Native Ecosystems v. Kimbell ( 2010 )

  •                    FOR PUBLICATION
    NATIVE ECOSYSTEMS COUNCIL;               
    Plaintiffs -Appellants,
    TOM TIDWELL, in his official
    capacity as Northern Region
    Regional Forester; BRUCE RAMSEY,
    in his official capacity as
    Supervisor of the Beaverland-
    Deerlodge National Forest; MARK
    PETRONI, in his official capacity as
    District Ranger of the Madison
    River Ranger District of the
    Beaverhead-Deerlodge National
    SERVICE, an agency of the U.S.
    Department of Agriculture,
    SITZ ANGUS RANCH; GARY L.             
    ASSOCIATION; MAX L. ROBINSON,               No. 06-35890
    MONTANA STOCKGROWERS                         D.C. No.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Montana
    Donald W. Molloy, Chief District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    November 19, 2008—Seattle, Washington
    Filed March 9, 2010
    Before: Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge, Betty B. Fletcher, and
    Johnnie B. Rawlinson, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Rawlinson;
    Dissent by Chief Judge Kozinski
    Thomas J. Woodbury, Missoula, Montana, on behalf of
    plaintiff-appellants Native Ecosystems Council, Alliance for
    the Wild Rockies, and Wildwest Institute.
    Robert H. Oakley, Washington, D.C., on behalf of defendant-
    appellees Tom Tidwell, Bruce Ramsey, Mark Petroni, and the
    United States Forest Service.
    John E. Bloomquist, Helena, Montana, on behalf of
    intervenor-appellees Sitz Angus Ranch, Gary L. Clark,
    Moorse Creek Grazing Association, Max L. Robinson Sr.,
    Max L. Robinson, Jr., Montana Stockgrowers Association,
    and Montana Wool Growers.
    RAWLINSON, Circuit Judge:
    Plaintiffs-Appellants Native Ecosystems Council, Alliance
    for the Wild Rockies, and Wildwest Institute (collectively
    NEC) appeal the district court’s summary judgment in favor
    of Defendants-Appellees Tom Tidwell, Bruce Ramsey, Mark
    Petroni, and the United States Forest Service (collectively
    Forest Service); Defendants-Intervenors-Appellees Madison
    County and Beaverhead County; and Intervenors-Appellees
    Sitz Angus Ranch, Gary L. Clark, Moose Creek Grazing
    Association, Max L. Robinson Sr., Max L. Robinson, Jr.,
    Montana Stockgrowers Association, and Montana Wool
    Growers Association; and (collectively Intervenors-
    Appellees). NEC argues that the district court erred in finding
    NATIVE ECOSYSTEMS COUNCIL v. TIDWELL                   3711
    that Forest Service approval of a project to update grazing
    allotments in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest com-
    plies with the Forest Service’s obligation to ensure species
    diversity as required under the National Forest Management
    Act (NFMA). It also contends that the district court erred in
    concluding that the Environmental Assessment undertaken by
    the Forest Service project satisfied the National Environmen-
    tal Policy Act (NEPA). We agree with NEC on both counts.
    Because the Forest Service’s environmental assessment was
    based on a nonexistent management indicator species (MIS),
    its habitat proxy analysis was not reliable. The Forest Service
    also failed to take the requisite “hard look” at the project as
    required by NEPA. We therefore reverse the district court’s
    summary judgment in favor of the Forest Service, and remand
    for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    I.       BACKGROUND
    A.   Project area and Allotment Management Plan
    (AMP) Proposal1
    The Antelope Basin/Elk Lake project area is in the
    Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest (BDNF) in Southwest
    Montana. The project area is approximately 48,000 acres and
    forms the southeast portion of the Gravelly Mountain Range.
    Most of the project area is open, mountain sagebrush/
    grasslands with some scattered timber along streams.
    An AMP is “a document, prepared in consultation with lessees or per-
    mittees, that applies to livestock operations on public lands, and (1) pre-
    scribes the manner and extent to which livestock operations will be
    conducted in order to meet multiple use, sustained-yield, economic, and
    other needs and objectives, (2) describes range improvements to be
    installed and maintained, and (3) contains such other provisions relating
    to livestock grazing and other objectives found by the Secretary to be con-
    sistent with the provisions of [the Federal Land Policy Management Act].”
    Antelope Basin/Elk Lake AMP Updates, Environmental Assessment,
    Revised (Environmental Assessment), Chapter 1, p. 2 (December 2002).
    Three Forest Service activities have most affected the sage-
    brush ecosystem in the project area: 1) herbicide application
    to control sagebrush densities;2 2) burning to control sage-
    brush densities;3 and 3) livestock grazing. Sheep and cattle
    have grazed a majority of the project area over the past cen-
    As part of a settlement agreement in an unrelated case, the
    Forest Service agreed to a schedule for completing NEPA
    environmental analyses and decisions for the authorization of
    livestock grazing and associated resource protection mea-
    sures. The Environmental Assessment at issue in this case
    contains the NEPA analysis underlying some of the livestock
    allotments listed in the agreed-upon schedule.
    The project area was divided into eleven grazing allot-
    ments. The project proposed updating AMPs for these eleven
    allotments. The updated allotments would determine “where
    livestock can graze, when grazing would occur and what spe-
    cific guidelines would be established to regulate the intensity
    of grazing.” As of the time of the proposal, the prior AMPs
    for all eleven allotments were ten years or older.
    The proposal specifically identified the goals established in
    the BDNF Land Resource Forest Plan (Forest Plan)4 which
    governed the proposed project. These goals included main-
    taining a sufficient number of diverse habitats to support
    native wildlife and providing opportunities for grazing by
    domestic livestock without compromising extant forest
    resources. The proposal also stated that no further “sage brush
    control measures” such as burning or herbicides are contem-
    plated in the project area in the near future.
    From 1960 to 1974, approximately 5865 acres were treated with herbi-
    6,491 acres were burned from 1982-1988, and 6,476 acres from 1992
    - 2000.
    The NFMA requires the Forest Service to develop a forest plan for
    each unit of the National Forest System. See 16 U.S.C. § 1604(a).
    NATIVE ECOSYSTEMS COUNCIL v. TIDWELL                   3713
    The Forest Service prepared an initial Environmental
    Assessment for the proposed AMPs, and issued a revised
    Environmental Assessment after receiving public comments.
    The revised Assessment specifically addressed concerns
    regarding the project’s impact on sage grouse, as well as other
    sagebrush habitat obligates. The Environmental Assessment
    considered three options for updating the AMPs: (1) Alterna-
    tive A, which continued the status quo; (2) Alternative B, the
    preferred alternative, which modified the AMPs to protect
    riparian habitat while allowing grazing;5 and (3) Alternative
    C, which banned grazing altogether. The United States Fish
    and Wildlife Service issued a Biological Evaluation conclud-
    ing that adoption of the preferred alternative was not likely to
    adversely affect or jeopardize the continued existence of any
    listed species.
    In November, 2003, District Ranger Mark Petroni released
    a Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact (DN/
    FONSI) reflecting the administrative decision to proceed with
