United States v. Caleb Gray-Burriss , 791 F.3d 50 ( 2015 )

  • United States Court of Appeals
    Argued October 7, 2014                  Decided June 23, 2015
    No. 13-3041
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:10-cr-00178-1)
    Steven M. Klepper, appointed by the court, and Alexander
    M. Krischik, Student Counsel, argued the cause for appellant.
    With them on the briefs were Stephen L. Braga, and Student
    Counsel, Michael Baker, John Gunter, Stewart Inman, and
    Benjamin Wood.
    Vincent J. Falvo Jr., Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice,
    argued the cause for appellee. With him on the brief was Tracee
    J. Plowell, Attorney.
    Before: GARLAND, Chief Judge, GRIFFITH, Circuit Judge,
    and WILLIAMS, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Chief Judge GARLAND.
    GARLAND, Chief Judge: Defendant Caleb Gray-Burriss was
    convicted of fraud and embezzlement in connection with his
    management of a union of private security guards. On appeal,
    Gray-Burriss argues that the district court erred in excluding two
    defense exhibits at trial, that his attorneys labored under a
    conflict of interest, and that the attorneys provided ineffective
    assistance. We conclude that it was error to exclude one of the
    defense exhibits and remand for the district court to determine
    whether that additional evidence affects Gray-Burriss’ sentence.
    Although we reject the defendant’s conflict-of-interest theory,
    we follow this circuit’s usual practice and remand most of his
    ineffective assistance claims for initial determination by the
    district court.
    Gray-Burriss founded the National Association of Special
    Police and Security Officers (NASPSO) in the 1990s. The union
    represents private security officers who work in federal
    buildings. At various times, Gray-Burriss served as its
    executive director, secretary-treasurer, and president. In June
    2010, a grand jury returned an indictment charging Gray-Burriss
    with mail fraud. In April 2011, the grand jury returned a
    superseding indictment. And in August 2012, the grand jury
    returned a second superseding indictment, this time charging the
    defendant with nineteen counts of mail fraud, embezzlement,
    and related offenses. The gravamen of the indictment alleged
    two distinct schemes to steal from the union and its members.
    The first scheme, set forth in Counts 1-6, charged Gray-
    Burriss with mail fraud in connection with benefits plans that
    NASPSO purportedly established for its members. In several
    instances, NASPSO negotiated agreements that required private
    security companies to make contributions to a NASPSO-
    sponsored health or retirement plan. The indictment charged the
    defendant with receiving the employers’ payments, depositing
    them in an ordinary checking account -- keeping no records of
    what individual members had earned -- and then writing checks
    on the account to himself, to cash, and to cover the union’s
    operating expenses. These criminal charges stemmed from
    essentially the same conduct that the Department of Labor
    charged in a civil suit against Gray-Burriss in 2006. In that
    proceeding, Gray-Burriss agreed to a consent judgment that
    obligated him to restore $115,000 in diverted funds and
    permanently barred him from exercising any control over an
    employee benefit plan. Consent Judgment, Chao v. Gray-
    Burriss, No. 06-1382 (D.D.C. Apr. 17, 2007).
    The second set of charges, set forth in Counts 7-12, alleged
    various forms of embezzlement from the union’s funds, totaling
    $203,000. The allegations most central to this appeal concern
    unauthorized salary increases.
    Count 8 charged unauthorized payments to Gray-Burriss
    himself. As of July 1, 2007, Gray-Burriss was earning a salary
    of $55,000 for his work as the union’s executive director, based
    on a signed employment agreement with the union. In February
    2008, he sought a salary increase from the union’s executive
    board. The prosecution alleged that, when his request was
    rebuffed, Gray-Burriss secretly directed Paychex Corporation --
    the firm that processed the union’s payroll -- to increase his
    salary payments. Count 8 charged that by increasing his salary
    in July 2008, and then again in October 2009, Gray-Burriss
    collected $29,000 in unauthorized salary1 before a new and valid
    employment agreement was finally adopted in April 2011.
    Count 12 of the indictment alleged similar wrongdoing with
    respect to salary payments made to Gaby Fraser, another union
    employee. NASPSO hired Fraser in September 2011 at a rate of
    $45 per hour. On October 15, the union’s executive board
    signed an employment agreement authorizing that rate. Just a
    few days later, however, Gray-Burriss instead allegedly directed
    Paychex to pay Fraser $2,925 semi-monthly, equivalent to a
    $70,200 annual salary. Gray-Burriss was charged with
    embezzling all of the money paid to Fraser under that substituted
    salary arrangement, amounting to some $43,000.
    The remaining counts, Counts 13-19, charged Gray-Burriss
    with criminal contempt for violating the terms of the 2007 civil
    judgment, destruction of subpoenaed records, conspiracy,
    witness tampering, and union record-keeping violations.
    The trial unfolded over four weeks in November 2012. At
    its conclusion, the jury found Gray-Burriss guilty of eighteen of
    the nineteen counts; it acquitted him only of tampering with a
    witness in connection with the grand jury investigation. In April
    2013, the court sentenced Gray-Burriss to 76 months’
    imprisonment and ordered restitution and forfeiture in the
    amount of roughly $252,000 each, with an open-ended credit
    toward the restitution obligation for money already repaid
    pursuant to the earlier civil judgment.
