In Re: Aiken County , 725 F.3d 255 ( 2013 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued May 2, 2012               Decided August 13, 2013
    Ordered Held in Abeyance August 3, 2012
    No. 11-1271
    On Petition for Writ of Mandamus
    Andrew A. Fitz, Senior Counsel, Office of the Attorney
    General for the State of Washington, argued the cause for
    petitioners. With him on the briefs were Robert M. McKenna,
    Attorney General, Todd R. Bowers, Senior Counsel, Thomas
    R. Gottshall, S. Ross Shealy, Alan Wilson, Attorney General,
    Office of the Attorney General for the State of South
    Carolina, William Henry Davidson II, Kenneth Paul
    Woodington, James Bradford Ramsay, Robin J. Lunt, Barry
    M. Hartman, Christopher R. Nestor, and Robert M. Andersen.
    Jerry Stouck and Anne W. Cottingham were on the brief
    for amicus curiae Nuclear Energy Institute, Inc. in support of
    Charles E. Mullins, Senior Attorney, U.S. Nuclear
    Regulatory Commission, argued the cause for respondent.
    With him on the brief were Stephen G. Burns, General
    Counsel, John F. Cordes Jr., Solicitor, and Jeremy M.
    Suttenberg, Attorney.
    Martin G. Malsch argued the cause for intervenor State
    of Nevada. With him on the briefs were Charles J.
    Fitzpatrick and John W. Lawrence.
    Before: GARLAND, Chief Judge, KAVANAUGH, Circuit
    Judge, and RANDOLPH, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion     for the Court filed by Circuit Judge
    KAVANAUGH, with whom Senior Circuit Judge RANDOLPH
    joins except as to Part III.
    Concurring opinion filed by Senior Circuit Judge
    Dissenting opinion filed by Chief Judge GARLAND.
    KAVANAUGH, Circuit Judge: This case raises significant
    questions about the scope of the Executive’s authority to
    disregard federal statutes.    The case arises out of a
    longstanding dispute about nuclear waste storage at Yucca
    Mountain in Nevada. The underlying policy debate is not our
    concern. The policy is for Congress and the President to
    establish as they see fit in enacting statutes, and for the
    President and subordinate executive agencies (as well as
    relevant independent agencies such as the Nuclear Regulatory
    Commission) to implement within statutory boundaries. Our
    more modest task is to ensure, in justiciable cases, that
    agencies comply with the law as it has been set by Congress.
    Here, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has continued to
    violate the law governing the Yucca Mountain licensing
    process. We therefore grant the petition for a writ of
    This case involves the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, which
    was passed by Congress and then signed by President Reagan
    in 1983. That law provides that the Nuclear Regulatory
    Commission “shall consider” the Department of Energy’s
    license application to store nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain
    and “shall issue a final decision approving or disapproving”
    the application within three years of its submission. 
    42 U.S.C. § 10134
    (d). The statute allows the Commission to
    extend the deadline by an additional year if it issues a written
    report explaining the reason for the delay and providing the
    estimated time for completion. 
     § 10134(d), (e)(2).
    In June 2008, the Department of Energy submitted its
    license application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    As recently as Fiscal Year 2011, Congress appropriated funds
    to the Commission so that the Commission could conduct the
    statutorily mandated licensing process. Importantly, the
    Commission has at least $11.1 million in appropriated funds
    to continue consideration of the license application.
    But the statutory deadline for the Commission to
    complete the licensing process and approve or disapprove the
    Department of Energy’s application has long since passed.
    Yet the Commission still has not issued the decision required
    by statute. Indeed, by its own admission, the Commission has
    no current intention of complying with the law. Rather, the
    Commission has simply shut down its review and
    consideration of the Department of Energy’s license
    Petitioners include the States of South Carolina and
    Washington, as well as entities and individuals in those
    States. Nuclear waste is currently stored in those States in the
    absence of a long-term storage site such as Yucca Mountain.
    Since 2010, petitioners have sought a writ of mandamus
    requiring the Commission to comply with the law and to
    resume processing the Department of Energy’s pending
    license application for Yucca Mountain. Mandamus is an
    extraordinary remedy that takes account of equitable
    considerations.     The writ may be granted “to correct
    transparent violations of a clear duty to act.” In re American
    Rivers and Idaho Rivers United, 
    372 F.3d 413
    , 418 (D.C. Cir.
    2004) (internal quotation marks omitted); see also Arizona v.
    Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., No. 12-71, slip. op. at
    17 n.10 (U.S. 2013) (noting that if the federal Election
    Assistance Commission did not act on a state’s statutorily
    permitted request, “Arizona would be free to seek a writ of
    mandamus to ‘compel agency action unlawfully withheld or
    unreasonably delayed’”) (quoting 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    In 2011, a prior panel of this Court indicated that, if the
    Commission failed to act on the Department of Energy’s
    license application within the deadlines specified by the
    Nuclear Waste Policy Act, mandamus likely would be
    appropriate. See In re Aiken County, 
    645 F.3d 428
    , 436 (D.C.
    Cir. 2011). In 2012, after a new mandamus petition had been
    filed, this panel issued an order holding the case in abeyance
    and directing that the parties file status updates regarding
    Fiscal Year 2013 appropriations. At that time, we did not
    issue the writ of mandamus. Instead, in light of the
    Commission’s strenuous claims that Congress did not want
    the licensing process to continue and the equitable
    considerations appropriately taken into account in mandamus
    cases, we allowed time for Congress to clarify this issue if it
    wished to do so. But a majority of the Court also made clear
    that, given the current statutory language and the funds
    available to the Commission, the Commission was violating
    federal law by declining to further process the license
    application. And the Court’s majority further indicated that
    the mandamus petition eventually would have to be granted if
    the Commission did not act or Congress did not enact new
    legislation either terminating the Commission’s licensing
    process or otherwise making clear that the Commission may
    not expend funds on the licensing process. See Order, In re
    Aiken County, No. 11-1271 (D.C. Cir. Aug. 3, 2012).
    Since we issued that order more than a year ago on
    August 3, 2012, the Commission has not acted, and Congress
    has not altered the legal landscape. As things stand, therefore,
    the Commission is simply flouting the law. In light of the
    constitutional respect owed to Congress, and having fully
    exhausted the alternatives available to us, we now grant the
    petition for writ of mandamus against the Nuclear Regulatory
    Our analysis begins with settled, bedrock principles of
    constitutional law. Under Article II of the Constitution and
    relevant Supreme Court precedents, the President must follow
    statutory mandates so long as there is appropriated money
    available and the President has no constitutional objection to
