In the Matter of Brad Levenson , 587 F.3d 925 ( 2009 )

  •                    FOR PUBLICATION
    IN THE MATTER OF BRAD LEVENSON                No. 09-80172
            ORDER
    Filed November 18, 2009
    Brad Levenson, a deputy federal public defender in the
    Office of the Federal Public Defender for the Central District
    of California (“FPD”), is legally married, under California
    law, to Tony Sears. Nevertheless, Levenson has not been per-
    mitted to enroll Sears as a family member beneficiary of his
    federal health, dental, and vision benefits (hereinafter “federal
    benefits”) because both spouses are of the same sex. In a pre-
    vious order, I determined that the denial of benefits on this
    ground violates the Ninth Circuit’s Employment Dispute Res-
    olution Plan for Federal Public Defenders and Staff (“EDR
    Plan”), which expressly prohibits discrimination on the basis
    of sex and sexual orientation. I also determined for similar
    reasons that the denial of benefits violates the United States
    Constitution. As a further remedy for those violations, Leven-
    son now requests an order directing the FPD to enter into sep-
    arate contracts with private insurers in order to provide Sears
    with benefits comparable to those provided in the existing
    federal plans, or alternatively, a monetary award pursuant to
    the Back Pay Act. For the reasons set forth below, I have
    determined that an order directing the FPD to enter into sepa-
    rate health insurance contracts would not be a “necessary and
    appropriate” remedy within the scope of the EDR Plan. A
    15542                IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON
    back pay award, however, would be appropriate under the cir-
    cumstances. Accordingly, I grant Levenson’s alternative
    request for a monetary award, and remand the matter to the
    FPD to determine the actual amount to be awarded.
    Brad Levenson has been a deputy federal public defender
    in the FPD since July 11, 2005. He and Tony Sears have been
    partners for 15 years. They registered their domestic partner-
    ship on March 16, 2000, and were married in California on
    July 12, 2008, at a time when under the law in that state per-
    sons could marry individuals of the same sex. On July 15,
    2008, Levenson requested that his husband be added as a fam-
    ily member beneficiary of his federal benefits.1 That request
    was denied on the basis that the provision of benefits to same-
    sex spouses is prohibited by the federal Defense of Marriage
    Act (“DOMA”), 
    1 U.S.C. § 7
    . Levenson challenged that
    denial as a violation of his rights under the EDR Plan and the
    The EDR Plan provides for the only forum in which Leven-
    son can bring a claim of employment discrimination. The Plan
    was adopted by the Ninth Circuit Judicial Council “to provide
    rights and protections to employees of the Federal Public
    Defender Offices . . . which are comparable to those provided
    to legislative branch employees under the Congressional
    Accountability Act of 1995.”2 EDR Plan at A-1. The Plan pro-
    FPD employees and their family members have the right to these bene-
    fits pursuant to the Federal Employee Health Benefits Act, 
    5 U.S.C. §§ 8901-8914
     (“FEHBA”), and FEDVIP, the federal employee dental and
    vision insurance program, see 
    5 U.S.C. §§ 8951-62
    , 8981-92; 
    5 C.F.R. §§ 894.101
     et seq. Before Levenson joined the FPD, he was employed in
    the California Attorney General’s Office, which provided Sears with full
    medical, dental, and vision benefits. Since Levenson joined the FPD, he
    and Sears have paid the full cost of Sears’s health insurance premiums and
    his dental and vision care.
    The Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 “extended to [Con-
    gress’s] employees the protections of eleven labor laws generally applica-
    IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON                      15543
    hibits discrimination on numerous grounds, including both
    sex and sexual orientation, 
     at A-2, and establishes a griev-
    ance procedure for presenting claims of discrimination, 
    As required by the EDR Plan, see 
     at A-6-A-9, Levenson
    requested counseling, which failed, and mediation, which also
    failed. He then filed the pending complaint. 
     at A-10. In my
    role as Chair of the Ninth Circuit’s Standing Committee on
    Federal Public Defenders at the time of the complaint’s filing,
    and presently as designee of the current Chair of the Standing
    Committee, I am charged with hearing and ruling upon
    Levenson’s complaint and fashioning a “necessary and appro-
    priate” remedy. 
     at A-10, A-13.
