Hopkins v. Bonvicino ( 2009 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    BRUCE HOPKINS,                          
    A. BONVICINO, Badge No. 1140,
    individually & in his official                No. 07-15102
    capacity as a San Carlos Police
    Officer; DAVID BUELOW                          D.C. No.
    individually & in his official
    capacity as a San Carlos Police                OPINION
    Officer; NICK NGUYEN, Badge No.
    1141, individually in his official
    capacity as a San Carlos Police
    Officer; CITY OF SAN CARLOS,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of California
    Jeffrey S. White, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    October 20, 2008—San Francisco, California
    Filed July 16, 2009
    Before: Mary M. Schroeder, Dorothy W. Nelson, and
    Stephen Reinhardt, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Reinhardt
    9028                HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    Anthony Boskovich, Boskovich Law Office, San Jose, Cali-
    fornia, for the plaintiff-appellee.
    Todd H. Master, Howard Rome Martin & Ridley, Redwood
    City, California, for the defendants-appellants.
    REINHARDT, Circuit Judge:
    On August 22, 2003, two San Carlos Police Officers broke
    into Bruce Hopkins’ home. They did not have a warrant, nor
    did they have probable cause. All that they had was a state-
    ment from a third-party that Hopkins had been involved in an
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                  9029
    extremely minor traffic incident, an incident so minor that it
    did not cause as much as a scratch on either of the vehicles
    involved, and that he appeared to have been drinking. Based
    on this information, the officers broke into Hopkins’ home
    with their flashlights shining and their guns drawn. When they
    found Hopkins, they handcuffed him, removed him from his
    house, and placed him under arrest.
    The officers’ explanation for their warrantless entry is both
    simple and audacious: They claim that, after hearing that
    Hopkins had the smell of alcohol on his breath, they feared he
    was on the brink of a diabetic coma and broke into his house
    in order to offer medical assistance. According to one offi-
    cer’s deposition testimony, they entered with their guns drawn
    because individuals suffering from diabetic emergencies “may
    sometimes be confused” and can be “combative.” Apparently,
    in the officer’s view, someone suffering from such a medical
    emergency may need to be deterred by deadly force. Hopkins,
    however, was neither confused nor combative because he was
    not suffering from a diabetic emergency — he was lying in
    his bedroom watching television, which is where the officers
    found him. Yet, after the officers discovered that he was per-
    fectly healthy and non-comatose, they did not say “we’re glad
    to see that you are safe, sir; we’ll be on our way now.” They
    did not say, “Sorry for the disturbance and for damaging your
    property.” No, instead they handcuffed Hopkins at gunpoint,
    removed him from his home, placed him under arrest, and
    brought him to the San Mateo County jail for the final chapter
    in the case of the nonexistent diabetes.
    Hopkins sued the two officers who broke into his house,
    their colleague who waited outside, and the City of San Car-
    los under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. He asserts three causes of action:
    unlawful warrantless entry of a home, unlawful arrest without
    probable cause, and excessive use of force. The defendants
    jointly moved for summary judgment on all counts — the
    officers asserting a qualified immunity defense and the City
    arguing that it should not be held liable under Monell v. N.Y.
    9030                      HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    City Department of Social Services, 
    436 U.S. 658
    (1978). The
    district court denied the motion, and the defendant-officers
    now appeal.1 Because “physical entry of the home is the chief
    evil against which the wording of the Fourth Amendment is
    directed,” Payton v. New York, 
    445 U.S. 573
    , 585 (1980)
    (quoting United States v. U.S. Dist. Court, 
    407 U.S. 297
    , 313
    (1972)), and because the officers’ conduct here unequivocally
    violated Hopkins’ clearly established constitutional rights, we
    affirm the denial of summary judgment with respect to Offi-
    cers Bonvicino and Buelow, although we hold that their col-
    league, Officer Nguyen, is entitled to qualified immunity.
    I.   Factual and Procedural Background
    On a Friday evening in late August of 2003, Bruce Hopkins
    finished his shift at work and went to the local American
    Legion Hall in San Carlos, California, for a drink.2 After hav-
    ing a few beers he left to drive home. While en route, he was
    involved in a minor traffic incident with a car driven by Ms.
    Waheeda Talib. Both Talib and Hopkins agree that they each
    got out of their cars to inspect the vehicles for damage.3
    According to Hopkins, the two agreed that there was no dam-
    age and he continued on his way home. According to later
    police reports of the incident, Talib claimed that after exiting
    his car Hopkins denied responsibility for the incident and sim-
    ply drove away.
    Despite minor discrepancies in the details of the traffic
    The denial of summary judgment with respect to the City of San Carlos
    is not before us.
    Because this case comes to us on defendants’ motion for summary
    judgment, we take all facts in the light most favorable to Hopkins, the
    nonmoving party.
    Talib did not testify in any depositions for this lawsuit nor did she sub-
    mit any affidavits or responses to interrogatories. Her statements are
    drawn from the various police reports completed by the defendants in this
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                     9031
    incident’s immediate aftermath, the parties agree that Talib
    followed Hopkins to his home without Hopkins being aware
    that she was behind him. When Hopkins arrived home and
    left his car, Talib confronted him about the incident and
    accused him of being intoxicated. Talib later told the
    defendant-officers that she suspected Hopkins was under the
    influence of alcohol because when she spoke with him in
    front of his residence she smelled alcohol on his breath and
    observed that he seemed impaired and had difficulty walking.
    During her confrontation with Hopkins, Talib spoke on her
    cell phone. Fearing that she was either calling “her husband
    to come down there and beat [him] up or [that] she was call-
    ing the cops,” Hopkins entered his house “as quick as he
    could.” His exchange with Talib on his front lawn lasted no
    longer than a minute to a minute and a half. Once inside his
    home, Hopkins went to his bedroom in the basement to watch
    Talib remained outside on Hopkins’ lawn and called the
    police. She told the dispatcher that she had been involved in
    a hit-and-run accident, that she followed the driver to his
    house, and that she suspected he had been drinking. Shortly
    thereafter, San Carlos police officers Armand Bonvicino and
    Nick Nguyen arrived at Hopkins’ residence. Officer Bonvi-
    cino, the “primary officer” for the call, asked Talib if she
    needed medical assistance; she said she did not. Talib then
    proceeded to tell Bonvicino and Nguyen about the traffic inci-
    dent and reported that Hopkins appeared intoxicated when he
    got out of his vehicle. Officer Bonvicino walked to the front
    door of Hopkins’ house, knocked loudly, and announced him-
    self as a police officer multiple times through an open win-
    dow. He did not receive a response.
    Officer Bonvicino then returned to the front lawn and con-
    ferred with Officer Nguyen and with Officer David Buelow,
    who had since arrived at the scene.4 While Officer Nguyen
    Officer Buelow had been Officer Bonvicino and Officer Nguyen’s
    field training officer when they were both police department trainees.
    9032                 HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    continued to interview Talib, Officers Bonvicino and Buelow
    decided to walk to the side of the house in order to attempt
    to contact Hopkins through a side door. The side entrance to
    Hopkins’ home had a screen door, which was closed and
    locked, and a solid door behind the screen, which was open.
    After knocking on the screen door and receiving no response,
    Officers Bonvicino and Buelow discussed with each other
    possible explanations for Hopkins’ not answering. Among the
    explanations they came up with was the possibility that Hop-
    kins was on the brink of a diabetic coma. As both officers
    later explained in their declarations and depositions, they had
    been trained that what a layperson might describe as the odor
    of alcohol on someone’s breath could actually be the “fruity”
    smell associated with a diabetic emergency. With this poten-
    tial medical emergency in mind, Officer Bonvicino loudly
    announced through the screen that he and Officer Buelow
    would be making an entry into the house to check on Hop-
    kins’ welfare.
    Officer Bonvicino cut a hole in the screen, reached in, and
    unlocked the door. He and Officer Buelow then entered the
    residence with their flashlights on and their guns drawn.
