Chiquita Brands International v. SEC , 805 F.3d 289 ( 2015 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued December 8, 2014               Decided July 17, 2015
    No. 14-5030
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:13-cv-00435)
    Mark H. Lynch argued the cause for appellant. With him
    on the briefs were James M. Garland, Mark W. Mosier,
    Ashley M. Sprague, and Jaclyn E. Martínez Resly.
    Sarah E. Hancur, Senior Counsel, Securities and
    Exchange Commission, argued the cause for appellee
    Securities and Exchange Commission. With her on the brief
    were Melinda Hardy and Thomas J. Karr, Assistants General
    Adina H. Rosenbaum argued the cause for appellee
    National Security Archive. With her on the brief was Michael
    T. Kirkpatrick. Jeffrey S. Gutman entered an appearance.
    Before: GRIFFITH, KAVANAUGH, and WILKINS, Circuit
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge GRIFFITH.
    GRIFFITH, Circuit Judge:
    Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, the National
    Security Archive requested investigative materials that the
    Securities and Exchange Commission had gathered involving
    payments made to paramilitary groups in Colombia by a
    subsidiary of Chiquita Brands International. Chiquita
    requested that the Commission deny the Archive’s request,
    arguing that releasing the records at this point in time would
    deprive the company of a fair trial in pending multi-district
    litigation in Florida. Neither the Commission nor the district
    court hearing this reverse-FOIA action thought release would
    deprive Chiquita of a fair trial. We agree with them.
    A familiar brand in American households, Chiquita
    produces, markets, and distributes bananas and other produce
    worldwide. During the time relevant to this appeal, Chiquita
    worked in Colombia through a subsidiary known as Banadex.
    In 2001, Chiquita reached a cease-and-desist settlement
    with the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding
    charges that Banadex violated the Securities Exchange Act of
    1934 by failing to accurately record certain payments made to
    local officials in Colombia. In 2007, following further
    investigation of Banadex by the Justice Department (DOJ),
    Chiquita pled guilty in the United States District Court for the
    District of Columbia to a single felony count under 50
    U.S.C. § 1705(b) (2006) and 31 C.F.R. § 594.204 of engaging
    in unauthorized transactions with Autodefensas Unidas de
    Colombia (AUC), a group that the federal government had
    designated as a global terrorist organization. During the
    course of the DOJ’s investigation, Chiquita acknowledged
    that Banadex had made the payments demanded by AUC but
    insisted the company did so only to protect its Colombian
    employees from being kidnapped, injured, and murdered.
    Chiquita produced thousands of documents related to those
    payments to investigators from the DOJ and the Commission,
    requesting that the Commission treat the records it received
    confidentially and not release them under the Freedom of
    Information Act (FOIA). See 17 C.F.R. § 200.83 (detailing
    the SEC’s confidential treatment procedures). In 2011, the
    DOJ released over 5,500 pages of these documents to the
    National Security Archive (Archive) under FOIA. The
    collection, which is available to the public on the Archive’s
    website, includes notes, memoranda, and internal
    communications regarding Banadex’s payments to AUC and
    other armed groups in Colombia.
    The Archive describes itself as a non-profit library
    located at George Washington University in Washington,
    D.C., that, among other things, collects and publishes
    declassified documents related to U.S. national security. In
    2000, the Archive initiated its Colombia Documentation
    Project—a campaign that has led to the filing of nearly 3,000
    FOIA requests with various federal agencies for documents
    related to issues involving the United States and Colombia,
    such as narcotics trafficking, drug cartels, and paramilitary
    groups. The Archive filed two FOIA requests with the SEC in
    November 2008 seeking documents related to the federal
    investigations of Banadex that led to the cease-and-desist
    settlement and the guilty plea, as well as any documents from
    1989 onward in the SEC’s possession relating to the
    company’s       finances.    The    Commission      identified
    approximately twenty-three boxes of responsive documents
    that Chiquita had submitted, including forms describing the
    date and amount of payments made to paramilitary groups, as
    well as the identities of those who authorized the payments;
    accounting memoranda prepared by Banadex employees;
    receipts, ledgers, and spreadsheets documenting the
    payments; legal documents, internal reports, auditors’ notes,
    and other internal correspondence analyzing and discussing
    the payments; and transcripts of depositions taken of
    Chiquita’s employees. This appeal involves those documents
    the Commission identified that relate to Banadex’s payments
    to AUC and other such groups, some of which appear to be
    similar to the records already released to the Archive by the
    DOJ in 2011.
