Rosalie Simon v. Republic of Hungary , 911 F.3d 1172 ( 2018 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued April 20, 2018              Decided December 28, 2018
    No. 17-7146
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:10-cv-01770)
    Paul G. Gaston argued the cause for appellants. With
    him on the briefs were Charles S. Fax, Liesel J. Schopler, L.
    Marc Zell, and David H. Weinstein.
    Samuel J. Dubbin was on the brief for amici curiae
    Holocaust Survivors Foundation USA, Inc., et al. in support of
    Geoffrey M. Klineberg and Daniel S. Severson were on the
    brief for amicus curiae Professor William S. Dodge in support
    of plaintiffs-appellants.
    Gregory S. Silbert argued the cause for appellees.   With
    him on the brief was Konrad L. Cailteux.
    Before: MILLETT, PILLARD, and KATSAS, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge MILLETT.
    Dissenting opinion filed by Circuit Judge KATSAS.
    MILLETT, Circuit Judge: “Nowhere was the Holocaust
    executed with such speed and ferocity as it was in Hungary.”
    Simon v. Republic of Hungary, 
    812 F.3d 127
    , 133 (D.C. Cir.
    2016) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). More
    than 560,000 Hungarian Jews—68% of Hungary’s pre-war
    Jewish population—were killed in one year. 
    Id. at 134.
    1944 alone, a concentrated campaign by the Hungarian
    government marched nearly half a million Jews into Hungarian
    railroad stations, stripped them of all their personal property
    and possessions, forced them onto trains, and transported them
    to death camps like Auschwitz, where 90% of them were
    murdered upon arrival. 
    Id. at 133–134.
    Fourteen of the very few survivors of the Hungarian
    government’s pogrom (collectively, “Survivors”), including
    four United States citizens, filed suit against the Republic of
    Hungary and Magyar Államvasutak Zrt. (“MÁV”), Hungary’s
    state-owned railway company.           As relevant here, the
    litigation seeks compensation for the seizure and expropriation
    of the Survivors’ property as part of the Hungarian
    government’s genocidal campaign. See 
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 134
    In a prior appeal in this case, we held that Hungary’s and
    MÁV’s seizure of the Survivors’ property was an act of
    genocide, and that the Survivors had adequately alleged
    jurisdiction over MÁV’s acts of genocidal expropriation in
    violation of international law. See 
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 142
    147–148. Although the Survivors’ first complaint had not
    sufficiently alleged that jurisdiction existed over Hungary, we
    noted that they might yet be able to make that showing. See
    id. at 148.
    On remand, the district court dismissed the case on two
    alternative grounds, both of which are at issue here. First, the
    court held that, regardless of whether the Survivors’ claims
    against Hungary amounted to expropriation, principles of
    international comity required that the Survivors first try to
    adjudicate their claims in Hungary. Second, the court held
    that, under the doctrine of forum non conveniens, a Hungarian
    forum would be so much more convenient for resolution of the
    claims as to clearly override the Survivors’ choice to litigate
    the case in the United States.
    The district court erred on both fronts. Our recent
    decision in Philipp v. Federal Republic of Germany, 
    894 F.3d 406
    (D.C. Cir. 2018), which post-dated the district court’s
    ruling, squarely rejected the asserted comity-based ground for
    declining statutorily assigned jurisdiction. With respect to the
    dismissal on forum non conveniens grounds, the district court
    committed material legal errors at each step of its analysis. A
    proper application of the relevant factors leaves no basis for
    designating Hungary the strongly preferred location for this
    litigation because Hungary is not home to any identified
    plaintiff, has not been shown to be the source of governing law,
    lacks a process for remediation recognized by the United States
    government, and is not the only location of material amounts
    of evidence. There is, in short, far too little in this record to
    designate Hungary a more convenient forum than the one
    chosen by the Survivors. For those reasons, we reverse and
    remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    The terrible facts giving rise to this litigation are recounted
    at length in our first opinion in this case. See 
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 132
    –134. In brief, Hungary “began a systematic campaign
    of [official] discrimination” against its Jewish population “as
    early as 1941.” 
    Id. at 133.
    At that time, Hungary began
    rounding up tens of thousands of Jewish citizens and refugees
    who had fled from surrounding countries, and sending them to
    internment camps near the Polish border.                Id.; Second
    Amended Class Action Complaint ¶ 105, Simon v. Republic of
    Hungary, No. 10-1770 (D.D.C. June 13, 2016), ECF No. 118
    (“Second Am. Compl.”).
    Then, in 1944, the Nazis occupied Hungary and installed
    a “fanatically anti-Semitic” regime. 
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 133
    Over the Summer of 1944, Hungary rounded up more than
    430,000 Jews for deportation to Nazi death camps, primarily
    Auschwitz.      Second Am. Compl. ¶ 120.            With tragic
    efficiency, Hungarian government officials, including MÁV
    employees, created a schedule of deportations, along with
    planned routes and destinations, with four trains running daily.
    Id. ¶ 117.
    Seventy to ninety people were packed into an
    individual freight car, so that each train transported 3,000 to
    3,500 Hungarian Jews to almost certain death. 
    Id. Before the
    Jews were crammed into the trains, MÁV officials robbed
    them of all their possessions. 
    Id. ¶ 112.
    According to the
    Survivors, “[w]ithout the mass transportation provided by the
    Defendant [MÁV], the scale of the Final Solution in Hungary
    would never have been possible.” 
    Id. ¶ 133.
    The United States traditionally afforded foreign sovereign
    nations immunity from suit in domestic courts as a matter of
    “grace and comity.” Republic of Austria v. Altmann, 
    541 U.S. 677
    , 689 (2004). Given the Political Branches’ constitutional
    expertise in foreign affairs, courts would historically “defer[]
    to the decisions of the political branches—in particular, those
    of the Executive Branch—on whether to take jurisdiction over
    particular actions against foreign sovereigns and their
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted); see
    also United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 
    299 U.S. 304
    , 319–320 (1936). But over time, conflicting theories on
    when immunity should apply created “disarray” in the State
    Department’s immunity decisions. 
    Altmann, 541 U.S. at 690
    Congress responded in 1976 by enacting the Foreign
    Sovereign Immunities Act (“FSIA”), 28 U.S.C. § 1602 et seq.
    The FSIA is a “comprehensive statute containing a set of legal
    standards governing claims of immunity in every civil action
    against a foreign state or its political subdivisions, agencies, or
    Altmann, 541 U.S. at 691
    quotation marks omitted); see also 
    id. (“Congress sought
    remedy these problems by enacting the FSIA.”). Congress
    enacted guiding “principles” so that the “courts of the United
    States” could decide “the claims of foreign states to immunity”
    on the terms prescribed by Congress. 28 U.S.C. § 1602; see
    Altmann, 541 U.S. at 691
    (“The Act * * * transfers primary
    responsibility for immunity determinations from the Executive
    to the Judicial Branch.”).
    The FSIA enumerates specific exceptions to foreign
    sovereign immunity and confers federal-court jurisdiction over
    foreign sovereigns in qualifying cases. 28 U.S.C. §§ 1605–
    1605A. Courts may hear a case only if “one of the exceptions
    applies” because “subject-matter jurisdiction in any such action
    depends on that application.” 
    Altmann, 541 U.S. at 691
    (internal quotation marks omitted).           Congress was also
    explicit that, if an exception applies, “[a] foreign state shall not
    be immune from the jurisdiction of courts of the United States
    or of the States.” 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a).
    This case involves the FSIA’s expropriation exception to
    foreign sovereign immunity.         Section 1605(a)(3) waives
    foreign sovereign immunity in cases asserting that “rights in
    property [were] taken in violation of international law” if
    “that property or any property exchanged for such property”
    either (i) “is present in the United States in connection with a
    commercial activity carried on in the United States by the
    foreign state,” or (ii) “is owned or operated by an agency or
    instrumentality of the foreign state and that agency or
    instrumentality is engaged in a commercial activity in the
    United States[.]” 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a)(3).
    Application of that exception hinges on a three-part
    [1] the claim must be one in which “rights
    in property” are “in issue”;
    [2] the property in question must have been
    “taken in violation of international law”;
    [3] one of two commercial-activity nexuses
    with the United States must be satisfied.
