United States v. Sergio Guerrero ( 2022 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    UNITED STATES OF                   No. 21-10248
    Plaintiff-Appellee,               D.C. Nos.
    v.                  4:19-cr-01468-CKJ-MSA
    Defendant-Appellant.               OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Arizona
    Cindy K. Jorgenson, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted June 16, 2022
    San Francisco, California
    Filed September 2, 2022
    Before: Sidney R. Thomas, Ronald M. Gould, and
    Carlos T. Bea, Circuit Judges.
    Per Curiam Opinion;
    Concurrence by Judge Gould;
    Concurrence by Judge Bea;
    Dissent by Judge S.R. Thomas
    2                UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO
    Criminal Law
    In a per curiam opinion, the panel affirmed the district
    court’s denial of Sergio Guerrero’s motion to suppress
    because of the consistent conclusions of Judge Gould and
    Judge Bea, which represent a majority of the panel, even
    though the reasoning of Judge Gould and Judge Bea in their
    separate concurrences is different.
    The panel noted that one exception to the Fourth
    Amendment’s prohibition of searches and seizures
    conducted without prior approval by judge or magistrate is a
    Terry stop, which allows an officer to briefly detain an
    individual when the officer has a reasonable articulable
    suspicion that an individual is engaged in a crime, during
    which stop an officer may also conduct a limited protective
    frisk if the officer has reason to believe the individual has a
    weapon. The panel noted that another exception is when an
    officer has probable cause to arrest an individual.
    Judge Gould concurred on the grounds that Trooper
    Amick effected a de facto arrest supported by probable
    Judge Bea concurred on the grounds that Trooper Amick
    merely detained Guerrero and did not effectuate a de facto
    arrest, but that even if Trooper Amick had arrested Guerrero,
    there was probable cause to do so.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It
    has been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO                    3
    Dissenting, Judge Thomas wrote that Trooper Amick’s
    stop ripened into an arrest when he held Guerrero
    handcuffed, on a roadside, for approximately 40 minutes,
    waiting for federal officers to arrive; and that Trooper Amick
    had no probable cause to do so.
    J. Ryan Moore (argued), Assistant Federal Public Defender;
    Jon M. Sands, Federal Public Defender; Office of the
    Federal Public Defender, Tucson, Arizona; for Defendant-
    Angela W. Woolridge (argued), Assistant United States
    Attorney; Christina M. Cabanillas, Deputy Appellate Chief;
    Gary M. Restaino, United States Attorney; United States
    Attorney’s Office, Tucson, Arizona; for Plaintiff-Appellee.
    4              UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO
    After the district court denied his motion to suppress,
    Sergio Guerrero pled guilty to smuggling ammunition in
    violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 554
    (a). Guerrero timely appealed
    the denial of his motion to suppress. This appeal challenges
    that denial. We have jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    and we affirm.
    We review the district court’s denial of a motion to
    suppress de novo. United States v. Edwards, 
    761 F.3d 977
    981 (9th Cir. 2014). We review de novo mixed questions of
    law and fact, such as whether a seizure became a de facto
    arrest and whether an officer had reasonable suspicion or
    probable cause. Id.; Ornelas v. United States, 
    517 U.S. 690
    699 (1996). We review whether the exclusionary rule
    applies de novo and the district court’s underlying factual
    findings for clear error. United States v. Crawford, 
    372 F.3d 1048
    , 1053 (9th Cir. 2004) (en banc).
    The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches
    and seizures by the government. U.S. Const. amend. IV.
    “Searches and seizures ‘conducted outside the judicial
    process, without prior approval by judge or magistrate, are
    per se unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment—subject
    to only a few specifically established and well delineated
    exceptions.’” United States v. Brown, 
    996 F.3d 998
    , 1004
    (9th Cir. 2021) (quoting Minnesota v. Dickerson, 
    508 U.S. 366
    , 372 (1993)). One exception is a Terry stop, which
    allows an officer briefly to detain an individual when the
    officer has a reasonable articulable suspicion that an
    individual is engaged in a crime; an officer conducting a
    Terry stop may also conduct a limited protective frisk of the
    individual if the officer has reason to believe he or she has a
    UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO                     5
    weapon. Id. at 1001; Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 21, 30
    (1968). Another exception is when an officer has probable
    cause to arrest an individual. Brown, 996 F.3d at 1005. “In
    distinguishing between a Terry stop and a full-blown arrest,
    we consider whether a reasonable person would believe that
    he or she is being subjected to more than a temporary
    detention, as well as the justification for the use of such
    tactics, i.e., whether the officer had sufficient basis to fear
    for his safety to warrant the intrusiveness of the action
    taken.” Id. at 1006 (simplified and internal quotation marks
    We affirm the denial of Guerrero’s motion to suppress
    because of the consistent conclusions of Judge Gould and
    Judge Bea, representing a majority of the panel, that we
    should affirm the denial of the motion to suppress.
