Independent Living v. Shewry ( 2009 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    nonprofit corporation; GRAY
    nonprofit corporation; GRAY
    nonprofit corporation; GERALD
    SHAPIRO, Pharm. D. doing business
    as Uptown Pharmacy and Gift
    Shoppe; SHARON STEEN doing
    business as Central Pharmacy;
    MARK BECKWITH; MARGARET                        No. 08-56422
    doing business as Tran Pharmacy;                 D.C. No.
    Petitioners-Appellees,              MAN
    DAVID MAXWELL-JOLLY, Director of
    the Department of Health Care
    Services, State of California,
    nonprofit corporation; GRAY
    nonprofit corporation; GRAY
    nonprofit corporation; GERALD
    SHAPIRO, Pharm. D. doing business
    as Uptown Pharmacy and Gift
    Shoppe; SHARON STEEN doing
    business as Central Pharmacy;
    MARK BECKWITH; MARGARET                       No. 08-56554
    DOWLING; TRAN PHARMACY, INC.,                    D.C. No.
    doing business as Tran Pharmacy;          2:08-cv-03315-CAS-
    JASON YOUNG                                       MAN
    Petitioners-Appellants,            OPINION
    DAVID MAXWELL-JOLLY, Director of
    the Department of Health Care
    Services, State of California,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Christina A. Snyder, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    February 18, 2009—San Francisco, California
    Filed July 9, 2009
    Before: Stephen Reinhardt, William A. Fletcher, and
    Milan D. Smith, Jr., Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Milan D. Smith, Jr.
    Richard T. Waldow and Jennifer M. Kim, Supervising Deputy
    Attorneys General, Carmen D. Snuggs, Tara L. Newman,
    Andrew Dhadwal, and Sara Ugaz, Deputy Attorneys General,
    Office of the Attorney General of the State of California, Los
    Angeles, California, for respondent-appellant/appellee David
    Maxwell-Jolly, Director of the Department of Health Care
    Services for the State of California.
    Lynn S. Carman, Medicaid Defense Fund, Novato, California,
    and Stanley L. Friedman, Los Angeles, California, for
    appellees-appellees/appellants Independent Living Center of
    Southern California, et al.
    Craig J. Cannizzo, Felicia Y. Sze, Hooper, Lundy & Book-
    man, Inc., San Francisco, California, and Lloyd A. Bookman,
    Byron J. Gross, Jordan B. Reveille, Hooper, Lundy & Book-
    man, Inc., Los Angeles, California, for interveners Sacra-
    mento Family Medical Clinics, Inc. et al.
    William A. Gould, Jr., Kevin C. Khasigian, Wilke, Floury,
    Hoffelt, Gould & Birney, LLP, Sacramento, California, for
    Amicus Curiae California Optometric Association.
    Rochelle Bobroff and Harper Jean Tobin, Washington, DC,
    for Amicus Curiae National Senior Citizens’ Law Center.
    Jane Perkins, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, for Amicus Curiae
    National Health Law Program, Inc.
    Barbara A. Jones, Pasadena, California, for Amicus Curiae
    AARP Foundation Litigation.
    MILAN D. SMITH, JR., Circuit Judge:
    Petitioners-Appellees/Appellants (Independent Living), a
    group of pharmacies, health care providers, senior citizens’
    groups, and beneficiaries of the State’s Medicaid program,
    Medi-Cal,1 seek to enjoin the California Department of Health
    Care Services (Department) Director, David Maxwell-Jolly
    (Director)2 from implementing state legislation reducing pay-
    ments to certain medical service providers under Medi-Cal by
    ten percent. We hold that the district court did not abuse its
    discretion in granting Independent Living’s motion for a pre-
    liminary injunction, because the Director failed to “rely on
    responsible cost studies, its own and others,” Orthopaedic
    Hosp. v. Belshe, 
    103 F. 3d 1491
    , 1496 (9th Cir. 1997), in
    determining the effect of the rate cuts mandated by AB 5 on
    the statutory factors of efficiency, economy, quality, and
    access to care before implementing those cuts. We also hold
    that the district court’s preliminary injunction should be modi-
    fied to cover payments for medical services provided on or
    after July 1, 2008, because the Director waived the State’s
    sovereign immunity in both state and federal court.
    For simplicity, we attribute to Independent Living generally the collec-
    tive arguments of Independent Living, Interveners, and Amicus Curiae
    supporting Independent Living.
    Sandra Shewry served as the Department’s director when this suit was
    filed and held that position until April 9, 2009, when she was replaced by
    Mr. Maxwell-Jolly. Because the distinction between the two directors is
    irrelevant for the purposes of this case, we use the term “Director” to refer
    to them both.
    INDEPENDENT LIVING v. MAXWELL-JOLLY                    8997
    On February 16, 2008, the California Assembly passed AB
    5, which added §§ 14105.19 and 14166.245 to the California
    Welfare and Institutions Code. Section 14105.19 reduces pay-
    ments under the Medi-Cal fee-for-service program to physi-
    cians, dentists, pharmacies, adult health care centers, clinics,
    health systems, and other providers by ten percent. Section
    14166.245 similarly reduces payments for inpatient services
    provided by acute care hospitals not under contract with the
    State by ten percent. Both of these rate reductions were sched-
    uled to take effect on July 1, 2008.
    On April 22, 2008, Independent Living filed a verified peti-
    tion for a writ of mandamus in Los Angeles County Superior
    Court, seeking to enjoin the Director from implementing AB
    5.3 Independent Living argued that the ten percent rate reduc-
    tion violates Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act (the
    Medicaid Act), 
    42 U.S.C. § 1396
     et seq., and is therefore
    invalid under the Supremacy Clause.4 Specifically, Indepen-
    dent Living alleged that AB 5 is inconsistent with 
    42 U.S.C. § 1396
    (a)(30)(A) (hereafter§ 30(A)), which requires that a
    state plan
    provide such methods and procedures relating to the
    utilization of, and payment for, care and services
    available under the plan . . . as may be necessary . . .
    to assure that payments are consistent with effi-
    ciency, economy, and quality of care and are suffi-
    cient to enlist enough providers so that care and
    services are available under the plan at least to the
    Independent Living voluntarily dismissed the Department from suit on
    June 1, 2008, leaving the Director as the sole Respondent.
    Independent Living also alleged in their complaint that the ten-percent
    rate reduction both violated and was preempted by the Americans with
    Disabilities Act of 1990, 
    42 U.S.C. § 12181
     et seq. Independent Living
    dismissed these claims without prejudice, and they are not before us.
    extent that such care and services are available to the
    general population in the geographic area.
    On May 19, 2008, the Director removed this action to fed-
    eral court based on federal question jurisdiction. On May 30,
    2008, Independent Living filed a motion for a preliminary
    injunction. The district court heard argument on June 23,
    2008. Two days later, the court entered an order denying the
    motion, holding that Independent Living had not demon-
    strated a likelihood of success on the merits of their preemp-
    tion claim because § 30(A) did not create any judicially
    enforceable “rights.”
