Doug C. Ex Rel. Spencer C. v. State of Hawaii Department of Education , 720 F.3d 1038 ( 2013 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    DOUG C., individually and on behalf      No. 12-15079
    of his minor child; SPENCER C., a
    minor child,                                D.C. No.
    Plaintiffs-Appellants,   1:11-cv-00441-
    in her official capacity as Acting
    Superintendent of Hawaii Public
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Hawaii
    Kevin S. Chang, Magistrate Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    October 16, 2012—Honolulu, Hawaii
    Filed June 13, 2013
    Before: Stephen Reinhardt, Sidney R. Thomas,
    and Richard A. Paez, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Paez
    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    Reversing the district court’s judgment, the panel held
    that the Hawaii Department of Education violated the
    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act by holding a
    student’s annual individualized education program meeting
    without the participation of a parent.
    The panel held that the Department of Education denied
    the student a free appropriate public education by holding the
    IEP meeting without the parent even though the parent did
    not affirmatively refuse to attend, but rather actively sought
    to reschedule the meeting in order to participate. The panel
    remanded the case for the district court for further
    proceedings regarding the parent’s entitlement to
    reimbursement of private school tuition.
    Keith H.S. Peck (argued), Honolulu, Hawaii; and Robert E.
    Badger, Badger Arakaki, LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, for
    David M. Louie, Attorney General, and Michelle M.L. Puu
    (argued) and Holly T. Shikada, Deputy Attorneys General,
    Honolulu, Hawaii for Defendants-Appellees.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    DOUG C. V . STATE OF HAWAII DEP’T OF EDUC.            3
    PAEZ, Circuit Judge:
    Plaintiff Doug C., individually and on behalf of his son,
    Spencer C., appeals the district court’s judgment finding that
    the defendant, the Hawaii Department of Education, did not
    deny Spencer a free appropriate public education (“FAPE”),
    and thus did not violate the Individuals with Disabilities
    Education Act (“IDEA”), by holding an annual individualized
    education program (“IEP”) meeting without the participation
    of a parent. Parental participation in the IEP and educational
    placement process is central to the IDEA’s goal of protecting
    disabled students’ rights and providing each disabled student
    with a FAPE. 
    20 U.S.C. § 1400
    (d); Bd. of Educ. v. Rowley,
    458 U.S. 176
    , 205–06 (1982). We conclude that the
    Department violated the IDEA’s explicit parental
    participation requirements. The Department held Spencer’s
    annual IEP meeting without parental participation even
    though Doug C. did not “affirmatively refuse[] to attend,” but
    rather actively sought to reschedule the meeting in order to
    participate. Shapiro v. Paradise Valley Unified Sch. Dist.,
    317 F.3d 1072
    , 1078 (9th Cir. 2003), superseded on other
    grounds by 
    20 U.S.C. § 1414
    (d)(1)(B). By denying Doug C.
    the opportunity to participate in the IEP process, the
    Department denied Spencer a FAPE. See 
    id. at 1079
    . We
    have jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , and we reverse.
    The IEP meeting in question changed Spencer’s
    placement from Horizons Academy, a private special
    education facility, to the Workplace Readiness Program at
    Maui High School. Pending the outcome of these
    administrative and judicial review proceedings, Doug C.
    continued Spencer’s placement at Horizons Academy at his
    own expense. We remand to the district court for further
    proceedings regarding Doug C.’s entitlement to
    reimbursement of Spencer’s private school tuition. Because
    we conclude that the Department denied Spencer a FAPE,
    Doug C. is entitled to reimbursement if he can establish that
    “the private school placement was proper under the Act.”
    Florence Cnty. Sch. Dist. Four v. Carter, 
    510 U.S. 7
    , 15
    Spencer is an 18-year-old student in the Maui District of
    the Hawaii Department of Education.1 He was diagnosed
    with autism at age two. As a result of his condition, the
    Department determined that Spencer is eligible to receive
    special education and other related services, and his
    educational rights are protected by the IDEA. Beginning in
    fifth grade, Spencer’s IEP placed him at a private special
    education facility, Horizons Academy, at the expense of the
    Department of Education. The Department held Spencer’s
    annual IEP meeting on November 9, 2010 despite Doug C.’s
    inability to attend the meeting that day. At that meeting, the
    Department changed Spencer’s educational placement,
    moving him to a program at Maui High School, his local
    public school.