    When the Commission receives a FOIA request and
    determines that the documents requested should be released,
    its regulations require the Commission to send notice of this
    decision to the confidential treatment requestor that originally
    produced the documents to the Commission and asked that
    they not be released under FOIA (Chiquita, in this case). 17
    C.F.R. § 200.83(d)(1). The requestor must then submit a
    written statement to the Commission’s Office of Freedom of
    Information and Privacy Act Operations (or Office of FOIA
    Services) substantiating the original confidential treatment
    request and explaining “why the information should be
    withheld from access” under FOIA. 
    Id. § 200.83(d)(2)(i).
    Office then issues a preliminary decision to grant or reject the
    Id. § 200.83(e)(1).
    A requestor that disagrees with the
    preliminary decision of the Office may submit supplemental
    arguments and request a final decision. 
    Id. An adverse
    decision can be appealed to the Commission’s General
    Counsel, whose decision is reviewable in federal court. 
    Id. § 200.83(e)(3),
    Chiquita is now embroiled in multi-district litigation in the
    United States District Court for the Southern District of
    Florida brought by Colombian citizens who allege that
    Chiquita and some of its former officers should be held liable
    for making payments to paramilitary organizations such as
    AUC that tortured and murdered the plaintiffs and their
    families. These plaintiffs originally raised federal claims
    under the Alien Tort Statute and the Torture Victim
    Protection Act, as well as claims under state and Colombian
    law. Since 2008, discovery has been stayed while the parties
    litigated jurisdictional issues that the district court certified for
    interlocutory review. Although the federal claims against
    Chiquita have been dismissed as a result of that interlocutory
    appeal, Cardona v. Chiquita Brands Int’l, Inc., 
    760 F.3d 1185
    (11th Cir. 2014), other claims remain pending. Chiquita and
    its fellow defendants have filed motions to dismiss and
    discovery remains stayed until those motions are resolved.
    See Order Granting Pls.’ Emergency Mot. for Leave to Take
    Depositions 5, No. 0:08-01916-KAM (S.D. Fla. April 7,
    2015) (Dkt. No. 759); see 
    id. at 18-19
    (partially lifting the
    discovery stay to permit the parties to engage in certain
    limited discovery).
    When told of the Archive’s FOIA request, Chiquita
    invoked FOIA Exemption 7(B) in its plea to the
    Commission’s Office of FOIA Services that the documents be
    withheld from the Archive. See 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(7)(B).
    Their release, Chiquita asserted, would deprive the company
    of a fair trial in the Florida litigation. Because the Archive is
    directly affiliated with and actively supports the Florida
    plaintiffs’ counsel, Chiquita argued, releasing these
    confidential documents to the Archive would be tantamount
    to giving them to the plaintiffs. Doing so would be an end-
    run around the protections afforded the defendants in the
    discovery process yet to be established in the Florida
    litigation. That court, Chiquita maintained, ought to be the
    arbiter of what information the plaintiffs may see and use.
    Otherwise, the plaintiffs might gain premature access to
    documents relevant to their claims and enjoy an unfair
    advantage. The Office rejected Chiquita’s argument. Chiquita
    tried again, and once more, the Office said no.
    Chiquita appealed its loss to the Commission’s General
    Counsel, arguing that release of the records would interfere
    with the fairness of the Florida litigation by providing the
    plaintiffs with early and unilateral access to relevant
    documents without a protective order in place, and by
    generating pretrial publicity that would taint future jurors.