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 140
    The Survivors are four United States citizens—Rosalie
    Simon, Charlotte Weiss, Rose Miller, and Ella Feuerstein
    Schlanger—as well as Helen Herman and Helena Weksberg
    from Canada; Tzvi Zelikovitch, Magda Kopolovich Bar-Or,
    Zehava Friedman, Yitzhak Pressburger, Alexander Speiser,
    Ze-ev Tibi Ram, and Moshe Perel from Israel; and Vera
    Deutsch Danos from Australia. Second Am. Compl. ¶¶ 5–9,
    14, 22, 27, 28, 39, 41, 49, 65, 73, 81. 1 Seeking some measure
    of compensation for their injuries, the Survivors filed suit
    against the Republic of Hungary, MÁV, and Rail Cargo
    Hungaria Zrt., a private railway company that is the successor-
    in-interest to the former cargo division of MÁV. Simon v.
    Republic of Hungary, 
    37 F. Supp. 3d 381
    , 385 (D.D.C. 2014).
    The Survivors claim that “their possessions and those of their
    families were taken from them” by the defendants as they
    boarded trains destined for concentration camps. 
    Id. at 386
    (internal quotation marks omitted). 2
    There is no dispute that Hungary and MÁV are,
    respectively, a foreign sovereign and an instrumentality of a
    Plaintiff Tzvi Zelikovitch passed away while the case was
    pending, but his three children, who are all Israeli citizens, “have
    succeeded to his rights, interests and entitlements.” Second Am.
    Compl. at 3 n.1.
    The Survivors also seek to certify a class composed of
    Holocaust survivors similarly wronged by the Hungarian
    government. The district court has not yet addressed the request for
    class certification. See Order, Simon v. Republic of Hungary, No.
    10-1770 (D.D.C. Nov. 15, 2010), ECF No. 9.
    foreign sovereign whose claims of immunity are governed by
    the FSIA. See 
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 135
    (citing 28 U.S.C.
    § 1603).     Earlier in this litigation, the United States
    government filed a Statement of Interest recommending that
    Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt., now nearly 100% owned by an
    Austrian company, be dismissed from the case because of the
    United States’ “strong support for international agreements
    with Austria involving Holocaust claims against Austrian
    companies—agreements that have provided nearly one billion
    dollars to Nazi victims.” Statement of Interest of the United
    States of America at 1, Simon v. Republic of Hungary, No. 10-
    1770 (D.D.C. July 15, 2011), ECF No. 42. Given the United
    States’ longstanding collaboration with Austria to “develop
    funds to compensate victims of the Holocaust,” including the
    Austrian General Settlement Fund, the United States
    maintained that a “suit against [Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt.] runs
    contrary * * * to enduring United States foreign policy
    Simon, 37 F. Supp. 3d at 393
    –394 (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    The United States government said nothing about any
    United States policy interest that would support dismissal of
    the claims against the Republic of Hungary or MÁV. See
    generally United States Statement of Interest.
    The district court subsequently dismissed Rail Cargo
    Hungaria Zrt. as a defendant for lack of personal jurisdiction.
    Simon, 37 F. Supp. 3d at 444
    . The district court separately
    dismissed the case against Hungary and MÁV for lack of
    subject matter jurisdiction. The court reasoned that the Treaty
    of Peace with Hungary, Feb. 10, 1947, 61 Stat. 2065, 41
    U.N.T.S. 135 (“1947 Treaty”), “provide[d] for an exclusive,
    extrajudicial mechanism to resolve” the Survivors’ claims, and
    so the court was “constrained by the FSIA to recognize [their]
    sovereign immunity.” 
    Simon, 37 F. Supp. 3d at 420
    This court reversed. We held that the 1947 Treaty did not
    preempt the Survivors’ suit because there was no express
    conflict between the Treaty and the Survivors’ common-law
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 140
    . The Treaty established
    only a “minimum obligation by Hungary” to compensate
    victims; it did not provide the “exclusive means” by which
    victims could obtain relief, leaving the Survivors free to pursue
    other available remedies. 
    Id. at 137
    (emphasis omitted).
    This court also ruled that the FSIA’s expropriation
    exception, 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a)(3), encompassed the types of
    common-law claims of conversion, unjust enrichment, and
    restitution asserted by the Survivors. 
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 141
    (“We make FSIA immunity determinations on a claim-by-
    claim basis[.]”).      More specifically, we held that the
    expropriation exception “squarely” applied, 
    id. at 146,
    Hungary’s and MÁV’s expropriations of the Survivors’
    property were “themselves genocide,” in violation of
    fundamental tenets of international law, 
    id. at 142.
    Holocaust’s pattern of expropriation and ghettoization” in
    Hungary was a “wholesale plunder of Jewish property * * *
    aimed to deprive Hungarian Jews of the resources needed to
    survive as a people.” 
    Id. at 143
    (internal quotation marks
    omitted). Systematically stripping “a protected group” of
    life’s necessities in order to “physical[ly] destr[oy]” them is
    Id. Looking to
    the complaint, this court held that the Survivors
    had satisfactorily pled a commercial nexus with respect to
    MÁV because MÁV engaged in commercial activity in the
    United States by “maintain[ing] an agency for selling tickets,
    booking reservations, and conducting similar business” here.
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 147
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The complaint’s pleadings, however, needed more specificity
    to show the type of commercial nexus that would support
    exercising jurisdiction over Hungary. We remanded for the
    district court to address that issue. 
    Id. at 148.
    This court
    also left it to the district court to decide on remand “whether,
    as a matter of international comity, it should refrain from
    exercising jurisdiction over [the remaining] claims until the
    plaintiffs exhaust domestic remedies in Hungary,” and whether
    the doctrine of forum non conveniens warranted dismissal.
    Id. at 151.
    Upon their return to district court, the Survivors amended
    their complaint to allege specific facts regarding Hungary’s
    ongoing commercial activity in the United States, including,
    among other things, “[t]he promotion of Hungarian businesses
    through trading houses,” the promotion of Hungary as a
    destination for United States tourists, “[t]he promotion of
    American investment in Hungarian business[,]” “[t]he
    acquisition by Hungary of military equipment,” Hungary’s use
    of the United States’ capital and debt markets to secure
    financing, and Hungary’s acceptance of federal grants and
    loans from the United States. Second Am. Compl. ¶ 101.
    The district court again dismissed the case. The court
    chose not to address whether the Survivors had adequately pled
    facts supporting application of the FSIA’s expropriation
    exception.       Instead, the district court held that,
    notwithstanding the jurisdiction expressly granted by the FSIA
    over properly pled expropriation claims, “principles of
    international comity” required the Survivors “to exhaust
    [Hungarian] remedies, except where those remedies are futile
    or imaginary.” Simon v. Republic of Hungary, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    42, 54 (D.D.C. 2017) (internal quotation marks omitted)
    (citing Fischer v. Magyar Államvasutak Zrt., 
    777 F.3d 847
    852, 858 (7th Cir. 2015)). The district court further ruled that,
    notwithstanding the Survivors’ arguments about the rise of
    anti-Semitism in Hungary, a “lack of meaningful remedies,”
    and restrictions on the independence of Hungary’s judiciary,
    the Survivors’ “pursuit of their claims in Hungary would not
    be futile.” Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 57–63.
    The district court further decided that dismissal was
    warranted under the doctrine of forum non conveniens. The
    court reasoned that the Survivors’ choice of forum merited
    “minimal” deference, and that Hungary would be more
    convenient because of the evidence and many witnesses
    located there. Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 63, 64–65. In
    applying the forum non conveniens doctrine, the court placed
    particular emphasis on Hungary’s interest in resolving the
    dispute itself. 
    Id. at 66.
    The Survivors appeal both grounds for dismissal and
    request that the case be reassigned to a new district court judge.
    We agree that the district court erred in requiring the
    exhaustion of Hungarian remedies and in its forum non
    conveniens analysis, but see no basis for assigning a new
    district court judge to hear the case.
    Because this appeal arises from a dismissal at the threshold
    of the case, “we must accept as true all material allegations of
    the complaint, drawing all reasonable inferences from those
    allegations in plaintiffs’ favor.” 
    Philipp, 894 F.3d at 409
    (internal quotation marks omitted). “[T]he court may [also]
    consider the complaint supplemented by undisputed facts” of
    record. Coalition for Underground Expansion v. Mineta, 
    333 F.3d 193
    , 198 (D.C. Cir. 2003). We review de novo the
    statutory question of whether the FSIA allows a federal court,
    on grounds of international comity, to dismiss a case over
    which it has jurisdiction (at a minimum as to MÁV) in favor of
    the defendant’s home forum. 
