Rosita Smith v. Jem Group Inc , 737 F.3d 636 ( 2013 )

  •                      FOR PUBLICATION
    ROSITA H. SMITH, individually and                 No. 11-35964
    on behalf of all similarly situated
    Washington State Residents,                         D.C. No.
    Plaintiff-Appellee,          3:11-cv-05054-
    JEM GROUP, INC., a Nevada                            OPINION
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Washington
    Robert J. Bryan, Senior District Judge, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    March 7, 2013—Seattle, Washington
    Filed December 12, 2013
    Before: David M. Ebel,* William A. Fletcher
    and Johnnie B. Rawlinson, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge W. Fletcher
    The Honorable David M. Ebel, Senior Circuit Judge for the U.S. Court
    of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, sitting by designation.
    2                  SMITH V. JEM GROUP, INC.
    The panel affirmed the district court’s denial of a motion
    to compel arbitration arising from an arbitration clause in an
    attorney retainer agreement.
    The panel held that the district court correctly decided
    that it, rather than an arbitrator, should decide whether the
    arbitration clause in the attorney retainer agreement was
    unconscionable. The panel also held that the district court
    properly concluded, using non-preempted Washington law,
    that the arbitration clause was unenforceable.
    Christopher Glenn Emch (argued), Foster Pepper PLLC,
    Seattle, Washington for Defendant-Appellant.
    Toby J. Marshall, Jennifer Rust Murray, Erika L. Nusser
    (argued), Beth Ellen Terrell, Terrell Marshall Daudt & Willie
    PLLC, Seattle, Washington; Darrell William Scott, The Scott
    Law Group, P.S., Spokane, Washington, for Plaintiff-
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    SMITH V. JEM GROUP, INC.                    3
    W. FLETCHER, Circuit Judge:
    JEM Group, Inc. (“JEM”) appeals from the district court’s
    denial of its motion to compel arbitration. The district court
    held that it had authority to decide whether an arbitration
    clause contained in an attorney retainer agreement is
    unconscionable. On the merits, the court held that the clause
    is unconscionable under Washington law.
    We affirm.
    I. Background
    Rosita Smith is the lead plaintiff in a proposed class
    action against JEM, Marshall Banks, LLC (“Marshall
    Banks”), and Legal Helpers Debt Resolution, LLC (“Legal
    Helpers”). According to the complaint, JEM is a “back-end”
    debt-relief company that “implements, manages, and
    maintains the debt-relief programs marketed and purportedly
    performed by ‘front-end’ affiliate debt-settlement companies”
    including Marshall Banks. Marshall Banks, also known as
    “Kazlow and Tucker Debt Relief, LLC” (“Kazlow and
    Tucker”), is a California “front-end” debt-relief company that
    markets debt-relief services to consumers. Kazlow and
    Tucker is a fictitious company that is not registered in any
    state. Legal Helpers is a Nevada limited liability company
    and Illinois law firm also known as Macey, Aleman, Hyslip
    & Searns. The Illinois Department of Financial and
    Professional Regulation recently issued a cease-and-desist
    order prohibiting Legal Helpers from engaging in debt
    adjusting practices in Illinois. It wrote, “Despite the name,
    ‘Legal Helpers,’ the company does not provide legal
    4               SMITH V. JEM GROUP, INC.
    representation to consumers or otherwise act in an attorney
    capacity.” In the Matter of Legal Helpers Debt Resolution
    LLC, No. 10CC311, at *3 (Ill. Dep’t of Fin. & Prof’l
    Regulation, Div. of Fin. Insts. Aug. 1, 2011).
    Under Washington law, a debt-settlement service provider
    may not charge more than twenty-five dollars in an initial
    payment, fifteen percent of any single payment, or fifteen
    percent of the debtor’s total debt. Wash. Rev. Cod.
    § 18.28.080(1). The statute provides an exception for debt-
    adjustment services performed by attorneys when those
    services are “solely incidental to the practice of their
    Id. § 18.28.010(1)(a).
    According to the
    complaint, debt-adjustment companies, including JEM and
    Marshall Banks, have associated with law firms such as Legal
    Helpers that are willing to lend their names to debt-
    adjustment companies in an attempt to avoid the limitations
    such as those contained in the Washington statute. JEM and
    Marshall Banks charge fees to Washington consumers that
    exceed the statutory limitations on fees that may be charged
    by debt-collection agencies.