    Chiquita, however, did not assert that the Florida plaintiffs
    would be unable to get these documents through discovery
    and conceded that it will produce the documents to its
    opponents when and if they become available through
    discovery. 1 The General Counsel concluded that no undue
    advantage would come from the plaintiffs gaining access to
    Chiquita informed the Commission that some of the
    documents the Archive requested contain privileged legal work
    product that would be protected from discovery in the Florida
    litigation. The company no longer advances that argument.
    these documents through FOIA before they could obtain them
    through discovery and that their release without a protective
    order would not result in adverse pretrial publicity that would
    bias jurors.
    In April 2013, Chiquita filed this action in the United
    States District Court for the District of Columbia, arguing that
    the Commission’s failure to apply Exemption 7(B), and its
    refusal to apply certain redactions Chiquita requested, were
    arbitrary and capricious under the Administrative Procedure
    Act, 5 U.S.C. § 706. Chiquita Brands Int’l v. SEC, 10 F.
    Supp. 3d 1 (D.D.C. 2013). The Archive intervened on the
    Commission’s behalf. The district court granted summary
    judgment to the Commission, finding, as relevant here, that
    there was “no doubt that the SEC rationally determined from
    the record that disclosure . . . would not seriously interfere
    with the fairness of the Florida litigation.” 
    Id. at 5.
    Chiquita appealed only the district court’s holding related
    to Exemption 7(B). Having abandoned its claim that release
    of the documents would deprive the company and its officers
    of an unbiased jury, Chiquita argues only that Exemption 7(B)
    should bar the release of all documents relevant to the Florida
    litigation until discovery in that case begins and Chiquita can
    apply for a protective order. We granted an injunction barring
    their release pending resolution of this case, and we have
    jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291. “In a case like [this], in
    which the District Court reviewed an agency action under the
    APA, we review the administrative action directly, according
    no particular deference to the judgment of the District Court.”
    Holland v. Nat’l Mining Ass’n, 
    309 F.3d 808
    , 814 (D.C. Cir.
    2002). We review de novo the Commission’s interpretation of
    FOIA. Al-Fayed v. CIA, 
    254 F.3d 300
    , 307 (D.C. Cir. 2001).
    We will uphold the Commission’s application of Exemption
    7(B) to the facts here unless its decision was arbitrary,
    capricious, or unlawful. 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A).
    FOIA “requires government agencies to make public
    virtually all information that is not specifically exempted from
    disclosure under the Act.” North v. Walsh, 
    881 F.2d 1088
    1093-94 (D.C. Cir. 1989). Government agencies must
    generally release requested records without regard to the
    identity or motive of the requestor. See, e.g., NLRB v. Robbins
    Tire & Rubber Co., 
    437 U.S. 214
    , 242 n.23 (1978) (holding
    that a FOIA requestor’s rights are neither “diminished” nor
    “enhanced” in light of a “particular, litigation-generated need
    for these materials”). In consequence, FOIA sometimes
    enables litigants to obtain documents that would otherwise be
    unavailable, or less readily available, through the discovery
    North, 881 F.2d at 1099
    (“[A]n individual may . . .
    obtain under FOIA information that may be useful in non-
    FOIA litigation, even when the documents sought could not
    be obtained through discovery.”). “Because FOIA establishes
    a strong presumption in favor of disclosure . . . requested
    material must be disclosed unless it falls squarely within one
    of the nine exemptions carved out in the Act.” Burka v. U.S.
    Dep’t of Health and Human Servs., 
    87 F.3d 508
    , 515 (D.C.
    Cir. 1996). We construe these exemptions narrowly and place
    the burden of proof on the party opposing disclosure. See,
    e.g., Elec. Privacy Info. Ctr. v. U.S. Dep’t of Homeland Sec.,
    777 F.3d 518
    , 522 (D.C. Cir. 2015) (“FOIA’s exemptions are
    explicitly made exclusive and must be narrowly construed.”
