Beardslee v. Woodford , 395 F.3d 1064 ( 2005 )

  •                                     FOR PUBLICATION                          FILED
    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS                          JAN 14 2005
    FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT                        U.S. COURT OF APPEALS
    DONALD BEARDSLEE,                                 No. 05-15042
    Plaintiff - Appellant,                 D.C. No. CV-04-5381-JF
    JEANNE S. WOODFORD, Director of                   OPINION
    the California Department of Corrections;
    JILL L. BROWN, Warden, California
    State Prison at San Quentin,
    Defendants - Appellees.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of California
    Jeremy Fogel, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted January 12, 2005
    San Francisco, California
    Before: TASHIMA, THOMAS, and PAEZ, Circuit Judges.
    Donald Beardslee, a California death row inmate whose execution is
    scheduled for Wednesday, January 19, 2004, at 12:01 a.m., appeals the district
    court’s order denying his motion for a preliminary injunction in his action pursuant
    to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against Jeanne S. Woodford, Director of the California
    Department of Corrections, and Jill L. Brown, Warden of California State Prison at
    San Quentin, California (collectively, “the State”). Beardslee seeks to prevent
    Brown from executing him in accordance with California's lethal injection protocol,
    arguing that such an execution would violate his Eighth Amendment right to be free
    from cruel and unusual punishment and, potentially, his First Amendment right to
    freedom of speech. Beardslee also makes an emergency motion for a stay of
    execution.1 We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1292(a)(1), and we affirm the
    district court and deny the motion.
    Beardslee was convicted by a jury in San Mateo County, California of two
    counts of first degree murder with special circumstances and sentenced to death.
    The California Supreme Court affirmed his conviction and sentence. People v.
    806 P.2d 1311
    (Cal. 1991). After exhausting his state court remedies,
    Beardslee filed a habeas corpus petition in federal district court. The district court
    rejected each of his claims, including his challenge to California’s method of
    execution, and dismissed the petition. Beardslee did not seek a Certificate of
    Appealability (“COA”) as to his claim that California’s method of execution
    Because the district court denied preliminary injunctive relief, we construe
    this motion as one for “an order . . . granting an injunction while an appeal is
    pending.” Fed. R. App. P. 8(a)(1)(C); see Fed. R. Civ. P. 62(c).
    violated the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.
    We affirmed the district court’s denial of habeas relief, Beardslee v.
    358 F.3d 560
    (9th Cir. 2004), and the Supreme Court denied
    Beardslee's petition for a writ of certiorari, Beardslee v. Brown, 
    125 S. Ct. 281
    (2004). After denial of certiorari, but before our mandate was issued, Beardslee
    requested, and we granted, an expanded COA based on a decision, Sanders v.
    373 F.3d 1054
    (9th Cir. 2004), that had been issued during the
    pendency of Beardslee’s petition for a writ of certiorari. After briefing and oral
    argument, we issued a supplemental opinion denying federal habeas relief on
    December 29, 2004. Beardslee v. Brown, 
    2004 WL 3019188
    (9th Cir. Dec. 29,
    2004). No COA was issued during the federal appellate habeas proceedings for
    Beardslee’s claim pertaining to the method of execution.
    On December 20, 2004, Beardslee filed this § 1983 suit in federal district
    court challenging California’s lethal injection protocol. He also moved the court for
    a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction enjoining the State from
    executing him using the existing lethal injection procedure. On January 7, 2005, the
    district court denied the motion for a temporary restraining order, denied the
    motion for a preliminary injunction, and denied the motion for expedited discovery
    as moot. Beardslee appeals the denial of injunctive relief.
    In order to obtain a preliminary injunction on his claim, Beardslee was
    required to demonstrate “(1) a strong likelihood of success on the merits, (2) the
    possibility of irreparable injury to the plaintiff if preliminary relief is not granted, (3)
    a balance of hardships favoring the plaintiff, and (4) advancement of the public
    interest (in certain cases).” Johnson v. Cal. State Bd. of Accountancy, 
    72 F.3d 1427
    , 1430 (9th Cir. 1995) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted).
    Alternatively, injunctive relief could be granted if he “demonstrate[d] ‘either a
    combination of probable success on the merits and the possibility of irreparable
    injury or that serious questions are raised and the balance of hardships tips sharply
    in his favor.’” 
    Id. (citation omitted).
    “These two alternatives represent ‘extremes
    of a single continuum,’ rather than two separate tests.” Clear Channel Outdoor
    Inc. v. City of Los Angeles, 
    340 F.3d 810
    , 813 (9th Cir. 2003) (citation omitted).
    Thus, the greater the relative hardship to the party seeking the preliminary
    injunction, the less probability of success must be established by the party. 
    Id. “In cases
    where the public interest is involved, the district court must also examine
    whether the public interest favors the plaintiff.” Fund for Animals, Inc. v. Lujan,
    962 F.2d 1391
    , 1400 (9th Cir. 1992); see also Caribbean Marine Servs. Co. v.
