Charles Guenther v. Lockheed Martin Corporation ( 2020 )

  •                FOR PUBLICATION
    CHARLES GUENTHER,                       Nos. 17-16984
    Plaintiff-Appellant,            18-15823
    v.                          D.C. No.
    SALARIED EMPLOYEES,                        OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of California
    Edward J. Davila, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted June 11, 2019
    Submission Vacated June 13, 2019
    Resubmitted August 18, 2020
    San Francisco, California
    Filed August 25, 2020
    Before: Ronald M. Gould, Sandra S. Ikuta, and
    Ryan D. Nelson, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge R. Nelson
    2              GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN
    Employee Retirement Income Security Act
    Affirming the district court’s summary judgment in
    favor of defendants, the panel held that a claim of breach of
    fiduciary duty in violation of the Employee Retirement
    Income Security Act was time-barred under 
    29 U.S.C. § 1113
    (2), which provides that such a claim must be brought
    within three years of the date on which the plaintiff obtained
    “actual knowledge” of the breach.
    First, the panel held that the defendant did not waive its
    statute of limitations affirmative defense, raised in answer to
    a second amended complaint filed during proceedings on
    remand from this court, either by litigating the case to
    judgment without ever raising the defense or by compelling
    plaintiff to exhaust administrative remedies without
    asserting the defense.
    Addressing the merits of the defense, the panel applied
    Intel Corp. Inv. Policy Committee v. Sulyma, 
    140 S. Ct. 768
    (2020), which held that “actual knowledge” requires more
    than merely a possible inference from ambiguous
    circumstances, but rather knowledge that is actual. Plaintiff
    alleged that in a letter regarding bridging of service under a
    retirement plan, defendant breached its duty to make
    accurate representations to a beneficiary. The panel
    concluded that the sending of this letter provided the basis
    for plaintiff’s claim, and he had actual knowledge of
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It
    has been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN                    3
    defendant’s alleged misrepresentation upon receipt of the
    letter. The panel held that actual knowledge does not mean
    that a plaintiff has knowledge that the underlying action
    violated ERISA, not does it merely mean that the plaintiff
    has knowledge that the underlying action occurred. Instead,
    the defendant must show that the plaintiff was actually aware
    of the facts constituting the breach, as well as the nature of
    the breach. The panel concluded that plaintiff’s suit was
    barred by the statute of limitations because he did not file
    suit within three years of obtaining actual knowledge of the
    alleged breach. The panel held that an exception for
    fraudulent concealment, triggering application of ERISA’s
    six-year statute of limitations, did not apply. The panel also
    held that the district court did not abuse its discretion in
    denying      plaintiff’s     post-judgment      motion     for
    Andrew F. Pierce (argued), Pierce & Shearer LLP, Redwood
    City, California, for Plaintiff-Appellant.
    Clarissa A. Kang (argued), R. Bradford Huss, and Dylan D.
    Rudolph, Trucker Huss APC, San Francisco, California, for
    Stephanie B. Bitto (argued), Trial Attorney; Thomas Tso,
    Counsel for Appellate and Special Litigation; G. William
    Scott, Associate Solicitor for Plan Benefits Security; Kate S.
    O’Scannlain, Solicitor of Labor; Office of the Solicitor,
    United States Department of Labor, Washington, D.C.; for
    Amicus Curiae United States Secretary of Labor.
    4              GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN
    R. NELSON, Circuit Judge:
    This appeal arises from a fiduciary’s alleged breach of
    its duty to make accurate representations to a beneficiary
    under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
    1974 (“ERISA”). Specifically, we determine whether the
    beneficiary had actual knowledge of the alleged breach and
    failed to bring suit within the statute of limitations prescribed
    under ERISA. Because the record establishes that the
    beneficiary had actual knowledge of the alleged breach and
    failed to bring suit within the required three-year period, we
    hold his claim is time-barred.
    Appellant Charles Guenther began working for
    Lockheed Martin Corporation (“LMC”) in 1983. From 1983
    to 1991, he was an active participant in the company’s
    retirement plan (the “Plan”), a defined benefit pension plan.
    He left LMC in 1991, but returned to work for the company
    again in 1997 and was able to “bridge” his previously
    accrued service credit under the Plan with his new service
    credit—meaning that upon starting his new term of
    employment with LMC, he was credited for his prior eight
    years of accumulated service under the Plan and could
    resume where he left off—in accordance with the Plan
    provisions in effect at the time. 1
    During Guenther’s first and second periods of employment with
    LMC, he participated in the Lockheed Retirement Plan for Certain
    Salaried Employees (the “Salaried Plan”). The Salaried Plan was later
    merged with the company’s other defined benefit plans to form the Plan.
    GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN                      5
    In 2001, Guenther left LMC for the second time, having
    accrued approximately 11.5 years of credited service under
    the Plan. While Guenther was employed elsewhere, the Plan
    was amended in 2005 (the “Plan Amendment”). The Plan
    Amendment provided that “no person who is re-employed
    by [LMC] on or after January 1, 2006 shall become an active
    Participant or earn Credited Service under the Plan with
    respect to any period commencing with such
    reemployment.” Under the Plan Amendment, therefore,
    returning LMC employees hired after January 1, 2006, could
    participate in a different retirement plan—the Capital
    Accumulation Plan (“CAP”)—but could not participate in or
    resume accruing additional credited service under the Plan.
    In 2006, Guenther began negotiations with an LMC
    human resources representative to return to work for the
    company. Prior to interviewing with LMC, Guenther heard
    a “rumor” that the company “was going to be changing
    around their [retirement] plan.” This was an important issue
    for Guenther. So during the negotiations that followed, he
    made clear that one of his “key conditions” of returning was
    that his “prior service be bridged so that he could receive the
    full benefit of the company’s defined benefit retirement
    plan.” The LMC representative indicated it was possible to
    bridge his prior service with his proposed new service, as
    Guenther had done when he previously returned to LMC in
    1997, and provided him a form entitled “Application for
    Bridging of Prior Service,” which Guenther submitted to
    LMC on July 17, 2006. The bridging form stated in part: “If
    your request is approved, the date you submit this
    application is the effective date that your current period of
    service will bridge with your prior service.” On July 25,
    2006, LMC Pension Plan Operations replied to his bridging
    request form in a letter (the “July Letter”), stating in relevant
    Since you were vested in a pension benefit
    provided by the Lockheed Martin
    Corporation Retirement Plan for Certain
    Salaried Employees, your prior periods of
    Lockheed/Lockheed Martin service will be
    bridged with your proposed current
    Lockheed Martin service.
    According to Guenther, this was the only communication
    from LMC that he believed told him he would be accruing
    ongoing credited service in the Plan. No other retirement
    plan (including CAP) was brought to his attention at that
    time. The next month, Guenther terminated his then-existing
    employment, and then rejoined LMC in September.
    After rejoining LMC, Guenther received a November 7,
    2006 letter (the “November Letter”) from LMC Pension Plan
    Operations which stated, in part, the following:
    Since you were vested in a pension benefit
    provided by the Lockheed Martin
    Corporation Retirement Plan for Certain
    Salaried Employees, your prior periods of
    Lockheed/Lockheed Martin service will be
    bridged with your current Lockheed Martin
    service. Consequently, your accrued benefit
    under the Capital Accumulation Plan has
    immediately become vested because the
    combined total of your Lockheed Martin
    controlled group service exceeds five years.
    It should be noted that because you are not
    currently participating in a Lockheed Martin
    defined benefit pension plan, you are not
    GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN                     7
    entitled to a pension benefit from Lockheed
    Martin for your current period of service.
    Guenther was “surprise[d]” by this letter because he believed
    it contradicted LMC’s assurance in the July Letter that he
    could bridge his prior service under the Plan. Guenther had
    checked his account numerous times online after he started
    at LMC in September to see whether he had begun
    accumulating time for his pension. No accumulated time
    was ever indicated. He stopped checking his account online
    once he received the November Letter.
    Soon after receiving the November Letter, he contacted
    LMC’s Employment Service Center (“ESC”) to ask about
    the status of his pension, but was told the bridging issue was
    handled by CitiStreet, LMC’s employer benefits service
    provider. CitiStreet then instructed him to contact ESC,
    which he did again, but “got the run around.” In late
    November, after several more calls, Guenther asked to speak
    with someone at LMC’s Human Relations office, but the
    person he was referred to was not there and did not return his
    calls. In December, Guenther visited a different Human
    Relations office and showed the program HR Representative
    the July and November Letters and asked for an explanation.
    The HR Representative thanked him for bringing the matter
    to her attention but never followed up. The record does not
    indicate that Guenther had any further communication with
    LMC regarding his pension plan for more than three years.
    In 2009, Guenther spoke with another LMC employee
    who was hired several months before him. That employee
    indicated that he, like Guenther, had received a similar letter
    promising bridging but was later informed that his credited
    service under the Plan would not bridge. After speaking
    with his manager, Guenther contacted the ESC again in
    March 2010 but received no information regarding the
    specifics of his plan. However, the ESC did discuss
    information from a Plan Amendment provision with him,
    stating that employees “[n]ewly or rehired on or after
    January 1, 2006 will not participate in [the] defined pension
    benefit plan.” He later asked the legal department for a point
    of contact but was again told to contact HR.
    Guenther never received additional credited service for
    his third period of employment with LMC, leaving his years
    of credited service at 11.5. Guenther was never given a plan
    summary or any other indication that he could appeal the
    issue to anyone other than those he had already contacted.