    (internal quotation marks omitted)); Jurewicz v. U.S. Dep’t of
    741 F.3d 1326
    , 1334 (D.C. Cir. 2014) (noting that a
    party who opposes an agency’s decision to disclose records
    under FOIA “must demonstrate that [the agency’s] conclusion
    is arbitrary and capricious or contrary to law”).
    Chiquita relies on FOIA Exemption 7(B), which protects
    against the release of “records or information compiled for
    law enforcement purposes [the disclosure of which] . . .
    would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial
    adjudication.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(7)(B). In Washington Post
    Co. v. U.S. Dep’t of Justice, we held that Exemption 7(B)
    requires a showing “(1) that a trial or adjudication is pending
    or truly imminent; and (2) that it is more probable than not
    that disclosure of the material sought would seriously
    interfere with the fairness of those proceedings.” 
    863 F.2d 96
    102 (D.C. Cir. 1988). The parties agree that the Florida
    litigation satisfies the “pending or truly imminent” judicial
    proceeding prong of this test. They dispute only whether
    release of the records “would seriously interfere with the
    fairness of those proceedings.”
    To that end, the Commission and the Archive argue that
    the exemption should apply only if releasing the records
    would interfere with the fairness of the trial and thereby affect
    the overall fairness of the proceeding. The General Counsel
    applied that standard to reject Chiquita’s request for
    confidential treatment, reasoning that Chiquita failed to show
    how releasing the records could confer an unfair advantage on
    the Florida plaintiffs that more likely than not would affect
    the fairness of an eventual trial. Chiquita disagrees, arguing
    that the way we construed Exemption 7(B) in Washington
    Post prevents an agency from granting a FOIA request for law
    enforcement records whenever litigation is pending and the
    documents requested are not yet available in discovery. To
    Chiquita, granting access to law enforcement records through
    FOIA when the same records are not yet available in
    discovery necessarily confers a litigating advantage on a party
    during the discovery phase of an adversarial proceeding.
    Exemption 7(B) thus bars release of records under such
    circumstances, according to Chiquita, without regard to
    whether any advantage conferred during the pretrial process
    could impact the fairness of the trial.
    We agree with the Commission.
    “Our consideration of Exemption [7(B)]’s scope starts
    with its text.” Milner v. Dep’t of the Navy, 
    562 U.S. 562
    , 569
    (2011). By its own terms, Exemption 7(B) applies only when
    the disclosure of law enforcement records would deprive a
    person of the right to “a fair trial or an impartial
    adjudication.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(7)(B). It has long been
    settled that the word “trial” means the ultimate determination
    of factual and legal claims by judge or jury in a judicial
    proceeding. See, e.g., Carpenter v. Winn, 
    221 U.S. 533
    , 539
    (1911) (defining the term “trial” in a federal statute, in
    accordance with its common law definition, as “that step in an
    action by which issues or questions of fact are decided” and
    as “that final step” in a legal proceeding involving “judicial
    examination of both matters of fact and law” (internal
    quotation marks omitted)); United States v. Ray, 
    578 F.3d 184
    , 196 (2d Cir. 2009) (“A trial resolves disputed questions
    of law and fact; it is ‘a judicial examination and determination
    of issues between parties to an action[.]’”) (quoting BLACK’S
    LAW DICTIONARY 1504 (6th ed. 1990) (internal brackets
    omitted)); 64 CORPUS JURIS Trial § 2 (1933) (“The term ‘trial’
    contemplates a final disposition of the controversy, either on
    the facts or on a question of law[.]”). Assuming that Congress
    used the word “trial” in light of its long-settled meaning, we
    agree with the Commission and the Archive that Exemption
    7(B) comes into play only when it is probable that the release
    of law enforcement records will seriously interfere with the
    fairness of “that final step which is called ‘the trial.’”
