the limitations
    period was caused by circumstances beyond the party’s
    control.” Socop-Gonzalez v. INS, 
    272 F.3d 1176
    , 1193 (9th
    Cir. 2001) (en banc).
    These cases stand in stark contrast to Towery, where the
    attorney’s alleged negligence did not rise to the level of
    abandonment or egregious misconduct because he actually
    represented his client and filed a habeas petition, albeit an
    imperfect one. See 673 F.3d at 936. We reasoned that
    Towery’s attorney “diligently pursued habeas relief on
    Towery’s behalf, although omitting a colorable constitutional
    claim from Towery’s amended petition.” Id. at 942. As the
    attorney continued as Towery’s legal representative, even if
    his performance was inadequate, his conduct did not
    constitute abandonment of his client and did not justify the
    conclusion that extraordinary circumstances existed. Id.
    In contrast, here, Figler failed to communicate with Gibbs
    “over a period of years,” despite repeated efforts by Gibbs to
    engage him. Holland, 
    560 U.S. at 652
    . That Figler briefly
    reappeared after the Nevada State Bar forwarded him Gibbs’s
    formal complaint and did bring Gibbs’s PCR appeal does not
    excuse his prolonged absence and, most critically, his failure
    to inform Gibbs when the state PCR proceedings concluded.
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                       13
    Moreover, Figler went out of his way to guarantee Gibbs
    that he would update him about the case: “Upon any receipt
    of notice from Supreme Court on your case we will forward
    it to you by mail. Please send written correspondence to the
    above address if you have any questions or concerns.”
    (Emphasis in original). Gibbs had questions and concerns
    and wrote to Figler several times at the address provided. But
    Figler did not respond, nor did he alert Gibbs that the Nevada
    Supreme Court had denied his appeal. In fact, Figler had
    moved to a new firm; his failure to provide Gibbs with an
    updated address hampered Gibbs’s ability to communicate
    with him. Such egregious conduct is not analogous, as the
    Warden would have it, to the conduct in Towery, and is
    amenable to only one conclusion: Figler was not serving as
    Gibbs’s agent “in any meaningful sense of that word.”
    132 S. Ct. at 923
     (quoting Holland, 
    560 U.S. at 659
    (Alito, J., concurring)) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The Warden contends that Gibbs “attempts . . . to lower
    the governing standard” because, overall, Gibbs’s attorney
    was less negligent than Holland’s.            This argument
    misconstrues Holland. Nothing in that case suggests that the
    Court intended Holland’s attorney’s performance to serve as
    a floor for the extraordinary circumstances prong of equitable
    tolling. The only guidance the Court gave as to what would
    not satisfy that prong was that courts should exclude “garden
    variety claim[s] of excusable neglect” such as a “simple
    miscalculation.” Holland, 
    560 U.S. at 651
     (internal quotation
    marks omitted). That Figler may have acted less egregiously
    than Holland’s counsel does not compel the conclusion that
    Figler’s behavior was not egregious, or that his negligence
    was “garden variety.”
    14                       GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    We therefore conclude that Figler’s egregious conduct
    amounted to client abandonment, such that Gibbs is not
    responsible for the fact that he did not learn of the Nevada
    Supreme Court’s decision until December 14, 2010. See
    Rudin v. Myles, No. 12-15362, slip op. at 25 (9th Cir. Sept.
    10, 2014).7 We next consider whether Figler’s effective
    abandonment and Gibbs’s resulting lack of notice of the
    Nevada Supreme Court’s decision caused Gibbs to miss the
    federal filing deadline. See Sossa v. Diaz, 
    729 F.3d 1225
    1229 (9th Cir. 2013).
    By the time Gibbs learned that his state post-conviction
    proceeding was complete, the federal deadline had passed.
