Christopher Baker v. Louis Kealoha , 679 F. App'x 625 ( 2017 )

  •                                                                                   FILED
    MAR 10 2017
    CHRISTOPHER BAKER,                                 No.    12-16258
    Plaintiff-Appellant,                 D.C. No.
    LOUIS KEALOHA, as an individual and                ORDER*
    in his official capacity as Honolulu Chief
    of Police; et al.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Hawaii
    Alan C. Kay, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted December 6, 2012
    San Francisco, California
    Before: THOMAS, Chief Judge, and O’SCANNLAIN and CALLAHAN, Circuit
    The petition for rehearing is granted, our March 20, 2014 memorandum
    disposition is vacated, the district court’s denial of plaintiff’s motion for a
    This disposition is not appropriate for publication and is not precedent
    except as provided by Ninth Circuit Rule 36-3.
    preliminary injunction is vacated, and this matter is remanded to the District Court
    without prejudice to the District Court granting or denying a preliminary injunction
    or otherwise considering the case in light of Peruta v. City of San Diego, 
    824 F.3d 919
    , 924 (9th Cir. 2016) (en banc), and other intervening Ninth Circuit opinions.
    Each side shall bear its own costs.
    Baker v. Kealoha, No. 12-16258
    MAR 10 2017
    THOMAS, Chief Judge, dissenting:                                            MOLLY C. DWYER, CLERK
    I respectfully dissent. First, Baker lacks standing to assert his claims.
    Second, the district court did not abuse its discretion in denying the plaintiff’s
    motion for preliminary injunction, and, though it is not dispositive of all the issues,
    our recent en banc decision in Peruta v. City of San Diego, 
    824 F.3d 919
     (9th Cir.
    2016) (en banc) bolsters this conclusion. Thus, I would affirm the district court in
    its entirety.
    “It is a long-established rule ‘that a plaintiff lacks standing to challenge a
    rule or policy to which he has not submitted himself by actually applying for the
    desired benefit.’” Friery v. Los Angeles Sch. Dist., 
    448 F.3d 1146
    , 1149 (9th Cir.
    2006) (per curiam) (quoting Madsen v. Boise State Univ., 
    976 F.2d 1219
    , 1220–21
    (9th Cir. 1992) (per curiam)). Here, there is no evidence in the record that Baker
    sought an open carry license or that Kealoha considered Baker’s fitness for an open
    carry license by determining whether Baker had established a sufficient “urgency”
    or “need” for one, as required by the provision. H.R.S. § 134-9. Nor has Baker
    provided any evidence that submitting an application for an open-carry license
    would be futile. Compare Friery, 
    448 F.3d at
    1149–50 (concluding there was
    insufficient evidence to determine futility) with Taniguchi v. Schultz, 
    303 F.3d 950
    957 (9th Cir. 2002) (concluding that the face of the challenged statute established
    futility). In the absence of standing to challenge the open-carry aspect of Hawaii’s
    statutes, Baker could not succeed on the merits of his claim that Hawaii’s state
    statutes, and the city of Honolulu’s enforcement of them, violate his Second
    Amendment right to carry a firearm outside the home and his due process rights.
    The district court properly denied the motion for a preliminary injunction.
    In order to prevail on a motion for a preliminary injunction, the moving party must
    establish that: (1) he is likely to succeed on the merits; (2) he is likely to suffer
    irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief; (3) the balance of equities
    tips in his favor; and (4) an injunction is in the public interest. Winter v. Natural
    Res. Def. Council, Inc., 
    555 U.S. 7
    , 20 (2008).
    Here, in a sixty-four page, extremely thorough, detailed, and well-reasoned
    order, the district court concluded that the plaintiff was not entitled to a
    preliminary injunction. The district court thoroughly and correctly analyzed the
    Supreme Court’s holdings in District of Columbia v. Heller, 
    554 U.S. 570
    and McDonald v. City of Chicago, 
    561 U.S. 742
     (2010), as well as cases from
    federal appellate and district courts addressing the issue of firearms restrictions.
    From this analysis, the district court reasonably concluded that Baker was not
    likely to succeed in establishing on his Second Amendment challenge.
    The complaint was, in the words of the district court, “prolix and repetitive”
    and “at times unclear.” The district court not only rejected the motion for a
    preliminary injunction on the basis that Baker was unlikely to prevail, but also
    concluded that he had utterly failed to establish irreparable harm. Baker’s claimed
    irreparable harm was that he needed a weapon to defend himself in his job as a
    process server. However, as the district court pointed out, he had already
    voluntarily abandoned that position and was no longer in that business. His other
    claimed fear was the possibility of future confrontations. The district court
    concluded that Baker had “not shown that any of the alleged harm is likely to be
    anything more than mere speculation, which is inadequate to establish irreparable
    harm.” That showing, of course, is precisely what the Supreme Court required in
    555 U.S. at
    21–22. The record more than amply supports the district
    court’s conclusion that Baker had not shown irreparable harm.
    The district court also reasonably concluded that Baker had failed to
    establish that the balance of equities tipped in his favor and that an injunction was
    in the public interest. In reaching this conclusion, the district court properly
    rejected Baker’s argument that Hawaii would suffer no harm from an injunction
    because his argument ignored the serious safety risk associated with increased
    firearm possession. The court also properly rejected Baker’s argument that
    criminal prohibitions on firearms possession are an adequate substitute for the
    Hawaii statutes because Baker failed to provide evidence in support of this
    proposition. Thus, even absent consideration of the likelihood of Baker’s success
    on the merits, the district court’s conclusions as to the three remaining preliminary
    injunction requirements—and therefore its decision to deny injunctive relief—are
    clearly supported by the record.
    Nonetheless, in holding that the Second Amendment does not protect a right
    for members of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public, Peruta has
    now foreclosed the possibility of Baker succeeding on the merits of his challenge
    at least to the concealed-carry aspect of Hawaii’s statutes. 824 F.3d at 927. The en
    banc panel in Peruta explicitly declined to address the issue of whether the Second
    Amendment protects a right to openly carry firearms in public. Id. Therefore, a
    question remains as to whether Baker is likely to succeed on the merits of a
    challenge to the open-carry aspect of Hawaii’s statutes.
    Further, the preliminary injunction sought by the plaintiff was sweeping in
    scope, seeking a prohibition on the enforcement of multiple sections of the Hawaii
    Revised Statutes. There is simply no justification for a broadside interference with
    state law enforcement. As the Supreme Court has reminded us: “Where, as here,
    the exercise of authority by state officials is attacked, federal courts must be
    constantly mindful of the ‘special delicacy of the adjustment to be preserved
    between federal equitable power and State administration of its own law.’” Rizzo
    v. Goode, 
    423 U.S. 362
    , 375 (1976) (quoting Stefanelli v. Minard, 
    342 U.S. 117
    120 (1951)).
    “We review the district court's grant of a preliminary injunction for abuse of
    discretion, reviewing findings of fact for clear error and conclusions of law de
    novo.” Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Harris, 
    809 F.3d 536
    , 539 (9th
    Cir. 2015). The district court did not make any errors of law and certainly did not
    abuse its discretion in its thorough order.
    Thus, assuming Baker even has standing to pursue his claims, I would hold
    that the district court did not abuse its discretion in denying the preliminary
    injunction. It considered and weighed the appropriate factors and was entirely
    correct in its denial of the preliminary injunction motion. I agree completely with
    Judge Kay’s thorough and insightful order. I would affirm the district court.
    For these reasons, I respectfully dissent.