    Independent Living then sought emergency relief from this
    court. After full briefing and argument, we vacated the district
    court’s order, holding that Independent Living could bring
    suit directly under the Supremacy Clause to enjoin a state law
    allegedly preempted by federal law. See Indep. Living Ctr. v.
    543 F.3d 1050
     (9th Cir. 2008). We remanded to the
    district court for reconsideration of Independent Living’s
    motion for a preliminary injunction.
    On remand, the district court issued an order granting in
    part and denying in part Independent Living’s motion for a
    preliminary injunction. The district court held that Indepen-
    dent Living had demonstrated a likelihood of success on the
    merits of its Supremacy Clause claim, as the Director failed
    to provide any evidence that the Department had considered
    the impact of the ten percent rate reduction on quality and
    access to care, as required by § 30(A). The court also held that
    Independent Living had demonstrated a risk of irreparable
    injury as to some—but not all—of the challenged Medi-Cal
    services. The district court thus granted the motion “to the
    extent that it seeks to enjoin enforcement of 
    Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code § 14105.19
    (b)(1), which reduces by ten percent pay-
    ments under the Medi-Cal fee-for-service program for physi-
    cians, dentists, pharmacies, adult day health care centers,
    clinics, health systems, and other providers for services pro-
    INDEPENDENT LIVING v. MAXWELL-JOLLY                     8999
    vided on or after July 1, 2008.” The court denied the motion
    to enjoin enforcement of the rate reductions for managed care
    plans and non-contract acute care hospitals, as Independent
    Living had not shown a risk of irreparable injury as to those
    On August 27, 2008, the Director filed a motion “to alter
    or amend, and clarify” the August 18 order. The Director
    argued that the injunction should apply only to payments for
    services provided on or after August 18, because requiring
    full reimbursement for services provided prior to the court’s
    order would violate the State’s Eleventh Amendment sover-
    eign immunity. The Director also argued that the order was
    vague and ambiguous and that the Ninth Circuit had yet to
    rule on the Director’s petition for rehearing and rehearing en
    banc regarding the Supremacy Clause right of action issue.5
    The district court granted the motion in part the same day,
    issuing an order in chambers modifying the preliminary
    injunction to apply only to payments “for services provided
    on or after August 18, 2008.” Although the order itself did not
    provide any explanation for the modification, the district court
    later stated that it was its “intention only to issue an order that
    would provide for prospective relief,” and that it agreed with
    the Director “that the order as it was phrased violates the
    Eleventh Amendment.” The district court also indicated that
    it would not grant the Director’s request for a stay and that
    Independent Living’s request for a contempt citation was prema-
    ture.6 The district court did not afford Independent Living an
    The Director’s Petition for Panel Rehearing and Petition for Rehearing
    En Banc was denied on November 3, 2008. On June 22, 2009, the
    Supreme Court of the United States denied the Director’s Petition for Writ
    of Certiorari.
    On September 15, 2008, pursuant to the Director’s motion to alter or
    amend, the district court further modified its August 18, 2008 order to
    clarify that the order regarding pharmacies applied only to the relief
    sought, i.e., to rates for prescription drugs, including previously
    prescription-only prescribed over-the-counter drugs. The district court fur-
    ther struck “health systems, and other providers” from the order. Finally,
    the district court clarified that the order did not apply to payments for hos-
    pitals, including payments for inpatient services, outpatient services, dis-
    tinct part nursing facility services, and sub-acute services.
    opportunity to respond to the Director’s argument before issu-
    ing its order.
    The August 18 order, as modified, generated three appeals,
    two of which remain before us. In case number 08-56422, the
    Director appeals the district court’s decision to grant the
    motion for preliminary injunction in part, arguing primarily
    that the analysis of AB 5 conducted by the Department was
    legally sufficient and Independent Living therefore cannot
    demonstrate a likelihood of success on the merits.7 In case
    number 08-56554, Independent Living appeals the district
    court’s August 27 order modifying the injunction to apply
    only to payments for services provided on or after August 18,
    arguing that the earlier order—which would have granted
    relief for services provided on or after July 1—did not violate
    the State’s sovereign immunity.8 We address these arguments
    in turn.
    We have jurisdiction over this appeal pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1292
    (a)(1). We review a district court’s decision to grant or
    deny a preliminary injunction for abuse of discretion. Sw.
    Voter Registration Educ. Project v. Shelley, 
    344 F.3d 914
    918 (9th Cir. 2003). “[A] district court abuses its discretion by
    basing its decision on either an erroneous legal standard or
    clearly erroneous factual findings.” Walczak v. EPL Prolong,
    The Director also argues that Independent Living’s claim is not cogni-
    zable under the Supremacy Clause. Because we have already ruled on that
    issue and the court has denied the Director’s petition for rehear-
    ing/rehearing en banc, the issue is now moot.
    Independent Living also initially appealed the district court’s denial of
    their motion to enjoin the Department from reducing payments to Medi-
    Cal managed care plans by the “actuarial equivalent” of ten percent. See
    Case 08-56551. After filing their notice of appeal, Independent Living dis-
    missed the claim underlying their appeal in district court. We granted
    Independent Living’s motion for dismissal without prejudice in case 08-
    56551 on January 30, 2009.
    198 F.3d 725
    , 730 (9th Cir. 1999). “The district court’s
    interpretation of the underlying legal principles . . . is subject
    to de novo review,” Sw. Voter Registration, 
    344 F.3d at 918
    but its factual findings are reviewed for clear error, Walczak,
    198 F.3d at 730
    . Factual findings are clearly erroneous “if the
    reviewing court on the entire evidence is left with the definite
    and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed.” 
    (internal citation omitted).
    To warrant injunctive relief, a plaintiff “must establish that
    he is likely to succeed on the merits, that he is likely to suffer
    irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief, that the
    balance of equities tips in his favor, and that an injunction is
    in the public interest.” Winter v. Natural Res. Def. Council,
    129 S. Ct. 365
    , 374 (2008); see also Am. Trucking Ass’ns v.
    City of L.A., 
    559 F.3d 1046
    , 1052 (9th Cir. 2009). “In each
    case, courts ‘must balance the competing claims of injury and
    must consider the effect on each party of the granting or with-
    holding of the requested relief.’ ” Winter, 
    129 S. Ct. at 376
    (quoting Amoco Prod. Co. v. Vill. of Gambell, Alaska, 
    480 U.S. 531
    , 542 (1987)).
    I.   Independent Living’s Likelihood of Success on the
    [1] This is not the first time that we have interpreted the
    substantive and procedural requirements of § 30(A). In Ortho-
    paedic Hospital v. Belshe, 
    103 F.3d 1491
     (9th Cir. 1997), sev-
    eral hospitals and health care associations alleged that the
    Department violated § 30(A) by setting provider reimburse-
    ment rates “without proper consideration of the effect of hos-
    pital costs on the relevant statutory factors [of] efficiency,
    economy, quality of care, and access.” Id. at 1492. We inter-
    preted § 30(A) to require the Director to set reimbursement
    rates that “bear a reasonable relationship to efficient and eco-
    nomical hospitals’ costs of providing quality services, unless
    the Department shows some justification for rates that sub-
    stantially deviate from such costs.” Id. at 1496. To meet this
    statutory requirement, we held that the Director “must rely on
    responsible cost studies, its own or others’, that provide reli-
    able data as a basis for its rate setting.” Id.