    On November 8, 2010, Guenther filed his complaint
    (“FAC”) against LMC alleging breach of contract and
    ERISA claims to recover benefits, and the case was removed
    to federal court. The district court dismissed his breach of
    contract claim and granted summary judgment on the ERISA
    claim in favor of LMC. On appeal, we affirmed the district
    court’s determination, but remanded the case because
    Guenther alleged sufficient facts to raise a previously
    unasserted ERISA claim against LMC for breach of
    fiduciary duty under Section 1132(a)(3). Guenther v.
    Lockheed Martin Corp., 646 F. App’x 567, 570 (9th Cir.
    2016) (unpublished) (remanding to consider “whether
    [LMC] breached a fiduciary duty and, if so, whether
    Guenther is entitled to surcharge as a remedy”).
    On remand, Guenther filed a Second Amended
    Complaint (“SAC”) pursuing the Section 1132(a)(3) claim
    for equitable relief in the form of surcharge—that is,
    monetary recovery for losses resulting from a fiduciary
    breach. See CIGNA Corp. v. Amara, 
    563 U.S. 421
    , 440–42
    (2011) (recognizing equitable estoppel, reformation, and
    surcharge as the three types of equitable relief available
    GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN                    9
    under Section 1132(a)(3)). Guenther alleged LMC breached
    its fiduciary duty “to make accurate and correct
    representations concerning [Guenther’s] ability to obtain
    additional service credit under the Plan after rehire.”
    Specifically, he alleged LMC misrepresented the Plan by
    inducing him (and allegedly others) to return to work for
    LMC by “granting” his pre-hire bridging application while
    failing to disclose to him that the Plan Amendment barred
    him from bridging his additional credited service. LMC
    raised an affirmative defense that his claim was barred by
    the statute of limitations governing breach of fiduciary duty.
    The district court granted LMC’s motion for summary
    judgment, finding Guenther’s claim barred by the statute of
    limitations. The court found that Guenther obtained “actual
    knowledge” of the breach when he received the November
    Letter from LMC, more than three years before he filed his
    claim. See 
    29 U.S.C. § 1113
    (2). The court concluded that
    Guenther “unequivocally stated he understood the
    November 7th letter to mean he was not entitled to a pension
    benefit on re-employment with Lockheed, and he knew from
    his online account he was not accruing credit.” The court
    rejected Guenther’s argument that disclosure of the Plan
    Amendment’s existence was necessary for his breach claim
    to accrue, instead relying on Guenther’s testimony that when
    he received the November Letter he clearly understood the
    effect of the Plan Amendment (i.e., his prior credited service
    would not bridge under the Plan), and this understanding
    clearly conflicted with LMC’s representations during
    employment negotiations and in the July Letter.
    Guenther then moved for reconsideration, citing
    previously unconsidered testimony from two fact witnesses
    affiliated with LMC. Guenther argued that these statements
    demonstrated the fraud and concealment necessary to invoke
    ERISA’s six-year statute of limitations, rendering his claim
    timely.     The court denied Guenther’s request for
    reconsideration because the evidence could have been
    discovered earlier with reasonable diligence, no
    circumstances beyond his control prevented him from
    obtaining it, and the testimony would not have changed the
    disposition of the case. This timely appeal followed.
    After oral argument, we vacated submission and stayed
    this case pending a decision by the Supreme Court in Intel
    Corporation Investment Policy Committee v. Sulyma, 
    140 S. Ct. 768
     (2020). In Sulyma, the Supreme Court affirmed the
    Ninth Circuit’s determination that “actual knowledge” under
    Section 1113(2) requires more than “‘merely a possible
    inference from ambiguous circumstances’” like disclosure
    alone, but rather knowledge that is actual. Sulyma, 140 S.
    Ct. at 775 (quoting Sulyma v. Intel Corp. Inv. Policy Comm.,
    909 F.3d 1069
    , 1076 (9th Cir. 2018)).
    Congress enacted ERISA “to protect . . . the interests of
    participants in employee benefit plans . . . by establishing
    standards of conduct, responsibility, and obligation for
    fiduciaries of employee benefit plans, and by providing for
    appropriate remedies, sanctions, and ready access to the
    Federal courts.” 
    29 U.S.C. § 1001
    (b). ERISA requires a
    fiduciary to discharge its responsibilities “solely in the
    interest of the participants and beneficiaries” and “for the
    exclusive purpose of . . . providing benefits to participants
    and their beneficiaries.” § 1104(a)(1). Fiduciaries breach
    this duty “if they mislead plan participants or misrepresent
    the terms or administration of a plan.” Barker v. Am. Mobil
    Power Corp., 
    64 F.3d 1397
    , 1403 (9th Cir. 1995).