    The central issue in this case is whether the Department’s
    efforts to include Doug C. in the November IEP meeting
    are sufficient to meet the requirements of the IDEA. A close
    review of the events leading up to the IEP meeting is
    Spencer was 15-years-old when the IEP meeting that is the subject of
    this appeal took place.
    DOUG C. V . STATE OF HAWAII DEP’T OF EDUC.                    5
    therefore critical.2 The IEP team and Doug C. first discussed
    the annual IEP meeting date during a student support meeting
    in September 2010.3 Kaleo Waiau, a special education
    coordinator at Maui High School, testified that Doug C. and
    members of the education team all agreed that the IEP
    meeting would be held on October 28. Doug C. testified that
    he thought that they had only agreed, tentatively, to meet
    sometime in late October. In any event, Waiau called Doug
    C. on October 22 to confirm the October 28 meeting. Doug
    C. stated that he was unavailable that day, and they settled
    instead on either November 4 or 5 (the testimony on which is
    inconsistent). Doug C. testified that the November date was
    also tentative, subject to checking his calendar and
    confirming. The following day, Doug C. called Waiau to let
    him know that he was not available on that day, and they
    settled firmly on November 9 instead.
    On the morning of November 9, Doug C. e-mailed Waiau
    at 7:27 a.m. He explained that he was sick and therefore
    unable to attend the IEP meeting. He suggested rescheduling
    the meeting for the following week, on either November 16
    or 17. The annual review deadline for Spencer’s IEP was
    Saturday, November 13. According to Waiau, some of the
    members of the IEP team were not available on Friday,
    November 12. Therefore, Waiau offered to reschedule for
    either Wednesday, November 10, or Thursday, November 11,
    accommodating the other members’ schedules while still
    The facts, drawn from the testimony and other evidence presented at
    a due process administrative hearing before a state hearing officer, are
    mostly undisputed.
    Spencer’s mother apparently found the IEP meetings too stressful to
    holding the meeting before the deadline. Doug C. responded
    that he could possibly participate on either of those days, but
    could not definitively commit to either day since he was ill
    and could not guarantee that he would recover in time.
    Waiau also suggested that Doug C. participate by phone or
    the Internet. But Doug C. explained that (1) he wanted to be
    physically present at his son’s IEP meeting and (2) he did not
    feel physically well enough to participate meaningfully
    through any means that day.
    Waiau decided to go forward with the meeting on
    November 9 as scheduled. He testified that he had already
    asked “13 people on three separate occasions to change their
    schedules and cancel other commitments” to schedule the
    meeting. Therefore, without a firm commitment from Doug
    C. for one of the two dates he proposed, Waiau refused to
    reschedule the meeting. Waiau and the IEP team held the
    meeting without the participation of Doug C. The only
    Horizons Academy staff member on Spencer’s IEP team also
    did not attend.
    With these key participants absent, the IEP team changed
    Spencer’s placement from Horizons Academy to the
    Workplace Readiness Program at Maui High School. After
    the meeting, Waiau sent Doug C. the new, completed IEP for
    his review. The team held a follow-up IEP meeting on
    December 7 with Doug C. and a staff member from Horizons.
    At the follow-up meeting, the team reviewed the already
    completed IEP “line by line.” Waiau testified that Doug C.
    provided no substantive input, while Doug C. explained that
    he rejected the IEP in its entirety because he was excluded
    from the development process. No changes were made to the
    IEP during the December 7 meeting.
    DOUG C. V . STATE OF HAWAII DEP’T OF EDUC.             7
    The day before the follow-up IEP meeting, Doug C. filed
    a request for a due process hearing as provided for by the
    IDEA. He argued, inter alia, that the lack of parental
    participation in the IEP meeting denied Spencer a FAPE.
