Oracle USA, Inc. v. Rimini Street, Inc. , 879 F.3d 948 ( 2018 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    ORACLE USA, INC., a Colorado              Nos. 16-16832
    corporation; ORACLE AMERICA, INC.,             16-16905
    a Delaware corporation; ORACLE
    INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, a                 D.C. No.
    California corporation,                   2:10-cv-00106-
    Plaintiffs-Appellees,      LRH-VCF
    RIMINI STREET, INC., a Nevada
    corporation; SETH RAVIN, an
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the District of Nevada
    Larry R. Hicks, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted July 13, 2017
    San Francisco, California
    Filed January 8, 2018
    2               ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    Before: Susan P. Graber and Michelle T. Friedland, Circuit
    Judges, and Jeremy D. Fogel, * District Judge.
    Opinion by Judge Fogel
    SUMMARY **
    The panel affirmed in part, reversed in part, and vacated
    in part the district court’s judgment after a jury trial in favor
    of Oracle USA, Inc., on its copyright infringement and
    California and Nevada state law claims against Rimini
    Street, Inc., a provider of third-party support for Oracle’s
    enterprise software, and Seth Ravin, Rimini’s CEO.
    Oracle licenses its software and also sells its licensees
    maintenance contracts. The maintenance work includes
    software updates. In order to compete effectively with
    Oracle’s direct maintenance services, Rimini needed to
    provide software updates to its customers. With Oracle’s
    knowledge, Rimini copied Oracle’s copyrighted software in
    order to provide the updates. Rimini obtained software from
    Oracle’s website with automated downloading tools in direct
    contravention of the terms of the website.
    The panel affirmed the district court’s partial summary
    judgment and partial judgment after trial on Oracle’s claims
    The Honorable Jeremy D. Fogel, United States District Judge for
    the Northern District of California, sitting by designation.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It
    has been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                  3
    that Rimini infringed its copyright by copying under the
    license of one customer for work performed for other
    existing customers or for unknown or future customers,
    rather than restricting such copying to work for that
    particular customer. The panel concluded that Rimini’s
    activities were not permissible under the terms of the
    licenses Oracle granted to its customers. The panel rejected
    Rimini’s argument that holding it accountable for its alleged
    conduct would condone misuse of Oracle’s copyright.
    The panel reversed the district court’s judgment after
    trial with respect to Oracle’s claims under the California
    Comprehensive Data Access and Fraud Act, the Nevada
    Computer Crimes Law, and California’s Unfair Competition
    Law. The panel held that taking data from a website, using
    a method prohibited by the applicable terms of use, when the
    taking itself generally is permitted, does not violate the
    CDAFA or the NCCL. Accordingly, Rimini did not violate
    these computer abuse statutes by using automated tools to
    take data in direct contravention of Oracle’s terms of use.
    Because the district court granted judgment in favor of
    Oracle on Oracle’s Unfair Competition Law claim based on
    its finding that Rimini violated the CDAFA, the panel
    reversed the district court’s determination that Rimini
    violated California’s Unfair Competition Law.
    The panel reduced the district court’s award of damages
    by the amount based on Rimini’s alleged violation of the
    CDAFA and NCCL. The panel affirmed the district court’s
    award of prejudgment interest on the copyright claims.
    The panel reversed the district court’s permanent
    injunction based on alleged violations of the CDAFA. The
    panel vacated the district court’s permanent injunction based
    on copyright infringement because the district court assessed
    the relevant factors by reference to both the copyright and
    4             ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    the CDAFA claims, without considering separately the
    propriety of issuing an injunction as to the copyright claims
    The panel reversed the district court’s judgment with
    respect to Ravin’s liability for attorneys’ fees. As to Rimini,
    the panel vacated the fee award and remanded for
    reconsideration in light of Oracle’s more limited success at
    litigation in view of the panel’s conclusion that there was no
    violation of the state computer laws.
    The panel reduced the district court’s award of taxable
    costs and affirmed its award of non-taxable costs.
    Mark A. Perry (argued) and Jeremy M. Christiansen, Gibson
    Dunn & Crutcher LLP, Washington, D.C.; Blaine H.
    Evanson, Joseph A. Gorman, and Joseph C. Hansen, Gibson
    Dunn & Crutcher LLP, Los Angeles, California; for
    Paul D. Clement (argued), Erin E. Murphy, and Matthew D.
    Rowen, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Washington, D.C.; William
    A. Isaacson and Karen L. Dunn, Boies Schiller & Flexner
    LLP, Washington, D.C.; Thomas S. Hixson and John A.
    Polito, Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP, San Francisco,
    California; David B. Salmons, Morgan Lewis & Bockius
    LLP, Washington, D.C.; for Plaintiffs-Appellees.
    Jamie Williams and Aileen Nguyen, San Francisco,
    California, as and for Amicus Curiae Electronic Frontier
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                           5
    FOGEL, District Judge:
    Oracle USA, Inc. and related entities (collectively,
    “Oracle”) licenses its proprietary enterprise software for a
    substantial one-time payment. Oracle also sells its licensees
    maintenance contracts for the software that are renewed on
    an annual basis. The maintenance work includes software
    updates, which Oracle makes available to purchasers of the
    contracts through its support website.
    At all relevant times, Rimini Street, Inc. (“Rimini’)
    provided third-party support for Oracle’s enterprise
    software, in lawful competition with Oracle’s direct
    maintenance services. But in order to compete effectively,
    Rimini also needed to provide software updates to its
    customers. 1 Creating these software updates inherently
    required copying Oracle’s copyrighted software, which,
    unless allowed by license, would be copyright infringement.
    With Oracle’s knowledge, Rimini in fact did copy the
    software to provide the updates. At least from late 2006 to
    early 2007, Rimini obtained software from Oracle’s website
    with automated downloading tools in direct contravention of
    the terms of use of the website.