    Alternative B. The DN/FONSI concluded that the project was
    not a major federal action with significant effect on the qual-
    ity of the human environment, and therefore no Environmen-
    tal Impact Statement (EIS) was warranted under NEPA.
    Alternative B proposed revising the AMPs in numerous ways: reducing
    animal unit months from 11,225 to 10,453; eliminating the Elk Mountain
    allotment; changing boundaries to create a new, Two Drinks allotment;
    excluding livestock from a portion of Elk Lake and all of Elk Springs
    Creek; limiting allowable upland forage utilization to fifty percent; limit-
    ing riparian forage to fifty-five percent; possibly eliminating livestock
    from the upper regions of Narrows Creek; and constructing structural
    improvements as needed. The proposal included construction of 6.75
    miles of new fence, a new reservoir, 26 new water troughs, 5.75 miles of
    new pipeline, and relocating 5 miles and removing 2 miles of existing
    fence. For all allotments, livestock would be moved to the next pasture or
    removed from the allotment once certain utilization thresholds were met.
    B.    The Sage Grouse
    To facilitate its goals of wildlife diversity, the governing
    Forest Plan designates certain wildlife as “management indi-
    cator species” (MIS). These species are monitored to measure
    the effect of various activities on corresponding wildlife habi-
    tats. The objective of monitoring the MIS is to ensure the via-
    bility of wildlife species existing in the forest. The sage
    grouse is one such MIS for the sagebrush wildlife habitat.
    The sage grouse is entirely dependent on sagebrush eco-
    systems. The sage grouse population in southwestern Mon-
    tana has trended downward for the past decade. There are no
    identified active sage grouse leks in the project area.6 The
    closest known active lek is approximately eleven miles west
    of the project area. See A Review of USFS Management Activ-
    ities and Their Relationship to Sage grouse in the Antelope
    Basin/Elk Lake Area of Southwestern Montana, J.W. Con-
    nelly (September, 2004) (hereinafter, “Connelly Review”). In
    the past fifteen years, only two possible sage grouse sightings
    have been noted in the project area.
    Approximately 21,000 acres (40% of the project area) are
    considered to have potential sage grouse habitat. Only 1,900
    acres are considered to have potential sage grouse nesting and
    early brood rearing habitat.
    C.    Supplemental Information Report
    In December 2004, the Forest Service issued a Supplemen-
    tal Information Report (“SIR”) concerning the sage grouse,
    A lek is a “breeding display site[ ], typically occurr[ing] in open areas
    surrounded by sagebrush. Male sage grouse apparently construct leks “op-
    portunistically at sites within or adjacent to potential nesting habitat.”
    Guidelines to Manage Sage grouse Populations and Their Habitats, John
    W. Connelly, Michael A. Schroeder, Alan R. Sands and Clait E. Braun,
    Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 28, p. 970 (2000) (hereinafter, “Connelly
    and specifically discussed information that had been released
    after the Environmental Assessment. The SIR evaluated the
    findings of three primary works as they related to the pro-
    posed project: (1) Conservation Assessment of Greater Sage
    grouse and Sagebrush Habitats, J.W. Connelly, S.T. Knick,
    M.A. Schroeder and S.J. Stiver, Western Association of Fish
    and Wildlife Agencies (June, 2004) (hereinafter, “Conserva-
    tion Assessment”); (2) Management Plan and Conservation
    Strategies for Sage grouse in Montana - Final Draft Plan,
    Montana Sage grouse Work Group (March, 2004); and (3)
    habitat modeling completed in 2004 by the Forest Service sur-
    veying active and inactive sage grouse leks in the vicinity of
    the project area.
    To inform its analysis, the Forest Service requested that
    Connelly undertake a site-specific review of the project area
    in light of the new information concerning the sage grouse.
    Connelly’s findings were documented in the September, 2004
    Connelly Review. The review concluded that the Environmen-
    tal Assessment’s conclusions were “reasonable and supported
    by the available evidence. Effects to sage grouse resulting
    from project implementation will likely be minimal.”
    After considering the newly available information and the
    Connelly Review, the District Ranger determined that the
    Environmental Assessment’s conclusions remained accurate.
    The SIR retained the determination of minimal effects to sage
    grouse from project implementation, and did not recognize a
    need to further revise the Environmental Assessment or pre-
    pare an EIS.
    D.   Procedural Background
    NEC filed an administrative appeal of the District Ranger’s
    decision that no EIS was warranted. Then-Regional Forester,
    Abigail Kimbell, upheld the District Ranger’s decision.
    After NEC filed a complaint in district court seeking
    declaratory and injunctive relief, each party moved for sum-
    mary judgment. The district court granted summary judgment
    to the Forest Service and the Intervenors. NEC filed a timely
    appeal, invoking our jurisdiction under 21 U.S.C. § 1291.7
    “We review de novo the district court’s grant of summary
    judgment.” Lands Council v. Martin, 
    529 F.3d 1219
    , 1225
    (9th Cir. 2008) (citation omitted). We review agency deci-
    sions for compliance with the NFMA and NEPA under the
    Administrative Procedure Act (APA). See Envtl. Prot. Info.
    Ctr. v. U.S. Forest Serv., 
    451 F.3d 1005
    , 1008 (9th Cir. 2006).
    The APA directs us to “hold unlawful and set aside agency
    action, findings, and conclusions found to be . . . arbitrary,
    capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accor-
    dance with law.” 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A). “Review under the
    arbitrary and capricious standard is narrow and we do not sub-
    stitute our judgment for that of the agency.” Tucson Herpeto-
    logical Soc’y v. Salazar, 
    566 F.3d 870
    , 875 (9th Cir. 2009)
    (citation, alterations and internal quotation marks omitted).
    “The [agency] has an obligation, however, to state a rational
    connection between the facts found and the decision made.”
    Id. (citation and
    internal quotation marks omitted).
    A.    Compliance with the NFMA
    [1] “The NFMA sets forth the statutory framework and
    On appeal, NEC does not challenge the district court’s conclusion that
    it failed to exhaust its administrative remedies with respect to its argu-
    ments regarding the northern goshawk, flammulated owl, grayling, lake
    trout, and boreal toad. Nor does NEC renew its claims under the Clean
    Water Act. Accordingly, we consider these arguments waived. See Eng v.
    552 F.3d 1062
    , 1072 (9th Cir. 2009).
    NATIVE ECOSYSTEMS COUNCIL v. TIDWELL                   3717
    specifies the procedural and substantive requirements under
    which the Forest Service is to manage National Forest System
    lands.” Lands Council v. McNair, 
    537 F.3d 981
    , 988 (9th Cir.
    2008) (en banc). Procedurally, “all management activities
    undertaken by the Forest Service must comply with the forest
    plan, which in turn must comply with the [NFMA].” Idaho
    Sporting Cong., Inc. v. Rittenhouse, 
    305 F.3d 957
    , 962 (9th
    Cir. 2002). Substantively, the NFMA also places a duty on the
    Forest Service to “provide for diversity of plant and animal
    communities based on the suitability and capability of the
    specific land area . . . ” 16 U.S.C. § 1604(g)(3)(B). “In order
    to ensure compliance with the forest plan and the [NFMA],