    Additionally, “[t]he duty of loyalty is one of the common
    law trust principles that apply to ERISA fiduciaries, and it
    GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN                              11
    encompasses a duty to disclose.” Washington v. Bert
    Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Ret. Plan, 
    504 F.3d 818
    , 823 (9th Cir.
    2007) (internal citation and footnote omitted). ERISA
    imposes “an obligation to convey complete and accurate
    information material to the beneficiary’s circumstance, even
    when a beneficiary has not specifically asked for the
     at 824–25 (quoting Barker, 
    64 F.3d at 1403
    ). Thus, in addition to a duty not to mislead, fiduciaries
    have “an affirmative duty to inform beneficiaries of
    circumstances that threaten the funding of benefits.” Acosta
    v. Pac. Enters., 
    950 F.2d 611
    , 619 (9th Cir. 1991) (as
    ERISA authorizes participants and beneficiaries to seek
    equitable relief for violations of this duty. § 1132(a)(3). It
    imposes a six-year statute of limitations commencing after
    either (1) the date of the last action constituting a part of the
    breach or violation, or (2) in the case of an omission, the
    latest date on which the fiduciary could have cured the
    breach or violation. § 1113(1). Alternatively, if the plaintiff
    obtains “actual knowledge of the breach or violation,” the
    statute of limitations requires suit to be filed within three
    years of “the earliest date on which the plaintiff had [that]
    knowledge,” § 1113(2), 2 except in the case of “fraud or
    concealment,” where suit may be filed within six years of the
    date of discovery of the breach or violation, § 1113.
    If the plaintiff obtains actual knowledge of the breach or violation,
    his three-year limitation period described in Section 1113(2) applies only
    if it expires earlier than the default six-year limitation period outlined in
    Section 1113(1). § 1113.
    We review the district court’s order granting summary
    judgment de novo. Sulyma, 909 F.3d at 1072, aff’d, Sulyma,
    140 S. Ct. 768
    . “[V]iewing the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the nonmoving party,” we determine “whether
    there are any genuine issues of material fact and whether the
    district court correctly applied the substantive law.” 
    LMC bears the burden of proving that Guenther filed suit
    outside the limitation period. See Payan v. Aramark Mgmt.
    Servs. Ltd. P’ship, 
    495 F.3d 1119
    , 1122 (9th Cir. 2007).
    At the heart of this dispute is whether Guenther had
    “actual knowledge” of an alleged fiduciary breach within the
    meaning of ERISA Section 1113(2). To determine a claim’s
    accrual date under Section 1113, we use a two-step analysis.
    First, we “isolate and define the underlying violation upon
    which the plaintiff’s claim is founded.” Sulyma, 909 F.3d
    at 1072–73 (internal quotation marks omitted). Second, we
    determine “when the plaintiff had ‘actual knowledge’ of the
    alleged breach or violation,” and whether suit was filed
    within three years of the date that knowledge was obtained.
    Id. at 1073 (quoting § 1113(2)).
    Even if LMC shows Guenther had actual knowledge, he
    may still demonstrate LMC committed “fraud or
    concealment” under Section 1113, triggering a six-year
    limitation period that would render his claim timely. See
    § 1113.
    As an initial matter, Guenther argues LMC waived its
    statute of limitations affirmative defense by (1) litigating the
    case to judgment without ever raising the defense and
    GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN                    13
    (2) compelling him to exhaust administrative remedies
    without asserting the defense. We disagree.
    First, the statute of limitations defense was unavailable
    to LMC in response to Guenther’s FAC because no breach
    of fiduciary duty was alleged in the FAC. LMC’s statute of
    limitations defense under Section 1113 only became
    available on remand after Guenther raised his breach of
    fiduciary duty claim in his SAC. At that point, LMC
    properly raised its affirmative defense in its answer to the
    SAC. LMC thus did not waive its right to raise this defense
    by not doing so in its initial answer.
    Second, Guenther’s argument that LMC waived the
    statute-of-limitations defense by advocating that Guenther
    exhaust administrative procedures also fails. Exhaustion is
    required prior to bringing Section 1132(a)(1)(B) suits to
    recover benefits for plan violations, see Diaz v. United Agric.
    Emp. Welfare Benefit Plan & Trust, 
    50 F.3d 1478
    , 1483 (9th
    Cir. 1995), but not for claims alleging a breach of fiduciary
    duty, see Spinedex Physical Therapy USA Inc. v. United
    Healthcare of Ariz., Inc., 
    770 F.3d 1282
    , 1294 (9th Cir.
    2014). LMC’s insistence on exhaustion in response to
    Guenther’s FAC—which did not raise a breach of fiduciary
    duty claim—thus did not mean the defense was waived for
    the SAC.
    Accordingly, the district court did not abuse its
    discretion in determining LMC did not waive its statute of
    limitations affirmative defense.
