Evanston Insurance v. Oea, Inc. ( 2009 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    No. 07-15316
    D.C. Nos.
    OEA, INC.,
    Appellant,       DFL/EFB
    and                        DFL/PAN
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of California
    David F. Levi, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    January 15, 2009—San Francisco, California
    Filed May 21, 2009
    Before: Procter Hug, Jr., Stephen Reinhardt and
    A. Wallace Tashima, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Hug
    6068          EVANSTON INSURANCE v. OEA, INC.
    Jeffrey Isaac Ehrlich, The Ehrlich Law Firm, Claremont, Cali-
    fornia, for the appellant.
    David Tartaglio, Musick Peeler and Garrett, LLP, Los Ange-
    les, California, for appellee Evanston Insurance Company.
    Dirk M. Schenkkan and Sean M. SeLegue, Howard Rice
    Nemerovski Canady Falk & Rabkin, San Francisco, Califor-
    EVANSTON INSURANCE v. OEA, INC.                     6069
    nia, for appellee Arrowood Indemnity Company, successor-
    in-interest to Royal Insurance Company of America.
    HUG, Circuit Judge:
    OEA, Inc. (“OEA”) appeals the final judgment incorporat-
    ing the district court’s orders of September 22, 2003 and
    March 30, 2004 granting summary judgment for Evanston
    Insurance Company (“Evanston”) and Royal Insurance Com-
    pany of America (“Royal”) and awarding prejudgment inter-
    est to Evanston.1 The insurance policies at issue are general
    commercial liability policies, with the Royal policy providing
    excess coverage above the Evanston policy. In granting sum-
    mary judgment, the district court determined that Evanston
    and Royal were not obligated to defend and indemnify OEA
    in two actions brought by employees of OEA’s subsidiary
    OEA Aerospace, Inc. (“Aerospace”), and that Evanston was
    entitled to reimbursement of and prejudgment interest on
    funds it had paid toward OEA’s defense and settlement pursu-
    ant to a reservation of rights. On appeal, OEA contends that
    the district court erroneously decided a disputed issue of fact
    in granting summary judgment for Evanston and Royal and
    that the district court erred in awarding prejudgment interest
    for Evanston where OEA’s liability was not established until
    the grant of summary judgment. Because the reimbursement
    to Evanston and the award of prejudgment interest were both
    proper, we affirm.2
    OEA also sought appellate review of the district court’s order of July
    26, 2005 granting summary judgment for Nutmeg Insurance Company and
    Twin City Fire Insurance Company. OEA, Nutmeg, and Twin City have
    since entered into a settlement agreement. The appeal was voluntarily dis-
    missed as to Nutmeg and Twin City in accordance with Federal Rule of
    Appellate Procedure 42(b).
    In light of our disposition of this appeal, Evanston’s motion to strike
    portions of OEA’s reply brief is denied as moot.
    6070           EVANSTON INSURANCE v. OEA, INC.
    OEA is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of
    business in Denver, Colorado. Until 1994, it manufactured
    booster caps and other items for use in the aerospace industry;
    many of its products had explosive components, including the
    booster caps. Aerospace is located in Fairfield, California and
    is the wholly owned subsidiary of OEA. OEA alleges that it
    transferred its aerospace business to Aerospace in 1994 and,
    from that point on, limited its business to manufacturing auto-
    motive safety devices.
    In two incidents in late 1995 and early 1996, Aerospace
    employees Patricia Shugart (“Shugart”) and Karen Wise
    (“Wise”) were injured while repairing booster caps originally
    sold and manufactured by OEA. Both employees eventually
    retained the same attorney—Paul Kranz (“Kranz”). Shugart
    filed suit on December 18, 1996, and Wise did so on February
    6, 1997. The complaints are virtually identical: both name
    “OEA, OEA Aerospace, and Does 1 through 200” as defen-
    dants and allege liability under theories of general negligence,
    products liability, premises liability, and strict liability.