    After a hearing, the administrative hearing officer issued a
    decision finding that the Department did not deny Spencer a
    FAPE and dismissed his claims for relief. The district court
    affirmed, holding that plaintiffs “failed to show that
    Defendant did not fulfill its statutory duty to ensure that Doug
    was afforded an opportunity to participate at the November
    9, 2010 IEP meeting.” Doug C. timely appealed.
    We review de novo questions of law, including the
    question of whether an IEP provides a free appropriate public
    education (FAPE). Shapiro, 
    317 F.3d at 1076
    . We review
    the district court’s findings of fact for clear error, even when
    they are based on an administrative record. Amanda J. v.
    Clark Cnty. Sch. Dist., 
    267 F.3d 877
    , 887 (9th Cir. 2001).
    The deference due to the administrative findings under the
    IDEA is less than the high standard of deference for judicial
    review of most agency actions. 
     But we must give “due
    weight” to administrative findings, particularly when the
    findings are “thorough and careful.” R.B. v. Napa Valley
    Unified Sch. Dist., 
    496 F.3d 932
    , 937 (9th Cir. 2007) (internal
    quotation marks and citations omitted).
    In order to “ensure that the rights of children with
    disabilities and parents of such children are protected,”
    20 U.S.C. § 1400
    (d)(1)(B), see also 
    34 C.F.R. § 300.1
    (b), the
    IDEA guarantees a FAPE to children with disabilities,
    20 U.S.C. § 1412
    34 C.F.R. § 300.101.4
    analyzing whether an agency provided a student a FAPE, we
    conduct a two-part inquiry. First, we must consider whether
    “the State complied with the procedures set forth in the Act.”
    Amanda J., 
    267 F.3d at 890
     (quoting Rowley, 
    458 U.S. at
    206–07) (internal quotation marks omitted). Second, we must
    determine whether the IEP is “reasonably calculated to enable
    the child to receive educational benefits.” 
     A state must
    meet both requirements to comply with the obligations of the
    IDEA. Rowley, 
    458 U.S. at 207
    Harmless procedural errors do not constitute a denial of
    FAPE. L.M. v. Capistrano Unified Sch. Dist., 
    556 F.3d 900
    910 (9th Cir. 2008). “‘However, procedural inadequacies that
    result in the loss of educational opportunity, or seriously
    infringe the parents’ opportunity to participate in the IEP
    formulation process, clearly result in the denial of FAPE.’”
    317 F.3d at 1079
     (quoting W.G. v. Bd. of Trs. of
    Target Range Sch. Dist. No. 23, 
    960 F.2d 1479
    , 1484 (9th
    Cir. 1992)). Where a court identifies a procedural violation
    Hawaii has fully implemented the purposes, guarantees, and
    protections of the IDEA into its own regulatory structure. See 
    Haw. Code R. §§ 8-60-1
     to 8-60-84; see also § 8-60-1(b) (“This chapter shall be
    construed as supplemental to, and in the context of, the Individuals W ith
    Disabilities Education Act . . . and other federal laws and regulations
    relating to the provision of a free appropriate public education to a student
    with a disability.”). Hawaii’s regulations mirror the language in the IDEA
    regarding the IDEA’s purposes, the guarantee of a FAPE, and the
    requirement of parent participation. Compare 
    Haw. Code R. § 8-60-1
    (purposes), with 
    34 C.F.R. § 300.1
    Haw. Code R. § 8-60-3
    (guarantee of FAPE), with 
    34 C.F.R. § 300.101
    Haw. Code R. § 8
    60-46 (parent participation), with 
    34 C.F.R. § 300.322
    DOUG C. V . STATE OF HAWAII DEP’T OF EDUC.            9
    that denied a student a FAPE, the court need not address the
    second prong. 
    Parental participation in the IEP and educational
    placement process is critical to the organization of the IDEA.
