Lyudmyla Pyankovska v. Sean Abid ( 2023 )

  •                  FOR PUBLICATION
    LYUDMYLA PYANKOVSKA,                    No. 20-16294
    personally and mother and next friend
    of Aleskandr A Abid, a minor child,        D.C. No.
    and as mother and next friend of        2:16-cv-02942-
    Irynas S Nezhurbida a minor child,        JCM-BNW
    2                       PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Nevada
    James C. Mahan, District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted November 10, 2022
    Pasadena, California
    Filed April 18, 2023
    Before: Mary H. Murguia, Chief Judge, and Barrington D.
    Parker * and Kenneth K. Lee, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Parker
    SUMMARY **
    Wiretap Act
    The panel vacated the district court’s judgment
    dismissing Lyudmyla Pyankovska’s claims against John
    Jones as barred under the Noerr-Pennington doctrine and
    entering default judgment against Sean Abid in a wiretap
    Pyankovska alleged federal and wiretap violations and
    state common law claims against Abid, her ex-husband, and
    The Honorable Barrington D. Parker, Jr., United States Circuit Judge
    for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, sitting by
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID                     3
    Jones, his attorney. She alleged that during a child custody
    proceeding in Nevada state court, Abid had secretly recorded
    conversations between her and their child, and that Jones had
    filed selectively edited transcripts of the illegally recorded
    conversations on the state court’s public docket.
    The district court concluded that Jones’s alleged conduct
    involved First Amendment petitioning activity, which is
    protected by the Noerr-Pennington doctrine. The district
    court entered default judgment against Abid on the grounds
    that his responses to various discovery requests were
    knowingly inaccurate and that he had proceeded in bad
    faith. The district court awarded Pyankovska $10,000 in
    statutory damages under the Federal Wiretap Act, but it did
    not award punitive damages or litigation costs, nor did it
    discuss or award other categories of damages ostensibly
    available on her Nevada common-law claims.
    The panel held that Jones violated the Federal Wiretap
    Act, and it agreed with the district court that the vicarious-
    consent doctrine did not apply and that Jones’s conduct was
    not protected under Bartnick v. Vopper, 
    532 U.S. 514
    which carves out a narrow First Amendment exception to the
    Federal Wiretap Act for matters of public importance. The
    panel further held, however, that Jones’s conduct was not
    protected under the Noerr-Pennington doctrine. The panel
    concluded that Pyankovska’s lawsuit did not impose a
    burden on petitioning rights because Abid prevailed in the
    state court custody case, and Jones had no petitioning “right”
    to use the transcripts. The panel held that filing illegally
    obtained evidence on a public court docket is conduct not
    immunized under Noerr-Pennington, and the Federal
    Wiretap Act unambiguously applied to Jones’s conduct.
    4                    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    The panel held that the district court incorrectly
    computed statutory damages under the Federal Wiretap Act
    because it did not consider whether Abid violated the statute
    for more than 100 days, which would render the amount of
    damages greater than $10,000. In addition, the district court
    failed to adequately address other categories of damages to
    which Pyankovska might be entitled, including punitive
    damages, attorney’s fees, and damages on Nevada common-
    law claims.
    The panel vacated the district court’s judgment and
    remanded for further proceedings.
    Brian Wolfman (argued), Madeline H. Meth, and Hannah
    Mullen, Attorneys; Radiance Campbell, Alessandra Marie
    Lopez, Lois Zhang, Matthew Calabrese, Holly Petersen, and
    Nathan Winshall, Certified Law Students; Georgetown Law
    Appellate Courts Immersion Clinic; Washington, D.C.; for
    Todd E. Kennedy (argued), Kennedy & Couvillier PLLC,
    Las Vegas, Nevada, for Defendant-Appellee John Jones.
    Alex Ghibaudo (argued), Alex B. Ghibaudo PC, Las Vegas,
    Nevada, for Defendant-Appellee Sean Abid.
    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID                           5
    PARKER, Circuit Judge:
    In December 2016, Lyudmyla Pyankovska sued her ex-
    husband, Sean Abid, and his attorney, John Jones, in the
    United States Court for the District of Nevada alleging
    federal and state wiretap violations as well as various state
    common law claims. She alleged that during a bitter child
    custody proceeding in Nevada state court, her ex-husband
    had secretly recorded conversations between her and their
    child, and that Jones had filed selectively edited transcripts
    of the illegally recorded conversations on the court’s public
    docket. She sought statutory damages as well as other relief.