    In my previous order, I ruled that the denial of benefits to
    Levenson’s spouse violated the anti-discrimination provisions
    of the EDR Plan as well as the Due Process Clause of the
    Fifth Amendment. I directed the Director of the Administra-
    tive Office of the United States Courts (“AO”) to submit
    Levenson’s Health Benefits Election form 2809 to the appro-
    priate health insurance carrier, and to process his request for
    FEDVIP coverage. I retained jurisdiction over this matter in
    order to ensure that Levenson’s spouse receives the benefits
    to which he is entitled.
    Although the AO complied with my previous order, Leven-
    son’s spouse has not yet received coverage under the federal
    benefits plans because the Office of Personnel Management
    ble to other public and private employees, including the protections
    against discrimination provided in Title VII . . . .” Dotson v. Griesa, 
    398 F.3d 156
    , 173 (2d Cir. 2005). “In enacting the CAA, Congress initially
    considered extending the statute’s coverage to employees of the judicial
    branch but, mindful of the importance of judicial autonomy, ultimately
    decided against such action.” 
     Thus, the EDR Plan, rather than Title VII
    or any other federal labor law, provides Levenson’s exclusive remedy for
    his claim of employment discrimination.
    15544             IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON
    (“OPM”) intervened to prevent his enrollment. Levenson does
    not request that I take any action against OPM for its role in
    the ongoing unconstitutional denial of federal benefits for his
    spouse. Rather, he requests that I enter an order directing the
    FPD to contract with private insurance companies to obtain
    separate coverage for his spouse, or alternatively, that I issue
    a monetary award pursuant to the Back Pay Act.
    Under the EDR Plan, I have the authority to order a “neces-
    sary and appropriate remedy” for the violation of a substan-
    tive right protected by the Plan. EDR Plan at A-13. The
    remedy may be retrospective, prospective, or both, and must
    be “tailored as closely as possible to the specific violation
     It would be consistent with this grant of equita-
    ble authority to consider Levenson’s views as to how best to
    make him whole, and if possible, to award one of the reme-
    dies he has requested. Whether either of the two proposed
    alternatives is both appropriate and closely tailored depends,
    in turn, on the specific nature of the violation. Accordingly,
    I begin by examining the nature of the discrimination Leven-
    son has experienced and the statutory framework within
    which that violation has occurred.
    I.   Substantive rights violated by the denial of spousal
    As I stated in my previous order, the denial of Levenson’s
    request that Sears be made a beneficiary of his federal bene-
    fits violated the EDR Plan’s prohibition on discrimination
    based on sex or sexual orientation. Levenson was unable to
    make his spouse a beneficiary of his federal benefits due
    solely to his spouse’s sex. If Sears were female, or if Leven-
    son himself were female, Levenson would be able to add
    Sears as a beneficiary. Thus, the denial of benefits at issue
    here was sex-based and constitutes a violation of the EDR
    Plan’s prohibition of sex discrimination. Alternatively, the
    IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON                      15545
    denial of benefits constitutes discrimination on the basis of
    sexual orientation. As the California Supreme Court recently
    explained, the differential treatment of opposite-sex and
    same-sex couples
    cannot be understood as having merely a disparate
    impact on gay persons, but instead properly must be
    viewed as directly classifying and prescribing dis-
    tinct treatment on the basis of sexual orientation. By
    limiting [benefits] to opposite-sex couples, the [ ]
    statutes, realistically viewed, operate clearly and
    directly to impose different treatment on gay individ-
    uals because of their sexual orientation. By defini-
    tion, gay individuals are persons who are sexually
    attracted to persons of the same sex and thus, if
    inclined to enter into a marriage relationship, would
    choose to marry a person of their own sex or gender.
    A statute that limits [benefits] to a union of persons
    of opposite sexes, thereby placing [those benefits]
    outside the reach of couples of the same sex, unques-
    tionably imposes different treatment on the basis of
    sexual orientation. In our view, it is sophistic to sug-
    gest that this conclusion is avoidable by reason of
    the circumstance that the marriage statutes permit a
    gay man or a lesbian to marry someone of the oppo-
    site sex, because making such a choice would
    require the negation of the person’s sexual orienta-
    In re Marriage Cases, 
    43 Cal. 4th 757
    , 839-40 (2008).3
    Following issuance of the decision in In re Marriage Cases, the voters
    of California adopted by a narrow margin an initiative measure adding to
    the California Constitution a provision prohibiting same-sex marriage. See
    Strauss v. Horton, 
    207 P.3d 48
    , 59 (Cal. 2009). The California Supreme
    Court upheld the enactment of that change by a simple majority of those
    voting on the statewide initiative, notwithstanding the claim that such a
    change constituted a revision of the California Constitution, which under
    15546                IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON
    Because the EDR Plan prohibits discrimination based on
    both sex and sexual orientation, it is not necessary to deter-
    mine which form of discrimination is at issue in the present
    proceeding in order to find a violation of the EDR Plan.