    844 F.2d 668
    , 674 (9th Cir. 1988).
    In capital cases, the Supreme Court has instructed that “[e]quity must take
    into consideration the State's strong interest in proceeding with its judgment.”
    Gomez v. U.S. Dist. Court for N. Dist. of California, 
    503 U.S. 653
    , 654 (1992). In
    such cases, “[a] court may consider the last-minute nature of an application to stay
    execution in deciding whether to grant equitable relief.” 
    Id. Thus, before
    granting a
    stay of execution, courts “must consider not only the likelihood of success on the
    merits and the relative harms to the parties, but also the extent to which the inmate
    has delayed unnecessarily in bringing the claim.” Nelson v. Campbell, 
    541 U.S. 637
    , ___, 
    124 S. Ct. 2117
    , 2126 (2004).
    We review the denial of a preliminary injunction for an abuse of discretion.
    Bay Area Addiction Research & Treatment, Inc. v. City of Antioch, 
    179 F.3d 725
    730 (9th Cir. 1999). “Our review is limited and deferential.” Southwest Voter
    Registration Educ. Project v. Shelley, 
    344 F.3d 914
    , 918 (9th Cir. 2003) (en banc).
    The State contends that Beardslee is not entitled to relief because he
    previously litigated this claim in his federal habeas action. It is true that Beardslee
    asserted in his federal habeas petition a generic challenge to California’s two
    statutory methods of execution, lethal gas and lethal injection. However, the claims
    asserted in this § 1983 suit are different. In this case, Beardslee challenges
    California’s lethal injection protocol, rather than the punishment of lethal injection
    per se, as asserted in his habeas petition. The State has acknowledged that a §
    1983 action is a proper vehicle by which to challenge a method of execution, noting
    that such a challenge was entertained in Cooper v. Rimmer, 
    379 F.3d 1029
    (9th Cir.
    2004) and Fierro v. Gomez, 
    77 F.3d 301
    (9th Cir.), judgment vacated by 
    519 U.S. 918
    Section 1983 provides the statutory authorization for most federal court suits
    against local governments or state and local government officials to redress
    violations of federal civil rights. To bring a § 1983 action, a plaintiff must allege (1)
    a violation of a right secured by the Constitution or federal law, and (2) that this
    right was violated by someone acting under color of state law. 42 U.S.C. § 1983.
    In the instant case, the plaintiff seeks review of the method by which the sentence
    will be carried out, rather than a review of the fact that he was sentenced to death.
    Cooper did not actually decide this issue. The panel reached the merits,
    but expressly declined to address the question of whether the claim was properly
    made in a habeas petition, a § 1983 action, or both. 
    Cooper, 379 F.3d at 1031
    The Fierro decision was vacated, and ultimately dismissed on standing grounds.
    Fierro v. Terhune, 
    147 F.3d 1158
    , 1160 (9th Cir. 1998). The Supreme Court
    recently has also declined to reach the issue. 
    Nelson, 124 S. Ct. at 2122-23
    He asserts that the defendants, acting under color of state law, will violate his
    Eighth Amendment and First Amendment rights by their use of California’s lethal
    injection protocol. Thus, Beardlee’s claim is more properly considered as a
    “conditions of confinement” challenge, which is cognizable under § 1983, than as a
    challenge that would implicate the legality of his sentence, and thus be appropriate
    for federal habeas review. See Badea v. Cox, 
    931 F.2d 573
    , 574 (9th Cir. 1991)
    (“Habeas corpus proceedings are the proper mechanism for a prisoner to challenge
    the ‘legality or duration’ of confinement. A civil rights action, in contrast, is the
    proper method of challenging ‘conditions of . . . confinement.’”) (citation omitted)
    (revision in original). Therefore, Beardslee is not foreclosed from asserting this
    challenge in a § 1983 action even though he raised a challenge to the
    constitutionality of the statute authorizing legal injection in his federal habeas
    proceeding. 3
    Relying in large part on our decision in Cooper, the district court held that,
    because Beardslee did not file this action until his execution was scheduled, he was
    subject to a “strong equitable presumption against the grant of a stay [of
    For the same reason, Beardslee’s § 1983 action cannot be considered a
    second or successive federal habeas corpus petition governed by 28 U.S.C. §
    execution]” unless he could “make a showing of serious questions going to the
    merits that is sufficient to overcome that strong presumption.” The district court,
    however, overreads Cooper. Cooper did not decide whether such a presumption
    existed; rather, the decision merely reported the finding of the district court, then
    reached the merits.
    To be sure, as the Supreme Court has instructed in Nelson and Gomez, the
    district court is entitled to take delay into consideration in exercising its equitable
    powers. However, this consideration is based on the strong interest against the
    plaintiff engaging in manipulation of the system. See 
    Gomez, 503 U.S. at 654
    (“Equity must take into consideration the State's strong interest in proceeding with
    its judgment and [the petitioner’s] obvious attempt at manipulation.”).
