Oscar Salazar v. DC ( 2011 )

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    United States Court of Appeals
    Argued November 15, 2010                     Decided February 8, 2011
    No. 10-7031
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:93-cv-00452)
    Richard S. Love, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Office
    of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia, argued the
    cause for appellant. With him on the briefs were Peter J.
    Nickles, Attorney General, Todd S. Kim, Solicitor General, and
    Donna M. Murasky, Deputy Solicitor General.
    Kathleen L. Millian argued the cause for appellees. With
    her on the brief were Bruce J. Terris and Zenia Sanchez Fuentes.
    Lynn E. Cunningham and Martha J. Perkins entered
    Before: ROGERS and GRIFFITH, Circuit Judges, and
    EDWARDS, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the Court by Circuit Judge ROGERS.
    ROGERS, Circuit Judge: The District of Columbia appeals
    the denial of a motion pursuant to Rule 60(b)(6) of the Federal
    Rules of Civil Procedure to vacate an order on dental services
    under a settlement agreement regarding medical services for
    children eligible for Medicaid. The district court ruled that the
    motion was untimely and, alternatively, that the challenge to its
    authority to order relief exceeding the federal standards
    underlying the settlement agreement lacked merit in view of its
    authority to enforce the agreement. On appeal, the District
    government contends that the district court erred in dismissing
    the motion as untimely, and abused its discretion by imposing
    requirements that exceed the parties’ settlement agreement.
    The circumstances do not indicate that the motion to vacate
    was untimely. In the context of institutional reform litigation,
    which contemplates ongoing district court proceedings as
    occurred here, the parties continued to attempt to resolve their
    differences regarding compliance with the dental order, with the
    district court’s encouragement. On January 27, 2006, the court-
    appointed monitor filed a report indicating that goals set by the
    dental order were unrealistic and a new evaluation was
    warranted. The District government filed its motion to vacate
    four months later. Nonetheless, the district court could properly
    find that the District government failed to show the requisite
    extraordinary circumstances to warrant relief under Rule
    60(b)(6). The legal argument that the district court exceeded its
    authority by requiring the District government to engage in
    activities to which the parties did not agree and that are not
    required by federal law could have been raised on appeal from
    the dental order; the District government noticed an appeal and
    then withdrew it. Accordingly, we affirm the denial of the Rule
    60(b)(6) motion.
    This appeal arises in the context of a complex remedial
    order concerning medical services and assistance provided by
    the District of Columbia government pursuant to the Medicaid
    provisions of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1396a,
    1396d (Chapter 19). On January 22, 1999, the settlement
    agreement between the plaintiff class (“appellees”) and the
    District government was approved and entered as an order by
    the district court. The Settlement Order provides in paragraph
    36 that the District government “shall provide or arrange for the
    provision of early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and
    treatment (EPSDT) services when they are requested by or on
    behalf of children.” As relevant, appellees filed two motions to
    enforce the provisions relating to dental care.
    First, on July 3, 2002, appellees moved to enforce
    Paragraph 36 in part because in 2001 only 30.65% of eligible
    children received dental services and only 20.55% received
    preventive dental services. By order entered seven months later,
    the district court found that the District government was in
    violation because its own reports showed that “the vast majority
    of children within the class covered by this litigation who should
    receive lead blood screening and dental services are not getting
    them.” Mem. Op. (Feb. 28, 2003) at 1. The District government
    was ordered to: (1) notify, at least annually, dental care
    providers of the Medicaid requirements; (2) require each
    managed care organization to develop a corrective action plan;
    and (3) mail, by April 15, 2003, to all households in the District
    of Columbia with one or more Medicaid-eligible children a
    written notice describing the dental benefits. The district court
    also ordered the court-appointed monitor to prepare a report by
    May 15, 2003 evaluating the effectiveness of these efforts.
    Second, after the monitor filed his report on June 17, 2003
    recommending improved strategies for the broader provision of
    dental services, appellees again moved to enforce the Settlement
    Order on April 23, 2004. Six months later, in view of its
    conclusion the District government had violated Paragraph 36,
    the district court ordered various remedial measures to increase
    the rate at which children were receiving dental care. The
    District government was ordered to: (1) develop a dental
    periodicity schedule that complies with generally accepted
    dental standards; (2) develop a corrective action plan for
    ensuring that all Medicaid-eligible children receive dental
    services, including increased provider participation, provider
    training, and outreach; and (3) meet specific participation goals,
    ranging from 70% to 85%, depending on age, no later than
    September 30, 2007. Order of Oct. 18, 2004 (“the Dental
    The District government noted an appeal from the Dental
    Order on November 16, 2004. On January 27, 2005, however,
    it moved to hold the appeal in abeyance pending its filing a
    motion in the district court to “dissolve” the Dental Order.
    Then, on March 15, 2006, the District government moved to