    Carpenter, 221 U.S. at 539
    Chiquita asks us to disregard the phrase “fair trial” and
    focus instead on Exemption 7(B)’s protection of an “impartial
    adjudication,” 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(7)(B), reasoning that the
    term “adjudication” applies to a decision made at any point
    during a judicial proceeding (such as discovery). But in other
    contexts, the Supreme Court and we have interpreted
    “adjudication” as it appears in FOIA by referring to the
    definition contained in the Administrative Procedure Act (to
    which FOIA belongs), where “adjudication” is defined as the
    “agency process for the formulation of an order,” 5
    U.S.C. § 551(7). See NLRB v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 
    421 U.S. 132
    , 158 (1975); Rockwell Int’l Corp. v. U.S. Dep’t of
    235 F.3d 598
    , 602 (D.C. Cir. 2001). Further, the
    Attorney General’s memorandum on the 1974 FOIA
    amendments takes the position that “adjudication” as used in
    Exemption 7(B) refers to quasi-judicial decisionmaking by
    federal and state administrative agencies. DEP’T OF JUSTICE,
    (1975), reprinted in House Committee on Government
    Operations and Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Freedom
    of Information Act and Amendments of 1974 (P.L. 93-502),
    94th Cong., 1st Sess., 507, 518-19 (Jt. Comm. Print 1975); cf.
    FCC v. AT&T Inc., 
    562 U.S. 397
    , 409 (2011) (describing the
    Attorney General’s memorandum as “a reliable guide in
    interpreting FOIA”). 2 We thus think that the phrase “impartial
    adjudication” as it appears in the statute refers to
    determinations made by administrative agencies, not to
    pretrial decisions issued by a judge. Instead, Congress chose
    the language it did in Exemption 7(B) to guarantee parallel
    protections of fundamental fairness to parties involved in both
    judicial proceedings (“trial”) and administrative proceedings
    Chiquita makes the additional point that a party’s right to
    a fundamentally fair decisionmaking process can be denied
    through any number of events that happen before the trial.
    Undoubtedly so. But Chiquita is wrong to urge that a slight
    advantage conferred on a party in a single phase of a case
    necessarily threatens the fairness of the trial. That position
    defies the text of Exemption 7(B), which tells us to assess the
    significance of any alleged unfairness in light of its effect on
    the trial and thus on the proceedings as a whole.
    Though Chiquita insists otherwise, in Washington Post we
    applied this same standard, focusing on whether the release of
    law enforcement records would seriously interfere with the
    fairness of the proceedings as a whole. Chiquita points to a
    single sentence in our opinion where we noted the possibility
    that “disclosure through FOIA would furnish access to a
    document not available under the discovery rules and thus
    would confer an unfair advantage on one of the 
    parties.” 863 F.2d at 102
    . To Chiquita, this sentence stands for two
    propositions. First, Exemption 7(B) bars a release of law
    We do not address in this case the scope of administrative
    proceedings to which Exemption 7(B) applies.
    enforcement records that would give one party a leg up on its
    adversary during pretrial discovery, no matter whether that
    advantage has an impact on the outcome of the trial. Second,
    an unfair advantage automatically results where the records
    requested through FOIA are, as here, not yet available
    through discovery, even though they will be discoverable
    when the time comes. But Washington Post does not support
    such a broad reading of the exemption.
    In that case, a newspaper reporter submitted a FOIA
    request to the DOJ, which was investigating allegations that
    pharmaceutical manufacturer Eli Lilly marketed an arthritis
    drug, Oraflex, to Americans while neglecting to tell regulators
    or consumers that the drug had caused severe adverse
    reactions among patients overseas. In the face of pending
    product-liability and shareholder litigation, Eli Lilly
    commissioned a special committee of outside directors to
    conduct an internal investigation into the development and
    marketing of the drug and assess the company’s exposure to
    liability and its available legal options. That committee
    produced a comprehensive report that “evaluate[d] [Eli
    Lilly’s] past conduct, defenses, liabilities and potential civil
    claims against others” arising out of the Oraflex incident.