    On appeal, Gray-Burriss challenges the district court’s
    exclusion of two documents from the evidence at trial. He
    Count 8 also charged other payments, such as a duplicate
    paycheck and unauthorized bonuses, that are not included in this
    further contends that his attorneys had a conflict of interest and
    that they provided ineffective assistance. We address the
    evidentiary contentions in Parts II and III, and the conflict-of-
    interest and ineffectiveness claims in Part IV.
    Gray-Burriss argues that the district court erred in excluding
    two employment contracts that he offered as defense exhibits.
    In this part we address the exclusion of the defendant’s 2009
    employment contract. We conclude that the exclusion was
    error; that the error was harmless as to Gray-Burriss’
    convictions; but that we must remand the case for resentencing
    because the contract may have influenced the defendant’s
    sentence, including the amount of his restitution and forfeiture
    In September 2010, shortly after Gray-Burriss was first
    indicted on the mail fraud charges, the grand jury subpoenaed
    union records from NASPSO and from John Tresvant, a union
    board member. When no one complied, the district court
    entered a compulsion order against both NASPSO and Tresvant.
    After the prosecution moved to hold Tresvant in contempt,
    Gray-Burriss produced three rounds of documents to the grand
    jury. In March 2011, the defendant confirmed on the record that
    those were all the responsive documents.
    In May and June 2012, a succeeding grand jury issued new
    subpoenas for any additional responsive records. The district
    court entered a new compulsion order, and Wanda Gibbs, then
    the union’s secretary-treasurer, produced additional documents
    in August 2012. The grand jury returned the final indictment
    shortly thereafter.
    Rule 16(a) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
    requires the government, upon the defendant’s request, to
    disclose various discovery materials before trial.            The
    government provided those materials after each of the three
    successive indictments, beginning in July 2010. See United
    States v. Gray-Burriss, No. 10-178, 
    2012 WL 5195997
    , at *1 n.2
    (D.D.C. Oct. 19, 2012). Pursuant to Rule 16(b), the government
    requested reciprocal discovery from the defendant of material
    within his possession that he intended to use in his case-in-chief
    at trial. See FED. R. CRIM. P. 16(b)(1)(A). In December 2011,
    the government informed the court that Gray-Burriss had “not
    provided the Government with a single piece of paper or other
    discovery item in this case” and sought an order compelling
    production. Gov. Consol. Mot. in Limine at 20 (12/16/2011).
    Gray-Burriss’ counsel, Heather Shaner, acknowledged that she
    had “not produced any exhibits” and affirmed that she would
    “disclose them at such time that I have them.” 3/14/2012 Tr. at
    76. The judge said he would “hold [her] to that promise.” 
    In August 2012, the prosecution again “renew[ed] [its]
    demand for discovery under Rule 16.” 8/28/2012 Tr. at 13.
    Shaner’s co-counsel, Patrick Christmas, responded that he “did
    not know that no discovery had been provided,” that the
    government’s “point is well taken,” and that he did not expect
    the defense to have any discovery to offer beyond the material
    that the government itself produced. Id. at 14. On September 6,
    2012, the parties confirmed that the government completed its
    final production of discovery materials related to the second
    superseding indictment. 9/6/2012 Tr. at 3.
    One of the disputed issues at trial was whether the union’s
    executive board authorized an increase in Gray-Burriss’ salary
    in July 2009. Among the records produced to the grand jury, the
    government found an unsigned agreement providing for a
    $75,000 salary effective July 1, 2009, which it included on its
    exhibit list and used at trial. Tresvant, a government witness,
    and Gregory Tyree, a defense witness, each testified to signing
    that contract on the union’s behalf. But two other members of
    the union leadership, Gibbs and Shavonya Munford, testified
    that they were unsure whether the agreement had ever been
    signed. The government’s investigator also testified that, as far
    as his investigation disclosed, “[t]here was no signed agreement
    in 2009.” 11/19/2012 Tr. at 141.
    In fact, the defense had a copy of the same July 2009
    agreement, but its version was signed by Tresvant, Tyree, Gibbs,
    and a fourth union member. The government first learned of the
    document during the second week of the trial, when Christmas
    attempted to confront a government witness with it. After a
    brief investigation, the government learned from Paychex that
    Gray-Burriss had sent the signed contract to the company in the
    fall of 2009, as purported documentation of a raise, and that
    Gray-Burriss had asked Paychex to send a copy back to him
    during the trial. At various points in the government’s case, the
    defense tried to use the exhibit to cross-examine the
    government’s witnesses. The government objected each time
    that Gray-Burriss had not produced the signed contract either in
    discovery or pursuant to the grand jury subpoenas. After a
    series of colloquies spread over several days, the court
    ultimately ruled that the signed contract could “not be used for
    any purpose.” 11/20/2012 Tr. at 117.
    Rule 16(d)(2) provides that, “[i]f a party fails to comply
    with this rule, the court may: (A) order that party to permit the
    discovery or inspection . . . ; (B) grant a continuance; (C)
    prohibit that party from introducing the undisclosed evidence;
    or (D) enter any other order that is just under the
    circumstances.” FED. R. CRIM. P. 16(d)(2). “The district court
    has wide discretion in imposing a sanction if it finds that Rule
    16 has been violated,” United States v. Marshall, 
    132 F.3d 63
    69 (D.C. Cir. 1998); see United States v. Day, 
    524 F.3d 1361
    1372 (D.C. Cir. 2008), and we review its decision to impose a
    particular sanction only for abuse of discretion, United States v.
    968 F.2d 55
    , 63 (D.C. Cir. 1992).