    Regardless of whether Levenson experienced discrimination
    due to his sex or due to his sexual orientation, the denial of
    benefits violated the EDR Plan.
    The denial of federal benefits originally occurred because
    the Office of the Circuit Executive concluded that DOMA, as
    applied to the statutes governing health benefits for federal
    employees, precluded an award of federal benefits to Leven-
    son’s spouse. Federal employees, including employees of the
    FPD, receive health benefits pursuant to the FEHBA. The
    FEHBA permits federal employees to elect coverage “either
    as an individual or for self and family,” 
    5 U.S.C. § 8905
    and defines “member of family” as “the spouse of an
    employee or annuitant” or “an unmarried dependent child
    under 22 years of age . . . .” 
    5 U.S.C. § 8901
    (5). FEDVIP like-
    wise defines “family member” as “a spouse . . . and/or unmar-
    ried dependent child(ren).”4 
    5 C.F.R. § 894.101
    . DOMA
    operates as a limitation on these definitions by providing that,
    California law required the use of a different electoral process. 
    Id. at 60, 63-64
    . The plaintiffs in that proceeding did not raise the question whether
    the ban on same-sex marriage violated the Federal Constitution.
    Although the California Supreme Court held that allowing the initiative
    to have prospective effect was consistent with the state Constitution, the
    court also concluded that “the marriages of same-sex couples performed
    prior to the effective date of [the ballot measure] remain valid and must
    continue to be recognized in this state.” 
    Id. at 64
    . Because Levenson and
    Sears were married before the measure was adopted, their marriage
    remains valid under California law.
    The statutes that establish FEDVIP incorporate the definition of family
    member in the FEHBA, 
    5 U.S.C. §§ 8951
    , 8981, and have the same struc-
    ture as the FEHBA. For the sake of simplicity, I will conduct the subse-
    quent discussion solely in terms of the FEHBA. However, the arguments
    apply in full to both the FEHBA and FEDVIP.
    IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON               15547
    “[i]n determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of
    any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various admin-
    istrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word
    ‘marriage’ means only a legal union between one man and
    one woman as husband and wife, and the word ‘spouse’ refers
    only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a
    1 U.S.C. § 7
    . Accordingly, when the FEHBA and FED-
    VIP provisions defining family members are read in light of
    the limitation imposed by DOMA, those provisions include
    only opposite-sex spouses.
    As I concluded in my previous order, the application of
    DOMA to FEHBA so as to deny Levenson’s request that his
    same-sex spouse receive federal benefits violates the Due Pro-
    cess Clause of the Fifth Amendment. In reaching that conclu-
    sion, I believe it likely that some form of heightened
    constitutional scrutiny applies to Levenson’s claims. See, e.g.,
    Witt v. Dep’t of Air Force, 
    527 F.3d 806
    , 818-21 (9th Cir.
    2008) (applying heightened scrutiny on an “as applied” basis
    to a discharged service member’s challenge to the military’s
    “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy); 
    id. at 823-26
     (Canby, J.,
    concurring in part and dissenting in part) (arguing that dis-
    crimination based on sexual orientation is subject to strict
    scrutiny); see also Baehr v. Lewin, 
    852 P.2d 44
    , 67, 68 (Haw.
    1993) (finding distinction between opposite-sex couples and
    same-sex couples to be a sex-based classification subject to
    heightened scrutiny). However, the denial of benefits here
    cannot survive even rational basis review, the least searching
    form of constitutional scrutiny. Accordingly, it is not neces-
    sary to determine whether or which form of heightened scru-
    tiny is applicable to this claim. Because there is no rational
    basis for denying benefits to the same-sex spouses of FPD
    employees while granting them to the opposite-sex spouses of
    FPD employees, I conclude that the application of DOMA to
    the FEHBA so as to reach that result is unconstitutional.