    The district court granted Jones’s Rule 12(b)(6) motion to
    dismiss the claims against him, concluding that Jones’s
    conduct involved First Amendment petitioning activity,
    which is protected by the Noerr-Pennington doctrine. 1
    The district court allowed Pyankovska’s claims against
    Abid to go forward. As discovery proceeded, the district
    court concluded that Abid’s responses to various discovery
    requests were knowingly inaccurate and that he had
    proceeded in bad faith. The district court ultimately entered
    default judgment against him and proceeded to an
    assessment of damages. The court awarded Pyankovska
    $10,000 in statutory damages under the Federal Wiretap Act
    but did not award punitive damages or litigation costs, nor
    The Noerr-Pennington doctrine, derived from two Supreme Court
    cases, requires courts to construe ambiguous statutes to avoid burdening
    petitioning activity protected by the First Amendment. See United States
    v. Koziol, 
    993 F.3d 1160
    , 1171 (9th Cir. 2021).
    6                    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    did it discuss or award other categories of damages
    ostensibly available on her Nevada common-law claims.
    On appeal, Pyankovska argues that when dismissing her
    claims against Jones, the district court erroneously applied
    Noerr-Pennington and miscalculated damages. We agree
    and we reverse. We conclude that filing illegally obtained
    evidence on a public court docket is conduct not immunized
    under Noerr-Pennington. We also hold that the district court
    incorrectly computed statutory damages and failed to
    adequately address other categories of damages to which
    Pyankovska might be entitled.
    At the center of this case is a highly acrimonious family
    law dispute. Pyankovska and Abid divorced in 2010 and the
    Nevada state court awarded them joint legal and physical
    custody of their child. Their relationship continued to
    deteriorate and in 2015, Pyankovska filed a motion for
    contempt of court against Abid to modify their custody
    arrangement and for various other relief. While the motion
    was pending, Abid inserted a recording device into their
    child’s backpack and surreptitiously recorded around twenty
    hours of private conversations between the child and
    Pyankovska in her home and car. Neither Pyankovska nor
    the child knew that Abid was recording their conversations.
    After obtaining the recordings, Abid used software to edit
    and transcribe the recordings that he deemed useful in the
    custody dispute and destroyed the original recordings.
    Abid gave the transcripts of the recordings to his family-
    law attorney, Jones. Jones submitted the transcripts to the
    state court on the public docket as exhibits to Abid’s
    declaration in support of his countermotion to modify the
    custody arrangement. Pyankovska objected to the public
    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID                             7
    disclosure of the transcripts, arguing that they had been
    illegally obtained and could not be publicly disclosed.
    Jones, on the other hand, argued that the submissions were
    lawful because Abid was able to consent to the recordings
    on behalf of his minor child under the vicarious-consent
    doctrine, a species of “consent” he argued was an exception
    to the otherwise broad ban under federal and Nevada law on
    the disclosure and use of illegally obtained wiretap
    communications. 2
    The state court concluded that the vicarious-consent
    doctrine did not apply because the recordings occurred in
    Pyankovska’s home and Abid neither had physical custody
    nor a good-faith basis for asserting vicarious consent.
    Although the state court held that the recordings could not
    be used as independent evidence, the court allowed the
    recordings to be provided to a psychologist appointed by the
    court to assist it in resolving the custody motion. The
    psychologist, relying in part on the transcripts, concluded
    that Pyankovska’s behavior was “creating confusion,
    distress, and divided loyalty in the child.” Abid v. Abid, 
    406 P.3d 476
    , 478 (2017) (internal quotation omitted). After
    considering the psychologist’s testimony and other
    evidence, the court awarded Abid primary physical custody
    of the child. Id. at 772.
    Pyankovska appealed to the Nevada Supreme Court,
    where Abid again prevailed. The court acknowledged that
    “[b]ecause neither the child nor the mother consented to this
    recording, the father’s actions likely violated NRS 200.650,
    Under the vicarious-consent doctrine, a parent with physical custody of
    a child may record conversations to which the child is a party. See, e.g.,
    Pollock v. Pollock, 
    154 F.3d 601
    , 607 (6th Cir. 1998).
    8                     PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    which prohibits the surreptitious recording of nonconsenting
    individuals’ private conversations.” Id. at 477. The Nevada
    Supreme Court, however, concluded that the controlling
    question was “whether the [state] court abused its discretion
    by providing the recordings to a psychologist appointed by
    the court to evaluate the child’s welfare.” Id. On this issue,
    the Nevada Supreme Court held that the state court “did not
    abuse its discretion in providing the recordings to the expert
    because reviewing them furthered the expert’s evaluation of
    the child’s relationship with his parents and aided the [state]
    court’s determination as to the child’s best interest.” Id. at
    The Nevada Supreme Court clarified that it was
    expressing no opinion as to the legality of Abid’s conduct.