    Under the standards established in Orthopaedic Hospital, it
    is clear that the Director violated § 30(A) when he imple-
    mented the rate reductions mandated by AB 5. The Director
    failed to provide any evidence that the Department or the leg-
    islature studied the impact of the ten percent rate reduction on
    the statutory factors of efficiency, economy, quality, and
    access to care prior to enacting AB 5, nor did he demonstrate
    that the Department considered reliable cost studies when
    adjusting its reimbursement rates. Several of the declarations
    submitted by the Director candidly admit that the Department
    does not maintain information on provider costs for covered
    services.9 See, e.g., Declaration of Linda Machado at 5
    (“[T]here is no established mechanism for obtaining cost data
    from physicians on the costs they incur for providing each of
    these [covered] services. Therefore, [the Department] has no
    data from which it can determine how well Medi-Cal rates
    Moreover, almost all of the declarations provided by the Director rely
    on past studies, prepared long before AB 5 was contemplated, that simply
    compiled average provider costs and reimbursement rates without assess-
    ing how a ten percent rate reduction might affect the statutory factors of
    efficiency, economy, quality, and access to care. See, e.g., Declaration of
    Linda Machado at 1-7 & exs. A & B (discussing various studies from
    1997, 1999, and 2000, but not a single study prepared in anticipation of
    AB 5); Declaration of Jon Chin at 1-6 & ex. B (relying on a DHS report
    prepared in November 2005); Declaration of Kevin Gorospe at 1-4 (rely-
    ing almost exclusively on a December 2007 study of pharmaceutical costs
    prepared by Myers & Stauffer); Declaration of Kevin Gorospe at 1-8
    (relying on studies from 2004 and 2007). The district court was well
    within its discretion in concluding that such post hoc rationalizations fall
    short of the procedural requirements established in Orthopaedic Hospital.
    See Ark. Med. Soc’y v. Reynolds, 
    6 F.3d 519
    , 530 (8th Cir. 1993) (refusing
    to rely on speculative evidence that could “only be confirmed by historical
    data accumulated after the cuts were made”).
    INDEPENDENT LIVING v. MAXWELL-JOLLY                9003
    compensate physician costs.”); id. at 3 (admitting same lack
    of cost data for hospital outpatient services); Declaration of
    Jon Chin at 2 (“DHCS has no available cost data [on covered]
    dental procedures”). In the absence of such cost data, the
    Director could not have complied with § 30(A) as interpreted
    in Orthopaedic Hospital.
    Perhaps as a result, the Director’s primary argument on
    appeal is that the standards established in Orthopaedic Hospi-
    tal are inapplicable, for several reasons. We address each of
    A.    Action Under the Supremacy Clause
    [2] First, the Director argues that Orthopaedic Hospital is
    inapplicable because the plaintiffs in that case were not assert-
    ing a claim of federal preemption directly under the Suprem-
    acy Clause. As the Director notes, Orthopaedic Hospital
    addressed claims brought to enforce the provisions of § 30(A)
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , which provides a remedy for depri-
    vation of any “rights . . . secured by the Constitution and
    laws” of the United States.10 See Orthopaedic Hosp., 
    103 F.3d at 1495
    . In this case, by contrast, Independent Living does not
    seek direct enforcement of any “rights” created by § 30(A),
    but rather argues that the ten percent rate reduction conflicts
    with the federal requirements established in § 30(A). The
    question is whether this difference in the theory of recovery
    renders Orthopaedic Hospital’s interpretation of § 30(A) any
    less persuasive. To answer this question, we turn to basic
    principles of conflict preemption.
    [3] Conflict preemption arises “when compliance with both
    federal and state regulations is a physical impossibility, or
    where state law stands as an obstacle to the accomplishment
    Orthopaedic Hospital preceded our subsequent decision in Sanchez v.
    416 F.3d 1051
    , 1068 (9th Cir. 2005), which held that § 30(A)
    does not create any federal “rights” enforceable under § 1983.
    and execution of the full purposes and objectives of Con-
    gress.” PG&E Co. v. State Energy Res. Conservation & Dev.
    461 U.S. 190
    , 204 (1983) (internal quotation marks
    and citations omitted); see also Ting v. AT&T, 
    319 F.3d 1126
    1136 (9th Cir. 2003). Under this latter strand of so-called “ob-
    struction” preemption, “an aberrant or hostile state rule is pre-
    empted to the extent it actually interferes with the ‘methods
    by which the federal statute was designed to reach [its]
    goal.’ ” 
    Id. at 1137
     (alteration in original) (quoting Int’l Paper
    Co. v. Ouellette, 
    479 U.S. 481
    , 494 (1987)). “Thus, obstruc-
    tion preemption focuses on both the objective of the federal
    law and the method chosen by Congress to effectuate that
    objective, taking into account the law’s text, application, his-
    tory, and interpretation.” 
    [4] As the description above makes clear, the first step in
    any conflict preemption analysis is to determine the purpose
    of the federal law at issue. See id. at 1138. Orthopaedic Hos-
    pital discussed the purpose underlying § 30(A) at length,
    reading its text and legislative history as demonstrating that
    “Congress intended payments to be flexible within a range;
    payments should be no higher than what is required to provide
    efficient and economical care, but still high enough to provide
    for quality care and to ensure access to services.” 
    103 F.3d at 1497
    . We held that the Department could not accomplish this
    purpose in the absence of some determination of “what it
    costs an efficient hospital economically to provide quality
    Id. at 1498
    . Thus, while the Department “need not fol-
    low a rigid formula of payments equal to an efficiently and
    economically operated hospital’s costs regardless of other fac-
    tors,” § 30(A) required the Department to at least ascertain
    provider costs when it adjusted reimbursement rates. Id.
    [5] The Director has not provided any coherent reason why
    the purpose underlying § 30(A) would be different for pur-
    poses of federal preemption than it was for direct enforcement
    under § 1983, and we see none. That Independent Living in
    this case has proceeded under a different cause of action than
    the plaintiffs in Orthopaedic Hospital is therefore an inconse-
    quential distinction. In both cases, the central question is the
    purpose underlying § 30(A), and as to that question, Ortho-
    paedic Hospital clearly controls.
    B.   Continuing Validity of Orthopaedic Hospital
    Second, the Director argues that our more recent decision
    in Sanchez, 
    416 F.3d 1051
    , “effectively overruled” Orthopae-
    dic Hospital, and that the district court’s analysis of the merits
    was thus based on legal error. This argument is unavailing.
    Sanchez did not overrule Orthopaedic Hospital’s interpreta-
    tion of § 30(A).
    [6] Sanchez addressed the narrow question of “whether
    developmentally disabled recipients of Medicaid funds and
    their service providers have a private right of action against
    state officials to compel the enforcement of a federal law gov-
    erning state disbursement of such funds.” 