    the statute. So, too, the President must abide by statutory
    prohibitions unless the President has a constitutional
    objection to the prohibition.        If the President has a
    constitutional objection to a statutory mandate or prohibition,
    the President may decline to follow the law unless and until a
    final Court order dictates otherwise. But the President may
    not decline to follow a statutory mandate or prohibition
    simply because of policy objections. Of course, if Congress
    appropriates no money for a statutorily mandated program,
    the Executive obviously cannot move forward. But absent a
    lack of funds or a claim of unconstitutionality that has not
    been rejected by final Court order, the Executive must abide
    by statutory mandates and prohibitions.
    Those basic constitutional principles apply to the
    President and subordinate executive agencies. And they
    apply at least as much to independent agencies such as the
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Cf. FCC v. Fox Television
    Stations, Inc., 
    556 U.S. 502
    , 525-26 (2009) (opinion of Scalia,
    J., for four Justices) (independent agency should be subject to
    same scrutiny as executive agencies); 
    id. at 547
     (opinion of
    Breyer, J., for four Justices) (independent agency’s
    “comparative freedom from ballot-box control makes it all the
    more important that courts review its decisionmaking to
    assure compliance with applicable provisions of the law”).
    In this case, however, the Nuclear Regulatory
    Commission has declined to continue the statutorily mandated
    Yucca Mountain licensing process. Several justifications
    have been suggested in support of the Commission’s actions
    in this case. None is persuasive.
    First, the Commission claims that Congress has not yet
    appropriated the full amount of funding necessary for the
    Commission to complete the licensing proceeding. But
    Congress often appropriates money on a step-by-step basis,
    especially for long-term projects. Federal agencies may not
    ignore statutory mandates simply because Congress has not
    yet appropriated all of the money necessary to complete a
    project. See City of Los Angeles v. Adams, 
    556 F.2d 40
    , 50
    (D.C. Cir. 1977) (when statutory mandate is not fully funded,
    “the agency administering the statute is required to effectuate
    the original statutory scheme as much as possible, within the
    limits of the added constraint”). For present purposes, the key
    point is this: The Commission is under a legal obligation to
    continue the licensing process, and it has at least $11.1
    million in appropriated funds – a significant amount of money
    – to do so. See Commission Third Status Report, at 2 (Apr. 5,
    Second, and relatedly, the Commission speculates that
    Congress, in the future, will not appropriate the additional
    funds necessary for the Commission to complete the licensing
    process. So it would be a waste, the Commission theorizes, to
    continue to conduct the process now. The Commission’s
    political prognostication may or may not ultimately prove to
    be correct. Regardless, an agency may not rely on political
    guesswork about future congressional appropriations as a
    basis for violating existing legal mandates. A judicial green
    light for such a step – allowing agencies to ignore statutory
    mandates and prohibitions based on agency speculation about
    future congressional action – would gravely upset the balance
    of powers between the Branches and represent a major and
    unwarranted expansion of the Executive’s power at the
    expense of Congress.
    Third, the Commission points to Congress’s recent
    appropriations to the Commission and to the Department of
    Energy for the Yucca Mountain project. In the last three
    years, those appropriations have been relatively low or zero.
    The Commission argues that those appropriations levels
    demonstrate a congressional desire for the Commission to
    shut down the licensing process.
    But Congress speaks through the laws it enacts. No law
    states that the Commission should decline to spend previously
    appropriated funds on the licensing process. No law states
    that the Commission should shut down the licensing process.
    And the fact that Congress hasn’t yet made additional
    appropriations over the existing $11.1 million available to the
    Commission to continue the licensing process tells us nothing
    definitive about what a future Congress may do. As the
    Supreme Court has explained, courts generally should not
    infer that Congress has implicitly repealed or suspended
    statutory mandates based simply on the amount of money
    Congress has appropriated. See TVA v. Hill, 
    437 U.S. 153
    190 (1978) (doctrine that repeals by implication are
    disfavored “applies with even greater force when the claimed
    repeal rests solely on an Appropriations Act”); United States
    v. Langston, 
    118 U.S. 389
    , 394 (1886) (“a statute fixing the
    annual salary of a public officer at a named sum . . . should
    not be deemed abrogated or suspended by subsequent
    enactments which merely appropriated a less amount for the
    services of that officer for particular fiscal years”); cf. 1 GAO,
    2004) (“a mere failure to appropriate sufficient funds will not
    be construed as amending or repealing prior authorizing
    In these circumstances, where previously appropriated
    money is available for an agency to perform a statutorily
    mandated activity, we see no basis for a court to excuse the
    agency from that statutory mandate.
    Fourth, the record suggests that the Commission, as a
    policy matter, simply may not want to pursue Yucca
    Mountain as a possible site for storage of nuclear waste. But
    Congress sets the policy, not the Commission. And policy
    disagreement with Congress’s decision about nuclear waste
    storage is not a lawful ground for the Commission to decline
    to continue the congressionally mandated licensing process.
    To reiterate, the President and federal agencies may not
    ignore statutory mandates or prohibitions merely because of
    policy disagreement with Congress. See Lincoln v. Vigil, 508
    U.S 182, 193 (1993) (“Of course, an agency is not free simply
    to disregard statutory responsibilities: Congress may always
    circumscribe agency discretion to allocate resources by
    putting restrictions in the operative statutes . . . .”); 
    18 Comp. Gen. 285
    , 292 (1938) (“the question with the accounting
    officers is not the apparent general merit of a proposed
    expenditure, but whether the Congress, controlling the purse,
    has by law authorized the expenditure”). 1
    Like the Commission here, a President sometimes has policy
    reasons (as distinct from constitutional reasons, cf. infra note 3) for
    wanting to spend less than the full amount appropriated by
    Congress for a particular project or program. But in those
    circumstances, even the President does not have unilateral authority
    to refuse to spend the funds. Instead, the President must propose
    the rescission of funds, and Congress then may decide whether to
    approve a rescission bill. See 
    2 U.S.C. § 683
    ; see also Train v. City
    of New York, 
    420 U.S. 35
     (1975); Memorandum from William H.
    Rehnquist, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, to
    Edward L. Morgan, Deputy Counsel to the President (Dec. 1,
    1969), reprinted in Executive Impoundment of Appropriated Funds:
    Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Separation of Powers of the S.