    Id. at 479. The court reasoned that, even if the recordings
    were obtained illegally, any alleged illegality did not render
    them per se inadmissible in a child custody proceeding
    where the paramount concern was the “best interests” of the
    child. Id. The court specified that “we by no means condone
    [Abid’s] actions. Rather, we have determined that the
    potential deterrent effect of ignoring [Abid’s] evidence is
    outweighed by the State’s overwhelming interest in
    promoting and protecting the best interests of its children.”
    Id. (internal quotation omitted).
    At that point, Pyankovska asked the Nevada Supreme
    Court to seal the transcripts and to require the state trial court
    to do the same. The court granted the motion to seal the
    documents on its docket but ruled that Pyankovska must
    request the trial court to seal the materials on its docket.
    Pyankovska filed a motion to do so, but while it was
    pending, Abid uploaded the motion to seal and the illegally
    obtained transcripts to public Facebook pages. There, Abid
    called Pyankovska “a bully child abuser” who should not “be
    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID                      9
    able to hide behind a [motion to] seal,” and the posts were
    widely disseminated, viewed, and commented upon.
    In December 2016, Pyankovska sued Abid and Jones in
    the District of Nevada alleging violations of the Federal
    Wiretap Act, the Nevada statutory analogue, and asserting
    various other Nevada common-law claims. Jones moved
    under Rule 12(b)(6) to dismiss the complaint, contending
    that his conduct was protected by the vicarious-consent
    doctrine and that he had a good faith belief in the legality of
    this conduct. The district court granted the motion on other
    First, the district court held that the vicarious-consent
    doctrine did not apply because Abid did not have actual
    custody over the son at the time the recordings were made as
    required by the doctrine. Second, the court held that none of
    Jones’s arguments involving good faith reliance on legal
    authority applied to Jones’s submission of the transcript.
    The court reasoned that “[i]f the court were to adopt
    defendant’s reading of the good faith reliance language, then
    any time a defendant alleges a belief that his conduct did not
    violate the Wiretap Act, he obtains a complete defense to
    liability.” Pyankovska v. Abid, No. 2-16-CV-2942, 
    2017 WL 5505037
    , at *4 (D. Nev. Nov. 16, 2017) (“Abid I”).
    Finally, the court held that any state litigation privilege to
    submit the illegal transcripts did not trump Jones’s federal
    obligations under the Wiretap Act.
    Despite these conclusions, the district court found that
    Jones’s conduct was protected by the Noerr-Pennington
    doctrine. The court reasoned, tersely, that because “Jones’
    complained-of conduct consisted solely of judicial advocacy
    that is protected by the First Amendment, he cannot be held
    10                  PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    liable under the Wiretap Act or under plaintiff’s other
    theories of liability.” Id. at *5.
    The district court, however, allowed Pyankovska’s
    claims against Abid to proceed. During discovery, the
    district court found that Abid had provided inaccurate
    responses to discovery requests. Despite the court granting
    Abid opportunities to supplement his responses, Abid
    continued to “disregard . . . obligations” and “flouted the
    rules and procedures of th[e] court.” Pyankovska v. Abid,
    No. 2-16-CV-2942, 
    2019 WL 6609690
    , at *5 (D. Nev. Dec.
    5, 2019) (“Abid II”). Accordingly, the court concluded that
    Abid’s “conduct in discovery ha[d] been baseless and in bad
    faith” and entered a default judgment under Federal Rule of
    Civil Procedure 37(b) against him on all Pyankovska’s
    Pyankovska submitted an accounting of her actual
    damages claiming $3,125 in medical expenses and $1,413 in
    legal expenses. She also sought statutory damages under the
    Federal Wiretap Act as well as punitive damages. Abid did
    not submit declarations or any other evidence in opposition
    to Pyankovska’s showing.
    The district court awarded $10,000 in statutory damages.
    Pyankovska v. Abid, No. 2-16-CV-2942, 
    2020 WL 569877
    at *4 (D. Nev. Feb. 5, 2020) (“Abid III”). Pyankovska
    moved to alter or amend the judgment arguing that the court
    miscalculated statutory damages and should have awarded
    punitive and litigation costs under the Wiretap Act and
    compensatory and punitive damages on her common law
    claims. The district court summarily denied the motion,
    holding that it had “considered all the arguments and
    accounting of the parties in making its determination.”
    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID                   11
    Pyankovska v. Abid, No. 2-16-CV-2942, 
    2020 WL 13536217
    , at *1 (D. Nev. June 24, 2020) (“Abid IV”).
    This appeal followed.