    In Cooper, the district court made a similar finding based on the facts and
    circumstances of that case. Here, however, the district court appeared to apply the
    presumption solely on the basis that Beardslee had not filed the case until the
    California Supreme Court lifted its stay of execution. Once an execution was
    imminent, Beardslee acted promptly. Beardslee correctly points out that the precise
    execution protocol is subject to alteration until the time of execution. Moreover, by
    regulation the California Department of Corrections does not permit challenges to
    “anticipated action[s].” 15 Cal. Code Regs. § 3084.3(c)(3).4 A close examination
    of the record indicates that, unlike the situation in Cooper or Gomez, Beardslee
    pursued his claims aggressively as soon as he viewed them as ripe.5
    In short, the district court erred in applying a general rule that a claim was
    dilatory if first filed at the time when the possibility of execution became imminent.
    The State claims that, regardless of this regulatory prohibition, Beardslee
    could have brought his administrative challenges earlier. Beardslee contends that
    they would have been dismissed as unripe. The plain language regulation supports
    Beardslee’s argument. Whether or not exceptions would exist for circumstances
    such as these is an unsettled question. Furthermore, there may be some question,
    in this context, about whether Beardslee was required to exhaust his state
    administrative remedies under the Prison Litigation Reform Act, 42 U.S.C. §
    1997e(a), prior to filing a § 1983 action. However, both parties have assumed that
    exhaustion was required, and the same district court in Cooper had dismissed
    Cooper’s claims for failing to exhaust remedies. In any case, given the regulation
    and prior action, Beardslee cannot be faulted now for pursuit of his administrative
    remedies prior to filing this action.
    To date, we have not resolved the question of when challenges to
    execution methods are ripe. In Stewart v. Martinez-Villareal, 
    523 U.S. 637
    , 644-
    45 (1998), the Supreme Court held that an inmate’s competency challenge was
    properly dismissed as unripe because “his execution was not imminent and
    therefore his competency to be executed could not be determined at that time.”
    The Court held that the inmate’s claim was “unquestionably ripe” only after it was
    clear that he “would have no federal habeas relief for his conviction or his death
    sentence, and the Arizona Supreme Court issued a warrant for his execution.” 
    Id. at 643.
    We have suggested that a constitutional challenge to an execution method
    becomes ripe when the method is chosen. LaGrand v. Stewart, 
    170 F.3d 1158
    1159 (9th Cir. 1999). However, because the execution protocol is subject to
    change, Beardslee argues that his challenge to the protocol, as opposed to a generic
    challenge to the statutorily specified method, did not become ripe until his
    execution was imminent as described in Martinez-Villareal. We need not, and do
    not resolve this question.
    Rather, the district court should have conducted a fact-specific inquiry to ascertain
    whether the claims could have been brought earlier, and whether the petitioner had
    good cause for delay.
    Despite the district court’s improper application of a “strong presumption,”
    we cannot say, given our deferential standard of review, that the district court
    abused its discretion in denying the motion for a preliminary injunction and stay of
    execution based on Beardslee’s Eighth and First Amendment claims.
    The Eighth Amendment prohibits punishments that are “incompatible with
    ‘the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society.’”
    Estelle v. Gamble, 
    429 U.S. 97
    , 102 (1976) (quoting Trop v. Dulles, 
    356 U.S. 86
    101 (1958) (plurality opinion)). In the context of executions, the Eighth
    Amendment prohibits punishments that “involve the unnecessary and wanton
    infliction of pain,” Gregg v. Georgia, 
    428 U.S. 153
    , 173 (1976), “involve torture or
    a lingering death,” In re Kemmler, 
    136 U.S. 436
    , 447 (1890), or do not accord with
    “the dignity of man, which is the basic concept underlying the Eighth Amendment,”
    Gregg, 428 U.S. at 173
    (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). Thus, we
    held that execution by hanging under the State of Washington’s protocols did not
    constitute cruel and unusual punishment based on the district court’s findings that
    the “mechanisms involved in bringing about unconsciousness and death in judicial
    hanging occur extremely rapidly, that unconsciousness was likely to be immediate
    or within a matter of seconds, and that death would follow rapidly thereafter.”
    Campbell v. Wood, 
    18 F.3d 662
    , 687 (9th Cir. 1994) (en banc). In contrast,
    although the opinion was later vacated based on the petitioner’s lack of standing,
    we held in Fierro v. Gomez that California’s lethal gas execution protocol violated
    the Eighth 
    Amendment. 77 F.3d at 308
    . The basis for our holding was the district
    court’s findings that inmates were likely to remain conscious for up to a minute
    after the execution procedure commenced and that there was a substantial
    likelihood that some consciousness would persist for several minutes during which
    “inmates suffer intense, visceral pain, primarily as a result of lack of oxygen to the
    Id. In examining
    the “evolving standards of decency” under the Eighth
    Amendment, we employ an “assessment of contemporary values concerning the
    infliction of a challenged sanction.” 