    416 F.3d at 1053
    Applying the Supreme Court’s decision in Gonzaga Univer-
    sity v. Doe, 
    536 U.S. 273
     (2002), we held that § 30(A) does
    not create any federal “rights” enforceable under § 1983. San-
    416 F.3d at 1068
    . In so holding, we did not reach the
    substantive requirements of § 30(A), as we were concerned
    solely with whether the plaintiffs in that case could bring suit
    in federal court. In fact, Sanchez does not explore the congres-
    sional “purpose” underlying § 30(A), the touchstone of fed-
    eral preemption analysis. If the Sanchez court had any qualms
    about Orthopaedic Hospital’s substantive interpretation of
    § 30(A), it did not say so.
    [7] More fundamentally, Sanchez cannot be read to have
    overruled Orthopaedic Hospital, for three reasons. First, San-
    chez does not even cite Orthopaedic Hospital, much less
    overrule its holdings. Second, Sanchez was decided by a
    three-judge panel that, under our circuit rules, was powerless
    to overturn one of our prior decisions in the absence of inter-
    vening authority, Hart v. Massanari, 
    266 F.3d 1155
    , 1171
    (9th Cir. 2001). Third, we affirmed the “continuing vitality”
    of Orthopaedic Hospital in a published opinion filed one
    month after Sanchez. See Alaska Dep’t of Health & Soc.
    Servs. v. Ctrs. for Medicare & Medicaid Servs., 
    424 F.3d 931
    940 (9th Cir. 2005). In that case, the State argued—much as
    the Director has here—that subsequent developments ren-
    dered Orthopaedic Hospital anachronistic. See 
     We were
    “not persuaded,” and we noted that “the relevant language of
    § 30(A) remains unchanged since Orthopaedic Hospital, and
    thus our interpretation of its purpose, and the State’s obliga-
    tions thereunder, still holds.” Id. at 940-41.
    Aside from his misreading of Sanchez, the Director also
    argues that Orthopaedic Hospital is no longer good law
    because its interpretation of § 30(A) “conflicts with the inter-
    pretation of the federal agency that Congress vested with
    authority to enforce and implement” the statute. By this, the
    Director apparently means that Orthopaedic Hospital con-
    flicts with the interpretation of § 30(A) presented in an amicus
    brief filed by the Solicitor General when the Supreme Court
    asked him to opine on whether our decision in Orthopaedic
    Hospital was worthy of a grant of certiorari. In the process of
    recommending denial of certiorari, the Solicitor General
    opined that requiring states to reimburse medical providers at
    rates roughly equal to their costs ran counter to the text and
    legislative history of § 30(A). From this, the Director con-
    cludes that a “federal agency” repudiated our interpretation of
    § 30(A).
    [8] Whatever the merits of the Solicitor General’s views,
    we owe them no deference in this case. Although at one time
    the Supreme Court suggested that a legal opinion expressed
    by an agency in the course of litigation may be entitled to def-
    erence, Auer v. Robbins, 
    519 U.S. 452
    , 461-63 (1997), it sub-
    sequently limited such deference to an agency’s interpretation
    of ambiguities in its own regulations, Christensen v. Harris
    529 U.S. 576
    , 586-88 (2000).
    INDEPENDENT LIVING v. MAXWELL-JOLLY                    9007
    [9] The Director also contends that our holding in Ortho-
    paedic Hospital has been undermined by Congress’s subse-
    quent repeal of the so-called “Boren Amendment,” which
    required states to set hospital inpatient reimbursement rates
    that were “reasonable and adequate to meet the costs which
    must be incurred by efficiently and economically operated
    facilities.” This argument is not persuasive either, as Ortho-
    paedic Hospital itself expressly distinguished the require-
    ments of the Boren Amendment, previously codified at
    § 1396a(a)(13)(A), from the “more flexible” requirements of
    § 30(A). See 
    103 F.3d at 1499
    . The fact that Congress
    repealed the more rigid requirements of the Boren Amend-
    ment does not speak to the propriety of our past interpretation
    of § 30(A). Moreover, we have previously rejected the same
    argument made by the Director in this case, noting that the
    repeal of the Boren Amendment, “like its enactment, modified
    § 13(A) alone; it effected no change to § 30(A).”11 Alaska
    424 F.3d at 941
    Finally, the Director urges us to reconsider our interpreta-
    tion of § 30(A) in Orthopaedic Hospital, noting that several
    courts have disagreed with its reasoning. See, e.g., Rite Aid v.
    171 F.3d 842
    , 851 (3d Cir. 1999) (holding that
    “section 30(A) requires the state to achieve a certain result but
    does not impose any particular method or process for getting
    The Director also attempts to graft past judicial interpretation of the
    Boren Amendment onto this court’s interpretation of § 30(A). The Direc-
    tor argues that because (1) Orthopaedic Hospital described § 30(A)’s
    requirements as “more flexible” than the Boren Amendment, and (2)
    courts held that rates covering only 85-95% of provider costs were reason-
    able under the Boren Amendment, then (3) reimbursement rates within the
    same “range of reasonableness” must easily meet the requirements of
    § 30(A). See Reply Brief 08-56422 at 10-11. This argument is a non-
    sequitur, as Orthopaedic Hospital described the procedural requirements
    of § 30(A) as “more flexible” than those of the Boren Amendment, which
    required “periodic cost reports from hospitals subject to audit by the
    Department.” See 
    103 F.3d at 1499
    . While § 30(A) requires less formal-
    ized procedures than the Boren Amendment, it does not follow that
    § 30(A)’s substantive requirements are also less demanding.
    to that result,” expressly disagreeing with Orthopaedic Hospi-
    tal); Methodist Hosps., Inc. v. Sullivan, 
    91 F.3d 1026
    1029-30 (7th Cir. 1996) (holding that “[n]othing in the lan-
    guage of § 1396a(a)(30) . . . requires a state to conduct studies
    in advance of every modification,” as the statute merely “re-
    quires each state to produce a result”). But see Ark. Med.
    6 F.3d at 530
     (holding that § 30(A) requires the state
    to “consider the relevant factors of equal access, efficiency,
    economy, and quality of care as designated in the statute
    when setting reimbursement rates”); Minn. Homecare Ass’n v.
    108 F.3d 917
    , 918 (8th Cir. 1997) (holding that Med-
    icaid Act “mandates consideration of the equal access factors
    of efficiency, economy, quality of care and access to services
    in the process of setting or changing payment rates,” although
    “it does not require the State to utilize any prescribed method
    of analyzing and considering said factors” and no “formal
    analysis” is required). Even if we were at liberty to overrule
    Orthopaedic Hospital, we would nonetheless affirm the dis-
    trict court’s injunction, for several reasons.
    [10] First, even those courts that have rejected Orthopaedic
    Hospital’s procedural requirements have generally recognized
    that state Medicaid rate reductions may not be based solely on
    state budgetary concerns. See Rite Aid, 
    171 F.3d at 856
    (“[B]udgetary considerations may not be the sole basis for a
    rate revision . . . .”); see also Beno v. Shalala, 
    30 F.3d 1057
    1069 n.30 (9th Cir. 1994); Amisub (PSL), Inc. v. Colo. Dep’t
    of Soc. Servs., 
    879 F.2d 789
    , 800-01 (10th Cir. 1989); Ark.