    We review de novo the district court’s dismissal of the
    complaint under Rule 12(b)(6). Judd v. Weinstein, 
    967 F.3d 952
    , 955 (9th Cir. 2020). We construe “as true all well-
    pleaded allegations of material fact and constru[e] those
    facts in the light most favorable to the non-moving party.”
    The Federal Wiretap Act, Title III of the Omnibus Crime
    Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended by the
    Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, prohibits
    the intentional interception, disclosure, or use of any oral
    communication without the consent of at least one party to
    the conversation:
    (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided
    in the chapter any person who — . . . (c)
    intentionally discloses, or endeavors to
    disclose, to any other person the contents of
    any wire, oral, or electronic communication,
    knowing or having reason to know that the
    information was obtained through the
    interception of a wire, oral, or electronic
    communication in violation of the
    subsection; (d) intentionally uses, or
    endeavors to use, the contents of any wire,
    oral, or electronic communication, knowing
    or having reason to know that the information
    12                      PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    was obtained through the interception of a
    wire, oral, or electronic communication in
    violation of this subsection shall be punished
    as provided in subsection (4) or shall be
    subject to suit as provided in subsection (5).
    18 U.S.C. § 2511
    (1)(c)–(d). Under the Federal Act,
    “intercept” is defined as the “acquisition of the contents of
    any wire, electronic, or oral communication through the use
    of any electronic, mechanical, or other device.” 
    18 U.S.C. § 2510
    (4). The Federal Act further provides that “no part of
    the contents of [any illegally intercepted] communication
    and no evidence derived therefrom may be received in
    evidence in any trial, hearing, or other proceeding in or
    before any court . . . .” 
    18 U.S.C. § 2515
    . The Federal Act
    authorizes a civil action for “any person whose wire, oral, or
    electronic communication is intercepted, disclosed, or
    intentionally used in violation of this chapter.” 
    18 U.S.C. § 2520
    (a). 3
    There are two statutory exceptions. First, is court
    authorization. This exception is not at issue in this case. 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2511
    (2)(e), 2516–18. The second is consent,
    where a communication may lawfully be intercepted by a
    party to the communication or when at least one party to the
    communication has given prior consent. 
    18 U.S.C. § 2511
    (2)(c)–(d). The Federal Act requires that to be liable, a
    person who discloses the contents of recordings, must “know
    or have reason to know” the communication was obtained in
    The Nevada Wiretap Act, patterned on the Federal Act, similarly
    prohibits the interception or disclosure of any wire, oral or electronic
    Nev. Rev. Stat. §§ 200.610
    –.690; see 
     § 200.650
    (allowing for civil recovery).
    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID                     13
    violation of the Act—that is, without consent or court-
    ordered authorization. 
    18 U.S.C. § 2511
    Jones plainly “used” and “disclosed” the intercepted
    communications when he filed the transcripts on the public
    docket in state court. 
    18 U.S.C. § 2511
    (1)(c)–(d). Thus, the
    text of these provisions establish that Jones violated the
    Federal Act unless he is excused by some exculpatory
    doctrine.     On appeal, Jones essentially makes three
    contentions. First, he argues that because Abid had consent
    to make the recordings under the vicarious-consent doctrine,
    he did not “have reason to know” that the recordings were
    illegal. Second, Jones argues that, under Bartnicki v.
    532 U.S. 514
     (2001), his posting of the transcripts
    constituted conduct protected by the First Amendment.
    Third, Jones argues that he is immunized from liability by
    the Noerr-Pennington doctrine. The district court disagreed
    with the first two contentions but agreed with the third.
    The vicarious-consent doctrine is not the law of Nevada
    or this Circuit. Patching together authority from other
    jurisdictions, we take the doctrine to mean that a parent who
    has physical custody of a child may consent to the recording
    of conversations on behalf of minor children, so long as the
    recording parent believes that doing so is in the best interest
    of the child. See Pollock v. Pollock, 
    154 F.3d 601
    , 609 (6th
    Cir. 1998). In West Virginia Department of Health &
    Human Resources v. David L, a case involving similar facts,
    the West Virginia Supreme Court held that a father violated
    the Federal Wiretap Act when he recorded conversations
    between his children and their mother (his ex-wife) with a
    tape recorder secretly installed in the mother’s home. 
    453 S.E.2d 646
    , 654 (W. Va. 1994). The court stressed that the
    14                    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    dispositive factor was that the recording occurred in the
    mother’s house and that the father had “absolutely no
    dominion or control” over the mother’s house. 
     Here, the
    district court similarly held that the doctrine did not apply
    because Abid did not have custody over the child at the time
    the recordings were made. We agree.
