United States v. Jamie Harmon , 833 F.3d 1199 ( 2016 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,              No. 15-10034
    D.C. No.
    v.                    5:08-cr-00938-LHK-2
    Defendant-Appellant.                OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of California
    Lucy H. Koh, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted June 13, 2016
    San Francisco, California
    Filed August 18, 2016
    Before: J. Clifford Wallace, Dorothy W. Nelson,
    and John B. Owens, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Owens
    2                  UNITED STATES V. HARMON
    Criminal Law
    Affirming convictions for money laundering, the panel
    held that a prosecutor’s failure to correct false testimony
    before a grand jury and failure to disclose impeachment
    information about a grand jury witness – even if done
    intentionally – do not constitute structural error requiring
    automatic reversal, but are harmless as a matter of law after
    a petit jury returns a guilty verdict.
    The panel explained that United States v. Mechanik, 
    475 U.S. 66
     (1986), makes clear that something other than
    dismissal – such as a state bar inquiry or an investigation by
    the Office of Professional Responsibility – is the proper
    recourse under the facts of this case.
    The panel held that the prosecution’s asking the district
    court ex parte at trial to decide in camera whether the
    witness’s informant activity need be disclosed was not
    August Gugelmann (argued) and Edward Swanson, Swanson
    & McNamara LLP, San Francisco, California, for Defendant-
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    UNITED STATES V. HARMON                      3
    Anne M. Voigts (argued), Assistant United States Attorney;
    Barbara J. Valliere, Chief, Appellate Division; Brian J.
    Stretch, United States Attorney; United States Attorney’s
    Office, San Francisco, California; for Plaintiff-Appellee.
    OWENS, Circuit Judge:
    Defendant-Appellant Jamie Harmon appeals from her
    convictions for money laundering. She argues that the
    prosecutor’s errors before the grand jury constitute structural
    error, requiring reversal. She also contends that the
    government’s failure to disclose impeachment evidence about
    a hostile defense witness mandates a new trial. Because the
    grand jury errors are not structural, and any impeachment
    evidence immaterial, we agree with the district court’s well-
    reasoned analysis and affirm.
    I. Factual and Procedural Background
    To make a long and convoluted story short: Christian
    Pantages ran a business that resold stolen computer
    equipment as legitimate. He was charged in state court with
    receiving stolen property, and retained Harmon as his
    criminal defense attorney. Fearing that his bank accounts
    were frozen, Pantages searched for a way to access the funds
    derived from his stolen computer equipment scheme. His
    solution was his attorney, Harmon.
    4                 UNITED STATES V. HARMON
    A. The Grand Jury Investigation
    Pantages delivered two checks to Harmon totaling
    $127,550, and she deposited them into her client-trust
    account. Harmon then wrote multiple checks back to
    Pantages and his wife totaling around $100,000 within six
    weeks of receiving the two checks from Pantages. Harmon
    pocketed the remaining funds. The parties agree that the
    funds came from a specific unlawful activity, as the money
    laundering statute requires. The parties disagree whether
    Harmon knew that important fact.
    As part of its investigation into Harmon and her
    transactions with Pantages, the government called three
    witnesses before the grand jury: (1) a federal agent who
    traced the checks and provided an overview of the
    investigation; (2) a civil attorney who had suspicious
    interactions with Harmon; and (3) Yan Ebyam.1 Ebyam, the
    former business partner of Pantages, previously had pled
    guilty to money laundering charges arising from the stolen
    computer scheme. He testified three times about his
    interactions with Harmon, including an alleged conversation
    where he made it clear that all funds from Pantages came
    from illegal activity.2
    The astute reader will note that “Yan Ebyam” is a play on “Yes and
    No, Maybe.” Cf. Star Trek, All Our Yesterdays (first aired March 14,
    1969) (introducing viewers to “Mr. Atoz,” the last resident of planet
    Sarpeidon and a shifty librarian).
