Dianne Sledge v. Federal Bureau of Prisons ( 2014 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued October 11, 2013            Decided December 13, 2013
    Reissued January 15, 2014
    No. 12-5287
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:06-cv-00742)
    Stephen V. Carey argued the cause for appellants. With him
    on the briefs were David P. Donovan and Philip R. Seybold.
    Heather Graham-Oliver, Assistant U.S. Attorney, argued
    the cause for appellee. With her on the brief were Ronald C.
    Machen, Jr., U.S. Attorney, and R. Craig Lawrence and
    Michelle Lo, Assistant U.S. Attorneys.
    Before: KAVANAUGH, Circuit Judge, and SENTELLE and
    RANDOLPH, Senior Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the court filed by Senior Circuit Judge
    RANDOLPH, Senior Circuit Judge: This case arises from an
    altercation between Rico Woodland, an inmate at the Federal
    Correctional Institution in Allenwood, Pennsylvania, and a
    fellow inmate, Jesse Sparks. At 12:37 p.m. on October 15, 2002,
    Woodland and Sparks entered their cell. The two began to fight
    and were initially evenly matched, but Woodland became unable
    to defend himself (possibly because of an asthma attack).1
    Woodland was discovered at 1:05 p.m. with severe injuries, and
    was taken to a nearby hospital. He remained in a coma for
    several months, suffered brain damage, lost the use of his limbs,
    and eventually passed away on January 29, 2006.
    Officer Richard Sweithelm was the corrections officer
    assigned to Woodland’s housing unit on the afternoon of the
    assault. Officer Sweithelm assumed his post at about noon. At
    12:37 p.m., just before Woodland and Sparks began their fight,
    Officer Sweithelm left the housing unit, and the prison began a
    “controlled movement.” Controlled movements are regular ten-
    minute periods during which inmates can move from one part of
    the institution to another (for example, from housing units to a
    recreation facility or the dining hall). Officer Sweithelm
    remained outside the housing unit throughout this controlled
    movement. He smoked a cigarette, chatted with a fellow
    corrections officer, and watched inmate traffic entering and
    Sparks was charged with and pled guilty to the assault.
    leaving the housing unit. He did not go back inside until 12:48
    p.m., after the controlled movement was complete.
    Woodland, and later his family and estate, claimed that the
    government was liable for Woodland’s injuries because Officer
    Sweithelm acted negligently by standing outside and failing to
    monitor the interior of the housing unit during the assault. After
    exhausting administrative remedies, Teresa Sledge, the personal
    representative of Woodland’s estate, sued the government in the
    district court.2 Invoking the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C.
    §§ 2671-2680, Sledge argued that the government was liable for
    personal injury and wrongful death under Pennsylvania law.3
    The government moved to dismiss the complaint. It argued
    that Officer Sweithelm’s conduct was protected by the
    discretionary function exception to the Federal Tort Claims Act,
    28 U.S.C. § 2680(a), and that Sledge’s claims were therefore
    outside the district court’s subject-matter jurisdiction. The
    district court granted Sledge limited jurisdictional discovery
    and, after a hearing, dismissed the complaint. The opinion of the
    district court is reported at Sledge v. United States, 
    883 F. Supp. 2d
    71 (D.D.C. 2012). Sledge timely appealed.
    The suit was originally filed by Steven Sledge as personal
    representative of Woodland’s estate. Steven Sledge passed away after
    the case was filed, and the district court granted a motion to substitute
    The complaint also challenged Woodland’s medical treatment
    after the assault. Those claims are not the subject of this appeal.
    Liability under the Federal Tort Claims Act is determined “in
    accordance with the law of the place where the act or omission
    occurred,” 28 U.S.C. § 1346(b)(1); see 
    id. § 2674,
    here, Pennsylvania.
    The Federal Tort Claims Act grants district courts exclusive
    jurisdiction to hear certain tort claims against the United States,
    including claims for “personal injury or death” based on the
    “negligent or wrongful act[s] or omission[s]” of government
    employees on the job. 28 U.S.C. § 1346(b)(1); see 
    id. § 2674.