    Nonetheless, our cases have identified certain important
    considerations to guide the court’s exercise of its discretion.
    Most relevant here, “although Rule 16 gives trial judges the
    option of suppressing evidence as a result of [a party’s]
    discovery violations, such a severe sanction would seldom be
    appropriate where . . . the trial court finds that [the party’s]
    violation did not result from its bad faith and that a less drastic
    remedy (such as a continuance) will mitigate any unfair
    prejudice.” Marshall, 
    132 F.3d at 70
    . This does not mean that
    exclusion is always unwarranted in the absence of bad faith or
    the presence of less drastic alternatives. See United States v.
    970 F.2d 907
    , 911 (D.C. Cir. 1992); Day, 
    524 F.3d at 1372
    . Exclusion is “inappropriate,” however, when it would
    “subvert[] one of Rule 16’s goals: ‘contributing to an accurate
    determination of the issue of guilt or innocence.’” Marshall,
    132 F.3d at 70
     (quoting FED. R. CRIM. P. 16, advisory committee
    note to 1974 amendment).
    In this case, the combined weight of several factors
    persuades us that excluding the 2009 contract was too severe a
    First, the contract was potentially a significant piece of
    exculpatory evidence.       Gray-Burriss was charged with
    embezzling the very salary payments that the disputed document
    purported to authorize. We say “purported” advisedly, for the
    government argues that the people who signed the contract were
    not legitimate members of the executive board at the time, and
    therefore could not have authorized an increase in Gray-Burriss’
    salary in any event. Perhaps so; but there is no indication that
    the jury either did or would have agreed with the government on
    this point. Gray-Burriss’ defense to the embezzlement charges
    at issue would have been considerably strengthened by proof of
    an executed agreement -- signed by four union leaders --
    increasing his salary. Thus, even the government concedes on
    appeal that the exhibit was “potentially” exculpatory as to the
    salary payments within its scope. Oral Arg. Recording 46:04-
    Second, the government has not identified any prejudice it
    would have suffered from the defense’s use of the exhibit. The
    government has not, for example, disputed the authenticity of
    the document. After the document emerged, the prosecution had
    several days to investigate its provenance and raise any such
    concerns. Upon conducting that investigation, the government
    argued that the defense exhibit was “not authentic” only in the
    sense that it omitted a cover page that Gray-Burriss included
    when he faxed the contract to Paychex in 2009. 11/19/2012 Tr.
    at 288. But the government did not question that the contract
    itself was what it purported to be, or that it had been signed by
    the people who appeared to have signed it. (Nor does it question
    the document’s authenticity on appeal. See Oral. Arg.
    Recording 44:11-26.) Therefore, “[o]ne of the purposes of the
    discovery rule” -- “to minimize the risk that fabricated testimony
    will be believed” -- was not implicated here. Taylor v. Illinois,
    484 U.S. 400
    , 413 (1988).
    Nor did the government identify any other respect in which
    the late appearance of the document threatened to undercut the
    prosecution unfairly. To the contrary, the government
    essentially conceded that there was no prejudice. On Thursday,
    November 15, 2012, the court advised that it would “hear
    arguments, if necessary,” about “prejudice to the government.”
    11/15/2012 Tr. at 106. The court scheduled the arguments to
    take place after the upcoming long weekend, thus affording the
    prosecutors time for “any further investigation they might need
    to do,” including “the kind of stuff they would have been able to
    do had they been timely given it.” 
     After the weekend, the
    prosecutors made clear that they were upset by the defense’s
    conduct. 11/19/2012 Tr. at 315. But they never identified any
    way in which permitting use of the document would improperly
    prejudice their case. See id.; cf. Marshall, 
    132 F.3d at 70
    (“Because the court deferred its ruling on the admissibility of the
    . . . records during its adjournment period, the defense received
    what amounted to a four-day continuance to ponder how it
    would confront that evidence. Ordinarily, a continuance is the
    preferred sanction for a discovery delay because it gives the
    [party] time to alleviate any prejudice it may have suffered from
    the late disclosure.”).
    Third, the district court did not find that the defense
    withheld the disputed contract in bad faith, either from the grand
    jury or in reciprocal discovery before trial. Rather, the court
    said it accepted Shaner’s “word as an officer of the court” that
    any violation of Rule 16 “was not willful, wasn’t intentional.”
    11/15/2012 Tr. at 100. Although a finding of bad faith is not a
    necessary precondition for exclusion, see Day, 526 F.3d at 1372,
    the lack of such a finding takes on greater significance when, as
    here, the evidence is exculpatory on its face and there is no
    showing of prejudice.
    Finally, although we have analyzed the exclusion in terms
    of the factors familiar from our Rule 16 cases, we have some
    doubt as to whether the district court’s decision was an exercise
    of discretion under Rule 16 at all. Rule 16 requires the
    defendant, having secured disclosure from the government, to
    disclose in turn certain items that “the defendant intends to use
    . . . in the defendant’s case-in-chief at trial.” FED. R. CRIM. P.
