Gordon v. Deloitte & Touche, LLP Group Long Term Disability Plan , 749 F.3d 746 ( 2014 )

  •                      FOR PUBLICATION
    BRIDGET GORDON,                                   No. 12-55114
    D.C. No.
    v.                           2:11-cv-00913-
    Defendant-Appellee.                    OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of California
    Manuel L. Real, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    October 10, 2013—Pasadena, California
    Filed April 11, 2014
    Before: Stephen Reinhardt and Morgan Christen, Circuit
    Judges, and John W. Sedwick, District Judge.*
    Opinion by Judge Sedwick;
    Dissent by Judge Reinhardt
    The Honorable John W. Sedwick, Senior United States District Judge
    for the District of Alaska, sitting by designation.
    2               GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE
    Employee Retirement Income Security Act
    Affirming the district court’s summary judgment, the
    panel held that an ERISA action was barred by California’s
    four-year statute of limitation governing actions involving
    written contracts.
    The panel held that under federal law, the plaintiff’s claim
    accrued no later than the date her administrative appeal right
    expired, and the ERISA plan insurer’s reconsideration of her
    claim did not revive the statute of limitation. The panel held
    that the ERISA plan was not estopped from asserting a statute
    of limitation defense based on the insurer’s representation
    that the plaintiff could bring an ERISA action. Turning to
    California law for guidance, the panel held that the plan did
    not waive its statute of limitation defense based on the
    insurer’s representation.
    Dissenting, Judge Reinhardt wrote that the plan waived its
    right to invoke the statute of limitation by inviting the
    plaintiff to reopen her case, submit new documents, and
    appeal if dissatisfied.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE                     3
    Robert J. Rosati (argued), ERISA Law Group LLP, Fresno,
    California, for Plaintiff-Appellant.
    Ian Seth Linker (argued), Metropolitan Life Insurance
    Company, New York, New York; Robert Kevin Renner,
    Barger & Wolen, LLP, Irvine, California, for Defendant-
    SEDWICK, District Judge:
    Plaintiff-Appellant Bridget Gordon (“Gordon”) appeals
    the district court’s summary judgment in favor of Defendant-
    Appellee Deloitte & Touche, LLP Group Long Term
    Disability Plan ( the “Plan”), which is insured by
    Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife”), based on
    her failure to file the action within the applicable limitation
    period. The Plan is subject to the Employee Retirement
    Income Security Act of 1974, 29 U.S.C. §§ 1001–1461
    (“ERISA”). We have jurisdiction over the appeal pursuant to
    28 U.S.C. § 1291.
    Deloitte & Touche USA LLP (“Deloitte”) offers
    employees long-term disability insurance through the Plan.
    The Plan’s claims administrator, MetLife, has broad
    discretionary authority to make eligibility determinations.
    Under the Plan, an employee is entitled to long-term
    disability benefits if she is otherwise qualified and meets the
    4            GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE
    Plan’s definition of “disabled.” Benefit payments for
    disabilities due to mental illness are limited to twenty-four
    months under the Plan.
    Gordon worked for Deloitte until October of 2000.
    Around that time, Gordon learned that she was HIV positive
    and claimed she could no longer work due to depression.
    MetLife determined that she was eligible for disability
    benefits under the Plan and began paying benefits effective
    March 3, 2001. MetLife paid benefits through December of
    2002, but gave notice that it had terminated further payments
    in a January 2, 2003 letter. The letter recounted that
    Gordon’s treating physician had advised on December 19,
    2002 that Gordon had not been seen in over three months and
    had failed to appear for her last scheduled appointment. The
    letter also indicated that Gordon had not responded to calls
    from MetLife personnel. The letter then explained that the
    benefits were terminated because Gordon had failed to
    furnish continuing proof of disability as required by the Plan.
    The letter gave Gordon 180 days from receipt of the letter in
    which to send a written appeal to MetLife.
    On January 9, 2003, Gordon appealed the termination.
    After reviewing the medical information submitted in support
    of her continuing claim for disability benefits, MetLife denied
    her claim in a letter dated March 17, 2003. The letter
    reviewed the supporting information at length before
    concluding that Gordon did not meet the definition of
    disabled under the Plan, because the documentation did not
    substantiate the proposition that she was unable to perform
    the essential duties of her job. The letter informed Gordon
    that she had 180 days to appeal the decision.
    GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE                    5
    On October 15, 2003, Gordon appealed, arguing that she
    was disabled due to severe and debilitating depression. In a
    November 4, 2003 letter, following MetLife’s review of the
    information submitted and a review by an independent
    physician consultant, MetLife informed Gordon that
    additional benefits had been approved for the limited period
    of January 1, 2003 through March 2, 2003, because she was
    disabled during that period by her major depression. The
    letter explained that under the Plan Gordon’s benefits were
    limited to twenty-four months because her disability stemmed
    from a mental illness, and noted her twenty-four months
    ended on March 2, 2003. Once again Gordon was advised
    that she could appeal the decision within 180 days.
    Gordon failed to appeal. Indeed, she took no action for
    more than four years. On November 26, 2007, she called
    MetLife to ask whether her claim could be reopened, and
    MetLife informed her that her appeal deadline had passed.
    Gordon took no further action for an additional year and a
    In April of 2009, MetLife received a letter from
    California’s Department of Insurance indicating that Gordon
    had filed a complaint on April 12, 2009. It asked MetLife to
    reevaluate the issues raised by Gordon in her complaint.
    MetLife informed Gordon that it would reopen her claim for
    further review and allowed Gordon to submit any additional
    information that she wanted MetLife to consider.
    On December 8, 2009, after reviewing Gordon’s file and
    the additional information available, MetLife informed
    Gordon in writing that it was upholding its original decision
    to terminate her benefits based on the Plan’s 24-month
    limitation for disabilities resulting from mental illness. The
    6            GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE
    letter set forth MetLife’s analysis of the medical information
    and explained why MetLife had decided to maintain its
    original decision. The letter advised Gordon of her appeal
    rights, saying that she could appeal the decision within 180
    days and that any appeal would be concluded within 45 days
    unless otherwise notified in writing. Of significance at this
    point, the letter also stated that if the administrative appeal
    were to be denied, Gordon would have the right to bring a
    civil action under § 502(a) of ERISA. Gordon timely
    appealed with a 74-page appeal letter and more than 480
    pages of exhibits. MetLife wrote to Gordon’s counsel on July
    6, 2010, advising that it was continuing to review the file.
    However, on January 31, 2011, before MetLife’s review was
    completed, Gordon filed a complaint pursuant to § 502(a) of
    ERISA in the district court.
    The district court granted the Plan’s motion for summary
    judgment. It concluded that Gordon’s ERISA action was
    barred by the applicable four-year statute of limitation, as
    well as by the three-year contractual limitation period
    contained in the Plan itself. The trial court rejected Gordon’s
    arguments that the reopening of her file in 2009 reset the
    statute of limitation and that the Plan waived its limitation
    defense or was estopped from asserting it. The district court
    entered judgment in favor of the Plan. This appeal followed.
    The standard of review applicable here is well known.
    We examine orders granting summary judgment de novo,
    viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the non-
    moving party to determine whether any genuine issue of
    material fact remains. Coszalter v. City of Salem, 
    320 F.3d 968
    , 973 (9th Cir. 2003).
    GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE                     7
    A. Statute of limitation
    There is no federal statute of limitation applicable to
    lawsuits seeking benefits under ERISA. Wetzel v. Lou Ehlers
    Cadillac Grp. Long Term Disability Ins. Program, 
    222 F.3d 643
    , 646 (9th Cir. 2000). We therefore “look to the most
    analogous state statute” in the state where the claim for
    benefits arose. 
    Id. Here, the
    state is California, and the most
    analogous statute is its four-year statute of limitation
    governing actions involving written contracts. 
    Id. at 648.
    The district court concluded that Gordon’s cause of action
    accrued on November 4, 2003, and thus that the four-year
    statute of limitation barred her suit.
    While the statute of limitation is borrowed from state law,
    accrual of an ERISA cause of action is determined by federal
    Id. at 649.
    Under federal law, “an ERISA cause of
    action accrues either at the time benefits are actually denied
    or when the insured has reason to know that the claim has
    been denied.” 
    Id. (internal citation
    omitted). A claimant has
    reason to know that the claim has been denied where there
    has been “a clear and continuing repudiation of a claimant’s
    rights under a plan such that the claimant could not have
    reasonably believed but that his benefits had been finally
    denied.” Chuck v. Hewlett Packard Co., 
    455 F.3d 1026
    , 1031
    (9th Cir. 2006) (internal quotation marks and citation
    Gordon’s claim was denied in the November 4, 2003
    MetLife letter which advised Gordon that no disability
    benefits would be available to her after March 2, 2003, and
    that she would receive one final payment covering the period
    of January 2, 2003 through March 2, 2003. The letter
    explicitly stated that the last payment was made in a full and
    8            GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE
    final settlement of her claim for disability benefits under the
    Plan. Gordon argues that the November 4, 2003 letter did not
    constitute a final denial because the letter also informed her
    of her appeal rights, suggesting that she had further
    administrative remedies and that the matter was therefore not
    final. Assuming arguendo that the November 4 letter was not
    a final denial, because Gordon still had an administrative
    appeal option, the letter also stated that the right to appeal
    would expire 180 days from November 4, 2003, which meant
    on or about May 4, 2004.