    Oracle filed suit against Rimini and Rimini’s CEO, Seth
    Ravin (“Ravin”), in the District of Nevada in 2010. After
    lengthy and sometimes contentious discovery and motion
    All of Rimini’s customers pertinent to this dispute were licensees
    of Oracle’s software, but not all licensees of Oracle’s software are
    Rimini’s customers. To avoid confusion, we will use the word
    “customers” to refer to the subset of Oracle’s licensees who did contract
    or might contract with Rimini for the maintenance of Oracle’s software.
    6              ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    practice, the district court granted partial summary judgment
    to Oracle on certain aspects of Oracle’s copyright
    infringement claim, and a jury found in favor of Oracle on
    others after trial. The jury also found against both Rimini and
    Ravin with respect to Oracle’s claims under the California
    Comprehensive Data Access and Fraud Act (“CDAFA”) and
    the Nevada Computer Crimes Law (“NCCL”) (collectively,
    the “state computer laws”). Based on the jury’s
    determination with respect to the CDAFA claim, the district
    court entered judgment against Rimini and Ravin under
    California’s Unfair Competition Law (“UCL”). The jury
    awarded damages in the sum of $50,027,000 which, when
    prejudgment interest, attorneys’ fees and costs were added,
    resulted in a total monetary judgment of $124,291,396.82.
    The district court also issued an extensive permanent
    injunction. Rimini subsequently filed this timely appeal. The
    Electronic Frontier Foundation (“EFF”) has filed an amicus
    brief with respect to the state computer law claims.
    The first principal dispute in this case is whether Rimini
    copied Oracle’s software in a manner that infringed Oracle’s
    copyright. It is undisputed that Rimini used Oracle’s
    software to develop and test updates for its customers and
    that the software licenses, with certain restrictions, permitted
    Oracle’s licensees to hire Rimini to perform such work for
    them. There are numerous subtleties involved but, at the
    highest level of generality, Rimini’s alleged copyright
    infringement included copying under the license of one
    customer for work for other existing customers or for
    unknown or future customers, rather than restricting such
    copying to work for that particular customer. The second
    principal dispute is whether Rimini and Ravin violated
    applicable state laws intended to prevent computer-based
    fraud by flouting Oracle’s restrictions against the use of
    automated tools to download software from its website. We
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                       7
    also consider the appropriateness of the remedies awarded
    by the district court.
    As explained below, we affirm the judgment with respect
    to the copyright infringement claims. We also affirm the
    remedies with respect to those claims, except that we vacate
    the injunction and the award of attorneys’ fees and remand
    for reconsideration in light of this opinion. We modify the
    district court’s award of taxable costs as the parties have
    agreed. We reverse the judgment with respect to Oracle’s
    claims under the state computer laws and the UCL.
    Copyright Infringement Claims
    The Software in Suit 2
    Four software products are at issue: J.D. Edwards,
    Siebel, PeopleSoft, and Database. The products are related,
    but they do not perform identical functions. As the district
    court explained:
    Oracle’s Enterprise Software platforms have
    both an installed database component and an
    installed application component. The
    database component provides a foundation
    for the application software which then uses,
    stores, and retrieves data in the database for
    use across an entire organization. Oracle’s
    Enterprise Software application programs—
    including its PeopleSoft, J.D. Edwards, and
    Siebel-branded products—are run on
    The district court specifically distinguished between Oracle’s
    copyright in software and Oracle’s copyright in the software
    documentation. Rimini does not appeal the jury’s determination that
    Rimini infringed the documentation copyright.
    8             ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    Oracle’s Relational Database Management
    Software (“Oracle Database”) as the database
    component for the programs.
    Oracle USA, Inc. v. Rimini St., Inc., 
    6 F. Supp. 3d 1108
    , 1113
    (D. Nev. 2014) (“Oracle II”). J.D. Edwards, Siebel, and
    PeopleSoft were acquired by Oracle from other companies,
    while Oracle developed Database internally.
    Because of this history and because of the technical
    differences among them, the licensing terms of the four
    products are not identical. We first address J.D. Edwards and
    Siebel. We next turn to PeopleSoft and, finally, to Database.
    J.D. Edwards and Siebel
    Oracle’s claims as to the J.D. Edwards and Siebel
    software were submitted to the jury. Rimini appeals the
    district court’s denial of its motion for judgment as a matter
    of law following the jury’s verdict. “We review de novo the
    district court’s denial of a motion for judgment as a matter
    of law. A renewed motion for judgment as a matter of law is
    properly granted only ‘if the evidence, construed in the light
    most favorable to the nonmoving party, permits only one
    reasonable conclusion, and that conclusion is contrary to the
    jury’s verdict.” Castro v. Cty. of Los Angeles, 
    833 F.3d 1060
    , 1066 (9th Cir. 2016) (en banc) (citations omitted)
    (quoting Pavao v. Pagay, 
    307 F.3d 915
    , 918 (9th Cir. 2002))
    (internal quotation mark omitted), cert. denied, 
    137 S. Ct. 831
    (2017). “A jury’s verdict must be upheld if it is
    supported by substantial evidence, which is evidence
    adequate to support the jury’s conclusion, even if it is also
    possible to draw a contrary conclusion.” 
    Id. (quoting Pavao,
    307 F.3d at 918) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                    9
    Rimini challenges the jury’s finding of copyright
    infringement with respect to these products on two grounds.
    First, it argues that its activities were permissible under the
    terms of the licenses Oracle granted to its customers.
    Second, it contends that holding it accountable for its alleged
    conduct would condone copyright misuse. Neither of these
    arguments is persuasive.
    1. Express License Defense
    As will be explained in further detail, there is no dispute
    that, absent an applicable license, Rimini’s accused acts
    violated the exclusive right Oracle enjoys as owner of the
    software copyright to copy or to modify the software. Rimini
    asserts as an affirmative defense that its accused acts were
    expressly licensed.
