Lozano v. At&t Wireless ( 2007 )

  •                       FOR PUBLICATION
    PAUL LOZANO, on behalf of himself            
    and all others similarly situated
    and as a private attorney general
    on behalf of the members of the
    general public residing within the                 Nos. 05-56466
    State of California,                                    05-56511
    Cross Appellant,
            D.C. No.
    v.                                  OPINION
    Delaware Corporation,
    Cross Appellee.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    William J. Rea, District Judge, Presiding*
    Argued and Submitted
    June 4, 2007—Pasadena, California
    Filed September 20, 2007
    Before: Cynthia Holcomb Hall and Consuelo M. Callahan,
    Circuit Judges, and James L. Robart,** District Judge.
    Opinion by Judge Robart
    *After this appeal was filed, the Honorable Alicemarie H. Stotler
    replaced the late Honorable William J. Rea as presiding judge in this case.
    **The Honorable James L. Robart, United States District Judge for the
    Western District of Washington, sitting by designation.
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS              12749
    J. Paul Gignac (argued) and Katherine Donoven, Arias,
    Ozzello & Gignac, LLP, Santa Barbara, California, and Peter
    Bezek and Robert A. Curtis, Foley Bezek Behle & Curtis,
    LLP, Santa Barbara, California, for the plaintiff-appellee-
    cross appellant.
    James C. Grant (argued) and Kelly Twiss Noonan, Stokes
    Lawrence, P.S., Seattle, Washington, and Mark E. Weber and
    Gabriel J. Pasette, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP, Los Ange-
    les, California, for the defendant-appellant-cross appellee.
    12750                  LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    ROBART, District Judge:
    This opinion addresses cross-appeals of the district court’s
    order denying in part, and granting in part, Paul Lozano’s
    class certification motion. Lozano appeals the district court’s
    denial of a nationwide class for his Federal Communications
    Act (“FCA”) and declaratory relief claims. Lozano also
    appeals the court’s denial of a California subclass on these
    claims, as well as his breach of contract claim. AT&T Wire-
    less Services, Inc. (“AWS”) appeals the district court’s certifi-
    cation of a California subclass for Lozano’s state law claims.
    We have jurisdiction to hear this appeal pursuant to Rule 23(f)
    of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and 
    28 U.S.C. § 1292
    (e). For the reasons stated, we affirm in part and
    reverse in part.
    I.   Background
    Lozano is a customer of AWS and brought this putative
    class action based on AWS’s disclosures relating to its billing
    practices for cellular services.1 On October 4, 2004, Lozano
    filed a Second Amended Complaint in the district court. In his
    complaint, Lozano asserts claims under the FCA, the Declara-
    tory Judgment Act (“DJA”), California contract law, the Cali-
    fornia Consumer Legal Remedies Act (“CLRA”), and
    California Unfair Competition Law (“UCL”). Lozano bases
    these claims on allegations that AWS billed its customers for
    cellular telephone calls during a billing period other than the
    billing period in which the calls were made, a practice termed
    “out-of-cycle billing.” Lozano contends that by doing this,
    AWS assessed charges for cellular telephone calls that would
    Lozano brought this suit against AWS, AT&T Wireless Services of
    California, and Santa Barbara Cellular Systems. Only AWS sought a peti-
    tion for interlocutory review of the district court’s order on class certifica-
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                 12751
    not have been assessed if the calls had been billed during the
    billing period in which the calls were made. AWS, according
    to Lozano, did not fully and adequately disclose its billing
    practice to its customers at the time they entered into contracts
    with AWS.
    A.   Out-of-Cycle Billing
    Out-of-cycle billing occurs when the local calling area for
    a customer’s plan includes areas that are not covered by
    AWS’s cellular network. When a customer places or receives
    a call in an area not covered by AWS’s network, the call is
    routed through another wireless carrier, and the call is termed
    a “roaming call.” Due to the nature of the routing process,
    AWS does not immediately learn of the roaming call, and
    consequently, does not immediately charge the call against
    the customer’s allotted minutes. Occasionally, AWS will
    learn of the roaming call only after the customer’s monthly
    billing cycle has ended. When this occurs, AWS bills the cus-
    tomer for the roaming call in the next billing cycle, which
    may put the customer over the allotted minutes for that cycle.
    For example, a roaming call made in the August billing cycle
    may be billed in the September invoice because of the late
    receipt of information from the other carrier. Assuming the
    customer had already reached his or her allowable minutes for
    September, and had not for August, the August roaming call
    could result in an overage fee on the September invoice.
    According to AWS, out-of-cycle billing occurs infrequently,
    and when it does occur, it is just as likely to result in a reduc-
    tion in fees as opposed to an increase. That is, under the above
    scenario, the customer could benefit from out-of-cycle billing
    by avoiding an overage fee in August if she used all her min-
    utes in August, but not September.
    In or about May 2001, Lozano contracted with AWS to
    receive cellular telephone service for one year. Lozano’s cel-
    lular plan with AWS provided him with a minimum of 400
    “free anytime minutes” and 1,000 “night and weekend min-
    12752               LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    utes” per month. As part of a promotional offer, AWS gave
    Lozano an additional 200 free anytime minutes. Based on the
    information AWS provided, Lozano believed that he would
    not be charged for cellular calls unless he exceeded 600 any-
    time minutes or 1,000 night and weekend minutes in one bill-
    ing cycle.
    When Lozano received his September 18, 2001 invoice
    from AWS, however, he was surprised to discover that his
    September invoice included calls that were made during the
    previous billing cycle. The addition of these extra minutes
    caused his September usage to exceed the “free” minutes set
    forth in his contract with AWS. Because he exceeded his
    allotted usage, AWS charged Lozano an overage fee for the
    calls that it billed from the previous cycle.
    Lozano called AWS to inquire as to why there were calls
    from the previous billing cycle on his current invoice. An
    AWS representative explained to him that roaming cellular
    telephone calls are billed to its customers based on the date
    that AWS receives the information regarding the call, not on
    the date the call was actually made. The AWS representative
    offered to reimburse Lozano for the overage charges, but
    would not do so unless he agreed to sign-up for another year
    of service with AWS. Lozano declined the offer. On October
    25, 2001, after Lozano lodged additional complaints with
    AWS, it issued him a credit for the charges he incurred as a
    result of out-of-cycle billing. The AWS representative who
    issued the credit wrote in the customer notes that it “was a
    ONE TIME COURTESY CR[EDIT] for delayed billing . . . .”
    The representative informed Lozano that out-of-cycle billing
    could happen again. Lozano filed the instant suit a few weeks
    later, and the credit appeared on Lozano’s November invoice
    from AWS.2
    In its preceding order on summary judgment, the district court found
    that AWS reimbursed Lozano only after realizing that Lozano was insti-
    gating legal proceedings against it.
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                 12753
    AWS contends it fully discloses the implications of out-of-
    cycle billing in its Welcome Guide, which customers receive
    when they sign-up for service. Lozano does not dispute that
    he received a copy of the Welcome Guide when he purchased
    his service from AWS. Indeed, Lozano admits that the AWS
    salesperson “paged through” the Welcome Guide with
    Lozano, and gave him the opportunity to ask any questions.