    Philipp, 894 F.3d at 410
    . A
    district court’s forum non conveniens determination is
    reviewed for a clear abuse of discretion. Agudas Chasidei
    Chabad of United States v. Russian Fed’n, 
    528 F.3d 934
    , 950
    (D.C. Cir. 2008).
    Hungary and MÁV (collectively, “Hungary”) argue first
    that, even if the FSIA provides jurisdiction, the Survivors were
    required as a matter of international comity to first “exhaust”
    or “prudential[ly] exhaust[]” their claims in the Hungarian
    courts. Hungary Br. 34. According to Hungary, FSIA
    jurisdiction would attach, if at all, only if Hungary closed its
    doors to their claims or the Survivors “show[ed] that
    exhaustion would be futile.” 
    Id. at 28.
    Before addressing that argument, some clarification of
    language is in order. Exhaustion involves pressing claims
    through a decisional forum—often an administrative agency or
    specialized body—whose decision is then subject to the review
    of a federal court. See Woodford v. Ngo, 
    548 U.S. 81
    , 90, 92
    (2006) (describing exhaustion as requiring a plaintiff to “us[e]
    all steps that the agency holds out, and do[] so properly (so that
    the agency addresses the issues on the merits),” or “requir[ing]
    a state prisoner to exhaust state remedies before filing a habeas
    petition in federal court”) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    When exhaustion applies, parties retain the legal right to direct
    judicial review of the underlying decision.
    The doctrine that Hungary invokes omits a crucial element
    of traditional “exhaustion”—the Survivors’ right to subsequent
    judicial review here of the Hungarian forum’s decision.
    Indeed, while we need not definitively resolve the question,
    there is a substantial risk that the Survivors’ exhaustion of any
    Hungarian remedy could preclude them by operation of res
    judicata from ever bringing their claims in the United States.
    See Professor William S. Dodge Amicus Br. 15; de Csepel v.
    Republic of Hungary, 
    714 F.3d 591
    , 606–608 (D.C. Cir. 2013).
    So understood, enforcing what Hungary calls “prudential
    exhaustion” would in actuality amount to a judicial grant of
    immunity from jurisdiction in United States courts. But the
    FSIA admits of no such bar. As this court recently held in
    Philipp v. Federal Republic of 
    Germany, supra
    , nothing in the
    FSIA or federal law empowers the courts to grant a foreign
    sovereign an immunity from suit that Congress, in the FSIA,
    withheld. 894 F.3d at 414
    –415. To the contrary, the
    whole point of the FSIA was to “abate[] the bedlam” of case-
    by-case immunity decisions, and put in its place a
    “‘comprehensive set of legal standards governing claims of
    immunity in every civil action against a foreign state.’” 
    Id. at 415
    (additional internal quotation marks and citation omitted)
    (quoting Republic of Argentina v. NML Capital, Ltd., 134 S.
    Ct. 2250, 2255 (2014)).         There is no room in those
    “comprehensive” standards governing “every civil action,” 
    id., for the
    extra-textual, case-by-case judicial reinstatement of
    immunity that Congress expressly withdrew.               As we
    explained in Philipp—echoing the Supreme Court—the whole
    point of the FSIA is that, “[g]oing forward, ‘any sort of
    immunity defense made by a foreign sovereign in an American
    court must stand on the Act’s text. Or it must fall.’” 
    Id. at 415
    (quoting NML 
    Capital, 134 S. Ct. at 2256
    Turning then to statutory text, Hungary’s exhaustion-cum-
    immunity argument has no anchor in the FSIA. In fact, as
    Philipp explains, the text points against it. When Congress
    wanted to require the pursuit of foreign remedies as a predicate
    to FSIA jurisdiction, it said so explicitly. 
    Philipp, 894 F.3d at 415
    (citing 28 U.S.C. § 1605A(a)(2)(A)(iii)); see also Torture
    Victim Protection Act of 1991, 28 U.S.C. § 1350 note § 2(b)
    (“A court shall decline to hear a claim under this section if the
    claimant has not exhausted adequate and available remedies in
    the place in which the conduct giving rise to the claim
    occurred.”). More to the point, the FSIA is explicit that, if a
    statutory exception to immunity applies—as we have squarely
    held it does at least as to MÁV, 
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 147
    foreign state shall not be immune from the jurisdiction of courts
    of the United States or of the States.” 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a)
    (emphasis added). Courts cannot end run that congressional
    command by just relabeling an immunity claim as “prudential
    Nor is Hungary’s form of judicially granted immunity
    among those historical legal doctrines, like forum non
    conveniens, that Congress chose to preserve when it enacted
    the FSIA. 
    Philipp, 894 F.3d at 416
    (citing 28 U.S.C. § 1606).
    Forum non conveniens predates the FSIA by centuries, and it
    was an embedded principle of the common-law jurisprudential
    backdrop against which the FSIA was written. 
    Altmann, 541 U.S. at 713
    (Breyer, J., concurring); see also Piper Aircraft Co.
    v. Reyno, 
    454 U.S. 235
    , 248 n.13 (1981) (tracing the history of
    the doctrine). Hungary’s theory, by contrast, lacks any
    pedigree in domestic or international common law. See
    Philipp, 894 F.3d at 416
    (citing Agudas Chasidei Chabad of
    United States v. Russian Fed’n, 
    466 F. Supp. 2d 6
    , 21 (D.D.C.
    2006) (“[T]his court is not willing to make new law by relying
    on a misapplied, non-binding international legal concept.”)).
    In short, controlling circuit and Supreme Court precedent
    give no quarter to Hungary’s theory of judicial immunity
    wrapped in exhaustion clothing. Under the FSIA, courts are
    duty-bound to enforce the standards outlined in the statute’s
    text, and when jurisdiction exists (as it does at least over
    MÁV), courts “have the power, and ordinarily the obligation,
    to decide cases and controversies properly presented to them.”
    W.S. Kirkpatrick & Co. v. Environmental Tectonics Corp.,
    493 U.S. 400
    , 409 (1990).
    Unlike Hungary’s prudential immunity/exhaustion theory,
    the ancient doctrine of forum non conveniens is not displaced
    by the FSIA. See Verlinden B.V. v. Central Bank of Nigeria,
    461 U.S. 480
    , 490 n.15 (1983); see also 
    Altmann, 541 U.S. at 713
    (Breyer, J., concurring). The doctrine applies when both
    the United States and a foreign forum could exercise
    jurisdiction over a case, but the United States proves to be “an
    inconvenient forum,” or the plaintiff is “‘vex[ing],’
    ‘harass[ing],’ or ‘oppress[ing]’ the defendant by inflicting upon
    him expense or trouble not necessary” to the plaintiff’s pursuit
    of a remedy. Gulf Oil Corp. v. Gilbert, 
    330 U.S. 501
    , 508
    The forum non conveniens doctrine comes with ground
    rules. The starting point is “a strong presumption in favor” of
    the plaintiff’s choice of the forum in which to press her suit.
    Piper, 454 U.S. at 255
    –256; see also Atlantic Marine Const.
    Co. v. United States Dist. Court for the W. Dist. of Texas, 
    571 U.S. 49
    , 66 n.8 (2013) (plaintiffs’ chosen forum is hard to
    overcome “because of the ‘harsh result’ of [the forum non
    conveniens] doctrine,” which “requires dismissal of the case
    * * * and inconveniences plaintiffs in several respects and even
    makes it possible for plaintiffs to lose out completely”)
    (internal quotation marks and alternations omitted). The
    plaintiff’s choice of forum merits still “greater deference when
    the plaintiff has chosen [her] home forum.” 
    Piper, 454 U.S. at 255
    . For it is reasonable to assume that “this choice is
    convenient,” and convenience is the lodestar of the forum non
    conveniens doctrine. 
    Id. at 256.
    By the same token, a
    foreign plaintiff’s choice to litigate in the United States
    “deserves less deference.” 
    Id. Because Hungary
    seeks to strip the Survivors of their
    chosen forum and to force them to sue on Hungary’s home turf,
    Hungary bears the burden of showing both that an “adequate
    alternative forum for the dispute” exists, 
    Chabad, 528 F.3d at 950
    , and that it is “the strongly preferred location for the
    litigation,” MBI Grp., Inc. v. Credit Foncier Du Cameroun,
    616 F.3d 568
    , 571 (D.C. Cir. 2010) (emphasis added). The
    court must likewise “ensure that plaintiffs can reinstate their
    suit in the alternative forum without undue inconvenience or
    prejudice.” Nemariam v. Federal Democratic Republic of
    315 F.3d 390
    , 392–393 (D.C. Cir. 2003) (citation
    In deciding whether to deny a plaintiff her chosen forum,
    courts weigh a number of private and public interests. 