    The Supreme Court has explained the express license
    defense as follows:
    “Anyone who violates any of the exclusive
    rights of the copyright owner,” that is, anyone
    who trespasses into his exclusive domain by
    using or authorizing the use of the
    copyrighted work in one of the five ways set
    forth in the statute, “is an infringer of the
    copyright.” Conversely, anyone who is
    authorized by the copyright owner to use the
    copyrighted work in a way specified in the
    statute . . . is not an infringer of the copyright
    with respect to such use.”
    Sony Corp. of Am. v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 
    464 U.S. 417
    , 433 (1984) (quoting 17 U.S.C. § 501(a)). Thus, “[t]he
    existence of a license creates an affirmative defense to a
    claim of copyright infringement.” Worldwide Church of God
    10             ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    v. Phila. Church of God, Inc., 
    227 F.3d 1110
    , 1114 (9th Cir.
    2000). However, “[w]hen a licensee exceeds the scope of the
    license granted by the copyright holder, the licensee is liable
    for infringement.” LGS Architects, Inc. v. Concordia Homes
    of Nev., 
    434 F.3d 1150
    , 1156 (9th Cir. 2006).
    As Rimini itself did not have a license to copy or to
    modify from Oracle, the success of Rimini’s affirmative
    defense turns on whether Rimini’s accused acts came within
    the scope of licenses held by its customers.
    a) Software Licenses
    The pertinent provisions of the J.D. Edwards and Siebel
    licenses are excerpted below:
    Software        License Language
    J.D.            “Customer shall not, or cause anyone else
    Edwards         to . . . (iii) copy the Documentation or
    Software except to the extent necessary for
    Customer’s archival needs and to support
    the Users.”
    Siebel          “Customer” may “reproduce, exactly as
    provided by [Oracle], a reasonable number
    of copies of the Programs and the Ancillary
    Programs solely for archive or emergency
    back-up purposes or disaster recovery and
    related testing.”
    Like the language of the licenses themselves, the district
    court’s constructions of the two licenses when instructing the
    jury were similar.
    The district court told the jury that it was permissible for
    Rimini, as a third-party, to make copies of the Oracle
    software to support its customers by archiving, backup, and
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                    11
    related testing. At the same time, the district court instructed
    that the licenses “do[] not mean that a third party like Rimini
    Street is authorized to make copies of the . . . software
    application . . . to use the customer’s software . . . to support
    other customers.”
    b) Accused Acts
    (1)   Background
    Work produced by humans is rarely if ever perfect, and
    computer software is no exception. Even casual users of
    computers are familiar with regular software patches and
    updates intended to correct glitches and to modify software
    in light of changing circumstances.
    However, unlike the off-the-shelf consumer software
    used by individuals in everyday life, enterprise software
    employed by large organizations is customized around the
    organizations’ specific needs. While producers of consumer
    software generally design updates around standard use cases
    and make them available for end users to download and
    install directly, updates to enterprise software must be tested
    and modified to fit with bespoke customizations before
    being put to actual use.
    This testing process requires the creation of
    “development       environments.”        A      “development
    environment,” sometimes called a “sandbox,” is distinct
    from a “production environment,” which is the “live”
    version of the software that members of the enterprise
    ultimately deploy. As the district court explained:
    In order to develop and test software updates
    for Enterprise Software, support service
    providers     ...     create     development
    12            ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    environments     of    the   software.    A
    development environment is a software
    environment that contains a copy of the
    software program which is then modified to
    develop and test software updates. Given the
    critical nature of Enterprise Software
    programs, updates to the software must be
    fully tested and verified in a development
    environment before they are provided to a
    Oracle USA, Inc. v. Rimini St., Inc., 
    6 F. Supp. 3d 1086
    , 1092
    n.4 (D. Nev. 2014) (“Oracle I”).
    In other words, the very work of maintaining customized
    software requires copying the software, which without a
    license to do so is a violation of the exclusive right of the
    copyright owner. Here, it is undisputed that the licenses
    generally permit Oracle’s licensees to maintain the software
    and make development environments for themselves.
    However, some licensees of the software, lacking either the
    capability or the interest, opt to outsource the work of
    maintenance to others, such as Rimini or even Oracle itself.
    (2)   “Direct Use” and “Cross Use”
    Oracle alleges that Rimini engaged in two distinct types
    of copyright infringement with respect to J.D. Edwards and
    Siebel. The first has to do with the way it created
    development environments, under color of a license held by
    these particular, identifiable customers of Rimini, for that
    specific customer. We refer to this as “direct use.”
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                           13
    The second is “cross use.” 3 “Cross use,” generally
    speaking, is the creation of development environments,
    under color of a license of one customer, to support other
    customers. There are numerous forms of “cross use.” In its
    narrowest form, “cross use” is the making of development
    environments, under color of a license held by one
    identifiable customer of Rimini, for another identifiable
    customer of Rimini that also holds a license. It also may
    include the creation of development environments under a
    given license for other customers of Rimini that may
    themselves hold licenses or even for licensees who have yet
    to become customers of Rimini. Rimini claims that “cross
    use” is not infringement, arguing that it may create
    environments without restriction because any organization
    that might hire Rimini to service its software would itself
    have a license to create development environments. Rimini’s
    counsel explained at oral argument that “cross use” enabled
    it to reduce expense by reusing work it had done for one
    customer in providing service to others.
    c) Analysis
    Rimini argues on appeal that the jury instructions were
    erroneous because they suggested that certain direct uses and
    cross uses were prohibited while Rimini believes they were
    With respect to “direct use,” we may dispose quickly of
    Rimini’s claim that the district court construed “direct use”
    out of the licenses. Rimini successfully persuaded the district
    Rimini offered this description of its “cross use” in its closing
    statement to the jury: “If we have multiple clients with the exact same
    release, the same rights, we would come up with one fix and then apply
    it to other customers that had the exact same rights. That’s the cross-use,
    the reusing of updates that you’ve heard about in this case.”
