Jared Clark v. FLRA , 782 F.3d 701 ( 2015 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued October 14, 2014                 Decided April 7, 2015
    No. 13-1261
    On Petition for Review of a Final Order
    of the Federal Labor Relations Authority
    D. Zachary Hudson, appointed by the court, argued the
    cause as amicus curiae for petitioner. With him on the briefs
    was H. Christopher Bartolomucci.
    Fred B. Jacob, Solicitor, Federal Labor Relations
    Authority, argued the cause for respondent. With him on the
    brief was Zachary R. Henige, Deputy Solicitor.
    Before: ROGERS, GRIFFITH, and WILKINS, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge GRIFFITH.
    GRIFFITH, Circuit Judge: This case challenges a
    decision by the General Counsel of the Federal Labor
    Relations Authority to settle an unfair labor charge
    unilaterally after the issuance of a complaint, but before a
    hearing. Because our precedent holds that such a decision is
    not a “final order of the Authority” subject to review in this
    court under 
    5 U.S.C. § 7123
    (a), we dismiss the petition for
    lack of subject-matter jurisdiction.
    The American Federation of Government Employees,
    Local 1945 (the Union) is the exclusive representative for all
    employees in the collective-bargaining unit at the Anniston
    Army Depot in Alabama. 1 Petitioner Jared Clark is a
    bargaining-unit employee, but not a dues-paying union
    member. In November 2008, the Union learned that the Depot
    was assigning some employees to duties beyond their pay
    grade without providing additional compensation. The Union
    filed a grievance on behalf of all bargaining-unit employees
    seeking that compensation.
    In April 2010, the Depot and the Union entered a
    settlement agreement that provided backpay to the employees
    who performed the higher-graded duties. According to the
    settlement, the Union and the Depot would together determine
    the appropriate settlement amount for the employees from a
    list of those who might have valid claims supplied by the
    Union. It fell to the Union to notify Depot employees of the
    settlement and to gather from them the information needed to
    process claims. Though Clark had completed work above his
    pay grade, the Union failed to contact him. When Clark
    These facts are drawn from the final investigative report
    prepared by the General Counsel of the FLRA, the allegations in
    Clark’s charge and the General Counsel’s complaint, and various
    settlement documents.
    visited the Union office to inquire about the settlement, a
    representative asked whether he was a Union member.
    Learning that he was not, the representative told Clark he
    needed to join that very day. Clark refused to join. Despite
    this exchange, the Union representative told Clark what he
    needed to do to submit a claim for inclusion in the settlement.
    Clark complied, providing the Union log books reporting the
    times he worked and affidavits from co-workers stating that
    they had seen Clark performing work above his pay grade.
    The Depot and the Union eventually agreed to
    distribute $303,825 among 218 employees the Union had
    included on the list. The Union left Clark off the list and put
    only one person on the list who was not a member of the
    Union. Depending on the nature of their claims, employees on
    the list would receive between $300 and $1,970. Upon
    realizing that the proceeds of the settlement went almost
    entirely to Union members, Clark filed an unfair labor
    practice charge with the Federal Labor Relations Authority
    (the Authority). Following an investigation that identified
    Clark and fifty-five other nonunion employees whom the
    Union cut out of the settlement, the Authority’s Regional
    Director issued a complaint on behalf of the General Counsel 2
    alleging that the Union had violated 
    5 U.S.C. §§ 7114
    and 7116(b)(8) by giving preferential treatment to union
    members in settling the claims.
    Before a hearing on the complaint took place, the
    Union and the Regional Director agreed to settle. The Union
    Under the Authority’s regulations, the Regional Director may
    act on behalf of the General Counsel to “[a]pprove a request to
    withdraw a charge”; “[d]ismiss a charge”; “[a]pprove a written
    settlement agreement”; “[i]ssue a complaint”; or “[w]ithdraw a
    5 C.F.R. § 2423.10
    would pay $1,970 to Clark, but only $200 to each of the fifty-
    five other nonunion employees. The Union would also inform
    the affected employees of the terms of the settlement by
    issuing notices describing the charges and their resolution
    along with the checks. Clark objected to the settlement. In his
    view, the agreement not only failed to adequately compensate
    him and the other nonunion employees, but it would not deter
    the Union from engaging in such unlawful discrimination in
    the future. The Regional Director considered Clark’s
    objections but approved the settlement anyway. Clark
    appealed the Regional Director’s determination to the
    Authority’s General Counsel, who affirmed the decision.
    Clark filed this petition for review, arguing that the General
    Counsel lacked authority to settle the complaint unilaterally.
    We may not take up the merits of Clark’s petition
    before we consider the Authority’s argument that we lack
    jurisdiction to review the General Counsel’s unilateral
    settlement of an unfair labor practice charge.
