New York Stock Exchange LLC v. SEC ( 2021 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued May 11, 2021                    Decided June 29, 2021
    No. 20-1242
    Consolidated with 20-1243, 20-1244
    On Petitions for Review of Orders
    of the Securities and Exchange Commission
    Paul S. Mishkin argued the cause for petitioners. With him
    on the briefs were Amir C. Tayrani, Joshua M. Wesneski,
    Matthew A. Kelly, Paul E. Greenwalt III, and Michael K.
    Martin Totaro, Senior Counsel, Securities and Exchange
    Commission, argued the cause for respondent. With him on
    the brief were Michael A. Conley, Acting General Counsel, and
    Tracey A. Hardin, Assistant General Counsel.
    Before: HENDERSON and ROGERS, Circuit Judges, and
    SENTELLE, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge HENDERSON.
    KAREN LECRAFT HENDERSON, Circuit Judge: Thirteen
    nationally registered stock exchanges (“Petitioners”) seek
    review of four orders issued by the Securities and Exchange
    Commission (“Commission”). Under the Securities Exchange
    Act (“Act”), a final order of the Commission must be
    challenged “within sixty days after the entry of the order.” 15
    U.S.C. § 78y(a)(1). The Petitioners filed their challenges 65
    days after the orders were entered. Attempting to evade the
    obvious, they argue that the challenged orders are not in fact
    orders but rather rules, which are subject to a different filing
    deadline. See id. § 78y(b)(1). We disagree. Under the Act, a
    petition challenging an order designated as such is subject to
    the deadline imposed by § 78y(a)(1). Accordingly, we dismiss
    the petitions as untimely.
    The Securities Act Amendments of 1975 give the
    Commission the authority “to facilitate the establishment of a
    national market system for securities.” 15 U.S.C. § 78k-
    1(a)(2). The National Market System (NMS) is effectively the
    communication and data processing infrastructure of the stock
    market.     Its purpose is to “foster efficiency, enhance
    competition, increase the information available to brokers,
    dealers, and investors, facilitate the offsetting of investors’
    orders, and contribute to best execution” of orders for qualified
    securities. Id. § 78k-1(a)(1)(D).
    National stock exchanges, like the Petitioners, work with
    the Commission to administer the NMS. The Petitioners are
    referred to as “self-regulatory organizations” (SROs). See id.
    § 78c(a)(26). Together with the Commission, SROs are
    responsible for planning, operating and regulating the NMS.
    See id. § 78k-1(a)(3)(B); see also 
    17 C.F.R. § 242.603
    (b). The
    NMS is comprised of numerous NMS Plans covering a variety
    of topics. Any two or more SROs can develop a Plan, subject
    to the approval of the Commission.                 
    17 C.F.R. §§ 242.608
    (a)(1), (b)(2).
    This case involves three Plans, called Equity Data Plans,
    that govern the collection, processing and distribution of stock
    quotation and transaction information. In 2019, the Petitioners
    proposed to amend the Plans by creating new confidentiality
    and conflict-of-interest disclosure requirements for the SROs.
    On January 14, 2020, the Commission published notice of the
    proposed amendments and solicited public comment. It also
    invited comment on several dozen questions it posed regarding
    the scope and efficacy of the proposed amendments.
    Commission Rule 608 governs the initiation and
    modification of NMS Plans. It provides:
    The Commission shall approve a national market
    system plan or proposed amendment to an effective
    national market system plan, with such changes or
    subject to such conditions as the Commission may
    deem necessary or appropriate, if it finds that such
    plan or amendment is necessary or appropriate in the
    public interest, for the protection of investors and the
    maintenance of fair and orderly markets, to remove
    impediments to, and perfect the mechanisms of, a
    national market system, or otherwise in furtherance of
    the purposes of the Act. . . . Approval or disapproval
    of a national market system plan, or an amendment to
    an effective national market system plan (other than
    an amendment initiated by the Commission), shall be
    by order. Promulgation of an amendment to an
    effective national market system plan initiated by the
    Commission shall be by rule.
     § 242.608(b)(2) (emphases added). Exercising this
    authority, the Commission made several changes to the SRO-
    proposed amendments and, on May 6, 2020, entered them in
    four     documents     labeled    “Order”     (collectively,
    “Amendments”). The Amendments were published in the
    Federal Register on May 12, 2020.
    The Commission-approved Amendments differ from
    those proposed by the SROs. For example, the Amendments
    impose certain disclosure obligations on third parties that
    interact with an SRO. They also require certain SRO
    employees to recuse themselves from certain Plan management
    duties if their compensation is tied to a proprietary data product
    offered by the SRO. According to the SROs, the Commission-
    approved Amendments go “well beyond” their proposals.
    The Petitioners sought review in this Court on July 10,
    2020—that is, 65 days after the Commission entered the four
    May 6 Amendments. The petitions asked the Court “to hold
    the Amendments unlawful under the Exchange Act and
    Administrative Procedure Act, to vacate the Amendments,
    [and] to issue a permanent injunction prohibiting the
    Commission from implementing and enforcing the
    requirements of the Amendments.”