    Inside, the officers searched for Hopkins in the areas of his
    home in which a person might be found. They discovered him
    lying on the floor in his bedroom, which was a converted
    garage space. According to Hopkins, he had never heard the
    officers’ knocking and was terrified when they entered with
    their guns drawn and flashlights shining; he fell off the bed
    as they were coming down the stairs into his room. The offi-
    cers asked Hopkins to get up, show his hands, and move
    toward them, which he did. At this point, Officer Bonvicino
    holstered his sidearm because, in his words, Hopkins “was not
    a threat to officer safety.” Officer Buelow, however, contin-
    ued to point his gun at Hopkins. Hopkins was then handcuffed
    and taken outside.
    While Officers Bonvicino and Buelow were inside Hop-
    kins’ home, Officer Nguyen had been interviewing Talib and
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                 9033
    taking pictures of her and Hopkins’ cars. Once Hopkins was
    brought outside, Talib positively identified him as the driver
    of the vehicle that had bumped into hers. After Officer
    Nguyen explained the mechanics of a citizen’s arrest to her
    and provided her with a citizen’s arrest form printed by the
    San Carlos police department, Talib executed a citizen’s
    arrest of Hopkins for hit-and-run and asked the officers to
    take him into custody. The officers took Hopkins to the San
    Carlos Police Department. He was later charged with hit-and-
    run and driving under the influence and transferred to San
    Mateo County Jail. Hopkins’ criminal charges were quickly
    dropped once the judge in San Mateo Superior Court granted
    his motion to suppress the evidence against him on the ground
    that the officers’ entry into his home was illegal.
    After his criminal case concluded, Hopkins filed a civil
    complaint under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 in the Northern District of
    California, alleging, inter alia, that the officers violated his
    civil rights by entering his house without a warrant, arresting
    him without probable cause, and using excessive force. The
    defendant-officers filed a joint motion for summary judgment,
    contending that they did not violate Hopkins’ constitutional
    rights, and, even if they did, that they are entitled to qualified
    immunity. The district court granted the motion with respect
    to Officer Nguyen’s liability for excessive force, but other-
    wise denied the motion in all respects.
    II.    Standard of Review
    A district court’s decision denying summary judgment on
    the ground of qualified immunity is reviewed de novo. See,
    e.g., Bingham v. City of Manhattan Beach, 
    341 F.3d 939
    , 945
    (9th Cir. 2003). Qualified immunity is “an entitlement not to
    stand trial or face the other burdens of litigation.” Mitchell v.
    472 U.S. 511
    , 526 (1985). Because the defense pro-
    vides immunity from suit, not just a defense from liability, the
    denial of a motion for summary judgment predicated on quali-
    9034                  HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    fied immunity is an immediately appealable collateral order.
    Id. at 528-30.
    The qualified immunity analysis involves two separate
    steps. First, the court determines whether the facts “show the
    officer’s conduct violated a constitutional right.” Saucier v.
    533 U.S. 194
    , 201 (2001). If the alleged conduct did not
    violate a constitutional right, then the defendants are entitled
    to immunity and the claim must be dismissed. However, if the
    alleged conduct did violate such a right, then the court must
    determine “whether the right was clearly established” at the
    time of the alleged unlawful action. 
    Id. A right
    is clearly
    established if “a reasonable official would understand that
    what he is doing violates that right.” 
    Id. at 202.
    If the right is
    not clearly established, then the officer is entitled to qualified
    immunity. While the order in which these questions are
    addressed is left to the court’s “sound discretion,” “it is often
    beneficial” to perform the analysis in the sequence outlined
    above. Pearson v. Callahan, 
    129 S. Ct. 808
    , 818 (2009). Of
    course, where a claim of qualified immunity is to be denied,
    both questions must be answered.
    When determining whether there are any genuine issues of
    material fact at the summary judgment stage, the court must
    take all facts in the light most favorable to the non-moving
    party. In the context of qualified immunity, determinations
    that turn on questions of law, such as whether the officers had
    probable cause or reasonable suspicion to support their
    actions, are appropriately decided by the court. Act
    Up!/Portland v. Bagley, 
    988 F.2d 868
    , 873 (9th Cir. 1993).
    However, a trial court should not grant summary judgment
    when there is a genuine dispute as to “the facts and circum-
    stances within an officer’s knowledge” or “what the officer
    and claimant did or failed to do.” 
    Id. III. Warrantless
    [1] Hopkins’ first claim is that his constitutional rights were
    violated when, acting under color of state law, Officers Bon-
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                   9035
    vicino and Buelow entered his house without a warrant in vio-
    lation of the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment
    provides: “The right of the people to be secure in their per-
    sons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable
    searches and seizures, shall not be violated . . . .” U.S. CONST.
    amend. IV. “[S]earches and seizures inside a home without a
    warrant are presumptively unreasonable.” United States v.
    406 F.3d 1160
    , 1163 (9th Cir. 2005) (internal quo-
    tation marks omitted) (quoting 
    Payton, 445 U.S. at 586
    [2] The presumption, however, is not irrebuttable. “There
    are two general exceptions to the warrant requirement for
    home searches: exigency and emergency.” 
    Id. at 1164.
    exceptions are “narrow” and their boundaries are “rigorously
    guarded” to prevent any expansion that would unduly inter-
    fere with the sanctity of the home. United States v. Stafford,
    416 F.3d 1068
    , 1073 (9th Cir. 2005). In general, the differ-
    ence between the two exceptions is this: The “emergency”
    exception stems from the police officers’ “community car-
    etaking function” and allows them “to respond to emergency
    situations” that threaten life or limb; this exception does “not
    [derive from] police officers’ function as criminal investiga-
    tors.” United States v. Cervantes, 
    219 F.3d 882
    , 889 (9th Cir.
    2000) (emphasis added). By contrast, the “exigency” excep-
    tion does derive from the police officers’ investigatory func-
    tion; it allows them to enter a home without a warrant if they
    have both probable cause to believe that a crime has been or
    is being committed and a reasonable belief that their entry is
    “necessary to prevent . . . the destruction of relevant evidence,
    the escape of the suspect, or some other consequence improp-
    erly frustrating legitimate law enforcement efforts.” United
    States v. McConney, 
    728 F.2d 1195
    , 1199 (9th Cir. 1984) (en
    Here, the defendant-officers attempt to justify their war-
    rantless entry into Hopkins’ home primarily on the basis of
    the emergency exception, but rely in the alternative on the
    exigency exception. We address these defenses in turn.
    9036                      HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    A.    The Emergency Exception
    [3] This court has clearly held that a police officer may not
    enter a home to investigate a medical emergency or other
    immediate risk to life or limb unless he has “reasonable
    grounds” to believe an emergency is at hand and that his
    immediate attention is required. 
    Cervantes, 219 F.3d at 888
    Although the test we announced in United States v. Cervan-
    219 F.3d 882
    (9th Cir. 2000), was altered by the Supreme
    Court in Brigham City v. Stuart, 
    547 U.S. 398
    (2006), the rea-
    sonable grounds prong “survives Brigham City, and indeed
    remains the core of the . . . analysis.” United States v. Snipe,
    515 F.3d 947
    , 951 (9th Cir. 2008).5 Under this prong, “law
    enforcement must have an objectively reasonable basis for
    concluding that there is an immediate need to protect others
    In Cervantes, we adopted a three part test for analyzing whether a war-
    rantless entry is valid under the emergency exception. We held:
    (1) The police must have reasonable grounds to believe that there
    is an emergency at hand and an immediate need for their assis-
    tance for the protection of life or property. (2) The search must
    not be primarily motivated by intent to arrest and seize evidence.
    (3) There must be some reasonable basis, approximating probable
    cause, to associate the emergency with the area or place to be
    searched. 219 F.3d at 888
    . In Brigham, the Supreme Court intervened and altered
    the analysis by abrogating the second prong of the Cervantes test. The
    Court held that “[a]n action is ‘reasonable’ under the Fourth Amendment,
    regardless of the individual officer’s state of mind, ‘as long as the circum-
    stances, viewed objectively, justify [the] action.’ ” Brigham 
    City, 547 U.S. at 404
    (emphasis and second alteration in original) (quoting Scott v.