    14             ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    court to include the language, “to support the customer’s
    use,” in its jury instruction about the J.D. Edwards license.
    The instruction concerning Siebel told the jury specifically
    that Rimini could hold copies of the Siebel software
    application “solely for customer’s archive or emergency
    back-up purposes or disaster recovery and related testing.”
    Rimini did not object to that instruction at trial, and, contrary
    to Rimini’s arguments on appeal, those instructions treated
    these forms of direct use as permitted.
    Rimini also argues, however, that the instructions should
    have approved expressly of other forms of direct use. The
    district court had no reason or need to instruct the jury that
    the licenses permitted other types of direct use, because, as
    the district court’s order shows, Rimini had represented that
    the only forms of direct use it engaged in were those allowed
    by the instruction:
    Rimini has proffered evidence that the
    development environments associated with
    [specific Siebel licensee] are used
    exclusively for archival and back-up
    purposes, and related testing, as directly
    contemplated by [the license].
    I, 6 F. Supp. 3d at 1105
    n.20; see also 
    id. at 1103
    (similar findings concerning J.D. Edwards). Had Rimini
    wanted a broader construction, Rimini should have said so
    in district court. Having failed to do that, Rimini cannot
    complain that the jury found that Rimini’s direct use with
    respect to J.D. Edwards and Siebel exceeded the scope of the
    With respect to “cross use,” Rimini’s assertion—made
    for the first time in its reply brief to us—that “cross use” is
    a contractual rather than a copyright issue is not properly
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                         15
    before us. The principal case on which Rimini relies, MDY
    Industries, LLC v. Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., 
    629 F.3d 928
    (9th Cir. 2011), was not cited in Rimini’s opening brief,
    and “on appeal, arguments not raised by a party in its
    opening brief are deemed waived,” Smith v. Marsh, 
    194 F.3d 1045
    , 1052 (9th Cir. 1999). 4
    As to the substance of its position, Rimini argues that,
    contrary to the jury instructions, the licenses in fact permit
    “cross use.” It observes that: 1) each of Rimini’s customers
    had its own license; 2) each license permits copies to be
    made for archival and support purposes; 3) the licenses
    authorize the customers to outsource the archival and
    support work to third parties; and 4) such archival and
    support work includes the creation of development
    environments. Rimini dismisses evidence showing that it
    created development environments for future customers
    using the license of an existing customer on the basis that
    future customers presumably would have licenses that would
    permit them to hire Rimini to create development
    Oracle properly responds that each of the licenses at
    issue here “pointedly limits copying and use to supporting
    the ‘Licensee.’” The licenses do not authorize Rimini to
    “develop products Rimini could sell for Rimini’s financial
    gain.” Any work that Rimini performs under color of a
    license held by a customer for other existing customers
    cannot be considered work in support of that particular
    Even if we were to consider the applicability of MDY Industries,
    that case teaches specifically the distinction between “conditions,” “the
    breach of which constitute copyright infringement,” and “covenants,”
    “the breach of which is actionable only under contract 
    law.” 629 F.3d at 939
    . Rimini has offered no analysis as to which terms of the licenses at
    issue are “conditions” and which are “covenants.”
    16            ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    customer. The same logic applies to work Rimini performs
    for unknown, future customers. The licensees may hire a
    third party such as Rimini to maintain their software for
    them, but nothing in the licenses permits them to grant a non-
    party to the license a general right to copy proprietary
    2. Copyright Misuse
    We turn next to the question of copyright misuse, which
    Rimini asserts as a defense. The copyright misuse doctrine
    prevents holders of copyrights “from leveraging their limited
    monopoly to allow them control of areas outside the
    monopoly.” Apple Inc. v. Psystar Corp., 
    658 F.3d 1150
    1157 (9th Cir. 2011). (quoting A&M Records v. Napster,
    239 F.3d 1004
    , 1026 (9th Cir. 2001)) (internal quotation
    marks omitted). To that end, while it “does prevent copyright
    holders from using the conditions to stifle competition,”
    “[t]he copyright misuse doctrine does not prohibit using
    conditions to control use of copyrighted material.” 
    Id. at 1159.
    Accordingly, the doctrine is to be “applied . . .
    sparingly”; specifically, it operates when copyright holders
    attempt to impose license agreements that would “prevent[]
    . . . licensee[s] from using any other competing product.” 
    Id. at 1157
    (emphasis added).
    Rimini claims that holding it liable for copyright
    infringement would condone misuse of Oracle’s copyright.
    In Rimini’s view, the district court’s pretrial construction of
    the licensing terms, as embodied in the jury instructions,
    “would foreclose competition in the aftermarket for third-
    party maintenance” because it would limit copies made by
    third parties to those made only for archival and emergency
    backup purposes and because the software could not be
    serviced simply by making exact copies. Oracle counters
    that the licenses “plainly do not preclude third parties from
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                   17
    developing competing software or providing competing
    support services,” but instead “require third parties to do so
    in ways that do not disregard Oracle’s exclusive rights under
    copyright law.”
    We agree with Oracle. The district court did not construe
    the licenses to permit only archival and emergency backup
    purposes. For example, the jury instructions as to J.D.
    Edwards stated specifically:
    If you find that the copies of the J.D. Edwards
    software application . . . housed on Rimini
    Street’s servers were used solely for the
    customer’s archival needs and to support the
    customer’s use, then that use is authorized by
    the J.D. Edwards software license agreement
    The district court gave similar instructions as to Siebel.
    (“[Y]ou are informed that the court has ruled as a matter of
    law that the Siebel software license agreements authorized
    . . . Rimini Street to make a reasonable number of copies . . .
    solely for the customer’s archive or emergency back-up
    purposes or disaster recovery and related testing.”
    (emphasis added)). These constructions would not preclude
    Rimini from creating development environments for a
    licensee for various purposes after that licensee has become
    a customer of Rimini.