    Next, Jones argues that his conduct is protected under
    Bartnicki. There, the Supreme Court carved out a narrow
    First Amendment exception to the Federal Wiretap Act.
    Bartnicki involved a recorded cellphone conversation during
    a contentious, very public, collective-bargaining negotiation
    between a teacher’s union and a local school board. An
    unidentified person recorded a cell phone conversation
    between the chief negotiator and the union president
    concerning the status of negotiations. 
    532 U.S. at
    Petitioners alleged that the head of a local organization
    opposed to the union’s demands, obtained the recording, and
    disclosed it to members of the school board and
    representatives of the media. 
    Id. at 519
    . Members of the
    media then obtained and disclosed the intercepted
    conversations to the public. 
    The Supreme Court held that while the disclosures
    violated federal and state wiretap statutes, the individuals
    were protected by the First Amendment. 
    Id. at 535
    . The
    Court reasoned that, “[i]n these cases, privacy concerns give
    way when balanced against the interest in publishing matters
    of public importance. . . . One of the costs associated with
    participation in public affairs is an attendant loss of privacy.”
    Id. at 534
    . In reaching its conclusion, the Court placed
    significance on the public nature of the intercepted
    communications, noting that the union negotiations were
    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID                     15
    “contentious” and were the subject of intense media
    Id. at 518
    The conversations between Pyankovska and the child
    occurred in the most private of spaces—their home and
    car—and exclusively concerned intimate relations between
    a child and his parents. While the conversations may have
    been important within the family-court context to determine
    custody arrangements, they were matters of no public
    importance and consequently involved none of the First
    Amendment concerns that were dispositive in Bartnicki. For
    these reasons, we conclude that Bartnicki does not apply.
    The district court held, without elaboration, that the
    Noerr-Pennington doctrine immunized Jones from liability
    because Jones’s “introduction of evidence into the state court
    case constitutes protected First Amendment activity.” Abid
    2017 WL 5505037
    , at *4. We disagree.
    The Noerr-Pennington doctrine derives from the First
    Amendment’s guarantee of “the right of the people . . . to
    petition the government for a redress of grievances.” U.S.
    Const. amend. I. The doctrine originally arose in the
    antitrust context from the Supreme Court’s decisions in
    Eastern Railroad Presidents Conference v. Noerr Motor
    Freight, Inc., 
    365 U.S. 127
     (1961), and United Mine
    Workers v. Pennington, 
    381 U.S. 657
     (1965). In Noerr,
    trucking companies sued railroad companies alleging that
    the railroads’ lobbying efforts to influence legislation
    regulating trucking violated the Sherman Act. 
    365 U.S. at 129
    . The Supreme Court held that “the Sherman Act does
    not prohibit . . . persons from associating . . . in an attempt
    to persuade the legislature or the executive to take particular
    action with respect to a law that would produce a restraint or
    16                   PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    a monopoly.” 
    Id. at 136
    . The Supreme Court observed that
    construing the Sherman Act to reach such petitioning
    conduct “would raise important constitutional questions,”
    and “we cannot . . . lightly impute to Congress an intent to
    invade . . . freedoms” protected by the Bill of Rights. 
    Id. at 138
    . Pennington extended Noerr’s immunity to antitrust
    lobbying activities directed toward executive branch
    381 U.S. at
    669–70. The Supreme Court has since
    applied this doctrine outside the antitrust field. See Sosa v.
    DIRECTV, Inc., 
    437 F.3d 923
    , 930 (9th Cir. 2006) (citing BE
    & K Construction Co. v. NLRB, 
    536 U.S. 516
    , 525 (2002)).
    This Circuit has therefore explained that Noerr-
    Pennington “ensures that those who petition the government
    for redress of grievances remain immune from liability for
    statutory violations, notwithstanding the fact that their
    activity might otherwise be proscribed by the statute
    involved.” White v. Lee, 
    227 F.3d 1214
    , 1231 (9th Cir.
    2000). This protection rests on the premise that Congress
    does not intend the statutes it promulgates to infringe on the
    First Amendment when other interpretations of the language
    it selected are possible. The doctrine is, among other things,
    a rule of statutory construction that requires courts to ask
    whether the statute at issue may be construed to avoid
    burdening conduct protected by the First Amendment. See
    Nunag-Tanedo v. E. Baton Rouge Par. Sch. Bd., 
    711 F.3d 1136
    , 1139 (9th Cir. 2013); Sosa, 437 F.3d at 931 & n.5.