    We conclude that Gordon’s right to file an ERISA action
    accrued no later than May 4, 2004. Gordon did not file the
    pending complaint until January 31, 2011. The district court
    correctly concluded that Gordon’s ERISA action was barred
    by the four-year statute of limitation. That being so, it is
    unnecessary to consider whether her complaint is also time
    barred under the shorter three-year limitation period set out
    in the Plan.
    B. Revival of the limitations period
    Gordon argues that we should apply California law
    regarding acknowledgment of debts to conclude that
    MetLife’s reconsideration of her claim in 2009 revived the
    statute of limitation.       Under California law, “[t]he
    acknowledgment of a debt already barred by the statute [of
    limitation] gives rise to a new contract and a new cause of
    action dating from the acknowledgment.” Eilke v. Rice, 
    286 P.2d 349
    , 352 (Cal. 1955) (en banc). However, just as the
    accrual of an ERISA cause of action is determined by federal
    law, whether it can accrue a second time by virtue of a
    revived statute of limitation should also be determined by
    federal law.
    GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE                    9
    Under Ninth Circuit law, MetLife’s reopening of
    Gordon’s claim file in 2009 does not in and of itself revive
    the statute of limitations. In Martin v. Construction
    Laborer’s Pension Trust, 
    947 F.2d 1381
    (9th Cir. 1991), the
    plaintiff sought benefits from an employee pension plan
    established pursuant to the Labor Management Relations Act
    and later amended to comply with ERISA. We concluded
    that the action was time-barred and rejected plaintiff’s
    argument that the statute of limitation never commenced
    because the pension plan agreed to reopen his claim five
    years after the denial. 
    Id. at 1384–86.
    The court noted that
    the plan’s initial denial was unequivocal and final, the
    administrative remedies were exhausted, and plaintiff did
    nothing further for five years. 
    Id. at 1386.
    It held that there
    was no basis for the conclusion that the case was kept open
    for five years or that the reopening of the claim commenced
    a new statute of limitation. 
    Id. We believe
    the policy behind the holding in Martin is
    obvious, salutary and important. Reviving a limitation period
    when an insurance company reconsiders a claim after the
    limitation period has run would discourage reconsideration by
    insurers even when reconsideration might be warranted. We
    hold that the statute of limitation was not revived.
    C. Estoppel
    Gordon contends that the Plan should be estopped from
    asserting a statute of limitation defense based on MetLife’s
    representation that she could bring an ERISA action. In
    certain circumstances, we have recognized the applicability
    of estoppel in ERISA cases to prevent an insurance company
    from relying on a statute of limitation or contractual
    limitation period as a defense. “‘As a general rule, a
    10            GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE
    defendant will be estopped from setting up a statute-of-
    limitations defense when its own prior representations or
    conduct have caused the plaintiff to run afoul of the statute
    and it is equitable to hold the defendant responsible for that
    result.’” LaMantia v. Voluntary Plan Adm’rs, Inc., 
    401 F.3d 1114
    , 1119 (9th Cir. 2005) (quoting Allen v. A.H. Robins Co.,
    752 F.2d 1365
    , 1371–72 (9th Cir. 1985)).
    Here, nothing suggests that Gordon missed the statute of
    limitation deadline because she detrimentally relied on any
    representation by MetLife. It is true that MetLife represented
    in its December 8, 2009 letter that Gordon could bring an
    ERISA action, but by then the statute had already run, and so
    Gordon could not have relied on that statement to her
    D. Waiver
    Gordon also contends that the Plan waived its statute of
    limitation defense based on MetLife’s representation in the
    December 2009 letter. Waiver is often described as the
    intentional relinquishment of a known right. Intel Corp. v.
    Hartford Accident & Indem. Co., 
    952 F.2d 1551
    , 1559 (9th
    Cir. 1991). Our cases have not yet addressed whether waiver
    principles apply to prevent an insurance company from
    raising a limitation defense in the ERISA context. In
    circumstances where the federal common law is not
    developed, courts may turn to state common law for guidance
    and apply state law to the extent that it is consistent with the
    policies expressed in ERISA. Padfield v. AIG Life Ins. Co.,
    290 F.3d 1121
    , 1125 (9th Cir. 2002).