    Med. Soc’y, 
    6 F.3d at 531
     (“Abundant persuasive precedent
    supports the proposition that budgetary considerations cannot
    be the conclusive factor in decisions regarding Medicaid.”).
    But see Am. Soc’y of Consultant Pharmacists v. Garner, 
    180 F. Supp. 2d 953
    , 974-75 (N.D. Ill. 2001). In this case, the
    record supports the district court’s conclusion that “the only
    reason for imposing the cuts was California’s current fiscal
    emergency.” The legislation was passed in an emergency ses-
    sion called to “address[ ] the fiscal emergency declared by the
    Governor.” See Declaration of Stan Rosenstein at 1 (describ-
    INDEPENDENT LIVING v. MAXWELL-JOLLY                    9009
    ing the ten percent rate reduction as one option at the State’s
    disposal “for dealing with the fiscal crisis”). Thus, quite apart
    from any procedural requirements established by Orthopaedic
    Hospital, the State’s decision to reduce Medi-Cal reimburse-
    ment rates based solely on state budgetary concerns violated
    federal law.
    Second, even if we were in a position to relax the proce-
    dural requirements established in Orthopaedic Hospital, the
    Director’s failure to study the effect of the rate reduction in
    any meaningful way would still lead us to enjoin implementa-
    tion of AB 5. Those courts that have criticized Orthopaedic
    Hospital’s reasoning have not simply rubber-stamped rate
    reductions imposed by state agencies; rather, reviewing courts
    typically subject state rate-making to something akin to “arbi-
    trary and capricious” review. See Rite Aid, 
    171 F.3d at 853
    (requiring the agency’s “process of decision-making” to be
    “reasonable and sound”); 
    id. at 857
     (holding that the agency’s
    “11-month period of data gathering, consultation, and review
    before promulgating the [rate reduction] was not so deficient
    as to be arbitrary and capricious”); see also Ark. Med. Soc’y,
    6 F.3d at 529-30
     (noting that “[r]eview under the arbitrary and
    capricious standard” is appropriate).
    In this case, the State’s own Legislative Analyst warned
    that the ten percent rate reduction had “the potential to nega-
    tively impact the operation of the Medi-Cal Program and the
    services provided to beneficiaries by limiting access to pro-
    viders and services,” and on that basis recommended that the
    legislature “reject the Governor’s proposal to reduce pay-
    ments for all providers except hospitals.” Nothing in the
    record indicates that any other State official considered—let
    alone studied—these possibilities prior to enacting the cuts.
    Thus, it is far from clear that the Director would prevail under
    a different standard, as there is no evidence that the agency’s
    decision-making process was “reasonable and sound.”12
    The Director urges us to adopt a standard similar to the Third Circuit’s
    “reasonable and sound” decision-making requirement, asserting that he
    Third, those courts that have resisted interpreting § 30(A)
    to include certain procedural requirements have nonetheless
    held that § 30(A) imposes substantive obligations on states
    that elect to participate in Medicaid. See Rite Aid, 
    171 F.3d at 851
     (“Section 30(A) requires the state to achieve a certain
    result.”); Methodist Hosps., 
    91 F.3d at 1030
     (holding that if
    rates are inadequate to attract sufficient providers, then “under
    § 1396a(a)(30), [the state] must raise the price until the mar-
    ket clears”). In this case, Independent Living alleges that at
    least some medical providers have refused to treat Medi-Cal
    recipients since the ten percent rate reduction was imple-
    mented. See, e.g., Supplemental Declaration of Thu-Hang
    Tran at 3-5. Even if we were to interpret § 30(A) to mandate
    a substantive rather than procedural result, the ten percent rate
    reduction might still conflict with the quality of care and
    access provisions of § 30(A), as the cuts have apparently
    forced at least some providers to stop treating Medi-Cal bene-
    The potential difficulties inherent in assessing substantive
    compliance with the factors laid out in § 30(A) demonstrate
    was required—at most—to conduct a “reasonably principled analysis” of
    the rate reductions under Folden v. Wash. State Dep’t of Soc. & Health
    981 F.2d 1054
    , 1057 (9th Cir. 1992). We decline to do so, as Fol-
    den pre-dates Orthopaedic Hospital and interpreted a separate, now
    repealed section of the Medicaid Act, § 1396a(a)13(A).
    Even if we were to do so, however, we fail to see how adopting Fol-
    den’s standard would aid the Director in this case. Folden held that while
    “states are left considerable latitude” under the Medicaid Act and are not
    required to prepare “any special studies or written findings,” state agencies
    must “engage[ ] in a bona fide fact-finding process” and base their rates
    on those findings. Id. Nothing in the record connects the decision to cut
    Medi-Cal reimbursement rates by ten percent across-the-board to a fact-
    finding process initiated by state officials. To the contrary, the record quite
    plainly establishes that rates were cut to respond to the fiscal emergency.
    Thus, even under Folden, the district court did not abuse its discretion in
    holding that Independent Living was likely to demonstrate that AB 5 frus-
    trates the purpose of § 30(A).
    INDEPENDENT LIVING v. MAXWELL-JOLLY                   9011
    why the more process-oriented view of the statute espoused
    in Orthopaedic Hospital has much to recommend it. As Judge
    Levi stated in Clayworth v. Bonta,
    [Orthopaedic Hospital’s] approach has substantial
    practical benefits. The Medicaid Act is clearly
    intended to give states discretion and flexibility in
    setting reimbursement rates, within the limits of fed-
    eral law. The arbitrary and capricious standard[13]
    limits the court’s review of the State’s rate setting
    and permits the court to defer to the judgment of spe-
    cialists in a complex regulatory field. Furthermore,
    it is fair to assume that a rate that is set arbitrarily,
    without reference to the Section 30(A) requirements,
    is unlikely to meet the equal access and quality
    295 F. Supp. 2d 1110
    , 1127 (E.D. Cal. 2003), rev’d, 140 F.
    App’x 677 (9th Cir. 2005) (internal citations omitted). As
    Judge Levi recognized, the framework established in Ortho-
    paedic Hospital allows reviewing courts to defer to a state
    agency’s balancing of competing interests, so long as the
    record created by the agency demonstrates that the State con-
    sidered the factors mandated by statute. In this sense, the pro-
    cedural approach is far less intrusive than the “substantive
    compliance” standard espoused by the Third and Seventh Cir-
    [11] In sum, the Director has not demonstrated that Ortho-
    paedic Hospital has been overruled or undermined in the past
    twelve years, and a recent decision of this court expressly
    Judge Levi traced the roots of Orthopaedic Hospital’s procedural
    requirements to the “arbitrary and capricious” standard of review of
    agency action. See 
    295 F. Supp. 2d 1126
     & n.18. As noted above, other
    courts have applied the “arbitrary and capricious” standard even after dis-
    claiming the precise procedural requirements established in Orthopaedic,
    which specifically mandates consideration of provider costs.
    reaffirmed its central holding. Moreover, even if we were not
    bound by Orthopaedic Hospital, there are compelling reasons
    to retain Orthopaedic Hospital’s process-oriented focus. The
    district court thus correctly applied binding precedent to Inde-
    pendent Living’s claims in this case. Its conclusion that Inde-
    pendent Living had demonstrated a likelihood of success on
    the merits was not an abuse of discretion.