    In this Circuit, there is a three-step test to determine
    whether conduct that allegedly violates a statute is
    immunized from liability. Under the test, the court asks: “(1)
    whether the lawsuit imposes a burden on petitioning rights,”
    “(2) whether the alleged activities constitute protected
    petitioning activity,” in other words, “neither the Petition
    Clause nor the Noerr-Pennington doctrine protects sham
    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID                     17
    petitions,” and “(3) whether the statute at issue may be
    construed to [avoid] that burden. If the answer at each step
    is ‘yes,’ then a defendant’s conduct is immunized under
    Noerr-Pennington.” B&G Foods N. Am., Inc. v. Embry, 
    29 F.4th 527
    , 535 (9th Cir. 2022); Kearney v. Foley & Lardner,
    590 F.3d 638
    , 645 (9th Cir. 2009).
    The district court erred in holding that Noerr-Pennington
    immunized Jones from liability. Jones’s arguments face
    insurmountable hurdles under step one. First, Pyankovska’s
    lawsuit seeks to hold Jones liable in damages for disclosing
    illegally intercepted communications in the state court
    custody proceedings. But Jones does not credibly argue that
    a successful damages action in federal court imposes an
    unconstitutional “burden” on the state court litigation. The
    illegally obtained communications found their way into state
    court where the evidence was reviewed by the court-
    appointed psychologist and by the court and Abid prevailed:
    he won the custody litigation. In light of Abid’s victory, it
    is hard for Jones credibly to argue that the litigation of the
    custody motion was “burdened.”
    Second, Noerr-Pennington “[i]mmunity . . . applies only
    to what may fairly be described as petitions . . . .” Freeman
    v. Lasky, Haas & Cohler, 
    410 F.3d 1180
     1184 (9th Cir.
    2005). We have explained that “[a] complaint, an answer, a
    counterclaim and other assorted documents and pleadings,
    in which plaintiffs or defendants make representations and
    present arguments to support their request that the court do
    or not do something, can be described as petitions without
    doing violence to the concept.” 
     Under this definition,
    Jones and Abid were entitled to participate and did
    participate in petitioning activity. But once they were in
    court, they were obligated to play by the rules applicable to
    all litigants. Federal and state rules limit in enumerable ways
    18                       PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    what litigants can say and do. In federal courts, the Federal
    Rules of Civil Procedure and Evidence, page limitations,
    limitations on oral argument time, sanctions under Rule 11
    of the Federal Rules Civil Procedure, as well as rulings by
    the court excluding testimony before and during trial do just
    that. The sections of the Federal Act that prohibit the
    disclosure of evidence obtained in violation of the Federal
    Act and provide that “no part of the contents of [any illegally
    intercepted] communication and no evidence derived
    therefrom may be received in evidence in any trial, hearing,
    or other proceeding in or before any court” are similar
    restrictions that apply in both state and federal courts. 
    18 U.S.C. § 2515
    . 4
    Jones and Abid’s right to petition in a case with no public
    significance does not grant Jones immunity from the
    penalties prescribed by Congress for those who violate the
    Wiretap Act. Once they were in state court, Jones and Abid
    were not at liberty to set their own rules. Jones was free to
    file and argue the custody motion—i.e., to petition—but he
    was not free to support that motion with illegal evidence.
    Sosa, 437 F.3d at 933. In other words, because Jones had no
    petitioning “right” to use the transcripts in the first place,
    requiring him to face the consequences specified by
    Congress for those who violated the law is not a cognizable
    “burden” on any conduct he was lawfully entitled to
    participate in. For these reasons, Jones fails at step one and
    Noerr-Pennington cannot protect him from liability.
    See Gelbard v. United States, 
    408 U.S. 41
    , 51 (1972) (stating that the
    Federal Wiretap Act functions as a civil exclusionary rule, denying the
    perpetrator of a Wiretap Act violation “the fruits of his unlawful actions
    in all civil and criminal proceedings”).
    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID                           19
    Accordingly, we need not analyze steps two and three. 5
    In any event, it is worth emphasizing that the Wiretap Act
    unambiguously applies to Jones’s conduct. See Embry, 29
    F.4th at 540 (expressly foreclosing Noerr-Pennington
    immunity where “the statute clearly provides otherwise”)
    (quoting Sosa., 437 F.3d at 931). The Wiretap Act prohibits
    in no uncertain terms the interception, disclosure, or use in
    court of oral communications obtained in violation of the
    Act. See 
    18 U.S.C. § 2511
    (1)(c)–(d). The prohibitions in
    the Nevada Act are similarly clear. See Nev. Res. Stat.
    §§ 200.620–.690. Here, Abid intercepted communications
    without consent in violation of the Wiretap Act, and Jones
    used and disclosed those illegally obtained, selectively
    edited communications by attaching them as exhibits to a
    motion in state court.