    The only remaining question is whether it would be
    copyright misuse to forbid Rimini from creating
    development environments for licensees before they have
    become customers or, in other words, whether it would
    contravene the policy of the Copyright Act to allow Oracle,
    as a copyright holder, to have a head start in making copies.
    The Supreme Court has held that “the right of first
    18             ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    publication” is “an important marketable subsidiary right.”
    Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. v. Nation Enters., 
    471 U.S. 539
    , 549 (1985). Just as a copyright holder has the “right of
    first publication,” it also must enjoy the right of “first copy.”
    Giving a head start to Oracle in creating development
    environments is entirely consistent with the Supreme
    Court’s teaching in Harper.
    The district court granted summary judgment on
    Oracle’s copyright claim with respect to PeopleSoft. “This
    Court reviews a district court’s grant of summary judgment
    de novo. The Court must ‘determine whether, viewing the
    evidence in the light most favorable to the nonmoving party,
    there are any genuine issues of material fact and whether the
    district court correctly applied the relevant substantive
    law.’” Mitchell v. Washington, 
    818 F.3d 436
    , 441–42 (9th
    Cir. 2016) (quoting Lopez v. Smith, 
    203 F.3d 1122
    , 1131 (9th
    Cir. 2000) (en banc)).
    Rimini again asserts an express license defense and
    contends that it would be copyright misuse to hold it liable
    for infringement. Again, its arguments are without merit.
    1. Express License Defense
    The PeopleSoft license is similar to its J.D. Edwards and
    Siebel counterparts, but it contains an additional limitation
    about “[the licensee’s] facilities”:
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                         19
    Software            License Language
    PeopleSoft 5        “Licensee may . . . make a reasonable
    number of copies of the Software, solely
    for: (i) use in accordance with the terms
    set forth herein . . . ; (ii) archive or
    emergency back-up purposes; and/or
    (iii) disaster recovery testing purposes[.]”
    “PeopleSoft grants Licensee a . . . license
    to use the licensed Software, solely for
    Licensee’s internal data processing
    operations at its facilities[.]”
    Based on this limitation, the district court construed the
    PeopleSoft license more restrictively than the J.D. Edwards
    and Siebel licenses. Specifically, it stated that “[the
    PeopleSoft license] expressly limits copying the licensed
    software to only the [licensee’s] facilities.” Oracle I, 6 F.
    Supp. at 1097 (emphasis omitted).
    Because of the difference in the construction of the
    pertinent licenses, the nature of Oracle’s claim concerning
    PeopleSoft is somewhat different in character from those
    concerning J.D. Edwards and Siebel. Specifically, the
    accused act concerning PeopleSoft is the creation of
    development environments, whether for “direct use” or
    “cross use,” on Rimini’s own computers, as opposed to the
    licensees’ computers. Rimini describes this practice as “local
    Two different PeopleSoft licenses are at issue here, one belonging
    to the City of Flint and the other to the Pittsburgh Public Schools. The
    district court concluded that the two licenses have “similar” language.
    I, 6 F. Supp. 3d at 1100
    . On appeal, the parties make no
    distinction between the two licenses; the language discussed here is
    drawn from the license held by the City of Flint.
    20             ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    hosting,” a term that we adopt in this opinion. Rimini asserts
    that it does this to avoid transmission delays.
    In the words of the district court, “it is undisputed that
    Rimini made copies of the licensed software at its own
    facilities and outside the control of the [customers].” 
    Id. at 1101
    (emphasis added). The district court concluded that the
    PeopleSoft licenses of Rimini’s customers “do[] not
    authorize Rimini’s off-site copies of the licensed software,”
    and therefore granted summary judgment to Oracle on the
    copyright infringement claims as to PeopleSoft. 
    Id. at 1097.
    On appeal, Rimini contends that “[a licensee’s]
    facilities” can span Rimini’s own servers. In its words:
    Sophisticated companies like Oracle’s
    customers (and Rimini’s clients) do not keep
    all their servers on the actual premises of their
    principal place of business . . . . They may
    own some, lease others, and contract with
    third parties for still more capacity. All are
    encompassed within the plain meaning of
    We agree with Oracle that “facilities under the control of
    a third party” could not qualify as “the licensee’s facilities.”
    It was not only sensible but also necessary for the district
    court to read a requirement of “control” into the definition of
    “[a licensee’s] facilities.” The record supports the district
    court’s conclusion that the Rimini servers where the copying
    took place were “outside the control of the [customers].” 
    V. RIMINI STREET                        21
    at 1101. Indeed, Rimini made no showing that its customers
    had even constructive control of the servers. 6
    2. Copyright Misuse
    As just explained, the district court concluded that
    Rimini infringed the PeopleSoft copyright by “local
    hosting,” that is, by maintaining copies of PeopleSoft on its
    own computers as opposed to its customers’ computers.
    I, 6 F. Supp. 3d at 1097
    . Rimini offers no argument
    as to why a restriction on the location of copies would stifle
    competition and run afoul of the copyright misuse doctrine.
    Id. Rimini’s inability
    to “local host” may result in
    inconvenience and expense on its part, but that restriction on
    its conduct does not amount to copyright misuse. Indeed, at
    oral argument, Rimini admitted that the restriction against
    “local hosting” was one it could overcome.
    The district court also granted summary judgment for
    Oracle on the Database copyright infringement claim. It was
    undisputed that Rimini copied Oracle’s copyright protected
    software when it built development, or non-production,
    environments for a number of Rimini customers using
    Oracle Database.
    Rimini’s arguments on appeal with respect to Database
    are the same as those with respect to the other software at
    issue, except that here Rimini contends that its acts in fact
    were authorized by the Oracle License and Service
    Agreements (“OLSAs”). Oracle properly points out that
    Because we address the question of infringement as to PeopleSoft
    on the narrow ground of “local hosting,” we do not decide whether
    “direct use” or “cross use” was permitted by the PeopleSoft license.