    Although it was technically possible for Gibbs to write to the
    Nevada Supreme Court daily to ask about the status of his
    state PCR petition, he had no obligation or reason to do so,
    given that he was represented and had, moreover, been
    specifically promised by his lawyer prompt notice of any
    decision. “[This court has] granted equitable tolling in
    circumstances where it would have technically been possible
    for a prisoner to file a petition, but a prisoner would have
    We note a striking feature of Rudin: the very same attorney who
    abandoned Gibbs, Dayvid Figler, also abandoned Rudin. See Rudin, No.
    12-15362, slip op. at 10, 24. The court in Rudin found equitable tolling
    warranted on that basis, just as we do. 
    Id. at 25
    . Rudin’s ultimate holding,
    that even tolling the entire period of Figler’s involvement was not
    sufficient to render the federal habeas petition timely in that case, relied
    on its conclusion that Rudin was not diligent in pursuing her rights once
    counsel had been appointed to replace Figler. See 
    id. at 27-28
    . Because
    Gibbs was diligent during and after Figler’s involvement in this case, our
    analysis is entirely consistent with Rudin. Figler’s abandonment of both
    Gibbs and Rudin is deeply troubling, to say the least.
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                               15
    likely been unable to do so.” Harris v. Carter, 
    515 F.3d 1051
    , 1054 n.5 (9th Cir. 2008).8 By failing to notify Gibbs of
    the Nevada Supreme Court’s decision, Figler created a
    situation in which Gibbs, despite his diligence in tracking
    down Figler, was extremely unlikely, acting perfectly
    reasonably, to meet the AEDPA deadline. Our case law
    requires nothing more to establish that the extraordinary
    circumstance caused the failure to meet the federal deadline.
    See Sossa, 729 F.3d at 1236; Harris, 
    515 F.3d at
    1054 n.5.
    Thus, as a direct result of Figler’s abandonment, Gibbs
    did not learn that the state PCR process was over until after
    the federal statute of limitations expired. This effective
    abandonment, resulting in lack of actual notice, satisfies the
    “extraordinary circumstances” prong of equitable tolling at
    least through December 14, 2010, when Gibbs learned of the
    Nevada Supreme Court’s decision.
    To establish that his petition was filed timely, Gibbs must
    demonstrate that Figler’s conduct continued to stand in his
    way and prevent timely filing for at least an additional month,
    through January 15, 2011. We conclude that he has done so.
    “After Holland, we have continued to rely on our previous equitable
    tolling cases in which we held that equitable tolling is available only when
    extraordinary circumstances beyond a prisoner’s control make it
    impossible to file a petition on time and the extraordinary circumstances
    were the cause of the prisoner’s untimeliness.” Sossa, 729 F.3d at 1229
    (alterations, emphasis and internal quotation marks omitted). Consistent
    with Holland, our cases have applied this ‘impossibility’ standard
    leniently, rejecting a literal interpretation. See id. at 1236; Harris, 
    515 F.3d at
    1054 n.5; Lott v. Mueller, 
    304 F.3d 918
    , 924–25 (9th Cir. 2002);
    see also Rudin, No. 12-15362, slip op. at 23 (applying impossibility
    standard to a circumstance in which timely filing was not literally
    16                   GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    First, until Gibbs definitively terminated the attorney-
    client relationship in February 2011, Gibbs may reasonably
    have believed that Figler was going to assist him in federal
    court. Gibbs intended to file a federal habeas petition and
    relied on Figler for advice as to how to do so despite the
    timeliness bar he now faced, indicating that Figler may have
    given Gibbs reason to believe that Figler would represent him
    in federal proceedings. The same day Gibbs learned of the
    Nevada Supreme Court’s decision, he wrote to Figler, asking
    “what do I do now[?]” and requesting that Figler “please
    address [his] concerns with simple communication.” It was
    not until Figler again failed to respond that Gibbs sent Figler
    correspondence officially terminating Figler as his
    representative and demanding return of his legal files.
    Second, even if Gibbs did not reasonably believe that
    Figler’s representation would continue, an attorney who
    ceases to represent a client has certain continuing obligations
    to his client, including taking “steps to the extent reasonably
    practicable to protect a client’s interests.” Nev. R. Prof.