    Piper, 454 U.S. at 241
    . At bottom, the “strong presumption in favor
    of the plaintiff’s choice” can be “overcome only when the
    private and public interest factors clearly point” to a foreign
    Id. at 255
    (emphasis added).
    The district court committed a number of legal errors that
    so materially distorted its analysis as to amount to a clear abuse
    of discretion. See El-Fadl v. Central Bank of Jordan, 
    75 F.3d 668
    , 677 (D.C. Cir. 1996) (“[T]he district court abuses its
    discretion when it fails to consider a material factor or clearly
    errs in evaluating the factors before it, or does not hold the
    defendants to their burden of persuasion on all elements of the
    forum non conveniens analysis.”) (formatting edited),
    abrogated on other grounds by Samantar v. Yousuf, 
    560 U.S. 305
    , 314–315 (2010); see also Highmark Inc. v. Allcare Health
    Mgmt. Sys., Inc., 
    134 S. Ct. 1744
    , 1748 n.2 (2014) (“A district
    court would necessarily abuse its discretion if it based its ruling
    on an erroneous view of the law or on a clearly erroneous
    assessment of the evidence.”) (internal quotation marks
    The district court committed legal error at the first step by
    affording the Survivors’ choice of forum only “minimal
    deference.” Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 63. The starting
    point is that the Survivors’ choice of forum controls, and
    “unless the balance is strongly in favor of the defendant, the
    plaintiff’s choice of forum should rarely be disturbed.” Gulf
    Oil, 330 U.S. at 508
    (emphases added). So it is Hungary that
    “bears a heavy burden in opposing [the Survivors’] chosen
    forum.” Sinochem Int’l Co. v. Malaysia Int’l Shipping Corp.,
    549 U.S. 422
    , 430 (2007). Deference to the plaintiffs’ choice
    is magnified when, as here, United States citizens have chosen
    their home forum. See 
    Piper, 454 U.S. at 255
    The district court set the scales wrong from the outset. It
    held that only “minimal deference” was due in this case
    because, although four of the plaintiffs were United States
    citizens, the other plaintiffs—from Canada (2), Israel (7), and
    Australia (1)—“will be required to travel internationally
    regardless of whether the litigation is in the United States or
    Hungary.” Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 63.            That analysis
    misstepped in three respects.
    First, the addition of foreign plaintiffs does not render for
    naught the weighty interest of Americans seeking justice in
    their own courts. Here, nearly a third of the plaintiffs are from
    the United States. And there is no claim or evidence that the
    United States plaintiffs are in the case only as jurisdictional
    makeweights seeking to manipulate the forum choice. Under
    these circumstances, the United States’ plaintiffs’ preference
    for their home forum continues to carry important weight in the
    forum non conveniens analysis.
    Second, the fact that other plaintiffs must travel does
    nothing to show that it is more convenient for all plaintiffs to
    travel to Hungary rather than for some to travel to the United
    States. The presence of foreign plaintiffs certainly does not
    justify the preference for a forum—Hungary—in which no
    plaintiff resides.      The question, after all, centers on
    convenience, and forcing every single one of the many elderly
    plaintiffs to travel internationally is in no way convenient.
    Piper, 454 U.S. at 256
    n.24 (“[C]itizenship and residence
    are proxies for convenience[.]”) (citation omitted); cf. Iragorri
    v. United Techs. Corp., 
    274 F.3d 65
    , 71 (2d Cir. 2001) (“[T]he
    degree of deference given to a plaintiff’s forum choice varies
    with the circumstances.”). Nor is it in any way convenient for
    every one of the Survivors to return to the country that
    committed the mass murder of their families and the genocidal
    theft of their every belonging.
    Hungary bears the heavy burden of persuasion here. Yet
    it made no effort to show how—as a matter of geographic
    proximity, available transportation options, cost of travel, ease
    of travel access, or any other relevant consideration—the
    United States is a less convenient forum than Hungary for the
    United States and Canadian plaintiffs, or even for the Israeli
    and Australian plaintiffs, to access and conduct their litigation.
    To be sure, Hungary need not have engaged in “extensive
    investigation” to demonstrate that it is the more convenient
    Piper, 454 U.S. at 258
    . But given its burden of
    proof, Hungary had to do something to show that its home turf
    was the more convenient location for the litigation, and not just
    more convenient for the defendant. See 
    id. at 256
    central purpose of any forum non conveniens inquiry is to
    ensure that the trial is convenient[.]”).
    Third, it is indisputably inconvenient to further delay the
    elderly Survivors’ almost decade-long pursuit of justice. See
    Schubarth v. Federal Republic of Germany, 
    891 F.3d 392
    , 396,
    399 n.5 (D.C. Cir. 2018) (plaintiff waited “nineteen years” for
    a decision on her restitution application from a foreign nation).
    That is important because, if a remedy ultimately proves
    unavailable in Hungary, there is an open question whether that
    lost time might render the Survivors ineligible for FSIA
    jurisdiction were they to once again attempt to press their
    claims here. See 
    id. at 399
    n.5 (noting, without resolving, the
    question of whether the foreign nation’s or instrumentality’s
    commercial activity must be “contemporaneous to the filing of
    suit in th[e] [United States], rather than contemporaneous with
    the alleged expropriation”). District courts must ensure that a
    decision to dismiss on forum non conveniens grounds will not
    lead to a foreign sovereign “delaying exhaustion of a plaintiff’s
    remedies under its own laws” in a way that could end up
    foreclosing the claims altogether. 
    Id. In supplemental
    briefing before this court, Hungary raises,
    for the first time in this litigation, an argument that the
    Survivors seek to represent a class with more Hungarian
    members than American members. That is too little too late.
    For starters, that factual argument is forfeited because it has
    been fully available to Hungary from the onset of this litigation,
    yet it was not presented to the district court. See Potter v.
    District of Columbia, 
    558 F.3d 542
    , 547 (D.C. Cir. 2009).
    In any event, the argument does not hold water. No class
    has been certified in this case. Hungary’s argument rests
    instead on information derived from a different case in the
    Southern District of Florida, see Settlement Agreement, Rosner
    v. United States, No. 01-01859 (S.D. Fla. April 29, 2005), ECF
    No. 209. Yet Hungary offers no evidence that the two groups
    of plaintiffs would be the same or would have significant
    overlap. Unadorned and tardy speculation carries no weight
    in the forum non conveniens calculus.
    In sum, the misplacement of the burden of proof and the
    resulting material gaps in the district court’s legal analysis of
    Hungary’s arguments in favor of a Hungarian forum pull the
    legs out from under much of the district court’s forum non
    conveniens analysis.
    The district court misallocated the burden of proof in a
    second consequential respect. The court tasked the Survivors
    with proving that Hungary was not a proper forum.
    Specifically, the district court ruled that its prior finding, for
    purposes of “prudential exhaustion,” that the Survivors’
    “pursuit of their claims in Hungary would not be futile” equally
    “satisfie[d]” the requirement “that Hungary [be] both an
    available and adequate alternative forum.” Simon, 277 F.
    Supp. 3d at 63. More specifically, the court earlier found that
    the Survivors failed to “show convincingly” that Hungarian
    remedies are “clearly a sham or inadequate or that their
    application is unreasonably prolonged” in a manner that would
    render Hungarian remedies “futile.” 
    Id. at 54
    quotation marks omitted). In so ruling, the court noted the
    Survivors’ “heavy burden” to come forward with a “legally
    compelling reason” why resort to a Hungarian forum would be
    Id. at 57
    (internal quotation marks omitted). The
    court also considered and rejected piece by piece the Survivors’
    evidence of futility, ultimately deeming their arguments against
    so-called prudential exhaustion “[un]persuasive.” 