    the Forest Service must conduct an analysis of each ‘site spe-
    cific’ action, such as a timber sale, to ensure that the action
    is consistent with the forest plan.” Idaho 
    Sporting, 305 F.3d at 962
    (citation omitted).
    [2] Regulations implementing the statute, in effect at the
    time the Forest Service issued its final decision, required the
    Forest Service to manage fish and wildlife habitat “to main-
    tain viable populations of existing . . . species.” 36 C.F.R.
    § 219.19 (2000). To ensure population viability and monitor
    the effects of management, the regulations mandated the iden-
    tification and selection of a management indicator species
    (MIS). See 
    id. at 219.19(a)(1).
    The regulations also provided
    that “[p]opulation trends of the management indicator species
    will be monitored and relationships to habitat changes deter-
    mined . . . ” 
    Id. at 219.19(a)(6).8
    The Forest Plan incorporated specific species diversity
    maintenance goals, explaining that:
    This regulation is no longer in effect, as “new regulations have elimi-
    nated the MIS concept . . . ” Envtl. Prot. Info. 
    Ctr., 451 F.3d at 1017
    see also 36 C.F.R. § 219.16 (2008). However, the Forest Service is “re-
    quired to comply with the regulations and forest plan in place at the time
    of its decision.” Envtl. Prot. Info. 
    Ctr., 451 F.3d at 1017
    Maintenance and enhancement of wildlife habitat
    has high priority in the management of the Forest.
    Viable populations of all existing wildlife species
    will be maintained by providing a diversity of habi-
    tats throughout the Forest. Wildlife indicator species
    have been identified and will be monitored to ensure
    that assumptions concerning the effects of manage-
    ment activities on wildlife habitat and populations
    are appropriate.
    United States Forest Service, Forest Plan, Beaverhead
    National Forest (Forest Plan), 1986, p. II-3. The Forest Plan
    designated the sage grouse as the MIS for sagebrush commu-
    nities. The Forest Plan contemplated monitoring the sage
    grouse as an indicator species “to measure the effect of man-
    agement activities on representative wildlife habitats with the
    objective of ensuring that viable populations of existing native
    and desirable non-native vertebrate species are maintained.”
    Id. [3] Despite
    its designation as an MIS, the sage grouse is
    virtually non-existent in the project area. Because actual sage
    grouse population data is unavailable, the Environmental
    Assessment looked to the sagebrush habitat to assess viability
    for the sagebrush obligate species. This is known as the
    “proxy-on-proxy” approach, whereby the Forest Service
    “use[s] habitat as a proxy to measure a species’ population,
    and then [ ] use[s] that species’ population as a proxy for the
    population of other species.” 
    McNair, 537 F.3d at 997
    [4] The proxy-on-proxy approach effectively allows the
    Forest Service “to avoid studying the population trends of the
    Indicator Species by using Indicator Species habitat as a
    proxy for Indicator species population trends.” Lands Council
    v. Powell, 
    395 F.3d 1019
    , 1036 (9th Cir. 2005), as amended.
    Use of this approach however, is appropriate “only where
    both the Forest Service’s knowledge of what quality and
    quantity of habitat is necessary to support the species and the
    NATIVE ECOSYSTEMS COUNCIL v. TIDWELL                     3719
    Forest Service’s method for measuring the existing amount of
    that habitat are reasonably reliable and accurate.” Native Eco-
    systems Council v. United States Forest Service, 
    428 F.3d 1233
    , 1250 (9th Cir. 2005). Underlying the proxy-on-proxy
    approach is the “assum[ption] that maintaining the acreage of
    habitat necessary for survival would in fact assure a species’
    survival.” Envtl. Prot. Info. 
    Ctr., 451 F.3d at 1017
    and internal quotation marks omitted). Thus, “[t]he test for
    whether the habitat proxy is permissible . . . is whether it rea-
    sonably ensures that the proxy results mirror reality.” Gifford
    Pinchot Task Force v. United States Fish and Wildlife Ser-
    378 F.3d 1059
    , 1066 (9th Cir. 2004) (citations and inter-
    nal quotation marks omitted).
    [5] The proxy-on-proxy approach’s reliability is question-
    able where the MIS is absent from the project area.9 Regard-
    less of whether the Forest Service’s methodology comports
    with established scientific standards, the habitat proxy “does
    not reasonably ensure viable populations of the species at
    issue,” when almost no sage grouse have been seen in the
    project area for fifteen years. Idaho 
    Sporting, 305 F.3d at 972
    There is simply no basis to evaluate the Forest Service’s
    assertion that the sagebrush habitat is sufficient to sustain via-
    ble sage grouse populations when sage grouse cannot be
    found in the project area. Therefore, the Forest Service cannot
    reasonably argue that the proxy-on-proxy approach allows it
    to avoid separately monitoring sage grouse population trends,
    as sage grouse are its chosen MIS. See 
    Powell, 395 F.3d at 9
        We have recognized that “monitoring difficulties do not render a
    habitat-based analysis unreasonable, so long as the analysis uses all the
    scientific data currently available.” 
    McNair, 537 F.3d at 998
    omitted). Here, however, the government does not cite any “monitoring
    difficulties” that prevent detection of the sage grouse. Cf., 
    id. (noting that
    although surveys did not locate any animal, the Forest Service’s method
    for detecting the bird may have been flawed). In this case, the Forest Ser-
    vice resorted to a habitat analysis, not because monitoring the sage grouse
    was difficult, but because there were admittedly no sage grouse in the
    project area to monitor.
    1036 (noting that the proxy-on-proxy result is aimed at estab-
    lishing “species population trends”) (emphasis added). This is
    especially true where, as here, the forest plan requires moni-
    toring of the MIS. See Earth Island Institute v. USFS, 
    442 F.3d 1147
    , 1175-76 (9th Cir. 2006) (rejecting the use of habi-
    tat monitoring where the forest plan required population mon-
    itoring), abrogated on other grounds by Winter v. Natural
    Res. Def. Council, Inc., ___ U.S. ___, 
    129 S. Ct. 365
    , 375
    We do not share our dissenting colleague’s perception that
    the Forest Service can meet its obligations to the environment
    by naming a virtually non-existent species to serve as a proxy
    for critical habitat in the targeted area. Far from usurping the
    agency’s role, our opinion holds the agency to its statutory
    responsibility to fully study the effects of the planned agency
    action, and “to maintain viable populations of existing . . .
    species.” 36 C.F.R. § 219.19 (emphasis added). It is unfath-
    omable how the Forest Service could meet its responsibility
    to maintain existing species by selecting as a proxy a species
    that is virtually non-existent in the targeted area. A “report of
    two sage grouse being taken illegally from the project area [of
    48,000 acres] in 2002,” see Dissenting Opinion, p. 3730, just
    doesn’t cut it.
    Our colleague in dissent also criticizes this result as under-
    mining the Forest Service’s ability to develop one integrated
    plan for each unit of the National Forest System. See Dissent-
    ing Opinion, pp. 3731-32. The law does not support this con-
    tention. The Forest Service is bound to assess proposed
    actions on a “site specific” basis for compliance with the For-
    est Plan and NFMA. See 18 U.S.C. § 1604(i); see also Inland
    Empire Pub. Lands Council v. U.S. Forest Serv., 
    88 F.3d 754