    Comm. on the Judiciary, 92d Cong. 279, 282 (1971) (“With respect
    to the suggestion that the President has a constitutional power to
    decline to spend appropriated funds, we must conclude that
    existence of such a broad power is supported by neither reason nor
    III 2
    We thus far have concluded that the Commission’s
    inaction violates the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. To be sure,
    there are also two principles rooted in Article II of the
    Constitution that give the Executive authority, in certain
    circumstances, to decline to act in the face of a clear statute.
    But neither of those principles applies here.
    First, the President possesses significant independent
    authority to assess the constitutionality of a statute. See U.S.
    CONST. art. II, § 1, cl. 1 (Executive Power Clause); U.S.
    CONST. art. II, § 1, cl. 8 (Oath of Office Clause); U.S. CONST.
    art. II, § 3 (Take Care Clause). But that principle does not
    help the Commission.
    To explain: The President is of course not bound by
    Congress’s assessment of the constitutionality of a statute.
    The Take Care Clause of Article II refers to “Laws,” and
    those Laws include the Constitution, which is superior to
    statutes. See U.S. CONST. art. VI (Constitution is “supreme
    Law of the Land”). So, too, Congress is not bound by the
    President’s assessment of the constitutionality of a statute.
    Rather, in a justiciable case, the Supreme Court has the final
    word on whether a statutory mandate or prohibition on the
    Executive is constitutional. See Nixon v. Administrator of
    General Services, 
    433 U.S. 425
     (1977) (Presidential
    Recordings and Materials Preservation Act is constitutional);
    see also Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 
    343 U.S. 579
    , 639 (1952) (Jackson, J., concurring) (congressional
    statutes that together preclude President from seizing steel
    mills are constitutional); see generally Marbury v. Madison, 
    5 U.S. 137
    Judge Kavanaugh alone joins Part III of the opinion.
    So unless and until a final Court decision in a justiciable
    case says that a statutory mandate or prohibition on the
    Executive Branch is constitutional, the President (and
    subordinate executive agencies supervised and directed by the
    President) may decline to follow that statutory mandate or
    prohibition if the President concludes that it is
    unconstitutional. Presidents routinely exercise this power
    through Presidential directives, executive orders, signing
    statements, and other forms of Presidential decisions. See,
    e.g., Zivotofsky v. Clinton, 
    132 S. Ct. 1421
     (2012) (based on
    Article II, Presidents Bush and Obama refused to comply with
    statute regulating passports of individuals born in Jerusalem);
    Myers v. United States, 
    272 U.S. 52
     (1926) (based on Article
    II, President Wilson refused to comply with statutory limit on
    the President’s removal power); see also Freytag v.
    Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 
    501 U.S. 868
    , 906 (1991)
    (Scalia, J., concurring) (President has “the power to veto
    encroaching laws or even to disregard them when they are
    unconstitutional”) (citation omitted); Presidential Authority to
    Decline to Execute Unconstitutional Statutes, 18 Op. Off.
    Legal Counsel 199, 199-200 (1994) (Walter Dellinger)
    (describing as “uncontroversial” and “unassailable” the
    proposition that a President may decline to execute an
    unconstitutional statute in some circumstances); 2 THE
    Elliot ed., 2d ed. 1836) (“the President of the United States
    could shield himself, and refuse to carry into effect an act that
    violates the Constitution”) (statement of James Wilson). 3
    In declining to follow a statutory mandate that the President
    independently concludes is unconstitutional, the President generally
    may decline to expend funds on that unconstitutional program, at
    least unless and until a final Court order rules otherwise. But in
    But even assuming arguendo that an independent agency
    such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission possesses Article
    II authority to assess the constitutionality of a statute and thus
    may decline to follow the statute until a final Court order says
    otherwise, 4 the Commission has not asserted that the relevant
    statutes in this case are unconstitutional. So that Article II
    principle is of no help to the Commission here.
    declining to follow a statutory prohibition that the President
    independently concludes is unconstitutional (and not just unwise
    policy, cf. supra note 1), the Appropriations Clause acts as a
    separate limit on the President’s power. It is thus doubtful that the
    President may permissibly expend more funds than Congress has
    appropriated for the program in question. See U.S. CONST. art. I,
    § 9, cl. 7 (Appropriations Clause); see also OPM v. Richmond, 
    496 U.S. 414
    , 425 (1990) (“Any exercise of a power granted by the
    Constitution to one of the other branches of Government is limited
    by a valid reservation of congressional control over funds in the
    Treasury.”). It is sometimes suggested, however, that the President
    may elect not to follow a statutory prohibition on how otherwise
    available appropriated funds are spent if the President concludes
    that the prohibition is unconstitutional, at least unless and until a
    final Court order rules otherwise. See David J. Barron & Martin S.
    Lederman, The Commander in Chief at the Lowest Ebb – Framing
    the Problem, Doctrine, and Original Understanding, 121 HARV. L.
    REV. 689, 740 (2008). This case does not require analysis of those
    difficult questions.
    It is doubtful that an independent agency may disregard a
    statute on constitutional grounds unless the President has concluded
    that the relevant statute is unconstitutional. But we need not delve
    further into that question here. Compare Humphrey’s Executor v.
    United States, 
    295 U.S. 602
     (1935), with Myers, 
    272 U.S. 52
    , and
    Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight
    130 S. Ct. 3138
    Second, it is also true that, under Article II, the President
    possesses a significant degree of prosecutorial discretion not
    to take enforcement actions against violators of a federal law.
    But that principle does not support the Commission’s inaction
    here. To demonstrate why, the contours of the Executive’s
    prosecutorial discretion must be explained.
    The Presidential power of prosecutorial discretion is
    rooted in Article II, including the Executive Power Clause,
    the Take Care Clause, the Oath of Office Clause, and the
    Pardon Clause. See U.S. CONST. art. II, § 1, cl. 1 (Executive
    Power Clause); U.S. CONST. art. II, § 1, cl. 8 (Oath of Office
    Clause); U.S. CONST. art. II, § 2, cl. 1 (Pardon Clause); U.S.
    CONST. art. II, § 3 (Take Care Clause); see also U.S. CONST.
    art. I, § 9, cl. 3 (Bill of Attainder Clause). The President may
    decline to prosecute certain violators of federal law just as the
    President may pardon certain violators of federal law. 5 The
    President may decline to prosecute or may pardon because of
    the President’s own constitutional concerns about a law or
    because of policy objections to the law, among other reasons. 6
    See, e.g., United States v. Nixon, 
    418 U.S. 683
    , 693 (1974)
    (“the Executive Branch has exclusive authority and absolute
    discretion to decide whether to prosecute a case”); Community
    for Creative Non-Violence v. Pierce, 
    786 F.2d 1199
    , 1201