    United States, 
    436 U.S. 128
    , 138 (1978)).
    We then construed Brigham as requiring that officers executing a war-
    rantless entry of a home “ha[ve] an objectively reasonable basis for con-
    cluding that there [i]s an immediate need to protect others or themselves
    from serious harm; and [that] the search’s scope and manner [a]re reason-
    able to meet the need.” 
    Snipe, 515 F.3d at 952
    . This formulation, when
    combined with the third prong of Cervantes, which was unaffected by
    either Brigham or Snipe, states our circuit’s current law governing the
    emergency exception.
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                  9037
    or themselves from serious harm.” 
    Id. at 951-52
    added). This “reasonable basis” requirement, clearly estab-
    lished by Cervantes in 2000 and reaffirmed by Snipe in 2008,
    is the core principle governing the officers’ conduct in the
    present appeal.
    We must “judge whether or not the emergency exception
    applies in any given situation based on the totality of the cir-
    cumstances, and, as with other exceptions to the warrant
    requirement, the Government bears the burden of demonstrat-
    ing that the search at issue meets these parameters.” United
    States v. Stafford, 
    416 F.3d 1068
    , 1074 (9th Cir. 2005). Here,
    the defendant-officers contend that two possible medical
    emergencies justified their warrantless entry.
    [4] The officers’ first argument is that because they were
    responding to a reported automobile accident they were
    authorized to enter Hopkins’ home to see if he was injured as
    a result of that incident. However, taking the alleged facts in
    the light most favorable to Hopkins, the police officers were
    aware that the purported accident did not cause so much as a
    scratch to either of the cars involved, as is confirmed by the
    photographs of the vehicles taken that evening by Officer
    Nguyen. Furthermore, after speaking with Talib — the
    woman who called the police and spoke with them before
    they entered Hopkins’ home, who was involved in the so-
    called “accident,” and who observed Hopkins exit his car both
    at the scene of the incident and back at his home — the offi-
    cers, in their own words, learned “nothing” regarding the
    nature of the accident that “caused [them] to be concerned for
    Mr. Hopkins’ medical condition.” In short, there was abso-
    lutely no indication that the minor bump between the two cars
    was at all serious or that it had caused any type of medical
    emergency. Accordingly, the mere fact that the officers were
    responding to a minor “hit-and-run” cannot justify their war-
    rantless entry into Hopkins’ home.
    9038                      HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    [5] Perhaps aware of the tenuous nature of this first argu-
    ment, the officers put greater weight on their second pur-
    ported medical emergency: the argument that they had reason
    to believe that Hopkins was suffering from or on the brink of
    a diabetic coma. This claim, however, is equally baseless,
    and, if permitted to serve as the basis for the warrantless home
    intrusion, would allow police officers to ignore the Fourth
    Amendment almost at will. No one disputes that a diabetic
    coma is a medical emergency, which it clearly is. Rather, the
    question before us is whether Officers Bonvicino and Buelow
    had an “objectively reasonable basis” to suspect that Hopkins
    was in fact suffering from a diabetic coma. 
    Snipe, 515 F.3d at 951
    . Taking the facts in the light most favorable to Hopkins,
    the only information the officers possessed that would support
    such a conclusion is as follows: (1) Talib said she smelled
    alcohol on Hopkins’ breath; (2) Talib described Hopkins as
    appearing slightly intoxicated; and (3) Hopkins did not
    respond when the officers knocked on his door. The officers
    argue that, because an individual suffering from the initial
    phases of a diabetic coma can, to an untrained observer,
    appear intoxicated and can have a “sickly sweet” or “fruity”
    odor on his breath that a layperson might confuse with the
    smell of alcohol, their fear of a diabetic emergency was rea-
    sonable. This contention is unsupportable: the mere sugges-
    tion that someone has a smell resembling alcohol on his
    breath and appears slightly intoxicated does not create “rea-
    sonable grounds” to suspect a diabetic emergency sufficient
    to justify warrantless entry into a home. If it did, then, as the
    officers acknowledged at oral argument, any time the police
    receive information from a layperson that someone inside a
    home has the appearance of a person who has consumed alco-
    hol the police will be authorized to enter that home without
    a warrant. This result would expand the “narrow[,] . . . rigor-
    ously guarded exception[ ] to th[e] warrant requirement”
    beyond all recognition, and simply cannot be the law. Staf-
    ford, 416 F.3d at 1073
    The officers’ contention is especially troubling in light of the large per-
    centage of police activity that involves some report of alcohol consump-
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                         9039
    [6] As this court has made clear, “if [police officers] other-
    wise lack reasonable grounds to believe there is an emergen-
    cy,” they must “take additional steps to determine whether
    there [i]s an emergency that justifie[s] entry in the first place.”
    United States v. Russell, 
    436 F.3d 1086
    , 1092 (9th Cir. 2006).
    Here, the officers did not take any such additional steps. They
    did not, as in Martin v. City of Oceanside, 
    360 F.3d 1078
    1080 (9th Cir. 2004), attempt to reach Hopkins by telephone
    in order to check on his welfare. They did not ask Talib for
    more information, such as whether she observed Hopkins
    wearing a medical alert bracelet or whether the odor she
    smelled on his breath was “fruity,” “sickly sweet,” or other-
    wise distinguishable from the typical smell of alcohol on a
    person’s breath. The mere fact that Hopkins did not answer
    the door cannot tip the balance in the officers’ favor, since
    nothing requires an individual to answer the door in response
    to a police officer’s knocking. United States v. Washington,
    387 F.3d 1060
    , 1070-71 (9th Cir. 2004). We do not dispute
    that the police officers in this case had reasonable grounds to
    believe that Hopkins had been drinking, but, without obtain-
    ing more information, they could not reasonably have
    believed that he needed immediate medical attention due to a
    diabetic emergency.7
    [7] Every case in this circuit that has upheld a warrantless
    search of a home under the emergency exception has involved
    (1998) (reporting high correlation between alcohol involvement and sus-
    pected or actual criminal conduct), available at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/
    We also note that under United States v. Snipe, 
    see supra
    note 5, we
    “must consider the officers’ manner of 
    entry.” 515 F.3d at 952
    . Here, the
    officers entered the house with their guns drawn, a tactic that hardly seems
    consistent with a response to a medical emergency where the victim is
    expected to be comatose or quasi-comatose. Surely paramedics or emer-
    gency medical technicians responding to diabetic emergencies do not do
    so with guns drawn.
    9040                 HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    significantly more evidence of an emergency than is present
    here. In Cervantes itself, the searching officer, who had been
    trained to recognize the smell of highly combustible fumes
    associated with methamphetamine production, personally
    smelled those fumes emanating from an apartment after
    responding to a call from the fire 
    department. 219 F.3d at 885-86
    . In United States v. Bradley, a mother who had just
    been arrested for possessing methamphetamine told the police
    that her nine-year old son was home alone in the middle of the
    night, a situation that we held “requir[ed] immediate police
    321 F.3d 1212
    , 1215 (9th Cir. 2003). In Martin
    v. City of Oceanside, officers entered a house in response to
    a phone call from a father who called the police “with an
    urgent request to check on the safety of his daughter . . .
    [whom he] had been unable to reach . . . for several 
    days.” 360 F.3d at 1080
    . In United States v. Martinez, officers
    responding to a domestic violence call found a woman crying
    on the front lawn of a house and heard a man shouting from
    inside; in the unique context of “a domestic abuse call, [in
    which] ‘violence may be lurking and explode with little warn-
    ing,’ ” we upheld the officers’ warrantless entry to speak to
    the screaming and potentially injured male 
    resident. 406 F.3d at 1162-64
    (quoting Fletcher v. Clinton, 
    196 F.3d 41
    , 50 (1st
    Cir. 1999)). In United States v. Stafford, we upheld a warrant-
    less entry after a building maintenance man reported to police
    that the walls of an apartment were covered in blood and
    feces and that he smelled what he thought was a dead body.