    22             ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    Rimini has waived this point because it has failed to
    challenge the district court’s legal conclusion that Rimini
    was not entitled to assert the OLSAs as a defense.
    Accordingly, we affirm the district court’s determination of
    copyright infringement as to Database.
    State Computer Law Claims
    The CDAFA and the NCCL
    The CDAFA is California’s computer abuse law. It
    states, in relevant part, that:
    any person who commits any of the following
    acts is guilty of a public offense:
    (2) Knowingly accesses and without
    permission takes, copies, or makes use of any
    data from a computer, computer system, or
    computer network, or takes or copies any
    supporting documentation, whether existing
    or residing internal or external to a computer,
    computer system, or computer network.
    (3) Knowingly and without permission uses
    or causes to be used computer services.
    CAL. PENAL CODE § 502(c). It provides a cause of action to
    “the owner or lessee of the computer, computer system,
    computer network, computer program, or data who suffers
    damage or loss by reason of a violation.” 
    Id. § 502(e)(1).
    The NCCL is Nevada’s counterpart to the CDAFA. In
    relevant part, it provides that “a person who knowingly,
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                   23
    willfully and without authorization: (a) Modifies;
    (b) Damages; (c) Destroys; (d) Discloses; (e) Uses;
    (f) Transfers; (g) Conceals; (h) Takes; (i) Retains possession
    of; (j) Copies; (k) Obtains or attempts to obtain access to,
    permits access to or causes to be accessed; or (l) Enters data,
    a program or any supporting documents which exist inside
    or outside a computer, system or network” or “who
    knowingly, willfully and without                 authorization:
    (a) Destroys; (b) Damages; (c) Takes; (d) Alters;
    (e) Transfers; (f) Discloses; (g) Conceals; (h) Copies;
    (i) Uses; (j) Retains possession of; or (k) Obtains or attempts
    to obtain access to, permits access to or causes to be
    accessed, a computer, system or network” is guilty of a
    misdemeanor. NEV. REV. STAT. § 205.4761(1), (3). The
    NCCL also provides a civil cause of action to “[a]ny victim
    of [such a misdemeanor].” 
    Id. § 205.511(1).
    Accused Acts
    The ultimate question as to whether Rimini and Ravin
    (referred to collectively in this section as “Rimini”) violated
    the state computer laws by downloading content from
    Oracle’s website was submitted to the jury, which found in
    favor of Oracle. In denying Rimini’s renewed motion for
    judgment as a matter of law, the district court observed that
    Oracle had for some time “encouraged its customers to use
    automated downloading tools as a means to obtain” large
    numbers of customer support files in a timely manner.
    Oracle USA, Inc. v. Rimini St., Inc., 
    191 F. Supp. 3d 1134
    1139 (D. Nev. 2016) (“Oracle III”). Rimini had been doing
    just that when, “in response to an increased volume of mass
    downloads through the use of automated tools, and other
    server and database pressures, Oracle America changed its
    website’s Terms of Use to specifically prohibit the use of
    ‘any software routines commonly known as robots, spiders,
    24             ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    scrapers, or any other automated means to access [the site]
    or any other Oracle accounts, systems or networks,” a
    change which “prohibited the use of previously allowed
    automated downloading tools.” 
    Id. at 1139–40
    (alteration in
    original). The evidence showed that, in response, Rimini
    stopped using automatic downloading tools for about a year
    but then “began reusing automated tools on the website in
    violation of the Terms of Use (terms which it had to
    specifically agree to when logging on to the website) in order
    to download full libraries of support documents and files for
    entire software products lines—each involving hundreds of
    thousands of different files.” 
    Id. at 1140.
    Positions of the Parties
    Rimini and EFF contend that the statutory language
    “without permission” should not be read in a way that
    criminalizes violation of a website’s terms of use. As EFF
    puts it, “[n]either statute . . . applies to bare violations of a
    website’s terms of use—such as when a computer user has
    permission and authorization to access and use the computer
    or data at issue, but simply accesses or uses the information
    in a manner the website owner does not like.”
    Oracle, on the other hand, urges us to read the state
    statutes as not requiring unauthorized access for a violation,
    which appears to be how the district court construed them.
    id. at 1143–44
    (holding that Rimini’s “claim that they
    had permission from their clients to access Oracle[’s] . . .
    website is irrelevant” under the state statutes).
    We review the denial of Rimini’s motion for judgment
    as a matter of law de novo. Castro v. Cty. of Los Angeles,
    833 F.3d 1060
    , 1066 (9th Cir. 2016) (en banc).
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                   25
    The district court treated the two statutes as essentially
    identical, and for purposes of this appeal, we will take the
    CDAFA as representative. As the district court observed,
    “[w]hile the case law on the NCCL is limited, the statute
    covers the same conduct as the CDAFA and the same legal
    reasoning should apply.” Oracle 
    III, 191 F. Supp. 3d at 1144
    The parties appear to agree with this approach; indeed, their
    arguments about liability do not differentiate between the
    two statutory schemes.
    Here, there is no question that Rimini “t[ook]” and
    “m[ade] use of” “data.” See Oracle 
    III, 191 F. Supp. 3d at 1143
    (“Nor do defendants contest that they took and
    subsequently used data from the website . . . .”). Nor is there
    any dispute that Oracle permitted some degree of access and
    taking from its website. 
    Id. at 1139–40
    . (“[Oracle America]
    owns and operates a website that . . . contains millions of
    technical support files . . . . [T]his online database was
    accessible through a website that required both the
    customer’s unique [login] and acceptance of the website’s
    specific Terms of Use.” (footnote omitted)). The central
    issue here is whether, by using automated tools to take data
    in direct contravention of Oracle’s terms of use, Rimini
    violated the statutes.
    We hold that taking data using a method prohibited by
    the applicable terms of use, when the taking itself generally
    is permitted, does not violate the CDAFA. Because the same
    reasoning applies to the NCCL claim, we reverse the
    judgment as to both claims.