    The legislative history of the Wiretap Act makes clear
    that Congress intended it to apply to domestic relations
    disputes. Congress knew that divorcing spouses were
    increasingly using electronic surveillance techniques to gain
    advantage in marital disputes and, when drafting the Act,
    viewed interceptions in this context as an area of particular
    concern. United States v. Jones, 
    542 F.2d 661
    , 666–69 (6th
    Cir. 1976). Senator Hruska, one of the bill’s co-sponsors,
    announced that the Wiretap Act would impose a “broad
    prohibition on private use of electronic surveillance,
    particularly in domestic relations” cases. 
     at 669 (citing
    For example, at step three, we ask whether the Wiretap Act “may be
    construed to [avoid] that burden” on petitioning activity. Embry, 29
    F.4th at 535 (emphasis added). As we have said, complying with laws
    and rules of general application to litigants in court imposes no legally
    cognizable burden on Jones’s conduct that is protected by the First
    Amendment’s Petition Clause, so there is no work for Noerr-Pennington
    and the canon of constitutional avoidance to do.
    20                    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    S. Rep. No. 90-1097, at 151 (1968)). As the prohibitory
    provisions in these Acts are pellucid, not ambiguous, we
    readily conclude that Jones violated the Acts.
    For these reasons we vacate the judgment of the district
    court insofar as it applied Noerr-Pennington and remand for
    further proceedings at which Jones’s other contentions in
    mitigation or defense may receive further consideration as
    the district court deems appropriate.
    A district court’s award of damages is reviewed for an
    abuse of discretion. Caudle v. Bristow Optical Co., 
    224 F.3d 1014
    , 1023 (9th Cir. 2000), as amended on denial of reh’g
    (Nov. 2, 2000). A denial of litigation costs is also reviewed
    for an abuse of discretion. See Ass’n of Mex.-Am. Educators
    v. State of California, 
    231 F.3d 572
    , 592 (9th Cir. 2000).
    “An abuse of discretion is a plain error, discretion exercised
    to an end not justified by the evidence, a judgment that is
    clearly against the logic and effect of the facts as are found.”
    Rabkin v. Oregon Health Sciences Univ., 
    350 F.3d 967
    , 977
    (9th Cir. 2003) (citation and internal quotation marks
    The district court awarded Pyankovska $10,000 in
    statutory damages. It reasoned that “[t]he statute in this case
    instructs the court to award the greater of plaintiff’s actual
    damages incurred as a result of the violation or $10,000” and
    found that “[b]ecause plaintiff’s actual damages of $4,589
    are less than” $10,000, Pyankovska was owed $10,000 to
    compensate her for Abid’s violation of the Wiretap Act.
    Abid III, 
    2020 WL 569877
    , at *4. The district court did not
    address Pyankovska’s arguments on her state law claims.
    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID                     21
    Instead, in response to Pyankovska’s motion to alter or
    amend the judgment, the district court stated concisely that
    “plaintiff claims that the court did not consider her
    arguments regarding compensatory and punitive damages on
    her state law claims. . . . This court considered all the
    arguments and accounting of the parties in making its
    determination on damages.” Abid IV, 
    2020 WL 13536217
    at *1. On appeal, Pyankovska challenges the statutory
    damages award as incorrectly calculated and the state law
    damages as inadequate.
    Violations of the Wiretap Act provides for a “civil
    action” in favor of any person whose oral communication “is
    intercepted, disclosed, or intentionally used in violation of
    this chapter.” 
    18 U.S.C. § 2520
    (a); see 
    Nev. Rev. Stat. § 200.690
     (similar). “Appropriate relief” in a federal civil case
    includes equitable relief, damages, punitive damages, and
    reasonable attorney’s fees and “other litigation costs.” 
    18 U.S.C. § 2520
    (b). The Wiretap Act provides that “the court
    may assess as damages whichever is the greater of (A) the
    sum of the actual damages suffered by the plaintiff and any
    profits made by the violator as a result of the violation; or
    (B) statutory damages of whichever is the greater of $100 a
    day for each day of violation or $10,000.” 
    18 U.S.C. § 2520
    (c)(2); see also 
    Nev. Rev. Stat. § 200.690
    (similar). We have held that “the statutory-damages
    provision clarifies that violations are remedied on a per-day
    basis, not a per-occurrence basis. . . . And were a single
    violation to extend over multiple days, the number of
    assessments would be based on the number of days the
    violation continued.” Bliss v. CoreCivic, Inc., 
    978 F.3d 1144
    , 1149 (9th Cir. 2020).