    416 F.3d 1068
    , 1071-73 (9th Cir. 2005). In United States v.
    Russell, we upheld a warrantless entry where a series of con-
    fused 911 calls suggested that one individual had shot another
    inside a house and that the shooter was still inside when the
    officers arrived. 
    436 F.3d 1086
    , 1090 (9th Cir. 2006). Finally,
    in United States v. Snipe, the police entered a home in
    response to a 911 call in which a “very hysterical sounding”
    caller “screamed . . . [g]et the cops here 
    now.” 515 F.3d at 949
    (alteration in original).
    [8] A statement that someone’s breath smelled like alcohol
    is not even remotely comparable to the information we have
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                  9041
    previously deemed to constitute “reasonable grounds” for sus-
    pecting a medical or other life-threatening emergency. It is
    simply inconceivable that a “reasonable officer” presented
    with the information that Talib conveyed to Officers Bonvi-
    cino and Buelow could conclude, on the basis of that informa-
    tion alone, that he had “an objectively reasonable basis” to
    suspect a medical emergency was at hand. Yet, as Officer
    Buelow acknowledged in his deposition, he believed that,
    hypothetically, any time an officer receives a report of alcohol
    consumption, that officer would, in his discretion, have rea-
    sonable grounds to enter a home without a warrant in order
    to investigate a diabetic emergency. Whatever this under-
    standing of the Fourth Amendment might be called, it cannot
    be called “objectively reasonable.” Thus, the emergency
    exception cannot justify the warrantless entry into Hopkins’
    B.   The Exigency Exception
    [9] The officers’ alternative argument is that, although they
    claim to have entered Hopkins’ house in response to a medi-
    cal emergency, a reasonable officer would have been justified
    in entering the building in order to investigate a crime under
    the “exigent circumstances” exception. “[W]hen the govern-
    ment relies on the exigent circumstances exception, it . . .
    must satisfy two requirements: first, the government must
    prove that the officer had probable cause to search the house;
    and second, the government must prove that exigent circum-
    stances justified the warrantless intrusion.” United States v.
    256 F.3d 895
    , 905 (9th Cir. 2001) (en banc). “Exi-
    gent circumstances” can include “the destruction of relevant
    evidence.” United States v. McConney, 
    728 F.2d 1195
    , 1199
    (9th Cir. 1984) (en banc). Here, the officers claim that their
    entry was justified because a reasonable officer would have
    had probable cause to believe Hopkins had been driving under
    the influence of alcohol in violation of CAL. VEH. CODE
    § 23152, and that an immediate entry was necessary in order
    9042                      HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    to obtain evidence of his blood alcohol content before the
    alcohol in his bloodstream metabolized.
    We address the probable cause and exigent circumstances
    requirements in turn.
    1.    Probable Cause
    [10] As the officers concede, the only crime for which they
    can claim to have had probable cause to enter Hopkins’ resi-
    dence is driving under the influence of alcohol, a violation of
    CAL. VEH. CODE § 23152.8 “Officers have probable cause for
    a search when ‘the known facts and circumstances are suffi-
    cient to warrant a man of reasonable prudence in the belief
    that contraband or evidence of a crime will be found.’ ”
    United States v. Henderson, 
    241 F.3d 638
    , 648 (9th Cir. 2000)
    (quoting Ornelas v. United States, 
    517 U.S. 690
    , 696 (1996)).
    [11] This court has held that “[i]n establishing probable
    cause, officers may not solely rely on the claim of a citizen
    witness that [s]he was a victim of a crime, but must indepen-
    dently investigate the basis of the witness’ knowledge or
    interview other witnesses.” Arpin v. Santa Clara Valley
    Transp. Agency, 
    261 F.3d 912
    , 925 (9th Cir. 2001) (citing
    Fuller v. M.G. Jewelry, 
    950 F.2d 1437
    , 1444 (9th Cir. 1991)
    (“[P]olice officers ha[ve] a duty to conduct an investigation
    into the basis of [a] witness’ report”)). In violation of the rule
    set forth in Arpin and Fuller, the officers here entered Hop-
    kins’ home based solely on the information they obtained
    The officers expressly waived below any argument that investigation
    of a potential hit-and-run could have justified their warrantless entry. They
    also acknowledge in their briefs on appeal that Talib’s citizen’s arrest, dis-
    cussed infra Part IV.B, “is not a basis for [their] warrantless entry into the
    residence.” And so they must, as their own police reports indicate that
    Talib did not authorize a citizen’s arrest until after the officers entered
    Hopkins’ home. Even if a stand-alone citizen’s arrest could justify a war-
    rantless home entry — a dubious proposition, see infra Part IV.B — the
    sequence of events here does not support such a justification.
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                        9043
    from Talib — namely, that she had been involved in an
    extremely minor car accident with Hopkins, that she smelled
    alcohol on his breath, and that he appeared intoxicated. The
    officers did not inspect Hopkins’ car to see if the hood was
    still warm, cf. People v. Thompson, 
    135 P.3d 3
    , 5-8 (Cal.
    2006), which would have corroborated Talib’s statement that
    the car had recently been driven, nor did they inspect the vehi-
    cle for any evidence of reckless driving or of alcohol con-
    sumption, such as open containers or an alcoholic odor. They
    did not ask Talib any questions in order to gain information
    beyond her cursory and conclusory statements, such as
    whether she observed Hopkins driving erratically or at an
    abnormal speed. In short, the officers obtained no information
    whatsoever beyond Talib’s brief statement. Under Arpin and
    Fuller, these statements from a witness, without further inves-
    tigation by the police, are insufficient to support probable cause.9
    2.    Exigent Circumstances
    Even if the officers had probable cause that Hopkins had
    been driving under the influence (and even if that would have
    been sufficient for entry into his home pursuant to a warrant),
    more is required to justify a warrantless entry into his house.
    The Fourth Amendment requires that there be exigent circum-
    stances for a warrantless entry. See, e.g., 
    Johnson, 256 F.3d at 907-09
    . The defendants contend that a reasonable officer
    would have been justified in entering Hopkins home in order
    We need not decide whether even if the officers had obtained indepen-
    dent evidence supporting Talib’s allegations, the “probable cause” this
    information provided would have been sufficient to justify the issuance of
    a warrant to search Hopkins’ home for evidence of the minor misdemea-
    nor violation at issue here. Whether a home, or the homeowner in his
    home, may be searched pursuant to a warrant for evidence of a minor
    motor vehicle violation involving neither personal injury nor property
    damage raises a serious question in our minds and would require the bal-
    ancing of the interests of the homeowner in the right to privacy in his
    home versus the state’s interest in searching homes for evidence of such
    minor criminal violations.
    9044                 HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    to obtain evidence of his blood-alcohol ratio, and that the
    rapid metabolizing of the alcohol in his blood would consti-
    tute exigent circumstances. This argument would seem to be
    directly foreclosed by Welsh v. Wisconsin, a case in which the
    United States Supreme Court held that “a warrantless home
    arrest cannot be upheld simply because evidence of the peti-
    tioner’s blood-alcohol level might have dissipated while the
    police obtained a warrant.” 
    466 U.S. 740
    , 754 (1984); see also
    id. at 748
    (holding that the same analysis applies to “agents
    of the government who seek to enter the home for purposes
    of search or arrest”). Welsh involved an investigation of
    alleged misdemeanor drunk driving, just as did Hopkins’ case.
    However, relying on People v. Thompson, 
    135 P.3d 3
    2006), a California Supreme Court decision, the officers argue
    that Welsh is distinguishable because the Wisconsin DUI law
    at issue in that case was a “nonjailable” offense, whereas in
    California DUI is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six
    months in county jail.