    Affirmance is required by the conclusions of the judges in
    the majority, even though the reasoning of Judge Gould and
    Judge Bea in their separate concurrences filed herewith is
    different. Subjoined to this brief opinion are (1) the separate
    concurrence of Judge Gould; (2) the separate concurrence of
    Judge Bea; and (3) the dissent of Judge S.R. Thomas.
    GOULD, Circuit Judge, concurring:
    I concur in affirming the denial of Guerrero’s motion to
    suppress on the grounds that Trooper Amick effectuated a de
    facto arrest supported by probable cause.
    Trooper Amick effectuated a de facto arrest of Guerrero,
    which required probable cause. First, Trooper Amick
    detained Guerrero for approximately one hour. Terry stops
    6               UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO
    are brief detentions. Id. at 1005; United States v. Place,
    462 U.S. 696
    , 709 (1983) (“[T]he brevity of the invasion of
    the individual’s Fourth Amendment interests is an important
    factor in determining whether the seizure is so minimally
    intrusive as to be justifiable on reasonable suspicion.”).
    Here, Trooper Amick’s detention of Guerrero for
    approximately one hour, while not dispositive on its own,
    see United States v. Sharpe, 
    470 U.S. 675
    , 685 (1985), is a
    strong indicator that Guerrero’s detention was not just a
    Terry stop, but was actually an arrest.
    Second, Trooper Amick handcuffed Guerrero while
    awaiting the arrival of federal agents. “Handcuffing as a
    means of detaining an individual does not automatically
    escalate a stop into an arrest, but it ‘substantially aggravates
    the intrusiveness of an otherwise routine investigatory
    detention and is not part of a typical Terry stop.’” Reynaga
    Hernandez v. Skinner, 
    969 F.3d 930
    , 941 (9th Cir. 2020)
    (quoting United States v. Bautista, 
    684 F.2d 1286
    , 1289 (9th
    Cir. 1982)). The circumstances surrounding Guerrero’s
    handcuffing are particularly suggestive of intrusiveness
    beyond a Terry stop. Guerrero was handcuffed for a
    significant amount of time: thirty to forty minutes. Trooper
    Amick also handcuffed Guerrero despite the fact that
    Guerrero had been cooperative and respectful during the
    encounter. See id. at 940. And, Trooper Amick had also
    already searched Guerrero’s car for weapons, further
    indicating that Guerrero was unlikely to be a threat.
    In combination, (1) the length of the detention and
    (2) the use of handcuffs under the circumstances
    transformed Guerrero’s detention into a de facto arrest. A
    reasonable person in Guerrero’s situation would not have
    thought that they were free to leave. Instead, Guerrero was
    not free to leave, and a reasonable person would have
    UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO                      7
    realized that departure was not possible. This was more than
    a brief detention akin to a Terry stop, it was a de facto arrest.
    Probable cause supported Guerrero’s de facto arrest.
    Guerrero’s car had heavily tinted windows. After Guerrero
    consented to a search of his car, Trooper Amick found
    20,000 rounds of rifle and handgun ammunition in
    Guerrero’s car, and the ammunition included rounds suitable
    for high-powered assault weapons. I give no weight to the
    fact Guerrero was driving southward towards the Mexican
    border on Highway 10. Highway 10 leads directly to
    Tucson, where Guerrero lived, and he was only stopped
    23 miles north of Tucson. In these circumstances, if
    standing alone, a natural and reasonable inference would be
    that Guerrero was heading home, and no reasonable
    inference of criminal activity from this southward travel
    could be inferred. But the tinted windows and the massive
    amount of ammunition point in another direction: that
    Trooper Amick’s stop had opened a window to a crime in
    The central legal point that should govern our resolution
    of this case is that probable cause “requires only a
    probability or substantial chance of criminal activity, not an
    actual showing of such activity.” D.C. v. Wesby, 
    138 S. Ct. 577
    , 586 (2018) (quoting Illinois v. Gates, 
    462 U.S. 213
    , 243
    n.13 (1983)). Further, probable cause “is not a high bar: It
    requires only the ‘kind of fair probability on which
    reasonable and prudent [people,] not legal technicians, act.’”