    Oracle obviously disapproved of the method—
    automated downloading—by which Rimini took Oracle’s
    proprietary information. But the key to the state statutes is
    whether Rimini was authorized in the first instance to take
    and use the information that it downloaded. See United
    26               ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    States v. Christensen, 
    828 F.3d 763
    , 789 (9th Cir. 2015)
    (emphasis added) (“A plain reading of the [CDAFA]
    demonstrates that its focus is on unauthorized taking or use
    of information.”).
    Because it indisputably had such authorization, at least
    at the time it took the data in the first instance, Rimini did
    not violate the state statutes. This result is consistent with
    our decision in Facebook, Inc. v. Power Ventures, Inc.,
    844 F.3d 1058
    , 1069 (9th Cir. 2016), cert. denied, 
    138 S. Ct. 313
    (2017) (affirming the district court’s holding that the
    defendant violated the CDAFA on the ground that the
    defendant “without permission took, copied, and made use
    of [the downloaded] data” (emphasis added)).
    Violation of California’s Unfair Competition Law
    A violation of California’s UCL occurs where there is a
    predicate offense, one of which is a violation of the CDAFA.
    CAL. BUS. & PROF. CODE § 17200. The district court granted
    judgment in favor of Oracle on its UCL claim based on its
    finding that Rimini and Ravin had violated the CDAFA.
    Because we reverse as to the CDAFA claim, we also reverse
    the district court’s determination that Rimini and Ravin
    violated the UCL.
    Damages 7
    The jury awarded a total of $14,427,000 to two Oracle
    subsidiaries based on Rimini’s alleged violation of the
    CDAFA and NCCL. Because we have concluded that
    Rimini does not challenge the amount of the jury’s award of
    $35,600,000 in damages for copyright infringement.
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                   27
    Rimini did not violate those laws, we reduce damages by this
    Prejudgment Interest
    We review a district court’s decision to award
    prejudgment interest for abuse of discretion. Barnard v.
    721 F.3d 1069
    , 1075 (9th Cir. 2013). We also
    review the rate used by the district court to calculate the
    prejudgment interest for abuse of discretion. Blankenship v.
    Liberty Life Assurance Co. of Bos., 
    486 F.3d 620
    , 628 (9th
    Cir. 2007).
    The district court awarded $22,491,636.16 in
    prejudgment interest on the copyright claims and
    $5,279,060.12 in prejudgment interest on the NCCL claims.
    Because we have concluded that Rimini did not violate the
    NCCL, we reverse as to the latter amount. For the reasons
    discussed below, we affirm as to the former.
    We have held that “[g]enerally, ‘the interest rate
    prescribed for post-judgment interest under 28 U.S.C.
    § 1961 is appropriate for fixing the rate of pre-judgment
    interest unless the trial judge finds, on substantial evidence,
    that the equities of that particular case require a different
    Blankenship, 486 F.3d at 628
    (quoting Grosz-
    Salomon v. Paul Revere Life Ins. Co., 
    237 F.3d 1154
    , 1164
    (9th Cir. 2001)).
    The district court calculated its award of $22,491,636.16
    based upon the Treasury rate on the date infringement began,
    that is, 5.07% in October 2006, rather than on the “starting
    point” set forth in 28 U.S.C. § 1961, that is, 0.61% in
    October 2016. The district court explained its deviation from
    the normal rate, which resulted in a difference of
    approximately $20,000,000, as follows:
    28             ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    [T]he court finds that there is good cause to
    set the prejudgment interest rate at the
    Treasury rate on the date infringement began,
    rather than at the time of judgment. The court
    makes this finding because of the nature of
    the jury’s award of hypothetical license
    damages. As the jury awarded damages to
    Oracle in an amount it would have received
    from Rimini for licensing Oracle’s software
    at the time it began infringing Oracle’s
    copyrights in late 2006, the court finds that
    this is the relevant time period for
    prejudgment interest. After this date, when
    Rimini began infringing Oracle’s copyrights,
    Oracle lost out on the licensing fees it would
    have received, absent infringement. It is not
    equitable in the court’s view to allow
    defendants to reap a windfall by the lower
    interest rates that are now available simply
    because they engaged in discovery delays
    and other litigation tactics (addressed more
    thoroughly in Oracle’s motion for attorneys’
    fees) that kept this action in litigation for
    several years. Therefore, the court shall . . .
    set the appropriate rate for prejudgment
    interest under the Copyright Act as the
    weekly average one-year constant maturity
    Treasury yield at the start of the
    Despite these specific findings, Rimini asserts that the
    district court failed to make the “exceptional case”
    determination that would permit it to depart from the
    presumptive rate set forth in 28 U.S.C. § 1961. It contends
    that the district court may not set the interest rate based on a
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                    29
    defendant’s bad behavior, citing our holding in Dishman v.
    UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America for the proposition
    that, “[a]lthough a defendant’s bad faith conduct may
    influence whether a court awards prejudgment interest, it
    should not influence the rate of the interest.” 
    269 F.3d 974
    988 (9th Cir. 2001). Rimini also asserts that the 0.61%
    adequately represents market rates and fully compensates
    Oracle’s loss.
    It is true that “prejudgment interest is an element of
    compensation, not a penalty.” 
    Barnard, 721 F.3d at 1078
    Rimini is correct that it would have been improper for the
    district court to set a higher rate based on Rimini’s litigation
    conduct alone. But considering the district court’s analysis
    in its totality, it is apparent that the rate was based primarily
    on the jury’s award of copyright damages based on a
    hypothetical license, making it appropriate to approximate
    the licensing fees that Oracle “lost out on” and “would have
    received, absent infringement” by using the Treasury rate on
    the date of infringement.
    The district court made an extensive and detailed record
    throughout many years of complex and contentious
    litigation. Its understandable frustration with Rimini’s
    litigation conduct is apparent in some of the orders now
    before us. However, there is ample evidence in the record to
    support the court’s award of prejudgment interest at the
    Treasury rate on the date infringement began. We find no
    abuse of discretion.