    20 U.S.C. § 1414
    (d)(1)(B)(i) (requiring the inclusion of
    parents on the IEP team); 
    34 C.F.R. § 300.321
    (a)(1) (same);
    20 U.S.C. § 1415
    (b)(1) (requiring opportunities for parents
    “to participate in meetings with respect to identification,
    evaluation and educational placement of the child”). Indeed,
    the Supreme Court has stressed that the IDEA’s structure
    relies upon parental participation to ensure the substantive
    success of the IDEA in providing quality education to
    disabled students:
    [W]e think that the importance Congress
    attached to these procedural safeguards cannot
    be gainsaid. It seems to us no exaggeration
    to say that Congress placed every bit as much
    emphasis upon compliance with procedures
    giving parents and guardians a large
    measure of participation at every stage of
    the administrative process as it did upon
    the measurement of the resulting IEP
    against a substantive standard. We think that
    the congressional emphasis upon full
    participation of concerned parties throughout
    the development of the IEP . . . demonstrates
    the legislative conviction that adequate
    compliance with the procedures prescribed
    would in most cases assure much if not all of
    what Congress wished in the way of
    substantive content in an IEP.
    458 U.S. at
    205–06 (citation omitted); see also
    Schaffer v. Weast, 
    546 U.S. 49
    , 53 (2005) (“The core of the
    [IDEA] . . . is the cooperative process that it establishes
    between parents and schools. . . . The central vehicle for this
    collaboration is the IEP process.”); Honig v. Doe, 
    484 U.S. 305
    , 311 (1988) (“Congress repeatedly emphasized
    throughout the [IDEA] the importance and indeed the
    necessity of parental participation in both the development of
    the IEP and any subsequent assessments of its
    effectiveness.”) (emphasis added).
    Echoing the Supreme Court, we have held that parental
    participation safeguards are “[a]mong the most important
    procedural safeguards” in the IDEA and that “[p]rocedural
    violations that interfere with parental participation in the IEP
    formulation process undermine the very essence of the
    IDEA.” Amanda J., 
    267 F.3d at 882, 892
    . We have
    explained that parental participation is key to the operation of
    the IDEA for two reasons: “Parents not only represent the
    best interests of their child in the IEP development process,
    they also provide information about the child critical to
    developing a comprehensive IEP and which only they are in
    a position to know.” 
    Id. at 882
    In accordance with the foregoing, the regulatory
    framework of the IDEA places an affirmative duty on
    agencies to include parents in the IEP process. The public
    agency “responsible for providing education to children with
    34 C.F.R. § 300.33
    , is required to “take steps to
    ensure that one or both of the parents of a child with a
    disability are present at each IEP meeting or are afforded an
    opportunity to participate” including providing ample notice
    and “scheduling the meeting at a mutually agreed on time and
    34 C.F.R. § 300.322
    (a). Moreover, if a parent cannot
    DOUG C. V . STATE OF HAWAII DEP’T OF EDUC.           11
    attend, the agency must offer other methods of participation
    such as video or teleconferencing. 
    34 C.F.R. §§ 300.322
    300.328. Most importantly, a meeting may only be conducted
    without a parent if “the public agency is unable to convince
    the parents that they should attend.” § 300.322(d) (emphasis
    added). And in that circumstance, the agency must keep a
    detailed record of its attempts to include the parent. Id. In
    Shapiro, we clarified the limited circumstances under which
    a public agency can hold an IEP meeting without parental
    317 F.3d at 1078
    . We held that parental
    “involvement in the ‘creation process’ requires the [agency]
    to include the [parents in an IEP meeting] unless they
    affirmatively refused to attend.” 
     (emphasis added).
    Doug C. did not “affirmatively refuse[] to attend the
     nor could it be said that the Department was
    “unable to convince” him to attend, 
    34 C.F.R. § 300.322
    To the contrary, Doug C. vigorously objected to the
    Department holding an IEP meeting without him and asked
    the Department to reschedule the meeting for the following
    week. In response to the Department’s offer to reschedule for
    either of the following two days, he agreed to try to attend
    but, understandably, could not firmly commit to a meeting
    date only one or two days later while he was sick. Despite
    the foregoing, the Department went forward with the IEP
    meeting without him, over his repeated objections, and, at
    that meeting, decided to change Spencer’s educational
    placement for the first time in six years. The Department’s
    actions simply do not accord with the standard we set forth in
    The fact that it may have been frustrating to schedule
    meetings with or difficult to work with Doug C. (as the
    Department repeatedly suggests) does not excuse the
    Department’s failure to include him in Spencer’s IEP meeting
    when he expressed a willingness to participate. We have
    consistently held that an agency cannot eschew its affirmative
    duties under the IDEA by blaming the parents. See
    Anchorage Sch. Dist. v. M.P., 
    689 F.3d 1047
    , 1055 (9th Cir.
