Edmonds v. Federal Bureau of Investigation , 417 F.3d 1319 ( 2005 )

  •   United States Court of Appeals
    Argued March 18, 2005                   Decided August 9, 2005
    No. 04-5177
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    (USDC) for the District of Columbia
    (No. 02cv01294)
    David K. Colapinto argued the cause and filed the briefs for
    appellant. Mark S. Zaid and Roy W. Krieger entered
    Scott L. Nelson and Brian Wolfman were on the brief for
    amicus curiae Public Citizen, Inc. in support of appellant.
    H. Thomas Byron, III, Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice,
    argued the cause for appellee. With him on the brief were Peter
    D. Keisler, Assistant Attorney General, Kenneth L. Wainstein,
    U.S. Attorney, and Douglas N. Letter and Leonard Schaitman,
    Before: GINSBURG, Chief Judge, and EDWARDS and
    GARLAND, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge GARLAND.
    GARLAND, Circuit Judge: Sibel Edmonds filed a Freedom
    of Information Act (FOIA) request for certain Federal Bureau of
    Investigation (FBI) records relating to the FBI’s decision to
    terminate her employment.         She also sought expedited
    processing of that request. When the FBI failed to grant or deny
    expedition, she obtained an order from the district court,
    compelling expedited processing and directing the Bureau to
    release all nonexempt documents by a specified date. The FBI
    ultimately released a total of 346 pages. Concluding that
    Edmonds “substantially prevailed” in her district court action,
    we reverse the court’s determination that she was ineligible for
    an award of attorney’s fees.
    Edmonds worked as a contract linguist for the FBI between
    September 2001 and March 2002. She alleges that she
    “witnessed and reported to governmental authorities systemic
    quality problems and breaches in security within the FBI’s
    language division concerning translations relating to the FBI’s
    counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence operations,” and that
    she was terminated after her repeated “efforts to report these
    problems.” Appellant’s Br. at 9. By letters dated April 19 and
    April 29, 2002, Edmonds submitted FOIA requests for FBI
    documents concerning herself, her security clearance, her
    allegations of wrongdoing at the Bureau, and investigations of
    persons related to her. Although she requested expedited
    processing of her requests, the FBI did not release any
    documents or make any determination regarding whether she
    was entitled to expedited processing under the statute and
    associated regulations. Edmonds v. FBI, No. 02-1294, Order at
    2 (D.D.C. Dec. 3, 2002) (“December 3, 2002 Order”).1
    On June 27, 2002, Edmonds sued the FBI under FOIA,
    seeking an order to require production of the requested
    documents. See 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    (a)(4)(B). On July 15, she filed
    an amended complaint alleging a statutory right to expedited
    processing of her FOIA requests and seeking an order directing
    expedition. Am. Compl. ¶¶ 21-22. Thereafter, Edmonds moved
    for partial summary judgment, asking the district court to order
    the FBI to expedite the processing of her requests. Edmonds
    relied on 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    (a)(6)(E)(i), which requires agencies to
    promulgate regulations “providing for expedited processing of
    requests for records” in certain circumstances, and on §
    552(a)(6)(E)(iii), which provides that “failure by an agency to
    respond in a timely manner” to a request for expedited
    processing “shall be subject to judicial review.” The FBI
    opposed the motion and cross-moved for a stay until April 1,
    2003, under Open America v. Watergate Special Prosecution
    Subject to exceptions and exemptions, FOIA requires that “each
    agency, upon any request for records . . . , shall make the records
    promptly available to any person.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    (a)(3)(A). Except
    in “unusual circumstances,” 
     § 552(a)(6)(B)(i), an agency must
    “determine within 20 days . . . whether to comply with such request
    [and] immediately notify the person making such request of such
    determination,” id. § 552(a)(6)(A)(i). As discussed infra, FOIA also
    requires agencies to promulgate regulations “providing for expedited
    processing of requests for records,” id. § 552(a)(6)(E)(i), and further
    requires that such regulations ensure “that a determination of whether
    to provide expedited processing shall be made, and notice of the
    determination shall be provided to the person making the request,
    within 10 days after the date of the request.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    547 F.2d 605
     (D.C. Cir. 1976).2
    On December 3, 2002, the district court granted Edmonds’
    motion for partial summary judgment and denied the FBI’s
    motion for a stay. December 3, 2002 Order at 8. The court
    concluded that Edmonds’ request “easily me[t] th[e] standard”
    set by the Department of Justice’s FOIA regulation, which
    provides for expedited processing in a “‘matter of widespread
    and exceptional media interest in which there exist possible
    questions about the government’s integrity which affect public
    confidence.’” Id. at 6 (quoting 
    28 C.F.R. § 16.5
    (d)(1)(iv)). On
    December 16, the court ordered the FBI to “complete the
    expedited processing of plaintiff’s FOIA request and provide
    plaintiff with all documents as to which no exemption is being
    claimed” by January 31, 2003. Edmonds v. FBI, No. 02-1294,
    Order at 1 (D.D.C. Dec. 16, 2002). The court subsequently
    extended the deadline to February 10. See Edmonds v. FBI, 
    310 F. Supp. 2d 55
    , 56-57 (D.D.C. 2004).
    On February 10, 2003, the FBI released 343 pages to
    Edmonds, but advised the court that it was withholding another
    1143 pages responsive to her FOIA request. The FBI then
    moved for summary judgment, contending that the withheld
    FOIA permits a court to “retain jurisdiction and allow the agency
    additional time to complete its review of the records” if the
    “Government can show exceptional circumstances exist and the
    agency is exercising due diligence in responding to the request.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    (a)(6)(C)(i). In Open America, the court held that
    exceptional circumstances exist when an agency “is deluged with a
    volume of requests for information vastly in excess of that anticipated
    by Congress, . . . the existing resources are inadequate to deal with the
    volume of requests within the time limits of subsection (6)(A), and .
    . . the agency can show that it ‘is exercising due diligence’ in
    processing the requests.” Open America, 
    547 F.2d at 616
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    documents were exempt from disclosure. See 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    On July 24, the district court granted the FBI’s motion with
    respect to all but three of the remaining pages. As to those
    pages, the court asked the FBI to provide additional information
    justifying withholding. See 
     Thereafter, the FBI released the
    three pages without being ordered to do so. See 
    On December 12, 2003, Edmonds filed a motion for
    attorney’s fees relating to the December 16, 2002 order
    requiring expedited treatment of her FOIA request, and to the
    FBI’s release of the additional three pages. The district court
    denied Edmonds’ fee motion, concluding that she had not
    “substantially prevailed” on her FOIA claim, as required for fee
    eligibility under the statute. See 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    (providing that “[t]he court may assess against the United States
    reasonable attorney fees and other litigation costs reasonably
    incurred in any case under this section in which the complainant
    has substantially prevailed”). Edmonds now appeals from the
    denial of her motion.
    In Buckhannon Board & Care Home, Inc. v. West Virginia
    Department of Health and Human Resources, 
    532 U.S. 598
    (2001), the Supreme Court considered the attorney’s fees
    provisions of the Fair Housing Amendments Act, 
    42 U.S.C. § 3601
     et seq., and the Americans with Disabilities Act, 
    42 U.S.C. § 12101
     et seq., which permit courts to award fees only to a
    “prevailing party.” 
     §§ 3613(c)(2), 12205. The Court
    rejected the plaintiffs’ contention, which it characterized as the
    “catalyst theory,” that “a plaintiff is a ‘prevailing party’ if it
    achieves the desired result because the lawsuit brought about a
    voluntary change in the defendant’s conduct.” Buckhannon, 
    532 U.S. at 601
    . Rather, the Court ruled, for a litigant to be a
    “prevailing party,” there must have been a “judicially sanctioned
    change in the legal relationship of the parties.” 
    Id. at 605
    “[E]nforceable judgments on the merits and court-ordered
    consent decrees,” the Court said, suffice to create such a change.
    Id. at 604
    In Oil, Chemical & Atomic Workers International Union v.
    Department of Energy (OCAW), this circuit extended the
    holding of Buckhannon to the fee-shifting provision of FOIA.
    288 F.3d 452
    , 454-57 (D.C. Cir. 2002). The OCAW court
    concluded that “the ‘substantially prevail’ language in FOIA [is]
    the functional equivalent of the ‘prevailing party’ language
    found in” the statutes interpreted in Buckhannon. 
    Id. at 455-56
    It “therefore h[e]ld that in order for plaintiffs in FOIA actions to
    become eligible for an award of attorney’s fees, they must have
    ‘been awarded some relief by [a] court,’ either in a judgment on
    the merits or in a court-ordered consent decree.” 
    Id. at 456-57
    (quoting Buckhannon, 
    532 U.S. at 603
    Edmonds asserts that she satisfied the requirements of
    Buckhannon and OCAW by obtaining partial summary judgment
    on the question of expedited review, an order from the district
    court directing release of nonexempt documents by February 10,
    2003, and the actual release of 343 pages that day. 3 She
    contends that she further prevailed by ultimately obtaining the
    release of the three additional pages. We review the district
    court’s contrary determination, which rests on “an interpretation
    of the statutory terms that define eligibility for an award,” de
    As a fallback, Edmonds “respectfully argues that Buckhannon
    does not apply in FOIA” cases. Appellant’s Br. at 32. In light of our
    disposition, Edmonds does not need a fallback argument; but if she
    did, the contrary decision in OCAW would deprive this panel of the
    authority to consider such an argument. See, e.g., Air Line Pilots
    Ass’n, Int’l v. United States Dep’t of Transp., 
    838 F.2d 563
    , 565 n.3
    (D.C. Cir. 1988).
    novo. National Ass’n of Mfrs. v. Department of Labor, 
    159 F.3d 597
    , 599 (D.C. Cir. 1998).