    16(b)(1)(A)(ii). Here, however, the court barred the defense
    from using the excluded contract “for any purpose,” including
    impeachment and refreshing a witness’ recollection during the
    government’s case-in-chief. 11/20/2012 Tr. at 117. Thus, the
    sanction reached uses of the evidence that may not have
    triggered a reciprocal discovery obligation under Rule 16 in the
    first place.2
    Moreover, although the parties argued Rule 16 extensively
    to the district court, the court ultimately cited the 2010 grand
    jury subpoenas and supporting compulsion order as the principal
    grounds for its ruling. 11/20/2012 Tr. at 117-18. Whether or
    not the district court had inherent power to sanction grand jury
    subpoena violations through exclusion of trial evidence in an
    appropriate case, cf. FED. R. CRIM. P. 17(g) (authorizing the
    court to hold in contempt a witness who disobeys a subpoena),
    the necessary predicate for such a sanction was not established
    here, for the following reasons. The district court found only “a
    prima facie case” that the 2009 contract was withheld in
    violation of the grand jury subpoenas and compulsion order.
    11/20/2012 Tr. at 117. Even if the document “was in the
    defendant’s possession or at least NASPSO’s possession in
    2009,” as the court inferred, id. at 118, that was still roughly a
    year before the first subpoenas issued to NASPSO and Tresvant,
    See, e.g., United States v. Medearis, 
    380 F.3d 1049
    , 1057 (8th
    Cir. 2004) (holding that a document used only for impeachment is not
    excludable under Rule 16); United States v. Moore, 
    208 F.3d 577
    , 579
    (7th Cir. 2000) (same); cf. United States v. Young, 
    248 F.3d 260
    , 269
    (4th Cir. 2001) (affirming exclusion because the party “intended to
    offer the tapes not for impeachment purposes, but as ‘evidence in
    chief’”); United States v. King, 
    703 F.2d 119
    , 126 n.6 (5th Cir. 1983)
    (affirming exclusion and noting that, “even though the documents
    were excluded from evidence, . . . [d]efense counsel was allowed to
    use the documents to refresh the recollection of witnesses”).
    see Gov. Ex. 108 (Tresvant subpoena); Gov. Ex. 109 (NASPSO
    subpoena). The court did not find that the document was still in
    the possession of the defendant or NASPSO (which the
    defendant allegedly controlled) when the latter received a grand
    jury subpoena, much less that the defendant knowingly withheld
    it from the materials he furnished in response. Moreover, the
    government’s investigation only determined that Gray-Burriss
    obtained a copy of the document from Paychex during the trial.
    See 11/19/2012 Tr. at 280-83. In short, given the sparse record
    and the absence of prejudice or bad faith, the objective of
    vindicating the grand jury subpoenas did not suffice to justify
    excluding this potentially exculpatory document.
    Although we conclude that the district court erroneously
    excluded the July 2009 employment contract, that is not the end
    of the matter. Even when evidence is erroneously excluded,
    “[a]ny error . . . that does not affect substantial rights must be
    disregarded.” FED. R. CRIM. P. 52(a); see United States v.
    507 U.S. 725
    , 734 (1993); see also FED. R. EVID. 103(a).
    A nonconstitutional error (such as the error alleged here) is
    subject to reversal under this standard “‘if one cannot say, with
    fair assurance, . . . that the judgment was not substantially
    swayed by the error.’” United States v. Palmera Pineda, 
    592 F.3d 199
    , 200 (D.C. Cir. 2010) (quoting Kotteakos v. United
    328 U.S. 750
    , 765 (1946)); see, e.g., United States v.
    319 F.3d 514
    , 519 (D.C. Cir. 2003). Because Gray-
    Burriss objected to the exclusion at trial, the government bears
    the burden of proving harmlessness. See Olano, 
    507 U.S. at 734
    It is clear that the error was harmless with respect to Gray-
    Burriss’ conviction. Count 8 charged Gray-Burriss with
    embezzlement from the union through many separate
    transactions (checks). See Second Superceding Indictment at 9-
    13. The verdict sheet listed each transaction, and the jury
    unanimously agreed that Gray-Burriss was guilty of virtually all
    of them -- including twenty-three that took place before the July
    1, 2009 effective date of the contract. Verdict Form at 2-7; see
    Def. Ex. 5 (2009 employment contract). Gray-Burriss concedes
    that the contract did not authorize transactions that predated it.
    See Oral Arg. Recording 10:37-48. And, as the court instructed
    the jury without objection, a guilty verdict required unanimous
    agreement on only a single transaction for each count. See
    11/27/2012 Tr. at 231. Although Gray-Burriss suggests that the
    jury’s judgment as to the post-July 1 transactions could have
    affected its appraisal of the twenty-three pre-July transactions,
    that possibility is too remote to disturb our confidence in the
    jury’s verdict. See, e.g., United States v. Bishop, 
    469 F.3d 896
    904 (10th Cir. 2006) (finding harmless error where the verdict
    form indicated unanimous agreement with respect to another
    charged act that was independently sufficient for the same count
    of the indictment), abrogated on other grounds by Gall v.