    dismiss the appeal, which motion was granted, see Order, No.
    04-7200 (D.C. Cir. Mar. 15, 2006). The monitor had filed a
    report on January 27, 2006, pursuant to the district court’s order
    of September 14, 2005, outlining strategies to enhance access to
    dental care for Medicaid-eligible children and suggesting that
    evidence from the several states and the standard of 57% set by
    the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services indicated
    that the Dental Order set unrealistic dental utilization rates and
    should be reevaluated.
    Four months later, on May 26, 2006, the District
    government filed a motion to vacate the Dental Order on the
    ground that the district court had exceeded its authority. The
    District government argued: (1) the evidence did not support a
    finding it had violated the Settlement Order by failing to provide
    and arrange for appropriate dental services upon request; (2) the
    remedial relief was not tailored to cure a constitutional or
    federal law violation; (3) it was placed in the position of being
    an insurer of dental care under an inequitable strict liability
    standard; and (4) the relief “[v]astly [e]xceeds the [s]tandards set
    by the [f]ederal and [l]ocal [a]gencies [a]dministering” the
    Medicaid program for children’s medical care. Memorandum
    of Points and Authorities in Support of Defendants’ Motion to
    Vacate Order Granting Injunctive Relief Dated October 18, 2004
    at 3–4, Salazar v. District of Columbia, No. 93-cv-452 (D.D.C.
    May 26, 2006), ECF No. 1153. The motion did not reference
    the monitor’s January 27, 2006 report although it referred to a
    2000 report by the General Accounting Office indicating the
    limited effect of payment increases on provider participation
    that was also cited in the monitor’s report.
    Additionally, in response to appellees’ opposition, the
    District government argued that continued enforcement of the
    Dental Order was unjust and that it was entitled to relief because
    the Dental Order imposed obligations beyond those negotiated
    by the parties, and under Rule 60(b)(6) the district court has “a
    large degree of discretion in granting relief.”1 Defendants’
    Although the District government’s reply also argued that
    it was entitled to relief under Rule 60(b)(5), it states on appeal that it
    relied only on Rule 60(b)(6). See Appellant’s Br. 11; Appellee’s
    Reply to Plaintiff’s Opposition to Defendants’ Motion to Vacate
    the Court’s Injunction of October 18, 2004 at 5, Salazar v.
    District of Columbia, No. 93-cv-452 (D.D.C. Sept. 12, 2006),
    ECF No. 1219. The reply argued that the monitor’s January 27,
    2006 report showed that the Dental Order’s requirement of an
    80% participation rate by 2007 is (in the District government’s
    words) “utterly unrealistic and may not be achievable at all.” Id.
    at 6. It also noted “the lack of any direct evidence of any
    member of the plaintiff class having been effectively denied
    dental services to which they are entitled.” Id. at 7. It
    This is an extreme case, the Dental Order requires the
    District [government] achieve a result that the Court’s
    Monitor [h]as opined to be unachievable with tools the
    Monitor has found unlikely to succeed. Rule 60(b)(6)
    was designed for just such an occasion.
    The district court denied the motion to vacate on February
    18, 2010 (over 3 ½ years after it was filed). It ruled that the
    motion was untimely because it was filed nineteen months after
    the Dental Order was entered, noting the District government’s
    “inexplicable delay.” Salazar v. District of Columbia, 
    685 F. Supp. 2d 72
    , 75 (D.D.C. 2010). The district court concluded no
    subsection of Rule 60(b) authorized the motion at this late date,
    noting that Rule 60(b) required a motion to be filed within a
    “reasonable time,”and that it is not a substitute for appeal. The
    district court concluded relief under Rule 60(b)(6) was
    unwarranted because the District government had identified no
    Br. 21.
    “exceptional or extraordinary circumstances.”2 Id. at 12. The
    district court also rejected the challenge to its authority
    inasmuch as the Dental Order enforces “with great specificity”
    paragraphs 36, 49, 52, and 57 of the Settlement Order. Id. at
    10–11. The district court observed that “[v]irtually all of the
    legal arguments have previously been examined and rejected,”
    and that the new argument — that the Dental Order required
    relief in excess of federal standards — was not dispositive
    because the Settlement Order embodied and held the parties to
    their voluntary agreement, citing Frew ex rel. Frew v. Hawkins,
    540 U.S. 431
    , 439 (2004). On May 26, 2010, the district court
    denied the District government’s motion for a stay.
    The District government appeals, contending that the
    district court abused its discretion in denying the motion to
    vacate as untimely and exceeded its authority by imposing
    requirements in the Dental Order beyond the parties’ settlement
    Federal courts “long ago established” that they “would not
    alter or set aside their judgments after the expiration of the term
    at which the judgments were finally entered.” Hazel-Atlas Glass
    Co. v. Hartford-Empire Co., 
    322 U.S. 238
    , 244 (1944) (citing
    Bronson v. Schulten, 
    104 U.S. 410
     (1881)), overruled on other
    grounds by Standard Oil Co. of Cal. v. United States, 
    429 U.S. 17
    , 18 & n.2 (1976). If the district court or court of appeals was
    The district court also addressed relief under other
    provisions of Rule 60(b) and Rules 52 and 59. See Salazar, 
    685 F. Supp. 2d at
    75–76. The District government’s states that none of these
    rules were invoked by it in the district court, Appellant’s Br. 11;
    accord Appellees’ Br. 13, and its brief on appeal does not address
    in the same term in which the challenged judgment was entered
    “the judge ‘had plenary power . . . to modify his judgment for