    The Commission moved to dismiss the petitions as
    untimely under § 78y(a)(1). The Petitioners maintained that
    the relevant deadline is not provided by § 78y(a)(1), which
    pertains to orders, but rather § 78y(b)(1), which pertains to
    rules. Under the latter subsection, a petition for review must
    be filed “within sixty days after the promulgation of the rule.”
    15 U.S.C. § 78y(b)(1) (emphasis added). Under the
    Petitioners’ interpretation, their deadline was Monday, July 13,
    2020.1     A motions panel of this court referred the
    Commission’s motion to dismiss to the merits panel.
    This case presents a straightforward question of statutory
    interpretation: whether the Amendments are “final order[s] of
    the Commission” within the meaning of § 78y(a)(1). A
    statutory deadline should be clear and predictable and,
    accordingly, we answer the question by drawing a bright line,
    holding that the Commission’s designation conclusively
    determines which filing deadline applies. Cf. United States v.
    469 U.S. 241
    , 248 (1985) (“The time has come for a rule
    with as ‘bright’ a line as can be drawn consistent with the
    The Petitioners ask us to look at the substance of the
    Amendments rather than the label the Commission gives them.
    They note that the Amendments “do not involve case-specific
    individual determinations” and are intended to “have only
    future effect.” These features, they say, make the Amendments
    more consistent with rules than orders.
    The Act does not define “order” or “rule” so we look to
    the definitions in the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).
    See Watts v. SEC, 
    482 F.3d 501
    , 505 (D.C. Cir. 2007). Under
    the APA, an order is “the whole or a part of a final disposition,
    whether affirmative, negative, injunctive, or declaratory in
    form, of an agency in a matter other than rule making.” 5
    An agency rule is considered promulgated on the date it is
    published in the Federal Register. See Horsehead Res. Dev. Co. v.
    130 F.3d 1090
    , 1093 (D.C. Cir. 1997). As noted supra, the
    Amendments were published in the Federal Register on May 12,
    6 U.S.C. § 551
    (6). A rule is “the whole or a part of an agency
    statement of general or particular applicability and future effect
    designed to implement, interpret, or prescribe law or policy.”
     § 551(4). In other words, an order is virtually any
    authoritative agency action other than a rule.
    As a leading treatise recognizes, the APA’s definitions of
    order and rule “overlap significantly.” 1 Richard J. Pierce, Jr.,
    Administrative Law Treatise 701 (5th ed. 2010). The overlap
    is understandable—perhaps unavoidable—because orders, like
    rules, “may affect agency policy and have general prospective
    application.” Conf. Grp., LLC v. FCC, 
    720 F.3d 957
    , 966 (D.C.
    Cir. 2013) (quoting N.Y. State Comm’n on Cable Television v.
    749 F.2d 804
    , 815 (D.C. Cir. 1984)). We have
    recognized that “[m]ost norms that emerge from a rulemaking
    are equally capable of emerging (legitimately) from an
    adjudication,” Qwest Servs. Corp. v. FCC, 
    509 F.3d 531
    , 536
    (D.C. Cir. 2007); it may not be possible, then, to say whether
    the Amendments comprise orders or rules merely by
    examining their substance. This makes the substance of an
    SRO-initiated Plan amendment a particularly poor basis for
    determining the applicable filing deadline.
    Neither does the procedure the Commission used to
    approve the Amendments resolve the question of which filing
    deadline applies. Sections 78y(a)(1) and 78y(b)(1) provide for
    judicial review of orders and rules, respectively, allowing any
    defects, whether procedural or substantive, to be remedied. For
    instance, a petition challenging a putative Commission rule
    would be subject to § 78y(b)(1)’s filing deadline even if the
    Commission had failed to comply with the notice-and-
    comment procedures in § 553 of the APA; we would not
    conclude that the challenged rule was defective and thus not an
    authentic rule within the meaning of § 78y(b)(1). See M.M.V.
    v. Garland, No. 20-5106, 
    2021 WL 2483861
    , at *3 (D.C. Cir.
    June 18, 2021) (A federal statute’s “bar on judicial review of
    certain ‘policies adopted’ would be ineffective if ‘adopted’
    were construed to mean ‘lawfully adopted’ as determined by a
    reviewing court.”). Likewise, even if we agreed that the
    Amendments should have been promulgated as rules, this
    argument would challenge the Amendments qua orders—and
    thus be subject to the § 78y(a)(1) deadline.
    Instead of focusing on an amendment’s substance or the
    procedure used to effectuate it, we think it better to give
    conclusive weight to the Commission’s designation.
    Construing § 78y(a)(1)’s use of “order” to mean “order
    identified as such” avoids the pitfalls of the other two
    approaches and—critically—promotes predictability and
    clarity. Regulated parties should be able to answer a simple
    procedural question (“What is my filing deadline?”) without
    having to answer a complex merits question (“Did the agency
    properly proceed through adjudication?”). As the United
    States Supreme Court has explained, certainty and
    predictability are central to well-functioning statutory
    limitations. See, e.g., United States v. Briggs, 
    141 S. Ct. 467
    471 (2020) (“clarity” is “one principal benefit” of limitations
    provisions); Young v. United States, 
    535 U.S. 43
    , 47 (2002)
    (“certainty” is one of the “basic policies furthered by all
    limitation provisions” (alteration accepted) (internal quotations
    omitted)); Owens v. Okure, 
    488 U.S. 235
    , 240 (1989)
    (“[p]redictability” is “a primary goal of statutes of
    This is not to say that an appeal to these goals can or should
    overcome plain statutory language. “[W]ith respect to filing
    deadlines[,] a literal reading of Congress’ words is generally
    the only proper reading of those words.” United States v.