    Any government action resting on a distinction between
    discrete classes “must be rationally related to a legitimate
    15548                 IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON
    governmental purpose.” City of Cleburne v. Cleburne Living
    473 U.S. 432
    , 446 (1985). Under this standard, “[t]he
    State may not rely on a classification whose relationship to an
    asserted goal is so attenuated as to render the distinction arbi-
    trary or irrational. Furthermore, some objectives — such as a
    bare desire to harm a politically unpopular group — are not
    legitimate state interests.” 
    Id. at 446-47
     (citations omitted).
    Applying this standard to the present case, the challenged
    denial of benefits is constitutional only if there is a rational
    basis for the government to provide FEHBA and FEDVIP
    coverage to the opposite-sex spouses of FPD employees while
    denying those benefits to the same-sex spouses of FPD
    employees. No such basis exists.5
    The denial of federal benefits to same-sex spouses cannot
    be justified simply by a distaste for or disapproval of same-
    sex marriage or a desire to deprive same-sex spouses of bene-
    fits available to other spouses in order to discourage them
    from exercising a legal right afforded them by a state. As City
    of Cleburne made clear, “a bare desire to harm a politically
    unpopular group” cannot provide a rational basis for govern-
    mental discrimination. 
    Id. at 447
    . In Romer v. Evans, 
    517 U.S. 620
     (1996), the Supreme Court applied that rule in the spe-
    cific context of a law that discriminated against gays and les-
    bians and held that the state constitutional amendment at
    issue, which raised “the inevitable inference that the disad-
    vantage imposed [was] born of animosity” toward gays and
    lesbians as a class, was unconstitutional. 
    Id. at 634-36
    . Thus,
    the denial of federal benefits to same-sex spouses cannot be
    justified as an expression of the government’s disapproval of
    I should note that marriage is a status traditionally established and reg-
    ulated by state law. It is also a fundamental right. Loving v. Virginia, 
    388 U.S. 1
    , 12 (1967). Whether a state may deny such status to same-sex cou-
    ples is beyond the scope of this decision. Here, I need determine only
    whether same-sex spouses who have been legally married under the laws
    of the relevant state may, because of the sex or sexual orientation of the
    couple, be denied federal benefits that are afforded to other spouses legally
    married under such laws.
    IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON               15549
    homosexuality, preference for heterosexuality, or desire to
    discourage gay marriage. Romer makes clear that a simple
    desire to treat gays and lesbians differently is not, in and of
    itself, a proper justification for government actions. Discrimi-
    nation against gays and lesbians, or same-sex couples, must,
    at the very least, serve some more substantive and lawful
    The House report on DOMA identified three interests
    advanced by the statute: “the government’s interest in defend-
    ing and nurturing the institution of traditional, heterosexual
    marriage;” “the government’s interest in defending traditional
    notions of morality;” and “the government’s interest in pre-
    serving scarce government resources.” H.R. Rep. No. 104-
    664, at *12-*18. The first interest is largely irrelevant to the
    rational basis analysis here because the same-sex couple who
    seek the benefits are already married. Also, gays and lesbians
    will not be encouraged to enter into marriages with members
    of the opposite sex by the government’s denial of benefits to
    same-sex spouses, and the denial will not discourage same-
    sex couples from entering into same-sex marriages; so, the
    denial cannot be said to “nurture” or “defend” the institution
    of heterosexual marriage. As to the second “interest,” if the
    denial is designed to “defend” traditional notions of morality
    by discouraging same-sex marriage, it does so only by punish-
    ing same-sex couples who exercise their rights under state
    law, and thus exhibits the “bare desire to harm” same-sex
    couples that is prohibited under City of Cleburne and Romer.