    OEA purchased a general liability policy from Evanston in
    1998, with policy limits of $1 million per claim and $2 mil-
    lion in the aggregate. The Evanston policy period ran from
    May 1, 1998 to May 1, 1999 and provided coverage for
    OD.” The policy defines a “claim” as “a notice received by
    the insured of an intention to hold the insured responsible for
    an Occurrence involving the policy and shall include the ser-
    vice of suit or institution of arbitration proceedings against the
    insured.” The Royal policy provided $5 million in excess cov-
    erage above the Evanston policy during a policy period coter-
    minous with the Evanston policy period. OEA contends that,
    EVANSTON INSURANCE v. OEA, INC.            6071
    prior to the policy period, it was unaware of Shugart’s and
    Wise’s intent to hold OEA liable.
    Aerospace was served with Shugart’s complaint on June
    10, 1997, but OEA was not served until over a year later on
    October 23, 1998. On November 3, 1997, James Welsh
    (“Welsh”), OEA’s Director of Personnel and Security, was
    served with Wise’s complaint as “Agent for Service of Pro-
    cess of OEA Aerospace, Inc.” Welsh, however, was not the
    agent for service of process for Aerospace. It does not appear
    that Wise made any further attempts to serve OEA or Aero-
    When Aerospace received the Shugart complaint in June
    1997, it forwarded a copy to Welsh at OEA, but Welsh con-
    cluded that Shugart’s claim would be handled exclusively as
    a worker’s compensation claim. He notified Aerospace’s
    worker’s compensation carrier of the claim through its agent,
    Patricia Hollenbeck. When Welsh received the Wise com-
    plaint, he followed the same procedure.
    OEA and Aerospace filed answers to the Shugart and Wise
    complaints on January 8, 1999 and March 30, 1999, respec-
    tively. Aerospace was ultimately dismissed from the actions
    because the claims were barred under the worker’s compensa-
    tion laws.
    Following a jury trial, a $13,680,565 judgment (including
    $10 million in punitive damages) was entered against OEA in
    the Shugart suit. The California Court of Appeal, however,
    overturned the jury award on June 27, 2005 and remanded for
    a new trial. Shugart v. OEA, Inc., No. A099649, 
    2005 WL 1503812
    , at *1 (Cal. Ct. App. June 28, 2005, as modified July
    22, 2005). OEA later settled both suits. Under a full reserva-
    tion of rights, Evanston paid $345,783.22 toward OEA’s
    defense in the Shugart case and paid $1,199,141,10 to defend
    and settle the Wise suit.
    6072           EVANSTON INSURANCE v. OEA, INC.
    Evanston filed suit in state court on November 17, 2001,
    alleging that OEA was liable for breach of contract, inten-
    tional misrepresentation, and rescission of insurance contract.
    After removing these suits to federal court on grounds of
    diversity of citizenship, OEA brought counterclaims against
    Evanston, Royal, and other insurers not party to this appeal,
    alleging breach of contract and breach of the covenant of
    good faith and fair dealing. Royal counterclaimed and thereaf-
    ter filed a first amended counterclaim against OEA on Octo-
    ber 11, 2002.
    OEA, Evanston, and Royal filed motions for partial sum-
    mary judgment on the issue of whether the Evanston and
    Royal policies provided coverage for the Wise and Shugart
    claims. In its September 19, 2003 order, the district court con-
    cluded that the claims were not covered because they were
    first made in 1997, prior to the Evanston and Royal insurance
    policy period. The court therefore granted partial summary
    judgment for Evanston and Royal.