    (D.C. Cir. 1986) (“The power to decide when to investigate,
    The power to pardon encompasses the power to commute
    sentences. See Schick v. Reed, 
    419 U.S. 256
    , 264 (1974).
    One important difference between a decision not to prosecute
    and a pardon is that a pardon prevents a future President from
    prosecuting the offender for that offense. Prosecutorial discretion,
    meanwhile, might be exercised differently by a future President –
    subject to statute of limitations issues or any due process limits that
    might apply when an offender has reasonably relied on a prior
    Presidential promise not to prosecute particular conduct.
    and when to prosecute, lies at the core of the Executive’s duty
    to see to the faithful execution of the laws . . . .”); United
    States v. Cox, 
    342 F.2d 167
    , 171 (5th Cir. 1965) (“The
    discretionary power of the attorney for the United States in
    determining whether a prosecution shall be commenced or
    maintained may well depend upon matters of policy wholly
    apart from any question of probable cause.”); Prosecution for
    Contempt of Congress of an Executive Branch Official Who
    Has Asserted a Claim of Executive Privilege, 8 Op. Off. Legal
    Counsel 101, 125 (1984) (Theodore B. Olson) (“the
    constitutionally prescribed separation of powers requires that
    the Executive retain discretion with respect to whom it will
    prosecute for violations of the law”); id. at 115 (“The
    Executive’s exclusive authority to prosecute violations of the
    law gives rise to the corollary that neither the Judicial nor
    Legislative Branches may directly interfere with the
    prosecutorial discretion of the Executive by directing the
    Executive Branch to prosecute particular individuals.”);
    Congressman John Marshall, Speech to the House of
    Representatives (1800), reprinted in 18 U.S. app. at 29 (1820)
    (The President may “direct that the criminal be prosecuted no
    further. This is . . . the exercise of an indubitable and a
    constitutional power.”); see also United States v. Klein, 
    80 U.S. 128
    , 147 (1871) (“To the executive alone is intrusted the
    power of pardon; and it is granted without limit.”).
    In light of the President’s Article II prosecutorial
    discretion, Congress may not mandate that the President
    prosecute a certain kind of offense or offender. The logic
    behind the pardon power further supports that conclusion. As
    has been settled since the Founding, the President has
    absolute authority to issue a pardon at any time after an
    unlawful act has occurred, even before a charge or trial. See
    Ex parte Grossman, 
    267 U.S. 87
    , 120 (1925) (“The Executive
    can reprieve or pardon all offenses after their commission,
    either before trial, during trial or after trial, by individuals, or
    by classes . . . .”). So it would make little sense to think that
    Congress constitutionally could compel the President to
    prosecute certain offenses or offenders, given that the
    President has undisputed authority to pardon all such
    offenders at any time after commission of the offense. See
    BIOGRAPHY 179 (2005) (“greater power to pardon subsumed
    the lesser power to simply decline prosecution”). 7
    The Executive’s broad prosecutorial discretion and
    pardon powers illustrate a key point of the Constitution’s
    separation of powers. One of the greatest unilateral powers a
    President possesses under the Constitution, at least in the
    domestic sphere, is the power to protect individual liberty by
    essentially under-enforcing federal statutes regulating private
    behavior – more precisely, the power either not to seek
    charges against violators of a federal law or to pardon
    violators of a federal law. 8 The Framers saw the separation of
    the power to prosecute from the power to legislate as essential
    If the Executive selectively prosecutes someone based on
    impermissible considerations, the equal protection remedy is to
    dismiss the prosecution, not to compel the Executive to bring
    another prosecution. See United States v. Armstrong, 
    517 U.S. 456
    459, 463 (1996); Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 
    118 U.S. 356
    , 373-74 (1886);
    cf. Linda R.S. v. Richard D., 
    410 U.S. 614
    , 618-19 (1973).
    Congress obviously has tools to deter the Executive from
    exercising authority in this way – for example by using the
    appropriations power or the advice and consent power to thwart
    other aspects of the Executive’s agenda (and ultimately, of course,
    Congress has the impeachment power). But Congress may not
    overturn a pardon or direct that the Executive prosecute a particular
    individual or class of individuals.
    to preserving individual liberty. See THE FEDERALIST NO. 47,
    at 269 (James Madison) (Clinton Rossiter ed., rev. ed. 1999)
    (“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and
    judiciary, in the same hands . . . may justly be pronounced the
    very definition of tyranny.”); 1 MONTESQUIEU, THE SPIRIT OF
    LAWS bk. 11, ch. 6, at 163 (Thomas Nugent trans., 1914)
    (“When the legislative and executive powers are united in the
    same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be
    no liberty; because apprehensions may arise, lest the same
    monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute
    them in a tyrannical manner.”). After enacting a statute,
    Congress may not mandate the prosecution of violators of that
    statute. Instead, the President’s prosecutorial discretion and
    pardon powers operate as an independent protection for
    individual citizens against the enforcement of oppressive laws
    that Congress may have passed (and still further protection
    comes from later review by an independent jury and Judiciary
    in those prosecutions brought by the Executive). 9
    It is likely that the Executive may decline to seek civil
    penalties or sanctions (including penalties or sanctions in
    administrative proceedings) on behalf of the Federal Government in
    the same way. Because they are to some extent analogous to
    criminal prosecution decisions and stem from similar Article II
    roots, such civil enforcement decisions brought by the Federal
    Government are presumptively an exclusive Executive power. See
    Buckley v. Valeo, 
    424 U.S. 1
    , 138 (1976) (“The Commission’s
    enforcement power, exemplified by its discretionary power to seek
    judicial relief, is authority that cannot possibly be regarded as
    merely in aid of the legislative function of Congress. A lawsuit is
    the ultimate remedy for a breach of the law, and it is to the
    President, and not to the Congress, that the Constitution entrusts the
    responsibility to ‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’”)
    (quoting U.S. CONST. art. II, § 3); Heckler v. Chaney, 
    470 U.S. 821
    831-33 (1985); Confiscation Cases, 
    74 U.S. 454
    , 457 (1868); see
    To be sure, a President’s decision to exercise
    prosecutorial discretion and to decline to seek charges against
    violators (or to pardon violators) of certain laws can be very
    controversial. For example, if a President disagreed on
    constitutional or policy grounds with certain federal
    marijuana or gun possession laws and said that the Executive
    Branch would not initiate criminal charges against violators of
    those laws, controversy might well ensue, including public
    criticism that the President was “ignoring” or “failing to
    enforce” the law (and if a court had previously upheld the law
    in question as constitutional, additional claims that the
    President was also “ignoring” the courts). But the President