    In March 2010, Smith received a solicitation from
    defendants offering debt settlement services. At the time, she
    was struggling financially as a result of her husband’s recent
    death and her own declining health. In early April, Smith
    signed a twenty-one page contract sent to her by Kazlow and
    Tucker. The contract included a four-page, fine-print
    attorney retainer agreement (“ARA”) between Legal Helpers
    and Smith. The ARA contained an arbitration clause on the
    fourth page. There was no explanation of the arbitration
    clause either in the ARA or the rest of the contract. The
    instruction on the cover page, sent by Kazlow and Tucker,
    was uninformative. It said only: “Please sign at every X.
    SMITH V. JEM GROUP, INC.                  5
    Please include your voided check and copy of your billing
    statements. And fax to [Kazlow and Tucker’s fax number].”
    Smith filed a class action complaint against JEM,
    Marshall Banks, and Legal Helpers in federal district court,
    alleging breach of fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment, aiding
    and abetting, civil conspiracy, and breach of Washington
    consumer protection statutes. Defendants all moved to
    compel arbitration. JEM and Marshall Banks, who were not
    parties to the ARA, contended that they were third-party
    beneficiaries of the ARA, and that they were therefore
    entitled to arbitration of any claims against them. Smith
    opposed the motions, contending that the arbitration clause
    within the ARA was unconscionable. The district court
    denied defendants’ motions to compel, and defendants
    appealed. Marshall Banks and Legal Helpers have dismissed
    their appeals, leaving JEM as the only remaining appellant.
    II. Jurisdiction and Standard of Review
    We have appellate jurisdiction under 9 U.S.C.
    § 16(a)(1)(B) and 28 U.S.C. § 1291. “We review de novo
    district court decisions about the arbitrability of claims.”
    Kramer v. Toyota Motor Corp., 
    705 F.3d 1122
    , 1126 (9th Cir.
    III. Discussion
    A. Determination by the District Court
    JEM argues that an arbitrator, rather than the district
    court, should have determined whether the arbitration clause
    is unconscionable. JEM argues under Buckeye Check
    Cashing, Inc. v. Cardegna, 
    546 U.S. 440
    (2006), and
    6                SMITH V. JEM GROUP, INC.
    Nagrampa v. MailCoups, Inc., 
    469 F.3d 1257
    (9th Cir. 2006)
    (en banc), that because the “crux” of Smith’s complaint is
    that the contract as a whole is invalid, and the complaint does
    not specifically attack the arbitration clause in the ARA as
    unconscionable, an arbitrator rather than the court should
    have decided whether the arbitration clause was
    unconscionable. We disagree.
    We have held that “the question of arbitrability is for the
    court to decide regardless of whether the specific challenge
    to the arbitration clause is raised as a distinct claim in the
    complaint” so long as “the plaintiff’s challenge to the validity
    of an arbitration clause is a distinct question from the validity
    of the contract as a whole . . . .” Bridge Fund Capital Corp.
    v. Fastbucks Franchise Corp., 
    622 F.3d 996
    , 998 (9th Cir.
    2010). JEM does not contest that Smith separately
    challenged the arbitration clause as unconscionable, but it
    argues that her challenge to the clause could not have been
    the “crux of the complaint” because the challenge was made
    for the first time not in Smith’s complaint but in her
    opposition to the motion to compel arbitration. We
    specifically rejected such an argument in Bridge Fund
    Capital. JEM contends that our decision in Bridge Fund
    Capital is fatally inconsistent with Buckeye and Nagrampa.
    Even if Bridge Fund Capital were incorrectly decided, we
    would, of course, be bound to follow it. But we have no
    doubt about its correctness. In Buckeye, the Supreme Court
    considered whether a challenge to the validity of an
    arbitration agreement was a challenge “specifically [to] the
    validity of the agreement to arbitrate” or a challenge to “the
    contract as a whole, either on a ground that directly affects
    the entire agreement . . . or on the ground that the illegality of
    one of the contract’s provisions renders the whole contract
    SMITH V. JEM GROUP, INC.                       7
    invalid.” 546 U.S. at 444
    . The Court held that because the
    “crux of the complaint” filed by the plaintiffs was a challenge
    to the contract as a whole, the district court could not properly
    consider the argument; rather, arbitrability should be
    considered by the arbitrator in the first instance. 