    Turning to California law for guidance, we look to how
    waivers of limitation periods are dealt with in the insurance
    GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE                     11
    context. Under California law, an insurance company cannot
    waive the statute of limitations after the limitations period has
    run. Aceves v. Allstate Ins. Co., 
    68 F.3d 1160
    , 1163 (9th Cir.
    1995). In Aceves, the plaintiffs’ claim was time-barred under
    their policy, but the plaintiffs argued that the insurance
    company waived its limitations defense because it
    investigated the claim and confirmed coverage without
    mentioning the time bar. The court, applying California law,
    stated that the insurance company could not have waived the
    one-year statute of limitations: “The California Supreme
    Court has observed that if an insurer extends the expiration
    date of a one-year suit provision for a claim that the insured
    filed and it began investigating ‘after the limitations has run,
    [the extension] cannot, as a matter of law, amount to a
    waiver.’” 68 F.3d at 1163
    (quoting Prudential-LMI Ins. Co.
    v. Superior Court, 
    798 P.2d 1230
    , 1240 n.5 (Cal. 1990)).
    Even if waiver were possible after the limitation period
    has run, the availability of waiver in the insurance context is
    limited under California law. Typically, waiver analysis
    looks only at the acts of the waiving party to see if there was
    an intentional relinquishment of a known right, whereas
    estoppel looks at the actions of the other party as well to see
    if that party detrimentally relied on those acts. 
    Intel, 952 F.2d at 1559
    . However, in the insurance context, “the distinction
    between waiver and estoppel has been blurred.” 
    Id. “In cases
    where waiver has been found, there is generally some element
    of misconduct by the insurer or detrimental reliance by the
    Id. We find
    that it is consistent with ERISA to
    require an element of detrimental reliance or some
    misconduct on the part of the insurance plan before finding
    that it has affirmatively waived a limitation defense.
    12           GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE
    In Thomason v. Aetna Life Insurance Co., 
    9 F.3d 645
    Cir. 1993), the Seventh Circuit declined to apply waiver
    principles in an ERISA case to hold an insurer to its
    misleading representations of continued coverage. The court
    recognized that waiver is not typically applied without a
    showing of reasonable reliance on the part of the non-waiving
    party or a showing that there was an exchange of
    consideration for the alleged waiver. Therefore, it concluded
    that it would not provide a “something-for-nothing kind of
    waiver” in an ERISA action, whereby the insurance company
    would “be held to the terms of its misleading representations
    for no reason other than that it made them.” 
    Id. at 648–49.
    Here, Gordon asks the court to hold the Plan to its
    representation regarding her right to sue in the December
    2009 letter “for no reason other than that it made [it].” We
    agree with the Seventh Circuit that waiver requires something
    more. As discussed above, there has been no detrimental
    reliance by Gordon on the December 8, 2009 letter’s
    representation. Nor was any consideration provided to
    MetLife for a waiver of its defense. Gordon argues that
    consideration came in the form of relief from the demand by
    the California Department of Insurance to reopen Gordon’s
    case. At most the Department of Insurance only asked
    MetLife to administratively reopen the file. It did not
    ask—much less require, assuming the unlikely proposition
    that it had such power—that MetLife waive its limitation
    defense. Furthermore, there is no showing that MetLife acted
    unfairly or to its own advantage, something which might
    compel the court to apply an equitable waiver to prevent the
    Plan from asserting a limitation defense.
    Gordon argues that the Plan acted to its own advantage
    because it failed to raise the limitations defense when it
    GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE                    13
    denied her claim after the reopening of her file in 2009, citing
    Mitchell v. CB Richard Ellis Long Term Disability Plan, 
    611 F.3d 1192
    (9th Cir. 2010) and Harlick v. Blue Shield of
    686 F.3d 699
    (9th Cir. 2012). In Mitchell, we
    recognized that the insurer was required to provide the reason
    for denying a claim and reference the provision in the policy
    that forms the basis for the 
    denial. 611 F.3d at 1199
    1200. The insurer was therefore unable to argue that the
    policy did not provide coverage based upon a different
    provision which was not cited in its denial letter to the
    claimant. Harlick involved a similar situation, where the
    insurance company tried to deny coverage during litigation
    based on a provision that it never cited when initially denying
    coverage during the administrative 
    process. 686 F.3d at 719
    Such a situation is not present here. The statute of
    limitation was never the basis for MetLife’s denial of
    Gordon’s claim. The basis was the Plan’s provision that
    limits benefits for disabilities stemming from mental health
    conditions, and that basis was clearly communicated to
    Gordon. While the doctrine of waiver may be applied to
    prevent “insurers from denying claims for one reason, then
    coming forward with several other reasons after the insured
    defeats the first” and to provide “insurers with an incentive to
    investigate claims diligently,” such an incentive is not needed
    when it comes to statutes of limitation defenses. 