    Lozano instead contends that these disclosures are not ade-
    quate to inform the consumer of AWS’s out-of-cycle billing
    B.   Arbitration Agreement
    The Welcome Guide Lozano received also contains an arbi-
    tration agreement that prohibits class actions:
    Any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to this
    Agreement or to any product or service provided in
    connection with this Agreement (whether based in
    contract, tort, statute, fraud, misrepresentation or any
    other legal theory) will be resolved by binding arbi-
    tration . . . . [Y]ou and we both waive any claims for
    punitive damages and any right to pursue claims on
    a class or representative basis.
    Shortly after Lozano filed this putative class action lawsuit,
    AWS moved to compel arbitration.
    The district court initially granted AWS’s motion to compel
    arbitration. AWS then filed for a writ of mandamus with this
    court. We denied the writ, but instructed the district court to
    reconsider its ruling in light of Ting v. AT&T, decided after
    the district court’s order compelling arbitration. 
    319 F.3d 1126
    , 1150 (9th Cir. 2003) (finding class action waivers in
    arbitration agreements to be unconscionable when contained
    in adhesion contracts). On August 18, 2003, after reconsider-
    ing its order in light of Ting, the district court vacated the
    order compelling arbitration. In so doing, the district court
    12754                LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    relied both on Ting, and the subsequent case of Ingle v. Cir-
    cuit City Stores, Inc., 
    328 F.3d 1165
    , 1176 n.15 (9th Cir.
    2003) (holding that “an essentially unilateral bar on class-
    wide arbitration is substantively unconscionable”). The dis-
    trict court held that the limitation on class action relief con-
    tained in AWS’s Welcome Guide was both procedurally and
    substantively unconscionable and therefore unenforceable
    under California law.3
    C.    Lozano’s Injury
    The district court considered AWS’s motion for summary
    judgment before Lozano sought class certification. In its sum-
    mary judgment order, the district court addressed whether
    Lozano had any legally cognizable injuries, in order to deter-
    mine whether he had standing to bring his claims. AWS
    argued that because it had reimbursed Lozano for the out-of-
    cycle overage fees in October 2001, and he did not bring suit
    until November 2001, he could not show injury. The district
    court disagreed. While recognizing that AWS’s reimburse-
    ment to Lozano before suit raised concerns regarding
    Lozano’s ability to meet an essential element of his claims,
    i.e., damages, the district court nevertheless concluded that (1)
    AWS could not avoid a class action by reimbursing the poten-
    tial representative prior to filing suit; and (2) Lozano suffered
    damages based on a so-called “reservation” injury, and that
    AWS’s use of out-of-cycle billing continued to injure Lozano.
    The “reservation” injury, as described by the district court,
    relates to those AWS customers who are aware of out-of-
    cycle billing, and in turn, reserve a certain percentage of min-
    utes each month to compensate for any late-charged roaming
    calls from the previous billing cycle. The customer is thereby
    denied the full use of his or her allotted minutes each month.
    On these bases, the district court found that Lozano suffi-
    AWS appealed the district court’s order denying arbitration, but volun-
    tarily dismissed this appeal when we accepted the parties’ petitions for
    interlocutory review of the district court’s class certification order.
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                        12755
    ciently alleged the presence of an injury, and had standing to
    bring these claims.4
    D.     Class Certification
    The district court next considered Lozano’s motion for
    class certification. In his motion, Lozano requested that the
    court certify two classes: (a) one national class for claims
    based on FCA violations, declaratory relief, and breach of
    contract; and (b) another California subclass based on
    Lozano’s state-law claims brought pursuant to the CLRA and
    UCL. Lozano termed the first class as “the Class” and the
    subclass as “the California Subclass.”
    Lozano’s proposed definition for the Class included:
    all residents of the United States of America who
    initiated cellular telephone service with AT&T Wire-
    less on or after March 1, 1999 and who at any time
    between March 1, 1999 and the date of filing the
    Second Amended Complaint in this action have been
    charged by AT&T Wireless for cellular telephone
    calls during a billing period other than the billing
    period in which the calls were made.
    Lozano proposed an identical subclass for his state claims,
    except that this definition only included residents of the State
    of California.
    Lozano does not attack the actual practice of out-of-cycle billing, pre-
    sumably because section 332 of the FCA would preempt such a claim. See
    47 U.S.C. § 332
    (c)(3)(A) (prohibiting states from regulating the entry of
    or the rates charged by any commercial mobile service or any private
    mobile service). Here, in order for Lozano to maintain his UCL claim,
    while avoiding FCA preemption, his claim must be tied to the unfairness
    of AWS’s disclosures regarding its billing practices, and not to the prac-
    tices themselves.
    12756                  LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    The district court declined to certify a national class for
    Lozano’s FCA and derivative DJA claims because to do so
    would require a state-by-state analysis of conscionability
    jurisprudence with respect to the enforceability of class action
    waivers. The court also denied Lozano’s request for class
    action status for his breach of contract claim. The district
    court certified a California class action for Lozano’s CLRA
    claim, based on AWS’s inclusion of an unconscionable term
    in its agreement, i.e., the class action waiver; the district court
    declined to certify a class for Lozano’s other theories of liabil-
    ity pursuant to the CLRA. Finally, the district court certified
    a class action on two theories of liability under the UCL; one
    claim based on a violation of the CLRA (the “derivative UCL
    claim”) and a second claim based on the “unfairness” prong
    of the UCL.
    II.   Standards of Review
    Class certifications are governed by Federal Rule of Civil
    Procedure 23. As the party seeking class certification, Lozano
    bears the burden of demonstrating that he has met each of the
    four requirements of Rule 23(a) and at least one of the
    requirements of Rule 23(b).5 See Zinser v. Accufix Research
    Inst., Inc., 
    253 F.3d 1180
    , 1186 (9th Cir. 2001). We review
    the district court’s decision regarding class certification for
    abuse of discretion. See Valentino v. Carter-Wallace, Inc., 97
    The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure allow class certification if the
    proponent shows: (1) the class is so numerous that joinder of all members
    is impracticable, (2) there are questions of law or fact common to the
    class, (3) the claims or defenses of the representative parties are typical of
    the claims or defenses of the class, and (4) the representative parties will
    fairly and adequately protect the interests of the class. Fed. R. Civ. P.
    23(a). Additionally, the class action proponent must meet one of the
    requirements set forth in Rule 23(b). Here, the district court’s class certifi-
    cation order is based primarily on its analysis of the additional require-
    ment found in Rule 23(b)(3); that is, whether questions of law or fact
    “common to the members of the class predominate over any questions
    affecting only individual members and that class action is superior to other
    available methods.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3).