    Hollywood could turn this into “Breaking RAM,” with Pantages and
    his wife as Walter and Skyler White, Ebyam as Jesse Pinkman, and
    Harmon as Saul Goodman.
    UNITED STATES V. HARMON                    5
    Ebyam’s plea agreement – which governed his grand jury
    testimony – set out his obligation to cooperate with the
    government before and after his sentencing. In exchange for
    this cooperation, the government agreed to not seek any
    additional charges against Ebyam. However, if Ebyam did
    not cooperate, the government could seek more charges, as
    Ebyam agreed to waive any statute of limitations defenses.
    Ebyam also began working as a paid government informant
    in unrelated investigations.
    The grand jurors were curious about Ebyam’s relationship
    with the prosecution. At his first grand jury session (and
    apparently due to a grand juror’s concern), the prosecutor
    asked Ebyam if he had received any promises or benefits in
    exchange for his testimony. Ebyam said he had no obligation
    to testify, as he had been sentenced and had served his time.
    He explained that he was testifying voluntarily because he
    “want[ed] to be a member of society” again. Neither the
    prosecutor nor Ebyam mentioned the plea agreement’s
    requirement that he cooperate after sentencing or possibly
    face additional charges.
    At his second session, the prosecutor asked Ebyam if he
    was testifying on his own accord. Ebyam stated that he was
    under no obligation to cooperate, and again there was no
    mention of the plea agreement.
    At his third session, a grand juror asked Ebyam: “What
    are you doing now?” The prosecutor stepped in before
    Ebyam could answer and posed a different question: “Are
    you receiving any benefit from your cooperation with the
    government, either for your testimony today or any other type
    of testimony on this particular case?” Ebyam answered: “I’m
    6                   UNITED STATES V. HARMON
    not under indictment. I’m not getting any paychecks . . . .
    there’s no secret benefit down the line.”
    The prosecutor never informed the grand jury that
    Ebyam’s plea agreement explicitly required him to testify
    before the grand jury, and that if he refused to do so, he
    risked facing additional charges. The prosecutor also never
    informed the grand jury that Ebyam was a paid informant for
    unrelated government investigations. The government
    concedes that the prosecutor should have corrected Ebyam to
    make clear to the grand jury that the plea agreement obligated
    this testimony.
    The grand jury returned an indictment against Pantages
    and Harmon for money laundering charges. Pantages pled
    guilty and agreed to cooperate against Harmon. Harmon
    stood tall.
    After the indictment, Harmon filed a motion seeking
    dismissal of the indictment based on prosecutorial
    misconduct related to Ebyam’s testimony. Judge Ware
    denied the motion.
    B. The Trial
    The government’s witnesses included: (1) Pantages, who
    had turned against Harmon and revealed numerous damaging
    conversations and transactions;3 (2) a Deputy District
    Pantages testified that during one of his meetings with Harmon, he told
    her he did not know how to cash the two checks because he thought his
    account was frozen. Pantages said Harmon suggested depositing the
    checks into her client trust account and returning the proceeds to Pantages.
    UNITED STATES V. HARMON                             7
    Attorney who informed Harmon about the illegal nature of
    Pantages’s business during the state court prosecution for
    receipt of stolen goods; (3) Pantages’s wife, who testified
    about some conversations and transactions with Harmon; and
    (4) Harmon’s office assistant, who described how Harmon’s
    financial transactions with Pantages were not the norm. It
    was a strong case for the prosecution.
    About a week prior to trial before Judge Ware, the
    defense listed Ebyam as an “impeachment” witness. And
    shortly before the defense called Ebyam, the government
    filed an ex parte application for in camera review of the
    additional impeachment information about Ebyam – whether
    Ebyam’s ongoing work as a paid informant needed to be
    disclosed. The government contended that disclosure:
    (1) would endanger Ebyam; (2) was unnecessary because the
    impeachment was unrelated to Harmon’s prosecution; and
    (3) was barred by privilege under Roviaro v. United States,
    353 U.S. 53
    , 59 (1957). The court never ruled on the
    application, and defense counsel cross-examined Ebyam
    without knowing this additional impeachment information.
