Meyer v. UST-United States Trustee (In Re Scholz) , 699 F.3d 1167 ( 2012 )

  •                 FOR PUBLICATION
    In re: ROBERT LYNN SCHOLZ;              No. 11-60023
    Debtors,          BAP No.
    MICHAEL HUGH MEYER, Chapter 13
    Appellant,           OPINION
    Appeal from the Ninth Circuit
    Bankruptcy Appellate Panel
    Markell, Zive, and Jury, Bankruptcy Judges, Presiding
    Argued and Submitted
    August 10, 2012—San Francisco, California
    Filed November 15, 2012
    2                          IN RE: SCHOLZ
    Before: Consuelo M. Callahan and Paul J. Watford,
    Circuit Judges, and James K. Singleton,
    Senior District Judge.*
    Opinion by Judge Watford
    Reversing a decision of the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel,
    the panel held that debtors could not exclude a Railroad
    Retirement Act annuity when calculating their “projected
    disposable income,” which determined the amount they were
    required to repay creditors to qualify for chapter 13 relief.
    The panel held that even though the Bankruptcy Appellate
    Panel’s decision remanded the case to the bankruptcy court
    and therefore was not final as a technical matter, the decision
    was reviewable because judicial efficiency weighed in favor
    of the assertion of appellate jurisdiction, and the panel’s
    resolution of the issue would not interfere with the bankruptcy
    court’s fact-finding role.
    Applying a trust law understanding of the statute pursuant
    to Hisquierdo v. Hisquierdo, 
    439 U.S. 572
     (1979), the panel
    held that the Railroad Retirement Act’s anti-anticipation
    The Honorable James K. Singleton, Senior United States District Judge
    for the District of Alaska, sitting by designation.
    This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has
    been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.
    IN RE: SCHOLZ                        3
    clause, which provides that the payment of an annuity shall
    not be “anticipated,” refers to premature receipt of payment,
    and thus does not preclude the inclusion of Railroad
    Retirement Act annuity payments in chapter 13 debtors’
    projected disposable income.
    Brent D. Meyer, Meyer Law Group, LLP, San Francisco,
    California, for the trustee-appellant.
    Gary Huss, Law Offices of Gary Huss, Fresno, California, for
    the debtors-appellees.
    Henry E. Hildebrand, III, Standing Chapter 13 Trustee for the
    Middle District of Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee, for
    amicus curiae National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees.
    WATFORD, Circuit Judge:
    Robert and Carolyn Scholz have filed for bankruptcy
    protection under Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code. The
    question before us is whether the Scholzes may exclude an
    annuity Mr. Scholz receives under the Railroad Retirement
    Act of 1974 (RRA) when calculating their “projected
    disposable income,” which determines the amount they must
    repay creditors to qualify for Chapter 13 relief. The Scholzes
    contend the annuity must be excluded because the RRA
    provides that payment of such annuities shall not be
    4                      IN RE: SCHOLZ
    “anticipated.” In the Scholzes’ view, calculating their
    projected disposable income based on the expectation that
    Mr. Scholz will continue to receive the annuity “anticipates”
    its payment and is therefore barred by the RRA. In our view,
    that reading of the statute is foreclosed by the Supreme
    Court’s construction of the term “anticipated” in Hisquierdo
    v. Hisquierdo, 
    439 U.S. 572
    The relevant facts may be briefly summarized. Mr.
    Scholz, a retired railroad employee, receives annuity income
    under the RRA of several thousand dollars per month. When
    the Scholzes filed their Chapter 13 petition, they were
    required to calculate their “current monthly income,” which
    is defined as “the average monthly income from all sources
    that the debtor receives” during the six-month period before
    the bankruptcy filing, subject to several exclusions.
    11 U.S.C. § 101
    (10A). The Scholzes excluded Mr. Scholz’s
    RRA annuity when calculating their current monthly income.
    The bankruptcy court agreed, over an objection by the trustee,
    that this exclusion was proper. See In re Scholz, 
    427 B.R. 864
    , 870-72 (Bankr. E.D. Cal. 2010).
    The exclusion of Mr. Scholz’s RRA annuity from “current
    monthly income” was significant because that figure is used
    as the baseline for calculating a debtor’s “disposable income”
    – the amount the debtor has left after paying specified
    expenses each month. See 
    11 U.S.C. § 1325
    (b)(2). The
    amount of a debtor’s “disposable income,” in turn, will often
    have an important bearing on the terms of the repayment plan
    that the bankruptcy court must approve. For if the debtor’s
    proposed plan does not pay unsecured creditors in full, and
    IN RE: SCHOLZ                         5
    either the trustee or any unsecured creditor objects, the
    bankruptcy court may not approve the plan unless the debtor
    agrees to pay all of the debtor’s “projected disposable
    income” to unsecured creditors over the duration of the plan.
     § 1325(b)(1).