    Post, 863 F.2d at 100
    . After Eli Lilly produced
    the report to the DOJ, the Post made a request for the
    document under FOIA. The DOJ denied that request based, in
    part, on Exemption 7(B). When the Post challenged this
    decision, the district court agreed with the government.
    Neither the DOJ nor Eli Lilly advanced Chiquita’s theory
    that Exemption 7(B) bars disclosure when discovery has yet
    to begin. Instead, they argued that disclosing the directors’
    report would taint potential jurors who would eventually
    decide the question of Eli Lilly’s liability for marketing
    Oraflex. See Eli Lilly Br. at 37 (arguing that “the Report, if
    disclosed, would receive widespread attention” and the “self-
    critical statements” it contained would prove “extremely
    prejudicial” in future tort actions against Eli Lilly); Dep’t of
    Justice Br. at 44 (arguing that releasing the report would
    allow “the jury-selection process” to be “hamstrung” by
    exposing jurors to the “extensively publicized” contents).
    Although both the DOJ and Eli Lilly asserted that the
    directors’ report would be protected by the self-evaluative
    privilege and therefore unavailable to the company’s
    opponents in discovery, they did not argue that this fact alone
    would deprive the company of a fair trial. Nor did they claim
    that disclosing the report would give Eli Lilly’s adversaries an
    unfair head start at case development. Instead, they
    emphasized that the concerns about prejudicing future jurors
    were heightened in light of the possibility that the report
    would otherwise be permanently unavailable to the
    company’s opponents in discovery. See Eli Lilly Br. at 37
    (arguing that “particularly in light of [Eli] Lilly’s privilege
    against producing the Report in civil litigation,” the company
    should not be “subjected to the possibility” of having its
    liability adjudicated “before jurors who have learned the
    contents of the Report outside the courtroom”); Dep’t of
    Justice Br. at 44 (arguing that there was “a concrete prospect
    that courts . . . may hold the report at issue privileged”).
    These arguments provide necessary context for our
    observation in Washington Post that disclosure of the report
    of the outside directors, a document unavailable in discovery,
    would grant the company’s adversaries an “unfair advantage”
    and thus deprive Eli Lilly of a fair 
    trial. 863 F.2d at 102
    Contrary to Chiquita’s reading of Washington Post, we
    examined whether releasing the directors’ report would likely
    cause unfairness that could affect an eventual trial, and not
    simply disadvantage Eli Lilly in discovery. We made clear
    that a party invoking Exemption 7(B) must show that
    disclosure would impair his right to a fair trial, not merely that
    disclosure would temporarily disadvantage him during a
    single stage of a judicial proceeding. Writing on what we
    called a “virtually clean slate,” we “fram[ed] a test” by
    focusing on “[w]hat is required to establish that production of
    a document [through FOIA] would deprive a person of a right
    to a fair trial.” 
    Id. at 101
    (emphasis added). We answered that
    question by concluding that Exemption 7(B) applies only
    where a “trial” (or “adjudication”) is pending and it is more
    probable than not that disclosure would “seriously interfere
    with the fairness of those proceedings.” 
    Id. at 102.
    that test, we emphasized that the DOJ and Eli Lilly had to
    show on remand that disclosure of the report would deprive
    the company “of a fair trial.” 
    Id. Nor did
    we say in Washington Post that Exemption 7(B)
    always forbids releasing records if litigants in a pending case
    would be unable to access them (yet or ever) through
    discovery. No party in Washington Post urged us to adopt
    such a broad holding, and the arguments that were before us
    dispel any notion that we did so. Instead, we reiterated that
    FOIA exemptions are to be “construed narrowly” in favor of
    disclosure. 863 F.2d at 101
    . And in a case decided just months
    later, we observed that by virtue of the language Congress
    chose, FOIA allows litigants to access documents that are not
    available in discovery. 