    error of fact or law or even revoke it altogether.’” United States
    v. Beggerly, 
    524 U.S. 38
    , 42–43 (1998) (quoting Zimmern v.
    United States, 
    298 U.S. 167
    , 169–70 (1936)). From the
    beginning, however, there also was “a rule of equity to the effect
    that under certain circumstances . . . relief will be granted
    against judgments regardless of the term of their entry.” 
    to obtain such relief, “resort had to be made to a handful of
    writs, the precise contours of which were ‘shrouded in ancient
    lore and mystery.’” Id. at 43 (quoting FED. R. CIV. P. 60
    advisory committee’s note on 1946 amendment).
    The Supreme Court, in fashioning Rule 60(b), “took notice
    of the fact that the terms of the district court may vary in length
    and that the expiration of the term might occur very soon, or
    quite a long time, after the entry of a judgment.” Hazel-Atlas
    322 U.S. at
    255–56 (Roberts, J., dissenting). The Court
    did not, however, disturb the equitable principles that embodied
    prior practice. “Rule 60(b) does not provide a new remedy at
    all, but is simply the recitation of pre-existing judicial power.”
    Plaut v. Spendthrift Farm, Inc., 
    514 U.S. 211
    , 234–35 (1995).
    In 1938 the Court promulgated a uniform rule permitting a
    motion to relieve a party from a judgment but requiring that the
    motion be made “within a reasonable time, but in no case
    exceeding six months after such judgment, order, or proceeding”
    and only where the order or proceeding was taken “through [the
    movant’s] mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable
    neglect.” FED. R. CIV. P. 60(b) (1938), reprinted in James Wm.
    Moore & Elizabeth B.A. Rogers, Federal Relief from Civil
    Judgments, 55 YALE L.J. 623, 632 (1946). Nonetheless, the
    “salutary rule as to finality” was retained and, after six months
    the judgment, order, or proceeding could not be challenged
    except by a proper collateral action. Hazel-Atlas, 
    322 U.S. at 256
     (Roberts, J., dissenting).
    In 1948, Rule 60(b) was amended to “grant[] courts a
    broader power to set aside judgments than did the old rule.”
    Klapprott v. United States, 
    335 U.S. 601
    , 609 (1949). The
    amended rule established six grounds for relief, extended the
    time limitation from six months to one year for the first three
    grounds — excusable neglect, newly discovered evidence, and
    fraud — and provided that the latter three — a void judgment;
    a judgment that has been satisfied, relies upon a prior judgment
    that has been reversed, or would be inequitable to have
    prospective application; or for any other just reason — have no
    specific time limit and need only be brought within a
    “reasonable time.” Rule 60(b) remains virtually unchanged
    since 1948.3 It has three important limitations: First, Rule 60(b)
    Rule 60(b) was amended in 1987, but the advisory
    committee notes describe the amendment as “technical” and that “[n]o
    substantive change [was] intended.” FED. R. CIV. P. 60 advisory
    committee’s note on 1987 amdt. Similarly, Rule 60(b) was amended
    in 2007 “as part of the general restyling of the Civil Rules to make
    them more easily understood and to make style and terminology
    consistent throughout the rules. These changes [were] intended to be
    stylistic only.” FED. R. CIV. P. 60 advisory committee’s note on 2007
    amdt. The reference in the final sentence that relief is available by a
    motion or independent action was “deleted as unnecessary.” 
    60(b)–(e), as presently constituted, reads:
    (b) Grounds for Relief from a Final Judgment, Order, or
    Proceeding. On motion and just terms, the court may relieve
    a party or its legal representative from a final judgment, order,
    or proceeding for the following reasons:
    (1) mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect;
    (2) newly discovered evidence that, with reasonable diligence,
    could not have been discovered in time to move for a new
    includes a “requirement that the motion ‘be made within a
    reasonable time’ and the more specific 1-year deadline for
    asserting three of the most open-ended grounds of relief
    (excusable neglect, newly discovered evidence, and fraud).”
    Gonzalez v. Crosby, 
    545 U.S. 524
    , 534 (2005) (quoting FED. R.
    CIV. P. 60(c)). Second, the Supreme Court cases have required
    a movant seeking relief under Rule 60(b)(6) to show
    “‘extraordinary circumstances’ justifying the reopening of a
    final judgment.” 
     (quoting Ackermann v. United States, 
    340 U.S. 193
    , 199 (1950)). Finally, “Rule 60(b) proceedings are
    subject to only limited and deferential appellate review.” 
    trial under Rule 59(b);
    (3) fraud (whether previously called intrinsic or extrinsic),
    misrepresentation, or misconduct by an opposing party;
    (4) the judgment is void;
    (5) the judgment has been satisfied, released or discharged; it
    is based on an earlier judgment that has been reversed or
    vacated; or applying it prospectively is no longer equitable; or
    (6) any other reason that justifies relief.
    (c) Timing and Effect of the Motion.
    (1) Timing. A motion under Rule 60(b) must be made within
    a reasonable time--and for reasons (1), (2), and (3) no more
    than a year after the entry of the judgment or order or the date
    of the proceeding.
    (2) Effect on Finality. The motion does not affect the
    judgment’s finality or suspend its operation.
    (d) Other Powers to Grant Relief. This rule does not limit
    a court’s power to:
    (1) entertain an independent action to relieve a party from a
    judgment, order, or proceeding;
    (2) grant relief under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1655
     to a defendant who
    was not personally notified of the action; or
    (3) set aside a judgment for fraud on the court.
    (e) Bills and Writs Abolished. The following are abolished:
    bills of review, bills in the nature of bills of review, and writs
    of coram nobis, coram vobis, and audita querela.