    Kaley v. United States, 
    571 U.S. 320
    , 338 (2014) (quoting
    Florida v. Harris, 
    568 U.S. 237
    , 244 (2013)). Here, there
    was probable cause that Guerrero was smuggling
    ammunition in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 554
    (a), which was
    8               UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO
    sufficient to support Trooper Amick’s detaining Guerrero
    until federal agents arrived.
    The extremely high volume of ammunition in the car
    called for extra caution and for bringing in federal
    authorities. During this era in which the Department of
    Justice is actively investigating threats such as domestic
    terrorism, it was reasonable for Trooper Amick to want to
    defer a decision about Guerrero until after federal authorities
    arrived and could make their own assessment. 20,000
    rounds of high-powered ammunition could fuel significant
    illicit activities of a militia hostile to democracy or other
    highly dangerous criminal behavior.            Although the
    possession of ammunition was not illegal in Arizona, the
    extremely large volume of ammunition here raises risks to
    society that needed to be assessed more carefully and could
    not be done by a lone state trooper. The federal authorities,
    with their special expertise and databases, were properly
    invited to assess the situation before Guerrero was sent on
    his way with the ammunition. It was reasonable for Trooper
    Amick to believe this, and reasonableness is indeed the
    touchstone of the Fourth Amendment so far as searches and
    detentions are concerned. Kansas v. Glover, 
    140 S. Ct. 1183
    1191 (2020) (“This Court’s precedents have repeatedly
    affirmed that ‘the ultimate touchstone of the Fourth
    Amendment is reasonableness.’”) (quoting Heien v. North
    574 U.S. 54
    , 60 (2014)).
    I concur.
    BEA, Circuit Judge, concurring:
    I concur in affirming denial of Guerrero’s motion to
    suppress. First, Trooper Amick merely detained Guerrero;
    UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO                     9
    he did not effectuate a de facto arrest. Second, even if
    Trooper Amick had arrested Guerrero, there was probable
    cause to do so.
    In determining when an investigatory stop becomes an
    arrest, courts must consider the “totality of the
    circumstances,” United States v. Del Vizo, 
    918 F.2d 821
    , 824
    (9th Cir. 1990), including “the severity of the intrusion, the
    aggressiveness of the officer’s actions, and the
    reasonableness of the officer’s methods.” Reynaga
    Hernandez v. Skinner, 
    969 F.3d 930
    , 940 (9th Cir. 2020). In
    evaluating the severity of the intrusion, courts consider “the
    brevity of the invasion on the individual’s Fourth
    Amendment interests,” United States v. Sharpe, 
    470 U.S. 675
    , 685 (1985), and “whether the officers ‘diligently
    pursued a means of investigation that was likely to confirm
    or dispel their suspicions quickly, during which time it was
    necessary to detain the defendant.’” United States v. Torres-
    83 F.3d 1123
    , 1129 (9th Cir. 1996) (quoting
    470 U.S. at 686
    ). Although “handcuffing is not part
    of a typical Terry stop,” United States v. Bautista, 
    684 F.3d 1286
    , 1289 (9th Cir. 1982), an officer’s use of handcuffs
    does not automatically “escalate a stop into an arrest” if the
    use of handcuffs is justified by the circumstances. Reynaga
    Hernandez¸ 969 F.3d at 941.
    The issue here is whether Trooper Amick’s decision to
    prolong the stop until investigators from the Bureau of
    Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) arrived escalated the
    stop into an arrest. This court has previously found that a
    detention did not become an arrest when the detention was
    prolonged to await the arrival of specialized federal officers.