    Abid argues that the statutory damages award was proper
    as the court “may” award statutory damages and therefore
    22                   PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    gives courts discretion not to award statutory damages at all.
    But the district court erred in failing to consider whether
    Abid violated the statute for more than 100 days, which
    would render the amount greater than $10,000.
    The district court concluded that “[b]ecause plaintiff’s
    actual damages of $4,589 are less than the statutory damages
    authorized by 
    18 U.S.C. § 2520
    (c)(1), the court awards
    plaintiff statutory damages in the amount of $10,000 to
    compensate her for defendant’s violation of the Wiretap
    Act.” Abid III, 
    2020 WL 569877
    , at *4. However, as
    Pyankovska correctly notes, once the district court decided
    that statutory damages should be awarded, it was bound by
    the statutory text, which permits the court to award $10,000
    only when that award would be greater than both “the sum
    of the actual damages suffered by the plaintiff and any
    profits made by the violator” and “$100 a day for each day
    of violation.” 
    18 U.S.C. § 2520
    (c)(2)(A)–(B). The $10,000
    liquidated damages amount under § 2520(c)(2)(B) is
    designed to compensate a claimant for all of a defendant’s
    violations under the Act, unless that defendant has violated
    the Act on more than 100 separate days, in which case
    compensation is $100 for each such day. See Smoot v.
    United Transp. Union, 
    246 F.3d 633
    , 646 (6th Cir. 2001).
    Here, Pyankovska contends that Abid violated the
    Wiretap Act over at least 707 days by (1) intercepting
    Pyankovska’s conversations with the child using a recording
    device, (2) disclosing contents of the recordings in a
    declaration submitted to the state court, and (3) disclosing
    and intentionally using the transcripts by posting them and
    leaving them available on various public Facebook groups
    for approximately two years. And if Pyankovska is correct,
    707 days of violations would mean a statutory damage award
    of $70,700, not $10,000. See 
    18 U.S.C. § 2520
    (c)(2). The
    PYANKOVSKA V. ABID                     23
    district court erred in its analysis of the statutory damages
    award, and we remand so that the district court may revisit
    its calculations.
    The district court also appears to have conflated punitive
    damages and litigation costs and discussed those awards as
    actual damages suffered. In addition to statutory damages,
    the Wiretap Act allows for punitive damages “in appropriate
    18 U.S.C. § 2520
    (b)(2), and “reasonable attorney’s
    fee and other litigation costs reasonably incurred,” 
    18 U.S.C. § 2520
    (b)(3). To receive punitive damages, a plaintiff “must
    show that [the] defendant[] acted wantonly, recklessly, or
    maliciously.” Jacobson v. Rose, 
    592 F.2d 515
    , 520 (9th Cir.
    1978). Here, the court appeared to recognize that Abid
    “deliberately violated the Wiretap Act for personal gain” and
    referred to “defendant’s flagrant violation of her privacy”
    but then concluded that these factors counseled only towards
    an award of $10,000 in statutory damages. Abid III, 
    2020 WL 569877
    , at *4. While it was within the court’s discretion
    to decide whether to award punitive damages and attorney’s
    fees, we remand so that the district court can provide more
    clarity as to the appropriateness of punitive damages and
    attorney’s fees.
    Pyankovska argues that the district court further erred by
    ignoring her damages request on her Nevada invasion-of-
    privacy and infliction-of-emotional-distress claims, though
    these claims were part of the default judgment entered
    against Abid. See United Nat’l Ins. Co. v. R & D Latex
    141 F.3d 916
    , 918–19 (9th Cir. 1998) (finding that
    the district court abused its discretion in failing to make any
    findings and to state its reasoning). In the district court’s
    order on Pyankovska’s motion to amend a judgment, the
    24                   PYANKOVSKA V. ABID
    court simply stated that “plaintiff claims that the court did
    not consider her arguments regarding compensatory and
    punitive damages on her state law claims. This court
    considered all the arguments and accounting of the parties in
    making its determination on damages.” Abid IV, 
    2020 WL 13536217
    , at *1. Abid argues that the district court
    considered Pyankovska’s evidence but was simply not
    The district court did not address Pyankovska’s
    invasion-of-privacy and infliction-of-emotional-distress
    claims nor did it discuss the evidence she submitted in
    support of these claims. The court’s discussion of damages
    associated with the state common law claims is relegated to
    a very brief comment in response to Pyankovska’s motion to
    amend the judgment. We therefore remand to afford the
    district court the opportunity to provide additional
    explanation concerning Pyankovska’s eligibility for
    compensatory and punitive damages on the Nevada
    common-law claims.
    For these reasons, we VACATE and REMAND for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion.