United States v. Sargent ( 2007 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                 No. 06-30498
    Plaintiff-Appellee,          D.C. No.
    v.                        CR-05-00118-a-
    MICHAEL SARGENT,                               RRB
         OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Alaska
    Ralph R. Beistline, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    August 6, 2007—Anchorage, Alaska
    Filed September 20, 2007
    Before: J. Clifford Wallace, John T. Noonan, and
    Richard A. Paez, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Wallace
    UNITED STATES v. SARGENT               12807
    Mary C. Geddes, Assistant Federal Defender, Anchorage,
    Alaska, for the appellant.
    Retta-Rae Randall, Assistant United States Attorney, Anchor-
    age, Alaska, for the appellee.
    WALLACE, Senior Circuit Judge:
    Sargent was indicted in one count for theft of public prop-
    erty in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 641
     and seven counts for theft
    of postal service property in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1707
    12808              UNITED STATES v. SARGENT
    After a bench trial, the district court entered a judgment of
    conviction on all eight counts and sentenced Sargent to a term
    of imprisonment of 30 months on six counts and 12 months
    on two counts, all to run concurrently. Sargent appeals both
    the conviction and the sentence. We have jurisdiction pursu-
    ant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , and we reverse.
    Bulk mail permit holders must pre-pay the United States
    Postal Service (USPS) for their mailings. To do so, they
    deposit money with a cashier at the retail counter of the post
    office. The cashier registers the payment in an accounting sys-
    tem called Point of Service One (POS 1). The cashier then
    sends a record of the transaction to the business mail entry
    unit (BMEU), where a clerk or technician enters the informa-
    tion into a different and non-integrated accounting system cal-
    led PostalOne.
    Bulk mailers bring their mail to the BMEU with a Postage
    Statement that contains certain information, including the
    name and address of the mailer as well as an estimate of the
    postage due. A technician inspects a sampling of the mail to
    ensure that it is correctly identified in the Postage Statement.
    The information on the Postage Statement is then entered into
    the PostalOne system. If the postage-due calculation in the
    PostalOne system matches the mailer’s estimate, then funds
    are withdrawn from the mailer’s POS 1 account and paid to
    the USPS for the mailing.
    Once the funds have been transferred, at least two copies
    of a “3607” form are generated. One copy is attached to the
    Postage Statement and filed with the USPS. The second copy
    goes to mail processing, indicating that the mail has been paid
    for and is ready for delivery.
    For twenty-nine years, Sargent worked as a bulk mail tech-
    nician at the USPS office at the Anchorage International Air-
    UNITED STATES v. SARGENT                12809
    port. Late in 2004, he became dissatisfied with his employer
    and hatched a vengeful scheme. In hundreds of instances in
    2005, he stole mailers’ Postage Statements and failed to gen-
    erate the 3607 forms. He then watched to see if his co-
    workers delivered the undocumented mailings. At home, Sar-
    gent recorded whether these undocumented mailings were
    delivered or detected before delivery.
    In early April 2005, a United States Postal Inspector dis-
    covered that bulk mail was being delivered, but that postage
    was not collected for the mailings. Sargent became a suspect
    and was later arrested.
    The first count of the subsequent indictment charged that
    Sargent violated section 641 when he “did knowingly steal
    . . . any record, voucher, and thing of value in excess of $1000
    of the United States . . . , to wit: postage statements for busi-
    ness mailings.” Counts two through eight charged that Sar-
    gent violated section 1707 when he “did knowingly steal”
    seven Postage Statements noting total postage in amounts
    ranging from $1,352.22 to $2,463.68.
    Sargent waived his right to a jury trial and admitted the ele-
    ments of the charged offenses except the element of value,
    which he sought to have determined in a bench trial. The dis-
    trict court conducted the trial, and at the close of the govern-
    ment’s evidence, Sargent moved for a judgment of acquittal.
    The government conceded that it had failed to establish that
    the value of the Postage Statements underlying counts five
    and six exceeded $1,000, but stipulated that the counts “could
    be misdemeanor . . . charges.” The district court denied Sar-
    gent’s motion.