    [12] The appellants are correct that three years after they
    broke into Hopkins’ home the California Supreme Court
    sought to distinguish Welsh on the basis of a difference
    between jailable and nonjailable offenses. See 
    id. at 9
    therefore believe Welsh was limited to Wisconsin’s ‘amazing’
    decision to classify DUI as a civil nonjailable offense
    . . . .”). However, this is not the distinction that the United
    States Supreme Court drew in Welsh, nor is it the distinction
    that this circuit has repeatedly emphasized in its own
    exigency-exception decisions. To the contrary, in Welsh the
    Supreme Court held that the exigency analysis must turn on
    “the gravity of the underlying 
    offense,” 466 U.S. at 753
    (emphasis added), not its status as “jailable” or “nonjailable.”
    The Court specifically said that a finding of exigent circum-
    stances is particularly inappropriate “when the underlying
    offense . . . is realtively minor,” 
    id. at 750
    (emphasis added),
    and cited favorably “those courts addressing the issue [that]
    have refused to permit warrantless home arrests for nonfelo-
    nious crimes.” 
    Id. at 752
    (emphasis added). The Supreme
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                      9045
    Court expressly did not limit its holding in Welsh to nonjail-
    able offenses,10 see 
    id. at 753;
    to the contrary, it suggested that
    exigent circumstances can rarely, if ever, support entry into a
    home to investigate or arrest someone for a misdemeanor
    [13] Building on the felony/misdemeanor distinction dis-
    cussed in Welsh, this circuit has clearly held that “an exigency
    related to a misdemeanor will seldom, if ever, justify a war-
    rantless entry into the home.” LaLonde v. County of Riverside,
    204 F.3d 947
    , 956 (9th Cir. 2000) (citing 
    Welsh, 466 U.S. at 752-53
    ). In United States v. Johnson, we analyzed en banc a
    warrantless search of a home and noted that “in situations
    where the underlying offense is only a misdemeanor, law
    enforcement must yield to the Fourth Amendment in all but
    the ‘rarest’ cases.” 
    256 F.3d 895
    , 909 n.6 (9th Cir. 2001) (en
    banc) (quoting 
    Welsh, 466 U.S. at 753
    ). Because Johnson and
    LaLonde relied on and directly cited Welsh for the proposition
    that investigation of a misdemeanor will rarely, if ever, sup-
    port exigent circumstances, see 
    id. at 9
    08, it is clear that,
    whatever “rare” circumstances might justify a warrantless
    home entry to investigate a misdemeanor, misdemeanor driv-
    ing while under the influence, the very offense at issue in
    Welsh and cited by Johnson, does not fall within that very
    narrow exception. Here, the offense that the officers claim
    supports their warrantless entry is indisputably a misdemea-
    nor, see CAL. VEH. CODE §§ 23152, 23536; CAL. PENAL CODE
    § 17 (2008) (defining misdemeanor). More important, it is the
    precise offense that the Supreme Court held insufficient to
    justify a warrantless entry in Welsh. Accordingly, even were
    there probable cause that Hopkins had in fact been driving
    under the influence, a warrantless entry into his home was
    In fact, the offense for which Welsh himself was ultimately charged
    was a jailable offense under Wisconsin law, although the offending offi-
    cers did not know this at the time they entered his home. See 
    Welsh, 466 U.S. at 746
    9046                  HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    The fact that the California Supreme Court expressed its
    disagreement with the United States Supreme Court several
    years after the officers broke into Hopkins’ home and that it
    took a different view of the Fourth Amendment than this cir-
    cuit and the United States Supreme Court does not alter our
    conclusion in this case. It is the federal courts that are the
    final arbiters of federal constitutional rights, not the state
    courts. See, e.g., Bennett v. Mueller, 
    322 F.3d 573
    , 582 (9th
    Cir. 2003) (“[S]tate courts will not be the final arbiters of
    important issues under the federal constitution.” (quoting
    Minnesota v. Nat’l Tea Co., 
    309 U.S. 551
    , 557 (1940))). This
    court’s precedents make clear that a warrantless home entry
    to obtain evidence of a misdemeanor offense is “seldom, if
    ever” constitutional, and that it was certainly unconstitutional
    LaLonde, 204 F.3d at 956
    Accordingly, the exigency exception is inapplicable here
    for two independent reasons — absence of probable cause and
    absence of exigent circumstances — either of which is suffi-
    cient to compel our holding that the officers’ forced entry into
    Hopkins’ home violated his Fourth Amendment rights.
    C.   Officer Nguyen
    [14] To this point, we have discussed the conduct of Offi-
    cer Buelow and Officer Bonvicino, but not the conduct of
    Officer Nguyen, who remained outside with Talib while his
    colleagues broke into Hopkins home. The district court
    granted Officer Nguyen’s motion for summary judgment with
    respect to Hopkins’ claim of excessive force, but denied the
    motion with respect to the unlawful entry claim. Hopkins
    argues that Officer Nguyen should not enjoy qualified immu-
    nity on the warrantless-entry claim because Nguyen was an
    “integral participant” in the search. This argument, however,
    misunderstands our circuit precedent. In Chuman v. Wright,
    76 F.3d 292
    (9th Cir. 1996), we rejected “the ‘team effort’
    standard [that] allows the jury to lump all the defendants
    together, rather than require it to base each individual’s liabil-
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                       9047
    ity on his own 
    conduct.” 76 F.3d at 295
    . In that case, we held
    that a police officer’s “[b]eing a mere bystander [to his col-
    leagues’ conduct] was insufficient” to support § 1983 liabil-
    Id. at 294.
    [15] Hopkins seeks to distinguish Chuman by relying on
    the “integral participant” rule, which, as its name suggests,
    extends liability to those actors who were integral participants
    in the constitutional violation, even if they did not directly
    engage in the unconstitutional conduct themselves. However,
    this rule requires more participation and support on the part
    of a particular defendant than the undisputed facts in this case
    show Officer Nguyen to have provided. Under the integral
    participant rule, “an officer who does not enter an apartment,
    but stands at the door, armed with his gun, while other offi-
    cers conduct the search, can . . . be a ‘full, active participant’
    in the search” and therefore can be subject to § 1983 liability.
    Boyd v. Benton County, 
    374 F.3d 773
    , 780 (9th Cir. 2004)
    (emphasis added). Each of the cases cited in Boyd in which
    the “integral participant” rule was deemed satisfied involved
    officers who “provided armed backup during an unconstitu-
    tional search.” 
    Id. While the
    “integral participant” rule may
    extend liability beyond simply those officers who provide
    “armed backup,” it is clear that an officer who waits in the
    front yard interviewing a witness and does not participate in
    the unconstitutional search in any fashion cannot be held lia-
    ble under Chuman.
    [16] Hopkins argues that Officer Nguyen is not entitled to
    qualified immunity because he was part of a conversation in
    which the three officers formed a “plan of action” to enter the
    house. However, the undisputed facts show that the decision
    to enter Hopkins’ home was not made or discussed during that
    conversation, but rather was made in a separate conversation
    between Officers Buelow and Bonvicino at the side entrance
    to Hopkins’ house.11 Accordingly, Officer Nguyen partici-
    We also note that there is no allegation that Officer Nguyen either
    ordered the unconstitutional search or directed it from afar. To the con-
    9048                     HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    pated in neither the planning nor the execution of the unlawful
    search. We therefore reverse the district court with respect to
    Officer Nguyen’s liability and hold that he is entitled to quali-
    fied immunity on the unlawful search claim.
    D.    Clearly Established Law
    Because Officer Nguyen did not commit a constitutional
    violation with respect to Hopkins’ warrantless-entry claim, we
    need not proceed to the second step of the qualified-immunity
    analysis with respect to him. However, because both Officer
    Bonvicino and Officer Buelow did violate Hopkins’ Fourth
    Amendment rights by forcibly entering his home without a
    warrant in the absence of any valid justification under either
    the emergency or exigency exceptions, in order to determine
    whether they are entitled to qualified immunity on this claim
    we must examine whether the contours of those two excep-
    tions were clearly established in 2003 when they engaged in
    the conduct at issue.