    North, 881 F.2d at 1099
    . Chiquita’s
    reading of our opinion in Washington Post instead stretches
    Exemption 7(B) far beyond its text to bar wholesale the
    release of law enforcement records whenever they are not
    discoverable and regardless of whether disclosure threatens
    the fairness of the trial itself. Even further, Washington Post
    involved a document that the parties argued was privileged
    and completely protected from discovery, not—as here—
    documents that Chiquita concedes the plaintiffs might get one
    day, just not yet.
    True, we did observe that, if the special report was
    unavailable through discovery, its release “would confer an
    unfair advantage on one of the parties.” Washington 
    Post, 863 F.2d at 102
    . But that observation must be read in the context
    of the strategic magnitude of that particular report and the
    obvious unfair advantage such an important document would
    likely confer throughout an entire case if released to the Post
    and published widely to potential jurors when a jury might
    never have seen the report at all due to its privileged status. In
    short, we construed Exemption 7(B) narrowly and according
    to its text, the same way the Commission did here: to apply
    when the release of documents would likely deprive a party of
    a fair trial, not merely complicate the discovery schedule.
    Chiquita responds that even if Exemption 7(B) protects
    only the overall fairness of a judicial proceeding, the
    Commission did not apply such a standard. We disagree. The
    Commission properly disposed of Chiquita’s arguments on
    the ground that the company could not show how disclosure
    would matter in the big picture and impact the fairness of a
    future trial. 3 This is the proper legal standard under both the
    In evaluating Chiquita’s claim that releasing the records
    would taint potential jurors, the General Counsel consulted the
    Supreme Court’s jurisprudence about when pretrial publicity
    adverse to a criminal defendant justifies a change in venue.
    Chiquita is wrong that the General Counsel thereby held Chiquita
    had to prove that disclosure would deprive the company of its
    constitutional right to a fair trial. The General Counsel merely
    text of Exemption 7(B) and Washington Post, and although
    the Commission’s counsel described this standard on appeal
    using a new phrase (“overall fairness”), we have never held
    that an agency on appeal is limited to reciting only the very
    words in the challenged order. The Commission observed
    correctly that Exemption 7(B) protects the right to a fair trial,
    and maintains the consistent position before us that
    Exemption 7(B) protects the overall fairness of a judicial
    proceeding of which decisionmaking at trial is the touchstone.
    Finally, we think the Commission reasonably applied
    Exemption 7(B) and concluded that disclosure of the records
    to the Archive will not “seriously interfere with the fairness”
    of the Florida proceedings. Washington 
    Post, 863 F.2d at 102
    The Commission reasonably determined that Chiquita had
    not met its burden of showing how releasing the law
    enforcement records to the Archive would deprive the
    company or its officers of a fair trial. Chiquita did not explain
    how any temporary head start conferred on the Florida
    plaintiffs could render any trial in that litigation unfair by
    depriving Chiquita of the full and fair opportunity to present
    its case. Nor did Chiquita distinguish any momentary upper
    hand at fact-gathering gained here from any other situation in
    which one party obtains valuable information from witnesses
    and other third parties outside the formal discovery process
    while under no obligation to produce similar information to
    found it helpful to consider the Supreme Court’s guidance in an
    analogous setting. As Chiquita no longer challenges the General
    Counsel’s decision regarding pretrial publicity, we need not
    consider whether he reached the correct conclusion.
    its adversaries. Cf. Am. Bank v. City of Menasha, 
    627 F.3d 261
    , 265 (7th Cir. 2010) (“The word ‘discovery’ is not a
    synonym for investigation. Much of the information gathering
    that litigants do is not ‘discovery’ as the term is understood in
    the law.”). The company did not even address whether the
    district court could easily rectify any fleeting advantage in
    information-gathering when the parties eventually meet to
    develop a formal discovery schedule. By presenting no
    argument at all to the Commission on these obvious points,
    Chiquita failed to meet its burden of showing how any
    asymmetry in information exchange could affect an eventual
    trial in the Florida litigation. Instead, the company
    erroneously rested on the legal theory that it simply had to
    show the documents sought are presently unavailable to the
    Florida plaintiffs, without showing how releasing those
    records now would impair the fairness of a future trial.