    471 U.S. 84
    , 93 (1985). But if the meaning of a
    statutory deadline is contested, there is precedent for
    interpreting the deadline using an easily ascertained bright line.
    In Irwin v. Department of Veterans Affairs, for instance, the
    Supreme Court determined whether the 30-day window for
    filing a Title VII lawsuit against the government began when
    the plaintiff’s attorney’s office received a certain notice or
    when the attorney himself received the notice. See 
    498 U.S. 89
    , 91–92 (1990). Choosing the former, the Supreme Court
    noted that “[t]he practical effect of a contrary rule would be to
    encourage factual disputes about when actual notice was
    received, and thereby create uncertainty in an area of the law
    where certainty is much to be desired.” 
    Id. at 93
    In Newell v. SEC, the Ninth Circuit considered when an
    order is “entered” pursuant to § 78y(a)(1)’s filing deadline. See
    812 F.2d 1259
    , 1260 (9th Cir. 1987). It concluded that the date
    of an order’s entry is its caption date and noted the “need for
    temporal certainty with respect to the commencement of appeal
    Id. at 1261
    . “[C]ertainty cannot be served,” it
    reasoned, “by an ‘entry’ date interpreted other than as the
    caption date.” 
     Likewise, in a case interpreting an
    ambiguous filing deadline in a different federal statute, we
    chose the interpretation that resulted in “certainty of rights and
    deadlines.” Env’t Def. Fund, Inc. v. Costle, 
    631 F.2d 922
    , 938
    (D.C. Cir. 1980). See also Patton v. Dir., Off. of Workers’
    Comp. Programs, U.S. Dep’t of Lab., 
    763 F.2d 553
    , 560 n.14
    (3d Cir. 1985) (“clarity and predictability” are “vital to litigants
    when filing deadlines are involved”).
    Granted, there are instances in which we have looked
    beyond an agency’s label to the substance of its action. See,
    e.g., Safari Club Int’l v. Zinke, 
    878 F.3d 316
    , 332–33 (D.C. Cir.
    2017); Nat’l Ass’n of Home Builders v. U.S. Army Corps of
    417 F.3d 1272
    , 1284 (D.C. Cir. 2005); Sugar Cane
    Growers Co-op. of Fla. v. Veneman, 
    289 F.3d 89
    , 95–96 (D.C.
    Cir. 2002); Philadelphia Co. v. SEC, 
    164 F.2d 889
    , 899–900
    (D.C. Cir. 1947). But the Petitioners draw the wrong lesson
    from these cases, which stand for the proposition that an
    agency label does not determine the substantive legal standard
    under which we evaluate agency action. In Safari Club, the
    agency claimed that its ban on the importation of sport-hunted
    elephant trophies was “the product of informal adjudications”
    and therefore not subject to APA notice-and-comment. 878
    F.3d at 320, 331. We disagreed. Because the decision
    constituted a “final rule,” the agency had to give notice and
    comment. Id. at 331–32. Sugar Cane Growers was similar.
    There, the agency defended its payment-in-kind program for
    sugar beets, which it implemented via press release rather than
    289 F.3d at
    91–92. We held that the program
    constituted a rule, not an “isolated agency act.” 
    Id. at 95
    (internal quotations omitted). Home Builders and Philadelphia
    Co. involved whether an agency label could prevent any
    judicial review. See Home Builders, 417 F.3d at 1284 (agency
    rule subject to review under Regulatory Flexibility Act);
    Philadelphia Co., 
    164 F.2d at 900
     (D.C. Cir. 1947) (agency
    order subject to review under Public Utility Holding Company
    Here, by contrast, the dispute involves when judicial
    review is appropriate. Had the Petitioners met the filing
    deadline, they would have been free to challenge the
    Commission’s approval of the Amendments by way of order
    rather than rule. Deferring to the Commission’s designation
    affects only the deadline by which the Amendments can be
    challenged, not the Amendments’ judicial reviewability or the
    substantive legal standard applicable to their merits.
    “Filing deadlines, like statutes of limitations, necessarily
    operate harshly and arbitrarily with respect to individuals who
    fall just on the other side of them, but if the concept of a filing
    deadline is to have any content, the deadline must be enforced.”
    471 U.S. at 101
    . For the reasons we have discussed, the
    Petitioners find themselves on the wrong side of § 78y(a)(1)’s
    filing deadline, thereby depriving us of subject matter
    jurisdiction. See Domestic Sec., Inc. v. SEC, 
    333 F.3d 239
    , 245
    (D.C. Cir. 2003). Accordingly, the petitions for review are
    So ordered.