    Id. at 444–46.
    In Nagrampa, we construed Buckeye to mean that
    “challenges specifically to the arbitration agreement were for
    the court to decide,” even if these were not the sole or
    predominant challenges in the 
    complaint. 469 F.3d at 1269
    In Bridge Fund Capital we considered “a third scenario
    not described in either Buckeye or Nagrampa; namely, a
    specific challenge to the arbitration clause that is not raised as
    a separate claim in the 
    complaint.” 622 F.3d at 1001
    . The
    relevant facts in Bridge Fund Capital were the same as in the
    case before us. Plaintiffs had entered into a franchise
    agreement that contained an arbitration clause. 
    Id. at 999.
    Plaintiffs filed suit, alleging breach of the agreement, fraud
    and deceit, negligent misrepresentation, and violation of
    California law. 
    Id. They alleged
    that provisions of the
    agreement were unconscionable, but they did not specify the
    particular provisions. 
    Id. Defendant moved
    to compel
    Id. Plaintiffs opposed
    the motion, specifically
    contending for the first time that the arbitration clause was
    Id. After carefully
    analyzing Buckeye and
    Nagrampa, we concluded that the district court had the
    authority to decide whether the arbitration clause was
    Id. at 1000–02.
    We held that it did not
    matter that plaintiffs had not specifically alleged
    unconscionability of the clause in their complaint. 
    Id. at 1001.
    It was sufficient that they raised that issue in their
    response to the motion to compel. 
    Id. at 1002.
    8                 SMITH V. JEM GROUP, INC.
    Our decision in Bridge Fund Capital rests on a
    recognition of the nature of arbitration agreements. Many
    contracts, including those at issue in Bridge Fund Capital and
    in the case before us, provide for compulsory arbitration at
    the choice of one or both of the parties; if neither party asks
    for arbitration, any dispute that arises under the contract may
    be brought to a court. Under such a contract, a challenge to
    the arbitration clause would not be a proper part of a
    complaint if the plaintiff prefers a decision from a court. As
    we observed in Bridge Fund Capital,
    in cases in which the arbitration clause’s
    invalidity is an entirely distinct issue from the
    contract claims in the case—the clearest cases
    in which arbitrability is to be decided by the
    court—we would not generally expect the
    plaintiff to raise claims against the validity of
    the arbitration clause in the complaint,
    because such claims generally would be
    unrelated to plaintiff’s principal prayer for
    Id. at 1001–02.
    We therefore hold that the district court properly
    considered the validity of the arbitration clause.
    B. Unconscionability of the Arbitration Clause
    Under Washington law, a contractual provision is
    unenforceable if it is procedurally unconscionable. Nelson v.
    896 P.2d 1258
    , 1264 (Wash. 1995) (en banc).
    SMITH V. JEM GROUP, INC.                     9
    Procedural unconscionability is determined in
    light of the totality of the circumstances,
    including (1) the manner in which the parties
    entered into the contract, (2) whether the
    parties had a reasonable opportunity to
    understand the terms, and (3) whether the
    terms were hidden in a maze of fine print.
    Torgerson v. One Lincoln Tower, LLC, 
    210 P.3d 318
    , 322
    (Wash. 2009) (en banc) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The district court concluded that all three of the listed
    circumstances were present in Smith’s agreement to the
    arbitration clause in the ARA. The court therefore held the
    clause procedurally unconscionable.
    JEM does not argue on appeal that if Washington law
    applies to this case, the district court applied it incorrectly.