    [17] To begin with the emergency exception, our decision
    in United States v. Cervantes clearly establishes that at the
    time of the officers’ warrantless forced entry into Hopkins’
    home “[t]he police [were required to] have reasonable
    grounds to believe that there is an emergency at hand and an
    immediate need for their 
    assistance.” 219 F.3d at 888
    . That
    opinion, which set forth the governing legal standard, was
    trary, the record is clear that Officer Bonvicino was the “primary agent”
    on the scene. It is also clear that Officer Buelow was the most senior offi-
    cer, as he had been both Officer Bonvicino’s and Officer Nguyen’s Field
    Training Officer. Thus, the rule that “[a] supervisor may be held liable
    under § 1983 ‘if he or she was personally involved in the constitutional
    deprivation or a sufficient causal connection exists between the supervi-
    sor’s unlawful conduct and the constitutional violation’ ” does not apply
    to Officer Nguyen. Lolli v. County of Orange, 
    351 F.3d 410
    , 418 (9th Cir.
    2003) (quoting Jackson v. City of Bremerton, 
    268 F.3d 646
    , 653 (9th Cir.
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                 9049
    decided in June of 2000, over three years before Officers Bue-
    low and Bonvicino engaged in their warrantless entry. Our
    previous discussion, 
    see supra
    Part III.A, makes clear that it
    was patently unreasonable for Buelow and Bonvicino to
    believe that a diabetic emergency was at hand based simply
    on Talib’s description of Hopkins as slightly inebriated. Our
    qualified immunity analysis, however, presents a somewhat
    different question than whether there were “reasonable
    grounds to believe that there [wa]s an emergency at hand;” id;
    in determining whether the officers’ conduct violated clearly
    established law, we must ask whether in 2003 a “reasonable
    officer” would have known that he lacked “reasonable
    grounds to believe that there [wa]s an emergency at hand.”
    See Saucier v. Katz, 
    533 U.S. 194
    , 202 (2001); Robinson v.
    Solano County, 
    278 F.3d 1007
    , 1012 (9th Cir. 2002) (en banc)
    (“[T]he standard of reasonableness for purposes of qualified
    immunity is distinct from the standard of reasonableness
    embodied in the Fourth Amendment.”). Here, we unhesitat-
    ingly conclude that a reasonable officer would indeed have
    known that the emergency exception to the Fourth Amend-
    ment would not encompass a warrantless entry into a home
    based solely on statements from a third party that an individ-
    ual inside the home appeared inebriated prior to entering the
    residence. No reasonable officer, indeed no reasonable per-
    son, upon hearing that someone appeared or smelled some-
    what inebriated could, without any further information,
    reasonably conclude that such a person was on the brink of a
    diabetic coma. To the contrary, a reasonable officer hearing
    such a description would conclude that the individual had
    consumed alcohol — conduct that would most certainly not
    justify a warrantless entry into a home. As we have previously
    held, when there is a “complete lack of evidence that would
    support a reasonable suspicion,” and the officers have pro-
    vided a “wholly inadequate justification for the[ir] search, we
    conclude that it would have been clear to a reasonable officer
    that [such a search] was unlawful.” See Ramirez v. City of
    Buena Park, 
    560 F.3d 1012
    , 1023 (9th Cir. 2009). Similarly,
    9050                 HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    in 2003, no reasonable officer would have believed that,
    where a two-car automobile incident resulted in damage to
    neither car and the drivers of both cars drove off without any
    apparent physical complaint or difficulty, he should be suffi-
    ciently concerned about possible injuries to one of the drivers
    to forcibly enter his home in order to conduct an investigation
    regarding his possible injuries. As a result, the defendants are
    not entitled to qualified immunity under the emergency
    [18] As for the exigency exception, both our conclusions
    that the officers lacked probable cause to enter Hopkins’
    home and that an investigation of a potential misdemeanor
    drunk-driving incident does not create an exigent circum-
    stance were clearly established at the time the officers broke
    into the plaintiff’s home. As to probable cause, this court
    determined as early as 1991 that “police officers ha[ve] a duty
    to conduct an investigation into the basis of [a] witness’
    report” and that absent such investigation the report alone
    does not support probable cause. Fuller v. M.G. Jewelry, 
    950 F.2d 1437
    , 1444 (9th Cir. 1991). This rule was reaffirmed a
    mere two years before the conduct at issue in this case. See
    Arpin v. Santa Clara Valley Transp. Agency, 
    261 F.3d 912
    925 (9th Cir. 2001). It was equally clearly established by 2003
    that “an exigency related to a misdemeanor will seldom, if
    ever, justify a warrantless entry into the home.” LaLonde v.
    County of Riverside, 
    204 F.3d 947
    , 956 (9th Cir. 2000). More-
    over, we made clear a year later, in United States v. Johnson,
    that “where the underlying offense is only a misdemeanor,”
    such as the misdemeanor drunk-driving at issue in Welsh,
    “law enforcement must yield to the Fourth Amendment.” 
    256 F.3d 895
    , 909 n.6 (9th Cir. 2001) (en banc) (quoting 
    Welsh, 466 U.S. at 753
    [19] The California Supreme Court’s decision in People v.
    Thompson distinguishing Welsh cannot alter our conclusion
    that the prohibition of warrantless entry into a home to inves-
    tigate misdemeanor drunk-driving was “clearly established” at
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                   9051
    the time Officers Buelow and Bonvicino broke into Hopkins’
    home. For one thing, Welsh, LaLonde, and Johnson — bind-
    ing precedents from the Supreme Court and this court clearly
    establishing that rule — all predate the conduct underlying
    this lawsuit, whereas People v. Thompson was decided three
    years after the officers’ unconstitutional action. Furthermore,
    a decision by a state court contrary to a holding of this court
    cannot unsettle or “de-establish” the clarity of federal law.
    Although “[t]he Supreme Court has provided little guidance
    as to where courts should look to determine whether a particu-
    lar right was clearly established at the time of the injury,” we
    have held that “[i]n the Ninth Circuit, we begin our inquiry by
    looking to binding precedent. If the right is clearly established
    by decisional authority of the Supreme Court or this Circuit,
    our inquiry should come to an end.” Boyd v. Benton County,
    374 F.3d 773
    , 781 (9th Cir. 2004) (internal citation omitted)
    (citing Capoeman v. Reed, 
    754 F.2d 1512
    , 1514 (9th Cir.
    1985)). Thus, with respect to the lack of probable cause and
    the lack of exigent circumstances — the absence of either one
    of which would preclude the officers’ reliance on the exi-
    gency exception — the law as to both was clearly established
    in 2003 and the officers are not entitled to qualified immunity
    on the basis of that exception. Because it was also clearly
    established that the officers’ conduct did not fall within the
    emergency exception, the two defendants are not entitled to
    qualified immunity on that basis either. Accordingly, the offi-
    cers were properly denied summary judgment as to Hopkins’
    warrantless-entry claim.
    IV.   Arrest Without Probable Cause
    The officers also appeal the denial of their qualified-
    immunity defense with respect to Hopkins’ claim of unlawful
    arrest. This claim encompasses two different arrests: one that
    occurred inside Hopkins’ home, and a second that occurred
    9052                     HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    once he was brought outside and placed under citizen’s arrest.
    We analyze the two arrests separately.12
    A.    Arrest In Hopkins’ Home
    The Fourth Amendment protects against warrantless arrest
    inside a person’s home in the same fashion that it protects
    against warrantless searches of the home, which is to say that
    police officers may not execute a warantless arrest in a home
    unless they have both probable cause and exigent circum-
    stances. See, e.g., 
    Payton, 445 U.S. at 586
    (“It is a ‘basic prin-
    ciple of Fourth Amendment law’ that searches and seizures
    inside a home without a warrant are presumptively unreason-
    In Fisher v. City of San Jose, 
    558 F.3d 1069
    (9th Cir. 2008) (en banc),
    this court held that an “armed standoff was a single Fourth Amendment
    event, a continuous process of formalizing [an] arrest.” 