    After the bankruptcy court confirmed the Scholzes’
    proposed plan, the trustee appealed. The Bankruptcy
    Appellate Panel of the Ninth Circuit (BAP) held that the
    bankruptcy court had erred by excluding Mr. Scholz’s RRA
    annuity when calculating the Scholzes’ current monthly
    income. Meyer v. Scholz (In re Scholz), 
    447 B.R. 887
    , 893-94
    (B.A.P. 9th Cir. 2011). The BAP reasoned that, had Congress
    intended to exclude RRA annuity income from the calculation
    of current monthly income, it could have provided an express
    exclusion for such income, as it has for other sources of
    retirement income, such as Social Security benefits.
    Congress’s failure to do so, the BAP reasoned, precludes
    courts from creating new, nonstatutory exclusions. 
     at 891-
    92. Both the trustee and the Scholzes now agree that the
    BAP’s ruling on this point is correct.
    Ordinarily, including a source of income in the calculation
    of current monthly income means that source will be included
    in the calculation of projected disposable income as well. But
    the BAP thought RRA annuity income had to be treated
    differently, based on what we will call the RRA’s “anti-
    anticipation clause.” That clause, italicized below, provides
    as follows:
    [N]otwithstanding any other law of the United
    States, or of any State, territory, or the District
    of Columbia, no annuity or supplemental
    6                       IN RE: SCHOLZ
    annuity shall be assignable or be subject to
    any tax or to garnishment, attachment, or other
    legal process under any circumstances
    whatsoever, nor shall the payment thereof be
    45 U.S.C. § 231m(a) (emphasis added). The BAP held that
    including RRA annuity income in the calculation of a debtor’s
    projected disposable income would “anticipate” payment of
    the annuity and is therefore barred by the RRA’s anti-
    anticipation clause. Scholz, 
    447 B.R. at 895-96
    Before addressing the merits of this holding, we must first
    decide whether the BAP’s ruling is reviewable. We have
    jurisdiction to review “all final decisions, judgments, orders,
    and decrees” issued by the BAP. 
    28 U.S.C. § 158
    (d)(1). The
    BAP’s decision here is not final as a technical matter, because
    it remands the case to the bankruptcy court for further factual
    findings – namely, recalculation of (1) the Scholzes’ current
    monthly income with Mr. Scholz’s RRA annuity included,
    and (2) their projected disposable income with the annuity
    excluded. See DeMarah v. United States (In re DeMarah),
    62 F.3d 1248
    , 1250 (9th Cir. 1995). But our case law permits
    a “flexible approach to jurisdiction in the context of
    bankruptcy appeals.” Congrejo Invs., LLC v. Mann (In re
    586 F.3d 1159
    , 1163 (9th Cir. 2009). In determining
    whether to assert jurisdiction, we consider: “(1) the need to
    avoid piecemeal litigation; (2) judicial efficiency; (3) the
    systemic interest in preserving the bankruptcy court’s role as
    the finder of fact; and (4) whether delaying review would
    cause either party irreparable harm.” 
    Id. at 1164
    IN RE: SCHOLZ                           7
    quotation marks omitted). After considering these factors, we
    are persuaded that the exercise of appellate jurisdiction is
    proper here.
    The second and third factors identified in Bender weigh
    in favor of exercising jurisdiction. Because this appeal
    concerns a purely legal issue that does not turn in any way on
    the factual record, our resolution of the issue will not interfere
    with the bankruptcy court’s fact-finding role. Furthermore,
    resolution at this juncture will increase judicial efficiency by
    ensuring that, upon remand, the bankruptcy court will need to
    calculate the Scholzes’ projected disposable income only
    once. We have found jurisdiction proper in similar
    circumstances when resolution of a central legal issue would
    “materially aid the bankruptcy court in reaching its
    disposition on remand.” Dawson v. Washington Mutual
    Bank, F.A. (In re Dawson), 
    390 F.3d 1139
    , 1145-46 (9th Cir.
    2004) (asserting jurisdiction over an appeal concerning the
    availability of a particular form of damages to ensure that the
    bankruptcy court would perform the correct calculation on
    With respect to the remaining two factors, neither party
    has raised the prospect of irreparable harm, and there is no
    particular risk of piecemeal litigation because the bankruptcy
    court’s task on remand would have been primarily a
    computational one. We see no indication that the bankruptcy
    court’s recalculation of the Scholzes’ current monthly income
    and projected disposable income would be likely to generate
    new issues for appeal. See Saxman v. Educ. Credit Mgmt.
    Corp. (In re Saxman), 
    325 F.3d 1168
    , 1171-72 (9th Cir. 2003)
    (asserting jurisdiction over an appeal from an order
    remanding for calculation of the amount the debtor could
    8                      IN RE: SCHOLZ
    reasonably pay per month without suffering undue hardship).
    Accordingly, there are substantial benefits to exercising
    jurisdiction now and no apparent countervailing reasons for
    declining to do so.