    Guenther’s sole cause of action in his SAC is for “Breach
    of Fiduciary Duty” under Section 1132(a)(3). Specifically,
    Guenther alleges that LMC breached its duty by failing, in
    14             GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN
    the July Letter granting his pre-hire bridging application, “to
    make accurate and correct representations concerning his
    ability to obtain additional service credit under the Plan after
    rehire.” Guenther asserts LMC not only made an inaccurate
    affirmative representation in response to his inquiry whether
    his “prior periods of Lockheed/Lockheed Martin service
    [would] be bridged with [his] proposed current Lockheed
    Martin service,” but also failed to disclose the existence of
    the 2005 Plan Amendment, which barred him from obtaining
    additional credited service under the Plan.
    The facts as Guenther pled them in the SAC are
    sufficient to support the claim that when LMC sent the July
    Letter, it breached its fiduciary duty to not “mislead plan
    participants or misrepresent the terms or administration of a
    plan,” Barker, 
    64 F.3d at 1403
    . LMC allegedly falsely
    represented to Guenther that he could bridge his prior and
    future credited service under the Plan, even though the Plan
    Amendment explicitly prevented him from “becom[ing] an
    active Participant or earn[ing] Credited Service under the
    Plan” upon rejoining LMC. This alleged misrepresentation
    took place when LMC sent the July Letter. 3
    Guenther separately contends, however, that LMC’s
    failure to disclose the Plan Amendment to Guenther “until
    2010 at the earliest” constitutes a “breach” distinct from its
    asserted misrepresentation in the July Letter, and that this
    At the summary judgment stage, we view all facts “in the light
    most favorable” to Guenther. See Sulyma, 909 F.3d at 1072. We note
    that the July Letter did not expressly state that Guenther could continue
    to accrue additional credited service under the Plan, and LMC contends
    that Guenther received a form of bridging because his prior period of
    service was included when determining certain benefits under the newly
    instituted CAP, although not for accrual of credited service under the
    GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN                          15
    breach continued after the time LMC sent the July Letter.
    He argues this continuing breach should extend his Section
    1113 limitation period. We agree with Guenther that LMC
    had a fiduciary “duty to disclose” the Plan Amendment’s
    existence to him when he began the process of renewing
    employment at LMC (or at a minimum, its effect of barring
    his bridging request). See NFL Ret. Plan, 
    504 F.3d at 823
    However, this alleged breach is not a continuing breach for
    purposes of Section 1113, separate from the alleged
    misrepresentation in the July Letter. Once a beneficiary
    knows of one breach in a series of breaches “of the same
    character . . . . awareness of [the] later breaches would
    impart nothing materially new.” Phillips v. Alaska Hotel &
    Rest. Emps. Pension Fund, 
    944 F.2d 509
    , 520 (9th Cir.
    1991). “The earliest date on which a plaintiff became aware
    of any [such] breach would thus start the limitation period of
    § 1113(a)(2) running.” Id. (emphasis added). Failure to
    disclose the Plan Amendment was “of the same character,”
    id., as the alleged misrepresentation in the July Letter. This
    is because knowledge of the Plan Amendment was only
    useful to Guenther insofar as it would have informed him
    that his prior credited service could not be bridged. The
    district court thus correctly determined that once Guenther
    received the November Letter, Guenther’s subsequent
    knowledge of the Plan Amendment’s existence “impart[ed]
    nothing new” to him. 4
    Even assuming Guenther’s SAC alleges a separate breach of a
    different character (i.e., continuing failure to disclose the Plan
    Amendment’s existence), his legal theory fails. Under this theory, his
    cause of action for LMC’s ongoing failure to disclose could have accrued
    even after he obtained actual knowledge of the breach if he had learned
    about the Plan Amendment from sources other than LMC, because
    LMC’s ongoing fiduciary duty to disclose the Plan Amendment’s
    existence to him would have continued until LMC fulfilled its duty to
    16             GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN
    Because Guenther asserts no separate underlying
    violation beyond breach of fiduciary duty, LMC’s act of
    sending the July Letter to Guenther is the violation providing
    the basis for his equitable surcharge claim. See Sulyma,
    909 F.3d at 1072–73. LMC has thus met its burden of
    showing that the alleged underlying violation occurred on
    July 25, 2006. We therefore look at that violation for
    purposes of determining Guenther’s “actual knowledge.”
    The Section 1113 limitation period begins to run as soon
    as “the plaintiff has sufficient knowledge to be alerted to the
    particular claim.” Sulyma, 909 F.3d at 1076. “This inquiry
    into the plaintiff’s actual knowledge is entirely factual,
    requiring examination of the record.” Id. at 1073 (citation
    and alterations omitted).