    The Act’s broad jurisdictional grant is subject to exceptions. See
    id. § 2680.
    Among those, the discretionary function exception
    bars courts from hearing claims “based upon the exercise . . . or
    the failure to exercise . . . a discretionary function or duty on the
    part of . . . an employee of the Government, whether or not the
    discretion involved [was] abused.” 
    Id. § 2680(a).
    We have treated the exception as jurisdictional: if it applies
    to the conduct of which a plaintiff complains, then “the district
    court lacks subject matter jurisdiction over the case.” Sloan v.
    U.S. Dep’t of Hous. & Urban Dev., 
    236 F.3d 756
    , 759 (D.C. Cir.
    2001); see Cope v. Scott, 
    45 F.3d 445
    , 448 (D.C. Cir. 1995). We
    review de novo a district court’s decision whether the exception
    applies. Loughlin v. United States, 
    393 F.3d 155
    , 162-63 (D.C.
    Cir. 2004).
    Courts apply the exception using the two-part
    Gaubert/Berkovitz test. See United States v. Gaubert, 
    499 U.S. 315
    (1991); Berkovitz v. United States, 
    486 U.S. 531
    Sloan, 236 F.3d at 759-60
    Cope, 45 F.3d at 448-49
    . First, a
    court must ask whether a “statute, regulation, or policy” directs
    a government employee to conduct himself in a particular way.
    Gaubert, 499 U.S. at 322
    Berkovitz, 486 U.S. at 536
    If so, then the employee’s conduct is not discretionary and the
    exception does not protect him. 
    Id. at 322,
    324. In that case, the
    court proceeds under the first clause of 28 U.S.C. § 2680(a), and
    the government is immune from suit if and only if the employee
    followed the directive. 
    Cope, 45 F.3d at 448
    . If a written
    directive is unambiguous then oral testimony cannot contradict
    it. See Shansky v. United States, 
    164 F.3d 688
    , 691-92 (1st Cir.
    1999). The testimony of government officials may be used to
    clarify or establish a directive. See, e.g., Macharia v. United
    334 F.3d 61
    , 65-66 (D.C. Cir. 2003).
    If there is no “statute, regulation, or policy” on point, then
    the employee’s conduct is discretionary and the inquiry moves
    to step two. At step two the court must decide whether that
    discretion is the type “that the discretionary function exception
    was designed to shield.” 
    Gaubert, 499 U.S. at 322
    -23 (quoting
    Berkovitz, 486 U.S. at 536
    ). The precise contours of this test are
    difficult to pin down. 
    Cope, 45 F.3d at 448-49
    . The paradigmatic
    example of step two in action is negligent driving by a
    government employee on the job. 
    Gaubert, 499 U.S. at 325
    Although “driving requires the constant exercise of discretion,”
    negligent driving is unprotected because it “can hardly be said
    to be grounded in regulatory policy.” 
    Id. Otherwise, we
    are left
    with the Supreme Court’s statement that conduct is protected
    only if it is “based on considerations of public policy” such as
    “social, economic, [or] political” concerns. 
    Id. at 323
    quotation marks omitted). In that calculus, the nature of the
    conduct, rather than the subjective intent of the actor, is what
    matters. The court must ask whether the challenged actions are
    amenable to public policy analysis, even if the actor was not
    acting out of public-policy motives. 
    Id. at 325.
    Sledge argues that Officer Sweithelm violated a mandatory
    directive by failing to monitor the inside of the housing unit.
    That directive is contained in what prison officials refer to as a
    post order. Post orders are adopted by individual correctional
    institutions,4 and govern the conduct of corrections officers
    while they serve at a particular post within the institution. Post
    orders constitute government policy within a prison. See, e.g.,
    Garza v. United States, 161 F. App’x 341, 345 (5th Cir. 2005).
    The post order Sledge identifies requires all housing unit
    officers to “continuously monitor inmate traffic within and
    outside of the units” during controlled movements. Sledge
    asserts that this post order is unambiguous in at least one
    respect: whatever discretion Officer Sweithelm had, he was
    required to visually inspect the interior of the housing unit
    during the movement, which he altogether failed to do.