    Id. at 59–
    That chain of reasoning does not carry over to the forum
    non conveniens doctrine, where the job of proving the
    availability and adequacy of a Hungarian forum was
    Hungary’s, not the Survivors’. See 
    Chabad, 528 F.3d at 950
    On top of that, the question is not whether the alternative forum
    is a sham, inadequate, or unreasonably slow. Hungary had to
    affirmatively prove both that an adequate remedy exists and
    that the comparative convenience of its home forum was so
    “strong[]” as to clearly warrant displacing the Survivors’
    chosen forum. Gulf 
    Oil, 330 U.S. at 508
    Hungary dismisses the court’s error as an “innocuous”
    statement, Hungary Br. 15, pointing to the court’s later
    reference to the correct standard in a parenthetical, 
    id. (quoting Simon,
    277 F. Supp. 3d 
    at 62); see also Dissenting Op. at 5
    (characterizing the misallocation of the burden of proof as “at
    worst, an obviously harmless error”). But applying the
    correct burden of proof is not a box-checking exercise. What
    matters is whether the court’s analysis fit those later words. It
    did not. The district court instead equated its earlier finding
    of non-futility with proof that “Hungary is both an available
    and adequate alternative forum.” Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    63. Those are two very different inquiries. See 
    Fischer, 777 F.3d at 867
    (“To be sure, the burden of proof differs between
    the [prudential exhaustion and forum non conveniens]
    inquiries” because, in the latter inquiry, defendants must
    “establish that the remedies are adequate.”) (emphasis
    The proof is in the pudding. Under its inverted analysis,
    the district court never analyzed the critical question of the
    availability and adequacy of the Hungarian forum. Bypassing
    that question was anything but harmless in this case, where
    even the United States government lacks “a working
    understanding of the mechanisms that have been or continue to
    be available in Hungary with respect to such claims.” Brief
    for Amicus Curiae the United States at 11. It is hard to
    understand how a foreign forum can be so clearly more
    convenient when the United States government itself does not
    have a clear understanding of its nature or operation. 3
    In other words, the district court let Hungary off the
    burden-of-proof hook by transforming the Survivors’ failure to
    prove futility in the “prudential exhaustion” inquiry into proof
    of Hungary’s clear superiority as a forum in the forum non
    conveniens analysis. On this record, that was a consequential
    legal error. See 
    El-Fadl, 75 F.3d at 677
    (“[T]he district court
    abuses its discretion when it * * * does not hold the defendants
    to their burden of persuasion on all elements of the forum non
    conveniens analysis.”) (emphasis added and internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    The consequences of the district court’s burden-allocation
    errors snowballed as the court balanced the competing private
    and public interests in the two fora. The ultimate inquiry,
    again, puts the onus on Hungary.           The law’s “strong
    To be fair to the district court, it did not have the benefit of
    this brief from the United States at the time of its decision.
    presumption in favor of the plaintiff’s choice of forum,” 
    Piper, 454 U.S. at 255
    , can be overridden only if the “private and
    public interest factors strongly favor[] dismissal,” 
    Chabad, 528 F.3d at 950
    (emphasis added). Given the record in this case,
    the district court’s failure to hold Hungary to that task makes
    this among “the rare case[s]” in which a district court’s
    balancing of factors amounts to an abuse of discretion.
    Morley v. CIA, 
    894 F.3d 389
    , 391 (D.C. Cir. 2018).
    As relevant here, the private-interest factors include the
    “relative ease of access to sources of proof; availability of
    compulsory process for attendance of unwilling [witnesses;]
    * * * and all other practical problems that make trial of a case
    easy, expeditious, and inexpensive.” 
    Piper, 454 U.S. at 241
    n.6 (internal quotation marks omitted). It is the defendants’
    obligation to “provide enough information to enable the
    District Court to balance” the factors. 
    Piper, 454 U.S. at 258
    The court’s analysis of the relevant record material in this case
    was too quick to credit Hungary’s claims and too slow to value
    the Survivors’ evidence.
    In weighing the private-interest factors, the district court
    reasoned that (i) extensive records are located in Hungary that
    would require translation into English, (ii) “many witnesses
    with personal knowledge will be located in Hungary” and
    unable to travel, and (iii) the Survivors might later choose to
    bring an action against Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt., a previously
    dismissed defendant. Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 64–65.
    None of those reasons stands up to scrutiny.
    At best, the location-of-relevant-evidence factor is in
    equipoise. While there are some records in Hungary, the
    Survivors showed that an extensive collection of relevant
    records has been amassed by the United States Holocaust
    Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. See Memorandum
    in Opposition to Hungary’s Motion to Dismiss 21, Simon v.
    Republic of Hungary, No. 10-1770 (D.D.C. Oct. 31, 2016),
    ECF No. 122. 4
    The issue of translation points both ways as well. Given
    that many of the Survivors speak English, the documents will
    in all likelihood have to be translated and “digitized” for the
    parties regardless of which forum hears the case. See Philipp
    v. Federal Republic of Germany, 
    248 F. Supp. 3d 59
    , 85
    (D.D.C. 2017), aff’d, 
    894 F.3d 406
    (D.C. Cir. 2018).
    Digitization, moreover, has eased the burden of
    transcontinental document production and has increasingly
    become the norm in global litigation. See, e.g., 
    id. at 85;
    Ltd. v. LEP Group PLC, 
    930 F. Supp. 36
    , 44 (D. Conn. 1996).
    The district court placed heavy emphasis on the presence
    of “many witnesses” in Hungary who cannot or were unwilling
    to travel. Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 65. But that finding
    resulted from failing to hold Hungary to its burden of proof.
    Hungary failed to identify a single witness in Hungary that
    would need to testify at trial. In actuality, the evidence in this
    case will be largely documentary. See Oral Argument Tr.
    4:17–4:21 (“[Survivors’ Attorney]: No, I don’t believe any
    people from Hungary will be called to prove our case. * * *
    [I]t’ll also be proven by reference to some documents[.]”); 
    id. 4 The
    Dissenting Opinion faults the Survivors for not having
    yet—at this pre-discovery stage—locked down the specific location
    of documents regarding their “individual cases” of seizure and
    expropriation. Dissenting Op. at 7. But the Dissenting Opinion
    offers no justification for visiting upon the Survivors the very duty
    of “extensive investigation” that it rejects for Hungary at this
    procedural stage. Compare Dissenting Op. at 7, with Dissenting
    Op. at 3.
    at 19:1–19:4 (defendants’ listing “bank records,” “business
    records,” and “tax records” as the type of evidence the court
    would evaluate). That makes sense. Because the relevant
    events occurred more than seventy years ago, the likelihood is
    low that “many witnesses with personal knowledge” still exist
    and are able to testify. Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 65 (internal
    quotation marks omitted). Someone who was barely an adult
    during the war would now be in their mid-90s. To be sure,
    the Survivors wished to depose one elderly witness in Hungary.
    But that is far too little to tip the balance at all, let alone
    strongly, in Hungary’s favor. See Gonzales v. O Centro
    Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, 
    546 U.S. 418
    , 426–429
    (2006) (when evidence is “in equipoise,” the burden of proof
    has not been met).
    The district court also emphasized that the Survivors might
    wish to join Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt. as a defendant. But the
    ability to implead third-party defendants becomes relevant
    when the missing defendant is “crucial to the presentation of
    [the appellee’s] defense.” 
    Piper, 454 U.S. at 259
    that the ability to implead another defendant was significant
    because the other parties could be relieved of liability).
    Neither Hungary nor MÁV has argued that Rail Cargo
    Hungaria Zrt. is crucial to its defense. And the Survivors do
    not claim that Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt. is necessary to the
    presentation of their case.         In the absence of a more
    substantial showing of relevance or necessity, the district court
    erred in relying on speculation about the Survivors’ possible
    future litigation strategy as a ground for overriding their chosen
    As relevant to this case, the public-interest factors include:
    [T]he administrative difficulties flowing
    from court congestion; the “local interest in
    having localized controversies decided at
    home”; the interest in having the trial of a
    diversity case in a forum that is at home
    with the law that must govern the action;
    [and] the avoidance of unnecessary
    problems in conflict of laws, or in the
    application of foreign law[.]
    Piper, 454 U.S. at 241
    n.6 (quoting Gulf 
    Oil, 330 U.S. at 509
    The district court concluded that those factors weighed in favor
    of a Hungarian forum because of Hungary’s “stronger” moral
    interest in resolving the dispute, the likelihood that Hungarian
    law would apply to the Survivors’ claims, and the
    administrative burden the litigation could impose on the court.
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 66–67. That analysis failed to hold
    Hungary to its burden of proof, misanalyzed the record
    evidence, and overlooked material omissions in Hungary’s
    First, the district court erred in assigning such significant
    weight to Hungary’s asserted interest in addressing the
    Survivors’ claims. See Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 66.