    757 (9th Cir. 1996) (explaining that both the Forest Plan and
    site-specific project stages must fully comply with the
    NFMA); Or. Natural Desert Ass’n v. U.S. Forest Serv., 
    465 F.3d 977
    , 980 (9th Cir. 2006) (explaining that AMPs are plans
    for specific allotments). If the Forest Service decided to select
    a project site consisting of the head ranger’s backyard, see
    Dissenting Opinion, p. 3732, it must indeed analyze that par-
    ticular site to determine the effects of the proposed action. If
    the MIS were absent from that site, it is difficult to see how
    an assessment of the MIS could demonstrate that the proposed
    action at that site complied with either the NFMA or a Forest
    Plan based on monitoring of the MIS.
    Indeed, the record strongly suggests that the Forest Ser-
    vice’s methodology in applying the proxy-on-proxy approach
    is flawed. In preparing its Biological Evaluation, the Forest
    Service expressly relied on the Connelly Guidelines in deter-
    mining whether sage grouse habitat was sufficient. However,
    at least some of these guidelines assume the presence of birds
    as indicators of habitat health. See Connelly Guidelines, pp.
    975-76. The Connolly Guidelines specifically note that “quan-
    titative data from population and habitat monitoring are nec-
    essary to implement the guidelines correctly.” 
    Id. at p.
    (emphasis added). Moreover, in the Conservation Assessment,
    p. 4-15, generated after the Connelly Guidelines, Connelly
    and his co-authors recognized that “populations of sage-
    grouse have been extirpated at places throughout their former
    range concomitant with habitat loss and degradation, so that
    the species’ current distribution is less closely aligned with
    that of sagebrush.” (citation omitted). Thus, the very guide-
    lines used by the Forest Service militate against the Forest
    Service’s assertion that evaluation of the sagebrush habitat in
    the complete absence of a sage grouse population meets its
    obligation under the NFMA to ensure population viability of
    the sage grouse and other sagebrush obligates.
    In response to the argument that population monitoring is
    essential to a proper analysis of the project under the NFMA,
    the Forest Service repeatedly argues that population monitor-
    ing is outside the scope of the project, which is meant solely
    to consider updating grazing allotment protocols. However, to
    meet NFMA requirements, the Forest Service needed to con-
    sider and preserve the project species. As the Conservation
    Assessment, p. 1-3, noted, “land-use perspectives have goals
    to maximize a particular function that may have objectives
    competing with other resource use. For example, evaluation
    of sagebrush communities primarily based on their ability to
    provide forage for livestock may result in extensive alter-
    ations that are unsuitable for greater sage grouse and other
    species dependent on sagebrush habitats.” (citations omitted).
    [6] Because the habitat proxy failed to track the MIS popu-
    lation, the proxy-on-proxy approach was unreliable in ensur-
    ing overall diversity in this case. In applying the proxy-on-
    proxy approach to evaluate whether the project complied with
    the Forest Service’s duty to ensure wildlife diversity, the For-
    est Service did not adequately consider evidence that, despite
    the Forest Service’s asserted compliance with the Connelly
    Guidelines, the sage grouse population continued to trend
    downward over several decades. This omission on the part of
    the Forest Service would suggest that the agency has “failed
    to consider an important aspect of the problem,” or has
    offered an explanation for its decision that runs counter to the
    evidence in the record, and its decision is therefore arbitrary
    and capricious. Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Assn., Inc. v. State Farm
    Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 
    463 U.S. 29
    , 43 (1983).
    [7] The record further suggests that in addition to failing to
    monitor and incorporate sage grouse population data in its
    analysis, the Forest Service failed to adhere to the Connelly
    Guidelines in assessing the sagebrush habitat. In conducting
    its environmental analysis, the Forest Service failed to iden-
    tify the nesting habitat in the project area later noted by Con-
    nelly and addressed in the Connelly Review. The
    Environmental Assessment stated that there are no known
    nesting grounds in the project area, noting that “[n]esting con-
    ditions . . . are not met within the project area during the sage
    grouse nesting season (May to mid-June).” The Forest Service
    concluded that the absence of nesting habitat “appears to be
    limited by growing conditions and plant physiology, not by
    past years’ cattle grazing . . .” The Forest Service ostensibly
    NATIVE ECOSYSTEMS COUNCIL v. TIDWELL                3723
    relied upon the Connelly Guidelines in reaching this conclu-
    sion. However, Connelly concluded that there were at least
    1900 acres of nesting habitat in the project area. See Connelly
    Review pp. 11-12. Indeed, Connelly specifically stated that
    this area has “relatively high canopy coverage of grasses and
    forbs with adequate height for nesting habitat.” Connelly
    Review p. 12. “In short,” he concluded, “the area seems to
    have all the characteristics associated with productive sage
    grouse breeding habitat.” 
    Id. (citing the
    Connelly Guidelines).
    [8] The discrepancy between the Forest Service’s conclu-
    sions and Connelly’s conclusions, where both ostensibly
    applied the Connelly Guidelines, strongly suggests that the
    Forest Service’s method of measuring the sagebrush habitat is
    neither reasonably reliable nor accurate. See Native Eco-
    systems, 428 F.3d at 1250
    . This flaw in the Forest Service’s
    methodology further undermines the reliability of the Forest
    Service’s use of the proxy-on-proxy approach. See 
    Powell, 395 F.3d at 1036
    (holding that the proxy-on-proxy approach
    failed to comply with NFMA where habitat analysis was
    The Forest Service’s analysis of the 1900 acres of breeding
    habitat also contradicted Connelly’s view of whether cattle
    grazing would interfere with the sage grouse breeding period.
    The AMPs would allow cattle grazing in the area as soon as
    June 1. The Forest Service noted in the Environmental
    Assessment that the nesting season usually takes place from
    May to mid-June. In the SIR, the Forest Service concluded
    that the grazing season was compatible with sage grouse
    breeding, because cattle generally did not graze in that region
    until late June.10 However, the Connelly Review referenced
    scientific studies suggesting that “[t]he hatching period for
    most sage grouse populations generally occurs from mid-May
    The SIR also inaccurately described the nesting season as occurring
    in April and May, contrary to the statement in the Environmental Assess-
    until early June.” Connelly Review, p. 4 (emphasis added).
    Connelly stated that “there is some evidence that grouse using
    high elevation area may not begin nesting until mid-May.” 
    Id. (emphasis added)
    (citation omitted). Connelly cited evidence
    that “5 of 6 nesting hens (83%) initiated nesting between 10
    May and 17 June in the Sawtooth Valley of central Idaho,” an
    area with a similar elevation range as the project area. 
    Id. (citation omitted).
    He noted that yet another scientist “also
    reported that sage grouse may nest well into June . . . ” 
    Id. (citation omitted).
    Our colleague in dissent does not deny that inconsistencies
    exist between the Forest Service’s analysis and Dr. Connel-