    has clear constitutional authority to exercise prosecutorial
    discretion to decline to prosecute violators of such laws, just
    as the President indisputably has clear constitutional authority
    to pardon violators of such laws. See, e.g., 1963 Attorney
    Gen. Ann. Rep. 62, 62-63 (1963) (President Kennedy
    commuted the sentences of many drug offenders sentenced to
    mandatory minimums); Letter from Thomas Jefferson to
    Abigail Adams (July 22, 1804), in 11 THE WRITINGS OF
    THOMAS JEFFERSON 42, 43-44 (Andrew A. Lipscomb &
    Albert Ellery Bergh eds., 1904) (President Jefferson both
    pardoned those convicted under the Sedition Act and refused
    to prosecute violators of the Act); President George
    also Butz v. Economou, 
    438 U.S. 478
    , 515 (1978); Seven-Sky v.
    661 F.3d 1
    , 50 & n.43 (D.C. Cir. 2011) (Kavanaugh, J.,
    dissenting) (referring to possibility that a President might exercise
    prosecutorial discretion not to seek civil penalties against violators
    of a statute). That said, it has occasionally been posited that the
    President’s power not to initiate a civil enforcement action may not
    be entirely absolute (unlike with respect to criminal prosecution)
    and thus might yield if Congress expressly mandates civil
    enforcement actions in certain circumstances. Cf. Heckler, 
    470 U.S. at 832-33
    Washington, Proclamation (July 10, 1795), in 1 A
    PRESIDENTS 1789-1897, at 181 (James D. Richardson ed.,
    1896) (President Washington pardoned participants in the
    Pennsylvania Whiskey Rebellion). 10   The remedy for
    As a general matter, there is widespread confusion about the
    differences between (i) the President’s authority to disregard
    statutory mandates or prohibitions on the Executive, based on the
    President’s constitutional objections, and (ii) the President’s
    prosecutorial discretion not to initiate charges against (or to pardon)
    violators of a federal law. There are two key practical differences.
    First, the President may disregard a statutory mandate or
    prohibition on the Executive only on constitutional grounds, not on
    policy grounds. By contrast, the President may exercise the
    prosecutorial discretion and pardon powers on any ground –
    whether based on the Constitution, policy, or other considerations.
    Second, our constitutional structure and tradition establish that a
    President is bound to comply with a final Court decision holding
    that a statutory mandate or prohibition on the Executive is
    constitutional. But in the prosecutorial discretion and pardon
    context, when a Court upholds a statute that regulates private
    parties as consistent with the Constitution, that ruling simply
    authorizes prosecution of violators of that law. Such a Court ruling
    does not require the President either to prosecute violators of that
    law or to refrain from pardoning violators of that law. So the
    President may decline to prosecute or may pardon violators of a law
    that the Court has upheld as constitutional. To take one example, a
    President plainly could choose not to seek (or could commute)
    federal death sentences because of the President’s own objections
    to the death penalty, even though the Supreme Court has upheld the
    death penalty as constitutional. See Daniel J. Meltzer, Executive
    Defense of Congressional Acts, 61 DUKE L.J. 1183, 1189-90 (2012)
    (“President Jefferson ended pending prosecutions under the
    Sedition Act and pardoned individuals previously convicted under
    that Act, even though the courts had upheld the Act’s
    constitutionality. . . . [I]t can hardly be said that his pardons
    Presidential abuses of the power to pardon or to decline to
    prosecute comes in the form of public disapproval,
    congressional “retaliation” on other matters, or ultimately
    impeachment in cases of extreme abuse.
    So having said all of that, why doesn’t the principle of
    prosecutorial discretion justify the Nuclear Regulatory
    Commission’s inaction in this case?           The answer is
    straightforward. Prosecutorial discretion encompasses the
    Executive’s power to decide whether to initiate charges for
    legal wrongdoing and to seek punishment, penalties, or
    sanctions against individuals or entities who violate federal
    law. Prosecutorial discretion does not include the power to
    disregard other statutory obligations that apply to the
    Executive Branch, such as statutory requirements to issue
    rules, see Massachusetts v. EPA, 
    549 U.S. 497
    , 527-28 (2007)
    (explaining the difference), or to pay benefits, or to
    implement or administer statutory projects or programs. Put
    another way, prosecutorial discretion encompasses the
    discretion not to enforce a law against private parties; it does
    not encompass the discretion not to follow a law imposing a
    mandate or prohibition on the Executive Branch. 11
    disregarded a duty to enforce or defend a congressional statute,
    given that the pardon power, by its nature, involves undoing the
    prior enforcement, via conviction, of a statute. And although the
    abatement of pending prosecutions failed in one sense to enforce
    the Sedition Act, given the breadth of prosecutorial discretion –
    whether rooted in the Constitution, in the presumed intention of
    Congress, or in some combination of the two – it is hard to view
    Jefferson as having disregarded a congressional mandate.”)
    (footnotes omitted).
    Of course, for reasons already discussed, the President may
    decline to follow a law that purports to require the Executive
    This case does not involve a Commission decision not to
    prosecute violations of federal law. Rather, this case involves
    a Commission decision not to follow a law mandating that the
    Commission take certain non-prosecutorial action. So the
    Executive’s power of prosecutorial discretion provides no
    support for the Commission’s inaction and disregard of
    federal law here.
    At the behest of the Commission, we have repeatedly
    gone out of our way over the last several years to defer a
    mandamus order against the Commission and thereby give
    Congress time to pass new legislation that would clarify this
    matter if it so wished. In our decision in August 2012, the
    Court’s majority made clear, however, that mandamus likely
    would have to be granted at some point if Congress took no
    further action. See Order, In re Aiken County, No. 11-1271
    (D.C. Cir. Aug. 3, 2012). Since then, Congress has taken no
    further action on this matter. At this point, the Commission is
    simply defying a law enacted by Congress, and the
    Commission is doing so without any legal basis.
    We therefore have no good choice but to grant the
    petition for a writ of mandamus against the Commission.12
    Branch to prosecute certain offenses or offenders. Such a law
    would interfere with the President’s Article II prosecutorial
    In his dissent, Chief Judge Garland cites several cases to
    explain his vote against granting mandamus in this case. Of the
    eight cases he cites, however, five did not involve a statutory
    mandate with a defined deadline, as we have here. In the other
    three cases, the Court made clear that either the agency had to act or
    the Court would grant mandamus in the future. See In re United
    This case has serious implications for our constitutional
    structure. It is no overstatement to say that our constitutional
    system of separation of powers would be significantly altered
    if we were to allow executive and independent agencies to
    disregard federal law in the manner asserted in this case by