    Also at the trial, the district court overruled Sargent’s hear-
    say objection to the testimony of Beverly Christie, a USPS
    manager. She stated that mailers said they would not pay
    without the “postage statement[s] or some other documenta-
    tion to show that [the USPS] actually made the mailing.”
    12810               UNITED STATES v. SARGENT
    In its written decision, the district court found that the value
    of the Postage Statements underlying counts five and six was
    less than $1,000, but that the “face value” of the Postage
    Statements underlying the remaining counts exceeded $1,000.
    The separate judgment indicates that the district court found
    Sargent guilty “on count(s) 1 through 8 of the Indictment.”
    At sentencing, Sargent objected to the district court’s appli-
    cation of the abuse-of-trust enhancement under United States
    Sentencing Guideline (U.S.S.G.) § 3B1.3. On appeal, he has
    renewed this objection as well as his objection to the admis-
    sion of Christie’s testimony. He also contends that his sen-
    tence was unreasonable regardless of whether the district
    court properly applied the Guidelines. We need not address
    any of these issues if the government failed to establish the
    necessary element of value for any of the crimes charged in
    the indictment.
    [1] The district court erred by holding that the government
    proved the Postage Statements had “value” in excess of
    $1,000 within the meaning of section 641. “The statute pro-
    vides two tiers of penalties depending on the value of the
    stolen property. If the value exceeds $1,000, the court can
    sentence the defendant to a maximum of ten years in prison.
    . . . If the value is $1,000 or less, however, the maximum sen-
    tence is one year . . . .” United States v. Ligon, 
    440 F.3d 1182
    1184 (9th Cir. 2006). If the value exceeds $1,000, the crime
    is a felony, but otherwise it is a misdemeanor. See 
    way, section 641 requires that the government prove that the
    stolen property had “value,” which is defined as “face, par, or
    market value, or cost price, either wholesale or retail, which-
    ever is greater,” 
    18 U.S.C. § 641
    [2] The statute does not define face value, so we “look to
    the text of the statute to determine whether the language at
    issue has a plain and unambiguous meaning.” Royal Foods
    UNITED STATES v. SARGENT                12811
    Co., Inc. v. RJR Holdings, Inc., 
    252 F.3d 1102
    , 1106 (9th Cir.
    2001) (internal quotations and citation omitted). The plain
    meaning of face value is the value indicated on the face of a
    financial instrument. Black’s Law Dictionary, for instance,
    states that face value is the “value of an insurance policy,
    bond, note, mortgage, or other security, as given on the certif-
    icate or instrument, payable upon maturity of the instrument.”
    Black’s Law Dictionary 591 (6th ed. 1990). Lay dictionaries
    also emphasize that face value refers to the value printed on
    the face of a financial instrument. See The Random House
    Dictionary 690 (2d ed. 1987) (defining face value as “the
    value printed on the face of a stock, bond, or other financial
    instrument or document”); see also The American Heritage
    Dictionary 632 (4th ed. 2000) (defining face value as “[t]he
    value printed or written on the face, as of a bill or bond”).
    This interpretation is consistent with United States v. Lee,
    454 F.2d 190
     (9th Cir. 1972). There, we affirmed the defen-
    dant’s section 641 conviction, holding that “[i]n a prosecution
    for the theft of evidences of debt,” the applicable definition of
    value “under the statute is ‘face value’, that is the amount for
    which the check is drawn.” Lee, 
    454 F.2d at 192
    . Lee also
    stated that “value is deemed to be the money due on the
     (quotations and citation omitted) (emphasis
    We have interpreted section 641 to conform with 
    18 U.S.C. § 2311
    , see Ligon, 
    440 F.3d at 1184
    , and in interpreting sec-
    tion 2311, the Fifth Circuit has stated that “[t]he plain mean-
    ing of ‘face value’ is ‘the value indicated on the face of an
    instrument.’ ” United States v. Onyiego, 
    286 F.3d 249
    , 254
    (5th Cir. 2002) (emphasis added), quoting Merriam-Webster’s
    Dictionary 812 (3d ed. 1993). Interpreting face value to refer
    to the value indicated on the face of a financial instrument
    thus avoids inter-circuit conflict.