    2012) (“[P]articipating educational agencies cannot excuse
    their failure to satisfy the IDEA’s procedural requirements by
    blaming the parents.”); see also Target Range, 
    960 F.2d at 1485
     (holding that the school district could not blame
    parents’ choice to leave an IEP meeting for its own failure to
    create an IEP with the participation of the appropriate
    parties). An agency cannot blame a parent for its failure to
    ensure meaningful procedural compliance with the IDEA
    because the IDEA’s protections are designed to benefit the
    student, not the parent. As we explained in Amanda J.,
    parental participation is key to providing the student an
    adequate education because “[a]n IEP which addresses the
    unique needs of the child cannot be developed if those people
    who are most familiar with the child’s needs are not
    267 F.3d at 892
    .5 Because the Department’s
    obligation is owed to the child, any alleged obstinance of
    Doug C. does not excuse the Department’s failure to fulfill its
    affirmative obligation to include Doug C. in the IEP meeting
    The Department minimizes the importance of parental participation
    under the IDEA when it argues that Doug C. would have had little to
    contribute at the IEP meeting. The Department is in no position to
    question the value of D oug C.’s input. Congress already answered that
    question when it prioritized parental participation in the IEP process.
    DOUG C. V . STATE OF HAWAII DEP’T OF EDUC.                       13
    when he expressed a willingness (indeed eagerness) to
    participate, albeit at a later date.6
    The Department’s central argument is that it could not
    accommodate Doug C.’s request to reschedule because of the
    impending annual IEP deadline on November 13. Even
    assuming that the annual deadline should somehow trump
    parental participation, the Department’s argument fails on the
    facts of this case. Waiau, the coordinator of the IEP meeting,
    testified that he refused to reschedule the meeting for the
    Wednesday or Thursday before the deadline because Doug C.
    could not firmly commit to either of those dates because of
    his illness, even though Doug C. testified that he said that he
    likely could attend. Waiau explained that he did not wish to
    disrupt the other IEP’s members’ schedules without a firm
    This argument may seem reasonable but quickly unravels
    because, under the IDEA, the attendance of Doug C.,
    Spencer’s parent, must take priority over other members’
    attendance for the reasons discussed above. Indeed, a parent
    can consent to the absence of other team members at the
    20 U.S.C. § 1414
    (d)(1)(C). In Shapiro, we clearly
    held that an agency cannot exclude a parent from an IEP
    meeting in order to “prioritize[] its representatives’
    317 F.3d at 1078
    . By refusing to reschedule the
    meeting for Wednesday or Thursday, Waiau improperly
    prioritized the schedules of the other members of the team
    Of course, if the parent refuses to attend or is entirely unresponsive to
    the agency’s requests to meet, the agency has a duty to move forward with
    the IEP process. See, e.g., K.D. v. Dep’t of Educ., 
    665 F.3d 1110
    , 1124
    (9th Cir. 2011). That is precisely the balance that the IDEA regulations
    strike, as we recognized in Shapiro.
    over the attendance of Doug C. Moreover, Waiau also
    testified that he did not offer Doug C. the option of meeting
    on the Friday before the annual review deadline because other
    members of the IEP team were not available to meet that day.
    Once again, the Department improperly prioritized its own
    representatives’ schedules and attendance over the attendance
    of the parent.
    Even if the Department’s theory of the case was
    supported by the facts, the Department’s argument that it
    absolutely could not reschedule the IEP meeting for a date
    even a few days after the annual deadline in order to include
    Doug C. is untenable. Waiau’s testimony suggests, and the
    Department’s counsel represented at oral argument, that if the
    annual deadline passed without a new IEP, services would
    “lapse.” The district court took a similar position. We reject
    this argument because it is premised on the erroneous
    assumption that the Department is authorized (let alone
    required) to cease providing services to a student if his annual
    IEP review is overdue. The IDEA mandates annual review of
    a student’s IEP. 