    However, defense counsel impeached Ebyam with: (1) his
    own criminal conduct; (2) his cooperation agreement (under
    which the government could seek additional charges if
    Ebyam failed to live up to his side of the deal); (3) his
    erroneous testimony before the grand jury about his
    obligations under the plea agreement; and (4) a previous
    After Pantages signed the checks over to Harmon, she returned almost
    $100,000 over the next six weeks. Harmon issued checks in the following
    amounts to Pantages’s wife: $15,000, $10,000, $10,000, $10,000.
    Harmon also wrote a check to Pantages for $54,000 and suggested he go
    to her personal banker and have the check broken into smaller amounts
    and issued as cashier’s checks.
    8                  UNITED STATES V. HARMON
    incident of dishonesty before a court (a state court judge
    found that Ebyam had lied about aspects of his personal
    The jury returned guilty verdicts on five counts of money
    laundering (
    18 U.S.C. § 1956
    (A)(1)(b)(I)), but hung on the
    conspiracy to commit money laundering charge (
    18 U.S.C. § 1956
    C. Post-Trial Motions to Vacate Convictions4
    Post-trial, Harmon brought two motions relevant to this
    appeal. First, Harmon argued that the prosecutor’s actions
    before the grand jury required dismissal of the indictment.
    Harmon contended that the prosecutor’s failure to correct
    Ebyam’s false testimony that he was free not to cooperate
    with the government was structural error, not subject to
    harmless error review. After examining decisions like United
    States v. Mechanik, 
    475 U.S. 66
     (1986), and Bank of Nova
    Scotia v. United States, 
    487 U.S. 250
     (1988), Judge Koh
    (having replaced the since retired Judge Ware) concluded that
    the alleged error did not fall into the narrow category of
    structural error, and even if it could be reviewed for
    harmfulness after a jury verdict, it was harmless in light of
    the other evidence presented to the grand jury.
    Harmon initially argued that an indictment obtained through knowingly
    perjured testimony violated due process. Judge Ware rejected that
    argument, but then sua sponte granted Harmon a new trial based on an
    erroneous jury instruction. Our court reversed that decision and reinstated
    the convictions, as any instructional error was harmless. United States v.
    Harmon, 537 F. App’x 719, 720 (9th Cir. 2013) (unpublished). Our court
    did not decide whether a new trial was warranted due to any prosecutorial
    misconduct before the grand jury.
    UNITED STATES V. HARMON                              9
    Harmon next argued that the government’s failure to
    disclose Ebyam’s status as a paid informant violated Brady v.
    373 U.S. 83
     (1963), as defense counsel could have
    used that information to attack Ebyam’s motives and
    credibility, and therefore call the guilty verdict into doubt.
    Judge Koh rejected that argument, reasoning that: (1) defense
    counsel had ample evidence to impeach Ebyam; and
    (2) “there was extensive evidence of Harmon’s guilt that was
    entirely independent of Ebyam’s testimony.”
    Judge Koh sentenced Harmon to 24 months in prison, and
    three years of supervised release. Harmon then appealed.
    II. Discussion
    A. Standard of Review
    This court reviews de novo a district court’s order
    denying a motion to dismiss an indictment based on
    prosecutorial misconduct. See United States v. Fuchs,
    218 F.3d 957
    , 964 (9th Cir. 2000).5
    This court “review[s] de novo a district court’s denial of
    a new trial motion based on a Brady violation.” United States
    v. Rodriguez, 
    766 F.3d 970
    , 980 (9th Cir. 2014).
    The parties frequently discuss prosecutorial misconduct during grand
    jury proceedings in the context of the Rule 33 motion for a new trial.
    Because Harmon is asking for us to dismiss the indictment, rather than for
    a new trial, we construe this as an appeal of her motion to dismiss the
    10                 UNITED STATES V. HARMON
    B. The Prosecutor’s Actions Before the Grand
    The parties agree that the prosecutor’s actions before the
    grand jury – not correcting false testimony – were wrong.