    Mine Workers of America International Union, 
    190 F.3d 545
    , 554
    (D.C. Cir. 1999) (“however modest [an agency’s] personnel and
    budgetary resources may be, there is a limit to how long it may use
    these justifications to excuse inaction”); Grand Canyon Air Tour
    Coalition v. FAA, 
    154 F.3d 455
    , 477 (D.C. Cir. 1998) (denying
    mandamus partly because “this is not a case where an agency has
    been contumacious in ignoring court directions to expedite
    decision-making”); In re Barr Laboratories, Inc., 
    930 F.2d 72
    , 76
    (D.C. Cir. 1991) (mandamus inappropriate where it would interfere
    with agency priorities set by applying agency expertise but noting
    that “[w]here the agency has manifested bad faith, as by . . .
    asserting utter indifference to a congressional deadline, the agency
    will have a hard time claiming legitimacy for its priorities”).
    Consistent with those precedents, we followed a cautious approach
    in our decision more than a year ago when we declined to issue
    mandamus against the Commission at that time. But the Court’s
    majority clearly warned that mandamus would eventually have to
    be granted if the Commission did not act or if Congress did not
    change the law. Since then, despite the clear warning, the
    Commission has still not complied with the statutory mandate. On
    the contrary, the Commission has reaffirmed that it has no plans to
    comply with the statutory mandate. In the face of such deliberate
    and continued agency disregard of a statutory mandate, our
    precedents strongly support a writ of mandamus. Our respectful
    factbound difference with Chief Judge Garland, then, is simply that
    we believe – especially given the Court’s cautious and incremental
    approach in prior iterations of this litigation, the significant amount
    of money available for the Commission to continue the licensing
    process, and the Commission’s continued disregard of the law –
    that the case has by now proceeded to the point where mandamus
    appropriately must be granted.
    the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Our decision today
    rests on the constitutional authority of Congress, and the
    respect that the Executive and the Judiciary properly owe to
    Congress in the circumstances here. To be sure, if Congress
    determines in the wake of our decision that it will never fund
    the Commission’s licensing process to completion, we would
    certainly hope that Congress would step in before the current
    $11.1 million is expended, so as to avoid wasting that
    taxpayer money. And Congress, of course, is under no
    obligation to appropriate additional money for the Yucca
    Mountain project. Moreover, our decision here does not pre-
    judge the merits of the Commission’s consideration or
    decision on the Department of Energy’s license application,
    or the Commission’s consideration or decision on any
    Department of Energy attempt to withdraw the license
    application. But unless and until Congress authoritatively
    says otherwise or there are no appropriated funds remaining,
    the Nuclear Regulatory Commission must promptly continue
    with the legally mandated licensing process. The petition for
    a writ of mandamus is granted.
    So ordered.
    RANDOLPH, Senior Circuit Judge, concurring: I join all of
    the majority opinion except part III, which I believe is
    unnecessary to decide the case.
    I also believe some background information is needed to
    understand what has occurred here. The Nuclear Waste Policy
    Act states that the Commission “shall consider” the Yucca
    Mountain license application and “shall issue a final decision
    approving or disapproving” the application “not later than” three
    years after its submission. 
    42 U.S.C. § 10134
    (d). The
    Department of Energy filed the Yucca Mountain application in
    June 2008, see Yucca Mountain; Notice of Receipt and
    Availability of Application, 
    73 Fed. Reg. 34,348
     (June 17,
    2008), and Congress later provided substantial appropriations
    for the licensing process, see U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY
    JUSTIFICATION FOR FY 2011 94–95 (2010). Although the
    Commission had a duty to act on the application and the means
    to fulfill that duty, former Chairman Gregory Jaczko
    orchestrated a systematic campaign of noncompliance. Jaczko
    unilaterally ordered Commission staff to terminate the review
    process in October 2010; instructed staff to remove key findings
    from reports evaluating the Yucca Mountain site; and ignored
    the will of his fellow Commissioners. See U.S. NUCLEAR
    17, 44–46 (2011). These transgressions prompted an
    investigation by the Commission’s Inspector General, as well as
    a letter from all four of the Commission’s other members
    expressing “grave concerns” about Jaczko’s performance in
    office. See Matthew Daly, Nuclear Agency’s Commissioners and
    Chief Trade War of Words, WASH. POST, Dec. 10, 2011, at A18.
    After we heard oral argument in this case, Jaczko resigned.
    Today’s judgment should ensure that the Commission’s
    next chapter begins with adherence to the law. In the Nuclear
    Waste Policy Act Congress required the Commission to rule on
    the Yucca Mountain application, and it appropriated funds for
    that purpose. The Commission’s duty is to comply with the law
    and our duty is to make sure it does so. “Once Congress . . . has
    decided the order of priorities in a given area, it is for the
    Executive to administer the laws and for the courts to enforce
    them when enforcement is sought.” TVA v. Hill, 
    437 U.S. 153
    194 (1978).
    GARLAND, Chief Judge, dissenting: Mandamus is a “drastic
    and extraordinary remedy reserved for really extraordinary
    causes.” Cheney v. U.S. Dist. Court for the Dist. of Columbia,
    542 U.S. 367
    , 380 (2004) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Even if a petitioner can show that it has a “clear and
    indisputable” right to the writ, issuing the writ remains “a matter
    vested in the discretion of the court.” 
    Id. at 381, 391
    . Likewise,
    “mandamus[] does not necessarily follow a finding of a
    [statutory] violation.” In re United Mine Workers of Am. Int’l
    190 F.3d 545
    , 551 (D.C. Cir. 1999) (second alteration in
    original) (quoting In re Barr Labs., Inc., 
    930 F.2d 72
    , 74 (D.C.
    Cir. 1991)). To the contrary, this court has not hesitated to deny
    the writ even when an agency has missed a statutory deadline by
    far more than the two years that have passed in this case. See id.
    at 546, 551 (declining to issue the writ, notwithstanding that the
    agency missed an “express” statutory deadline by 8 years in
    “clear violation” of the statute).1 Finally, and most relevant
    See also, e.g., In re Core Commc’ns, Inc., 
    531 F.3d 849
    , 850
    (D.C. Cir. 2008) (noting that the court had declined to issue the writ
    after the agency failed to respond to the court’s remand for 3 years,
    but issuing the writ when the delay reached 6 years); Mashpee
    Wampanoag Tribal Council, Inc. v. Norton, 
    336 F.3d 1094
    , 1100-01
    (D.C. Cir. 2003) (vacating and remanding the district court’s
    determination that a 5-year delay was unreasonable, due to the district
    court’s failure to consider the agency’s resource constraints); Grand
    Canyon Air Tour Coal. v. FAA, 
    154 F.3d 455
    , 477-78 (D.C. Cir. 1998)
    (declining to order agency action notwithstanding a 10-year delay in
    issuing a rule and a 20-year delay in achieving the rule’s statutory