    ly’s conclusions. Instead, the dissent takes refuge in Dr. Con-
    nelly’s fuzzy assurance that the contemplated actions “are
    generally consistent with the current sage-grouse management
    guidelines.” Dissenting Opinion, p. 3733 (quoting Connelly
    Review). However, that general observation in no way erases
    the specific discrepancies between Dr. Connelly’s studies and
    the Forest Service’s analysis.
    [9] In sum, under the facts of this case, where the MIS
    population has consistently declined and has not appeared in
    the Project Area in nearly two decades, and where the agen-
    cy’s analysis conflicted with that of the scientific experts, the
    Forest Service’s use of the proxy-on-proxy approach to ensure
    viability of sagebrush obligates did not comply with the dic-
    tates of the NFMA to monitor population trends of the sage
    grouse as the selected MIS. See Earth Island 
    Institute, 442 F.3d at 1175-76
    . The District Ranger’s determination that the
    project would have minimal effects on the sage grouse was
    not derived from a reliable methodology. See 
    id. at 1176
    (holding that the Forest Service acted arbitrarily and capri-
    ciously by relying on inadequate habitat monitoring of the
    MIS). Accordingly, we reverse the district court’s grant of
    summary judgment in favor of Defendants on the Plaintiffs’
    NFMA claim.
    B.   Compliance with NEPA
    [10] “In contrast to NFMA, NEPA exists to ensure a pro-
    cess, not to mandate particular results.” Neighbors of Cuddy
    Mountain v. Alexander, 
    303 F.3d 1059
    , 1063 (9th Cir. 2002)
    (citation omitted). “NEPA requires a federal agency ‘to the
    fullest extent possible,’ to prepare ‘a detailed statement on the
    environmental impact’ of ‘major Federal actions significantly
    affecting the quality of the human environment.’ ” Ctr. for
    Biological Diversity v. Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin.,
    538 F.3d 1172
    , 1185 (9th Cir. 2008) (citations and alteration
    As a preliminary step, an agency may prepare an environ-
    mental assessment “in order to determine whether a proposed
    action may significantly affect the environment . . . ” 
    Id. (cita- tion,
    alteration and internal quotation marks omitted). “If the
    agency concludes in the [environmental assessment] that there
    is no significant effect from the proposed project, the federal
    agency may issue a finding of no significant impact
    (‘FONSI’) in lieu of preparing an EIS.” Native Ecosystems
    Council, 428 F.3d at 1239
    (citations omitted). “If an agency
    decides not to prepare an EIS, it must supply a convincing
    statement of reasons to explain why a project’s impacts are
    insignificant. The statement of reasons is crucial to determin-
    ing whether the agency took a hard look at the potential envi-
    ronmental impact of a project.” Center for Biological
    Diversity, 538 F.3d at 1220
    (citations and internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    [11] As discussed above, the Forest Service’s use of the
    nonexistent sage grouse as an MIS to assess the project’s
    impact on all sagebrush species’ diversity was flawed. As a
    result, its overall study of the sage grouse habitat throughout
    the Environmental Assessment was similarly deficient. Just as
    the methodology applied by the Forest Service to measure
    habitat conditions did not meet the NFMA requirements, its
    flawed methodology in the complete absence of a sage grouse
    population does not constitute the requisite “hard look” man-
    dated by NEPA. See Native Ecosystems Council v. USFS, 
    418 F.3d 953
    , 964-65 (9th Cir. 2005) (recognizing that the Forest
    Service’s reliance on incorrect assumptions and/or data vio-
    lated NFMA and did not meet the agency’s obligation to take
    a “hard look” under NEPA).
    We cannot say that the results of the Environmental
    Assessment would have differed if an appropriate MIS for
    sagebrush obligates had been selected. In the absence of that
    analysis, we reverse and remand for the Forest Service to
    undertake a new or revised Environmental Assessment. See
    Earth Island 
    Institute, 442 F.3d at 1153
    (reversing and
    remanding due to defects in the Forest Service analysis).
    Finally, we note that the Forest Service’s decision not to
    supplement the Environmental Assessment following the
    Connelly Review’s discussion of the 1900 acres of nesting
    habitat fails to comply with the agency’s obligations to sup-
    plement an environmental assessment when “[t]here are sig-
    nificant new circumstances or information relevant to
    environmental concerns and bearing on the proposed action or
    its impacts.” 40 C.F.R. § 1502.9(c)(1)(ii); see Klamath Siski-
    you Wildlands Ctr. v. Boody, 
    468 F.3d 549
    , 560 (9th Cir.
    The Forest Service’s justifications for its decision not to
    further revise the Environmental Assessment are unpersua-
    sive. Although the Forest Service suggests that it made no
    “estimate of the amount of breeding/nesting habitat in the
    allotments[,]” the record clearly reflects otherwise. The Forest
    Service in fact analyzed the impact of the project on late
    brood-rearing habitat. This approach was taken precisely
    because the sagebrush habitat in the project area was “not
    considered to be nesting habitat.” However, Connelly’s
    assessment of the project specified that the “[p]roposed man-
    agement will likely have little effect on this habitat unless
    offtake results in average herbaceous height <18 cm in mid to
    late June . . . ” Connelly Assessment p. 13. The Environmental
    Assessment, predicated on the assumption that no nesting
    habitat existed in the project area, did not address anticipated
    offtake results under the project at all. Nor did the SIR discuss
    the potential effect of grazing on nesting habitat.
    The Forest Service’s efforts to minimize the importance of
    the potential nesting habitat further emphasizes the shortcom-
    ings of the Environmental Assessment. The Forest Service
    suggests that the 1900 acres identified by Connelly as poten-
    tial breeding habitat is less reliable because Connelly “made
    this identification on the basis of the quality of the vegetation,
    not on any documented breeding in this area.” However, this
    argument undermines the Forest Service’s overarching posi-
    tion that reliance on habitat alone is sufficient to predict sage
    grouse viability. Moreover, it highlights the fact that the new
    information regarding potential nesting habitat directly con-
    tradicts the Environmental Assessment, which concluded
    without explanation that nesting habitat is unavailable
    because of the nature of the vegetation (and not as a result of
    Ultimately, the Forest Service attempts to avoid preparing
    a supplemental environmental assessment by suggesting that
    weather presents an immediate bar to the use of the identified
    habitat for nesting. However, the scientists who identified this
    habitat considered weather patterns. For example, Connelly
    noted that late brood-rearing habitats “are generally used from
    July to early September but vary annually due to annual
    weather conditions.” And Glenn Hockett, the NEC expert,
    specifically rejected the premise that weather conditions fore-
    close the use of the nesting habitat. In his declaration, he
    Although the Antelope Basin/Elk Lake area does
    receive a lot of snow in the winter, it melts in the
    spring. The importance of ephemeral (temporary),
    water sources from melting snow banks may play an
    important role in the sage grouse habitat suitability
    for nesting and early brood rearing on the project