    Moreover, discouraging gay marriage serves only to force gay
    couples to live in a “state of sin” rather than in a lawfully-
    recognized “state of connubial bliss” that encourages a long-
    enduring permanent relationship that, in turn, serves as the
    basis of a state-recognized family. Thus, rather than encourag-
    ing morality, the denial of fair and equal treatment to gay and
    lesbian couples encourages immorality, at least to the extent
    that it can be said to have any effect at all on decisions about
    whether and whom to marry. Where, as here, the couple
    involved is already married, those decisions have already
    15550             IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON
    been made, and there can be no such effect. In addition, deny-
    ing married same-sex spouses health coverage is far too atten-
    uated a means of achieving the objective of “defending
    traditional notions of morality,” as it also is with respect to
    achieving the objective of “defending and nurturing the insti-
    tution of traditional, heterosexual marriage.” More important,
    Romer and Lawrence v. Texas, 
    539 U.S. 558
     (2003), strongly
    suggest that the government cannot justify discrimination
    against gays and lesbians or same-sex couples based on “tra-
    ditional notions of morality” alone. See Lawrence, 
    539 U.S. at 571, 578
     (finding criminal law barring homosexual sodomy
    constitutionally invalid despite “powerful voices” that “for
    centuries” have “condemn[ed] homosexual conduct as immor-
    al”); Romer, 
    517 U.S. at 644
     (Scalia, J., dissenting) (noting
    that the Colorado constitutional amendment held unconstitu-
    tional by the majority expressed the “moral disapproval of
    homosexual conduct” of Colorado’s citizens). For these rea-
    sons, neither of the first two interests identified by Congress
    can provide a rational basis for the denial of benefits at issue
    The third interest can be disposed of quickly. The denial of
    health insurance to same-sex spouses may in a comparatively
    few cases relieve the government of paying its portion of a
    family coverage premium. However, that a government policy
    incidentally saves the government an insignificant amount of
    money does not provide a rational basis for that policy if the
    policy is, as a cost-saving measure, drastically underinclusive,
    let alone founded upon a prohibited or arbitrary ground. See
    Lazy Y Ranch Ltd. v. Behrens, 
    546 F.3d 580
    , 590 (9th Cir.
    2008). That rule applies here: There is no rational relationship
    between the sex of an employee’s spouse and the govern-
    ment’s desire to limit its employee health insurance outlays;
    the government could save far more money using other mea-
    sures, such as by eliminating coverage for all spouses, or even
    every fifth or tenth spouse. Further, the application of DOMA
    IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON                     15551
    in this context frequently saves the government no money at
    Recently, the government has advanced an additional argu-
    ment in defense of DOMA: that the statute serves a legitimate
    governmental interest in maintaining a consistent definition of
    marriage at the federal level for purposes of distributing fed-
    eral benefits while individual states consider how to resolve
    the issue of marriage equality for same-sex couples. Because
    this was not among the actual purposes Congress had for
    adopting DOMA, this post hoc justification would not survive
    the heightened scrutiny that, as I have stated, likely applies to
    Levenson’s claim. See supra page 15547 (citing Witt v. Dep’t
    of Air Force, 
    527 F.3d 806
    , 818-21 (9th Cir. 2008); 
     at 823-
    26 (Canby, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part);
    Baehr v. Lewin, 
    852 P.2d 44
    , 67, 68 (Haw. 1993)). Even
    under the more deferential rational basis review, however, this
    argument fails. DOMA did not preserve the status quo vis-à-
    vis the relationship between federal and state definitions of
    marriage; to the contrary, it disrupted the long-standing prac-
    tice of the federal government deferring to each state’s deci-
    sions as to the requirements for a valid marriage. Cf. Elk
    Grove Unified Sch. Dist. v. Newdow, 
    542 U.S. 1
    , 12 (2004)
    (“[T]he whole subject of the domestic relations of husband
    and wife, parent and child, belongs to the laws of the States
    and not to the laws of the United States.” (quoting In re Bur-
    136 U.S. 586
    , 593-94 (1890))); De Sylva v. Ballentine,
    351 U.S. 570
    , 580 (1956) (“[T]here is no federal law of
    domestic relations, which is primarily a matter of state con-
    cern.”). Because state law governs marriage recognition, the
    only consistent definition that could be employed at the fed-
    eral level is the one that was in effect prior to DOMA. At that
    The denial of coverage to same-sex spouses of FPD employees does
    not save the government any money if an FPD employee already has fam-
    ily coverage for a dependent, such as a child, because there is no cost to
    the employee or to the government of adding an additional family member
    to an existing family policy.
    15552             IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON
    point, a marriage recognized as valid by the couple’s state of
    domicile was also recognized as valid by the federal govern-
    ment. DOMA replaced that consistency with a marked incon-
    sistency: under DOMA, a couple can be legally married in
    their state of domicile but not “married” for purposes of
    receiving federal benefits.
    Moreover, even if Congress could be said to have an inde-
    pendent interest in remaining neutral with regard to a conten-
    tious social issue, that is not what Congress did here. By
    enacting DOMA, Congress affirmatively stepped into the
    fray, and took the position that same-sex partners should not
    have access to federal benefits no matter what legal status a
    state decides to accord their relationship. Congress thus sided
    with those states that would limit marriage to opposite-sex
    couples, and against those states that would recognize the
    marriages of same-sex couples. Taking that position did not
    further any governmental interest in neutrality, if indeed such
    an interest exists.