    20 U.S.C. §1414
    (d)(4); see also 
    34 C.F.R. § 300.324
    (b)(1)(i). However, the Department cites no
    authority, nor could it, for the proposition that it cannot
    provide any services to a student whose annual review is
    The more difficult question is what a public agency must
    do when confronted with the difficult situation of being
    unable to meet two distinct procedural requirements of the
    IDEA, in this case parental participation and timely annual
    review of the IEP. In considering this question, we must keep
    in mind the purposes of the IDEA: to provide disabled
    students a free appropriate public education and to protect the
    educational rights of those students. 
    20 U.S.C. § 1400
    (d). It
    DOUG C. V . STATE OF HAWAII DEP’T OF EDUC.            15
    is also useful to consider our standard for determining when
    a procedural error is actionable under the IDEA. We have
    repeatedly held that “procedural inadequacies that result in
    the loss of educational opportunity or seriously infringe the
    parents’ opportunity to participate in the IEP formulation
    process, clearly result in the denial of a FAPE.” Shapiro,
    317 F.3d at 1079
    ; see also Amanda J., 
    267 F.3d at 892
    When confronted with the situation of complying with one
    procedural requirement of the IDEA or another, we hold that
    the agency must make a reasonable determination of which
    course of action promotes the purposes of the IDEA and is
    least likely to result in the denial of a FAPE. In reviewing an
    agency’s action in such a scenario, we will allow the agency
    reasonable latitude in making that determination.
    In this case, the Department was allegedly confronted
    with two options: including Doug C. in the meeting and
    missing the IEP annual deadline by several days or
    proceeding with the IEP meeting without Doug C. but
    meeting the annual deadline. As discussed supra, the
    Supreme Court and this court have both repeatedly stressed
    the vital importance of parental participation in the IEP
    creation process. We have further held that delays in meeting
    IEP deadlines do not deny a student a FAPE where they do
    not deprive a student of any educational benefit. See A.M. v.
    627 F.3d 773
    , 779 (9th Cir. 2010) (“Whether or
    not Defendant exceeded the thirty-day limit, A.M. suffered no
    deprivation of educational benefit and therefore has no
    claim.”). Under the circumstances of this case, the
    Department’s decision to prioritize strict deadline compliance
    over parental participation was clearly not reasonable.
    There may, of course, be circumstances in which
    accommodating a parent’s schedule would do more harm to
    the student’s interest than proceeding without the parent’s
    presence at the IEP. For example, in A.M., it was appropriate
    for the school to convene an IEP without the parents’
    participation because the student was new to the school, and
    therefore did not have any IEP in place, and the student’s
    parents were unwilling to reschedule for an entire month after
    having canceled a scheduled IEP review that was itself
    already almost one month overdue. 
    627 F.3d at 780
    . We
    trust, however, that such circumstances will be rare given the
    central role parents have in helping to develop IEPs.
    Finally, the Department argues that there was no violation
    here because the Department held a follow-up IEP meeting
    with Doug C. present on December 7. We rejected a similar
    argument in Shapiro. We held that where an agency violates
    the IDEA by producing a new IEP without the participation
    of the child’s parents, “[a]fter-the-fact parental involvement
    is not enough” because the IDEA contemplates parental
    involvement in the “creation process.” Shapiro, 
    317 F.3d at 1078
    . It is uncontested that, at the time of the December 7
    meeting, the new IEP was already completed and adopted.
    Therefore, the after-the-fact meeting is not enough to remedy
    the Department’s decision to hold the initial IEP meeting, in
    which they created the IEP and changed Spencer’s placement,
    without Doug C.