    Hockett Decl., December 24, 2003, p. 6. Thus, the Forest Ser-
    vice’s conclusory assertion in the DN/FONSI that nesting is
    impossible because of weather conditions is undermined by
    the scientists’ observations.
    Given the presence of potential nesting habitat and the cor-
    ollary effect on that habitat of cattle grazing, the 2004 infor-
    mation impacted the project sufficiently that the
    environmental assessment should have been further revised.
    See Klamath 
    Siskiyou, 468 F.3d at 560
    . We note that a revised
    environmental assessment considering the issues addressed
    above might come to a different conclusion than the original
    environmental assessment and necessitate the preparation of
    an environmental impact statement.
    [12] Because the methodology utilized by the Forest Ser-
    vice violated both the NFMA and NEPA, we reverse the dis-
    trict court’s grant of summary judgment in favor of
    Defendants, and remand this case for the agency to prepare a
    new or supplemental environmental assessment consistent
    with this opinion.
    KOZINSKI, Chief Judge, dissenting:
    The majority oversteps the limited role of a court reviewing
    an agency’s decision. First, it holds that the Forest Service’s
    216-page Environmental Assessment, six sage-grouse project-
    area surveys, and bevy of supplemental reports all amount to
    a “ ‘clear error of judgment’ that would render its action ‘arbi-
    trary and capricious’ ” under the National Forest Management
    Act. The Lands Council v. McNair, 
    537 F.3d 981
    , 993 (9th
    Cir. 2008). Second, on the basis of these same substantive
    criticisms, the majority holds that the Service’s analysis was
    too flawed to satisfy the National Environmental Protection
    Act’s “hard look” requirement. See, e.g., Native Ecosystems
    Council v. U.S. Forest Serv., 
    428 F.3d 1233
    , 1239 (9th Cir.
    2005) (“Determining whether the Forest Service took the req-
    uisite ‘hard look’ is judged against the APA’s arbitrary and
    capricious standard.”).
    But ours is only the modest task of ensuring the Service
    didn’t perform an arbitrary and capricious analysis or come to
    an arbitrary or capricious conclusion. The Service did neither
    so the majority is wrong to overturn its decision.
    The National Forest Management Act requires the Forest
    Service to develop a general resource management plan for
    every forest in the National Forest System. 16 U.S.C. § 1604.
    Forest Plans permit productive uses of forests (such as graz-
    ing) while preserving the habitat to support viable populations
    of all pre-existing plant and animal life. Id.; 36 C.F.R.
    § 219.19 (2000). To keep track of animal populations, the
    Forest Service designates a small number of “management
    indicator species” to monitor as proxies for all the forest’s
    animals. 36 C.F.R. § 219.19(a)(1). And, rather than go out
    and individually count every animal, the Service often moni-
    tors indicator species’ habitat as a proxy for their population.
    We’ve long endorsed this proxy-on-proxy approach. See, e.g.,
    Inland Empire Public Lands Council v. U.S. Forest Serv., 
    88 F.3d 754
    , 761 (9th Cir. 1996).
    Forest Plans, by definition, cover entire forests.
    Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest is the largest national
    forest in Montana and, at 3.36 million acres, it is roughly the
    size of Connecticut. In the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National
    Forest Plan, sage grouse are the indicator species for sage-
    brush dependent animals forest-wide. The Antelope Basin/Elk
    Lake project site, at 48,000 acres (1.4% of the total forest), is
    just a bit larger than the District of Columbia. The Service
    analyzed the project’s potential effects on the Forest Plan as
    NFMA required and, as the Forest Plan required, it used sage
    grouse as the indicator species for sagebrush-dependent ani-
    But that isn’t good enough for the majority, which holds
    that it was arbitrary and capricious for the Service to rely on
    sage grouse because grouse are “virtually non-existent in the
    project area.” Maj. at 3718. When grouse are “absent from the
    project area . . . the Forest Service cannot reasonably argue
    that the proxy-on-proxy approach allows it to avoid separately
    monitoring sage grouse population trends.” 
    Id. at 3719.
    rule—that a project analysis is arbitrary and capricious unless
    there is proof that each indicator species lives in the project
    area—is entirely new. It has at least four problems.
    First, the majority doesn’t apply its new requirement fairly
    to the record. The record does not show, and the Service does
    not concede, that there are no sage grouse in the Antelope
    Basin/Elk Lake project site. The record shows only that no
    sage grouse “have been observed in the project area in the
    past 15 years and sage grouse surveys in 2001-2003 did not
    find sage grouse or their sign.” On the other hand, there is a
    report of two sage grouse being taken illegally from the proj-
    ect area in 2002. Rather than meaning that few sage grouse
    live in the project area, this could just mean the sage grouse
    in the project area are difficult to find. We’ve repeatedly
    approved habitat monitoring when the indicator species is dif-
    ficult to detect. See, e.g., 
    McNair, 537 F.3d at 998
    . The major-
    ity notes that “the government does not cite any ‘monitoring
    difficulties’ that prevent detection of the sage grouse.” Maj.
    at 3719 n.9. But why would it have? Courts have never
    required that showing before. We can hardly fault the Service
    for not providing an unnecessary justification in defense of a
    well-established method. Creating new requirements and
    applying them retroactively is the kind of “gotcha” jurispru-
    dence we may not engage in.
    Second, the majority’s rule conflicts with our cases approv-
    ing proxy-on-proxy analysis without requiring the indicator
    species to be present in the project area. For example, in
    Native Ecosystems Council v. United States Forest Service,
    plaintiffs challenged the Service’s performing proxy-on-proxy
    analysis without showing a viable population of the indicator
    species. 428 F.3d at 1250
    . We sided with the Service, explain-
    ing that “[o]ur case law permits the Forest Service to meet the
    wildlife species viability requirements by preserving habitat,”
    provided that the habitat is monitored using reliable methods.
    Id.; see also 36 C.F.R. § 219.19 (“[H]abitat shall be managed
    to maintain viable populations . . . .” ). This is plainly incon-
    sistent with the majority’s requirement that the Service prove
    that each indicator species lives in the project area. Indeed,
    requiring the Service to prove that each indicator species lives
    in the project area effectively requires it to directly monitor
    each animal’s population—precisely the cumbersome task
    that proxy-on-proxy is meant to avoid.
    Third, the majority’s new rule will make it much harder for
    the Service to plan on a forest-wide scale, rely on forest-wide
    indicator species and administer general Forest Plans. When-
    ever one of the Forest Plan’s indicator species is absent or
    impossible to detect, the Service will have to make an ad hoc
    exception. Today’s majority requires a stand-in indicator spe-
    cies for a project area that is 1.4% of the total forest. Tomor-
    row’s might do so for 0.14%. Pretty soon, before the Service
    can allow grazing in the head ranger’s backyard it’ll have to
    prove no adverse impact on the gophers. This flies in the face
    of NFMA. See, e.g., 16 U.S.C. § 1604(f)(1) (The Forest Ser-