    I can identify no other governmental interests that might be
    served by denying Levenson’s request that his spouse, Sears,
    receive the same federal benefits as other spouses of FPD
    employees. Excluding from health care coverage spouses of
    employees who have entered into legally binding relation-
    ships does not serve the government’s interest in promoting
    long-term relationships. Likewise, it does not serve any gov-
    ernmental interest in promoting a child-rearing environment,
    because the children of same-sex couples are eligible for fed-
    eral benefits and the denial of benefits to same-sex spouses
    will not affect the decisions made by same-sex couples
    regarding marriage or parenting. Aside from all else, the rela-
    tionship of the denial of benefits to such potential objectives
    is “so attenuated as to render the distinction arbitrary or irra-
    tional.” City of Cleburne, 
    473 U.S. at 446
    . Accordingly, a
    decision denying Levenson’s request that federal benefits be
    extended to his same-sex spouse would have no rational basis.
    In sum, to the extent that the application of DOMA serves to
    IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON               15553
    preclude the provision of health insurance coverage to a
    same-sex spouse of a legally married federal employee
    because of the employee’s and his or her spouse’s sex or sex-
    ual orientation, DOMA, as applied, contravenes the Fifth
    Amendment to the United States Constitution and is therefore
    II.    Proposed remedies
    Bearing in mind the specific nature of the violation that has
    occurred, I now turn to the question whether either of Leven-
    son’s proposed remedies would be “necessary and appropri-
    ate,” as well as “tailored as closely as possible” to the
    violation, so as to be a proper exercise of my remedial author-
    ity under the EDR Plan. EDR Plan at A-13.
    A.    An order directing the FPD to enter into separate
    contracts would not be appropriate
    Levenson’s first request is for an order directing the FPD
    to negotiate with private insurers to obtain benefits for Sears
    comparable to those he would receive if he were permitted to
    enroll in the federal benefits plans as Levenson’s spouse.
    Although I give significant weight to Levenson’s remedial
    preferences, I conclude that this particular remedy would not
    be appropriate under the current circumstances.
    “Under federal law, a purported agreement with the United
    States is not binding unless the other party can show that the
    official with whom the agreement was made had authority to
    bind the United States.” Grosinsky v. United States, 
    947 F.2d 417
    , 419 (9th Cir. 1991) (per curiam). Although the FEHBA
    creates authority to enter into health insurance contracts for
    federal employees, it vests that authority in a single executive
    agency, OPM. 
    5 U.S.C. § 8903
    . No statute or regulation
    authorizes the FPD to enter into health insurance contracts for
    its employees or to bind the United States to any such con-
    tract. Because the FPD does not have federal contracting
    15554             IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON
    authority, I conclude that an order directing it to enter into
    separate contracts with private insurers would not be appro-
    B.    A monetary award pursuant to the Back Pay Act
    would be appropriate
    Levenson also requests, in the alternative, an award of back
    pay for the period since he first attempted to enroll his spouse
    in his federal benefits plans. Under the EDR Plan, “back pay
    and associated benefits” may be awarded to a successful com-
    plainant if “the statutory criteria of the Back Pay Act, 
    5 U.S.C. § 5596
    , are satisfied.” EDR Plan at A-13. The Back
    Pay Act provides that an employee
    who, on the basis of . . . an administrative determina-
    tion . . . is found by appropriate authority . . . to have
    been affected by an unjustified or unwarranted per-
    sonnel action which has resulted in the withdrawal or
    reduction of all or part of the pay, allowances, or dif-
    ferentials of the employee . . . is entitled, on correc-
    tion of the personnel action, to receive for the period
    for which the personnel action was in effect . . . an
    amount equal to all or any part of the pay, allow-
    ances, or differentials, as applicable which the
    employee normally would have earned or received
    during the period if the personnel action had not
    occurred . . . .
    5 U.S.C. § 5596
    (b)(1). The statute authorizes OPM to pre-
    scribe implementing regulations, but makes those regulations
    inapplicable to the judiciary. 
     § 5596(c). Accordingly, in
    analyzing whether “the statutory criteria . . . are satisfied,”
    EDR Plan at A-13, I will look to the OPM regulations only
    as a guide.
    IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON                     15555
    1.   Appropriate authority
    I begin by examining whether I am the “appropriate author-
    ity” to determine that a violation of Levenson’s rights has
    occurred. See 
    5 U.S.C. § 5596
    (b)(1). Levenson, like most
    other employees of the federal judiciary,7 has no remedies
    under the Civil Service Reform Act, is not covered by Title
    VII of the Civil Rights Act, and cannot bring a Bivens action
    to challenge unconstitutional discrimination in the workplace.
    Blankenship v. McDonald, 
    176 F.3d 1192
    , 1195 (9th Cir.
    1999); see also Dotson v. Griesa, 
    398 F.3d 156
    , 173 (2d Cir.
    2005). Instead, Levenson must resolve any employment dis-
    crimination claim through the procedures set forth in the EDR
    Plan, which “is intended to be the exclusive remedy of the
    employee . . . relating to rights enumerated under the Plan.”
    EDR Plan at A-1.
    Levenson took the appropriate steps to challenge the denial
    of spousal benefits under the EDR Plan, filing the current
    complaint only after counseling and mediation had failed. As
    the EDR hearing officer assigned to this matter, I have the
    responsibility for reviewing his complaint, holding any neces-
    sary hearings, and determining whether his rights under the
    EDR Plan have been violated. EDR Plan at A-10. Because the
    EDR process is the appropriate forum for Levenson’s claim,
    and because I have been delegated the authority to rule on his
    claim pursuant to the procedures set forth in the EDR Plan, I
    conclude that I am the “appropriate authority” to make the
    determination as to whether Levenson’s rights have been vio-
    Federal Public Defender Organizations are established pursuant to 18
    U.S.C. § 3006A(g)(2), which grants each United States Court of Appeals
    the authority to appoint and remove Federal Public Defenders. Attorneys
    employed by Federal Public Defender Organizations are employees of the
    judicial branch. See Sullivan v. United States, 
    21 F.3d 198
    , 202 (7th Cir.
    15556                IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON
    2.        Eligibility for monetary relief
    Under the Back Pay Act, the violation of an employee’s
    rights creates entitlement to a monetary award only if it has
    caused “the withdrawal or reduction of all or part of [his] pay,
    allowances, or differentials” through a “personnel action” that
    was “unjustified or unwarranted.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 5596
    (b)(1). Pre-
    liminarily, I might note that, in my view, the phrase “with-
    drawal or reduction” includes the term “withholding.”
    a.    Pay, allowances, and differentials
    OPM’s regulations define “pay, allowances, and differen-
    tials” to include “pay, leave, and other monetary employment
    benefits to which an employee is entitled by statute or regula-
    tion and which are payable by the employing agency to an
    employee during periods of Federal employment.” 
    5 C.F.R. § 550.803
    . The commentary accompanying the regulations
    explains that “benefits received under the Federal employee
    health benefits . . . programs prior to retirement are employ-
    ment benefits” falling within the scope of this definition.
    Rules and Regulations, Office of Personnel Management, 5
    C.F.R. pt. 550, 
    46 Fed. Reg. 58,271
    , 58,272 (Dec. 1, 1981).
    The ability to obtain health, dental, and vision care for
    one’s family is a valuable benefit of employment; indeed,
    when employers and employees consider questions about
    appropriate compensation, health care is often a weightier
    issue than base rate of pay. Accordingly, I adopt OPM’s inter-
    pretation that health benefits must be considered “pay, allow-
    ances, or differentials” as those terms are used in the Back
    Pay Act. I therefore conclude that the failure to enroll Leven-
    son’s spouse in his federal benefits plans has resulted in “the
    withdrawal or reduction of all or part of [his] pay, allowances,
    or differentials.”
    b.     Personnel action
    To satisfy the statutory criteria of the Back Pay Act, the
    withdrawal or reduction of pay, allowances, or differentials
    IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON             15557
    must have occurred as the result of a “personnel action.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 5596
    (b)(1). The definition of “personnel action”
    includes “the omission or failure to take an action or confer
    a benefit.” 
     § 5596(b)(5). The failure to provide Levenson
    with spousal health insurance coverage, which is a valuable
    employment benefit, satisfies this definition.
    c.     Unjustified or unwarranted
    The Back Pay Act provides for relief if the personnel action
    that caused the withdrawal or reduction of pay, allowances or
    differentials was “unjustified or unwarranted.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 5596
    (b)(1). Under OPM’s regulations, an “unjustified or
    unwarranted” personnel action includes
    an act of omission (i.e., failure to . . . confer a bene-
    fit) that an appropriate authority subsequently deter-
    mines, on the basis of substantive or procedural
    defects, to have been unjustified or unwarranted
    under applicable law . . . or mandatory personnel
    policy established by an agency or through a collec-
    tive bargaining agreement.