    The Federal Service Labor-Management Relations
    Statute (FSLMRS) provides that an aggrieved person may
    obtain judicial review only of “any final order of the
    Authority,” subject to exceptions not relevant here. 
    5 U.S.C. § 7123
    (a). In Turgeon v. FLRA, we held that we had no
    jurisdiction to review the General Counsel’s decision
    declining to issue a complaint. 
    677 F.2d 937
     (D.C. Cir. 1982).
    We reached this result by looking to the reasoning of the
    Supreme Court interpreting the National Labor Relations Act,
    which, like the FSLMRS, limits our jurisdiction to challenges
    to a “final order of the Board.” Compare 
    29 U.S.C. § 160
    5 U.S.C. § 7123
    (a). Construing the similar language of
    the NLRA, the Supreme Court held that a decision of the
    NLRB’s General Counsel declining to issue an unfair labor
    practice complaint is not a “final order of the Board,” and thus
    the courts had no jurisdiction to consider its lawfulness. See
    677 F.2d at
    940 (citing Lincourt v. NLRB, 
    170 F.2d 306
    , 307 (1st Cir. 1948), and NLRB v. Sears, Roebuck & Co.,
    421 U.S. 132
    , 138-39 (1975)).
    In Turgeon, we thought it proper to consider the
    NLRA because the legislative history of the FSLMRS “makes
    clear [that] the structure, role, and functions of the Authority
    and its General Counsel were closely patterned after the
    structure, role, and functions of the NLRB and its General
    Counsel under the National Labor Relations Act.” Turgeon,
    677 F.2d at 939
    . We found evidence of an intent to model the
    position of the General Counsel of the Authority after that of
    the General Counsel of the NLRB in statements in both the
    House and Senate Reports. The House Report noted that the
    “Committee intend[ed] that the General Counsel [of the
    Authority] be analogous in role and function to the General
    Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board.” H.R. REP.
    NO. 95-1403, at 41-42 (1978). The Senate Report provided
    that “[i]t is intended that unfair labor practice complaints will
    be handled by the General Counsel of the Authority in a
    manner essentially identical to National Labor Relations
    Board practices in the private sector.” S. REP. NO. 95-969, at
    106 (1978), reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. 2723, 2824. We
    also relied upon our overview of the Authority’s power in
    Department of Defense v. FLRA, where we explained that the
    Authority’s “role is analogous to that of the National Labor
    Relations Board.” 
    659 F.2d 1140
    , 1144 (D.C. Cir. 1981).
    Based on these statements in the legislative history and the
    NLRA precedent interpreting the analogous provision, we
    held that “the General Counsel of the Authority must be
    accorded the same discretion with respect to issuance of
    unfair labor practice complaints as the General Counsel of the
    NLRB,” and dismissed the petition for lack of jurisdiction.
    677 F.2d at 940
    Fortunately, the Supreme Court has decided the very
    issue before us in the NLRA context. In NLRB v. United Food
    & Commercial Workers Union, Local 23, AFL-CIO (UFCW),
    the Supreme Court unanimously held that a decision by the
    NLRB’s General Counsel to settle a complaint unilaterally
    before a hearing is not subject to judicial review under the
    484 U.S. 112
     (1987). The Court noted that the NLRA
    distinguished between the adjudicatory role of the NLRB,
    which is reviewable, and the prosecutorial function of the
    General Counsel, which is not. The decision whether to file a
    complaint is clearly prosecutorial, whereas once a hearing
    begins on an unfair labor practice complaint, the process
    becomes adjudicative. 
    Id. at 125
    . “Between these extremes”
    however, the Court found that pre-hearing settlements “might
    fairly be said to fall on either side of the division.” 
     In light
    of this ambiguity, the Court deferred to the agency’s
    regulation that placed the power to strike a unilateral
    settlement of a complaint prior to a hearing in the
    prosecutorial discretion of the Regional Director with review
    by the General Counsel, but not the NLRB. See 
    id. at 125-26
    29 C.F.R. § 101.9
    . The Court remarked that it “fail[ed] to see
    why the General Counsel should have the concededly
    unreviewable discretion to file a complaint, but not the same
    discretion to withdraw the complaint before hearing if further
    investigation discloses that the case is too weak to prosecute.”
    484 U.S. at 126
    . The Court thus determined that
    “[t]he General Counsel’s unreviewable discretion to file and
    withdraw a complaint . . . logically supports a reading that he
    or she must also have final authority to dismiss a complaint in
    favor of an informal settlement, at least before a hearing
    Together, Turgeon and UFCW make clear that we lack
    jurisdiction to review the General Counsel’s settlement in this
    case. Turgeon tells us to look to NLRA precedent when
    considering the powers of the Authority’s General Counsel.