    ERISA does not define “actual knowledge.” But the
    Supreme Court recently confirmed that the plain language of
    Section 1113(2) requires that an individual “in fact be
    aware” of a piece of information (particularly given the
    statute’s use of the qualifier “actual”). Sulyma, 140 S. Ct.
    at 776. This knowledge is distinguished from lower
    knowledge thresholds like presumed, implied, or
    constructive knowledge, where the law will sometimes
    disclose it to him. We decline to adopt such an impractical and untenable
    “continuing violation” approach to the statute, which would effectively
    “read[] the ‘actual knowledge’ standard out” of Section 1113(a)(2). See
    944 F.2d at 520
    . LMC may have had a duty to remedy its failure
    to disclose after Guenther received the July Letter with its alleged
    misrepresentation. But that does not change the fact that a breach of the
    duty to disclose at least happened on July 25, 2006, and that Guenther
    was aware of the effect of this breach on November 7, 2006, as discussed
    further below.
    GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN                           17
    impute knowledge of facts to a person when a reasonably
    diligent person would have (or should have) learned them.
     Instead, actual knowledge under Section 1113(2)
    requires that a plaintiff’s knowledge “be more than
    ‘potential, possible, virtual, conceivable, theoretical,
    hypothetical, or nominal.’” 
     (quoting Black’s Law
    Dictionary 53 (4th ed. 1951)). And while constructive
    knowledge is insufficient to meet the actual knowledge
    threshold, “actual knowledge can be proved through
    ‘inference from circumstantial evidence.’” Id. at 779
    (quoting Farmer v. Brennan, 
    511 U.S. 825
    , 842 (1994)).
    Regarding what facts a defendant must show that a
    plaintiff was aware of, “actual knowledge of the breach”
    (1) “does not mean that a plaintiff has knowledge that the
    underlying action violated ERISA” and (2) “does not merely
    mean that a plaintiff has knowledge that the underlying
    action occurred.” Sulyma, 909 F.3d at 1075. Instead, a
    defendant’s burden is to show “the plaintiff [was] actually
    aware of the facts constituting the breach, not merely that
    those facts were available to the plaintiff,” as well as
    something “extra,” meaning that that the plaintiff “was
    actually aware of the nature of the alleged breach.” Id.
    at 1075–76 (emphasis added). 5 “The key is that, whatever
    the underlying ERISA claim, the limitation period begins to
    run once the plaintiff has sufficient knowledge to be alerted
    to the particular claim.” Id. at 1076.
    “For instance, in a section 1104 case, the plaintiff must be aware
    that the defendant has acted and that those acts were imprudent. But in,
    for example, a section 1106 case the plaintiff need only be aware that the
    defendant has engaged in a prohibited transaction, because knowledge
    of the transaction is all that is necessary to know that a prohibited
    transaction has occurred.” Sulyma, 909 F.3d at 1075 (internal citation
    18              GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN
    A defendant’s disclosure of all relevant information to a
    plaintiff strongly suggests that the plaintiff gained
    knowledge of the disclosed information. Sulyma, 140 S. Ct.
    at 777. To meet the actual knowledge threshold though,
    Section 1113(2) “requires more than evidence of disclosure
    alone.” Id. For example, circumstantial evidence that “a
    plaintiff viewed the relevant disclosures” coupled with
    “evidence suggesting that the plaintiff took action in
    response to the information contained in them” could be
    sufficient to prove actual knowledge even if a plaintiff
    denies knowledge of the disclosure. Id. at 779. 6
    Here, direct evidence demonstrates Guenther had actual
    knowledge of LMC’s alleged breach of its fiduciary duty
    more than three years before this action was filed.
    Guenther’s deposition confirms he was fully aware upon
    receiving the November Letter that LMC had
    misrepresented in its July Letter that it would bridge his
    previously accrued credited service. For instance, Guenther
    testified: “I didn’t find out that I’m not in the pension fund
    until I got a letter in November that Lockheed said, Oh, by
    the way, we didn’t mean pension plan when we told you
    pension plan in the earlier [July] letter that was your basis
    for why you came back.” He thus understood the November
    Letter’s representation to be “[c]ompletely opposite of the
    first letter,” and even asserted it was “obvious” that LMC
    contradicted itself in the two letters. When asked whether
    he understood at the time he read the November Letter that
    he was no longer able to participate in the Plan, he answered
    affirmatively that “[u]nfortunately, I understood what they
    “If a plaintiff’s denial of knowledge is blatantly contradicted by
    the record, a court should not adopt that version of the facts for purposes
    of ruling on a motion for summary judgment.” Sulyma, 140 S. Ct. at 779
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN                                19
    were saying, yeah,” namely, “[a]t that point, I wasn’t in any
    plan.” 7 His testimony thus confirms that on November 7,
    2006, he was aware of the nature of LMC’s alleged breach,
    even if he didn’t know that LMC’s actions violated ERISA
    specifically. See Sulyma, 909 F.3d at 1075. This qualifies
    as actual knowledge for purposes of Section 1113.