    Hungary has had over seventy years to vindicate its interests in
    addressing its role in the Holocaust. Yet the scheme Hungary
    currently has in place has not been recognized by the United
    States government. See United States Statement of Interest at
    1 (expressing “the United States’ strong support for
    international agreements with Austria involving Holocaust
    claims against Austrian companies,” without mentioning any
    of Hungary’s laws to compensate victims); United States Br.
    11 (United States does not “have a working understanding of
    the mechanisms that have been or continue to be available in
    Hungary with respect to such claims”).
    Beyond that, the district court erred in putting Hungary’s
    and the four American citizens’ and other Survivors’ interests
    at cross-purposes. Allowing these claims to go forward and
    the evidence to be shown in a United States court will in no
    way impair Hungary’s ability to use that same evidence to
    provide reparations and remediation to the Survivors of its own
    The district court relied on Republic of the Philippines v.
    553 U.S. 851
    , 866 (2008), for the proposition that
    United States courts should respect a foreign sovereign’s
    interest in addressing its own past wrongs. Simon, 277 F.
    Supp. 3d at 66. That mixes apples and oranges. At issue in
    Pimentel was whether a suit that involved the Republic’s assets
    and in which the FSIA did not authorize jurisdiction could still
    proceed without including the Republic as a party. 
    Pimentel, 553 U.S. at 865
    . More specifically, the case focused on
    whether, under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 19(b), the
    Republic was an indispensable party whose absence would bar
    the lawsuit from going forward. 
    Id. at 862.
    All parties
    agreed that the Republic was a necessary party, but they
    disagreed over whether the Rule 19(b) factors permitted the
    action to proceed without it. 
    Id. at 863–864.
    The Supreme Court held that, when considering the
    intersection of joinder rules and sovereign immunity, “[a] case
    may not proceed when a required-entity sovereign is not
    amenable to 
    suit.” 533 U.S. at 867
    . To hold otherwise, the
    Court added, would fail to “giv[e] full effect to sovereign
    immunity” and would offend the very interests that gave rise to
    the foreign sovereign immunity doctrine and the FSIA in the
    first place. 
    Id. at 866.
    Pimentel, in other words, enforces the
    immunity lines that the FSIA draws.
    That bears no resemblance to this case. This case does
    not involve necessary-party status under Rule 19; Hungary and
    MÁV are already parties; and the FSIA’s expropriation
    exception grants jurisdiction over at least one (and perhaps
    both) of the Hungarian defendants. See 
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 147
    ; 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a)(3). It also bears noting that the
    already certified class in Pimentel consisted primarily of
    Philippine nationals, including “[a]ll current civilian citizens
    of the Republic of the Philippines.” Hilao v. Estate of
    103 F.3d 767
    , 774 (9th Cir. 1996) (emphasis added).
    By contrast, not one of the named Survivors in this case resides
    in or is a citizen of Hungary, and Hungary submitted no
    evidence to the district court identifying a single potential
    Hungarian class member or even a Hungarian witness.
    Hungary additionally argues that other cases have
    acknowledged a foreign sovereign’s interest in resolving
    disputes internally. But the cases that Hungary cites involved
    questions of personal jurisdiction and the extraterritorial
    application of the Alien Tort Statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1350. See
    Hungary Supp. Br. 8–9 (citing Kiobel v. Royal Dutch
    569 U.S. 108
    (2013), and Daimler AG v. Bauman,
    571 U.S. 117
    (2014)). Those cases do not speak to whether a
    court should, on forum non conveniens grounds, refuse to
    exercise jurisdiction that does exist. Nor do they implicate
    the heavy burden a defendant carries in overcoming a
    plaintiff’s choice of forum.
    The district court’s second legal error was brushing off the
    United States’ own interests in the litigation. The district
    court concluded that the Survivors’ claims have no connection
    to the United States. Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 66. That is
    not correct. For starters, there are four United States citizen
    plaintiffs in the suit. The United States has an obvious
    interest in supporting their efforts to obtain justice in a timely
    manner and, to that end, in ensuring that a United States forum
    is open to those whose claims fall within the courts’ lawful
    Beyond that, the United States government has announced
    that it has a “moral imperative * * * to provide some measure
    of justice to the victims of the Holocaust, and to do so in their
    remaining lifetimes.” United States Br. at 9–10. That
    interest is part of a larger United States policy to support
    compensation for Holocaust victims, especially its own
    citizens. “The policy of the United States Government with
    regard to claims for restitution or compensation by Holocaust
    survivors and other victims of the Nazi era has consistently
    been motivated by the twin concerns of justice and urgency.”
    United States Statement of Interest at 2. For the four citizen
    plaintiffs in this case, that interest is so compelling that
    Congress enacted it into law. See Justice for Uncompensated
    Survivors Today Act of 2017, Pub. L. No. 115-171, 132 Stat.
    1288, 1289 (2018) (requiring the Secretary of State to compile
    a report that evaluates other countries’ “progress toward the
    resolution of claims for United States citizen Holocaust
    survivors and United States citizen family members of
    Holocaust victims”).
    The United States has also been actively involved in
    obtaining justice for Nazi-era victims with countries that have
    shown themselves willing to provide such redress. See
    United States Statement of Interest at 2, 4–5 (The United States
    has “assist[ed] in several international settlements which have
    provided approximately $8 billion dollars for the benefit of
    victims of the Holocaust”; signed Executive Agreements with
    countries that had collaborated with the Nazis; and “committed
    to take certain steps to assist Austria and Austrian companies
    in achieving ‘legal peace’ in the United States with respect to
    Nazi-era forced and slave labor claims[.]”). The United
    States’ strong and longstanding interest in ensuring the timely
    remediation of the claims of Holocaust survivors, especially for
    its own citizens, carries important weight in the forum non
    conveniens analysis.
    Third, Hungary failed to show that the choice-of-law
    factor favors its forum. The district court reasoned that
    “Hungarian law would likely apply to the plaintiffs’ claims,”
    making a Hungarian forum a better fit. Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 66. But neither party argues that current Hungarian law
    should apply.        The Survivors assert that international
    common law governs their claims. Survivors’ Reply Br. 25.
    If so, United States courts are every bit as adept at applying that
    law as a Hungarian forum would be.
    Hungary argues that historical Hungarian law from the
    time the property was seized should govern the claims. Oral
    Argument Tr. 21:22–21:23.             That cannot be right.
    Hungarian law at that time made the genocidal seizures lawful
    and deprived Jews of all legal rights and status. See 
    id. 22:6– 22:9.
    That is the same law that authorized the deportation of
    Hungarian Jews to death camps. Consigning the Survivors to
    that legal regime would be the plainest of errors.
    Finally, the United States has advised this court that it has
    no specific foreign policy or international comity concerns that
    warrant dismissal of this case in favor of a Hungarian (or any
    other) forum. United States Br. at 11 (“[T]he United States
    does not express a view as to whether it would be in the foreign
    policy interests of the United States for plaintiffs to have sought
    or now seek compensation in Hungary.”). Quite the opposite,
    the United States’ brief here emphasized its governmental
    interest in the timely resolution of the Survivors’ claims during
    their lifetimes. 
    Id. at 9–11.
    Likewise, its statement of
    interest filed in the district court gave no reason why this case
    should be dismissed and sent to Hungary. See generally
    United States Statement of Interest. That silence speaks
    volumes when contrasted with the federal government’s first
    unprompted Statement of Interest in this case in which it
    strongly recommended that the third defendant, a privately
    owned Austrian company, be dismissed because of Austria’s
    ongoing, collaborative efforts to provide reparations to victims
    of the Holocaust. See 
    id. at 1.
    That defendant has since been
    dismissed from the case. Simon, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 47 n.1.
    At bottom, the relevant private and public interests in this
    case, strengthened by the United States government’s views,
    point strongly in favor of the Survivors’ forum choice. They
    certainly do not tilt decisively in favor of the Hungarian forum.
    While we accord respectful deference to district courts’ forum
    non conveniens determinations, we do not rubber stamp them.
    Our task is to ensure that district courts’ decisions hew to the
    burdens of proof and enforce the applicable legal
    presumptions. In this case and on this record, the nature and
    importance of the district court’s legal and analytical errors
    render its judgment that Hungary met its weighty burden of
    proof a clear abuse of discretion.
    Lastly, the Survivors request that their case be assigned to
    a different district court judge. “[W]e will reassign a case
    only in the exceedingly rare circumstance that a district judge’s
    conduct is ‘so extreme as to display clear inability to render fair
    judgment.’” In re Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc., 
    756 F.3d 754
    763 (D.C. Cir. 2014) (citation omitted); see also Cobell v.