    objective); In re Int’l Chem. Workers Union, 
    958 F.2d 1144
    , 1146-47,
    1150 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (noting that the court had declined to issue the
    writ after a 3-year delay, but issuing the writ when the delay reached
    6 years); In re Monroe Commc’ns Corp., 
    840 F.2d 942
    , 945-47 (D.C.
    Cir. 1988) (declining to issue the writ despite the agency’s 3-year
    delay since the ALJ’s initial decision, and 5-year delay since the start
    of agency proceedings); Oil, Chem. & Atomic Workers Int’l Union v.
    768 F.2d 1480
    , 1487-88 (D.C. Cir. 1985) (declining to issue
    the writ after a 5-year delay).
    here, “[c]ourts will not issue the writ to do a useless thing, even
    though technically to uphold a legal right.” United States ex rel.
    Sierra Land & Water Co. v. Ickes, 
    84 F.2d 228
    , 232 (D.C. Cir.
    Unfortunately, granting the writ in this case will indeed
    direct the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to do “a useless
    thing.” The NRC has not refused to proceed with the Yucca
    Mountain application. Rather, by unanimous votes of both the
    Commission and its Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, it has
    suspended the application proceeding until there are sufficient
    funds to make meaningful progress. See Mem. and Order at 1-2
    (N.R.C. Sept. 9, 2011); Mem. and Order (Suspending
    Adjudicatory Proceeding) at 3 (A.S.L.B. Sept. 30, 2011); NRC
    Br. 53; NRC Resp. Br. 5; Oral Arg. Tr. 36. Five months prior to
    that suspension, Congress had given the Commission only the
    minimal amount it requested to “support work related to the
    orderly closure of the agency’s Yucca Mountain licensing
    support activities.” NRC, CONG. BUDGET JUSTIFICATION FOR
    FY 2011, at 95 (2010); see Full-Year Continuing Appropriations
    Act, 2011, Pub. L. No. 112-10, § 1423, 
    125 Stat. 38
    , 126 (2011).
    The following year, Congress completely zeroed out the
    Commission’s funding for the project. And the year following
    that -- after we held this case in abeyance so that Congress could
    indicate whether it intended to fund the project going forward,
    see Order, In re Aiken County, No. 11-1271 (D.C. Cir. Aug. 3,
    2012) -- Congress once again appropriated no money for Yucca
    Mountain activities.
    See Weber v. United States, 
    209 F.3d 756
    , 760 (D.C. Cir. 2000)
    (declaring that the writ “is not to be granted in order to command a
    gesture”); Realty Income Trust v. Eckerd, 
    564 F.2d 447
    , 458 (D.C. Cir.
    1977) (holding that “equity should not require the doing of a ‘vain or
    useless thing’”).
    As a consequence, the agency has only about $11 million
    left in available funds. No one disputes that $11 million is
    wholly insufficient to complete the processing of the
    application. By way of comparison, the Commission’s budget
    request for the most recent year in which it still expected the
    Yucca Mountain proceeding to move forward was $99.1 million.
    See Inspector Gen. Mem. at 8 (June 6, 2011) (describing NRC’s
    FY 2010 performance budget request, which Congress did not
    grant).3 The only real question, then, is whether the
    To put the size of the application process in concrete terms, at
    the time the NRC suspended its licensing proceeding, 288 contentions
    -- claims that must be resolved before the application can be granted --
    remained outstanding.         See Mem. and Order (Suspending
    Adjudicatory Proceeding) at 3 (A.S.L.B. Sept. 30, 2011); see also
    Mem. and Order at 2 (N.R.C. June 30, 2009) (noting that the Yucca
    Mountain proceeding “is the most extensive . . . in the agency’s
    history”). Over 100 expert witnesses had been identified for
    depositions, to address contentions on such diverse subjects as
    hydrology, geochemistry, climate change, corrosion, radiation,
    volcanism, and waste transport -- and those were just for the first
    phase of the proceeding. See Mem. and Order (Identifying
    Participants and Admitted Contentions), Attachment A at 1-10
    (A.S.L.B. May 11, 2009); Dep’t of Energy Mot. to Renew Temporary
    Suspension (“DOE Mot.”) at 5 n.14 (A.S.L.B. Jan. 21, 2011).
    Nor is funding for the NRC the only problem. The Department
    of Energy (DOE) is the license applicant and an indispensable party
    in the application process; it bears the burden of proof on each of the
    remaining 288 contentions. See 
    10 C.F.R. § 2.325
    . But Congress has
    zeroed out DOE’s Yucca Mountain funding for three years running.
    It, too, has only a comparatively small amount of carryover funds
    available -- enough for less than two months’ participation. See U.S.
    Amicus Br. 6; see also infra note 4.
    Of course, processing the application is itself only the tip of the
    iceberg. Completing the project, including constructing the Yucca
    Commission can make any meaningful progress with $11
    The Commission has concluded that it cannot. See NRC
    Resp. Br. 5; U.S. Amicus Br. 9; see also NRC Br. 42. And we
    are not in a position -- nor do we have any basis -- to second-
    guess that conclusion. Two years ago, citing insufficient funds
    to proceed and the need to preserve the materials it had
    collected, the NRC shuttered the licensing program, dismantled
    the computer system upon which it depended, shipped the
    documents to storage, and reassigned the program’s personnel
    to projects that did have congressional funding. See Mem. and
    Order at 1-2 (N.R.C. Sept. 9, 2011); NRC Br. 3; Pet’rs Br. 16;
    Oral Arg. Tr. 45. The Commission believes it will take a
    significant part of the $11 million to get the process started
    again. See Oral Arg. Tr. 45-49; see also U.S. Amicus Br. 6.4
    Nor would that leave the Commission with the remainder to
    spend on moving the application along, however slightly. In
    light of the NRC’s previous three years of appropriations
    experience, the only responsible use for the remaining money
    would be to spend it on putting the materials back into storage --
    in order to preserve them for the day (if it ever arrives) that
    Congress provides additional funds. See Oral Arg. Tr. 48-49.
    Mountain facilities themselves, would require another $50 billion,
    none of which has been appropriated. See Oral Arg. Tr. 63.
    The Department of Energy is in a position similar to that of the
    NRC. The DOE office with responsibility for the Yucca Mountain
    project ceased operations in September 2010. See DOE Mot. at 4-5.
    “An active licensing proceeding would thus require DOE to, among
    other things, re-hire employees, enter into new contracts for necessary
    services, and re-create capabilities . . . .” 
    Id. at 5
    ; see also supra note
    In short, given the limited funds that remain available,
    issuing a writ of mandamus amounts to little more than ordering
    the Commission to spend part of those funds unpacking its
    boxes, and the remainder packing them up again. This exercise
    will do nothing to safeguard the separation of powers, which my
    colleagues see as imperiled by the NRC’s conduct. See Court
    Op. at 7, 21-22. And because “[i]t is within our discretion not
    to order the doing of a useless act,” Sierra Land & Water, 84
    F.2d at 232, I respectfully dissent.5
    Cf. In re Barr Labs., 
    930 F.2d at 76
     (“Congress sought to get
    generic drugs into the hands of patients at reasonable prices -- fast.
    The record before us reflects a defeat of those hopes. There are
    probably remedies[, including] more resources. . . . [N]one is within
    our power, and a grant of [the] petition [for mandamus] is no remedy
    at all.”).