    United States, 
    552 U.S. 38
     (2007). And the possibility that this
    limited error infected the other counts of the indictment, none of
    which related to the employment contract, is even more
    We cannot, however, be confident that exclusion of the
    2009 contract was harmless with respect to Gray-Burriss’
    sentence. The amounts the government charged as theft (and
    found to be such by the jury) were premised on the assumption
    that Gray-Burriss was authorized to receive only a $55,000
    annual salary, not a $75,000 salary, during the period from July
    2009 to April 2011. See 11/14/2012 Tr. at 33-35 (Michel Test.);
    Gov. Ex. 212. If the sentencing court had considered the 2009
    contract -- and if, in doing so, the court had considered it to
    validly authorize an increase in salary -- the court might well
    have arrived at a lower loss finding and significantly reduced the
    defendant’s restitution and forfeiture obligations. Accordingly,
    we will remand the case to the district court to determine
    whether adding this piece of evidence into the mix leads it to a
    different conclusion with respect to the restitution and forfeiture
    components of Gray-Burriss’ sentence. At the same time, of
    course, the district court may determine whether, in its
    discretion, any lower loss finding should affect the defendant’s
    term of incarceration.3
    In addition to excluding Gray-Burriss’ July 2009
    employment contract, the district court also excluded an October
    2011 employment contract for Gaby Fraser on essentially the
    same grounds. That signed agreement, dated October 15, 2011,
    authorized payment to Fraser at a rate of $45 per hour for
    various services. The court accepted the government’s
    contention that the contract was a “payroll record” within the
    scope of the grand jury subpoena issued in June 2012, and it
    barred the defense from making use of the document because it
    was not produced to the grand jury or the government.
    We do not need to consider whether excluding Fraser’s
    2011 employment contract was error, however, because it is
    clear that any error was harmless in all respects. Although the
    court barred the defense from using the October 2011 contract,
    We note that it does not appear that a lower loss finding would
    change the defendant’s Sentencing Guidelines range. Even the sum
    of all the thefts the jury found in Count 8 ($35,680) is less than the
    difference between the court’s overall loss finding ($252,276) and the
    next-lowest threshold for a loss enhancement under the Guidelines
    ($200,000). See Verdict Form at 2-7; Presentence Investigation
    Report ¶ 86a; 4/8/2013 Tr. at 44 (accepting the Report’s findings);
    U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(1).
    the contract’s existence was established and never disputed at
    trial. Indeed, it was the premise of the government’s case on
    Count 12: that, although Fraser had a $45 per hour contract,
    Gray-Burriss improperly shifted her to an unauthorized $70,000
    annual salary. The prosecution elicited from Tresvant both that
    Fraser was hired in September 2011 at $45 per hour and that a
    formal agreement to that effect was signed on October 15. For
    its part, the defense called April Richardson, another executive
    board member, who also testified to signing a $45 per hour
    contract for Fraser in October 2011. Tyree said the same during
    the government’s cross-examination. And the government
    reminded the jury of the October 15 agreement in its own
    closing argument:
    Now we have the infamous day, October 15th, 2011.
    What the testimony was, was we signed an agreement
    with [Fraser] for $45 an hour. . . . They think she’s
    getting $45 an hour for every hour she works. In fact,
    as the Paychex records show, she was getting over
    $70,000 in a salary.
    11/28/2012 Tr. at 38-39. Accordingly, because introduction of
    the 2011 document itself would have been merely cumulative,
    any error in its exclusion was at worst harmless. See, e.g.,
    United States v. Gupta, 
    747 F.3d 111
    , 133-34 (2d Cir. 2014)
    (finding exclusion of defense evidence harmless because, inter
    alia, the evidence was “plainly cumulative”).
    Gray-Burriss suggests that the contract document might not
    have been cumulative in one respect: it stated that Fraser would
    receive $45 per hour for at least twenty hours per week (and for
    a maximum of forty hours). But this provision would not have
    made a difference. The defense theory on Count 12 was that
    Gray-Burriss acted in good faith, and, to support that argument,
    the defendant elicited undisputed testimony that Fraser did
    substantial work for the union. See 11/27/2012 Tr. at 7-8 (Tyree
    Test.); 11/21/2012 Tr. at 76-77 (Tresvant Test.). Indeed, the
    government’s own investigator so testified. See 11/19/2012 Tr.
    at 89-90 (Michel Test.). The prosecution theory, by contrast,
    was that each of the charged salary payments constituted an act
    of embezzlement because the defendant’s decision to put Fraser
    on salary, only days after the board adopted a different
    arrangement, was unauthorized and manifested fraudulent intent.
    The jury adopted the prosecution’s view as to each payment
    notwithstanding the undisputed evidence about Fraser’s work.
    And when the defense moved for a judgment of acquittal on this
    count, the district court concluded that there was sufficient
    evidence of embezzlement notwithstanding Fraser’s work for
    the union. United States v. Gray-Burriss, No. 10-178, 
    2013 WL 460220
    , at *1-2 (D.D.C. Feb. 6, 2013). Whatever its merits,
    Gray-Burriss has neither appealed that decision nor made any
    other sufficiency-of-the-evidence argument on appeal.
    Nor would the minimum-hours provision have affected the
    district court’s determination of the amount of loss at
    sentencing.     The defense objected to the Presentence
    Investigation Report’s loss calculation on the ground that Fraser
    had done a great deal of work and “was worth every penny she
    received.” PSR at 40 (objection to ¶¶ 55-62). The district court
    overruled that objection “for all the reasons that . . . [it] denied
    the motion for judgment of acquittal on Count 12.” 4/8/2013 Tr.
    at 31; see Gray-Burriss, 
    2013 WL 460220
     (D.D.C. Feb. 6,
    2013). There is no indication that, in deciding on an appropriate
    sentence, the court doubted Fraser had a contractual right to be
    paid on an hourly basis for whatever amount of work she did.