    But errors concerning evidence presented to the grand jury
    cannot trigger dismissal of charges or a new trial when a
    subsequent petit jury returns a verdict of guilty. See
    475 U.S. at 70
     (after a conviction, “any error in the
    grand jury proceeding connected with the charging decision
    [is deemed] harmless beyond a reasonable doubt” as a matter
    of law); United States v. Caruto, 
    663 F.3d 394
    , 402 (9th Cir.
    2010) (“[B]ecause Caruto was subsequently found guilty by
    the petit jury based on proof beyond a reasonable doubt[,]
    [t]he alleged [grand jury] error was . . . rendered harmless by
    Caruto’s subsequent conviction.”).
    To bypass Mechanik, Harmon argues that the prosecutor’s
    errors were so grave that they were structural and required
    dismissal of all charges. While we agree that the prosecutor’s
    actions were wrong (and may warrant further inquiry by other
    bodies),6 we also agree with the district court they were not
    “[M]ost constitutional errors can be harmless . . . Only in
    rare cases has [the Supreme Court] held that an error is
    structural, and thus requires automatic reversal.” Washington
    v. Recuenco, 
    548 U.S. 212
    , 218 (2006) (internal quotation
    marks and citation omitted). In the grand jury context, the
    only identified structural error to date is discrimination on
    The now former Assistant United States Attorney who appeared before
    the grand jury also was part of the trial team. Our concerns are limited to
    him – we do not have concerns about his fellow trial counsel.
    UNITED STATES V. HARMON                      11
    account of race or sex in the selection of grand jurors. See
    Bank of Nova Scotia, 
    487 U.S. at 257
    . This error – which
    concerns the composition of the grand jury – is structural, as
    it “permeate[s] ‘the entire conduct of the [proceeding] from
    beginning to end,’” and cannot be “quantitatively assessed in
    the context of other evidence presented in order to determine
    whether [the error] was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.”
    Campbell v. Rice, 
    408 F.3d 1166
    , 1171–72 (9th Cir. 2005)
    (quoting Arizona v. Fulminante, 
    499 U.S. 279
    , 307–08,
    309–10 (1991)).
    Neither the failure to: (1) correct false testimony affecting
    a witness’s credibility nor (2) disclose impeachment
    information falls into this narrow structural category that
    requires automatic reversal. We previously held in United
    States v. Sitton, 
    968 F.2d 947
    , 954 (9th Cir. 1992), abrogated
    on other grounds by Koon v. United States, 
    518 U.S. 81
    (1996), that “[p]resentation of perjured testimony to the grand
    jury is not such a structural flaw.” We reasoned that
    “[d]ismissal of the indictment is not appropriate when a
    witness’ alleged perjury is not material to the defendant’s
    indictment and instead affects only the witness’ credibility.”
    Id. at 953 (citation omitted). It was not structural because it
    is “an error susceptible of quantitative assessment to
    determine its effect, and therefore suitable for harmless error
    analysis.” Id. at 954.
    The prosecutor’s errors here are also subject to
    quantitative assessment. Under Mechanik, presenting false
    information to the grand jury affecting a witness’s credibility
    and withholding impeachment information – even if done
    intentionally, which we assume but do not decide – are
    harmless as a matter of law after a petit jury returns a guilty
    verdict. Harmon cites no post-Mechanik authority to the
    12                  UNITED STATES V. HARMON
    contrary. We hold that where the intentional misconduct by
    the prosecution goes to a witness’s credibility, it is not
    structural error.7 While we share concerns that our holding
    could encourage prosecutorial misconduct, Mechanik makes
    clear that something other than dismissal – such as a state bar
    inquiry or an investigation by the Office of Professional
    Responsibility – is the proper recourse under these facts.
    C. The Prosecution’s Actions At Trial
    The prosecution’s actions at trial – asking the district
    court ex parte to decide in camera whether Ebyam’s
    informant activity need be disclosed – were not improper.