    Aceves, 68 F.3d at 1163
    14              GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE
    REINHARDT, Circuit Judge, dissenting:
    I cannot agree with the majority that Deloitte is entitled to
    invoke the statute of limitations to bar Gordon’s civil action
    after telling her at the behest of the California Department of
    Insurance that it was “reopening [her] claim for further
    review,” inviting her once again to undertake its burdensome
    review process, and then denying her claim in a letter stating
    that “you may appeal this decision [to MetLife] . . . [and in]
    the event your appeal is denied in whole or in part, you will
    have the right to bring a civil action under [ERISA].”
    (emphasis added). In my view, if the Supreme Court of
    California were presented with the question, it would likely
    conclude that by its actions Deloitte waived its limitations
    defense.1 As that court has observed, “[we] have applied
    doctrines of waiver and estoppel to allow [insurance suits]
    filed after the limitations period expired to proceed.”
    Prudential-LMI Com. Ins. v. Superior Court, 
    798 P.2d 1230
    1240 (1990) (emphasis added).2
    As the majority acknowledges, “[i]n circumstances where the federal
    common law is not developed, courts may turn to state common law for
    guidance and apply state law to the extent that it is consistent with the
    policies expressed in ERISA.” Op. at 10. Here, that rule directs our
    attention to California waiver and estoppel law.
    A waiver occurs “whenever an insurer intentionally relinquishes its
    right to rely on the limitations period.” 
    Prudential-LMI, 798 P.2d at 1240
    “An estoppel arises as a result of some conduct by the defendant, relied on
    by the plaintiff, which induces the belated filing of the action.” 
    Id. at 689–90
    (quotation marks and citations omitted).
    GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE                           15
    Here, we need look no further than waiver.3 The doctrine
    of waiver is grounded in equity. In the insurance context,
    California courts have repeatedly emphasized that equity may
    impose new legal obligations on an insurer after that insurer
    reopens a previously denied claim. For example, they have
    held that once an insurer decides to reopen such a claim
    pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure § 340.9, the
    doctrine of equitable tolling may once again apply. See
    Ashou v. Liberty Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 
    138 Cal. App. 4th 748
    762–63 (Cal. App. 2006) (holding that, under Code of Civil
    Procedure Section 340.9, equitable tolling should “apply—in
    the context of a previously denied claim—when the insurer
    has agreed to reopen and reinvestigate the claim”). The
    majority is correct when it reports that courts have not found
    waiver where, after the limitations period expired, an insurer
    confirmed coverage without informing the insured of the
    existence of the limitations bar. See, e.g., Aceves v. Allstate
    Ins. Co., 
    68 F.3d 1160
    , 1163 (9th Cir. 1995) (holding that the
    insurer could maintain a statute of limitations defense to a
    claim even after initially confirming coverage and failing to
    state that the claim might be time-barred).
    The majority goes too far, however, in asserting that
    “[u]nder California law, an insurance company cannot waive
    the statute of limitations after the limitations period has run.”
    Op. at 11. The cases upon which it relies deal with particular
    sets of circumstances not applicable here. Although the
    California Supreme Court has not confronted a case like the
    one before us, it is likely that it would find a difference,
    properly recognized in equity, between failing to inform an
    insured about a potential limitations bar while initially
    For that reason, I do not address the question whether Gordon should
    also prevail on the ground of estoppel.
    16              GORDON V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE
    confirming coverage and actively inviting the insured to
    reopen her case, submit new documents, and appeal if
    dissatisfied—especially when the insurer falsely advises the
    insured that she continues to have the legal right to sue her
    insurer under ERISA at the end of the process. Unlike the
    cases cited by the majority, this case involves the sort of
    intentional, affirmative false representations by an insurer
    that gives rise to equitable relief such as waiver or estoppel.
    Certainly it cannot be said that Deloitte risked “surprise[]
    through the revival of claims that have been allowed to
    slumber” when it voluntarily reopened Gordon’s case at the
    behest of the California Department of Insurance and then
    falsely told her that if she were ultimately dissatisfied she
    would have the legal right to sue to enforce her rights under
    Prudential-LMI, 798 P.2d at 1236
    (describing the purpose of the statute of limitations).
    Accordingly, I conclude that Deloitte waived its
    limitations defense and I therefore respectfully dissent.
    To the extent the majority is correct to hold that there are no
    “something-for-nothing” waivers under ERISA, that rule does not control
    this case, as Deloitte received the benefits of complying with the request
    by the California Department of Insurance that it reopen Gordon’s case.