    “Rule 60(b)(6) . . . grants federal courts broad authority to
    relieve a party from a final judgment ‘upon such terms as are
    just,’ provided that the motion is made within a reasonable time
    and is not premised on one of the grounds for relief enumerated
    in clauses (b)(1) through (b)(5).” Liljeberg v. Health Servs.
    Acquisition Corp., 
    486 U.S. 847
    , 863 (1988). That is, its
    provisions are “mutually exclusive” to the extent that subsection
    (6) cannot be used to avoid the one-year limitation in
    subsections (1)–(5), such that “a party who failed to take timely
    action due to ‘excusable neglect’ [within one year] may not seek
    relief more than a year after the judgment by resorting to
    subsection (6).” Pioneer Inv. Servs. Co. v. Brunswick Assocs.
    Ltd. P’ship, 
    507 U.S. 380
    , 393 (1993). See also Twelve John
    Does v. District of Columbia, 
    841 F.2d 1133
    , 1140 (D.C. Cir.
    Rule 60(b)’s concern with finality, embodied originally in
    the term rule, subsequently in the strict six-month rule, and now
    in the “reasonable time” requirement, does not carry the same
    significance in long-running equitable relief as it would in an
    action where the court’s role had ended and the litigants relied
    on the repose inherent in the end of litigation. As this court has
    emphasized, “[t]he power of a court of equity to modify a decree
    of injunctive relief . . . is long-established, broad, and flexible.”
    United States v. W. Elec. Co., 
    46 F.3d 1198
    , 1202 (D.C. Cir.
    1995) (quoting New York State Ass’n for Retarded Children, Inc.
    v. Carey, 
    706 F.2d 956
    , 967 (2d Cir.) (Friendly, J.), cert. denied,
    464 U.S. 915
     (1983)). See generally CHARLES A. WRIGHT, ET
    AL., FEDERAL PRACTICE & PROCEDURE § 2961 (2010).
    Importantly, the Supreme Court observed:
    The upsurge in institutional reform litigation since
    Brown v. Board of Education, 
    347 U.S. 483
    [ ] (1954),
    has made the ability of a district court to modify a
    decree in response to changed circumstances all the
    more important. Because such decrees often remain in
    place for extended periods of time, the likelihood of
    significant changes occurring during the life of the
    decree is increased.
    Rufo v. Inmates of the Suffolk County Jail, 
    502 U.S. 367
    , 380
    (1991) (emphasis added). The Court thus instructed that “a
    flexible approach is often essential to achieving the goals of
    reform litigation.” Id. at 381. More recently the Court observed
    that “injunctions issued . . . often remain in force for many
    years, and the passage of time frequently brings about changed
    circumstances — changes in the nature of the underlying
    problem, changes in governing law or its interpretation by the
    courts, and new policy insights — that warrant reexamination of
    the original judgment.” Horne v. Flores, 
    129 S. Ct. 2579
    , 2593
    (2009). Although the motion in Rufo was not filed until ten
    years after the entry of the consent decree, the Court never
    questioned the timeliness of the Rule 60(b) motion.4 The only
    The procedural setting in Rufo is instructive. It concerned
    a 1971 challenge to double bunking of pretrial detainees. An
    injunction was entered barring double bunking as unconstitutional,
    and no appeal was taken. 502 U.S. at 373. When months passed
    without action by the city, the district court ordered the commissioner
    to transfer the detainees to other institutions; the court of appeals
    affirmed. Id. at 373 n.2. When the problem remained unresolved as
    of 1977, the district court ordered the city to renovate another facility
    as a substitute; the court of appeals affirmed and ordered the jail
    closed on October 2, 1978, unless a plan was presented to create a
    constitutionally adequate facility. Id. at 374. On remand, a consent
    decree was entered based on construction of a new jail with only
    single occupancy cells. Id. at 375–76. One week after the district
    court approved the consent decree, id. at 376, the Supreme Court
    decided Bell v. Wolfish, 
    441 U.S. 520
    , 541 (1979), rejecting a
    constitutional due process challenge to double-bunking for pretrial
    question was “whether a ‘significant change either in factual
    conditions or in law’ rendered continued enforcement of the
    judgment ‘detrimental to the public interest.’” Horne, 
    129 S. Ct. at
    2596–97 (quoting Rufo, 502 U.S. at 384).
    Concluding that a motion to vacate the settlement order or
    subsequent implementation orders, such as the Dental Order, are
    subject to a strict time limit would run counter to the policies
    underlying Rufo and its progeny. Rufo and Horne rejected a
    “hardening” of the “traditional flexible standard” for
    modification of injunctions and consent decrees. 502 U.S. at
    379 (citing Carey, 706 F.2d at 968); 
    129 S. Ct. at
    (citing Rufo)). The circuits have likewise rejected “an unduly
    strict” interpretation of the “reasonable time” requirement. See,
    e.g., Associated Builders & Contractors v. Mich. Dep’t of Labor
    and Economic Growth, 
    543 F.3d 275
    , 279 (6th Cir. 2008).
    Prejudice to the opposing party, among others, is a relevant
    factor.5      Moreover, the Seventh Circuit noted in
    detainees. Multiple delays attended the construction of the new
    facility, which was still ongoing ten years later in 1989 when the
    Sheriff moved to amend the consent decree to allow double bunking
    based on changed circumstances: the intervening decision in Bell v.
    Wolfish and the greater-than-anticipated increase in the size of the
    pretrial detainee population. 
    Id. at 376
    . The motion was denied and
    affirmed on appeal. The Supreme Court reversed, holding the lower
    courts had not applied the correct standard: “The experience of the []
    Courts of Appeals in implementing and modifying such [consent]
    decrees has demonstrated that a flexible approach is often essential to
    achieving the goals of reform litigation.” 
