United Steel Workers v. NLRB ( 2007 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    No. 04-76132
    NATIONAL   LABOR RELATIONS                   N.L.R.B. No.
    Respondent,           OPINION
    On Petition for Review of an Order of the
    National Labor Relations Board
    Argued and Submitted
    March 6, 2007—Pasadena, California
    Filed April 2, 2007
    Before: Ferdinand F. Fernandez, Susan P. Graber, and
    Sandra S. Ikuta, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Graber
    UNITED STEELWORKERS v. NLRB              3771
    Robert J. Stock and Raja Raghunath, Gilbert & Sackman, A
    Law Corporation, Los Angeles, California, for the petitioner.
    Stacy G. Zimmerman and Jill A. Griffin, National Labor
    Relations Board, Washington, D.C., for the respondent.
    Patrick W. Jordan, Jordan Law Group, San Rafael, California,
    for the intervenor.
    3772              UNITED STEELWORKERS v. NLRB
    GRABER, Circuit Judge:
    Petitioner United Steelworkers of America (“the Union”)
    alleged unfair labor practices by Intervenor Tower Industries,
    Inc. An administrative law judge (“ALJ”) found that Tower
    had violated 29 U.S.C. § 158 and recommended several spe-
    cific affirmative remedies, including an order requiring Tower
    to recognize and bargain with the Union, commonly known
    as a Gissel order.1 A three-judge panel of Respondent
    National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or “the Board”)
    adopted the ALJ’s findings, conclusions, and remedies with
    the exception of the suggested Gissel bargaining remedy. The
    Union seeks review of the Board’s refusal to impose a Gissel
    order.2 On review for a clear abuse of discretion, Cal. Pac.
    Med. Ctr. v. NLRB, 
    87 F.3d 304
    , 308 (9th Cir. 1996), we deny
    the petition.
    The relevant facts are not disputed. Tower manufactures
    individual and custom machine parts. Between January 7 and
    January 24, 2003, Tower had 91 employees who were eligible
    for union representation; 57 of them signed union authoriza-
    tion cards, authorizing the Union to represent them in collec-
    tive bargaining. During that period, on the day of a union-
    organizing meeting, Tower disciplined and fired two employ-
    ees, Timothy Hays and Walter Reddoch, because of their sup-
    port of the union-organizing drive. In the ensuing two months,
    Tower disciplined a third employee, Marcelo Pinheiro,
    because of his union support, threatened a fourth employee,
    Pablo Rodriguez, with reprisal if he supported the Union, and
    removed union literature from posting areas while permitting
    non-union notices to remain posted. On March 6, 2003, a rep-
    Such an order is named for NLRB v. Gissel Packing Co., 
    395 U.S. 575
    The NLRB does not seek enforcement of its order.
    UNITED STEELWORKERS v. NLRB                        3773
    resentation election was held; only 37 of the 79 votes cast
    were cast in favor of representation by the Union.
    The Union filed a complaint with the NLRB. An ALJ
    found that Tower’s actions constituted unfair labor practices
    in violation of sections 8(a)(1) and 8(a)(3) of the National
    Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. § 158(a)(1), (3).3 The ALJ
    also found that Tower had interfered with the election by cre-
    ating an impression of surveillance. The ALJ recommended
    that Tower be ordered to cease and desist from anti-union
    activities, reinstate and provide restitution to the two employ-
    ees who were fired for their support of the union-organizing
    drive, expunge all disciplinary reports motivated by union
    activity, and post a notice about employees’ union-related
    rights in all posting areas. The ALJ also recommended a Gis-
    sel order requiring Tower to recognize and bargain with the
    Union as the exclusive representative of the employees.
    Section 8 of the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. § 158(a),
    enumerates employer actions that constitute unfair labor practices. It
    reads, in pertinent part:
    It shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer—
    (1) to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the
    exercise of the rights guaranteed in section 157 of this title;
    (3) by discrimination in regard to hire or tenure of employ-
    ment or any term or condition of employment to encourage or
    discourage membership in any labor organization . . . .
    Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. § 157, enu-
    merates the union-related rights of employees:
    Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form,
    join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through
    representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other
    concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or
    other mutual aid or protection, and shall also have the right to
    refrain from any or all of such activities except to the extent that
    such right may be affected by an agreement requiring member-
    ship in a labor organization as a condition of employment as
    authorized in section 1588(a)(3) of this title.
    3774                UNITED STEELWORKERS v. NLRB
    A three-judge panel of the NLRB affirmed all of the ALJ’s
    recommended findings of fact and conclusions of law. The
    panel also affirmed all but one of the ALJ’s recommended
    remedies: It disagreed that a Gissel order was warranted.
    Under the circumstances of this case, we find,
    contrary to the judge, that a Gissel bargaining order
    is not necessary. We find that the Board’s traditional
    cease-and-desist and other affirmative remedies
    including posting of a notice will sufficiently address
    [Tower’s] misconduct to ensure that a fair rerun
    election can be held, and that these remedies and the
    holding of a rerun election will satisfactorily protect
    and restore employees’ Section 7 rights.
    Consequently, the Board vacated the results of the first repre-
    sentation election, ordered a second election, and did not
    reach, as moot, the question whether Tower had improperly
    surveilled the first election.
    The Union petitions for review only with respect to the
    Board’s denial of a Gissel order, arguing that the Board’s
    explanation was fatally deficient. No party disputes the
    Board’s findings of fact or conclusions of law. Thus, this case
    presents the question whether the NLRB clearly abuses its
    discretion under the National Labor Relations Act when it
    gives a conclusory explanation for choosing not to adopt an
    ALJ’s recommended remedy of a Gissel order while adopting
    the ALJ’s recommended findings of fact, conclusions of law,
    and remaining remedies.4 We answer that question “no.”
    [1] “The function of striking [an appropriate] balance to
    effectuate national labor policy is often a difficult and delicate
    responsibility, which the Congress committed primarily to the
    National Labor Relations Board, subject to limited judicial
    As far as we can tell, this is a question of first impression for the Ninth
    Circuit and, indeed, for any federal circuit.
    UNITED STEELWORKERS v. NLRB                        3775
    review.” NLRB v. Truck Drivers Local Union No. 449, 
    353 U.S. 87
    , 96 (1957). In determining the appropriate remedy for
    an unfair labor practice,
    [i]t is for the Board and not the courts . . . to make
    that determination, based on its expert estimate as to
    the effects on the election process of unfair labor
    practices of varying intensity. In fashioning its reme-
    dies under the broad provisions of § 10(c) of the Act
    (29 U.S.C. § 160(c)),[5] the Board draws on a fund
    of knowledge and expertise all its own, and its
    choice of a remedy must therefore be given special
    respect by reviewing courts.
    Gissel, 395 U.S. at 612
    n.32. “The Board’s discretion in the
    selection of appropriate remedies is exceedingly broad . . . .”
    Gen. Teamsters Local No. 162 v. NLRB, 
    782 F.2d 839
    , 844
    (9th Cir. 1986) (citing 
    Gissel, 395 U.S. at 612
    n.32; Fibre-
    board Paper Prods. Corp. v. NLRB, 
    379 U.S. 203
    , 215-16
    (1964); NLRB v. Fort Vancouver Plywood Co., 
    604 F.2d 596
    602 (9th Cir. 1979)).
    Because of the Board’s primary responsibility and exper-
    tise, appellate courts review the Board’s choice of remedy for
    a clear abuse of discretion. Cal. Pac. Med. 
    Ctr., 87 F.3d at 308
    The text of 29 U.S.C. § 160(c) reads, in pertinent part:
    If upon the preponderance of the testimony taken the Board shall
    be of the opinion that any person named in the complaint has
    engaged in or is engaging in any such unfair labor practice, then
    the Board shall state its findings of fact and shall issue and cause
    to be served on such person an order requiring such person to
    cease and desist from such unfair labor practice, and to take such
    affirmative action including reinstatement of employees with or
    without back pay, as will effectuate the policies of this subchap-
    ter . . . .
    Courts also review whether the Board supported its findings of fact
    with substantial evidence, Glendale Assocs., Ltd. v. NLRB, 
    347 F.3d 1145
    1151 (9th Cir. 2003), applied the law correctly, 
    id., or imposed
    a rule arbi-
    trarily, Sever v. NLRB, 
    231 F.3d 1156
    , 1164 (9th Cir. 2000). Here, only
    the Board’s choice of remedy is at issue.
    3776             UNITED STEELWORKERS v. NLRB
    The Board clearly abuses its discretion if its order “is a patent
    attempt to achieve ends other than those that can be fairly said
    to effectuate the policies of the [National Labor Relations]
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    The Union does not allege that the decision is a patent
    attempt to achieve a nefarious end. Rather, the Union essen-
    tially argues that the Board’s decision is insufficiently sup-
    ported, by drawing a proposed parallel. The Union reasons
    that, because clearly articulated reasoning is required to issue
    a Gissel order, similarly, clearly articulated reasoning should
    be required if the ALJ recommends a Gissel order and the
    NLRB chooses not to issue one.
    [2] “ ‘It is well-established that an agency’s action must be
    upheld, if at all, on the basis articulated by the agency
    itself.’ ” Local Joint Exec. Bd. v. NLRB, 
    309 F.3d 578
    , 583
    (9th Cir. 2002) (quoting Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass’n of U.S.,
    Inc. v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 
    463 U.S. 29
    , 50
    (1983)). Here, the Board’s order is sufficiently explanatory so
    that it can be reviewed effectively for a clear abuse of discre-
    tion. Its decision as to the Gissel order does not stand alone,
    but instead is the final piece to a puzzle constructed of the fac-
    tual findings, conclusions of law, and remedial orders that the
    Board adopted from the ALJ’s recommendation. The Board
    decided that all of the affirmative remedies recommended by
    the ALJ were warranted, short of a Gissel order. In other
    words, the Board decided that, given Tower’s specific viola-
    tions of the National Labor Relations Act, a cease-and-desist
    order, rehiring of and giving of back pay to the fired employ-
    ees, expungement of disciplinary records, posting require-
    ments, and a new election all were necessary—and, taken
    together, were sufficient—to remedy Tower’s unfair labor
    practices during the first election process.
    [3] It is true that, generally, when the Board disagrees with
    an ALJ’s findings or conclusions, we conduct a more search-
    ing review. See, e.g., Int’l Union v. NLRB, 
    834 F.2d 816
    , 819
    UNITED STEELWORKERS v. NLRB                3777
    (9th Cir. 1987) (“When, as here, the Board accepts the ALJ’s
    basic factual and credibility determinations, it may draw
    inferences and conclusions from them different from the
    ALJ’s. If it does so, however, we engage in a more searching
    review of the record, and the ALJ’s findings become part of
    the record for review to be weighed against the evidence sup-
    porting the agency.” (citations omitted)); Penasquitos Vill.,
    Inc. v. NLRB, 
    565 F.2d 1074
    , 1078 (9th Cir. 1977) (“[A]
    reviewing court will review more critically the Board’s find-
    ings of fact if they are contrary to the administrative law
    judge’s factual conclusions.”). That is because this court
    reviews the Board’s findings for substantial evidence—not a
    clear abuse of discretion. Glendale 
    Assocs., 347 F.3d at 1151
    Additionally, “because the ALJ sees and hears the witnesses,
    he or she is in the best position to draw testimonial inferences
    and to make findings with respect to credibility.” NLRB v. Big
    Bear Supermarkets # 3, 
    640 F.2d 924
    , 928 (9th Cir. 1980).
    But when the Board adopts an ALJ’s findings of fact, conclu-
    sions of law, and all remedies except for a Gissel order, the
    two levels of the agency have but one disagreement—whether
    the facts and conclusions require the particular remedy of a
    Gissel order. Whether a Gissel order is required to rectify
    Tower’s unfair labor practices is precisely the kind of narrow
    policy decision reserved to the knowledge and experience of
    the Board. See NLRB v. Bighorn Beverage, 
    614 F.2d 1238
    1243 (9th Cir. 1980) (“[T]he determination of whether a bar-
    gaining order is warranted is a task, not for the reviewing
    courts, but for the Board based on its expert estimate as to the
    effects on the election of the unfair labor practices.” (citing
    Gissel, 395 U.S. at 612
    [4] The fact that courts require greater reasoning when the
    Board decides to issue a Gissel order is inapposite to the
    Board’s decision instead to order the default remedy.
    “[E]lections are the preferred method for ascertaining
    employee sentiment.” NLRB v. W. Drug, 
    600 F.2d 1324
    , 1326
    (9th Cir. 1979) (citing Brooks v. NLRB, 
    348 U.S. 96
    , 104 &
    n.18 (1954)); see also 
    Gissel, 395 U.S. at 602
    (“The Board
    3778            UNITED STEELWORKERS v. NLRB
    itself has recognized, and continues to do so here, that secret
    elections are generally the most satisfactory—indeed the
    preferred—method of ascertaining whether a union has
    majority support.”). A Gissel order is an “extreme remedy”
    warranted only under certain unusual scenarios. Gardner
    Mech. Servs., Inc. v. NLRB, 
    115 F.3d 636
    , 642 (9th Cir.
    1997). Because of the extreme nature of a Gissel order, courts
    depart from the usual deference given to the Board’s choice
    of remedy and require that the Board clearly articulate why a
    bargaining order is warranted and why other remedies are
    Id. at 642-43.
    By contrast, when the Board
    chooses to issue the “preferred,” standard remedy of a rerun
    election rather than the “extreme” remedy of a Gissel bargain-
    ing order, the justification and need for the safeguard of
    detailed, clear articulation are absent. Stated another way, the
    Board’s decision to order an unextraordinary remedy does not
    merit an extraordinary explanation.
    [5] In summary, we hold that the Board’s explanation is
    sufficient for review and that its chosen remedies are not a
    clear abuse of discretion.

Document Info

Docket Number: 04-76132

Filed Date: 4/2/2007

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/14/2015

Authorities (17)

National Labor Relations Board v. Fort Vancouver Plywood ... , 604 F.2d 596 ( 1979 )

Penasquitos Village, Inc., Penasquitos Gardens, Inc., ... , 565 F.2d 1074 ( 1977 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Bighorn Beverage , 614 F.2d 1238 ( 1980 )

local-joint-executive-board-of-las-vegas-culinary-workers-union-local-226 , 309 F.3d 578 ( 2002 )

florian-sever-david-hiebert-mark-w-simmons-robert-henry-kinville-edward , 231 F.3d 1156 ( 2000 )

national-labor-relations-board-v-big-bear-supermarkets-3-and-its-alter-ego , 640 F.2d 924 ( 1980 )

California Pacific Medical Center v. National Labor ... , 87 F.3d 304 ( 1996 )

international-union-united-automobile-aerospace-and-agricultural , 834 F.2d 816 ( 1987 )

gardner-mechanical-services-inc-gardner-engineering-inc , 115 F.3d 636 ( 1997 )

glendale-associates-ltd-glendale-ii-associates-limited-partnership , 347 F.3d 1145 ( 2003 )

Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Assn. of United States, Inc. v. State ... , 103 S. Ct. 2856 ( 1983 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Western Drug , 600 F.2d 1324 ( 1979 )

general-teamsters-local-no-162-international-brotherhood-of-teamsters , 782 F.2d 839 ( 1986 )

Brooks v. National Labor Relations Board , 75 S. Ct. 176 ( 1954 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Truck Drivers Local Union ... , 77 S. Ct. 643 ( 1957 )

Fibreboard Paper Products Corp. v. National Labor Relations ... , 85 S. Ct. 398 ( 1964 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Gissel Packing Co. , 89 S. Ct. 1918 ( 1969 )

View All Authorities »