    Gray-Burriss also contends that he was denied effective
    assistance of counsel. In order to succeed on a Sixth
    Amendment claim of ineffective assistance, a defendant must
    show two things: (1) “that counsel’s performance was
    deficient,” falling “below an objective standard of
    reasonableness”; and (2) “that the deficient performance
    prejudiced the defense.” Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687-88 (1984). See United States v. Shabban, 
    612 F.3d 693
    , 697 (D.C. Cir. 2010). In United States v. Rashad, we
    explained that:
    Due to the fact-intensive nature of the Strickland
    inquiry and the likelihood, when a defendant asserts his
    sixth amendment claim for the first time on direct
    appeal, that the relevant facts will not be part of the
    trial record, . . . this court’s general practice is to
    remand the claim for an evidentiary hearing unless the
    trial record alone conclusively shows that the
    defendant either is or is not entitled to relief.
    331 F.3d 908
    , 909-10 (D.C. Cir. 2003) (internal quotation marks
    omitted). See, e.g., United States v. Pole, 
    741 F.3d 120
    , 126
    (D.C. Cir. 2013); United States v. Fareri, 
    712 F.3d 593
    , 595
    (D.C. Cir. 2013); United States v. Bell, 
    708 F.3d 223
    , 225 (D.C.
    Cir. 2013).
    In subpart A, we address Gray-Burriss’ contention that his
    attorneys had a conflict of interest that adversely affected their
    representation of him. In subpart B, we briefly address his
    remaining ineffectiveness contentions.
    We begin our consideration of Gray-Burriss’ conflict-of-
    interest claim by setting forth the facts that underlie it. We then
    explain that the claim is not properly analyzed as a conflict of
    interest issue, but that construed as an ordinary Strickland claim,
    it nonetheless warrants consideration on remand.
    1. Heather Shaner was appointed under the Criminal Justice
    Act (CJA) to represent Gray-Burriss from the outset of his case
    in June 2010. In July 2012, Gray-Burriss retained attorney
    Patrick Christmas to represent him as well. Shortly thereafter,
    Shaner informed the court that Gray-Burriss was “satisfied with
    his retained counsel” and moved to withdraw from the case.
    Mot. to Withdraw as Counsel at 1 (8/23/2012). The court asked
    Christmas if he would feel prepared for the scheduled November
    trial date if Shaner withdrew; Christmas said he would not, and
    the court denied Shaner’s motion. Christmas also said he would
    not be prepared in time even with Shaner’s help, but the court
    denied his motion for a continuance. The court then reminded
    the parties that, pursuant to a pretrial order entered months
    earlier, they were required to confer and make a joint
    submission of pretrial materials by October 24.
    The government filed its proposals on October 10. On
    October 17, Christmas again moved to continue the trial date,
    stating that “a serious injustice will occur if the Defendant is
    ‘forced’ to trial on November 2, 2012.” Def.’s Renewed Mot.
    to Continue at 2 (10/17/2012). The court again denied the
    continuance, citing the long pendency of the case and the
    “numerous continuances and accommodations” that the court
    had already granted Gray-Burriss before he retained Christmas.
    United States v. Gray-Burriss, No. 10-178, 
    2012 WL 5195997
    at *1 (D.D.C. Oct. 19, 2012). Although the court recognized
    that “Christmas may not feel fully prepared,” it stressed that
    Shaner, “the defendant’s CJA counsel from the beginning of the
    case over 27 months ago, still represents him.” Id. at *2.
    In the days that followed, the defense failed to submit the
    required pretrial materials and did not take up the government’s
    invitations to discuss its own proposed submissions. On the
    morning of the October 24 due date for the joint pretrial
    submission, the prosecution informed the court that it had failed
    in its efforts to reach Christmas, and that Shaner had merely
    deferred to Christmas as “lead counsel” (although she, too, had
    not heard from him). Mot. for Leave to File at 2 (10/24/2012).
    The court responded that, if these allegations were accurate, “the
    Court finds both defense counsel’s nonfeasance inexcusable.”
    Order to Show Cause at 2 (10/25/2012). It therefore entered an
    order directing Shaner and Christmas to show cause why they
    should not be sanctioned and referred for further discipline.
    In her response, Shaner contended that Christmas had cut
    her out of his planning for the case. Nonetheless, she said, she
    had done “everything reasonably possible within the scope of
    her authority” to aid Christmas without “usurp[ing]” his role as
    Gray-Burriss’ “lead counsel of choice.” Response to Order at 3-
    4 (10/29/2012). Shaner also secured her own counsel and
    requested a hearing to address the show-cause order. For his
    part, Christmas acknowledged that he only recently “began to
    appreciate the complexity of preparing a professional and proper
    defense in this matter.” Response to Order at 2 (10/31/2012).
    He had failed to meet the court’s deadlines, he said, because he
    was “literally overwhelmed” with other obligations. Id. at 4.
    On November 2, as jury selection was set to begin, Shaner
    noted that her attorneys were present in the courtroom and asked
    to address the court regarding the show-cause order. When the
    court declined to take up the show-cause order, Shaner
    Your Honor, I cannot go forward and zealously
    advocate for my client and I would move to withdraw
    therefore. I am too upset to go forward with my
    license, my liberty, my reputation and my livelihood
    pending, and I am afraid that it will have prejudicial
    effects on my zealous advocacy and on Mr. Burriss.