    Conduct 1.16(d). Figler therefore should have been
    protecting Gibbs’s interests, including preserving his right to
    seek federal habeas review of his conviction. Not only did
    Figler not protect Gibbs’s right to have his conviction
    reviewed, Figler’s failure to notify Gibbs of his change in
    firms, lack of response to Gibbs’s inquiries, and retention of
    Gibbs’s legal files, obstructed Gibbs’s ability to timely file
    his petition. As to the last factor, “we have previously held
    that a complete lack of access to a legal file may constitute an
    extraordinary circumstance, and that it is ‘unrealistic to
    expect a habeas petitioner to prepare and file a meaningful
    petition on his own within the limitations period without
    access to his legal file.’” Ramirez, 
    571 F.3d at 998
    Espinoza-Matthews v. California, 
    432 F.3d 1021
    , 1027–28
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                        17
    (9th Cir. 2005)). And the Nevada professional rule which
    required Figler to take “steps to the extent reasonably
    practicable to protect a client’s interests,” indicates that one
    such step may be “surrendering papers to which . . . the client
    is entitled.” Nev. R. Prof. Conduct 1.16(d).
    The Warden rejects the lack of files as a relevant
    consideration, pointing to evidence that Figler sent Gibbs
    copies of the state post-conviction briefs in May 2010. But,
    as Gibbs’s federal habeas petition indicates, the claims in the
    federal habeas petition are not identical to the post-conviction
    claims Gibbs pursued in state court. For instance, the federal
    petition includes a due process claim not present in the state
    post-conviction petition.
    Moreover, while Gibbs knew that the Nevada Supreme
    Court had denied his petition, he did not know if they did so
    in a reasoned decision. Promptly after receiving the docket
    reflecting that his petition was denied, Gibbs wrote to the
    Nevada Supreme Court to request copies of its order
    affirming the denial of his petition. It is not clear from the
    record when the Court responded by sending a copy of its
    order to Gibbs. However, until it did so, Gibbs could not
    realistically file a federal petition.        Thus, Figler’s
    abandonment continued to affect Gibbs for this reason, as
    For these reasons, we conclude that Gibbs has established
    that Figler’s abandonment was an extraordinary circumstance
    obstructing his ability to file his federal petition through at
    least January 15, 2011. We next consider whether Gibbs has
    acted with diligence in attempting to bring this habeas
    petition to federal court.
    18                   GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    B. Diligence
    Holland reaffirmed that the standard of diligence required
    of a petitioner seeking equitable tolling is “reasonable,” not
    “maximum feasible” care. 
    560 U.S. at 653
     (internal quotation
    marks omitted). “[R]easonable diligence does not require an
    overzealous or extreme pursuit of any and every avenue of
    relief.” Doe v. Busby, 
    661 F.3d 1001
    , 1015 (9th Cir. 2011).
    Rather, “[i]t requires the effort that a reasonable person might
    be expected to deliver under his or her particular
    The district court found that Gibbs was not sufficiently
    diligent to merit equitable tolling, because Gibbs: (1) “could
    have, but did not, contact” the Nevada Supreme Court
    regarding his case between May and December of 2010;
    (2) “could have, but apparently did not, begin to prepare his
    federal habeas petition once he received copies of his post-
    conviction appellate briefs” in May of 2010; (3) unnecessarily
    “waited two months” after learning that his appeal had been
    denied before requesting that Figler return his files;
    (4) “could have, but apparently did not, have his sister pick
    up his files from the attorney’s office” in less than three
    weeks from his request; and (5) could have filed his habeas
    petition sooner after learning of the state court decision. We
    address each reason in turn.
    1. As to the first point, Gibbs reasonably relied on his
    attorney during this period, and so was adequately diligent.
    Holland, Maples, Spitsyn and Busby all illustrate the basic
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                            19
    principle that a petitioner’s reasonable reliance on an attorney
    should not prejudice his opportunity to file a habeas petition.9
    In Busby, where the attorney promised — and then failed
    — to file a habeas petition on his client’s behalf, and the
    client relied on his absent attorney for four years before
    eventually filing a late petition pro se, this court held the
    petitioner’s reliance reasonable. 