    Chiquita argues that the Commission’s decision was
    nonetheless defective in light of SEC v. Chenery Corp., 
    318 U.S. 80
    (1943), because the agency failed to explain the
    rationale underlying its decision, and the reasons it offers now
    do not appear in the administrative record, see 
    id. at 87
    grounds upon which an administrative order must be judged
    are those upon which the record discloses that its action was
    based.”). The Commission’s rejection of Chiquita’s
    discovery-related argument was articulated only briefly and in
    a somewhat conclusory fashion, and the Commission has
    highlighted certain ways that Chiquita did not meet its burden
    that were not specifically discussed in the order under review.
    Even so, we find no violation of the Chenery principle.
    “Although it is axiomatic that we may uphold agency orders
    based only on reasoning that is fairly stated by the agency in
    the order under review . . . the contested decision need not be
    a model of clarity.” Casino Airlines, Inc. v. NTSB, 
    439 F.3d 19
    715, 717 (D.C. Cir. 2006) (internal brackets and quotation
    marks omitted). The Commission’s decision clears that low
    bar. The Commission’s General Counsel found that Chiquita
    had not shown how the early release of the documents would
    render discovery so one-sided as to jeopardize fairness at trial,
    and counsel for the Commission takes the same position on
    appeal. Chenery does not bar an agency’s counsel from
    merely elaborating on the consistent stance the agency
    articulated below.
    Finally, Chiquita argues that the Commission failed to
    consider adequately the company’s argument that releasing
    the documents through FOIA would preclude Chiquita from
    seeking an appropriate protective order. If the documents
    were obtained through discovery instead, Chiquita notes that
    it could obtain a protective order prior to releasing the records
    to the Florida plaintiffs. That protective order would prohibit
    the plaintiffs and their associates from misusing the
    documents by publicizing them, speculating as to the
    identities of their authors, or mischaracterizing their contents.
    We reject this argument. Exemption 7(B) is not a tool to
    protect reputation and privacy interests unless the damage
    disclosure might pose to such interests is likely to impact the
    ultimate fairness of a trial. Chiquita no longer claims, as it did
    below, that release of the documents through FOIA, without
    the opportunity for a prior protective order, will impair
    judicial fairness or bias potential jurors. And Chiquita has not
    explained to us or the Commission how a trial in the Florida
    litigation would be rendered unfair because the Archive and
    the public have access to these documents. Absent such a
    showing, Exemption 7(B) does not apply. 4
    Chiquita points to the Supreme Court’s declaration in
    Seattle Times Co. v. Rhinehart that discovery is conducted in
    private and that members of the public have no unfettered
    right to access documents obtained through discovery. 
    467 U.S. 20
    , 33 (1984). But Seattle Times was about discovery,
    not FOIA, and “the FOIA disclosure regime . . . is distinct
    from civil discovery.” Stonehill v. IRS, 
    558 F.3d 534
    , 538
    (D.C. Cir. 2009). “[W]hile information disclosed during
    discovery is limited to the parties and can be subject to
    protective orders against further disclosure, when a document
    must be disclosed under FOIA, it must be disclosed to the
    general public and the identity of the requester is irrelevant to
    whether disclosure is required.” 
    Id. at 538-39.
    Chiquita’s objection on this score derives from the distinct
    characteristics of discovery, which are not relevant to the
    purpose or text of FOIA, it cannot succeed.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the
    district court and vacate the injunction pending appeal.
    The General Counsel ordered the Office of FOIA Services to
    determine whether certain files should be withheld from production
    on privacy grounds and noted that the Office will redact personal
    information from all remaining records. Chiquita thus has the
    benefit of some protections for the privacy interests of its
    employees. Chiquita does not appeal those aspects of the General
    Counsel’s decision.