    II.    Irreparable Harm
    [12] The Director also argues that the district court commit-
    ted clear error by holding that Independent Living had dem-
    onstrated a likelihood of irreparable harm. The bulk of the
    Director’s argument, however, focuses on the alleged harm to
    the State in light of its current fiscal crisis.14 The district court
    clearly considered the hardship to the State but concluded that
    any such harm was outweighed by the hardships likely to be
    suffered by Medi-Cal beneficiaries, who would be forced to
    go without medical care. We have previously held that it is
    not legal error to conclude, when balancing “the medical or
    financial hardship to [Medi-Cal recipients] against the finan-
    cial hardship to the state,” that the balance of hardships
    “tipped sharply” in favor of the plaintiffs, see Beltran v.
    677 F.2d 1317
    , 1322 (9th Cir. 1982), and we reach the
    same conclusion in this case.
    The Director argues that whatever harm Independent Liv-
    ing will suffer if the injunction is reversed, the State will suf-
    fer more harm if the injunction is upheld. To support this
    argument, the Director cites Coalition for Economic Equity v.
    Wilson for the proposition that the State will be most harmed
    by losing this appeal. See 
    122 F.3d 718
    , 719 (9th Cir. 1997)
    (stating, in dicta, that “it is clear that a state suffers irreparable
    injury whenever an enactment of its people or their represen-
    This argument simply reinforces the fact that the driving force behind
    the rate reduction was the State budget crisis.
    INDEPENDENT LIVING v. MAXWELL-JOLLY                   9013
    tatives is enjoined”)); see also New Motor Vehicle Bd. v.
    Orrin W. Fox Co., 
    434 U.S. 1345
    , 1351 (1977) (same).
    [13] As the cited authority suggests, a state may suffer an
    abstract form of harm whenever one of its acts is enjoined. To
    the extent that is true, however, it is not dispositive of the bal-
    ance of harms analysis. If it were, then the rule requiring “bal-
    ance” of “competing claims of injury,” Winter, 
    129 S. Ct. at 376
    , would be eviscerated. Federal courts instead have the
    power to enjoin state actions, in part, because those actions
    sometimes offend federal law provisions, which, like state
    statutes, are themselves “enactment[s] of its people or their
    representatives,” Coal. for Econ. Equity, 
    122 F.3d at 719
    Here, Independent Living alleges that allowing AB 5’s imple-
    mentation would violate the Medicaid Act and the Constitu-
    tion. If we uphold the injunction and interfere with AB 5’s
    implementation, then we will have determined that to do oth-
    erwise would permit a violation of a federal law which, like
    AB 5, was produced by a democratic process. Therefore, in
    assessing the relative harms to the parties, we reject the Direc-
    tor’s suggestion that, merely by enjoining a state legislative
    act, we create a per se harm trumping all other harms.
    [14] The Director also challenges the evidence of irrepara-
    ble injury provided by certain Independent Living entities,
    taking issue with the gravity of the economic harms alleged
    by pharmacists and other medical providers. The Director
    fails to acknowledge, however, that several of the entities are
    Medi-Cal recipients. This court has previously held that
    Medi-Cal recipients may demonstrate a risk of irreparable
    injury by showing that enforcement of a proposed rule “may
    deny them needed medical care.” Beltran, 
    677 F.2d at 1322
    In this case, the district court carefully considered the volumi-
    nous evidence presented by the parties, concluding that Inde-
    pendent Living had made such a showing with respect to
    some medical services and failed to do so with respect to others.15
    The district court found that the Independent Living failed to demon-
    strate irreparable harm as to non-contract hospitals and managed care
    2008 WL 3891211
    , at *9-10. Independent Living does not chal-
    lenge these findings on appeal.
    Aside from restating its own evidence, the Director does not
    present any specific reason why the district court’s weighing
    of Independent Living’s evidence was erroneous. We there-
    fore refuse to disturb the district court’s factual findings
    regarding irreparable injury, which we review for clear error.16
    III.   Balance of Equities and the Public Interest
    [15] Finally, the Director contends that the district court
    erred in its assessment of the public interest. The public inter-
    est analysis for the issuance of a preliminary injunction
    requires us to consider “whether there exists some critical
    public interest that would be injured by the grant of prelimi-
    nary relief.” Hybritech Inc. v. Abbott Labs., 
    849 F.2d 1446
    1458 (Fed. Cir. 1988). The district court held that, although
    “there is a public interest in ensuring that the State has enough
    money to meet its financial obligations,” this interest was out-
    weighed by the public interest “in ensuring access to health
    care.” The Director argues that, in light of the State budget
    crisis, the balance of hardships tips in his favor, as the cuts
    mandated under AB 5 are necessary to help reduce the State
    budget deficit.
    [16] We do not doubt the severity of the fiscal challenges
    facing the State of California. State budgetary concerns can-
    not, however, be “the conclusive factor in decisions regarding
    Medicaid.” Ark. Med. Soc’y, 
    6 F.3d at 531
    . A budget crisis
    does not excuse ongoing violations of federal law, particularly
    when there are no adequate remedies available other than an
    injunction. Ala. Nursing Home Ass’n v. Harris, 
    617 F.2d 388
    396 (5th Cir. 1980) (“Inadequate appropriations do not excuse
    noncompliance.”); see also Beno v. Shalala, 
    30 F.3d 1057
    1069 (9th Cir. 1994) (rejecting budget cutting as grounds for
    waiver of federal AFDC requirements). State budgetary con-
    Independent Living has not appealed that portion of the district court’s
    order concluding that they failed to demonstrate irreparable injury as to
    some services. Those findings are therefore not before us.
    INDEPENDENT LIVING v. MAXWELL-JOLLY                    9015
    siderations do not therefore, in social welfare cases, constitute
    a critical public interest that would be injured by the grant of
    preliminary relief. In contrast, there is a robust public interest
    in safeguarding access to health care for those eligible for
    Medicaid, whom Congress has recognized as “the most needy
    in the country.” Scweiker v.. Hogan, 
    457 U.S. 569
    , 590,
    (1982) (quoting H.R. Rep. No. 213 89th Conf. 1st Sess., 66
    (1965)). We therefore hold that the district court did not abuse
    its discretion in concluding that the balance of hardships and
    the public interest weighed in favor of enjoining implementa-
    tion of the ten percent rate reduction required by AB 5. See
    677 F.2d at 1322
    IV.    Sovereign Immunity and the Order Modifying the
    On cross-appeal, Independent Living challenges the district
    court’s August 27, 2008 order modifying its August 18, 2008
    order granting Independent Living’s motion for a preliminary
    injunction. Independent Living principally argues that, in
    modifying the earlier order to eliminate its retroactive effect,
    the district court misconstrued the extent of the State’s sover-
    eign immunity.17 Independent Living contends that the State
    of California has consented to actions in state court for retro-
    active awards of unlawfully withheld funds. Independent Liv-
    ing further maintains that, by removing this case to federal
    Independent Living also argues that the Director waived the argument
    that it enjoys sovereign immunity from suit separate from its Eleventh
    Amendment immunity. It did so, Independent Living maintains, because
    before the district court, the Director claimed only that it was protected by
    Eleventh Amendment immunity, not any other form of sovereign immu-
    nity. Indeed, sovereign immunity “derives not from the Eleventh Amend-
    ment but from the structure of the original Constitution itself.” Alden v.