    See United States v. O’Looney, 
    544 F.2d 385
     (9th Cir. 1976);
    United States v. Moore, 
    638 F.2d 1171
     (9th Cir. 1980).
    10              UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO
    In O’Looney, police suspected the defendant of illegally
    exporting firearms to the Irish Republican Army. O’Looney,
    544 F.2d at 388
    . The defendant granted the police
    permission to search his vehicle, which revealed evidence
    that he was connected to another individual who was also
    suspected of being involved in illegal firearms exportation.
    Id. at 388
    . After the consensual search of his vehicle, the
    defendant was transported in a police car to the police
    Id. at 389
    . Police questioned the defendant at the
    station for about twenty minutes, and after determining that
    no violation of local law had been committed, placed the
    defendant in an interrogation room to wait for ATF agents.
     The court held that the defendant was not arrested while
    he was held in the interrogation room to await ATF agents
    because “[i]t was not unreasonable to detain [the defendant]
    temporarily at the station to await the arrival of federal
    officers who are more familiar with the federal firearms laws
    and more experienced in their enforcement,” particularly in
    light of the “secrecy and intrigue surrounding the purchase
    of an otherwise legal weapon.” 
    O’Looney is directly on point with the present case. In
    both cases, the defendant was suspected of using a legal
    object for an illegal purpose, namely for transporting
    firearms outside of the United States. In both cases, the
    defendant was temporarily detained by a state law
    enforcement officer until ATF officers could arrive to
    question the defendant about a federal crime. The major
    factual difference between the present case and O’Looney is
    that Guerrero was placed in handcuffs, and the defendant in
    O’Looney was not. But the defendant in O’Looney was
    transported to a police station, in a police car, and held in an
    interrogation room—conditions that arguably constitute a
    greater intrusion into an individual’s liberty than the use of
    handcuffs. Thus, although Guerrero was detained for an
    UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO                    11
    extended period and placed into handcuffs, he was not
    subject to a de facto arrest under the law of this circuit. See
    also Moore, 
    638 F.2d at
    1173–74 (holding that appellants
    were not arrested when placed in the rear seat of a police car
    because it was necessary to secure appellants while awaiting
    the arrival of customs officers and the means of securing
    them was reasonable under the circumstances).
    Even if the stop had constituted a de facto arrest, it was
    nevertheless supported by probable cause. I agree in
    substantial part with Judge Gould’s analysis of the facts
    constituting probable cause, but I separately write to
    emphasize some particular details.
    Probable cause “exists when . . . a prudent person would
    have concluded that there was a fair probability that [the
    defendant] had committed a crime.” United States v. Lopez,
    482 F.3d 1067
    , 1072 (9th Cir. 2007). The court considers the
    totality of circumstances because “the whole is often greater
    than the sum of its parts.” D.C. v. Wesby, 
    138 S. Ct. 577
    586 (2018).
    Guerrero was in possession of 7,000 rounds of 9mm
    ammunition and 13,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammunition.
    9mm ammunition is used in handguns, and 7.62x39mm
    ammunition is used in AK-47 assault rifles, as well as certain
    light machine guns. Significant weight should be given to
    the fact that Guerrero possessed a large quantity of
    ammunition fit for use in high-powered assault weapons.
    Moreover, the large quantity of ammunition suggests that
    Guerrero intended the ammunition for commercial, rather
    than personal, use. But Guerrero was transporting this
    ammunition in a passenger car rather than a commercial
    vehicle. The incongruity between the commercial quantity
    12             UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO
    of ammunition and noncommercial type of vehicle
    strengthens the inference of illegal activity.
    In addition, Guerrero told Trooper Amick he was
    returning home after visiting his mother. Carrying 20,000
    rounds of ammunition in the back of one’s vehicle is not
    consistent with an ordinary trip to one’s mother’s house. It
    is reasonable for this seemingly out-of-the-ordinary pattern
    of events to raise further suspicion.
    When asked who owned the car, Guerrero first said it
    belonged to his sister “Jaqueline” then corrected himself and
    said it belonged to his sister “Martha.” The dissent places
    little weight on the fact that Guerrero initially named the
    wrong sister, noting that Guerrero gave only one inconsistent
    answer. I disagree with this assessment of the facts.