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                  
    12757 F.3d 1227
    , 1234 (9th Cir. 1996). The district court abuses its
    discretion if its certification order is premised on impermissi-
    ble legal criteria. See Moore v. Hughes Helicopters, Inc., 
    708 F.2d 475
    , 479 (9th Cir. 1983). Finally, while we review the
    district court’s factual findings under the clearly erroneous
    standard, Husain v. Olympic Airways, 
    316 F.3d 829
    , 835 (9th
    Cir. 2002), we review the district court’s determination of
    standing and mootness de novo. See Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
    v. Veneman, 
    313 F.3d 1094
    , 1111 n.11 (9th Cir. 2002) (stand-
    ing); Nat’l Audubon Soc., Inc. v. Davis, 
    307 F.3d 835
    , 850
    (9th Cir. 2002) (mootness).
    III.   Discussion
    A.   Arbitration of FCA Claims
    Lozano first contends that the district court erred by finding
    predominance of individual claims based on differing state
    laws on whether class action waivers are unconscionable. The
    district court, according to Lozano, should not have consid-
    ered the variances in state law on this issue because, as a mat-
    ter of federal law, no claim can be subject to arbitration under
    the FCA. Lozano contends that the FCA’s plain language pre-
    cludes adjudication by arbitration. Whether the FCA permits
    adjudication by binding arbitration is a question of law that
    we review de novo. See S.E.C. v. Gemstar-TV Guide Intern.,
    401 F.3d 1031
    , 1044 (9th Cir. 2005).
    [1] The Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) provides that a
    written agreement to arbitrate a controversy shall be “valid,
    irrevocable, and enforceable, save upon such grounds as exist
    at law or in equity for the revocation of any contract.” 
    9 U.S.C. § 2
    . The FAA sets forth a liberal federal policy favor-
    ing arbitration and reverses years of hostility by the courts
    towards arbitration agreements. Moses H. Cone Mem. Hosp.
    v. Mercury Constr. Corp., 
    460 U.S. 1
    , 24 (1983). Contractual
    arbitration agreements are equally applicable to statutory
    claims as to other types of common law claims. See Mitsu-
    12758                LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    bishi Motors Corp. v. Soler Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., 
    473 U.S. 614
    , 627 (1985). Indeed, the Mitsubishi Court went so far as
    to state that, absent the sort of “fraud or overwhelming eco-
    nomic power that would provide grounds for the revocation
    of any contract,” the FAA “provides no basis for disfavoring
    agreements to arbitrate statutory claims by skewing the other-
    wise hospitable inquiry into arbitrability.” 
     (citations and
    internal quotation marks omitted).
    This does not mean that all statutory rights are suitable for
    arbitration. There are some statutes where Congress has
    evinced an intent to preclude arbitration of claims. The burden
    is on the party opposing arbitration, however, to show that
    Congress intended to preclude arbitration of the statutory
    claims involved. See Shearson/Am. Express Inc. v. McMahon,
    482 U.S. 220
    , 227 (1987); Nghiem v. NEC Elect., Inc., 
    25 F.3d 1437
    , 1441 (9th Cir. 1994). Lozano attempts to meet this
    burden by arguing that Congress, by limiting fora to the Fed-
    eral Communications Commission (“FCC”) and federal dis-
    trict courts, evidenced an intent to preclude other fora,
    including arbitration. As additional support, Lozano points to
    this court’s decision in AT&T Corp. v. Coeur d’Alene Tribe,
    295 F.3d 899
     (9th Cir. 2002), as controlling authority on the
    The district court rejected both of Lozano’s arguments.
    Relying on the standard set forth in Mitsubishi, the district
    court found no evidence of a congressional intent to prohibit
    arbitration of FCA claims.6 The district court also found our
    holding in Coeur d’Alene Tribe to be confined to the adjudi-
    cation of claims in the tribal forum. We agree.
    At least two other federal courts have implicitly recognized the right
    of parties to agree to arbitrate their FCA claims. See Penberthy v. AT&T
    Wireless Servs., 
    354 F. Supp. 2d 1323
    , 1328 (M.D. Fla. 2005); In re Univ.
    Serv. Fund Tele. Billing Prac. Lit., 
    300 F. Supp. 2d 1107
    , 1134 (D. Kan.
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                  12759
    1.   Congressional Intent
    [2] If congressional intent to bar arbitration exists in the
    FCA, it must be found in the text of the statute, its legislative
    history, or “an inherent” conflict between arbitration and the
    FCA’s underlying purpose. Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane
    500 U.S. 20
    , 26 (1991). Lozano argues that because
    important public policy considerations are litigated in FCA
    claims, Congress intended to limit the adjudication of these
    claims to the FCC and the federal district courts, and to the
    exclusion of an arbitral forum. Lozano also argues that, due
    to the inherent inequality in unequal bargaining power
    between telecommunications providers and consumers, Con-
    gress intended to preclude providers from keeping consumers
    out of a judicial forum. While we recognize these as impor-
    tant public policy considerations, the United States Supreme
    Court has rejected these same arguments in other statutory
    contexts, in light of the strong public policy favoring arbitra-
    [3] For example, the Supreme Court in McMahon evinced
    a strong desire to permit arbitration of statutory claims by
    upholding an arbitration agreement that encompassed federal
    claims arising under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and
    the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
    (“RICO”) statutes. 
    482 U.S. at 242
    . The Court found RICO
    claims arbitrable even in the face of RICO’s strong public
    policy considerations. See 
     (“The special incentives neces-
    sary to encourage civil enforcement actions against organized
    crime do not support nonarbitrability of run-of-the-mill civil
    RICO claims brought against legitimate enterprises.”); see
    also Mitsubishi, 
    473 U.S. at 632
     (reasoning that arbitral tribu-
    nals are readily capable of handling the factual and legal com-
    plexities of antitrust claims); Gilmer, 
    500 U.S. at 35
    that employment claims brought pursuant to the Age Discrim-
    ination in Employment Act of 1967 are subject to mandatory
    arbitration); Green Tree Fin’l Corp.-Alabama v. Randolph,
    531 U.S. 79
    , 90 (2000) (holding claims brought under the
    12760             LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    Truth in Lending Act, a statute designed to “further important
    social policies,” are arbitrable). Accordingly, we conclude
    that, even considering the important public policy concerns
    associated with FCA claims, these claims are arbitrable absent
    evidence of congressional intent to the contrary.
    [4] Lozano also argues that, based on the inequality in bar-
    gaining power between consumers and communications com-
    panies, FCA claims should not be arbitrable. The Supreme
    Court has likewise rejected this argument. In Gilmer, the
    Court held that “[m]ere inequality in bargaining power . . . is
    not sufficient reason to hold that arbitration agreements are
    never enforceable in the employment context. Relationships
    between securities dealers and investors, for example, may
    involve unequal bargaining power, but we nevertheless held
    in Rodriguez de Quijas and McMahon that agreements to
    arbitrate in that context are enforceable.” 
    500 U.S. at 33
    ing Rodriguez de Quijas v. Shearson/Am. Express, Inc., 
    490 U.S. 477
    , 484 (1989) and McMahon, 
    482 U.S. at 230
    )). Nei-
    ther the public policy considerations in the FCA, nor the
    inequality of bargaining power between the parties, is suffi-
    cient to show congressional intent to preclude arbitration.