    527 U.S. 706
    , 728 (1999) (citing Idaho v. Coeur d’Alene Tribe of
    521 U.S. 261
    , 267-268 (1997)). However, the Supreme Court has
    also noted that the term “Eleventh Amendment Immunity” is “convenient
    shorthand . . . for the sovereign immunity of the states.” Id. at 713. We
    will not penalize the Director for employing an established semantic con-
    court, the Director waived whatever immunity he had in state
    court. The Director responds that the district court correctly
    modified the August 18 order. He contends that requiring a
    state agency to expend state funds based on past conduct vio-
    lates state sovereign immunity, which, the Director insists,
    was never waived in either the state or federal forum.
    The doctrine of state sovereign immunity generally prohib-
    its damage suits against states in both state and federal court
    without their consent. The doctrine comes from the Eleventh
    Amendment, but its essence “derives . . . from the structure
    of the original Constitution itself.” Alden, 
    527 U.S. at 728
    ; see
    id. at 713
     (characterizing sovereign immunity as “a funda-
    mental aspect of the sovereignty which the States enjoyed
    before ratification of the Constitution, and which they retain
    The Supreme Court has held that state sovereign immunity
    bars citizens of any state from bringing a lawsuit for damages
    against a state or state agency. Will v. Mich. Dep’t of State
    491 U.S. 58
    , 71 (1989); see also Edelman v. Jordan,
    415 U.S. 651
    , 662-63 (1974); Hans v. Louisiana, 
    134 U.S. 1
    10 (1890). However, there are three well-established excep-
    tions to this general rule. Two of them—Ex parte Young and
    state waiver (both explicit consent and implied removal
    waiver)—are relevant here, and we consider them below.18
    A.    The Order’s Validity Under Ex parte Young
    Although the Eleventh Amendment expressly prohibits
    suits against states in both law and equity, a plaintiff may
    nonetheless maintain a federal action to compel a state offi-
    The other exception is that Congress may validly abrogate a state’s
    sovereign immunity through legislation passed pursuant to the Fourteenth
    Amendment. Fitzpatrick v. Bitzer, 
    427 U.S. 445
    , 456 (1976) (holding that
    Congress may abrogate states’ sovereign immunity via legislation enacted
    pursuant to Fourteenth Amendment).
    INDEPENDENT LIVING v. MAXWELL-JOLLY                    9017
    cial’s prospective compliance with the plaintiff’s federal
    rights. Ex parte Young, 
    209 U.S. 123
    , 156 (1908); 
    id. at 160
    (“The State has no power to impart to [its officer] any immu-
    nity from responsibility to the supreme authority of the United
    States.”); see also Quern v. Jordan, 
    440 U.S. 332
    , 337 (1979)
    (citing Young, 
    209 U.S. 123
    ). The court may order such an
    injunction even if the state’s compliance will have an “ancil-
    lary effect” on the state treasury. Edelman, 
    415 U.S. at
    (citing Young, 
    209 U.S. 123
    ). This exception applies only to
    prospective relief; it does not permit retroactive injunctive
    relief. Id. at 668.
    In this case, the August 18 order constituted retroactive
    relief under our controlling precedent. In Native Village of
    Noatak v. Blatchford, we held that, “[i]n requesting an order
    requiring the Commissioner to perform his ‘legal duty’ to dis-
    burse . . . funds” to him, the plaintiff “essentially seeks an
    injunction directing the state to pay damages.” 
    38 F.3d 1505
    1512 (9th Cir. 1994). What the plaintiff sought, we held, was
    “precisely the type of retroactive relief that the Supreme
    Court refused to allow in Edelman,” and therefore his “at-
    tempt to characterize its claim as one for prospective relief
    fail[ed] to avoid the bar of the Eleventh Amendment.” 
    In this matter, the August 18 order provided retroactive
    relief that required the State to pay monetary compensation to
    affected providers.19 Therefore, under Native Village of
    Noatak, the retroactive portion of that order does not fall
    under the Ex parte Young exception to the sovereign immu-
    nity doctrine. As a result, the order violated the State’s sover-
    In so deciding, we employ the approach used by the Second, Fourth,
    and Seventh Circuits, i.e., whether relief is prospective or retrospective in
    the Medicaid payment context turns on the date of service, not the date of
    payment. See, e.g., New York City Health & Hosps. Corp. v. Perales, 
    50 F.3d 129
    , 137 (2d Cir. 1995); Wisc. Hosp. Ass’n v. Reivitz, 
    820 F.2d 863
    867 (7th Cir. 1987). Therefore, an order enjoining payment reductions for
    services that had been delivered before August 18 services is retroactive,
    even if the Department had not yet tendered payment for the services.
    eign immunity unless the Director waived that immunity—
    impliedly through removal, explicitly through consent to suit
    in state court, or through some combination thereof—an issue
    we now consider.
    B.   The State’s Waiver of Sovereign Immunity
    [17] Even if a plaintiff seeks damages for past conduct,
    sovereign immunity will not insulate a state from suit in state
    court, provided the state has previously consented to be sued
    in state court under like circumstances. See Carey v. Nev.
    Gaming Control Bd., 
    279 F.3d 873
    , 877 (9th Cir. 2002).
    While a state’s consent to suit in its own courts does not
    waive sovereign immunity against suit in federal court, Carey,
    279 F.3d at 877
     (noting that waiver of sovereign immunity
    “only gives [the state’s] consent to suits in its own courts”),
    a state that consents to suit in state court cannot invoke the
    sovereign immunity defense after removing the suit to federal
    court, Embury v. King, 
    361 F.3d 562
    , 566 (9th Cir. 2004);
    Stewart v. North Carolina, 
    393 F.3d 484
    , 488 (4th Cir. 2005).
    As a result, given that the Director removed the case, sover-
    eign immunity will not protect him if the State has previously
    consented to suits like this one in state court.
    Here, Independent Living points to several state authorities
    it claims constitute such consent. First, it notes that California
    Code of Civil Procedure § 1085 provides:
    A writ of mandate may be issued by any court to
    any inferior tribunal, corporation, board, or person,
    to compel the performance of an act which the law
    specially enjoins, as a duty resulting from an office,
    trust, or station.
    Though it does not explicitly waive sovereign immunity
    against retroactive disbursements, this provision can be read
    to sanction judicially ordered fund disbursements generally.