    661 F.3d at
    1009–10, 1015.
    “Even had [the petitioner] known his attorney had not
    handled a habeas petition before, his reliance would still have
    been reasonable,” the court held. 
    Id. at 1015
    . “[A]
    reasonable litigant in [the petitioner’s] situation who is
    represented by experienced counsel, if asked about the status
    of his or her lawsuit, would be justified in replying, ‘My
    lawyer is handling it.’” 
     So, too, here.
    After Figler wrote to him in May 2010, Gibbs wrote to
    Figler three times before contacting the Nevada Supreme
    Court in December of that year. He had no reason to contact
    the court earlier. Figler had assured him that he would
    perform the simple task of forwarding the Nevada Supreme
    Court’s notice upon receipt. And although Figler had
    abandoned Gibbs for periods before, he had also stepped up
    to the plate in time to fulfill his legal duties when contacted
    by the State Bar. Moreover, it was Figler’s ethical duty to
    take “steps to the extent reasonably practicable to protect
    [Gibbs’s] interests” if he had ceased representing him, Nev.
    R. Prof. Conduct 1.16(d), and, if so, to notify the court so that
    the court would send its disposition to Gibbs rather than
    Figler, Nev. R. App. P. 3C(b)(3). See Mackey, 682 F.3d at
    1253. In light of these circumstances, we have no trouble
    Of course, reliance on an attorney must be “reasonable.” See LaCava
    v. Kyler, 
    398 F.3d 271
    , 277–78 (3d Cir. 2005).
    20                   GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    concluding that Gibbs acted with reasonable diligence in
    discovering, albeit after the untolled federal filing deadline
    had run, the Nevada Supreme Court’s denial of his petition.
    2. The notion that Gibbs should have prepared his own
    habeas petition between June and December 2010, even while
    he believed his Nevada Supreme Court case was still pending
    and many of his federal claims therefore unexhausted, is no
    stronger. To expect Gibbs to have done so improperly raises
    the standard from “reasonable” to “maximum feasible”
    diligence. Holland, 
    560 U.S. at 653
     (internal quotation marks
    and citations omitted).
    Moreover, the Warden is mistaken that, “[i]t would have
    been a ten-minute exercise” for Gibbs to simply slap a new
    coversheet on either his own pro se brief from 2006 or
    Figler’s brief to the Nevada Supreme Court “and submit it as
    a § 2254 petition.” Even if Gibbs had access to these
    materials and was “fully informed of the precise legal issues
    to be raised in a 2254 petition,” as the Warden contends,
    converting a state court brief to a federal habeas petition is
    not an automatic undertaking. Besides the obvious necessity
    of removing references to state case law and authority, and
    the federal requirement of alleging exhaustion of state
    remedies, it appears that local rules required Gibbs, now a pro
    se litigant, to file his petition on a form provided by the
    district court.       D. Nev. LSR V.3-1, available at (last visited 7/30/2014). In light of
    the changes of form and substance Gibbs had to make to
    convert his state pleadings to a proper federal petition, the
    Warden’s argument is inapt.
    In sum, Busby specifically rejected the suggestion that a
    “represented petitioner [should] proceed on a dual track with
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                         21
    his own petition.” 
    661 F.3d at 1014
    . The Warden offers no
    good reason why this case compels a shift in course.
    3. Nor, for reasons already discussed, was it unreasonable
    for Gibbs to wait two months before demanding Figler return
    his files. Gibbs wrote to Figler the day he learned his PCR
    appeal had been denied, asking for counsel. Gibbs begged
    Figler to respond and assist him; when Figler did not do so,
    Gibbs terminated him and insisted on the return of his files.
    4. & 5. Finally, the Warden contends that Gibbs is not
    entitled to equitable tolling, because it took his sister three
    weeks to pick up his files from Figler and because, by taking
    so long to file his federal petition after learning of the Nevada
    Supreme Court’s decision, he failed to act diligently. We
    disagree with this assessment based on the undisputed facts
    in the record, and also because of the outsized importance the
    Warden attributes to Gibbs’s actions after the extraordinary
    circumstance occasioned by Figler’s misconduct was lifted.