    Evanston then moved for summary judgment, seeking
    reimbursement of amounts paid for OEA’s defense and pre-
    judgment interest from the date of payment. The district court
    granted the motion by its order of March 29, 2004. After the
    district court denied OEA’s motion for reconsideration,
    Evanston requested the entry of judgment. The judgment and
    amended judgment were entered for Evanston on February 7,
    2007 and February 9, 2007, respectively, and OEA timely
    appealed. We have jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 1332
    Liability for Costs of Defense and Settlement
    OEA challenges the district court’s grant of summary judg-
    ment on the amounts paid for defense and settlement, arguing
    that the district court erred by resolving a factual dispute
    EVANSTON INSURANCE v. OEA, INC.             6073
    when it determined that the Shugart and Wise claims were
    first made prior to the Evanston and Royal policy period. We
    review a district court’s grant of summary judgment de novo.
    Arakaki v. Hawaii, 
    314 F.3d 1091
    , 1094 (9th Cir. 2002). In
    reviewing the grant of summary judgment for Evanston and
    Royal, “[w]e must determine, viewing the evidence in the
    light most favorable to [OEA], whether there are any genuine
    issues of material fact and whether the district court correctly
    applied the substantive law. See Olsen v. Idaho State Bd. of
    363 F.3d 916
    , 922 (9th Cir. 2004). We do not weigh the
    evidence or determine the truth of the matter; instead, we only
    determine whether there is a genuine issue for trial. See Balint
    v. Carson City, 
    180 F.3d 1047
    , 1054 (9th Cir. 1999) (en
    It is undisputed that OEA became aware of the Shugart
    complaint in June 1997 and the Wise complaint in November
    1997, before the Evanston and Royal policy periods com-
    menced on May 1, 1998. Relying on this fact and the content
    of the complaints, the district court held that the claims were
    first made in 1997. But, OEA contends that it did not become
    aware of Shugart’s and Wise’s intention to hold OEA liable
    for their injuries until October 1998, by which time the poli-
    cies were in effect. OEA argues that in granting summary
    judgment on this issue, the district court wrongly decided a
    disputed fact—whether it was reasonable for OEA to read the
    complaints as not evincing an intent to hold OEA liable for
    the injuries at issue. We disagree. The complaints make clear
    Shugart’s and Wise’s intention to hold OEA liable, and the
    district court properly held that there was no genuine issue of
    material fact as to the date the claims were first made.
    DURING THE POLICY PERIOD” are covered by the Evans-
    ton and Royal policies. A claim is defined in the Evanston
    policy as “a notice received by the insured of an intention to
    hold the Insured responsible for an Occurrence involving this
    policy and shall include the service of suit or institution of
    6074            EVANSTON INSURANCE v. OEA, INC.
    arbitration proceedings against the Insured.” The district court
    interpreted this language as follows:
    The policy defines “claim” as a “notice.” Without
    saying so explicitly, Evanston and OEA appear to
    agree that the language incorporates a reasonable
    person standard. A foolish or overly sophisticated
    failure or refusal to realize that one is the intended
    object of suit would be of no assistance to an
    insured. Similarly, a confusingly vague or indefinite
    notification would not amount to a claim if a reason-
    able insured would not deem it such.
    OEA agrees with this interpretation, but argues that whether
    a reasonable insured would understand the complaint as
    evincing an intention to hold OEA liable is a question for the
    [1] Given the undisputed content of the complaints and
    OEA’s receipt of both complaints, there is no genuine dispute
    as to when OEA received notice of Shugart’s and Wise’s
    intention to hold OEA responsible for their injuries. Both
    complaints clearly list “OEA, OEA Aerospace, and Does 1 to
    200” as defendants. OEA and OEA Aerospace are described
    as separate business organizations in the complaints. The
    causes of action are listed as (1) general negligence, (2) prod-
    ucts liability, (3) premises liability, and (4) strict liability. In
    alleging a cause of action for products liability, Shugart and
    Wise alleged that OEA alone sold the gunpowder, storage
    bins and trays, protective gear, and other products that con-
    tributed to their injuries. Elsewhere in the complaints, facts
    are alleged against both OEA and OEA Aerospace.