    Although Guerrero’s naming of the wrong sister could
    reasonably be interpreted as a benign mistake, it could also
    be indicative of nervousness, increasing a reasonable
    officer’s suspicion of illegal activity. Also, as discussed
    above, multiple aspects of Guerrero’s story were
    inconsistent, including the fact that he was returning from
    his mother’s house with a large amount of ammunition, and
    the fact that he was carrying a commercial quantity of
    ammunition in a personal vehicle. When taken together,
    these inconsistencies increase the reasonable possibility of
    criminal activity.
    The dissent gives little weight to Guerrero’s use of tinted
    windows, to Guerrero’s proximity to the border, and to
    Guerrero’s southward direction of travel. Although each of
    these facts, standing alone, may offer only a slight basis for
    suspicion, the probable cause analysis must be based on a
    totality of the circumstances. Wesby, 
    138 S. Ct. at 586
    . The
    question is not whether Guerrero’s tinted windows or
    proximity to the border were independently sufficient to
    UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO                    13
    create probable cause for arrest, but whether Guerrero’s
    proximity to the border, use of tinted windows, proffering of
    inconsistent statements, and possession of a large quantity of
    assault-rifle ammunition in a passenger vehicle heading
    south all combine to create a fair probability that Guerrero
    was engaging in illegal activity. I believe that they do.
    On a final note, Judge Gould’s concerns about domestic
    terrorism are misplaced. The language in his concurrence
    regarding “illicit activities of a militia hostile to democracy”
    undoubtedly refers to the January 6, 2021, attack on the
    United States Capitol. But the events in the present case took
    place in April of 2019, nearly two years prior to the events
    of January 6, 2021. There is nothing in the record to suggest
    that Trooper Amick was concerned about domestic terrorism
    at the time of the detention, and such a concern would not be
    reasonable under the circumstances.
    For these reasons, I concur.
    S.R. THOMAS, Circuit Judge, dissenting:
    I respectfully dissent from the panel majority’s
    affirmance. I would reverse the district court. Trooper
    Amick’s stop ripened into an arrest when he held Guerrero
    handcuffed, on a roadside, for approximately 40 minutes,
    waiting for federal officers to arrive. Trooper Amick had no
    probable cause to do so. Thus, I agree with the Magistrate
    Judge’s findings and recommendations, and would reverse
    the district court’s denial of the suppression motion.
    14              UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO
    There are two aspects to this stop that make it
    unreasonably intrusive in light of the circumstances. The
    first is Trooper Amick’s unjustified use of handcuffs. The
    second is Trooper Amick’s decision to cease his
    investigation for 40 minutes to wait for more experienced
    officers to arrive.
    During a Terry stop “police may not carry out a full
    search of the person or of his automobile or other effects.
    Nor may the police seek to verify their suspicions by means
    that approach the conditions of arrest.” Florida v. Royer,
    460 U.S. 491
    , 499 (1983) (plurality opinion). For a brief
    investigatory stop to retain its character as a Terry stop, it
    must “last no longer than is necessary to effectuate the
    purpose of the stop . . . . [and] the investigative methods
    employed should be the least intrusive means reasonably
    available to verify or dispel the officer’s suspicion in a short
    period of time.” 
    Id. at 500
    An officer’s use of handcuffs does not automatically
    “escalate a stop into an arrest” where handcuff use is
    justified by the circumstances, including:
    1) where the suspect is uncooperative or takes
    action at the scene that raises a reasonable
    possibility of danger or flight; 2) where the
    police have information that the suspect is
    currently armed; 3) where the stop closely
    follows a violent crime; and 4) where the
    police have information that a crime that may
    involve violence is about to occur.
    UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO                    15
    Reynaga Hernandez v. Skinner, 
    969 F.3d 930
    , 940 (9th Cir.
    2020) (quoting Washington v. Lambert, 
    98 F.3d 1181
    , 1189
    (9th Cir. 1996)).