    Holland did stress the petitioner’s remarkable diligence
    in filing his habeas petition the day after he learned that he
    had missed the AEDPA deadline. 
    560 U.S. at 639
    . Similarly,
    in Busby, the court deemed the petitioner diligent where, after
    four years of reliance on his attorney and a six-month delay
    in recovering his files, he submitted his habeas petition in ten
    661 F.3d at 1015
    . In Spitsyn, the court remanded on
    the question of diligence because it was not clear why the
    petitioner waited over 170 days after receiving his files to
    submit his petition. 
    345 F.3d at 802
    . And in Lott, the court
    remanded on the extraordinary circumstances prong, but
    noted that the petitioner might have been able to file within
    the statute of limitations despite the obstacle to filing.
    304 F.3d at 923
    . Finally, in Pace, the Supreme Court denied
    22                   GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    the petitioner’s request for equitable tolling, in part on the
    basis of a five-month delay in filing the federal petition after
    the state post-conviction proceedings became final. 
    544 U.S. at 419
    We note some tension between examining a petitioner’s
    diligence after the lifting of an obstacle to timely filing, and
    the stop-clock rule established by an en banc panel of this
    Court in Socop-Gonzalez, 
    272 F.3d at
    1195–96. Socop-
    Gonzalez rejected the approach to equitable tolling wherein
    courts consider whether a claimant should have been
    expected to file his lawsuit within the amount of time left in
    the statute of limitations, after an extraordinary circumstance
    barring filing was lifted. 
     Instead, “the event that ‘tolls’
    the statute simply stops the clock until the occurrence of a
    later event that permits the statute to resume running.” 
    Id. at 1195
    The Socop-Gonzalez rule is fully in line with AEDPA’s
    aim of encouraging the exhaustion of state remedies without
    eliminating federal habeas relief. See Holland, 
    560 U.S. at
    648–49.      Requiring a degree of diligence after an
    extraordinary circumstance ceases when that degree of
    diligence would not otherwise have been required risks
    infringing the statutory right to habeas corpus review; it also
    “arguably usurps congressional authority . . . by substituting
    [the court’s] own subjective view of how much time a
    plaintiff reasonably needed to file suit.” Socop-Gonzalez,
    272 F.3d at 1196
    . Socop-Gonzalez’s “stop-clock” holding
    remains the law in our circuit and applies here. That rule
    prohibits courts from constraining litigants to a judicially
    imposed filing window, and warns against imposing
    additional diligence requirements on recipients of equitable
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                         23
    Courts may, however, consider a petitioner’s diligence,
    after an extraordinary circumstance has been lifted, as one
    factor in a broader diligence assessment. See, e.g., Pace,
    544 U.S. at 419
    . By requiring those seeking equitable tolling
    to show they exercised reasonable diligence, we “ensure that
    the extraordinary circumstances faced by petitioners . . . were
    the cause of the tardiness of their federal habeas petitions.”
    Lampert, 465 F.3d at 973. “‘[I]f the person seeking equitable
    tolling has not exercised reasonable diligence in attempting
    to file, after the extraordinary circumstances began, the link
    of causation between the extraordinary circumstances and the
    failure to file is broken.’” Spitsyn, 
    345 F.3d at 802
    in original) (quoting Valverde v. Stinson, 
    224 F.3d 129
    , 134
    (2d Cir. 2000)).