    We have previously upheld the practice of submitting
    impeachment material to the district court for in camera
    review. See, e.g., United States v. Dupuy, 
    760 F.2d 1492
    1501 (9th Cir. 1985) (“By submitting the issue to the judge,
    the prosecutor satisfied her duty to disclose exculpatory
    material.”); see also Pennsylvania v. Ritchie, 
    480 U.S. 39
    , 60
    Harmon leans on decisions of the Second and Tenth Circuits for
    support, but the cases are not inconsistent with our decision. In United
    States v. Lombardozzi, the Second Circuit recognized that “[d]ismissal of
    an indictment following a conviction is an ‘extraordinary’ remedy,” and
    is warranted when “the prosecutor’s conduct [must] amount[] to a
    knowing or reckless misleading of the grand jury as to an essential fact.”
    491 F.3d 61
    , 79 (2d Cir. 2007) (quoting United States v. Casamento,
    887 F.2d 1141
    , 1182 (2d Cir. 1989)). Here, the prosecution’s misconduct,
    which potentially affected Ebyam’s credibility, did not mislead the jury as
    to an essential fact. In United States v. Lopez-Gutierrez, 
    83 F.3d 1235
    (10th Cir. 1996), the Tenth Circuit characterized the government’s failure
    to correct false evidence presented to the grand jury as “technical error[s]”
    rendered harmless by a guilty verdict and not “flagrant or egregious
    misconduct which significantly infringed on the grand jury’s ability to
    exercise independent judgment.” 
    Id. at 1245
     (quoting United States v.
    821 F.2d 1456
    , 1466 (10th Cir. 1987)). The same is true here.
    UNITED STATES V. HARMON                     13
    (1987) (explaining that a defendant’s rights “can be protected
    fully by requiring that [Brady material] be submitted only to
    the trial court for in camera review”). As is reflected under
    the facts here, this procedure is “particularly appropriate
    when the Government has legitimate reasons for protecting
    the confidentiality of the material requested.” Dupuy,
    760 F.2d at 1501
    . While the prosecution should have
    reminded the district court about the under seal filing and
    asked for a ruling, we cannot fault the initial procedure that
    it undertook.
    And even assuming that Harmon had a right to
    impeachment information about a witness that she called –
    something we do not decide here – Harmon was not
    prejudiced by the prosecution’s failure to reveal this
    information. See Brady, 
    373 U.S. at 88
    . We agree with the
    district court that any impeachment value was immaterial for
    two reasons.
    First, Ebyam was impeached by other evidence. The
    defense attorney did a good job showing how Ebyam’s
    testimony was bought and paid for through his cooperation
    agreement. The additional impeachment evidence – that he
    was a paid informant on unrelated matters – would have
    added little. Moreover, defense counsel showed that Ebyam
    was a convicted money launderer who was found to have
    previously lied in court. See, e.g., Rodriguez, 766 F.3d at 989
    (rejecting Brady claim where witness’s “credibility was
    sufficiently undermined by the defense, given his admitted
    cooperation with the prosecution, his extensive criminal
    history, and his illicit prison activities”). In sum, this
    impeachment evidence was overkill.
    14              UNITED STATES V. HARMON
    Second, as Judge Koh correctly held, the evidence against
    Harmon was “extremely strong.” The fact that Ebyam, called
    by the defense after the prosecution rested its case, was a paid
    informant could not have altered the jury’s perception of what
    Harmon had done. See, e.g., United States v. Si, 
    343 F.3d 1116
    , 1123 (9th Cir. 2003) (rejecting Brady claim based on
    impeachment evidence about witness because evidence was
    immaterial as witness was extensively cross-examined
    regarding his criminal activities and agreement with the
    government, and the witness’s testimony was not the linchpin
    of the government’s case). If there was any “linchpin” in this
    case, it was Pantages and his damning bank account
    transactions with Harmon, and not Ebyam. Any information
    concerning Ebyam’s informant status was therefore