     at 381 (citing Carey, 706
    F.2d at 967, 969).
    See, e.g., Lemoge v. United States, 
    587 F.3d 1188
    , 1196–97
    (9th Cir. 2009) (“What constitutes ‘reasonable time’ [to bring a Rule
    60(b)(1) motion] depends upon the facts of each case, taking into
    consideration the interest in finality, the reason for delay, the practical
    Shakman v. City of Chicago 
    426 F.3d 925
    , 934 (7th Cir. 2005),
    that a district court deciding whether to modify or vacate “[a]
    ability of the litigant to learn earlier of the grounds relied upon, and
    prejudice to the other parties.”) (quoting Ashford v. Steuart, 
    657 F.2d 1053
    , 1055 (9th Cir. 1981)); Thompson v. Bell, 
    580 F.3d 423
    , 443 (6th
    Cir. 2009) (“Whether the timing of the motion [pursuant to Rule
    60(b)(6)] is reasonable ‘ordinarily depends on the facts of a given case
    including the length and circumstances of the delay, the prejudice to
    the opposing party by reason of the delay, and the circumstances
    compelling equitable relief.’”) (quoting Olle v. Henry & Wright Corp.,
    910 F.2d 357
    , 365 (6th Cir. 1990)); Farm Credit Bank of Baltimore v.
    316 F.3d 62
    , 66 (1st Cir. 2003) (“The circumstances
    to be considered [in assessing the timeliness of a Rule 60(b)(4)
    motion] include the length of the delay, the justification for it, and the
    prejudice (if any) associated with the granting of relief.”); Travelers
    Ins. Co. v. Liljeberg Enters., Inc., 
    38 F.3d 1404
    , 1410, 1412 (5th Cir.
    1994) (holding that reasonable time determination in the context of a
    Rule 60(b)(6) motion “depends upon the particular facts and
    circumstances of the case” and citing Ashford, 
    657 F.2d at 1055
    , for
    the proposition that prejudice of other parties must be considered);
    Schultz v. Commerce First Fin., 
    24 F.3d 1023
    , 1025 (8th Cir. 1994)
    (“We consider the movant’s reason for delay [in bringing motion filed
    under both Rule 60(b)(5) and Rule 60(b)(6)] and the existence of any
    prejudice to the opposing party when determining a ‘reasonable
    time.’”); Kagan v. Caterpillar Tractor Co., 
    795 F.2d 601
    , 610 (7th
    Cir. 1986) (describing timeliness for motion brought pursuant to Rule
    60(b)(1) and 60(b)(6)) (quoting Ashford, 
    657 F.2d at 1055
    ); Matter of
    Emergency Beacon Corp., 
    666 F.2d 754
    , 760 (2d Cir. 1981) (“What
    qualifies as a reasonable time [for bringing a Rule 60(b)(6) motion],
    however, will ordinarily depend largely on the facts of a given case,
    including the length and circumstances of the delay and the possibility
    of prejudice to the opposing party.”); Sec. Mut. Cas. Co. v. Century
    Cas. Co., 
    621 F.2d 1062
    , 1067 (10th Cir. 1980) (noting that lack of
    prejudice to non-moving party due to delay in bringing Rule 60(b)(1)
    and 60(b)(6) motion constituted a factor in favor of finding that
    motion was brought within a reasonable time).
    Consent Decree must take into account the nature of that
    litigation as well as the resulting prejudice, if any, to the present
    elected officials and the public they represent.”
    Notably, this court has not identified a standard for
    assessing “reasonable time” under Rule 60(b). It has, however,
    considered prejudice to the non-moving party. In Expeditions
    Unlimited Aquatic Enters., Inc. v. Smithsonian Inst., 
    500 F.2d 808
    , 810 (D.C. Cir. 1974), for instance, the court stated that a
    district court may vacate and reenter a judgment under Rule
    60(b)(6) to allow a timely appeal “when neither party had actual
    notice of the entry of judgment, when the winning party is not
    prejudiced by the appeal, and when the losing party moves to
    vacate the judgment within a reasonable time after he learns of
    its entry. This holding was reaffirmed in In re Sealed Case
    624 F.3d 482
    , 487–88 (D.C. Cir. 2010). Likewise, in
    Jackson v. Jackson, 
    276 F.2d 501
    , 504 (D.C. Cir. 1960) [Rule
    60(b)(5)] the court concluded that where “[n]o intervening rights
    of [the non-moving party] appear to have been prejudiced . . .
    [t]he time accordingly was reasonable.” Accord Erick Rios
    Bridoux v. E. Air Lines, Inc., 
    214 F.2d 207
    , 209 & n.3 (D.C. Cir.
    A litigant’s diligence in pursuing review of a decision,
    either through appeal or through Rule 60(b)(6) relief, is relevant
    in assessing whether extraordinary circumstances are present.
    See Gonzalez, 
    545 U.S. at 537
    . In a complex and long-running
    institutional reform case such as this, however, it would be an
    abuse of discretion to rule that a Rule 60(b)(6) motion is not
    filed within a reasonable time without finding that the movant’s
    delay has prejudiced the non-moving party. In the instant case,
    there is not only no finding of prejudice, there has been no
    allegation of prejudice by appellees either before this court or
    the district court. Appellees’ argument in the district court was
    limited to stating that the District government had “submitted no
    reasons for the delay in bringing th[e] motion” and that a
    “motion brought over 20 months after entry of the Dental Order
    is clearly untimely.” Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Defendants’
    Motion to Vacate the Court’s Order Granting Injunctive Relief
    Dated October 18, 2004 at 14, Salazar v. District of Columbia,
    No. 93-cv-452 (D.D.C. July 7, 2006), ECF No. 1171. Indeed, it
    appears from a lengthy notation in the district court’s
    memorandum opinion explaining its delay in ruling on the
    motion to vacate that the delay was caused in considerable part
    by cooperative efforts among the parties and the monitor to
    resolve the difference between appellees and the District
    government, with the strong encouragement of the court,
    685 F. Supp. 2d at
    74 n.2, without the necessity of a
    motion to vacate or a court order. In the period between entry
    of the Dental Order and the filing of the motion to vacate, the
    district court held nine status conferences with all of the parties.