    2.    Coeur d’Alene Tribe
    Lozano next argues that, pursuant to our decision in Coeur
    d’Alene Tribe, FCA claims are not subject to mandatory arbi-
    tration. Although, in Coeur d’Alene Tribe, we discussed the
    limited fora for adjudication of FCA claims, we did not con-
    sider the appropriateness of arbitration as a possible forum.
    [5] The issue in Coeur d’Alene Tribe was whether tribal
    courts had jurisdiction to adjudicate claims brought pursuant
    to the FCA. 
    295 F.3d at 904
    . Relying on section 207 of the
    FCA, we determined that the tribal court did not have juris-
    diction to adjudicate these claims based on the plain language
    of section 207:
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                12761
    Any person claiming to be damaged by any common
    carrier subject to the provisions of this chapter may
    either make complaint to the Commission as herein-
    after provided for, or may bring suit for the recovery
    of the damages for which such common carrier may
    be liable under the provisions of this chapter, in any
    district court of the United States of competent juris-
    diction; but such person shall not have the right to
    pursue both such remedies.
    47 U.S.C. § 207
    . In Coeur d’Alene Tribe, we held that, by
    restricting jurisdiction to the FCC and the federal district
    court, Congress intended to leave no room for “adjudication
    in any other forum — be it state, tribal, or otherwise.” 
    295 F.3d at 905
    . Lozano argues that the arbitral forum is therefore
    [6] In Coeur d’Alene Tribe, this court did not determine
    whether the same statutory language barred the arbitral forum,
    which as stated above, requires that we find a strong showing
    of congressional intent. We do not. The fact that Congress
    drafted the amendments to the FCA to include the designation
    of fora for the adjudication of its claims, without more, does
    not establish congressional intent. For example, the jurisdic-
    tional language for suits pursuant to the Sherman Act, 
    15 U.S.C. § 1
    , et seq., has similar language to the FCA. Compare
    47 U.S.C. § 207
     (FCA) (“may bring suit . . . in any district
    court of the United States of competent jurisdiction”) with 
    15 U.S.C. § 15
    (a) (Sherman Act) (“may sue therefor in any dis-
    trict court of the United States”). Faced with this similar lan-
    guage, the Court in Mitsubishi held that claims under the
    Sherman Act are subject to arbitration. 
    473 U.S. at 640
    . We
    likewise hold that FCA claims may be subject to agreements
    to arbitrate.
    B.   Differing State Laws on Class Action Waivers
    Lozano next contends that the district court abused its dis-
    cretion by going beyond the factors enumerated in Rule
    12762             LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    23(b)(3) and seizing on AWS’s premature argument that if a
    class is certified, and it seeks to compel arbitration, predomi-
    nance is defeated. Lozano argues that the district court erred
    in resting its finding of predominance of individual issues on
    speculation as to AWS’s future litigation strategy. In the alter-
    native, Lozano contends that determining whether the class
    action waiver in this case is unconscionable for all fifty states
    is not impractical and should not destroy predominance.
    [7] The district court properly considered the effect of
    AWS’s intent to seek to arbitrate the class action claims. As
    discussed above, while the district court found the class action
    waiver to be unconscionable under California law, it also rec-
    ognized that the waiver may not be unconscionable under
    other states’ laws. The district court therefore determined that
    predominance was defeated because AWS’s intent to seek
    arbitration of the class would necessitate a state-by-state
    review of contract conscionability jurisprudence. While
    Lozano argues that the district court’s analysis of AWS’s
    future intent was an abuse of discretion, we find the district
    court’s practical consideration of future events reasonable. In
    fact, in In re Hotel Telephone Charges, this court expressed
    dissatisfaction over the district court’s unwillingness to
    address the impact of future individual questions in its analy-
    sis of predominance. 
    500 F.2d 86
    , 90 (9th Cir. 1974)
    (“However difficult it may have been for the District Court to
    decide whether common questions predominate over individ-
    ual questions, it should not have sidestepped this preliminary
    requirement of the Rule by merely stating that the problem of
    individual questions ‘lies far beyond the horizon in the realm
    of speculation.’ ”). Moreover, the law on predominance
    requires the district court to consider variations in state law
    when a class action involves multiple jurisdictions. 
    Blackie v. Barrack, for example, we held that the trial court
    properly considered the “future course of the litigation” in
    determining whether class certification was appropriate. 
    524 F.2d 891
    , 900-01 (9th Cir. 1975) (“[T]he district judge is nec-
    essarily bound to some degree of speculation by the uncertain
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                 12763
    state of the record on which he must rule.”) (citations and
    quotations omitted).
    [8] Furthermore, the fact that AWS intended to compel
    arbitration was not speculative. By the time the district court
    decided Lozano’s class certification motion, AWS had
    already moved to compel arbitration of Lozano’s claims, and
    appealed the district court’s denial of that motion. Finally,
    with respect to his second claim of error, that the district court
    should have determined whether the class action waiver in
    this case would be enforceable for each state, we note that
    Lozano offers no explanation of how the district court was to
    conduct this analysis and how practical such analysis would
    be in this context. Thus, although he suggests that the district
    court should be required to engage in this analysis, he makes
    no attempt to do so himself. Nevertheless, we reject the notion
    that the district court was obligated to conduct a comprehen-
    sive survey of every state’s law on this issue.
    [9] Based on our conclusion that the district court did not
    abuse its discretion in considering AWS’s intent to move to
    compel arbitration of the class, and that it was not required to
    conduct a state-by-state analysis of this issue, we find that the
    district court did not abuse its discretion by declining to cer-
    tify a class on this basis.
    C.   DJA Claim
    Lozano also claims the district court erred when it held that
    Lozano’s DJA claim could not be certified as a class because
    it was “parasitic” of Lozano’s FCA claim. Although the dis-
    trict court did not specifically articulate its decision regarding
    class certification of the DJA claim, its ultimate conclusion is
    sound. If the certification of a potential nationwide class
    would require a state-by-state legal analysis of the arbitration
    agreement, and its accompanying class action waiver, then the
    same predominance analysis applies with equal force to pre-
    clude Lozano’s DJA claim. Lozano does not contend that his
    12764              LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    DJA claim is exempt from the arbitration agreement, or that
    his DJA claim requires a separate analysis. Lozano simply,
    and unconvincingly, contends that the district court failed to
    articulate its reasoning for denying class certification of the
    DJA claim. Counsel for Lozano conceded as much at oral
    argument, agreeing that the DJA claim is “parasitic” of the
    FCA claim, but requested a separate analysis of the claim
    under Rule 23(b)(2). As discussed infra, however, we find
    that the district court did not abuse its discretion in declining
    to certify a class under Rule 23(b)(2) for Lozano’s FCA
    1.    Rule 23(b)(2) Injunctive Relief
    [10] Lozano argues that the district court failed to address
    his request for Rule 23(b)(2) injunctive relief. This is incor-
    rect. The district court addressed Lozano’s request for injunc-
    tive relief pursuant to Rule 23(b)(2) and held that, based on
    the type of relief requested by Lozano in his Second Amended
    Complaint, Lozano was seeking primarily monetary damages,
    which defeats class certification under Rule 23(b)(2). See In
    re Paxil Litig., 
    218 F.R.D. 242
    , 247 (C.D. Cal. 2003) (finding
    a proposed class that is aimed at obtaining monetary relief to
    be inappropriate for certification under Rule 23(b)(2)); see
    also Molski v. Gleich, 
    318 F.3d 937
    , 950 (9th Cir. 2003)
    (focusing on the intent of the plaintiffs in bringing the suit).