    OEA argues that other evidence nonetheless creates a genu-
    ine issue of material fact as to the reasonableness of OEA’s
    understanding that Shugart and Wise did not intend to hold
    OEA liable. The evidence does indicate that, as a general mat-
    ter, OEA and Aerospace were frequently confused as corpo-
    EVANSTON INSURANCE v. OEA, INC.              6075
    rate entities and that, at times, Aerospace was referred to as
    OEA. It is also undisputed that Shugart and Wise did not seek
    to serve OEA independently from Aerospace in 1997. And,
    finally, OEA has proffered direct and circumstantial evidence
    of various individuals’ subjective beliefs that the complaints
    did not state a cause of action against OEA.
    [2] Despite OEA’s subjective belief, the complaints at issue
    clearly name OEA as a defendant separate from Aerospace.
    Taking the evidence in the light most favorable to OEA, the
    complaints constituted a notice received by OEA of an inten-
    tion to hold OEA responsible for injuries. Any subjective
    belief that the complaints solely allege worker’s compensa-
    tion claims against Aerospace was unreasonable where the
    complaints specifically allege that OEA is liable for injuries
    caused by products it manufactured and sold. The factual dis-
    putes cited by OEA are immaterial against the undisputed
    content of the complaints.
    [3] OEA’s contention that summary judgment was
    improper because reasonableness is generally a factual
    inquiry left to the jury, is also unavailing. Although “the
    jury’s unique competence in applying the reasonable man
    standard is thought ordinarily to preclude summary judg-
    ment,” we have “squarely rejected the contention that reason-
    ableness is always a question of fact which precludes
    summary judgment.” In re Software Toolworks Inc., 
    50 F.3d 615
    , 622 (9th Cir. 1994) (internal quotation marks and cita-
    tion omitted). “Rather, reasonableness becomes a question of
    law and loses its triable character if the undisputed facts leave
    no room for a reasonable difference of opinion.” 
     at 621-
    622 (internal quotation marks and citations omitted). In this
    case, the facts leave no room for a reasonable difference of
    opinion, and summary judgment was appropriate.
    [4] Because the claims were made prior to the policy
    period, they were not even potentially covered. OEA did not
    pay premiums to cover these claims, and when Evanston
    6076           EVANSTON INSURANCE v. OEA, INC.
    made payments for OEA’s defense and settlement, OEA
    received more than its bargained-for coverage. Therefore,
    Evanston is entitled to the reimbursement of $1,544,924.32 in
    defense and settlement costs.
    Prejudgment Interest
    [5] OEA also challenges the award of prejudgment interest
    to Evanston because the amounts paid for defense and settle-
    ment did not vest as required by California Civil Code
    § 3287(a). Under California Civil Code § 3287(a), “[e]very
    person who is entitled to recover damages certain, or capable
    of being made certain by calculation, and the right to recover
    which is vested in him upon a particular day, is entitled also
    to recover interest thereon from that day . . . .” The parties
    agree that the amount of Evanston’s damages was “certain”
    once Evanston made payment toward OEA’s defense and set-
    tlement, but OEA contends that Evanston’s right to reim-
    bursement did not “vest” prior to the district court’s grant of
    summary judgment, making Evanston ineligible for prejudg-
    ment interest. The other contention made by OEA is that pre-
    judgment interest should not be applicable in the insurer-
    insured context.
    In its March 30, 2004 order, the district court found that the
    right to reimbursement vested when Evanston made payment
    to OEA and awarded prejudgment interest from the time the
    payments were made. The district court’s interpretation of
    state law is reviewed de novo. Paulson v. City of San Diego,
    294 F.3d 1124
    , 1128 (9th Cir. 2002) (en banc). We are bound
    to follow the decisions of the state’s highest court, but, where
    “the state supreme court has not spoken on an issue, we must
    determine what result the court would reach based on state
    appellate court opinions, statutes and treatises.” 