    Gregg, 428 U.S. at 173
    . That determination
    “should be informed by objective factors to the maximum possible extent.” Coker
    v. Georgia, 
    433 U.S. 584
    , 592 (1977) (plurality opinion). Among the “clearest and
    most reliable objective evidence of contemporary values is the legislation enacted
    by the country's legislatures.” Penry v. Lynaugh, 
    492 U.S. 302
    , 331 (1989). In
    considering objections to a particular execution method, our “methodology review
    focuses more heavily on objective evidence of the pain involved in the challenged
    Campbell, 18 F.3d at 682
    . In the end, “the objective evidence, though
    of great importance, [does] not ‘wholly determine’ the controversy, ‘for the
    Constitution contemplates that in the end our own judgment will be brought to bear
    on the question of the acceptability of the death penalty under the Eighth
    Amendment.’” Atkins v. Virginia, 
    536 U.S. 304
    , 312 (2002) (quoting 
    Coker, 433 U.S. at 597
    In this case, Beardslee challenges San Quentin Institution Procedure 770, the
    current protocol by which lethal injection executions are performed at San Quentin.
    Under Procedure 770, three chemicals are used to carry out the execution. Five
    grams of sodium pentothal (also known as sodium thiopental), a barbiturate
    sedative, are first administered to the inmate to induce unconsciousness. The
    parties agree that this dosage of sodium pentothal would be sufficient to induce
    unconsciousness, and even cause death itself, if administered properly. This is
    followed by an injection of pancuronium bromide (also known as “Pavulon”), a
    curare-derived agent that paralyzes all skeletal or voluntary muscles, but which has
    no effect whatsoever on awareness, cognition, or sensation. This neuromuscular
    blocking agent causes paralysis and, in sufficient dosages, stops respiration by
    paralyzing the diaphragm and lungs. Finally, the inmate is injected with potassium
    chloride, an extraordinarily painful chemical which activates the nerve fibers lining
    the person’s veins and which interferes with the rhythmic contractions of the heart,
    causing cardiac arrest.
    Beardslee claims that there is a substantial risk that sodium pentothal will not
    be administered correctly, thereby subjecting him to excruciating pain that will be
    masked to observers by the paralyzing effects of pancuronium bromide. He
    contends that if he is conscious during the administration of pancuronium bromide,
    he will experience suffocation similar to that observed in inmates executed by lethal
    gas. He contends that if he is conscious during the administration of potassium
    chloride, he will experience excruciating pain, but be unable to communicate
    because of the paralyzing effect of the pancuronium bromide. The State concedes
    that if the inmate is not properly sedated by the first drug, the inmate will experience
    torturous pain. However, it vigorously disputes Beardslee’s claim that there is any
    likelihood that the first drug will be ineffective to render him unconscious for the
    duration of the execution procedure.
    In support of his claim, Beardslee recites a number of perceived problems
    with previous lethal injection executions in California and toxicology reports from
    autopsies in other states which he contends indicates that condemned prisoners
    may have been conscious or partly conscious during the administration of
    pancuronium bromide. Beardslee also points to the American Veterinary Medical
    Association’s (“AVMA”) prohibition on the use of neuromuscular paralytic agents,
    such as pancuronium bromide, in animal euthanasia. He underscores the fact that
    nineteen states have passed laws banning, in whole or in part, the use of
    neuromuscular paralytic agents as a means of euthanizing animals. Beardslee
    additionally challenges the lack of specificity in Procedure 770, contending that
    there are many variables that can complicate the proper administration of the drugs,
    such as the use of Valium as a pre-execution sedative, and the problems in finding
    acceptable veins for the insertion of an intravenous tube.
    The State argues that twenty-seven of the thirty-seven states employing lethal
    injection use the same combination of chemicals as California; that no court in any
    state has found lethal injection or the drugs used in such executions to be
    constitutionally infirm;6 and that this case is indistinguishable from Cooper. The
    The State also points out that we previously rejected challenges to
    Arizona’s method of lethal injection in LaGrand v. Stewart, 
    133 F.3d 1253
    , 1265
    (9th Cir. 1998), and Poland v. Stewart, 
    117 F.3d 1094
    , 1104-05 (9th Cir. 1997).
    However, as Beardslee correctly responds, those challenges were not to the
    execution protocol, did not involve the California procedure at issue here, and were
    mostly founded on evidentiary deficiencies.
    State also underscores the concession by Beardslee’s expert that, if properly
    administered, a five gram dose of sodium pentothal would likely be fatal. The State
    highlights, as it did in Cooper, its expert’s declaration that all but an infinitesimally
    small number of people would be rendered unconscious within a minute after the
    proper administration of sodium pentothal. It contests the conclusions based on
    autopsy reports submitted by Beardslee, citing a lack of information about the
    specific protocol used in administering the drugs and the interval of time after death
    when the autopsy was performed.