    Injunctive Relief
    As to [a] permanent injunction, we review the
    legal conclusions de novo, the factual
    findings for clear error, and the decision to
    grant a permanent injunction, as well as its
    30               ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    scope, for an abuse of discretion. To review
    for abuse of discretion, “we first look to
    whether the trial court identified and applied
    the correct legal rule . . . [then] to whether the
    trial court’s resolution of the motion resulted
    from a factual finding that was illogical,
    implausible, or without support in inferences
    that may be drawn from the facts in the
    Columbia Pictures Indus., Inc. v. Fung, 
    710 F.3d 1020
    , 1030
    (9th Cir. 2013) (quoting United States v. Hinkson, 
    585 F.3d 1247
    , 1263 (9th Cir. 2009) (en banc)).
    The district court entered permanent injunctions against
    Rimini based on copyright infringement and against Rimini
    and Ravin based on alleged violations of the CDAFA. 8 We
    stayed both injunctions pending resolution of this appeal.
    In view of our conclusion that there was no violation of
    the state computer laws, we reverse as to the CDAFA
    injunction. As explained below, we vacate the copyright
    injunction and remand for reconsideration in light of our
    The Supreme Court established a four-factor test that
    must be applied before a district court may grant a permanent
    injunction. eBay, Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C., 
    547 U.S. 388
    , 391 (2006). Here, the district court assessed the four
    factors by reference to both the copyright and the CDAFA
    claims, without considering separately the propriety of
    The injunction entered by the district court is clearly divided into
    separate portions. We therefore treat the injunction as if there were two
    separate injunctions.
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                  31
    issuing an injunction as to the copyright claims alone. For
    example, the court concluded that Rimini’s “violations of
    state computer access statutes” contributed to an “irreparable
    injury” to Oracle’s business reputation and goodwill.
    Based on the record before us, we do not know how the
    district court would weigh the eBay factors with respect to
    the copyright claims alone. We express no view on the
    propriety or scope of any injunctive relief, which are matters
    committed to the district court’s discretion in the first
    “We review the award of fees and costs for abuse of
    discretion, but will overturn it if it is based on an erroneous
    determination of law.” Durham v. Lockheed Martin Corp.,
    445 F.3d 1247
    , 1250 (9th Cir. 2006).
    The district court awarded $28,502,246.40 in attorneys’
    fees to Oracle. It concluded that this award was appropriate
    under the fee-shifting provisions of the Copyright Act and
    the state computer laws. Although Ravin was not found
    liable for copyright infringement, the district court decided
    that Ravin was, along with Rimini, “severally and equally”
    liable for the award because he had violated the state
    computer statutes.
    In view of our conclusion that there was no violation of
    the state computer laws, we reverse the judgment with
    respect to Ravin’s liability for fees. As to Rimini, we vacate
    the fee award and remand for reconsideration in light of
    Oracle’s more limited success at litigation.
    32             ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    Taxable Costs
    The district court awarded Oracle $4,950,566.70 in
    taxable costs. Rimini originally asked us to reduce this award
    by approximately $1,700,000, contending that Oracle only
    requested roughly $3,200,000 in taxable costs in the district
    court. Oracle conceded that approximately $1,500,000 in
    non-taxable costs improperly was counted as taxable. About
    $200,000 remains in dispute.
    The district court’s cost award apparently was based on
    the following chart it received from Oracle:
    The district court evidently read the wrong column when it
    awarded $4,950,566.70 in taxable costs. Given the parties’
    agreement that Oracle is entitled to about $3,200,000 in
    taxable costs, the remaining dispute involves $192,999.70 in
    deposition costs. Because Rimini’s briefs articulate no basis
    for our doing so, we do not disturb the district court’s
    inclusion of these expenses in the taxable cost award. We
    thus reduce the award to $3,435,281.25.
    Non-taxable Costs
    Title 17 U.S.C. § 505 provides:
    In any civil action under [the Copyright Act],
    the court in its discretion may allow the
    ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET                   33
    recovery of full costs by or against any party
    other than the United States or an officer
    thereof. Except as otherwise provided by this
    title, the court may also award a reasonable
    attorney’s fee to the prevailing party as part
    of the costs.
    By contrast, 28 U.S.C. § 1920 identifies only six categories
    of costs that are taxable against the losing party.
    In Twentieth Century Fox v. Entertainment Distribution,
    we held that, because 17 U.S.C. § 505 permits the award of
    full costs, the award of costs under § 505 is not limited to the
    categories of costs described in 28 U.S.C. § 1920. 
    429 F.3d 869
    , 885 (9th Cir. 2005). Here, relying expressly on
    Twentieth Century Fox, the district court awarded Oracle
    $12,774,550.26 in non-taxable costs.
    Rimini contends that Twentieth Century Fox has been
    abrogated by Marx v. General Revenue Corp., 
    568 U.S. 371
    (2013), and that, accordingly, the district court erred. We
    We are bound by our precedent unless the theory or
    reasoning of the decision is “clearly irreconcilable” with a
    higher intervening authority, such as a decision by the
    Supreme Court. Miller v. Gammie, 
    335 F.3d 889
    , 899–900
    (9th Cir. 2003) (en banc). Our decision in Twentieth Century
    Fox concerned the relationship between 17 U.S.C. § 505 and
    28 U.S.C. § 1920. The Supreme Court’s decision in Marx
    concerned neither statute. Instead, the Court held that
    15 U.S.C. § 1692k(a)(3) is not contrary to the costs
    provision in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 54(d)(1).
    Nothing in Marx is clearly irreconcilable with Twentieth
    Century Fox.
    34             ORACLE USA V. RIMINI STREET
    The parties shall bear their own costs on appeal.
    AFFIRMED in Part, REVERSED                       in    Part,
    VACATED and REMANDED in Part.