    11/2/2012 Tr. at 5. The court denied Shaner’s motion and
    reiterated that “[w]e’ll take this up after the trial.” Id. at 6. In
    a minute order, the court explained that, based on its past
    experience with Shaner, it “was fully confident that she would
    not falter in her duty to her client.” Minute Order (11/5/2012).4
    Four weeks later, after closing arguments, Christmas raised
    the pending show-cause order again, asserting that it “has chilled
    my representation and that of Ms. Shaner.” 11/28/2012 Tr. at
    103. The judge agreed to hear from both lawyers. Christmas
    apologized several times for his failure to comply with the
    pretrial order, explaining again that he “was just overwhelmed”
    and “took on too much work.” Id. at 108-09. He said he
    thought he could “[p]lay with Your Honor, as far as some of the
    The minute order stated:
    This court has seen Ms. Shaner under fire before, and she
    has held her own like the experienced professional that she
    is. The court was fully confident that she would not falter
    in her duty to her client. That confidence has been borne
    out thus far by her usual skilled advocacy during the full day
    of voir dire that has been completed. Her motion was
    denied so as not to delay the panel of 65 prospective jurors
    waiting in the jury office . . . and to bring no further delay
    to a trial that had been delayed far too long already.
    Minute Order (11/5/2012).
    rules,” and “did not realize . . . that Your Honor makes an order
    and stays with that order.” Id. at 112.
    Shaner explained that she had struggled to define her role
    once Gray-Burriss made clear that he wanted to be represented
    by Christmas and not by her. Christmas confirmed that
    “everything she says today . . . is true.” Id. at 124. The court
    then vacated and discharged the show-cause order, stating that
    “[a]s far as I’m concerned[,] the matter is over.” Id. at 125.
    2. Gray-Burriss argues that the show-cause order that was
    left pending during the trial created a conflict of interest, or at
    least the possibility of one, between his attorneys and himself.
    As he sees it, Shaner and Christmas were put to a choice
    between zealously advocating for him (and risking irritating the
    trial judge) or preparing their own defenses in the show-cause
    proceeding. Gray-Burriss particularly stresses an apparent last-
    minute hand-off of the closing argument from Shaner to
    Christmas -- which in court Christmas attributed to the fact that
    Shaner’s “voice [was] going,” 11/28/2012 Tr. at 56 -- and
    speculates that Shaner was in fact conserving her energy, or the
    court’s goodwill, for the show-cause hearing that took place
    later that day. See Def. Br. 45-46; Reply Br. 18.
    Doctrinally, reframing an alleged deficiency in performance
    in terms of a conflict of interest makes a world of difference. In
    Cuyler v. Sullivan, the Supreme Court held that, if a defendant
    can show that “a conflict of interest actually affected the
    adequacy of [the attorney’s] representation,” he “need not
    demonstrate prejudice in order to obtain relief.” 
    446 U.S. 335
    349-50 (1980). In those circumstances, when counsel “is
    burdened by an actual conflict of interest,” prejudice “is
    presumed” and the second prong of Strickland does not apply.
    466 U.S. at
    692 (citing Cuyler, 
    446 U.S. at 345-50
    see United States v. Gantt, 
    140 F.3d 249
    , 254 (D.C. Cir. 1998).
    This court has been careful, however, to reject “defendants’
    attempts to force their ineffective assistance claims into the
    ‘actual conflict of interest’ framework . . . and thereby supplant
    the strict Strickland standard with the far more lenient Cuyler
    test.” United States v. Bruce, 
    89 F.3d 886
    , 893 (D.C. Cir. 1996);
    see, e.g., United States v. Taylor, 
    139 F.3d 924
    , 930 (D.C. Cir.
    1998); United States v. Leggett, 
    81 F.3d 220
    , 227 (D.C. Cir.
    When a defendant claims a conflict between himself and his
    attorney, he must show that the attorney was “forced to make a
    choice advancing his own interest at the expense of his client’s.”
    Taylor, 139 F.3d at 930; see Bruce, 
    89 F.3d at 893
     (same). The
    mere fact that a court has threatened an attorney with contempt
    is insufficient to make that showing. In United States v. Shark,
    for example, the district court complained in open court that
    defense counsel “doesn’t pay any attention to me, . . . and next
    time I’m going to get his attention and put him in the cell
    51 F.3d 1072
    , 1074 (D.C. Cir. 1995). Although the
    defendant maintained that this threat created a conflict “between
    the defense counsel’s personal interest (to mollify the judge) and
    that of her client,” 
    id. at 1075
    , this court disagreed. “We very
    much doubt,” we said, “that mere fear of rebuke from the court
    could ever give rise to a conflict of interest sufficient to establish
    a predicate for ineffective assistance.” 
    Id. at 1076
    . Likewise, in
    United States v. Taylor, we rejected a defendant’s claim that his
    trial counsel had a conflict of interest because he faced a
    possible contempt sanction from the district court. 139 F.3d at
    928, 931. “Because all attorneys potentially face contempt
    citations, no particular attorney can be considered ineffective
    due to a concern that he or she might be so cited.” Id. at 932;
    see id. at 930 (“[A] Cuyler conflict does not arise from mere
    ‘friction between trial counsel and the court.’” (quoting Shark,
    51 F.3d at 1076
    )); Leggett, 
    81 F.3d at 227
    This case readily falls into the category defined by Shark
    and Taylor. Nothing about the show-cause order made it
    different in kind from the circumstances considered in those
    cases. To the contrary, the order, which criticized Shaner and
    Christmas for their “nonfeasance,” Order to Show Cause at 2
    (10/25/2012), gave them every incentive to showcase their most
    engaged and assiduous lawyering on Gray-Burriss’ behalf. Cf.