    vice shall “form one integrated plan for each unit of the
    National Forest System.”) (emphasis added); Idaho Sporting
    Cong., Inc. v. Rittenhouse, 
    305 F.3d 959
    , 962 (9th Cir. 2002)
    (“[T]he Forest Service must conduct an analysis of each ‘site
    specific’ action, such as a timber sale, to ensure that the action
    is consistent with the forest plan.”).
    The majority argues that “[i]f the Forest Service decided to
    select a project site consisting of the head ranger’s back-
    yard . . . it must indeed analyze that particular site to deter-
    mine the effects of the proposed action.” Maj. at 3720-21.
    Nobody disputes that. See p. 
    3729-30 supra
    . It’s at the next
    step of the analysis where we differ: the majority’s require-
    ment that the Service come up with all-new indicator species
    if it can’t prove that the species listed in the Forest Plan live
    in the project site. The entire point of a forest-wide plan is
    that complying with its forest-wide standards will ensure
    forest-wide species and habitat preservation. Although the
    Service must ensure that grazing in the backyard doesn’t hurt
    any sage grouse habitat, it’s not required to demonstrate that
    sage grouse actually live in the yard.
    Fourth, it’s not clear that an indicator species’ absence from
    a particular project area undermines the Service’s habitat
    analysis. NFMA’s goal is preservation of animal life across
    the forest, which is necessarily determined using the Forest
    Plan and the Forest Plan’s indicator species. See, e.g., Inland
    Empire Pub. Lands Council v. U. S. Forest Serv., 
    88 F.3d 754
    , 757 (9th Cir. 1996) (“[S]ite-specific projects must be
    consistent with the stage-one, forest-wide plan.”). If sage
    grouse are a proxy for all the animals that rely on sagebrush,
    and the Service can show that it’s reliably maintaining sage-
    brush at the levels required for sage grouse, then NFMA has
    been satisfied. The absence of grouse in a particular part of
    the forest may make it harder to double-check these methods,
    but in this case nobody disputes the reliability of Connelly’s
    Guidelines, which are part of the administrative record. John
    W. Connelly, et al., Guidelines to Manage Sage Grouse Pop-
    ulations and Their Habitats, 28 Wildlife Society Bulletin 967
    The majority also criticizes more specific aspects of the
    Service’s scientific analysis. But bare disagreement doesn’t
    make the Service’s analysis arbitrary and capricious. See
    Marsh v. Or. Natural Res. Council, 
    490 U.S. 360
    , 378 (1989)
    (“When specialists express conflicting views, an agency must
    have discretion to rely on the reasonable opinions of its own
    qualified experts even if, as an original matter, a court might
    find contrary views more persuasive.”). This is especially true
    where, as here, the court bases its objections on the findings
    of a scientist who has actually endorsed the project being
    reviewed. The majority’s central criticism is that “the very
    guidelines used by the Forest Service militate against the For-
    est Service’s assertion” that sage grouse can be monitored by
    monitoring sagebrush. Maj. at 3721. The majority bases this
    assertion almost entirely on supposed inconsistencies between
    the Service’s analysis and the work of Dr. Connelly (the
    Guidelines’ author). E.g., 
    id. (“Connelly and
    his co-authors
    recognized that ‘populations of sage-grouse have been extir-
    pated at places throughout their former range concomitant
    with habitat loss and degradation, so that the species’ current
    distribution is less closely aligned with that of sagebrush.’ ”).
    But Dr. Connelly published a lengthy review of the Ser-
    vice’s project analysis (also in the administrative record)
    explaining that “[t]he actions authorized by the Antelope
    Basin/Elk Lake Environment Assessment are generally con-
    sistent with the current sage-grouse management guidelines.”
    John W. Connelly, A Review of USFS Management Activities
    and Their Relationship to Sage-Grouse in the Antelope Basin/
    Elk Lake Area of Southwestern Montana (September 15,
    2004) at 14 (hereinafter Connelly Review). Connelly found
    that “[t]he conclusions in the Anteleope Basin/Elk Lake Allot-
    ment Management Plan EA . . . are reasonable and supported
    by the available evidence. Effects to sage grouse resulting
    from project implementation will likely be minimal. . . . The
    actions authorized . . . appear [to] take a pro-active approach
    to managing for potential sage grouse habitat.” 
    Id. at 14.
    Courts are ill-equipped to second guess scientists, particularly
    scientists who are interpreting their own scientific evidence.
    As the majority acknowledges, NEPA imposes no substan-
    tive requirements but merely “exists to ensure a process.”
    Maj. at 3725 (quotation omitted). Nonetheless, the majority
    concludes that the Service’s use of the Forest Plan’s manage-
    ment indicator species to evaluate the Antelope Basin/Elk
    Lake Allotment Management Plan did not constitute “the req-
    uisite ‘hard look’ mandated by NEPA.” Maj. at 3726. This
    NEPA holding doubles down on the same point the majority
    makes about NFMA—that no project can be undertaken with-
    out studying animals that actually live in the project site. But
    the majority never explains why violating NFMA’s substan-
    tive requirements is necessarily enough to fail the more
    lenient NEPA requirement of a “hard look” that doesn’t “rely
    on incorrect assumptions or data.” Native Ecosystems Council
    v. U. S. Forest Serv., 
    418 F.3d 953
    , 964 (9th Cir. 2005). Even
    if NFMA limited the Service to indicator species that live in
    the project area (it doesn’t), a species’ absence doesn’t neces-
    sarily make the Service’s extensive analysis of the project
    area totally unreliable.
    The majority also criticizes the Service for not supplement-
    ing its Environmental Assessment in the wake of the Connelly
    Review. But this criticism is hollow on two levels. First, it
    ignores the fact that the Connelly Review endorsed the Ser-
    vice’s position. See pp. 
    3733-34 supra
    . Why (and how) would
    the Service “respond” to an unqualified endorsement? Take a
    bow? Second, the majority’s premise—that the Service never
    addressed the Review’s finding that some of the project area
    was suitable for nesting, maj. at 3726-27—is factually inaccu-
    rate. The Supplemental Information Report explains on page
    five that “[c]attle do not enter the Elk Lake Allotment, where
    1,900 acres of possible nesting habitat was identified, until
    June 26 or later.” (emphasis added). It reiterates the point on
    page twelve: “likelihood of disturbance by livestock to nest-
    ing sage grouse appears to be minimal as normally the range
    is not ready for livestock grazing until after the peak of sage-
    grouse egg incubation.” The Service clearly considered the
    Review’s finding. It’s just that the Service—like the Review’s
    author—concluded that the project was consistent with these
    findings. A hard look is a hard look no matter what the Ser-
    vice sees, even if judges see something else.
    *   *   *
    The majority acts as both legislature and biologist. It acts
    as legislature by inventing new NFMA requirements and as
    biologist by dissecting reports about sage grouse in a mis-
    guided effort at second-guessing those reports’ authoring sci-
    entists. We should abstain from this sort of law office science.
    The Service has already printed hundreds of pages analyzing
    the Antelope Basin/Elk Lake’s suitability for summer grazing.
    Both NFMA and NEPA were satisfied. We have no authority
    to stand in the way.