    Also of note, and belying any notion that the parties had reached
    a period of repose, during the same period appellees filed nine
    and the District government filed two opposed motions.
    Moreover, in ruling that the District government’s motion was
    untimely, the district court made no mention of the monitor’s
    recent filing of a report on January 27, 2006, four months prior
    to the District government’s filing the motion to vacate, despite
    the fact that the report offered “new policy insights,” Horne, 
    129 S. Ct. at 2593
    , from a third party regarding the achievability of
    the dental utilization rates mandated by the Dental Order. Under
    the circumstances, appellees cannot have relied to their
    detriment on the repose afforded by the Dental Order, and an
    apparent decision by the District government to allow that order
    to stand. Because there is no argument of prejudice caused by
    the timing of the District government’s moving to vacate the
    Dental Order, the district court abused its discretion in ruling
    that the motion was not brought within a reasonable time.
    The phrase “extraordinary circumstances” does not appear
    in the text of Rule 60(b)(6), but the Supreme Court has added
    this gloss to the rule. The Supreme Court’s earliest
    interpretations of the 1948 amendment that created Rule
    60(b)(6) came in a pair of cases: Klapprott v. United States, 
    335 U.S. 601
     (1949), and Ackermann v. United States, 
    340 U.S. 193
    (1950). Both concerned naturalized German immigrants whose
    United States citizenship was withdrawn due to conduct
    preceding or during World War II. In Klapprott, the petitioner
    was served with a complaint for denaturalization and notice to
    respond within sixty days, but was arrested on criminal charges
    ten days later and a judgment by default was entered in the
    denaturalization action. 
    335 U.S. at
    602–03. In Ackermann,
    three German immigrants represented by counsel answered a
    complaint for denaturalization and one appealed the district
    court judgment against all three and gained a reversal. 
    340 U.S. at
    195–96. Ackermann and his wife did not appeal, purportedly
    on the ground that they lacked funds to appeal and on the advice
    of an assistant commissioner at the Immigration and
    Naturalization Department that because they were “stateless”
    they would be released into the United States after the war. 
    Id. at 196
    In Klapprott, the Court noted that because the Rule 60(b)
    motion was brought more than one year after the
    denaturalization judgment, the petitioner needed to allege more
    than mere “excusable neglect.” 
    335 U.S. at 613
    . The Court held
    Rule 60(b)(6) to be applicable because the petitioner, at the time
    of his denaturalization hearing, was being held in jail by the
    United States, “his adversary in the denaturalization
    The basis of his petition was not that he had neglected
    to act in his own defense, but that in jail as he was,
    weakened from illness, without a lawyer in the
    denaturalization proceedings or funds to hire one,
    disturbed and fully occupied in efforts to protect
    himself against the gravest criminal charges, he was no
    more able to defend himself in the [denaturalization
    proceedings] than he would have been had he never
    received notice of the charges.
    Id. at 614
    By contrast, in Ackermann the Court found unavailing the
    petitioner’s argument that the denaturalization judgment was
    erroneous, that the petitioner was without any funds and under
    threat of losing his home, and that a government officer had
    apparently misled him. The focus of the Court in Ackermann
    was the fact that petitioner had a “duty to take legal steps to
    protect his interest in litigation” by appealing. 
    340 U.S. at 197
    The Court deemed the petitioner to have “made a considered
    choice not to appeal” and he could not “be relieved of such a
    choice because hindsight seems to indicate to him that his
    decision not to appeal was probably wrong.” 
    Id. at 198
    . The
    Court distinguished Klapprott as being a case of “extraordinary
    circumstances,” i.e., a case in which the petitioner “was
    deprived of any reasonable opportunity to make a defense . . . by
    officers of the very United States agency” that brought the
    denaturalization proceeding. 
     at 199–200. The difference
    between Klapprott and Ackermann, the Court concluded, was
    “between no choice and choice” and “no chance for negligence
    and inexcusable neglect.” 
    Id. at 202
    . Thus, if the movant had
    an opportunity for appeal and forwent that appeal, “[s]ubsection
    (6) of Rule 60(b) has no application.” 
    The Supreme Court has not retreated from this restrictive
    understanding of Rule 60(b)(6). In Liljeberg, the Court treated
    the phrase “extraordinary circumstances” as a requirement for
    relief under Rule 60(b)(6), 
    486 U.S. at
    863–64 & n.11, and its
    requirements continue as part of Ackermann’s progeny. See, e.g.,
    545 U.S. at 537
    ; cf. Pioneer Inv. Servs. Co. v.
    Brunswick Assocs. Ltd. P’ship, 
    507 U.S. 380
    , 393 (1993) .
    This court, in turn, has emphasized that Rule 60(b)(6)
    “‘should be only sparingly used’ and may not ‘be employed
    simply to rescue a litigant from strategic choices that later turn out
    to be improvident.’” Kramer v. Gates, 
    481 F.3d 788
    , 792 (D.C.
    Cir. 2007) (quoting Good Luck Nursing Home, Inc. v. Harris, 
    636 F.2d 572
    , 577 (D.C. Cir. 1980)). Interpreting the line of cases
    beginning with Klapprott and Ackermann, the court explained that
    “a more compelling showing of inequity or hardship is necessary
    to warrant relief under subsection (6) than under subsection (5);
    otherwise, the ready availability of subsection (6) would make
    meaningless the limitation of subsection (5) to judgments with
    prospective application.” Twelve John Does, 
    841 F.2d at 1140