    UFCW tells us that the decision of the NLRB’s General
    Counsel to affirm an informal settlement prior to a hearing is
    unreviewable. Indeed, this court has cited UFCW approvingly
    while reviewing an Authority decision. See Patent Office
    Prof’l Ass’n v. FLRA, 
    128 F.3d 751
    , 753 (D.C. Cir. 1997) (per
    curiam). And just as in UFCW, the Authority has promulgated
    a regulation giving the Regional Director authority to settle
    complaints before a hearing without the charging party’s
    5 C.F.R. § 2423.25
    (a)(1). Like the NLRB regime,
    the Authority’s regulations give the Regional Director two
    ways to withdraw a complaint before a hearing begins:
    informal settlements and formal settlements. If the Regional
    Director chooses to undertake an informal settlement, he can
    withdraw the complaint unilaterally if he concludes that doing
    so will further the policies of the FSLMRS. 
     § 2423.25(b).
    The charging party can appeal the Regional Director’s action
    to the General Counsel, but the agreement is “not subject to
    approval by or an order of the Authority.” Id. § 2423.25(a)(1).
    Because the Authority is not involved, the agreements are not
    subject to court enforcement. On the other hand, if the
    Regional Director thinks that court enforcement might be
    necessary, he can enter into a formal settlement agreement
    that is subject to Authority approval and contains “consent to
    the Authority’s application for the entry of a decree by an
    appropriate federal court enforcing the Authority’s order.” Id.
    § 2423.25(a)(2). 3
    Here, the Regional Director used his power to
    informally settle the complaint. Therefore, just as in UFCW,
    the settlement was not subject to Authority review. See 
    5 C.F.R. § 2423.25
    (a)(1), (b). Furthermore, the logic of the
    argument the Court relied on in UFCW applies with equal
    force here: Just like the General Counsel of the NLRB, the
    General Counsel of the Authority has the unreviewable
    discretion to file and withdraw a complaint. See Turgeon, 
    677 F.2d at 940
    5 C.F.R. § 2423.10
    (a). With that unreviewable
    discretion, the General Counsel has “final authority to dismiss
    a complaint in favor of an informal settlement” prior to a
    hearing. UFCW, 
    484 U.S. at 126
    Seeking to avoid the force of the Court’s analysis in
    UFCW, Clark argues that we should not defer to the
    Authority’s position on the reviewability of the General
    Counsel’s power. Clark claims that deferring in this
    circumstance would violate the principle that “[i]nterpreting
    statutes granting jurisdiction to Article III courts is
    exclusively the province of the courts.” Ramey v. Bowsher, 
    9 F.3d 133
    , 136 n.7 (D.C. Cir. 1993). But neither the Authority
    here nor the NLRB in UFCW attempted to interpret the
    provisions of the statutes that allowed judicial review only of
    “final orders” of the Authority or the NLRB. Instead, the
    agencies merely determined the extent of their own power to
    review decisions of their General Counsels. While this
    determination has an effect on what is subject to judicial
    review, the Court in UFCW deferred to the NLRB’s
    Our decision today has no bearing on whether such formal
    settlements are subject to judicial review.
    interpretation in these precise circumstances under the NLRA.
    See UFCW, 
    484 U.S. at 123-26
    . Both UFCW and the case
    now before us involve an agency interpretation that does not
    provide for NLRB or Authority review of the General
    Counsel’s settlement decisions, which therefore precludes our
    review. We see no way to distinguish this case.