    455 F.3d 317
    , 331 (D.C. Cir. 2006) (“[W]e
    exercise this authority only in extraordinary cases.”). That
    standard has not remotely been met here. There is no
    evidence that the district court judge acted with anything but
    impartiality in this case, and “we have no reason to doubt that
    the District Court will render fair judgment in further
    proceedings.” In re 
    Kellogg, 756 F.3d at 763
    * * * * *
    Winston Churchill described the brutal genocidal
    expropriations, deportations, and mass extermination of
    Hungarian Jews at Nazi death camps as “‘probably the greatest
    and most horrible crime ever committed in the history of the
    Simon, 812 F.3d at 132
    . The district court erred in
    declining to exercise statutorily conferred jurisdiction over the
    Survivors’ effort to obtain some measure of reparation for
    those injuries both by wrongly requiring them to adjudicate
    their claims in Hungary first, and by misapplying the law
    governing the forum non conveniens analysis. We deny the
    Survivors’ request that the case be reassigned, and remand for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    So ordered.
    KATSAS, Circuit Judge, dissenting: The district court
    concluded that this foreign-cubed case—involving wrongs
    committed by Hungarians against Hungarians in Hungary—
    should be litigated in Hungary. In so doing, the court
    permissibly applied the settled law of forum non conveniens.
    Our standard of review is narrow. As the Supreme Court
    has instructed: “The forum non conveniens determination is
    committed to the sound discretion of the trial court. It may be
    reversed only when there has been a clear abuse of discretion;
    where the court has considered all relevant public and private
    interest factors, and where its balancing of these factors is
    reasonable, its decision deserves substantial deference.” Piper
    Aircraft Co. v. Reyno, 
    454 U.S. 235
    , 257 (1981). Thus, a
    reviewing court may not “substitute[ ] its own judgment for
    that of the District Court.” 
    Id. Under this
    narrow standard,
    reversal here is unwarranted.
    The district court correctly stated the relevant legal
    principles.       First, it acknowledged “the ‘substantial
    presumption in favor of a plaintiff’s choice of forum.’” Simon
    v. Republic of Hungary (Simon III), 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    42, 62
    (D.D.C. 2017) (quoting Agudas Chasidei Chabad v. Russian
    528 F.3d 934
    , 950 (D.C. Cir. 2008)). Then, the court
    correctly stated the governing rule—“a court ‘may nonetheless
    dismiss a suit for forum non conveniens if the defendant shows
    (1) there is an alternative forum that is both available and
    adequate and, (2) upon a weighing of public and private
    interests,’ that the alternative forum is ‘the strongly preferred
    location for the litigation.’” 
    Id. (alterations adopted)
    MBI Grp., Inc. v. Credit Foncier du Cameroun, 
    616 F.3d 568
    571 (D.C. Cir. 2010)). Finally, the court correctly identified
    nine relevant private- and public-interest factors to be
    Id. My colleagues
    conclude that the district court gave
    insufficient weight to the plaintiffs’ choice of forum, relieved
    the defendants of their burden of proof, and unreasonably
    balanced the relevant factors. Respectfully, I disagree.
    The district court permissibly assessed the weight owed to
    the plaintiffs’ choice of a United States forum. At the outset,
    the court repeatedly recognized the “substantial presumption”
    or “substantial deference” generally due to such a choice. 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 62, 63. Then, the court reasoned that the degree
    of deference was “lessened” in this case because only four of
    the fourteen named plaintiffs are United States residents,
    because “none of the underlying facts in this case relate to the
    United States in any way,” and because the named plaintiffs
    and the putative class that they seek to represent come “from
    all over the globe,” whereas the defendants are based entirely
    in Hungary. 
    Id. at 63.
    This analysis is consistent with governing law. As the
    Supreme Court has explained: “When the home forum has
    been chosen, it is reasonable to assume that this choice is
    convenient,” but “[w]hen the plaintiff is foreign, ... this
    assumption is much less reasonable.” Piper 
    Aircraft, 454 U.S. at 255
    –56. And, in either case, the plaintiffs’ choice is
    significant only insofar as it bears on “the central purpose of
    any forum non conveniens inquiry,” namely “to ensure that the
    trial is convenient.” 
    Id. at 256.
    Thus, the district court was
    amply justified in considering the residencies of all parties as
    well as the disconnect between the plaintiffs’ chosen forum and
    the relevant facts—matters that bear directly on the
    convenience of litigating this case in a United States court.
    My colleagues highlight the district court’s single usage of
    the phrase “minimal deference,” which they read as a threshold
    legal error of “set[ting] the scales wrong from the outset.” Ante
    at 11, 17. What the court actually said, after flagging the
    various considerations noted above, was that “[i]n these
    circumstances, the plaintiffs’ choice of forum is entitled to
    minimal deference.” 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 63. In context, the
    statement reflects not a failure to recognize the presumption,
    but the court’s considered conclusion that the “defendants had
    overcome the presumption” in this case. 
    Id. at 64
    Moscovits v. Magyar Cukor Rt., 34 F. App’x 24, 26 (2d Cir.
    2002)). That was neither legal error nor an abuse of discretion.
    See, e.g., Iragorri v. United Techs. Corp., 
    274 F.3d 65
    , 71 (2d
    Cir. 2001) (en banc) (“the degree of deference given to a
    plaintiff’s forum choice varies with the circumstances”).
    My colleagues object that Hungary made no detailed
    presentation regarding the plaintiffs’ travel options. Ante at
    18–19. But the Supreme Court has warned that “[r]equiring
    extensive investigation would defeat the purpose” of the forum
    non conveniens motion. Piper 
    Aircraft, 454 U.S. at 258
    . The
    defendants were not required to conduct travel surveys to make
    the commonsense point that less deference is due to the
    plaintiffs’ choice when most plaintiffs would need to travel
    internationally regardless of the forum. Nor was evidence
    necessary to establish that all of the defendants are based, and
    all of the relevant facts arose, in Hungary. On its face, the
    complaint makes that clear. See J.A. 104–23.
    My colleagues also fault the district court for failing to
    consider whether any litigation delays in Hungary might
    prevent the plaintiffs from later re-filing in the United States.
    Ante at 19. But the plaintiffs did not raise this argument either
    below or in their opening brief, so it is twice forfeited. See,
    e.g., Am. Wildlands v. Kempthorne, 
    530 F.3d 991
    , 1001 (D.C.
    Cir. 2008). Nor did the plaintiffs ask the district court, as a
    fallback remedy, to attach conditions to any dismissal. And in
    any event, the whole point of forum non conveniens law is to
    dismiss cases that can more conveniently be adjudicated
    elsewhere, not to defer adjudications while plaintiffs exhaust
    claims or remedies in other fora.
    My colleagues next contend that the district court
    improperly required the plaintiffs to prove that Hungary was
    not an available and adequate forum for their claims, rather
    than requiring the defendants to prove that it was. Ante at 20.
    But, in laying out the “applicable legal principles” of forum non
    conveniens, the district court explicitly stated that dismissal is
    appropriate only if “the defendant shows” that “there is an
    alternative forum that is both available and adequate.” 277 F.
    Supp. 3d at 62. The court did not improperly shift that burden.
    My colleagues note that the district court, in addressing
    whether Hungary was an adequate alternative forum, rested on
    its conclusion that pursuing claims in Hungary would not be
    futile for purposes of exhaustion. In the court’s own words,
    “the finding that the plaintiffs’ pursuit of their claims in
    Hungary would not be futile satisfies the first prong of the test
    for application of the forum non conveniens doctrine that
    Hungary is both an available and adequate alternative forum.”
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 63.
    The district court’s statement made good sense in the
    context of its overall analysis. After all, in setting forth the
    governing principles on futility, the district court exclusively
    invoked the adequacy standards of forum non conveniens law.
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 57–58. My colleagues correctly note
    that exhaustion and forum non conveniens law assign the
    opposite burden of proof on the question of futility or
    adequacy. Ante at 21–22. But here, both sides presented
    detailed affidavits regarding Hungarian law and practice, so the
    burden of production did not matter. Likewise, the district
    court assessed futility as a matter of law, based on undisputed
    assertions in both affidavits, so the burden of persuasion did
    not matter. Nor did the district court even conclude that the
    competing legal arguments were at or near the point of
    equipoise. In context, the district court’s cross-reference to its
    analysis of futility was an appropriate shorthand or, at worst,
    an obviously harmless error.