    In this case, Trooper Amick placed Guerrero in
    handcuffs following initial questioning. The record is
    undisputed that Guerrero was “super cooperative,” “very
    respectful,” and “nothing but courteous” throughout their
    encounter. During the Trooper’s consensual search of
    Guerrero’s car, Guerrero obeyed instructions to stand
    approximately 30 feet from the vehicle. Guerrero’s
    demeanor was entirely consistent with lawful behavior. The
    Trooper had no information Guerrero was armed; indeed, he
    had already searched the car for weapons. The stop did not
    follow a violent crime; Guerrero was stopped for a window
    tint violation. And Trooper Amick had no information that
    a crime of violence was about to occur. In sum, the
    handcuffing was not justified under Lambert.
    The second aspect of the detention that indicates the
    Terry stop had transformed into a de facto arrest is the length
    of the detention. A Terry stop must “last no longer than is
    necessary to effectuate the purpose of the stop[.]” Royer,
    460 U.S. at 500
    . “[T]he brevity of the invasion of the
    individual’s Fourth Amendment interests is an important
    factor in determining whether the seizure is so minimally
    intrusive as to be justifiable on reasonable suspicion.”
    United States v. Place, 
    462 U.S. 696
    , 709 (1983); see also
    United States v. Jennings, 
    468 F.2d 111
    , 115 (9th Cir. 1972)
    (holding that, after an initial investigative inquiry on the
    street is completed, continued detention of an individual for
    fingerprinting and photographing is constitutionally invalid
    without probable cause to arrest). “[I]n assessing the effect
    of the length of the detention, [a court] take[s] into account
    16                UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO
    whether the police diligently pursue[d] their investigation.”
    462 U.S. at 709
    . 1
    In this case, Trooper Amick’s initial investigation of the
    tinted window violation resolved quickly. The Trooper’s
    subsequent investigation of his suspicion of smuggling
    activity took approximately 20 minutes. Following the
    Trooper’s call to the federal authorities, Guerrero was
    detained in handcuffs for an additional 40 minutes, without
    Trooper Amick conducting any further investigation. Thus,
    the Trooper did not “diligently pursue a means of
    investigation that was likely to quickly dispel his suspicion”
    of smuggling goods from the United States. United States v.
    83 F.3d 1123
    , 1129 (9th Cir. 1996) (quoting
    United States v. Sharpe, 
    470 U.S. 675
    , 686 (1985)). Indeed,
    the Trooper put his investigation on hold for an additional
    40 minute detention after completing the search of the
    vehicle. In other words he chose a means of further
    investigation—waiting       for     federal     officers—that
    necessitated considerable delay.
    In short, the confluence of the handcuffs and 40 minute
    delay after completion of the initial investigation exceeded
    the scope of a brief investigatory detention. At no point was
    Guerrero free to leave. Thus, under these circumstances, the
    extended detention constituted a de facto arrest.
    Although there is no bright line rule as to the detention time
    deemed to be unreasonable, see Place, 
    462 U.S. at 709
    , the American
    Law Institute’s Model Code for Pre-Arraignment Procedure states that a
    Terry detention should be “for such period as is reasonably necessary for
    the accomplishment of the purposes authorized . . . but in no case for
    more than twenty minutes.” § 110.2(1) (1975); see Place, 
    462 U.S. at
    709 n.10.
    UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO                    17
    Trooper Amick lacked probable cause for the arrest.
    “Probable cause to arrest exists when . . . . [given the facts]
    known to the arresting officers, a prudent person would have
    concluded that there was a fair probability that [the
    defendant] had committed a crime.” United States v. Lopez,
    482 F.3d 1067
    , 1072 (9th Cir. 2007) (citations omitted).
    Although it “is not a high bar,” D.C. v. Wesby, 
    138 S. Ct. 577
    , 586 (2018), it requires more than “[m]ere suspicion,
    common rumor, or even strong reason to suspect,” a crime is
    being committed, Lopez, 
    482 F.3d at 1072
    . Rather than
    viewing each fact in isolation, a court reviews the totality of
    circumstances because “the whole is often greater than the
    sum of its parts.” Wesby, 
    138 S. Ct. at 588
    . And, where
    innocent facts form the basis for an officer’s suspicion, “the
    relevant inquiry is not whether particular conduct is
    ‘innocent’ or ‘guilty,’ but the degree of suspicion that
    attaches to particular types of noncriminal acts.” 