    Circumstantial evidence of Guenther’s actions taken
    before and after receiving the November Letter bolsters the
    conclusion that he had actual knowledge of LMC’s alleged
    misrepresentation upon receipt of the November Letter.
    Guenther could have only viewed the November Letter to be
    a misrepresentation if he first interpreted the July Letter to
    mean he could bridge his prior credited service under the
    Plan as he asserts (rather than just under the CAP).
    Circumstantial evidence supports his assertion: while
    negotiating with the LMC recruiter earlier that year, the fact
    that Guenther explicitly stated that bridging his credited
    service under the Plan was a “key condition[]” of his return,
    coupled with the fact that receiving the July Letter was
    apparently sufficient for him to end his existing employment
    in reliance on its representation, suggests that he understood
    the July Letter to mean he could bridge his prior credited
    service under the Plan upon his return to LMC.
    More importantly, after starting at LMC, Guenther
    regularly checked his account online to see if he was
    accumulating additional credited service under the Plan (he
    When asked whether receiving the November Letter answered his
    question whether he was accumulating new time on the Plan, Guenther
    answered: “Yes. Not the way it was supposed to, but . . . . That was an
    answer.” Driving this point home even further, Guenther also testified:
    “It’s very clear in the first letter, pension plan is called out. Second letter,
    it says, You’re not in the pension plan.”
    20             GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN
    was not), 8 but stopped checking after receiving the
    November Letter. This behavior suggests he no longer
    maintained his expectation that his prior credited service
    would bridge under the Plan after receiving the November
    Letter. Finally, Guenther contacted various company HR
    representatives immediately after receiving the November
    Letter, indicating his concern LMC had made a
    misrepresentation to him, causing him to urgently seek
    clarification regarding the status of his pension.
    Guenther argues that under Waller v. Blue Cross of
    32 F.3d 1337
     (9th Cir. 1994), he could not have
    had actual knowledge until he understood the Plan
    Amendment had ended accrual of credited service for
    employees rehired after January 1, 2006. However, Waller
    is distinguishable because in that case the beneficiary only
    knew that the fiduciaries had purchased annuities for the
    employee benefits plan (not inherently a breach of fiduciary
    duty), but did not know they had used an infirm bidding
    process to select the annuity providers. 
    Id. at 1341
    , 1345–
    46. Accordingly, the beneficiary’s partial knowledge was
    insufficient to rise to the level of actual knowledge of a
     at 1341–42. Here, by contrast, Guenther testified
    he was fully aware at the time he received the November
    Letter that LMC’s representation in the July Letter was not
    Guenther testified that “when I’d go on the web and look” during
    the period of time prior to receiving the November Letter, “[t]here was
    no years of service being added to my prior years of service for the
    pension plan,” and this concerned him. He also stated that in October
    2006, after he decided he had waited “long enough [because] they should
    be putting money into the pension plan and nothing’s happening,” he got
    “on the phone calling State Street and Lockheed saying, [‘]What the heck
    is going on here?[’]”
    GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN                          21
    We also reject Guenther’s argument that the three-year
    limitation period should start running on a later date based
    on LMC’s separate alleged breach of its fiduciary duty to
    disclose the Plan Amendment to him. The district court
    correctly determined that the effect of the Plan Amendment
    (i.e., preventing bridging of his prior credited service) is
    what mattered to Guenther, rather than the Plan
    Amendment’s existence, and the November Letter “related
    the effect of the 2005 plan amendment, and [Guenther]
    stated he understood it.” 9 His awareness from the November
    Letter was thus also sufficient to trigger the three-year
    limitation period for the alleged breach of LMC’s duty to
    disclose, even without specific knowledge of the Plan
    Amendment’s existence per se. We need not determine
    whether LMC breached its duty to disclose exclusively with
    the July Letter, or continuously thereafter as Guenther
    contends, because either way the date he obtained actual
    knowledge of the effect of that breach remains the same:
    November 7, 2006. See Phillips, 
    944 F.2d at 520
    earliest date on which a plaintiff became aware of any breach
    [of the same character in a series of breaches] would thus
    start the limitation period of § 1113(a)(2) running.”).
    Accordingly, even if he didn’t learn about the Plan
    Amendment’s existence until his 2010 phone call with the
    ESC, that knowledge “impart[ed] nothing materially new”
    to him beyond the November Letter, and is not the “earliest
    In any event, by the time he received the November Letter,
    Guenther knew that “information material to [his] circumstance,”
    64 F.3d at 1403
    , had been concealed from him, either in the July
    Letter or the November Letter, regarding whether LMC would allow him
    to bridge his prior accrued credited service. At a minimum, therefore,
    he was aware of the “nature of [LMC’s] alleged breach” of its duty to
    disclose. See Sulyma, 909 F.3d at 1075.
    date on which [he] became aware of any breach[.]” See id.
    (emphasis added).