    Here, the district court determined that Lozano sought primar-
    ily monetary damages, and thus, Rule 23(b)(2) certification
    was not appropriate. Indeed, even on appeal, Lozano does not
    contend that he is seeking primarily injunctive relief. Because
    the district court did not abuse its discretion in declining to
    certify a class pursuant to this provision, we affirm.
    2.    California Subclass for FCA and DJA Claims
    At a minimum, Lozano claims that the district court should
    have considered certifying a California subclass for his FCA
    and DJA claims. Lozano contends that a smaller California
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                  12765
    class would not be barred by issues of predominance. Lozano
    never requested that the district court consider a California
    subclass for these claims. Importantly, in requesting certifica-
    tion, Lozano distinguished his breach of contract claim by
    requesting that a nationwide Class, or alternatively, a Califor-
    nia Subclass, be certified on this claim. Lozano did not make
    a similar, alternative request with respect to the FCA and DJA
    [11] The district court did not err in failing to consider
    whether Lozano could bring his FCA and DJA claims as part
    of the California Subclass because Lozano never requested it.
    See Mpoyo v. Litton Electro-Optical Sys., 
    430 F.3d 985
    , 988
    (9th Cir. 2005); Cruz v. Am. Airlines, Inc., 
    356 F.3d 320
    , 329
    (D.C. Cir. 2004) (holding that its decision rests on its “well-
    established discretion not to consider claims that litigants fail
    to raise sufficiently below and on which district courts do not
    pass”); see also Hawkins v. Comparet-Cassani, 
    251 F.3d 1230
    , 1238 (9th Cir. 2001) (holding that plaintiff bears the
    burden of constructing and proposing subclass, not the district
    court) (quotations and citations omitted). We therefore reject
    Lozano’s appeal on this issue.
    D.   CLRA Claim
    [12] The CLRA makes it unlawful to use “unfair methods
    of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices” in the
    sale of goods or services to a consumer. 
    Cal. Civ. Code § 1770
    . The district court certified a class action based on
    AWS’s inclusion of an unconscionable class action waiver in
    an arbitration agreement pursuant to section 1770(a)(19) of
    the CLRA (“subsection (a)(19)”). 
     at § 1770(a)(19) (stating
    that the inclusion of an unconscionable provision in a contract
    is an unlawful business practice). The district court certified
    this class pursuant to a theory that was neither pled, nor prop-
    erly considered by the district court when granting class certi-
    fication. Accordingly, we reverse this district court’s order
    certifying a California class for Lozano’s CLRA claim.
    12766              LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    [13] In his complaint, Lozano asserts allegations under sub-
    section (a)(19), but none relate to class action waivers.
    Instead, Lozano alleges that “[b]y engaging in the practice of
    out-of-cycle billing while making inadequate and incomplete
    disclosures to consumers . . . Defendants have violated, and
    continue to violate, the CLRA in at least the following
    respects: . . . (d) in violation of section 1770(a)(19) of the
    CLRA, Defendants have inserted an unconscionable provision
    in a contract.” Thus, there is little doubt that Lozano’s subsec-
    tion (a)(19) claim, as originally pled, was tied entirely to
    AWS’s failure to adequately disclose its billing practices and
    not the class action waivers. After the district court held
    AWS’s class action waiver to be unconscionable pursuant to
    Ting and Ingle, however, Lozano argued that his subsection
    (a)(19) claim included the unconscionable class action waiver.
    [14] The district court rigorously analyzed the Rule 23(a)
    factors in considering whether to certify a class based on
    AWS’s practice of out-of-cycle billing and its disclosures
    relating to this practice. The district court did not analyze
    Lozano’s CLRA claim based on the unconscionability of the
    class action waiver against any of the four prerequisites for
    class action litigation: numerosity, commonality, typicality,
    and adequacy of representation. See Staton v. Boeing Co., 
    327 F.3d 938
    , 953 (9th Cir. 2003). The only class action factor the
    court considered was whether Rule 23(b)(3)’s predominance
    of class issues was satisfied. Because a class may be certified
    only if the district court is satisfied “after a rigorous analysis”
    that the prerequisites of Rule 23(a) have been met, we reverse
    the district court’s decision to certify a class action based on
    the unconscionability of AWS’s class action waiver. See
    Chamberlan v. Ford Motor Co., 
    402 F.3d 952
    , 961 (9th Cir.
    2005) (citing Gen. Tel. Co. of the S.W. v. Falcon, 
    457 U.S. 147
    , 161 (1982)).
    The district court’s failure to analyze the Rule 23(a) factors
    in determining whether to grant class certification based on
    Lozano’s unconscionability claim also resulted in its certify-
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                          12767
    ing a theory with no definable class. As stated above, the dis-
    trict court adopted a class definition for the California
    Subclass based solely on out-of-cycle billing.
    [15] The class the district court certified under subsection
    (a)(19) is wholly unrelated to this definition. Any class certi-
    fied under subsection (a)(19) necessitates a class definition
    that includes individuals who sought to bring class actions in
    California, but were precluded from doing so because of the
    class action waiver in AWS’s arbitration agreement, and suf-
    fered some resulting damage. See Wilens v. TD Waterhouse
    Group, Inc., 
    15 Cal. Rptr. 3d 271
    , 276-77 (Cal. Ct. App.
    2003) (holding a court may not presume damages based on
    the mere insertion of an unconscionable clause in a contract).
    The new class would be unrecognizable from the class defini-
    tion adopted by the district court. The district court’s failure
    to analyze Lozano’s section (a)(19) claim, and resulting fail-
    ure to identify a class based on a violation of this section, was
    manifest error. Accordingly, based on all the above reasons,
    we reverse the district court on this issue.7
    E.    UCL Claim
    The district court granted class certification for Lozano’s
    UCL claim based on his theory that AWS’s written disclo-
    sures were inadequate to inform AWS customers about the
    possibility of out-of-cycle billing. AWS claims the district
    court erred by granting Lozano’s motion for class certification
    for his UCL claim because (1) Lozano has no damages and
    therefore lacks standing; (2) Lozano’s damages, if any, are
    not typical of the class; and (3) individual issues predominate
    over class issues.
    The district court also certified a class pursuant to the UCL based
    solely on Lozano’s claim that AWS violated the CLRA. The above analy-
    sis applies with equal force to the district court’s certification of the deriv-
    ative UCL claim.