    However, it argues that Washington law does not apply
    because it is preempted by the Federal Arbitration Act
    (“FAA”), as interpreted by the Supreme Court in AT&T
    Mobility LLC v. Concepcion, 
    131 S. Ct. 1740
    (2011). We
    Under Washington law, an attorney fee agreement, or a
    provision thereof, is unenforceable if the attorney has not
    complied with the Washington Rules of Professional
    Conduct. Valley/50th Ave., L.L.C. v. Stewart, 
    153 P.3d 186
    189 (Wash. 2007) (en banc). An attorney must provide a
    “reasonable and fair disclosure of material elements of the fee
    agreement” to the client. Wash. Rules of Prof’l Conduct
    R. 1.5(a)(9). Advisory opinions interpreting the professional
    rules are persuasive but not binding authority under
    Washington law. In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against
    99 P.3d 881
    , 888 (Wash. 2004) (en banc). In
    10               SMITH V. JEM GROUP, INC.
    Opinion 1670, the Washington State Bar Association
    (“WSBA”) specified that an arbitration provision may be
    included in an attorney fee agreement only if the attorney
    provides full disclosure of the provision to the client. The
    Opinion states that
    there is no per se prohibition in the Rules of
    Professional Conduct against including an
    arbitration provision in a fee agreement with
    a client, but that it (1) must be consistent with
    a lawyer’s fiduciary obligations and statutory
    law such as RCW Ch. 4.24; and (2) it properly
    must be done only with full disclosure to the
    An ABA Formal Opinion similarly concludes that arbitration
    agreements are permissible in ARAs only if the client has
    been given “sufficient information to permit her to make an
    informed decision about whether to agree to the inclusion of
    the arbitration provision in the retainer agreement.” ABA
    Comm. on Ethics & Prof’l Responsibility, Formal Op. 02-425
    (2002). The district court relied on Professional Conduct
    Rule 1.5, as well as the WSBA and ABA opinions, to
    conclude that an arbitration clause is a material element of an
    ARA, and that such a clause is unenforceable under
    Washington law unless the attorney has fully disclosed the
    arbitration clause to his or her client.
    For several reasons, Concepcion does not support a
    conclusion that Washington procedural unconscionability law
    is preempted. First, Washington law does not unduly burden
    arbitration. Concepcion held that a California law forbidding
    a class-action waiver provision in arbitration agreements was
    preempted by the 
    FAA. 131 S. Ct. at 1750
    –51. The Court
    SMITH V. JEM GROUP, INC.                   11
    provided additional examples of arbitration-specific rules that
    would be preempted by the FAA, such as state rules declaring
    unconscionable any arbitration clause that does not provide
    for judicially monitored discovery, requiring arbitration to
    proceed in accordance with the Federal Rules of Evidence, or
    requiring final disposition by a jury. 
    Id. at 1747.
    Such rules,
    the Court explained, would “stand as . . . obstacle[s] to the
    accomplishment of the FAA’s objective[],” which is to ensure
    the enforcement of private arbitration agreements. 
    Id. at 1748.
    In contrast to those rules, the Washington procedural
    unconscionability rule applied in this case does not burden
    arbitration. Washington law provides only that an arbitration
    clause in an ARA is material, and that an arbitration clause is
    unenforceable if the attorney fails to disclose it fully. This
    law does not “make[] the process slower, more costly, [or]
    more likely to generate [a] procedural morass.” 
    Concepcion, 131 S. Ct. at 1751
    Second, Washington procedural unconscionability law is
    concerned only with the process that results in the formation
    of the agreement. The state rule at issue in Concepcion, as
    well as the rules provided by the Court as examples, were
    preempted because they specified the manner in which the
    arbitration could or should be conducted. Unlike those rules,
    the Washington law at issue says nothing about the manner in
    which an arbitration is to be conducted. As the Eleventh
    Circuit has observed, “[t]he Supreme Court has consistently
    recognized” that “unconscionability doctrine[s] concerned
    with defects in the process of contract formation” are “valid
    under 9 U.S.C. § 2, and has repeatedly identified
    unconscionability as one of the general principles of contract
    law that, if applied impartially, may be applied to arbitration
    agreements under § 2.” In re Checking Account Overdraft
    Litig. MDL No. 2036, 
    685 F.3d 1269
    , 1278 (11th Cir. 2012).
    12               SMITH V. JEM GROUP, INC.
    Third, Washington procedural unconscionability law
    applicable to ARAs is not specifically aimed at arbitration
    clauses. Washington law, including Opinion 1670, does not
    single out or place any additional burden on arbitration
    provisions. Rather, Opinion 1670 merely clarifies that an
    arbitration clause is among the material provisions in an ARA
    that an attorney, acting as a fiduciary, must disclose to his or
    her client. An attorney must disclose the arbitration
    agreement only to the same degree that he or she must
    disclose all material terms in an ARA.
    We conclude that the district court correctly decided that
    it, rather than an arbitrator, should decide whether the
    arbitration clause in the ARA was unconscionable. We
    further conclude that the district court properly decided, using
    non-preempted Washington law, that the arbitration clause
    was unenforceable.