    [3] Postage Statements are not financial instruments
    because no money is due on their presentation and they are
    12812              UNITED STATES v. SARGENT
    not negotiable. They are for accounting purposes only; they
    allow the USPS to synchronize its POS 1 and PostalOne com-
    puter systems. The district court thus erred by holding that the
    Postage Statements had a face value in excess of $1,000
    within the meaning of section 641.
    [4] Furthermore, the district court erroneously concluded
    that the defendant’s motive is evidence of value. Section 641
    defines value with reference to objective factors, and there is
    no suggestion that the defendant’s subjective intent deter-
    mines the issue of value. Sargent may have intended to cause
    the USPS many hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage,
    but that does not mean that he valued any Postage Statement
    or all of them at a particular dollar amount.
    [5] Likewise, the theft of the Postage Statements may have
    exposed the USPS to loss, but that does not mean that the
    USPS necessarily valued the Postage Statements in the full
    amount of the potential loss. Indeed, Christie testified that in
    “most cases” the USPS had been able to “provide or con-
    struct” documentation proving how much customers owed.
    There was no showing that the USPS would have paid any
    amount to recover the stolen Postage Statements, let alone
    hundreds of thousands of dollars.
    [6] United States v. Gordon, 
    638 F.2d 886
     (5th Cir. 1981),
    does not suggest a different result. There, the defendant was
    convicted under section 641 of stealing marijuana from a ves-
    sel seized by the Coast Guard. Gordon, 638 F.3d at 887. On
    appeal, he argued that “the marijuana was not a ‘thing of
    value,’ insisting that the required ‘value’ must be value to the
    Government, not to smugglers or outlaws.” Id. at 889. The
    Fifth Circuit disagreed, holding that value “may also be
    thieves value.” Id. (quotations and citation omitted). By con-
    trast, there is no evidence that the Postage Statements had any
    “thieves value.”
    United States v. Robie, 
    166 F.3d 444
     (2d Cir. 1999), is sim-
    ilarly inapposite. There, the defendant stole misprinted post-
    UNITED STATES v. SARGENT                12813
    age stamps from the USPS. Robie, 
    166 F.3d at 447
    . The
    Second Circuit held that the government failed to establish the
    value of the stamps on the thieves’ market. See 
    id. at 449
    Nevertheless, according to the Second Circuit, the defendant’s
    “knowledge that, with the right misrepresentation, the
    [stamps] might be sold for significant sums, his willingness to
    brave . . . security measures to obtain them, combined with
    the other circumstances of their theft and sale, permitted the
    jury to infer as it did that their value then exceeded the statu-
    tory threshold.” 
     Even accepting the analysis in Robie,
    there was no showing here that Sargent knew that the Postage
    Statements could be sold for any amount, let alone “signifi-
    cant sums.”
    On appeal, the government contends that value includes
    actual loss to the victim. We need not decide the issue
    because the government did not present evidence showing
    that the theft of the Postage Statements caused the USPS a
    particular dollar amount of actual loss, and the district court
    did not make findings to this end.
    [7] Finally, the government asserts that value includes the
    amounts recorded on the Postage Statements because those
    amounts reflect the “cost price” of the USPS delivering the
    mail. True, section 641 requires that we assess the “cost
    price” of the stolen “thing of value.” But according to the
    indictment, that “thing of value” was the Postage Statements,
    not the USPS’s services. Therefore, the government’s “cost
    price” argument fails.
    [8] Because the government did not establish value in
    excess of $1,000, which is a necessary element of the section
    641 crime charged, the district court’s judgment of conviction
    on count one must be reversed.
    [9] The district court also erred by holding that the govern-
    ment proved the Postage Statements had “value” in excess of
    $1,000 within the meaning of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1707
    . The statute
    12814             UNITED STATES v. SARGENT
    makes it a crime to steal “any property used by the Postal Ser-
    18 U.S.C. § 1707
    . The statute also provides that if the
    value of the property exceeds $1,000, the defendant shall be
    imprisoned for no more than three years, but otherwise the
    defendant is eligible for a sentence of no more than one year.
     Section 1707 does not define value, and neither the gov-
    ernment nor Sargent contends that this element of the felony
    offense should be interpreted differently than how it is inter-
    preted in section 641. Therefore, we also reverse the district
    court’s judgment of conviction on the remaining felony