    Because it is most relevant to the causation question, we
    are primarily concerned with whether a claimant was
    “diligent in his efforts to pursue his appeal at the time his
    efforts were being thwarted.” Lampert, 465 F.3d at 970–71
    (emphasis in original). In other words, diligence during the
    existence of an extraordinary circumstance is the key
    consideration. Also relevant is whether petitioners “pursued
    their claims within a reasonable period of time before the
    external impediment . . . came into existence.” Id. at 972; see
    also Pace, 
    544 U.S. at 419
    Diligence after an extraordinary circumstance is lifted
    may be illuminating as to overall diligence, but is not alone
    determinative. This conclusion draws not only on the
    obvious inference that diligence after the fact is less likely to
    be probative of the question of whether the extraordinary
    circumstance caused the late filing, but also from Socop-
    Gonzalez’s recognition that courts should not take it upon
    24                  GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    themselves to decide how much time a claimant needs to file
    a federal case.
    Examining the record in view of the weight afforded these
    considerations, we observe that Gibbs’s diligence dates back
    for a decade. He sought out counsel, appealed pro se the
    denial of his state PCR petition on timeliness grounds, wrote
    to his attorneys frequently regarding his appeals, and when
    necessary, wrote directly to the State Bar and the Nevada
    Supreme Court. The Warden refers to Gibbs as “hysterical[]”
    because, at one point in 2008, he sent four letters to Figler
    over several weeks. Given the circumstances — Gibbs’s
    awareness that he stood to lose his opportunity to challenge
    a life sentence — this behavior is more aptly characterized as
    Most importantly, Gibbs was diligent during the time that
    Figler’s abandonment and failure to inform him of a critical
    development in his case created an extraordinary
    circumstance keeping him from filing a timely federal
    petition. One month after Figler wrote to assure Gibbs all
    was well with his case, Gibbs wrote to Figler, asking him to
    supplement the briefing with new case law and to stay in
    touch. Several months later Gibbs wrote to Figler again,
    asking why Figler did not respond to his last letter and
    expressing a desire to discuss strategy for oral argument
    before the Nevada Supreme Court. Gibbs also reached out to
    both the State Bar and state Supreme Court.
    After he learned of the state court decision, Gibbs
    immediately wrote to Figler. He promptly asked the Nevada
    Supreme Court for a copy of the order denying his PCR
    appeal. After he did not hear back from Figler, he fired him
    and demanded return of his files. And even without knowing
    GIBBS V. LEGRAND                        25
    anything about what went on during the three weeks it took
    Gibbs’s sister to retrieve the files from Figler, three weeks is
    a reasonable time in which to have contacted Figler,
    ascertained his availability, and arranged to pick up the files.
    After terminating Figler and receiving his files, Gibbs
    filed a pro se habeas petition in sixty-five days’ time. In
    Espinoza-Matthews, we granted equitable tolling because the
    petitioner “had only slightly over a month with his legal file
    to try to prepare a proper petition.” 
    432 F.3d at 1028
    . That
    Gibbs took slightly more than two months to prepare his
    federal habeas petition — his “single opportunity for federal
    habeas review of the lawfulness of his imprisonment” — after
    diligently pursuing his rights for ten years, does not undercut
    his overall record of diligence. Holland, 
    560 U.S. at 653
    Taken as a whole, the record provides ample evidence of
    Gibbs’s persistent diligence over a period of ten years, often
    in the face of utter disregard by those charged with
    representing him. We therefore conclude that Gibbs acted
    with reasonable diligence both before and after learning of
    the Nevada Supreme Court’s decision, thereby satisfying the
    first prong of the Holland equitable tolling inquiry.
    Gibbs’s counsel did not inform him that state post-
    conviction proceedings had ended, even though counsel had
    pledged to do so, even though Gibbs wrote to his counsel
    repeatedly for updates, and even though time in which to file
    a federal habeas petition was swiftly winding down. As a
    direct result, Gibbs did not learn that the time for him to file
    his federal petition had begun until the time was over. We
    conclude that his attorney’s misconduct was an extraordinary
    26                  GIBBS V. LEGRAND
    circumstance which caused Gibbs’s inability to timely file his
    federal petition. We are also satisfied that Gibbs exercised
    reasonable diligence in pursuit of his post-conviction rights.
    For these reasons, the judgment of the district court is
    REVERSED and the matter REMANDED for proceedings
    not inconsistent with this opinion.