    We can now turn back to the statute at issue. The RRA
    states, as noted before, that payment of RRA annuities may
    not be “anticipated.” 45 U.S.C. § 231m(a). The term
    “anticipated” is not defined, and no legislative history sheds
    light on its meaning. The Scholzes urge us to construe the
    term in this sense: We “anticipate” something by expecting
    a future event to occur and acting in accordance with that
    expectation. (For example, we might “anticipate” a pay raise
    at the end of the year by moving into a more expensive
    apartment.) If that definition were applied here, a court would
    impermissibly “anticipate” RRA annuity income by expecting
    that income to be paid in the future and calculating projected
    disposable income in accordance with that expectation.
    In our view, the Scholzes’ construction of the statute is
    foreclosed by the Supreme Court’s decision in Hisquierdo v.
    439 U.S. 572
     (1979). There, the Court held that
    Congress used “anticipated” not in the sense the Scholzes
    urge, but instead in a more specialized sense borrowed from
    the law of trusts. Under trust law, the Court explained, “a
    prohibition against anticipation is commonly understood to
    mean that ‘the interest of a sole beneficiary shall not be paid
    to him before a certain date.’” 
    Id. at 588
     (quoting ERWIN
    1947)); see also RESTATEMENT (SECOND ) OF TRUSTS § 168
    (1959) (anticipation of income means receiving it “before the
    IN RE: SCHOLZ                          9
    time when by the terms of the trust [the beneficiary] is
    entitled to the enjoyment of such income”); BLACK’S LAW
    DICTIONARY 108 (9th ed. 2009) (defining “anticipation” as
    “[t]he distribution or receipt of trust income before it is due”).
    The Supreme Court applied this trust law understanding
    of “anticipated” in Hisquierdo, and made clear that it refers to
    premature receipt of payment. The Hisquierdos were
    involved in a divorce proceeding in which Mrs. Hisquierdo
    sought to claim a community property interest in the RRA
    benefits her husband would begin receiving after he retired.
    439 U.S. at 578-79
    . She argued that her
    community property interest could be satisfied by an
    offsetting award of presently available community property.
    Id. at 588
    . The Court held that the RRA’s anti-anticipation
    clause barred such an award. Under the trust law definition
    of “anticipated,” the offsetting award Mrs. Hisquierdo sought
    “would improperly anticipate payment by allowing her to
    receive her interest before the date Congress has set for any
    interest to accrue.” 
    Id. at 589
     (emphasis added).
    Taking RRA annuity income into account when
    calculating a debtor’s projected disposable income does not
    “anticipate” that income in the trust law sense of the term.
    Doing so merely allows the bankruptcy court to calculate the
    amount of future income a debtor will in fact have available
    after deducting specified expenses to repay creditors.
    Requiring debtors to pay unsecured creditors all of their
    projected disposable income over the duration of the
    repayment plan – even if that figure includes future RRA
    annuity income – does not allow the debtor or the debtor’s
    creditors to receive RRA annuity payments “before the date
    Congress has set for any interest to accrue.” 
     The debtor
    10                      IN RE: SCHOLZ
    simply makes payments to unsecured creditors each month in
    accordance with the terms of the plan, using the debtor’s
    “regular income” to do so. 
    11 U.S.C. § 109
    (e) (limiting
    eligibility for Chapter 13 relief to debtors with “regular
    income”). There is no sense in which RRA annuity payments
    are “anticipated” as that term is used in 45 U.S.C. § 231m(a).
    Contrary to the Scholzes’ suggestion, the holding of
    Hamilton v. Lanning, 
    130 S. Ct. 2464
     (2010), has no bearing
    on the outcome of this case. The Supreme Court there
    resolved a circuit split over whether bankruptcy courts
    calculating projected disposable income have the discretion
    to make adjustments based on expected changes in future
    income, or instead must mechanically calculate a debtor’s
    past average monthly disposable income and multiply it by
    the number of months in the plan. 
    Id. at 2471
    . The Court
    adopted the former “forward-looking approach,” instructing
    courts to start with the presumption that the mechanically
    calculated figure is correct but to use their discretion to take
    into account “known or virtually certain information about the
    debtor’s future income or expenses.” 
    Id. at 2475
    . That
    holding would be relevant only if future changes to the
    Scholzes’ financial circumstances were “known or virtually
    certain,” as might be the case, for example, if it were known
    or virtually certain that Mr. Scholz’s RRA annuity would be
    terminated in the future. But no such argument has been
    made here.
    In sum, we hold that 45 U.S.C. § 231m(a) does not require
    courts to exclude RRA annuity income when calculating a
    debtor’s “projected disposable income” under 
    11 U.S.C. § 1325
    (b). Mr. Scholz’s RRA annuity income must be
    IN RE: SCHOLZ                      11
    included when calculating the Scholzes’ projected disposable
    income on remand.