    In analyzing these arguments, and considering the objective factors present in
    this preliminary injunction record, we first examine the action by state legislatures.
    As we observed in Cooper, “[e]xecution by lethal injection is now used by 37 of
    the 38 states with the death penalty.” 
    Cooper, 379 F.3d at 1033
    .7 Thus, objective
    Alabama, Ala. Code 1975 § 15-18-82; Arizona, Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. §
    13-704; Arkansas, Ark. Code Ann. § 5-4-617; California, Cal. Penal Code § 3604;
    Colorado, Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 18-1.3-102; Connecticut, Conn. Gen. Stat. §
    54-100; Delaware, Del. Code Ann. tit. 11, § 4209(f); Florida, Fla. Stat. Ann. §
    922.105; Georgia, Ga. Code Ann., § 17-10-38; Idaho, Idaho Code § 19-2716;
    Illinois, 725 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 5/119-5(a)(1); Indiana, Ind. Code Ann. §
    35-38-6-1; Kansas, Kan. Stat. Ann. § 22-4001; Kentucky, Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. §
    431.220; Louisiana, La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 15:569 B; Maryland, Md. Code Ann.,
    Corr. Servs. § 3-905; Mississippi, Miss. Code Ann. 99-19-51; Missouri, Mo. Rev.
    Stat. § 546.720; Montana, Mont. Code Ann. § 46-19-103; Nevada, Nev. Rev. Stat.
    § 176.355 1; New Hampshire, N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 630:5 XIII; New Jersey, N.J.
    Stat. Ann. § 2C:49-2; New Mexico, N.M. Stat. Ann. § 31- 14-11; New York, N.Y.
    evidence of contemporary values indicates that lethal injection has been deemed an
    acceptable means for society to implement a death sentence. However, this
    observation does not address the issue raised in this case because Beardslee is not
    raising a generic challenge to lethal injection as a means of execution. Rather, he
    contests the specific protocol used in California, most importantly, the use of
    pancuronium bromide. In analyzing objective evidence of contemporary values on
    that issue, it is somewhat significant that at least nineteen states have enacted laws
    that either mandate the exclusive use of a sedative or expressly prohibit the use of a
    neuromuscular blocking agent in the euthanasia of animals. 8 It is also of some
    Correct. Law § 658; North Carolina, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15-187; Ohio, Ohio Rev.
    Code Ann. § 2949.22; Oklahoma, Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, § 1014; Oregon, Or.
    Rev. Stat. § 137.473, amended by 2003 Or. Laws 103; Pennsylvania, Pa. Stat. Ann.
    tit. 61, § 3004; South Carolina, S.C. Code Ann. 24-3-530; South Dakota, S.D.
    Codified Laws § 23A-27A-32; Tennessee, Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-23-114; Texas,
    Texas Crim. Proc. Code Ann. § 43.14; Utah, Utah Code Ann. § 77- 18-5.5;
    Virginia, Va. Code Ann. § 53.1-233; Washington, Wash. Rev. Code Ann. §
    10.95.180; and Wyoming, Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 7-13-904. Since Cooper was
    decided, the death penalty statutes in New York and Kansas have been held
    unconstitutional for reasons other than the method of execution. People v.
    817 N.E.2d 341
    , 367 (N.Y. 2004); State v. Marsh, 
    102 P.3d 445
    , 458-59
    (Kan. 1994).
    The states that expressly forbid the use of neuromuscular blocking agents
    to euthanize animals are: Florida, Fla. Stat. §§ 828.058 and 828.065; Georgia, Ga.
    Code Ann. § 4-11-5.1; Maine, Me. Rev. Stat. Ann., tit. 17, § 1044; Maryland, Md.
    Code Ann., Criminal Law, § 10-611; Massachusetts, Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 140 §
    151A; New Jersey, N.J. Stat. Ann. 4:22-19.3; New York, N.Y. Agric. & Mkts Law
    significance that the leading professional association of veterinarians promulgated
    guidelines that prohibit the use of a sedative with a muscle-paralyzing drug for
    purposes of euthanasia, concluding that “[a] combination of pentobarbital with a
    neuromuscular blocking agent is not an acceptable euthanasia agent” for animals.
    2000 Report of the American Veterinary Medical Association Panel on Euthanasia,
    218 J. Am. Veterinary Med. Ass’n, 669, 681 (2001), at 680.9 Beardslee’s expert
    opines that the AVMA condemns this combination due to the risk that the animal
    might not be properly sedated by the barbiturate and therefore would be conscious
    of the severe pain of asphyxiation while being suffocated by the neuromuscular
    blocking agent. In any case, it is quite clear that the AVMA does not approve of
    § 374; Oklahoma, Okla. Stat. tit. 4, § 501; and Tennessee, Tenn. Code Ann. § 44-
    17-303. The states that mandate the use of particular methods for animal
    euthanasia, most often the use of the sedative sodium pentobarbitol, and therefore
    implicitly ban the use of neuromuscular blocking agents are: Connecticut, Conn.
    Gen. Stat. § 22-344a; Delaware, Del. Code Ann. tit. 3, § 8001; Illinois, 510 Ill.
    Comp. Stat. 70/2.09; Kansas, Kan. Stat. Ann. § 47-1718(a); Kentucky, Ky. Rev.
    Stat. Ann. § 312.181(17) and Ky. Admin. Regs. 16:090 section 5(1); Louisiana, La.
    Rev. Stat. Ann. § 3.2465; Missouri, Mo. Rev. Stat. § 578.005(7); Rhode Island,
    R.I. Gen. Laws § 4-1-34; and South Carolina; S.C. Code Ann. § 47-3-420; Texas,
    Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. § 821.052(a).
    The most common protocol for animal euthanasia is a single overdose of a
    barbiturate, usually sodium pentobarbital (which is a longer acting barbiturate than
    sodium pentothal).
    the use of neuromusclar drugs in animal euthanasia, and this view has been adopted
    by many states.
    In the context of this particular challenge, the more important consideration
    may be the examination of the objective evidence as to the pain caused by the
    particular method employed at San Quentin.
    The procedure used in most states for lethal injections originated in
    Oklahoma when Senator Bill Dawson asked Dr. Stanley Deutsch, then chair of the
    Anesthesiology Department at Oklahoma University Medical School, to
    recommend a method for executing prisoners through the administration of
    intravenous drugs. In a responsive letter, Dr. Deutsch recommended the
    administration of an “ultra short acting barbiturate” to induce unconsciousness,
    followed by the administration of a neuromuscular blocking drug to induce
    paralysis and death. See Deborah W. Denno, When Legislatures Delegate Death:
    The Troubling Paradox Behind State Uses of Electrocution and Lethal Injection
    and What It Says About Us, 63 Ohio St. L.J. 63, 95-97 (2002). Shortly thereafter,
    in 1977, Oklahoma became the first state to adopt lethal injection as an execution
    method, employing the protocol described in Dr. Deutsch’s letter. See Rebecca
    Brannan, Sentence and Punishment: Change Method of Executing Individuals
    Convicted of Capital Crimes from Electrocution to Lethal Injection, 17 Ga. St. U.
    L. Rev. 116, 121 (2000). The first lethal injection execution occurred in Texas in
    1982. Christina Michalos, Medical Ethics and the Execution Process in the
    United States of America, 16 Med. & L. 125, 126 (1997). Lethal injection has been
    an authorized method of execution in California since 1992, and the presumptive
    method since 1996. Cal. Penal Code § 3604, amended by 1992 Cal. Legis. Serv.
    558 (West), amended by 1996 Cal. Legis. Serv. 84 (West). Humane concerns
    formed a large part of the motivation in adopting lethal injection as the presumptive
    method of execution in California. The California Assemblyman who introduced
    the measure in the wake of concerns over constitutionality of executing inmates by
    lethal gas, stated that lethal injection is "the only form of execution which from our
    own life's experience, we can conclude is entirely devoid of discomfort." He further
    asserted that "[n]o one knows for sure whether a prisoner suffers in the gas
    chamber. . . . With lethal injection, we know exactly what the person is going
    through because it's exactly what someone undergoing surgery experiences."
    Jonathan S. Abernethy, The Methodology of Death: Re-examining the Deterrence
    Rationale, 27 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 379, 414 (1996).
    Although the origins of the addition of potassium chloride to the combination
    are uncertain, it probably originated both from the advice of consulting physicians
    and Fred Leuchter, the creator of execution machinery. Denno, When Legislatures
    Death, supra, at 99
    . Twenty-seven states use the three-drug protocol.
    Id. at 117.
    New Jersey uses a two-drug protocol, administering sodium pentothal
    with potassium chloride. 
    Id. North Carolina
    uses a two-drug protocol, using
    sodium pentothal with pancuronium bromide. Id.10
    The key element in this procedure is the proper administration of the
    barbiturate. It is undisputed that “substantial pain and suffering can occur when the
    inmate receives an inadequate dosage of sodium pentothal and therefore retains
    consciousness and sensation during the injection of the second and third
    chemicals.” Deborah W. Denno, Getting to Death: Are Executions
    82 Iowa L
    . Rev. 319, 380 (1997). Despite the critical nature of
    correct medical procedure, lethal injection executions are hampered by ethical
    restrictions on physicians, who are prohibited from participating in executions. See
    generally W. Noel Keyes, The Choice of Participation by Physicians in Capital
    Punishment, 22 Whittier L. Rev. 809 (2001). Thus, the prisons must rely on
    personnel who may not always be experienced in establishing an intravenous
    connection. Compounding this problem is the fact that some prisoners have
    The history of the use of the three chemical protocol gives some force to
    Beardslee’s argument that the adoption of the procedure in California was
    informally based on the observation of two Texas executions by the then-warden of
    San Quentin and the precise protocol was never subjected to the rigors of scientific
    collapsed or inaccessible veins due to drug abuse or because the veins are too
    deep, too flat, or below layers of fat. Denno, Getting to Death, supra at 381. In
    some cases, executioners are forced to perform a “cutdown,” a surgical procedure
    that exposes the vein. 