    5 C.F.R. § 550.803
    . Here, Levenson challenged the “failure to
    . . . confer” federal benefits to his spouse. Through the EDR
    process, I have found that the challenged personnel action
    constitutes discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orien-
    tation. I reached that conclusion on the basis of both a “man-
    datory personnel policy” (the EDR Plan) and “applicable law”
    (the Constitution). Accordingly, I conclude that the denial of
    federal benefits to Levenson’s spouse constitutes an “unjusti-
    fied or unwarranted personnel action” under the Back Pay
    3.        Timing and extent of monetary relief
    a.     Correction of the personnel action
    The Back Pay Act states that an employee who suffers the
    withdrawal or reduction of pay, allowances, or differentials as
    15558              IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON
    the result of an unjustified or unwarranted personnel action
    becomes eligible for a monetary award “on correction of the
    personnel action.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 5596
    (b)(1). This criterion is sat-
    isfied upon the determination by an appropriate authority that
    the personnel action has violated the employee’s rights and
    the issuance of an appropriate order to correct that action.
    Because I made such a determination and issued such an order
    on February 2, 2009, I conclude that Levenson is currently
    eligible for a back pay award.
    b.   Period for which the personnel action is in
    A back pay award may cover only the “period for which
    the personnel action was in effect,” 
    5 U.S.C. § 5596
    and “in no case may pay, allowances, or differentials be
    granted . . . for a period beginning more than 6 years before
    the date of the filing of a timely appeal or, absent such filing,
    the date of the administrative determination.” 
    § 5596(b)(4).
    The relevant period, for purposes of computing a back pay
    award, began on July 15, 2008, when Levenson first
    attempted to enroll his spouse in his federal benefits plans.
    That start date falls within the six-year statutory time limit,
    whether measured from the date of this order or my previous
    order. Although my previous order directed the correction of
    the wrongful denial of federal benefits to Levenson’s spouse,
    that order has not yet been implemented; thus, it has not
    resulted in Levenson actually receiving the benefits to which
    he is entitled. Until Levenson begins to receive FEHBA and
    FEDVIP coverage for his spouse, as opposed to back pay, the
    unwarranted or unjustified personnel action remains in effect
    and he will be entitled to accrue back pay.
    c.   Amount equal to the wrongfully denied benefits
    Because Levenson has been found by an appropriate
    authority to have been affected by an unjustified or unwar-
    IN THE MATTER OF LEVENSON                      15559
    ranted personnel action that resulted in the reduction of his
    employment benefits, he is now entitled to receive “an
    amount equal to all or any part of the pay, allowances, or dif-
    ferentials, as applicable which the employee normally would
    have earned or received during the period if the personnel
    action had not occurred.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 5596
    Had Levenson been permitted to enroll his spouse in the
    federal benefits plans, Levenson would have received health,
    dental, and vision insurance covering him. While there is no
    obvious way to determine “an amount equal to” that coverage,
    I believe that the amount that it would have cost to obtain
    comparable coverage is likely to be the closest possible approxi-
    mation.8 On remand, the FPD in consultation with Levenson
    shall resolve that question and compute the amount due to
    date, as well as determine whether amounts that may accrue
    following the period covered by such payment shall be paid
    on a monthly, quarterly, or other basis.
    4.   Conclusion
    I continue to retain jurisdiction over this matter so that I
    may resolve any disputes that may arise on remand and so
    that I may issue any further order that may be necessary.
    Stephen Reinhardt
    Circuit Judge
    This amount is not necessarily equivalent to the expenses that Leven-
    son actually incurred for his spouse’s health care during the relevant
    period; in fact, the EDR Plan expressly precludes an award of compensa-
    tory damages. EDR Plan at A-13. I recognize, in addition, that the insur-
    ance Levenson and Sears bought did not provide coverage as full as that
    provided through the FEHBA plan, and that it did not cover Sears’s dental
    or vision care, for which the couple has been paying on an out-of-pocket
    basis. Finally, I recognize that it may not be possible to obtain precisely
    the same coverage in an individual policy that spouses are provided under
    the government’s group policy.
    The summary, which does not constitute a part of the opinion of the court, is copyrighted
    © 2009 Thomson Reuters/West.