    Further, “a party who has not pursued an appeal may obtain relief
    under Rule 60(b)(6) only if there are . . . ‘circumstances . . . so
    extraordinary as to bring [the movant] within Klapprott or Rule
    60(b)(6),’ i.e., circumstances that essentially made the decision
    not to appeal an involuntary one.” 
    Id. at 1141
    340 U.S. at 202
    ) (internal citation omitted)). The
    court has understood “Ackermann [to] prohibit[] a court from
    utilizing Rule 60(b)(6) to relieve a party from a voluntary
    dismissal based only on financial hardship,” Randall v. Merrill
    820 F.2d 1317
    , 1321 (D.C. Cir. 1987), although the court
    has allowed relief when a litigant suffered from a disabling
    illness, where participation in litigation would cause greater
    disability, and where the illness had depleted the litigant’s
    financial resources, because “this combination of health and
    financial considerations was sufficient to permit relief under Rule
     (emphasis in original). It has also held that there
    were “extraordinary circumstances” warranting Rule 60(b)(6)
    relief where an attorney was “grossly negligent,” a circumstance
    not at issue here. L.P. Steuart, Inc. v. Matthews, 
    329 F.2d 234
    235–36 (D.C. Cir. 1964). Accord Community Dental Servs. v.
    282 F.3d 1164
    , 1168–69 (9th Cir. 2002); Shepard Claims
    Serv., Inc. v. William Darrah & Assocs., 
    796 F.2d 190
    , 195 (6th
    Cir. 1986); Boughner v. Sec’y of Health, Educ. & Welfare, 
    572 F.2d 976
    , 978 (3d Cir. 1978).
    The District government relies on Good Luck Nursing Home,
    636 F.2d at 574
    . In that case, a nursing home sought
    reimbursement from the U.S. Department of Health, Education,
    and Welfare for legal and account expenses in connection with its
    administration of the Medicare program. The district court
    granted summary judgment to the nursing home but reconsidered
    three months later when the government revealed, by motion filed
    pursuant to Rule 60(b)(6), that the expenses in question were
    incurred in defending a civil action against the nursing home in
    which Medicare fraud and overpayment had been alleged. 
    This court affirmed:
    When a party timely presents a previously undisclosed
    fact so central to the litigation that it shows the initial
    judgment to have been manifestly unjust,
    reconsideration under [R]ule 60(b)(6) is proper even
    though the original failure to present that information
    was inexcusable.
     (internal citations omitted). Applying this rule in Computer
    Professionals for Social Responsibility v. U.S. Secret Service, 
    72 F.3d 897
     (D.C. Cir. 1996), the court held that Rule 60(b)(6) relief
    was warranted where the government presented new information
    on the confidentiality of documents that the district court had
    originally ordered released by the Secret Service under the
    Freedom of Information Act. The government provided this
    information within eighteen days of the order granting access to
    requested documents. Relief was warranted in view of the
    interests of the Secret Service and the protected interest in
    confidentiality that belonged to a third party source and was
    “central to the litigation.” 
    Id. at 903
    It is unnecessary to decide whether the rule of Good Luck
    Nursing Home and Computer Professionals survives the Supreme
    Court’s decision in Gonzalez emphasizing that a “lack of
    diligence” effectively precludes a finding of “extraordinary
    545 U.S. at 537
    . Regardless of the court’s
    holdings in Good Luck Nursing Home and Computer
    Professionals, the Supreme Court’s holdings in Ackermann and
    Gonzalez that a lack of diligence will preclude a finding of
    extraordinary circumstances control the outcome of this appeal.
    Rule 60(b)(6) relief is not a “substitute for appeal,” Polites v.
    United States, 
    364 U.S. 426
    , 432 (1960); Twelve John Does, 
    841 F.2d at 1141
    ; Gilmore v. Hinman, 
    191 F.2d 652
    , 653 (D.C. Cir.
    1951). The District government made a “considered choice,”
    340 U.S. at 198
    , by noting an appeal and then moving
    to dismiss its appeal.
    Furthermore, neither Good Luck Nursing Home nor
    Computer Professionals involved judgments providing for
    prospective relief. One sought money for services rendered; the
    other sought the release of documents. By contrast, the District
    government sought vacatur of the Dental Order arising under a
    Settlement Order having prospective application. Where the
    claim is that the application of an order is prospectively
    inequitable, Rule 60(b)(5) is available. See Agostini v. Felton,
    521 U.S. 203
    , 239 (1997); Hall v. CIA, 
    437 F.3d 94
    , 101 (D.C.
    Cir. 2006); Twelve John Does, 
    841 F.2d at
    1138–40; see also
    Pennsylvania v. Wheeling & Belmont Bridge Co., 59 U.S. (18
    How.) 421 (1856).6 It is where a judgment has no prospective
    To the extent the District government contends that certain
    aspects of the Dental Order are impossible or impractical to achieve
    application and the neglect is inexcusable that Rule 60(b)(6)
    provides the only avenue for relief. Agostini, 
    521 U.S. at 239
    Accordingly, we affirm the order denying the District
    government’s motion to vacate the Dental Order pursuant to Rule
    60(b)(6) in the absence of the requisite extraordinary
    circumstances. The District government is not without remedies,
    however. Paragraph 71 of the Settlement Order provides for
    modification “at any time for any reason.” The District
    government’s legal argument may present a jurisdictional
    argument cognizable under Rule 60(b)(4), while its impossibility
    argument may be raised under Rule 60(b)(5).
    and it is inequitable for the Dental Order to have any prospective
    application, then its motion may be brought under Rule 60(b)(5),
    which “permits a party to obtain relief from a judgment or order if,
    among other things, ‘applying [the judgment or order] prospectively
    is no longer equitable.’” Horne, 
    129 S. Ct. at 2593