    Id. at 382.
    In addition, sodium pentothal is a short acting
    barbiturate that must be administered properly to induce the desired effect and
    thereafter monitored carefully. 
    Id. at 380.
    The sensitivity to sodium pentothal
    varies greatly among the population. 
    Id. Some individuals,
    particularly those who
    have been building additional resistance by taking Valium or other anti-anxiety
    medication, are significantly more resistant to sodium pentothal than others. 
    Id. Beardslee has
    submitted evidence that he contends shows that a number of
    executed inmates in California may have been conscious, or partially conscious,
    during the administration of chemicals that would cause significant pain for a period
    similar to the one involved in 
    Fierro. 77 F.3d at 308
    . He points to the California
    execution logs of William Bonin, Keith Williams, Jaturun Siripongs, and Manuel
    Babbit, which contain indications that there were problems associated with the
    administration of the chemicals that may have resulted in the prisoners being
    conscious during portions of the executions. This evidence, coupled with the
    opinion tendered by Beardslee’s expert, raises extremely troubling questions about
    the protocol. Nonetheless, the record before us at this stage is insufficient to
    support a conclusion that the district court abused its discretion in denying the
    preliminary injunction.
    Beardslee tendered an expert opinion based on the witness accounts and
    execution logs. However, the value of Beardslee’s expert’s interpretations of the
    witness accounts and execution log entries was undercut by the expert’s
    concession that his expertise regarding the “pharmacokinetics [the time course of
    medications in the body] and pharmacodynamics [the effect of medications on the
    body] of sodium thiopental” was inferior to the State’s expert on those matters.
    See Reid v. Johnson, 
    333 F. Supp. 2d 543
    , 547 n.7 (E.D. Va. 2004). According to
    the State’s expert, over 99.999999999999% of the population would be
    unconscious within sixty seconds from the start of the administration of five grams
    of sodium pentothal – which is 12.5 times the normal surgical dosage – and would
    render most people unconscious for a period in excess of 13 hours. Given the
    comparative expertise of the experts in different fields, the district court did not
    abuse its discretion in crediting the State’s expert’s interpretation.
    As the district court correctly observed, the evidence and the arguments in
    this case are almost identical to those made in Cooper. Beardslee’s challenge to the
    protocol is not based on any factors peculiar to him, such as those that were at
    issue in Nelson involving compromised veins in the condemned inmate. See 124 S.
    Ct. at 2121. Furthermore, even Beardslee’s expert concedes that the amount of
    sodium pentothal given under Procedure 770, if properly administered, would likely
    be sufficient to cause loss of consciousness and probable death prior to the
    administration of pancuronium bromide.
    In addition to his challenge to the use of pancuronium bromide as part of
    Procedure 770, Beardslee also raises a series of questions about the ambiguity of
    the procedure and noting the risks attendant to the improper administration of the
    drugs. Obviously, there are risks involved in virtually every method of execution.
    However, the Supreme Court has rejected Eighth Amendment challenges based on
    an “unforeseeable accident,” Louisiana ex rel. Francis v. Resweber, 
    329 U.S. 459
    464 (1947), and has presumed that state officials have acted “in a careful and
    humane manner,” 
    id. at 462;
    see also 
    Campbell, 18 F.3d at 682
    (“The risk of
    accident cannot and need not be eliminated from the execution process in order to
    survive constitutional review.”).
    On the other hand, the State has tendered only minimal evidence in response
    to Beardslee’s claims. Virtually the only affirmative evidence tendered by the State
    was its expert’s declaration that all but an infinitesimally small number of people
    would be rendered unconscious within a minute after the proper administration of
    sodium pentothal. The State did not defend the protocol. Indeed, the State
    declined to produce significant portions of Procedure 770.11 The State did not,
    even under repeated questioning at oral argument, provide a single justification for
    the use of pancuronium bromide, which is one of the key issues. This response is,
    to say the least, troubling. 12
    Nonetheless, the question before us is not the ultimate resolution of the
    merits of this issue. That will have to await another day, based on a full record.
    Our “[a]ppellate review of the grant or denial of preliminary injunctive relief requires
    consideration of the merits of the underlying issue, but it does not decide them.”