    The court’s analysis makes all of this clear. Among other
    things, the court explained that the Hungarian constitution
    “requires that parties be treated fairly and equally in court,
    prohibits discrimination on the basis of, among other things,
    race or religion, and creates rights of appeal to various
    appellate courts.” 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 58. The court noted that
    Hungary recognizes and enforces international law and
    provides damages for the types of property losses alleged here.
    Id. And it
    stated that these and other considerations, as set forth
    by the defendants and their experts, “strongly support the
    conclusion that Hungary is an adequate alternative forum for
    the plaintiffs’ claims.” 
    Id. The court
    then considered a
    “variety” of the plaintiffs’ competing arguments and concluded
    that “[n]one is persuasive.” 
    Id. at 59–
    62. Apart from their
    mistaken argument about a misplaced burden of proof, neither
    the plaintiffs nor my colleagues challenge any relevant
    particulars of this analysis.
    My colleagues note that the United States declined to take
    a position on the availability and adequacy of a Hungarian
    forum. Ante at 22. But the government’s failure to address that
    question hardly suggests that the district court, in assessing the
    detailed submissions made to it on that very point, committed
    legal error or otherwise abused its discretion.
    The district court reasonably balanced the private and
    public interests involved. On these points, my colleagues do
    not argue that the district court committed any discrete legal
    error, but only that the court abused its discretion in weighing
    the relevant factors.
    With regard to private interests, the district court
    reasonably concluded that much of the evidence in this case
    will involve paper records written in Hungarian and located in
    Hungary. The court cited declarations noting “the extensive
    documents in the Hungarian Archives related to property taken
    from Hungarian nationals during World War II.” 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 64. The court also cited the plaintiffs’ own complaint,
    which repeatedly references “vital” evidence “kept by the
    defendants in Hungary.” 
    Id. And the
    court cited declarations
    attesting that any pertinent documents were likely written in
    Hungarian, which would require translation into English if this
    case were heard in the United States. 
    Id. at 64
    My colleagues conclude that, “[a]t best, the location-of-
    relevant-evidence factor is in equipoise,” because “some”
    records are in Hungary, while an “extensive” collection is at
    the Holocaust Museum in Washington. Ante at 23–24. But the
    defendants’ evidence showed that the Hungarian National
    Archives “have a substantial amount of documentation”
    regarding the Hungarian Holocaust, J.A. 184, and the
    plaintiffs’ own legal expert confirmed “an abundance of
    records of these confiscations in Hungarian archives,” J.A. 244.
    Moreover, while the plaintiffs’ expert noted that “[c]opies” of
    the documents “may be found” at the Holocaust Museum, he
    did not assert that the museum had somehow managed to
    compile records as complete or more complete than those of
    the Hungarian government. J.A. 244–45. Furthermore, the
    plaintiffs themselves have found no records relevant to their
    individual cases in the museum, so there is no case-specific
    reason to discount the defendants’ overall submissions on this
    point. See Simon v. Republic of Hungary, No. 10-cv-1770
    (D.D.C.), ECF Doc. 122 at 21 n.12. Finally, the examples
    addressed by the plaintiffs’ expert confirm that the pertinent
    original records are in paper form and written in Hungarian.
    id., ECF Doc.
    122-1, Exs. 2–6. The district court
    reasonably assessed the nature and location of the documentary
    The court also reasonably found that there would be “many
    witnesses” in Hungary who could not or would not travel to the
    United States. 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 65. The plaintiffs had
    “already sought to depose at least one witness located in
    Hungary who was unable to travel out of the country,” id.—an
    alleged war criminal recently arrested in Budapest, J.A. 79.
    Given the number and scope of the war crimes alleged in the
    complaint, and the need for each individual plaintiff to show
    that any taking of his or her property was done as part of a
    genocide, see Simon v. Republic of Hungary (Simon II), 
    812 F.3d 127
    , 143–46 (D.C. Cir. 2016), the district court reasonably
    treated this consideration as significant.
    The district court also reasonably considered the
    appropriateness of a Hungarian forum in the event of further
    litigation against Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt. The plaintiffs had
    sued RCH in this case, but RCH was dismissed for lack of
    personal jurisdiction in the United States. See 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 65. In contrast, RCH might be joined to any future litigation
    in Hungary, producing one case involving all of the original
    defendants, rather than parallel lawsuits across two continents.
    Finally, the district court noted one important competing
    consideration—the “emotional burden” to the plaintiffs of
    returning to Hungary. 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 65. The court
    reasoned: “While acknowledging the profound nature of the
    emotional weight of bringing this case in Hungary, the Court is
    hesitant to find that this factor outweighs virtually every other
    factor weighing in favor of dismissing under forum non
    Id. I can
    find no abuse of discretion in the court’s
    recognition and balancing of the competing considerations.
    For where “factors point in different directions, assuming no
    abuse of discretion in the district court’s analysis of the
    individual factors, it will be the rare case when we can reverse
    a district court’s balancing of the … factors” as itself an abuse
    of discretion. Morley v. CIA, 
    894 F.3d 389
    , 391 (D.C. Cir.
    With regard to public interests, the district court
    reasonably concluded that Hungary’s interest in resolving this
    controversy was greater than that of the United States. The
    Supreme Court has long recognized the “local interest in
    having localized controversies decided at home.” Gulf Oil
    Corp. v. Gilbert, 
    330 U.S. 501
    , 509 (1947); see, e.g., Piper
    Aircraft, 454 U.S. at 260
    MBI, 616 F.3d at 576
    . Moreover,
    this interest is heightened when the claims “arise from events
    of historical and political significance” to the home forum.
    Republic of Philippines v. Pimentel, 
    553 U.S. 851
    , 866 (2008).
    This case is “localized” in Hungary; it involves the taking of
    Hungarians’ property by other Hungarians in Hungary. In
    addition, claims arising out of the Hungarian Holocaust are
    plainly a matter of historical and political significance to
    My colleagues object that neither Pimentel nor the
    extraterritoriality and personal-jurisdiction decisions stressing
    the importance of “a foreign sovereign’s interest in resolving
    disputes internally” were forum non conveniens cases. Ante at
    27–28. But the repeated acknowledgment of this interest—in
    many different contexts—only reinforces the district court’s
    conclusion. In any event, Gulf Oil and its forum non
    conveniens progeny, such as Piper Aircraft and MBI, amply
    support the district court’s judgment.
    My colleagues counter that the United States has
    recognized a “moral imperative” to provide compensation to
    Holocaust victims. Ante at 29. True enough, but the
    government seeks to further that interest by encouraging parties
    “to resolve matters of Holocaust-era restitution and
    compensation through dialogue, negotiation, and cooperation,”
    not by sweeping foreign-centered cases into United States
    courts. U.S. Br. at 10. Moreover, consistent with Gulf Oil and
    its progeny, the United States reminds us that “a court should
    give less weight to U.S. interests where the activity at issue
    occurred in a foreign country and involved harms to foreign
    Id. at 16.
        Likewise, it reminds us that
    “[a]pplication of the forum non conveniens doctrine can assist
    in identifying cases in which an alternative foreign forum has
    a closer connection to the underlying parties and/or dispute.”
    Id. at 26.
    These considerations strongly support the district
    court’s assessment of the public-interest factors.
    Finally, the district court reasonably concluded that
    choice-of-law considerations favor a Hungarian forum. Of
    course, Hungarian law is the obvious source of law to govern
    acts committed by Hungarians against Hungarians in Hungary.
    My colleagues express concern that Hungarian law may have
    affirmatively authorized the discrimination and genocide
    committed during the Holocaust. Ante at 30. But Hungarian
    law now outlaws both, 
    277 F. Supp. 3d
    at 58, and the
    defendants affirmatively disavow any defense that genocidal
    expropriations were lawful in the early 1940s, Oral Arg. Tr. at
    22–23, 38. In sum, there is no bar to Hungarian law governing
    the merits of this case, which will involve “garden-variety
    common-law causes of action such as conversion, unjust
    enrichment, and restitution.” Simon 
    II, 812 F.3d at 141
    * * * *
    The district court correctly stated the governing law and
    reasonably weighed the competing considerations in this case.
    Because the court did not abuse its discretion by dismissing on
    forum non conveniens grounds, I would affirm its decision.

Document Info

Docket Number: 17-7146

Citation Numbers: 911 F.3d 1172

Filed Date: 12/28/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (23)

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