Document Info

Docket Number: 06-35890

Filed Date: 3/9/2010

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/14/2015

Authorities (18)

Tucson Herpetological Soc. v. Salazar , 566 F.3d 870 ( 2009 )

native-ecosystems-council-v-united-states-forest-service-an-agency-of-the , 428 F.3d 1233 ( 2005 )

native-ecosystems-council-the-ecology-center-inc-v-united-states-forest , 418 F.3d 953 ( 2005 )

environmental-protection-information-center-a-california-nonprofit , 451 F.3d 1005 ( 2006 )

klamath-siskiyou-wildlands-center-umpqua-watersheds-cascadia-wildlands , 468 F.3d 549 ( 2006 )

Lands Council v. Martin , 529 F.3d 1219 ( 2008 )

earth-island-institute-a-california-non-profit-organization-center-for , 442 F.3d 1147 ( 2006 )

Eng v. Cooley , 552 F.3d 1062 ( 2009 )

the-lands-council-a-washington-nonprofit-corporation-kootenai , 395 F.3d 1019 ( 2005 )

idaho-sporting-congress-inc-alliance-for-the-wild-rockies-v-david , 305 F.3d 957 ( 2002 )

Center for Biological Diversity v. National Highway Traffic ... , 538 F.3d 1172 ( 2008 )

neighbors-of-cuddy-mountain-idaho-sporting-congress-inc-the-ecology , 303 F.3d 1059 ( 2002 )

inland-empire-public-lands-council-a-non-profit-corporation-montana , 88 F.3d 754 ( 1996 )

The Lands Council v. McNair , 537 F.3d 981 ( 2008 )

gifford-pinchot-task-force-an-oregon-non-profit-organization-cascadia , 378 F.3d 1059 ( 2004 )

Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Assn. of United States, Inc. v. State ... , 103 S. Ct. 2856 ( 1983 )

Marsh v. Oregon Natural Resources Council , 109 S. Ct. 1851 ( 1989 )

Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. , 129 S. Ct. 365 ( 2008 )

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