    12768              LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    [16] The UCL is a broad remedial statute that permits an
    individual to challenge wrongful business conduct “in what-
    ever context such activity might occur.” Cel-Tech Commc’ns,
    Inc. v. Los Angeles Cellular Tele. Co., 
    83 Cal. Rptr. 2d 548
    561 (1999) (citation omitted). It prohibits “unfair competi-
    tion,” which it broadly defined as including “any unlawful,
    unfair or fraudulent business act or practice and unfair, decep-
    tive, untrue or misleading advertising . . . .” 
    Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200
    . Because the statute is written in the disjunc-
    tive, it is violated where a defendant’s act or practice is (1)
    unlawful, (2) unfair, (3) fraudulent, or (4) in violation of sec-
    tion 17500 (false or misleading advertisements). Cel-Tech, 
    83 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 565
    . Each prong of the UCL is a separate and
    distinct theory of liability; thus, the “unfair” practices prong
    offers an independent basis for relief. South Bay Chevrolet v.
    Gen. Motors Acceptance Corp., 
    85 Cal. Rptr. 2d 301
    , 316-317
    (Cal. Ct. App. 1999) (citation and quotation omitted). Lozano
    asserts that AWS’s conduct was “unfair” because it did not
    fully and adequately disclose its billing practices at the time
    customers contracted with it to obtain cellular services.
    1.    Standing
    AWS argues that Lozano lacks standing under the UCL
    because he suffered no damages from out-of-cycle billing.
    When Lozano filed this action, any person could assert a UCL
    claim on behalf of the general public regardless of whether
    they suffered an actual injury. 
    Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17204
     (2003). Thus, as originally drafted, the UCL gave
    any person authority to assert a UCL claim on behalf of the
    public as a private attorney general. In 2001, Lozano filed this
    putative class action both as a private attorney general and as
    an injured plaintiff.
    After filing this lawsuit, but before the district court granted
    class certification, the voters of California enacted Proposition
    64, which eliminated private attorney general standing for
    UCL claims. 
    Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17204
    . After Proposi-
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                 12769
    tion 64, a person asserting an unfair competition claim must
    allege that (1) he or she “suffered injury in fact,” and (2) “lost
    money or property as a result of such unfair competition.” 
    While Proposition 64 did not expressly declare that the new
    standing requirements applied to cases pending at the time of
    its enactment, in July 2006, the California Supreme Court
    answered the question in the affirmative. See Californians for
    Disability Rights v. Mervyn’s, LLC, 
    46 Cal. Rptr. 3d 57
    , 64
    (Cal. 2006) (“For a lawsuit properly to be allowed to continue
    standing must exist at all times until judgment is entered and
    not just on the date the complaint is filed.”).
    The district court did not consider Lozano’s standing as a
    private attorney general, but focused instead on whether his
    claimed injuries were such that he had standing to bring a
    UCL claim as an injured plaintiff. The district court, incorpo-
    rating its findings from its summary judgment order, found
    that Lozano had sufficient evidence of actual injury as a result
    of AWS’s inadequate disclosures — the reimbursement of
    which the district found to be an attempt to avoid suit —
    together with an injury it termed the “reservation” injury.
    Thus, we must determine whether the type of injury articu-
    lated by the district court is sufficient to establish Lozano’s
    standing pursuant to section 17204, as amended by Proposi-
    tion 64.
    The parties do not dispute that Lozano suffered pecuniary
    loss as a result of his alleged unawareness of AWS’s out-of-
    cycle billing practices. Shortly after contracting with AWS for
    cellular service, Lozano received an invoice stating that he
    had been charged fees as a result of out-of-cycle minutes from
    his previous invoice. The record also supports a finding that,
    during the course of his contract with AWS, AWS would
    occasionally charge Lozano an overage fee based on out-of-
    cycle billing. AWS contends, however, that these charges
    were offset by the benefits Lozano received from out-of-cycle
    billing. In considering these claims of error, we must address
    the effect of AWS’s reimbursement to Lozano for his out-of-
    12770             LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    cycle charges prior to his filing suit, and the effect of the
    claimed offset of benefits Lozano received during the same
    With respect to the former issue regarding the effect of
    AWS’s reimbursement prior to suit, the district court found
    that AWS reimbursed Lozano only after realizing that Lozano
    “was instigating legal proceedings” against it. Based on this
    factual finding, which we review for clear error, the district
    court concluded that it was not divested of its power to hear
    the case. In so concluding, the district court relied on United
    States v. W.T. Grant, where the Supreme Court held that “the
    voluntary cessation of allegedly illegal conduct does not
    deprive the tribunal of power to hear and determine the case,”
    unless there is no reasonable expectation that the wrong will
    be repeated; otherwise, the “defendant is free to return to his
    old ways.” 
    345 U.S. 629
    , 632 (1953) (citations and quotations
    omitted); see also DeFunis v. Odegaard, 
    416 U.S. 312
    , 318
    (1974). The district court found that it did not need to specu-
    late as to whether AWS would return “to its old ways”
    because AWS’s position was that its practice of out-of-cycle
    billing was legal and adequately disclosed to its customers.
    While we agree with the district court’s ultimate decision
    regarding the justiciability of Lozano’s claim, we analyze the
    claim differently to address issue of both standing and moot-
    ness. As stated above, the district court relied on W.T. Grant
    and DeFunis to support its finding that Lozano’s injuries,
    capable of being repeated, were justiciable. Both cases are
    based on mootness, i.e., plaintiff had standing when he or she
    filed suit but due to a changed circumstance his or her claim
    became moot. Here, AWS argues that Lozano did not have
    standing to bring this action in the first instance. While some
    courts have characterized mootness simply as “the doctrine of
    standing set in a time frame,” see Arizonans for Official
    English v. Arizona, 
    520 U.S. 43
    , 68 n.22 (1997), a careful
    analysis should distinguish the two doctrines.
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                          12771
    In determining mootness, the defendant bears the burden of
    showing that its voluntary compliance moots a case by con-
    vincing the court that “it is absolutely clear the allegedly
    wrongful behavior could not reasonably be expected to
    recur.” Friends of the Earth, 528 U.S. at 190 (citation omit-
    ted). By contrast, in determining standing issues the court
    considers whether the plaintiff has demonstrated that, “if
    unchecked by the litigation, the defendant’s allegedly wrong-
    ful behavior will likely occur or continue, and that the threat-
    ened injury is certainly impending.” Id. (internal quotation
    marks and citations omitted). Thus, Lozano bears the initial
    affirmative burden of showing that AWS’s conduct is likely
    to continue and that the threatened injury is certainly impend-
    ing. Conversely, to establish mootness, AWS must convince
    the court that its conduct is not reasonably expected to recur.