    Clark argues in the alternative that the text of the
    FSLMRS gives the General Counsel three distinct powers: (1)
    “investigat[ing] alleged unfair labor practices”; (2) “fil[ing]
    and prosecut[ing] complaints” following such an
    investigation; and (3) “exercis[ing] such other powers of the
    Authority as the Authority may prescribe.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 7104
    (f)(2)(A)-(C). Clark claims that one of those “other
    powers” the Authority has delegated to the General Counsel is
    the ability to settle disputes. Because this power springs from
    the Authority, it still qualifies as a “final order of the
    Authority” subject to our review. In support of his argument,
    Clark states that the Authority—and not the General
    Counsel—issued the regulations giving the Regional Director
    the power to settle complaints with review from the General
    Counsel. This is factually incorrect. The Authority and the
    General Counsel jointly promulgated the controlling
    regulations initially, see 
    45 Fed. Reg. 3482
    , 3483-84 (Jan. 17,
    1980), and have continued to revise them together, see, e.g.,
    77 Fed. Reg. 33,751
    , 33,752 (June 25, 2012). The joint
    regulation conducted by both the prosecutorial and
    adjudicative members of the agency is consistent with the
    Court’s holding in UFCW, deferring to the agency’s power to
    determine where to draw the line between prosecution and
    adjudication. See UFCW, 
    484 U.S. at 125-26
    Clark also claims support for his argument based on a
    1986 Authority opinion, stating that the General Counsel’s
    power to settle complaints comes from the Authority. In 1986,
    the Department of Justice requested guidance from the
    Authority on three questions, including the issue before us—
    whether the General Counsel can unilaterally settle an unfair
    labor practice complaint. The Authority declined to issue a
    general policy statement answering all three questions, but did
    opine that among the “other powers” given to the General
    Counsel is the “full and final authority and responsibility, on
    behalf of the Authority . . . to enter into and approve the
    informal settlement of charges.” Decision on Request for
    General Statement of Policy or Guidance, 
    23 F.L.R.A. 342
    344 (Sept. 10, 1986) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Because this power comes from and is exercised on behalf of
    the Authority, Clark argues that the General Counsel’s
    decision in this case is a final order of the Authority. But the
    Authority’s opinion on this issue does not have the force of
    law. Under Skidmore, the deference it is owed “depend[s] on
    the thoroughness evident in its consideration, the validity of
    its reasoning, its consistency with earlier and later
    pronouncements, and all those factors which give it power to
    persuade, if lacking power to control.” Skidmore v. Swift &
    323 U.S. 134
    , 140 (1944).
    We find that the Authority’s cursory decision lacks any
    power to persuade. As noted, the Authority expressly
    indicated that the document was not intended to serve as
    general guidance. See Decision on Request for General
    Statement of Policy or Guidance, 23 F.L.R.A. at 342 (“The
    Authority . . . has determined that it does not satisfy the
    standards governing the issuance of general statements of
    policy or guidance.”); id. at 346 (“[R]esolution of the
    questions presented would not have general applicability
    under the Statute.”). Moreover, the Authority provided no
    support for its statement that the General Counsel’s power to
    engage in settlements stemmed from his or her authority to
    “exercise such other powers” prescribed by the Authority, and
    not from the inherent authority to “file and prosecute
    complaints.” To the extent that we can surmise the
    Authority’s reasoning, we assume that the Authority was
    relying on then-applicable precedent establishing that pre-
    hearing settlements of the General Counsel of the NLRB and
    the Authority were adjudicatory rather than prosecutorial. See
    Int’l Ladies’ Garment Workers Union, Local 415-475, AFL-
    CIO v. NLRB, 
    501 F.2d 823
     (D.C. Cir. 1974); Am. Fed’n of
    Gov’t Emps., AFL-CIO v. FLRA, 
    785 F.2d 333
     (D.C. Cir.
    1986). 4 When the opinion was written, our cases effectively
    precluded the Authority from placing the power to settle
    disputes in the prosecutorial discretion of the General
    Counsel. Since that time, however, UFCW has abrogated
    those precedents by holding that NLRB informal settlements
    are not reviewable. We therefore discount the relevance of the
    Authority opinion because of this significant shift in the law
    and hold that the language in the outdated opinion cannot
    overcome the holdings of Turgeon and UFCW.
    Clark also argues that the power given to the NLRB’s
    General Counsel in the NLRA is more expansive than that of
    the Authority under the language of the FSLMRS. For
    When we first decided whether we had jurisdiction over the
    General Counsel’s unilateral settlement of a complaint in the NLRB
    context, Chevron had not yet been decided. See Chevron U.S.A.,
    Inc. v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
     (1984). We
    therefore did not defer to the agency’s regulation declining to
    provide for NLRB review. After Chevron, we decided the same
    issue in the Authority context, but looked only to our decision
    under the NLRA as a guide, based on the “substantially identical
    appeal provision[s].” Am. Fed’n of Gov’t Emps., 
    785 F.2d at
    example, the NLRB’s General Counsel has “final authority,
    on behalf of the Board” with respect to broad categories of
    power, whereas the FSLMRS expressly limits the powers of
    the Authority’s General Counsel to three narrow categories
    and nowhere states that he can act with final authority on his
    own. Because the statutory language differs, Clark argues that
    the two entities should be treated differently. This argument,
    however, runs counter to both our decision in Turgeon and the
    legislative history of the FSLMRS. See Turgeon, 
    677 F.2d at 940
    . We are bound by our own precedent and its recognition
    of the intent of Congress to model the Authority after the
    Clark has given us no reason to depart from our
    practice of treating the General Counsel of the NLRB and the
    General Counsel of the Authority as “essentially identical.”
    See S. REP. NO. 95-969, at 106. In keeping with our NLRB
    precedent, we therefore hold that we lack jurisdiction to
    review a decision by the Authority’s General Counsel
    affirming a settlement agreement before a hearing takes place.
    The petition for review is dismissed for lack of
    subject-matter jurisdiction.