    Hewitt v. Joyner, 
    940 F.2d 1561
    , 1565 (9th Cir. 1991)).
    EVANSTON INSURANCE v. OEA, INC.              6077
    [6] California cases uniformly have interpreted the “vest-
    ing” requirement as being satisfied at the time that the amount
    of damages become certain or capable of being made certain,
    not the time liability to pay those amounts is determined. See
    e.g., Hartford Accident & Indem. Co. v. Sequoia Ins. Co., 
    211 Cal. App. 3d 1285
    , 1291, 1307 (1989) (awarding prejudgment
    interest from the date plaintiff paid to settle a claim in full
    even though the defendants’ legal liability obligating them to
    contribute to the settlement was not established until the entry
    of summary judgment); Overholser v. Glynn, 
    267 Cal. App. 2d 800
    , 809-10 (1968) (holding that the plaintiff-guarantor’s
    right to recover the money “vested” when he paid to satisfy
    his coguarantors’ indebtedness). The case of Levy-Zentner
    Co. v. Southern Pacific Transportation Co., 
    74 Cal. App. 3d 762
     (1977), made an extensive historical review of § 3287
    since its enactment in 1872. The court stated that § 3287(a)
    applies by its terms without restriction to “Every person who
    is entitled to recover damages” as long as the damages are
    “certain or capable of being made certain by calculation.” Id.
    at 796 (italics in original).
    [7] Our opinion in Highlands Insurance Co. v. Continental
    Casualty Co. stated, “While a factual dispute respecting dam-
    ages will preclude a grant of prejudgment interest under
    § 3287(a) a legal dispute will not.” 
    64 F.3d 514
    , 521 (9th Cir.
    1995) (citing Hartford, 211 Cal. App. 3d at 1307). The opin-
    ion also relies on the Levy-Zentner case in determining that
    prejudgment interest runs from the day damages are of a
    nature to be certain or capable of being made certain.
    [8] It is clear that the “vesting” provision as interpreted by
    the California courts and our opinion in Highlands relying on
    California law, requires that the amount must be vested, not
    that the legal entitlement to that amount be vested. OEA’s
    interpretation of § 3287(a) would rule out any prejudgment
    interest where legal liability can only be determined after
    judgment. The statute and case law, however, make clear that
    the California legislature intended to allow for prejudgment
    6078            EVANSTON INSURANCE v. OEA, INC.
    interest where the amount of damages is certain instead of
    restricting plaintiffs to postjudgment interest.
    [9] The Levy-Zentner case and our court’s reliance on it in
    Highlands also answers the other question of whether the sec-
    tion is applicable to the insurer-insured situation. Levy-
    Zentner clearly says prejudgment interest is available to every
    person who is entitled to recover damages that are certain.
    OEA’s arguments concerning prejudgment interest rely on
    several district court cases3 that are not precedent in this cir-
    cuit. The precedent in this circuit is set forth in our Highlands
    case interpreting California law.
    [10] The underlying Shugart and Wise claims were first
    made prior to the Evanston and Royal policy periods; accord-
    ingly, OEA’s defense and settlement costs are not covered by
    either policy. Evanston is entitled to reimbursement for the
    funds expended for the defense and settlement of the lawsuits
    and for prejudgment interest from the time the funds were
    Int’l Ins. Co. v. Red & White Co., No. C-93-0659, 
    1995 WL 150517
    (N.D. Cal. 1995); Am. States Ins. Co. v. Crawley Constr., Inc., 
    779 F. Supp. 137
     (N.D. Cal. 1991), aff’d mem., 
    5 F.3d 534
     (9th Cir. 1993);
    Omaha Indem. Ins. Co. v. Cardon Oil Co., 
    687 F. Supp. 502
     (N.D. Cal.
    1988), aff’d mem., 
    902 F.2d 40
     (9th Cir. 1990).