    California state courts, some interpreting California Code
    of Civil Procedure § 1085, have condoned such orders in
    more explicit terms. Various decisions have interpreted state
    law to permit mandamus actions seeking disbursement of
    unlawfully withheld funds. See, e.g., County of L.A. v. Riley,
    128 P.2d 537
    , 543 (Cal. 1942); L.A. County v. State Dep’t of
    Pub. Health, 
    158 Cal. App. 2d 425
    , 443 (1958). Notably,
    some of these cases have specifically recognized the availabil-
    ity of monetary awards against a state agency or official
    resulting from unlawfully withheld health and welfare pay-
    ments. See Mission Reg’l Med. Ctr. v. Shewry, 
    168 Cal. App. 4th 460
    , 480 (Cal. Ct. App. 2008) (citing Code of Civil Proce-
    dure § 1085); Santa Ana Hosp. Med. Ctr. v. Belshi, 
    56 Cal. App. 4th 819
    , 837 (Cal. Ct. App. 1997) (noting that “[a]ctions
    seeking traditional mandamus to compel a state officer to
    comply with a mandatory duty to disburse funds do not
    invade sovereign immunity, even though they involve an inci-
    dental monetary award” (citing of Sacramento v. Lackner, 
    97 Cal. App. 3d 576
    , 587-88 (Cal. Ct. App. 1979))). In County
    of Los Angeles v. Riley, the court authorized back payments
    for needy services against the State and noted that “[t]he rule
    is well established in this state that where the action is one
    simply to compel an officer to perform a duty expressly
    enjoined upon him by law, it may not be considered a suit
    against the state.” 128 P.2d at 543 (citing, e.g., Bd. of Dirs.
    of Woman’s Relief Corps Home Ass’n of Cal. v. Nye, 
    8 Cal. App. 527
     (Cal. Ct. App. 1908)); see also L.A. County v. State
    Dep’t of Pub. Health, 158 Cal. App.2d at 442-43; id. at 443
    (holding that because “the object of the present suits is to
    compel state officers to disburse funds specifically appropri-
    ated for tuberculosis subsidies in the manner provided by the
    statute,” the order involves “no invasion of state sovereignty
    and does not fall within the rule precluding suits against the
    state without its consent”).
    [18] Thus, California has construed the scope of its sover-
    eign immunity as it relates to awards of unlawfully withheld
    funds more narrowly than have the federal courts. Compare,
    e.g., L.A. County, 158 Cal. App.2d at 442-43 with Edelman,
    415 U.S. at 668
    , and Noatak, 
    38 F.3d at 1512
    . Under Califor-
    nia law, an action seeking injunctive relief that requires a state
    official to disburse funds is not an action against the State.
    Thus, it does not implicate the State’s sovereign immunity
    against liability in its own courts. Had this action remained in
    state court, the Director would not have enjoyed sovereign
    immunity against a order directing payment of retroactive
    [19] Under our precedent, because the Director enjoyed no
    sovereign immunity in state court against a order directing
    payment of retroactive benefits, it follows that the Director—
    by removing the case to federal court—waived sovereign
    immunity in that forum as well. See Embury, 
    361 F.3d at
    (citing Lapides v. Board of Regents, 
    535 U.S. 613
    , 623-24
    (2002)) (holding that, in removing a case to federal court, a
    state defendant waives its Eleventh Amendment immunity);
    see also Stewart, 
    393 F.3d at 488
    . Embury’s rule is grounded
    on the Supreme Court’s holding in Lapides, which held that
    where a state removed a state law defamation action to federal
    court, it waived its sovereign immunity against the state
    Id. at 624
    . Embury extended Lapides’s principle to fed-
    eral claims.20 
    361 F.3d at
    565-66 (citing Lapides, 
    535 U.S. at
    The Director argues that Lapides and Embury should essentially be
    confined to their facts. Under this reading, the rule applies only where a
    state has already consented to suit in its own state courts and thus, a state
    defendant removing a case to federal court takes with it whatever sover-
    eign immunity it had in state court. Other courts have endorsed this nar-
    row view of Lapides’s waiver rule. E.g., Stewart, 
    393 F.3d at 488
    that Lapides “does not resolve whether a state that has not consented to
    suit in its own courts maintains [immunity] upon voluntarily removing a
    case to federal court”); 
    id. at 490
     (construing Lapides to mean that in such
    an instance, a state does not waive sovereign immunity by removal); see
    also Watters v. Wash. Metro. Area Transit Auth., 
    295 F.3d 36
    , 42 n.13
    (D.C. Cir. 2002) (noting that “[a]s the [states] have not waived immunity
    from attorney’s liens in their own courts, the narrow holding of Lapides
    does not apply to this case,” and the defendant’s removal did not waive
    its sovereign immunity). While our Embury holding strongly suggests a
    broader interpretation of Lapides, our conclusion that the Director con-
    sented to suit in state court renders the issue moot for the purpose of this
    620, 623-24). Under Embury, the Director, having waived
    state court immunity, also waived federal court sovereign
    immunity by voluntarily removing the action. Because the
    Director lacked sovereign immunity against retroactive
    orders, the district court’s August 18 order should have
    applied retroactively. As a result, by basing its order on an
    erroneous legal standard, the district court erred in eliminating
    the injunction’s retroactive effect. We hold that the district
    court’s injunction should extend to all services covered by
    that injunction and provided on or after July 1, 2008.
    C.   Other Claims of Error Regarding the August 27,
    2008 Order
    Independent Living also contends that the district court’s
    August 27, 2008 order violated their right to due process,
    namely, their property right in the judgment reflected in the
    court’s August 18, 2008 order. They also allege that, in modi-
    fying the August 18 order, the district court abused its discre-
    tion under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 59(e). Based on
    our conclusion that the August 27, 2008 order erroneously
    construed the State’s sovereign immunity, we do not reach
    these claims.
    The district court properly applied this court’s prior deci-
    sion in Orthopaedic Hospital to hold that Independent Living
    has demonstrated a likelihood of success on the merits. More-
    over, the district court did not abuse its discretion in determin-
    ing that the balance of hardships tips sharply in Independent
    Living’s favor, as the ten percent rate reduction threatens
    access to much-needed medical care. We therefore affirm the
    district court’s order granting in part Independent Living’s
    motion for a preliminary injunction.
    However, the district court’s subsequent order modifying
    the injunction to apply only to payments for services provided
    on or after August 18 was based on an erroneous legal stan-
    dard. The State of California has waived its sovereign immu-
    nity against mandamus actions in state courts seeking
    reimbursement of unlawfully withheld funds, and the Direc-
    tor, by voluntarily removing this case to federal court, waived
    the State’s sovereign immunity in federal court. We therefore
    reverse the district court’s August 18 order modifying the
    injunction and remand to the district court for further proceed-
    ings consistent with this opinion.
    AFFIRMED          in   part,   REVERSED        in   part,   and

Document Info

Docket Number: 08-56422

Filed Date: 7/9/2009

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/14/2015

Authorities (44)

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