    [17] Based on the facts before us, we find that Lozano,
    when faced with the realistic threat that AWS would continue
    to charge him for out-of-cycle calls, had standing to bring this
    claim. Likewise, there is nothing in the record that supports
    a finding that Lozano’s claim is now moot. We base our deci-
    sion on the following: (1) Lozano continues to be a customer
    of AWS’s cellular service, subject to AWS’s out-of-cycle bill-
    ing practices; (2) after this suit was filed, Lozano suffered
    another overage charge as a result of out-of-cycle billing;8 and
    (3) if the disclosures were inadequate, then Lozano may show
    that as a result of the inadequacies of the disclosures, he did
    not receive the full benefit of his contract with AWS. This lat-
    ter injury is what the district court defined as the “reservation”
    injury. That is, Lozano contracted for 400 free “anytime”
    minutes. Yet, due to out-cycle-billing, he reserved, and there-
    fore lost, a certain number of those minutes each billing
    period to account for the late-billed roaming calls.
    Whether this overage charge was offset by benefits Lozano received as
    a result of out-of-cycle billing is a determination better left to a fact-finder
    during the merits portion of the lawsuit.
    12772                LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    [18] The next question we address is whether these injuries
    are recoverable under the UCL. The only types of relief avail-
    able under the UCL actions are injunctive and restorative.
    Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17203
    ; see also Cel-Tech, 
    83 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 560
    . While restoring Lozano’s overage payments,
    if any, fits squarely within the restorative context of the UCL,
    we question whether restoring Lozano’s “reserved” minutes
    falls into this category. Restitution in the UCL context, how-
    ever, includes restoring money or property that was not neces-
    sarily in the plaintiff’s possession. The California Supreme
    Court has “stated that the concept of restoration or restitution,
    as used in the UCL, is not limited only to the return of money
    or property that was once in the possession of that person.
    Instead, restitution is broad enough to allow a plaintiff to
    recover money or property in which he or she has a vested
    interest.” See Juarez v. Arcadia Fin., Ltd., 
    61 Cal. Rptr. 3d 382
    , 400 (Cal. Ct. App. 2007) (citing Korea Supply Co. v.
    Lockheed Martin Corp., 
    131 Cal. Rptr. 2d 29
    , 42 (2003)).
    Here, Lozano has a vested interest in 400 free anytime min-
    utes. Due to out-of-cycle billing, however, Lozano found it
    necessary to reserve, and therefore lose, a certain number of
    those minutes each billing period. Accordingly, we find that
    Lozano has properly stated an injury that he did not receive
    the full value of his contract with AWS due to its alleged fail-
    ure to disclose out-of-cycle billing, and that this injury is
    redressable under the UCL. See Daghlian v. DeVry Univ.,
    461 F. Supp. 2d 1121
    , 1155 (C.D. Cal. 2006) (accepting
    plaintiff’s theory that he suffered injury under the UCL
    because he paid thousands of dollars of tuition to defendant
    university and “did not receive what he had bargained for”
    due to its alleged unfair business practices).
    2.    Typicality
    AWS next contends that, even if Lozano could show injury,
    his injury is not typical of the class, and he therefore is an
    inadequate class representative. AWS bases its contentions on
    the fact that Lozano was reimbursed for his out-of-cycle bill-
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                  12773
    ing charges, he benefitted overall from out-of-cycle billing
    over the course of his contract with AWS, and his claimed
    damages for “reserving” minutes is unique to him.
    Under Rule 23(a)(3), it is not necessary that all class mem-
    bers suffer the same injury as the class representative. See
    Negrete v. Allianz Life Ins. Co. of N. Am., 
    238 F.R.D. 482
    488 n.8 (C.D. Cal. 2006) (citing Rosario v. Livaditis, 
    963 F.2d 1013
    , 1017 (7th Cir. 1992) (further citations omitted)); see
    also Simpson v. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co., 
    231 F.R.D. 391
    396 (N.D. Cal. 2005) (“In determining whether typicality is
    met, the focus should be ‘on the defendants’ conduct and
    plaintiff’s legal theory,’ not the injury caused to the plain-
    tiff.”) (quoting Rosario, 
    963 F.2d at 1018
    [19] We agree with the district court that Lozano’s injuries
    are typical of the class. The class definition includes all Cali-
    fornia customers that AWS charged for calls made during a
    billing period other than the billing period in which the calls
    were made. Given AWS’s policy of offering a one-time reim-
    bursement to customers who complain when they receive an
    invoice containing charges for out-of-cycle calls, along with
    an explanation of out-of-cycle billing, it does not strain the
    parameters of typicality to presume that many of these cus-
    tomers will thereafter reserve minutes to account for AWS’s
    billing practice. Thus, the class is likely to include customers
    who were charged for overage fees, as well as customers who,
    after learning of out-of-cycle billing, reserved their minutes.
    We therefore do not find that the district court erred in hold-
    ing Lozano’s claims typical of the class.
    3.   Predominance of Common Issues
    AWS argues that because all of Lozano’s claims involve
    some proof of individual knowledge and expectations, all
    should fail under Rule 23(b)(3) because individual issues
    would necessarily predominate over common issues. The dis-
    trict court itself found that individual issues predominated in
    12774              LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    Lozano’s breach of contract and CLRA claims, but found that
    common issues predominated in the UCL claim.
    In its order on class certification, the district court found
    that Lozano’s breach of contract and CLRA claims required
    an individualized analysis of awareness and knowledge of
    AWS’s out-of-cycle billing practices, such that the predomi-
    nance prong of Rule 23(b)(3) was not met. AWS now argues
    that the district court’s finding, that predominance was not
    fatal to class certification of Lozano’s UCL claim, is inconsis-
    tent with its findings with respect to the breach of contract
    and CLRA claims. First, we examine the basis of the district
    court’s decisions not to certify on those claims and then turn
    to considering how the UCL claim does, or does not, differ.
    Though Lozano requested certification on four separate
    theories under the CLRA, the district court denied certifica-
    tion on the first three theories, which were based on fraudu-
    lent or misleading representations, and granted certification
    on the fourth, relating to insertion of an unconscionable arbi-
    tration clause. In denying certification on the first three theo-
    ries, the district court relied on the analysis of “materiality”
    in Caro v. Proctor & Gamble, 
    22 Cal. Rptr. 2d 419
     (Cal. Ct.
    App. 1993). There, the California Court of Appeals concluded
    that individual issues predominated in the plaintiff’s CLRA
    class action based on orange juice labeling. 
    Id. at 432-33
    Because the CLRA requires that any misrepresentations be
    material, the court found that it would have to determine
    whether each customer in the class thought the orange juice
    was “fresh” as advertised, or whether the customer had read
    the side of the carton disclosing that the juice came from con-
     Similarly, the district court in this case found that
    it would have to conduct an individualized review as to each
    class member’s awareness and knowledge of out-of-cycle
    billing and AWS’s disclosures to determine whether its repre-
    sentations were material under the CLRA.
    With respect to Lozano’s breach of contract claim, the dis-
    trict court held that it would have to ascertain each individu-
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                  12775
    al’s expectations about the contract, and determine whether
    those expectations were reasonable. Thus, the district court
    found that individual issues predominated over the class
    issues with respect to Lozano’s breach of contract claim. The
    district court specifically noted, however, that its decision
    would be different had Lozano based his contract claim on a
    theory about the uniformity of AWS’s disclosures about out-
    of-cycle billing, rather than about reasonable expectations.