    We recognize that not every procedural violation results
    in the denial of a FAPE, but procedural errors “that result in
    the loss of educational opportunity, or seriously infringe the
    parents’ opportunity to participate in the IEP formulation
    process” do. Shapiro, 
    317 F.3d at 1079
    . The failure to
    include Doug C. in the IEP meeting clearly infringed on his
    DOUG C. V . STATE OF HAWAII DEP’T OF EDUC.             17
    ability to participate in the IEP formulation process. That
    reason alone is cause to conclude that Spencer was denied a
    The procedural violation here also denied Spencer a
    FAPE for the separate reason that it resulted in the denial of
    an educational opportunity. A procedural error results in the
    denial of an educational opportunity where, absent the error,
    there is a “strong likelihood” that alternative educational
    possibilities for the student “would have been better
    considered.” M.L. v. Federal Way Sch. Dist., 
    394 F.3d 634
    657 (9th Cir. 2003) (Gould, J. concurring in part and
    concurring in the judgment). Thus, an IEP team’s failure to
    properly consider an alternative educational plan can result in
    a lost educational opportunity even if the student cannot
    definitively demonstrate that his placement would have been
    different but for the procedural error. See 
     Here, there is
    a strong likelihood that the benefits of placement at Horizons
    Academy, Doug C.’s preferred placement for his son, would
    have been more thoroughly considered if Doug C. had been
    present at the meeting. It is particularly likely that the merits
    of continuing Spencer’s placement at Horizons Academy
    were not adequately considered in light of the fact that the
    IEP team member from the Academy was also absent.
    Therefore, both because (1) Doug C.’s opportunity to
    participate was seriously infringed and (2) the procedural
    violation denied Spencer an educational opportunity by
    causing the merits of his placement at Horizon Academy to
    receive insufficient consideration, the Department denied
    Spencer a FAPE.
    For the foregoing reasons, we reverse the district court’s
    judgment and remand. On remand, the district court must
    determine whether Doug C. is entitled to reimbursement for
    the costs of maintaining Spencer at Horizons Academy during
    the administrative and judicial review proceedings. Parents
    who place their children in private schools pending review
    proceedings under the IDEA are entitled to reimbursement if
    (1) the public placement violated the IDEA and (2) “the
    private school placement was proper under the Act.”
    Florence Cnty. Sch. Dist. Four, 
    510 U.S. at 15
    . Spencer’s
    placement at the Workplace Readiness Program at Maui High
    School violated the IDEA because the placement was a result
    of the November 9 IEP meeting. Neither the district court
    nor the administrative hearing officer considered whether
    Horizons was a proper placement under the Act. Therefore,
    upon remand, the district court is directed to consider whether
    Spencer’s placement at Horizons Academy was proper under
    the Act and, if so, order reimbursement for Spencer’s private
    placement during the course of the administrative and judicial
    proceedings. Id.; 
    20 U.S.C. § 1415
    (i)(2)(C)(iii) (giving a
    district court the power to “grant such relief as [it] determines
    is appropriate”).
    We note that a parent’s decision to place his child in a
    private school is “proper” so long as the school the parent
    selects “provides educational instruction specially designed
    to meet the unique needs of a handicapped child, supported
    by such services as are necessary to permit the child to
    benefit from instruction.” C.B. ex rel. Baquerizo v. Garden
    Grove Unified Sch. Dist., 
    635 F.3d 1155
    , 1159 (9th Cir. 2011)
    (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). This standard
    is met even if the private school provides “some, but not all”
    DOUG C. V . STATE OF HAWAII DEP’T OF EDUC.                      19
    of the students educational needs; the placement need not
    “maximize the[] child’s potential.” 
     (internal quotation
    marks, citation, and italics omitted). Where, as here, the
    private school selected by the parent is the same school that
    the child has previously attended for several years under IEPs
    that have been approved by all parties, we think it highly
    unlikely that the placement does not represent a “proper”
    placement.7 Nonetheless, we remand to permit the district
    court to consider the question. The district court may remand
    this issue to the state hearing officer to decide in the first
    Indeed, under the IDEA’s “stay put” provision, a child is typically
    entitled to remain in his previous educational setting throughout the course
    of any administrative and judicial proceedings. See 
    20 U.S.C. § 1415
    Here, however, Doug C. has not appealed the district court’s denial of his
    motion for a stay put order, so we do not address whether he is entitled to
    reimbursement on that basis.