    Cooper, 379 F.3d at 1034
    (Browning, J., concuring) (citing Roe v. Anderson, 
    134 F.3d 1400
    , 1402 (9th Cir. 1998)); Southwest 
    Voter, 344 F.3d at 918
    ). Our review
    at this stage is “limited and deferential.” Southwest 
    Voter, 344 F.3d at 918
    The critical question that we must ultimately answer in this case is not
    whether Beardslee has raised serious questions about the protocol itself, but
    whether, in this specific challenge, he has shown enough of a likelihood that he will
    be conscious during the administration of pancuronium bromide and potassium
    The State has advanced no legitimate reason, indeed, no reason at all, for
    its refusal to disclose the entire protocol to the condemned prisoner.
    Indeed, the State’s expert conceded that at least one of the purposes for
    the use of pancuronium bromide in the lethal injection protocol is to prevent
    seizures that often occur after cardiac arrest induced by the administration of
    potassium chloride that could be interpreted erroneously by lay observers as pain
    or discomfort. The record does not contain any other explanation.
    chloride to experience pain. The undisputed evidence in this limited record is that
    an administration of five grams of sodium pentothal will produce unconsciousness,
    and perhaps even death, if properly administered. Beardslee has not shown a
    sufficient likelihood that the administration will be improper in his case, or that there
    are specific risks unique to him that require modification of the protocol. His
    objections to the use of pancuronium bromide become irrelevant upon the proper
    administration of sodium pentothal.
    Given the undisputed evidence that death or unconsciousness is likely to
    occur prior to the administration of pancuronium bromide and the lack of showing
    of any unique risk to Beardslee in this limited record, we cannot say that the district
    court abused its discretion in applying the appropriate balancing tests in the context
    of this case and denying the preliminary injunction.
    Beardslee also raises a First Amendment claim. This claim was not litigated
    in Cooper. Beardslee contends that the use of pancuronium bromide will prevent
    him from audibly and consciously expressing his pain, thereby denying him his
    right to free speech under the First Amendment. Framed in this manner,
    Beardslee’s argument is tied to his claim that there is a risk that he will be conscious
    when the final two drugs are administered. On this limited record, he has not made
    that showing. Therefore, in the context at this stage of the case, the district court
    did not abuse its discretion in denying preliminary injunctive relief on Beardslee’s
    independent First Amendment claim. 13
    For these reasons, we conclude that the district court did not abuse its
    discretion in denying the preliminary injunction, given the limited record and the
    context of the case. We express no opinion on the ultimate merits of the claims.
    The district court’s order denying injunctive relief is AFFIRMED. The
    motion for a stay of execution is DENIED.
    We granted the ACLU of Northern California and Death Penalty Focus
    leave to file an amici brief in this case, and heard argument from Amici. Amici
    argue that the public has a First Amendment right to a pancuronium bromide-free
    execution independent of that of Beardslee. Amici contend that the use of
    pancuronium bromide serves no purpose during an execution other than a purpose
    not recognized by the Constitution – to prevent viewers from seeing the inmate
    suffer excruciating pain and convulse as the lethal chemicals are administered.
    Thus, Amici claim that pancuronium bromide acts as a “chemical curtain”
    interfering with the public’s right to know. See Cal. First Amendment Coalition v.
    299 F.3d 868
    (9th Cir. 2002). Although their arguments may have merit,
    these parties did not intervene in the district court action and their independent
    claims are not properly before us. See Russian River Watershed Prot. Comm. v.
    City of Santa Rosa, 
    142 F.3d 1136
    , 1141 n.1 (9th Cir. 1998) (“Generally, we will
    not consider on appeal an issue raised only by an amicus.”).
    Steven S. Lubliner, Petaluma, California, for petitioner-appellant.
    Dane R. Gillette, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Bill Lockyer, Attorney General
    of the State of California, Robert R. Anderson, Chief Assistant Attorney General,
    Gerald A. Engler, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Ronald S. Matthias,
    Supervising Deputy Attorney General, San Francisco California, for defendant-
    Alan L. Schlosser, San Francisco, California, for amici curiae American Civil
    Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California and Death Penalty Focus.
    Stephen F. Rhode, Los Angeles, California, of counsel for amici curiae Death
    Penalty Focus.

Document Info

Docket Number: 05-15042

Citation Numbers: 395 F.3d 1064

Filed Date: 1/14/2005

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (29)

Campbell v. Wood , 18 F.3d 662 ( 1994 )

Russian River Watershed Protection Committee Brenda Adelman ... , 142 F.3d 1136 ( 1998 )

clear-channel-outdoor-inc-a-delaware-corporation-viacom-outdoor-inc-a , 340 F.3d 810 ( 2003 )

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98-cal-daily-op-serv-433-98-daily-journal-dar-631-karl-hinze-lagrand , 133 F.3d 1253 ( 1998 )

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Trop v. Dulles , 78 S. Ct. 590 ( 1958 )

Coker v. Georgia , 97 S. Ct. 2861 ( 1977 )

View All Authorities »