    Because Guenther failed to bring suit within three years
    of November 7, 2006 (the earliest date he had actual
    knowledge of LMC’s alleged breach of its fiduciary duty),
    his suit is barred by ERISA’s statute of limitations. See
    § 1113(2).
    Alternatively, Guenther claims that even if he had actual
    knowledge of the breach, because LMC engaged in fraud via
    the July Letter and concealment via LMC’s failure to
    disclose the Plan Amendment “both prior to and after the
    July 25, 2006 Letter,” ERISA’s six-year limitation period
    applies instead of the three-year period. See § 1113.
    Our circuit has held that this exception only applies when
    a defendant has “taken steps to hide [its] breach of fiduciary
    duty.” Barker, 
    64 F.3d at 1402
     (emphasis added). Under
    this approach, incorporated from the common law doctrine
    of fraudulent concealment, a plaintiff must establish
    “affirmative conduct upon the part of the defendant which
    would, under the circumstances of the case, lead a
    reasonable person to believe that he did not have a claim for
     (internal quotation marks and emphasis omitted).
    Plaintiff bears the burden of pleading and proving that such
    affirmative acts occurred. See Hexcel Corp. v. Ineos
    Polymers, Inc., 
    681 F.3d 1055
    , 1060 (9th Cir. 2012).
    To be sure, Guenther has set forth facts suggesting that
    LMC misrepresented his ability to bridge his terms of
    service, and failed to disclose material information regarding
    the same while Guenther was negotiating renewed
    employment with LMC. But his claim does not rise to the
    GUENTHER V. LOCKHEED MARTIN                            23
    level of “fraud or concealment” under our precedent.
    Guenther has failed to produce any evidence that LMC made
    “knowingly false misrepresentations with the intent to
    defraud” Guenther when it sent him the July Letter, see
    64 F.3d at 1401
    , much less evidence of affirmative
    acts taken by LMC to hide that misrepresentation as required
    in our circuit, see 
    id. at 1402
    . Mere failure to disclose the
    Plan Amendment’s existence does not demonstrate that
    LMC hid its breach from Guenther. Evidence that Guenther
    was “bounced . . . from one department to another, never
    answering his questions” over the course of several years is
    indicative of bureaucratic inefficiency, but does not on its
    own rise to the level of affirmative concealment. 10 Absent
    the necessary record evidence, Guenther’s argument for
    application of the fraud or concealment exception fails.
    Accordingly, the district court correctly determined
    ERISA’s six-year limitation period for fraud or concealment
    does not apply to Guenther’s claim.
    The district court’s order denying Guenther’s post-
    judgment motion for reconsideration of summary judgment
    Guenther argues in the alternative that even if LMC’s continuing
    failure to disclose the Plan Amendment does not qualify as a separate
    affirmative act of concealment, the July Letter was a “self-concealing
    act” with the concealment committed in the course of the underlying
    wrong itself, thus satisfying the fraud or concealment exception on its
    own. We agree with the district court that the facts constituting the claim
    for breach of fiduciary duty alone cannot also serve as the basis for fraud
    or concealment—otherwise, the exception would swallow the rule.
    Instead, a defendant must take affirmative steps “beyond the breach itself
    [with] the effect of concealing the breach from its victims.” In re Unisys
    Corp. Retiree Med. Benefit ERISA Litig., 
    242 F.3d 497
    , 503 (3d Cir.
    is reviewed for abuse of discretion. Latshaw v. Trainer
    Wortham & Co., 
    452 F.3d 1097
    , 1100 (9th Cir. 2006).
    “Judgment is not properly reopened absent highly unusual
    circumstances, unless the district court is presented with
    newly discovered evidence, committed clear error, or if there
    is an intervening change in the controlling law.” Weeks v.
    246 F.3d 1231
    , 1236 (9th Cir. 2001) (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    Guenther fails to show how the new deposition
    testimony he obtained from two witnesses affiliated with
    LMC rises to the level of “highly unusual circumstances,”
    nor does he cite any circumstances beyond his control which
    prevented him from obtaining and producing the deposition
    testimony of LMC officials for the district court’s review
    before it issued its summary judgment order. Instead of
    raising the kind of newly discovered evidence that would
    merit reconsideration, Guenther is using Federal Rules of
    Civil Procedure 59(e) and 60(b) to “relitigate old matters, or
    to raise arguments or present evidence that could have been
    raised prior to the entry of judgment.” Exxon Shipping Co.
    v. Baker, 
    554 U.S. 471
    , 485 n.5 (2008) (citation omitted).
    The district court therefore did not abuse its discretion
    by denying Guenther’s motion for reconsideration.
    *    *   *
    Because Guenther had actual knowledge of LMC’s
    alleged breach of its fiduciary duty, yet failed to bring suit
    within the applicable three-year limitation period under
    ERISA, his action is time-barred.