Document Info

Docket Number: 11-1271

Citation Numbers: 406 U.S. App. D.C. 382, 725 F.3d 255

Judges: Garland, Kavanaugh, Randolph

Filed Date: 8/13/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/7/2023

Authorities (38)

United States v. Cox , 342 F.2d 167 ( 1965 )

oil-chemical-and-atomic-workers-international-union-and-public-citizen , 768 F.2d 1480 ( 1985 )

In Re American Rivers , 372 F.3d 413 ( 2004 )

In Re United Mine Workers of America International Union , 190 F.3d 545 ( 1999 )

Grand Canyon Air Tour Coalition v. Federal Aviation ... , 154 F.3d 455 ( 1998 )

In Re Aiken County , 645 F.3d 428 ( 2011 )

Seven-Sky v. Holder , 661 F.3d 1 ( 2011 )

Community for Creative Non-Violence v. Samuel R. Pierce, Jr.... , 786 F.2d 1199 ( 1986 )

In Re Barr Laboratories, Inc. , 930 F.2d 72 ( 1991 )

In Re International Chemical Workers Union , 958 F.2d 1144 ( 1992 )

City of Los Angeles, a Municipal Corporation v. Brock Adams,... , 556 F.2d 40 ( 1977 )

Weber, Calvin J. v. United States , 209 F.3d 756 ( 2000 )

In Re Monroe Communications Corporation , 840 F.2d 942 ( 1988 )

In Re Core Communications, Inc. , 531 F.3d 849 ( 2008 )

Buckley v. Valeo , 96 S. Ct. 612 ( 1976 )

Yick Wo v. Hopkins , 6 S. Ct. 1064 ( 1886 )

Ex Parte Grossman , 45 S. Ct. 332 ( 1925 )

Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight ... , 130 S. Ct. 3138 ( 2010 )

Myers v. United States , 47 S. Ct. 21 ( 1926 )

United States v. Langston , 6 S. Ct. 1185 ( 1886 )

View All Authorities »