Document Info

Docket Number: 10-7031

Filed Date: 2/8/2011

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/15/2015

Authorities (43)

Farm Credit Bank of Baltimore v. Ferrera-Goitia , 316 F.3d 62 ( 2003 )

Security Mutual Casualty Company v. Century Casualty Company , 621 F.2d 1062 ( 1980 )

Travelers Insurance v. Liljeberg Enterprises, Inc. , 38 F.3d 1404 ( 1994 )

Thompson v. Bell , 580 F.3d 423 ( 2009 )

In the Matter of Emergency Beacon Corporation, Debtor. ... , 666 F.2d 754 ( 1981 )

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Michael L. Shakman and Paul M. Lurie v. City of Chicago , 426 F.3d 925 ( 2005 )

Edward A. Ashford v. Charles Steuart, Don Erby, Ray Beaman, ... , 657 F.2d 1053 ( 1981 )

Associated Builders & Contractors v. Michigan Department of ... , 543 F.3d 275 ( 2008 )

Marvin Kagan v. Caterpillar Tractor Co. , 795 F.2d 601 ( 1986 )

Shepard Claims Service, Inc. v. William Darrah & Associates,... , 796 F.2d 190 ( 1986 )

Frank Olle, Jr. Automatic Press Corporation and James W. ... , 910 F.2d 357 ( 1990 )

Lemoge v. United States , 587 F.3d 1188 ( 2009 )

Community Dental Services, Dba Smilecare Dental Group v. ... , 282 F.3d 1164 ( 2002 )

United States v. Western Electric Company, Inc. American ... , 46 F.3d 1198 ( 1995 )

L. P. Steuart, Inc. v. Joseph H. Matthews , 329 F.2d 234 ( 1964 )

Good Luck Nursing Home, Inc. D/B/A Magnolia Gardens Nursing ... , 636 F.2d 572 ( 1980 )

Gilmore v. Hinman , 191 F.2d 652 ( 1951 )

Hall v. Central Intelligence Agency , 437 F.3d 94 ( 2006 )

Kramer, Mark Lee v. Rumsfeld, Donald , 481 F.3d 788 ( 2007 )

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