    Therefore, Sledge concludes, Officer Sweithelm’s conduct is
    unprotected at Gaubert/Berkovitz step one.
    Sledge’s position finds some support in the case law. Courts
    have held that corrections-officer conduct is not protected when
    it contravenes specific and unambiguous directives, such as
    “account[] for and dispose[] of” “all razors” “at the end of the
    shower,” Gray v. United States, 486 F. App’x 975, 978 (3d Cir.
    2012), or “patrol the recreation yard” “[d]uring closed
    movement[s],” Garza, 161 F. App’x at 344-45. But courts reach
    a different conclusion when directives are phrased in more
    general terms or when the terms themselves are ambiguous, such
    as directives to “take disciplinary action at such times and to the
    Corrections officers are also subject to directives contained in
    program statements, which are adopted by the Bureau of Prisons, and
    institutional supplements, which apply program statements to
    particular institutions.
    degree necessary to regulate an inmate’s behavior,” Calderon v.
    United States, 
    123 F.3d 947
    , 949 (7th Cir. 1997) (emphasis
    omitted) (citing 28 C.F.R. § 541.10(b)(2)), or “[do] not . . .
    allow[ inmates] to gather in large groups,” Garza, 161 F. App’x
    at 345. Those directives provide discretion about how and when
    a corrections officer should act, even if they have a readily
    discernable objective. See Garza, 161 F. App’x at 345-46;
    Calderon, 123 F.3d at 949-50
    Although the question is close, we think the post order to
    “continuously monitor inmate traffic within . . . the unit[]” falls
    into the discretionary category. Sledge argues that the order
    obligated Officer Sweithelm to look inside the housing unit.
    That interpretation is plausible, though not required, when the
    particular phrase is read in isolation. But read in context, the
    order confers discretion on Officer Sweithelm to act as he did.
    It directs him to monitor the flow of inmates into and out of the
    housing unit without telling him precisely how to do so or where
    to stand.
    First, the order requires “continuous[]” monitoring of
    inmate traffic both “within and outside of the units” (emphasis
    added). Sledge’s interpretation, that “within” designates inmates
    already inside the housing unit, appears to require the
    impossible. A unit officer cannot continuously observe two
    different locations, separated by a wall, at the same time. See
    883 F. Supp. 2d
    at 85. We are not inclined to accept
    Sledge’s “tortured reading” of the order. 
    Id. Second, the
    order refers to “inmate traffic.” In the context
    of controlled movements, during which inmates can move from
    one area of the institution to another, “inmate traffic” likely
    refers to ingress, egress, and travel between buildings, rather
    than inmates moving about the interior of housing units. If the
    post order required Officer Sweithelm to monitor the inside of
    the housing unit, it is difficult to see why it would be confined
    to monitoring “traffic.” Inmates inside a housing unit could pose
    a security risk whether or not they were moving around. If the
    prison wanted to adopt Sledge’s interpretation, it would make
    more sense to speak of “inmates within and outside of the units”
    rather than “inmate traffic.”
    Third, the remainder of the order undermines Sledge’s
    interpretation. The penultimate sentence of the disputed
    paragraph directs unit offers to “[m]aintain[] high visibility” in
    order to “disrupt inmate chances of bringing contraband into the
    unit.” That directive is not easily reconciled with Sledge’s
    suggestion that Officer Sweithelm stand in the sallyport, an
    approximately seven-foot-by-nine-foot room between the inner
    and outer doors to the housing unit. Standing there would
    minimize his visibility, according to the deposition testimony of
    several prison officials.
    That same testimony generally approved of Officer
    Sweithelm’s conduct and rejected Sledge’s interpretation of the
    post order. Robert Womeldorf, the Operations Lieutenant,
    explained that during a controlled movement “there’s no need to
    monitor your inmates . . . inside your housing unit because
    they’re not moving anywhere. You’re watching the inmates go
    from point A to point B.” Other officials were more emphatic.
    Stanley Yates, the Allenwood Warden at the time of the assault,
    stated that housing offers were “directed” to “stand[] in the front
    of the housing unit, . . . controlling th[e] compound,” and that to
    do otherwise would have been irresponsible. “[I]f [a unit officer]
    went back in and stayed in” there would be no “officer paying
    attention to the flow of traffic.” To Warden Yates this would
    constitute a dereliction of the officer’s duty.