    The legal analysis required under the UCL resembles, but
    remains distinct from, both the CLRA’s materiality inquiry
    and the common law’s emphasis on reasonable expectations.
    Construing Lozano’s theory to be based on AWS’s uniform
    written disclosures to its customers, the district court consid-
    ered the weight individualized proof would play under the test
    prescribed by South Bay. This test involves balancing the
    harm to the consumer against the utility of the defendant’s
    practice. See South Bay, 
    85 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 315
    . The district
    court held that “the possibility of some slightly different indi-
    vidual circumstances” would not destroy the predominance of
    common issues in light of the legal standard. AWS argues that
    the district court erred because the UCL in fact does require
    consideration of individual issues.
    California’s unfair competition law, as it applies to con-
    sumer suits, is currently in flux. In 1999, the California
    Supreme Court rejected the balancing test in South Bay in
    suits involving unfairness to the defendant’s competitors. See
    83 Cal. Rptr. 2d 548
    . The court held that this bal-
    ancing test was “too amorphous” and “provide[d] too little
    guidance to courts and businesses.” 
    Id. at 567
    . The court then
    held that unfairness must “be tethered to some legislatively
    declared policy or proof of some actual or threatened impact
    on competition.” 
    Id. at 565
    . This holding, however, was lim-
    ited to actions based on unfairness to competitors. 
    Id. at n.12
    The California courts have not yet determined how to
    define “unfair” in the consumer action context after Cel-Tech.
    12776             LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    In the First District Court of Appeals, the court extended the
    Cel-Tech definition to consumer cases. See Gregory v. Albert-
    son’s, Inc.,
    128 Cal. Rptr. 2d 389
     (Cal. Ct. App. 2002). The
    Fourth District Court of Appeals initially proposed a test
    along the lines of Cel-Tech but later avoided the question by
    dismissing the claim under both the old and the new standard.
    See Bardin v. Daimlerchrysler Corp., 
    39 Cal. Rptr. 3d 634
    636 (Cal. Ct. App. 2006); Scripps Clinic v. Superior Court,
    134 Cal. Rptr. 2d 101
     (Cal. Ct. App. 2003). The Second Dis-
    trict Court of Appeals has issued two conflicting decisions,
    one applying the old balancing test, see McKell v. Washington
    Mut., Inc., 
    49 Cal. Rptr. 3d 227
    , 238 (Cal. Ct. App. 2006), and
    another, issued during the same week, holding that Cel-Tech
    overruled all prior definitions of unfairness and created a new
    test, see Camacho v. Automobile Club of Southern California,
    48 Cal. Rptr. 3d 770
    , 776 (Cal. Ct. App. 2006). In Camacho,
    the court chose to apply the three-pronged test contained in
    the Federal Trade Commission Act, 
    15 U.S.C. § 45
    (a). See 
    id. at 776
    While we agree with the Fourth District that Cel-Tech
    effectively rejects the balancing approach, we do not agree
    that the FTC test is appropriate in this circumstance. Though
    the California Supreme Court did reference FTC’s section 5
    as a source of “guidance,” that discussion clearly revolves
    around anti-competitive conduct, rather than anti-consumer
    conduct. See Cel-Tech, 
    83 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 565
     (“As the issue
    before us in this case arises out of a claim of unfair competi-
    tion between direct competitors, the relevant jurisprudence
    would be that arising under section 5’s prohibition against
    “unfair methods of competition.”). Accordingly, we decline to
    apply the FTC standard in the absence of a clear holding from
    the California Supreme Court.
    [20] The remaining options, then, are to apply Cel-Tech
    directly to this case and require that the unfairness be tied to
    a “legislatively declared” policy, see Scripps Clinic, 
    134 Cal. Rptr. 2d 101
    , or to adhere to the former balancing test under
    LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS                12777
    South Bay. These options, however, are not mutually exclu-
    sive. In Schnall v. Hertz Corp., 
    93 Cal. Rptr. 2d 439
     (Cal. Ct.
    App. 2000), the appellate court in the First District reversed
    the dismissal of a complaint in an unfair competition case
    where the alleged unfairness was both tethered to a legisla-
    tively declared policy and the plaintiff could prove facts
    showing that the harm was not outweighed by the utility.
    Because adopting one standard does not necessitate rejection
    of the other, we hold that, no matter the status of Cel-Tech,
    the district court did not apply the wrong legal standard by
    relying on the balancing test from South Bay. In the absence
    of further clarification by the California Supreme Court, we
    endorse the district court’s approach to the law as if it still
    contained a balancing test.
    AWS argues that, under South Bay, though, individualized
    circumstances matter in the determination of whether a prac-
    tice is unfair. We agree that evidence about individual knowl-
    edge and expectations may help the court determine the extent
    of the harm for the purposes of the UCL’s balancing test. In
    South Bay, the appellate court rejected a car dealership’s
    claim that the manufacturer’s financing arm used an unfair
    method of calculating interest. The court found that “substan-
    tial evidence indicated South Bay entered into the disputed
    loan agreements knowing, understanding, agreeing and
    expecting that GMAC would use the [allegedly unfair]
    method to calculate interest.” See South Bay, 85 Cal. Rptr. at
    316. Based on this record, and in light of the fact that this
    method was widely used and even expected in contracts with
    other dealerships, the court found that practice was not unfair
    as to South Bay Chevrolet itself.
    [21] The district court in this case took individual circum-
    stances into account but ultimately determined that South Bay
    was distinguishable. The district court found that Lozano’s
    claim was based on uniform disclosures made by AWS to all
    its consumers, whereas the disclosures in South Bay varied
    from dealer to dealer. Therefore, the individual circumstances
    12778             LOZANO v. AT&T WIRELESS
    regarding how these disclosures were read or received would
    not destroy predominance, in the district court’s view. Though
    we might have decided the issue differently, our review is
    “limited to assuring that the district court’s determination has
    a basis in reason.” Gonzales v. Free Speech Coalition, 
    408 F.3d 613
    , 618 (9th Cir. 2005) (citation omitted). The district
    court gave full consideration to AWS’s argument and did not
    abuse its discretion in determining that individual circum-
    stances would not defeat the predominance of common issues.
    We accordingly affirm its certification of the class.
    [22] Finally, we find no basis for AWS’s contention that
    the district court failed to consider the effect of affirmative
    defenses on class treatment. Our review of the district court’s
    order reveals that it properly considered each of AWS’s
    defenses in determining whether to certify a class.
    We reverse the district court’s order granting class certifi-
    cation of Lozano’s CLRA claim based on the inclusion of an
    unconscionable clause in the agreement. Similarly, we reverse
    the district court’s certification of Lozano’s UCL claim based
    on unlawful conduct, as it is dependent on Lozano’s CLRA
    claim. We otherwise affirm the district court’s order on class
    certification. Each party shall bear its own costs on appeal.
    See Fed. R. App. P. 39(a)(4)
    AFFIRMED in part, REVERSED in part.

Document Info

Docket Number: 05-56466

Filed Date: 9/20/2007

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/14/2015

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