    Id. at 1077.
    by contrast, two distinct seizures took place, one occurring after the other
    was already accomplished. Drawing a distinction between two consecutive
    and overlapping “seizures” is a common and longstanding practice in
    Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, as in the case of so-called “Terry
    stops,” see Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 16-19 (1968); see also, e.g., Rohde
    v. City of Roseburg, 
    137 F.3d 1142
    , 1144 (9th Cir. 1998), or of unconstitu-
    tionally excessive force, see Chavez v. Martinez, 
    538 U.S. 760
    , 773 n.5
    (2003) (plurality opinion); Graham v. Connor, 
    490 U.S. 386
    , 388, 394
    (1989); Pierce v. Multnomah County, 
    76 F.3d 1032
    , 1042 (9th Cir. 1996)
    (quoting Robins v. Harum, 
    773 F.2d 1004
    , 1010 (9th Cir. 1985)). These
    longstanding precedents demonstrate that generally an individual who has
    already been seized can still be further seized for purposes of the Fourth
    Amendment — a proposition that is not inconsistent with Fisher’s holding
    that Fourth Amendment infringements suffered between the initiation of
    a seizure and the perfection, or “formalizing,” of that same seizure may
    not be analyzed independently for purposes of the warrant requirement.
    Fisher, 558 F.3d at 1077
    Here, Hopkins’ second seizure did not occur in the “process of formal-
    izing” his first seizure, 
    id., which was
    accomplished, at the latest, when
    he was led from his house in handcuffs. See infra 34-35. Rather, much like
    a Terry stop followed by a formal arrest, the first seizure here preceded
    the second. Accordingly, the two arrests were independent Fourth Amend-
    ment events that can independently support separate causes of action
    under § 1983.
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                  9053
    Welsh, 466 U.S. at 749
    (“[W]arrantless . . . arrests in
    the home are prohibited by the Fourth Amendment, absent
    probable cause and exigent circumstances.”). In light of the
    above, because Hopkins was in fact seized inside his home,
    Officers Buelow and Bonvicino violated his Fourth Amend-
    ment rights by arresting him without a warrant for the same
    reasons that their emergency and exigency defenses fail to
    justify their warrantless entry. 
    See supra
    Part III.B.
    An arrest — or, to use the Fourth Amendment’s terminol-
    ogy, a “seizure” — “occurs when a law enforcement officer,
    through coercion, ‘physical force[,] or a show of authority, in
    some way restricts the liberty of a person.’ ” United States v.
    387 F.3d 1060
    , 1069 (9th Cir. 2004) (quoting
    United States v. Chan-Jimenez, 
    125 F.3d 1324
    , 1325 (9th Cir.
    1997)). “A person’s liberty is restrained when, ‘taking into
    account all of the circumstances surrounding the encounter,
    the police conduct would have communicated to a reasonable
    person that he was not at liberty to ignore the police presence
    and go about his business.’ ” 
    Id. (quoting Florida
    v. Bostick,
    501 U.S. 429
    , 437 (1991)). Here, taking the facts in the light
    most favorable to Hopkins, Officers Buelow and Bonvicino
    entered his home with guns drawn, ordered him to show his
    hands, told him that he was under arrest, handcuffed him, and
    took him outside. Under these circumstances, it is clear that
    the officers restricted his liberty and seized him. See, e.g.,
    United States v. Washington, 
    490 F.3d 765
    , 772 (9th Cir.
    2007) (considering fact of police officer’s “directing [some-
    one] where to walk” in holding that a seizure occurred);
    United States v. Manzo-Jurado, 
    457 F.3d 928
    , 934 n.3 (9th
    Cir. 2006) (holding that a police officer’s order to occupants
    of a truck to “show their hands” was a seizure); United States
    v. Bravo, 
    295 F.3d 1002
    , 1010 (9th Cir. 2002) (“Certainly
    handcuffing is a substantial factor in determining whether an
    individual has been arrested.”).
    [20] Numerous precedents from this court and others,
    including the United States Supreme Court, make it clear that
    9054                      HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    the officers’ treatment of Hopkins inside his home constituted
    a seizure. There can be no doubt that the law in this respect
    was clearly established prior to 2003 and thus should have
    been known by a reasonable officer. See, e.g., Michigan v.
    486 U.S. 567
    , 573 (1988); INS v. Delgado, 
    466 U.S. 210
    , 215 (1984); 
    Bostick, 501 U.S. at 437
    ; Chan-
    Jimenez, 125 F.3d at 1326
    . Accordingly, we affirm the district
    court’s order denying Officers Buelow and Bonvicino’s
    motion for summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds
    with respect to Hopkins’ unlawful arrest claim. However,
    because Officer Nguyen did not participate in the arrest inside
    Hopkins’ home, we reverse the district court’s denial of his
    motion for summary judgment with respect to this arrest. 
    See supra
    Part III.C.
    B.    Citizen’s Arrest
    Hopkins also alleges that he was arrested for “hit-and-run”
    without probable cause.13 This second arrest was executed
    pursuant to Talib’s authority to perform a citizen’s arrest
    under CAL. PENAL CODE § 837, which allows “[a] private per-
    son [to] arrest another . . . [f]or a public offense committed
    or attempted in h[er] presence.” The issue with respect to this
    second arrest is thus whether, under the federal Constitution,
    police officers are required to have independent probable
    cause when effectuating an arrest authorized by a private citi-
    We first addressed this question in Arpin v. Santa Clara
    Valley Transp. Agency, 
    261 F.3d 912
    (9th Cir. 2001). In that
    case, a woman who was arrested after having an argument
    with a city bus driver later brought suit under § 1983. We
    concluded that the “bus driver[ ] made a citizen’s arrest . . . .
    and delegated to [the] [o]fficers . . . the task of taking [the
    Unlike in the other claims alleged, Officer Nguyen was an integral
    participant in this arrest because he provided Talib with the citizen’s arrest
    form and explained the procedure to her.
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                  9055
    plaintiff] into 
    custody.” 261 F.3d at 920
    . We upheld the grant
    of summary judgment to the officers on the plaintiff’s state-
    law claims for false arrest because California law explicitly
    exempts officers effectuating a citizen’s arrest from civil lia-
    bility. See CAL. PENAL CODE § 847. However, we reversed dis-
    missal of the plaintiff’s federal claims, holding that the
    officers could be liable under the Fourth Amendment because
    they did not have sufficient independent probable cause to
    arrest Arpin. See 
    Arpin, 261 F.3d at 925
    [21] Given Arpin’s rule that the federal Constitution
    requires police officers to have independent probable cause
    when effectuating a citizen’s arrest, and taking the facts in
    this case in the light most favorable to Hopkins, the
    defendant-officers violated Hopkins’ constitutional rights
    when they took him into custody because they did not have
    probable cause to support Talib’s arrest for hit-and-run. The
    hit-and-run statute on which Talib predicated her arrest con-
    tains as an element that there be some damage to the vehicles
    (or to some other property). See CAL. VEH. CODE § 20002;
    People v. Carbajal, 
    899 P.2d 67
    , 72 n.10 (Cal. 1995) (“The
    essential elements of a violation of section 20002 [include]
    that the defendant: . . . knew damage resulted from the acci-
    dent . . . .”). However, Officer Nguyen personally inspected
    and took photographs of the vehicles involved in the pur-
    ported “accident,” and those photographs do not appear to
    show any damage to the cars. “In this procedural context,
    where summary judgment [is at issue], we must credit the
    video evidence submitted by [the non-moving party].”
    Menotti v. City of Seattle, 
    409 F.3d 1113
    , 1150 (9th Cir.
    2005). Furthermore, Hopkins also asserted in his deposition
    that “there was nothing wrong with either vehicle,” an asser-
    tion we must take as true. If there was no damage to the cars,
    then the officers did not have probable cause to believe that
    a violation of § 20002 had occurred. Therefore, Hopkins has
    properly alleged that the officers acted unlawfully when they
    took him into custody on the basis of Talib’s citizen’s arrest
    without independent probable cause.