    We also reject Sledge’s interpretation of the post order
    because it is contrary to sound public policy and prison security.
    At the very least, these considerations lead us to conclude that
    the order and the discretion it conferred were grounded in public
    policy. The policy problem is one of resource allocation. In a
    prison with 1,300-1,400 inmates it is impossible to keep each
    inmate in view at all times. During a controlled movement, 60
    to 70 percent of inmates are outside, and prison officials
    therefore want more eyes watching inmate movement between
    buildings. By standing outside during controlled movements,
    unit officers can observe any events on the compound and
    respond quickly by closing the doors and securing the housing
    units. Monitoring inmate flow from the outside also helps
    prevent inmates from moving contraband into the housing units,
    which is a stated objective of the post order. Without housing
    unit officers observing inmate traffic, the large group of inmates
    moving between buildings would lack substantial supervision.
    We are thus persuaded that the order provided Officer
    Sweithelm with discretion to act as he did.
    Sledge also argues that Officer Sweithelm violated orders
    that he remain at his post when he left the housing unit and
    stood several yards beyond the door. Sledge is correct that
    corrections officers may not leave their posts. But the orders do
    not identify the boundaries of the housing unit post, and the
    record does not support Sledge’s claim that the boundaries are
    the walls of the housing unit. When asked directly about the
    issue, prison officials stated Officer Sweithelm’s post included
    the area closely surrounding the housing unit. Relying on this
    testimony, and the absence of any order directing Officer
    Sweithelm to stand in a certain location, the district court
    correctly found that Officer Sweithelm did not leave his post.
    883 F. Supp. 2d
    at 84-85.
    As to Gaubert/Berkovitz step two, Sledge argues that the
    exception does not protect Officer Sweithelm because he was
    not actually exercising discretion. Instead, Sledge alleges,
    Officer Sweithelm utterly neglected his duties. He stepped
    outside to smoke, pace, and talk, but not to monitor inmates.
    Sledge relies on other negligent guard cases. In those cases,
    courts have held (or recognized the possibility in dicta) that the
    discretionary function exception does not protect corrections
    officers who are totally derelict of duty, for example, by packing
    up personal belongings and leaving early, Chess v. United
    836 F. Supp. 2d 742
    , 751 (N.D. Ill. 2011), or by
    completely failing to perform required inspections, Coulthurst
    v. United States, 
    214 F.3d 106
    , 110-11 (2d Cir. 2000).
    The validity of the negligent guard theory is an open
    question in this court. Even if that theory could ever allow a
    plaintiff’s claim to survive the discretionary function exception,
    it would not do so here. The Supreme Court stated in
    Gaubert that the “focus of the inquiry [at step two] is not on the
    agent’s subjective intent in exercising the discretion . . ., but on
    the nature of the actions taken and on whether they are
    susceptible to policy 
    analysis.” 499 U.S. at 325
    . We read the
    negligent guard cases in light of that statement. The problem
    with packing up personal belongings while still on the clock, for
    example, is not that a particular corrections officer does so for
    purely personal non-policy reasons. The problem is that there
    can never be a public-policy reason for doing so. Thus the
    decision to pack up early is unprotected.
    Aside from subjective intent, the “nature of the actions” that
    might give rise to liability in this case is that Officer Sweithelm
    stood outside without looking into the housing unit. Even if
    Sledge is correct that Officer Sweithelm so acted merely to
    satisfy a nicotine craving, that motivation is irrelevant. The
    decision to stand outside, as explained above, is “susceptible to
    policy analysis.” 
    Id. Prison officials
    testified to several reasons
    why they would permit, or even advise, a housing unit officer to
    stand outside and monitor the compound during controlled
    movements. Officer Sweithelm’s conduct is therefore protected
    at step two, as well as step one. See Sledge, 
    883 F. Supp. 2d
    Because the discretionary function exception denies the
    district court subject-matter jurisdiction over Sledge’s
    complaint, the decision of the district court is