    81 F.3d at 227
     (“[A]n attorney fearing an ineffective
    assistance of counsel claim has an incentive to do his best, not
    the contrary.”). It did not create a conflict between their
    personal interests and those of their client.
    United States v. Hurt, 
    543 F.2d 162
     (D.C. Cir. 1976), upon
    which Gray-Burriss heavily relies, provides an instructive
    contrast. In Hurt, the defendant’s replacement counsel argued
    that his conviction should be reversed because his trial counsel
    had provided ineffective assistance. The trial counsel then sued
    the replacement counsel for libel, seeking $2 million in
    damages. The lawsuit, we said, created an actual conflict of
    interest: “[W]hile his client’s interest plainly lay in hammering
    away toward th[e] objective” of showing that “trial counsel’s
    performance was constitutionally inadequate,” replacement
    counsel’s “self-interest in not worsening his own position tugged
    strongly in the opposite direction.” 
    Id. at 166
    . Gray-Burriss, by
    contrast, has identified no self-interest that would have tugged
    Of course, a judge’s hostility may “so hamper counsel’s zealous
    representation as to violate a defendant’s right to a fair trial,” which
    “would be independently remediable on those grounds.” Shark, 
    51 F.3d at 1076
    . There was no such extraordinary rebuke here, and the
    defendant does not contend that there was. See also supra note 4
    (quoting Minute Order describing Shaner’s work favorably).
    his attorneys toward being less zealous than required for his
    3. Because Gray-Burriss’ claim of conflicting courtroom
    incentives is unwarranted, the Cuyler exception to the two-
    pronged Strickland test does not apply. But Strickland itself still
    does. And “if judicial expressions of dissatisfaction were severe
    enough to lead defense counsel to make decisions that are both
    objectively deficient and prejudicial, the Strickland requirements
    for showing ineffective assistance would be satisfied.” Shark,
    51 F.3d at 1077
    Viewed through that lens, Gray-Burriss’ various allegations
    of inadequate preparation for trial and closing argument are
    sufficiently colorable to warrant factual findings on remand. See
    Pole, 741 F.3d at 126 (“In this Circuit, we generally remand
    colorable claims of ineffective assistance to the district court to
    make any necessary factual findings, unless the record
    conclusively demonstrates that the defendant is or is not entitled
    to relief.” (internal quotation marks and citations omitted)). The
    record before us understandably does not focus on the extent of
    Shaner’s and Christmas’ preparation for the trial or for its key
    moments (such as closing argument). See Massaro v. United
    538 U.S. 500
    , 504-05 (2003); Rashad, 331 F.3d at 911.
    Gray-Burriss also raises colorable questions about who had
    planned to give the closing argument in this complex criminal
    case and whether the argument that Christmas ultimately gave
    passed muster.
    “Like most ineffective-assistance claims raised on direct
    appeal,” these claims “require[] further factual development.”
    Fareri, 712 F.3d at 595. We therefore remand for the district
    court to consider them in the first instance.
    Gray-Burriss makes several additional claims of ineffective
    assistance. Those include a claim that his attorneys failed to
    procure the assistance of a forensic accounting expert to review
    withdrawals and expenditures for authorization in the union’s
    records. They also include, inter alia, a claim that the attorneys
    failed to properly raise an advice-of-counsel defense -- either by
    subpoenaing NASPSO’s former general counsel, who Shaner
    told the court had advised Gray-Burriss that it “was just fine” to
    transfer money from the union’s pension fund to use for
    operating expenses, 11/26/2012 Tr. at 172; or by satisfying the
    hearsay rule’s requirements for admitting that advice through the
    testimony of another NASPSO attorney who allegedly was
    present at the time. Because the record does not “conclusively
    demonstrate[] that the defendant is or is not entitled to relief”
    based on Gray-Burriss’ various claims, we remand them to the
    district court to make the necessary findings. Pole, 741 F.3d at
    126 (internal quotation marks and citations omitted); see Fareri,
    712 F.3d at 595; Bell, 708 F.3d at 225-26.
    We do not, however, remand Gray-Burriss’s claim that his
    attorneys’ deficient performance led to the exclusion of the two
    disputed employment contracts discussed in Parts II and III. To
    establish a Strickland claim, a defendant must show both that
    there was a deficiency in his attorneys’ performance and that the
    deficiency was prejudicial. See Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 694
    . To
    the extent that the government has carried its burden to prove
    that the exclusions were harmless (entirely with respect to the
    2011 contract, and insofar as Gray-Burriss’ conviction is
    concerned with respect to the 2009 contract), it follows a fortiori
    that Gray-Burriss cannot prove the same exclusions were
    prejudicial. See United States v. Cassell, 
    530 F.3d 1009
    , 1018
    (D.C. Cir. 2008) (explaining that “the harmless error standard of
    review” is “more favorable to the defendant than the prejudice
    prong of Strickland”). And to the extent that we have concluded
    the exclusion of the 2009 contract was not necessarily harmless
    (with respect to Gray-Burriss’ sentence), we are already
    remanding for the district court to reconsider the sentence in
    light of the contract. Such reconsideration will render harmless
    any ineffectiveness of counsel that contributed to that error.
    For the foregoing reasons, we remand this case for the
    district court to reconsider Gray-Burriss’ sentence in light of the
    excluded 2009 employment contract, and to consider Gray-
    Burriss’ colorable ineffective assistance claims. In all other
    respects, we affirm the judgment of the district court.
    So ordered.