    9056                     HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    Having concluded that the officers violated Hopkins’
    rights, we must next consider whether the rule that indepen-
    dent probable cause must support an officer’s effectuation of
    a citizen’s arrest was clearly established at the time Hopkins
    was arrested. This is a close question. We conclude that even
    though Arpin was decided two years before the conduct at
    issue in this case, the rule it sets forth was not clearly estab-
    lished at the time of Hopkins’ arrest. Although Arpin held that
    it was analyzing a citizen’s arrest when it discussed the offi-
    cers’ liability under the state-law claims at issue, when the
    court turned its attention to the federal claims it described the
    municipal bus driver who executed the citizen’s arrest as “ac-
    t[ing] ‘with the intent to assist the government in its investiga-
    tory . . . purposes.’ ” 
    Arpin, 261 F.3d at 924
    (quoting United
    States v. Attson, 
    900 F.2d 1427
    , 1433 (9th Cir. 1990)).
    Accordingly, the court held that the citizen “summoned the
    police . . . not for an independent purpose, but as a govern-
    mental employee acting with the intent to assist the . . . Coun-
    Id. In light
    of this language, Arpin could reasonably be
    read to suggest that the citizen bus driver was acting as an
    agent of the state, and therefore not executing a true citizen’s
    arrest.14 Cf. CAL. PENAL CODE § 837 (defining citizen’s arrest
    as executed by a “private person”). Given this lack of clarity,
    a reasonable officer might not have known that taking Hop-
    kins into custody solely on the basis of the citizen’s arrest in
    this case violated the Fourth Amendment.
    Since Arpin was decided, both our court and a district court
    in this circuit have held in unpublished opinions that the
    “teachings in Arpin . . . require police officers to conduct
    additional investigation on a citizen’s arrest” in order to estab-
    lish independent probable cause prior to effectuating that
    The Arpin court further held that the officers in that case did not have
    independent probable cause to arrest the plaintiff, but it is unclear whether
    the court’s holding simply rearticulated the rule announced in Fuller v.
    M.G. Jewelry, 
    950 F.2d 1437
    , 144 (9th Cir. 1991), that a statement from
    an aggrieved witness is insufficient to support probable cause.
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                        9057
    arrest. Sin v. Crystal Park Hotel Casino, 77 F. App’x 433, 434
    (9th Cir. 2003) (internal citation omitted); accord Salisbury v.
    Ward, No. 06-2993-MMC, 
    2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 94025
    *10-11 (N.D. Cal. Dec. 19, 2006) (“[The requirement] that a
    warrantless arrest . . . ‘be supported by probable cause . . . .’
    applies even when the arrestee is taken into custody pursuant
    to a citizen’s arrest.”). However, while unpublished opinions
    “can be considered in determining whether the law was
    clearly established,” Bahrampour v. Lampert, 
    356 F.3d 969
    977 (9th Cir. 2004), both of these opinions were issued after
    the underlying conduct in this lawsuit, which renders them
    incapable of making the right at issue clearly established at
    the time of the violation.
    [22] Because Arpin is unclear as to whether the bus driver
    in that case was acting as a quasi-law enforcement officer or
    as a private citizen in executing the arrest, we hold that the
    requirement that a police officer establish independent proba-
    ble cause before taking individuals into custody solely on the
    basis of a citizen’s arrest was not clearly established in 2003.
    Arpin’s less-than-clear reasoning makes it uncertain whether
    at that time a “reasonable officer” would have known that it
    was unlawful to take Hopkins into custody solely because
    Talib had arrested him. It is equally uncertain whether such
    an officer would have known that he needed independent
    probable cause in order to do so.15 Accordingly, we hold that
    Until a year prior to the time when Hopkins was arrested, a California
    police officer who refused to take an individual into custody following a
    citizen’s arrest could “be punished by a fine not exceeding ten thousand
    dollars ($ 10,000), or by imprisonment in the state prison, or in a county
    jail not exceeding one year;” that provision has since been repealed. CAL.
    PENAL CODE § 142 (2001), amended by Assem. No. 1835, 2001-2002 Sess.
    (Cal. 2002).
    We do not mean to imply that a conflict between an officer’s liability
    under state law versus under federal law creates a lack of clearly estab-
    lished federal law. Rather, when faced with a close question regarding
    whether the federal law itself is clearly established, we simply note that
    the fact that state law immunizes similar conduct may tend to support an
    officer’s claim of qualified immunity.
    9058                     HOPKINS v. BONVICINO
    although Hopkins’ second arrest did indeed violate his consti-
    tutional right to be free from seizure absent probable cause,
    the officers are entitled to qualified immunity with respect to
    that arrest.16
    V.    Excessive Force
    Hopkins’ final claim is that the officers employed excessive
    force in executing the arrest inside his house. It is clearly
    established that the use of excessive force in effecting a sei-
    zure violates the Fourth Amendment. See Tennessee v. Gar-
    471 U.S. 1
    , 8-9 (1985). The law of this circuit regarding
    excessive force as it relates to the use by police officers of
    drawn firearms was established by the en banc court in Robin-
    son v. Solano County, 
    278 F.3d 1007
    (9th Cir. 2002) (en
    banc). In that case, we held that “pointing a gun to the head
    of an apparently unarmed suspect during an investigation can
    be a violation of the Fourth Amendment, especially where the
    individual poses no particular danger.” 
    Id. at 1015.
    In Robin-
    son, the court held that a constitutional violation had occurred
    where the officers pointed their guns at the plaintiff and “[t]he
    crime under investigation was at most a misdemeanor[,] the
    suspect was apparently unarmed and approaching the officers
    in a peaceful way[,] [t]here were no dangerous or exigent cir-
    cumstances apparent at the time of the detention, and the offi-
    cers outnumbered the plaintiff.” 
    Id. at 1014.
    [23] Taking the facts in the light most favorable to the
    plaintiff, it is clear that this case is indistinguishable from
    Robinson. Officer Bonvicino stated in his declaration that, at
    least as of the time Hopkins got up from the bedroom floor,
    he knew that Hopkins “was not a threat to officer safety.”
    Our holding therefore excuses Officer Nguyen from all liability,
    including liability for the excessive force claim, and dismisses him as a
    defendant in this case. Officers Bonvicino and Buelow, however, are not
    entitled to qualified immunity with respect to either the warrantless entry
    into Hopkins’ home or the warrantless arrest inside his home.
    HOPKINS v. BONVICINO                 9059
    However, Officer Buelow makes clear in his declaration that
    he did not holster his weapon until after Hopkins was hand-
    cuffed, sometime after Officer Bonvicino described Hopkins
    as nonthreatening. Furthermore, the facts in the record,
    including the officers’ own testimony that their reason for
    forcefully entering Hopkins’ home was that they suspected he
    was suffering from a medical emergency, suggest that they
    were fully aware at all times that Hopkins did not pose a
    threat to anyone. As to the other facts described in Robinson,
    there is no dispute that the officers here outnumbered Hop-
    kins, that he was unarmed, and that any putative crime the
    officers might have been investigating was a misdemeanor.
    Because Robinson was the law of this circuit at the time the
    officers arrested Hopkins, it was clearly established that the
    force they used was excessive. Accordingly, the district
    court’s denial of summary judgment on this ground with
    respect to Officers Bonvicino and Buelow is affirmed. The
    district court’s grant of summary judgment on this claim in
    favor of Officer Nguyen, who did not participate in the arrest
    inside Hopkins’ home, is also affirmed. 
    See supra
    note 16 
    and supra
    Part III.C.
    The district court’s denial of summary judgment with
    respect to Officers Bonvicino and Buelow is AFFIRMED
    except with respect to the citizen’s arrest part of the
    warrantless-arrest claim. The grant of summary judgment in
    favor of Officer Nguyen with respect to the excessive force
    claim is also AFFIRMED. The denial of summary judgment
    to Officer Nguyen with respect to the unlawful warrantless
    entry and unlawful arrest claims is REVERSED. The case is
    REMANDED for further proceedings consistent with this
    AFFIRMED in part, REVERSED in part, and

Document Info

Docket Number: 07-15102

Filed Date: 7/16/2009

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/14/2015

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