    omitted). “Probable cause is an objective standard.” Lopez,
    482 F.3d at 1072
    There are five facts which the probable cause
    determination is defended: (1) the amount of ammunition;
    (2) the type of ammunition; (3) the tinted window violation;
    (4) the car’s proximity to the border and south-bound route;
    and (5) Guerrero’s contradictory answers to Trooper
    Amick’s questions. I agree with this assessment of the
    relevant facts with one exception. Guerrero gave only one
    contradictory answer. He first told Trooper Amick the car
    belonged to his sister “Jacqueline” but then he corrected
    himself and said it belonged to “Martha.” The Magistrate
    Judge determined that Trooper Amick did not find this
    misstatement unusual or suspicious, and the district court
    adopted this finding. Although the probable cause inquiry is
    18             UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO
    objective, Lopez, 
    482 F.3d at 1072
    , like the district court, I
    place little weight on this fact.
    The suspicion inquiry hinges on three facts: Guerrero’s
    possession of 20,000 rounds of rifle and handgun
    ammunition, the tinted automobile windows, and Guerrero’s
    southbound travel in the general direction of Mexico. As the
    last two facts are almost entirely benign, I begin with those.
    Guerrero was stopped traveling southeasterly on
    Highway 10 about 23 miles from Tucson, and almost
    90 miles from the Mexican border. The district court
    characterized this corridor as a “common smuggling route,”
    However, highway 10 is the artery connecting Arizona’s two
    largest cities, Tucson and Phoenix. The Supreme Court has
    listed proximity to the border as a factor in assessing
    reasonable suspicion. See United States v. Brignoni-Ponce,
    422 U.S. 873
    , 884 (1975). However, it has also cautioned
    against placing much weight on heavily trafficked highways
    with “a large volume of legitimate traffic.” 
    Id. at 882
    . In
    this case, the fact that Guerrero was north of Tucson, a city
    with a metro area of over a million people and his home,
    renders the direction of this travel relatively innocuous. The
    officer’s examination of Guerrero’s driver’s license verified
    that he lived in Tucson. Had Guerrero been on the south side
    of Tucson heading towards the border, or on a back road,
    perhaps this fact would be more suggestive of intent to
    smuggle goods out of the country. But he was on a busy
    Interstate north of Tucson, proceeding in the direction of his
    home in Tucson, and some 90 miles away from the Mexican
    Turning to the tinted windows, it is noteworthy that
    Guerrero did nothing further to conceal the ammunition,
    which tends to undermine the significance of this fact.
    Guerrero did not cover the ammunition with a tarp or
    UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO                  19
    otherwise attempt to hide it and, when asked, freely gave his
    consent for Trooper Amick to search his car—which
    rendered any benefit from the window tint fruitless. In sum,
    the fact of tinted windows does not independently support
    probable cause, and adds little to a collective analysis.
    The only question then is what reasonable inferences can
    be drawn from the fact that Guerrero legally possessed
    20,000 rounds of ammunition. There was no suggestion that
    he possessed the ammunition illegally, and Guerrero made
    no effort to conceal it. When an officer becomes suspicious
    on the basis of noncontraband materials, an officer does not
    have probable cause of criminal activity unless the officer
    has more information about how the suspect intends to use
    the item. See United States v. Tate, 
    694 F.2d 1217
    , 1221 (9th
    Cir. 1982), vacated on other grounds, 
    468 U.S. 1206
    Here, there was no additional information or other
    indication of illegal activity. As the Magistrate Judge
    pointed out, “Defendant freely told Trooper Amick that he
    was carrying that amount of ammunition.” The Magistrate
    Judge further noted that the “Defendant’s demeanor was
    perfectly consistent with lawful behavior.” Significantly,
    Trooper Amick never asked Guerrero what he was doing
    with 20,000 rounds of ammunition or asked any other
    questions about it.      And the possession of it was
    unquestionably legal.
    Given the negligibly suspicious value of the surrounding
    facts, here, the “whole is [not] greater than the sum of its
    parts.” See Wesby, 
    138 S. Ct. at
    588 (citing Arvizu, 543 U.S.
    at 277–78). Although probable cause is not a high bar, a
    reasonable officer in Trooper Amick’s shoes would have, at
    20              UNITED STATES V. GUERRERO
    most, a “strong reason to suspect” smuggling, which is not
    enough under our case law.
    For these reasons, I respectfully dissent.