    The district court concluded, and the government argues on
    appeal, that Edmonds was not a prevailing party because “a
    court order requiring expedited processing does not rise to the
    level of a ‘material alteration of the legal relationship of the
    parties necessary to permit an award of attorney’s fees.’”
    310 F. Supp. 2d at 58
     (quoting Buckhannon, 
    532 U.S. at 604
     (internal quotation marks omitted). We disagree. Prior
    to the December 16, 2002 order, the FBI was not under judicial
    direction to produce any category of documents by any specified
    date. Once the court issued that order, the Bureau was under
    judicial direction to produce all nonexempt documents, first by
    January 31 and then by February 10, 2003. The order thus
    amounted to a “judicially sanctioned change in the legal
    relationship of the parties.” Buckhannon, 
    532 U.S. at 605
    Thereafter, timely production of nonexempt documents by the
    FBI could no longer be described as a “voluntary change in the
    defendant’s conduct.” 
    Id. at 600
    . To the contrary, the plaintiff
    then had an “enforceable judgment,” 
     at 607 n.9, and if the
    defendant failed to comply, it faced the sanction of contempt.
    1.    The district court thought OCAW stood for the
    proposition that the requirements of Buckhannon could not be
    satisfied until there was a “judgment by the Court regarding the
    legality of the government’s withholding of documents.”
    310 F. Supp. 2d at 58
    . That is incorrect. OCAW --
    which did not involve FOIA’s expedited processing provision --
    did hold that an August 23, 1999 order in that case “requir[ing]
    that the Energy Department complete its record review in 60
    days” did not materially alter the legal status of the parties. 
    288 F.3d at 458
    . But as the OCAW court described it, that order was
    quite different from the one issued by the district court in this
    According to OCAW, “[b]efore August 23, the court had not
    ordered the Energy Department to turn over any documents;
    after August 23, the Energy Department still had no obligation
    to do so.” 
     In the instant case, by contrast, the district court’s
    December 16, 2002 order did not merely direct the FBI to
    “complete its record review.” 
     Rather, it ordered the Bureau
    to turn over all nonexempt documents by a date certain. After
    the court issued that order (and the subsequent extension), the
    FBI had a clear obligation to turn over such documents by
    February 10. And the FBI did release 343 nonexempt
    documents that day.
    Even so, the government maintains that an order directing
    expedited processing “does not meaningfully alter the legal
    obligations between a FOIA requester and the government; it
    merely allows one person to push aside the prior claims of
    others and jump to the head of the line.” Appellee’s Br. at 10.
    But whether or not an expedition order changes the
    government’s obligations to the universe of all FOIA requesters,
    there is no question that it changes the government’s obligations
    to the plaintiff requester. Not only must the agency permit the
    plaintiff to “jump to the head of the line” -- a meaningful
    obligation in itself -- it must produce the documents by the
    court-designated deadline.
    2. Nor is it correct to argue, as the government does, that a
    party who obtains an expedition order has not “prevailed on the
    merits of at least some of [her] claims.” Buckhannon, 
    532 U.S. at 603
     (quoting Hanrahan v. Hampton, 
    446 U.S. 754
    , 758
    (1980)) (emphasis added). Unlike the OCAW order, which the
    court described as a “scheduling order[]” that did not award the
    plaintiff “judicial relief on the merits of [its] complaint,” 288
    F.3d at 458-59, expedited processing of a FOIA request is a
    statutory right, not just a matter of court procedure. See Al-
    Fayed v. CIA, 
    254 F.3d 300
    , 304 (D.C. Cir. 2001) (treating a
    plaintiff’s entitlement to expedited processing as a merits
    FOIA’s expedited-processing provision, added by the
    Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996,
    requires each agency to “promulgate regulations . . . providing
    for expedited processing of requests for records -- (I) in cases in
    which the person requesting the records demonstrates a
    compelling need; and (II) in other cases determined by the
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    (a)(6)(E)(i). The same amendments
    make the right to expedition judicially enforceable, stating that
    “[a]gency action to deny or affirm denial of a request for
    expedited processing pursuant to this subparagraph, and failure
    by an agency to respond in a timely manner to such a request[,]
    shall be subject to judicial review under paragraph (4).” 
    552(a)(6)(E)(iii).4   Thus, the district court order granting
    Edmonds partial summary judgment and compelling production
    of nonexempt documents by February 10 was not, as the
    government suggests, a mere “procedural timing order.”
    Appellee’s Br. at 25. Rather, it vindicated a statutory right that
    Edmonds’ complaint expressly claimed, see Am. Compl. ¶ 21,
    and granted her relief that she specifically sought, see id. ¶ 22.
    In short, it provided the plaintiff with full relief “on the merits”
    of her claim to expedited treatment.
    We reject the government’s further suggestion that
    The judicial review provision referenced in the quotation grants
    district courts “jurisdiction to enjoin the agency from withholding
    agency records and to order the production of any agency records
    improperly withheld from the complainant.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    see Al-Fayed, 
    254 F.3d at 305
    whatever benefit Edmonds obtained from expedited processing
    was too insubstantial to entitle her to a fee award. See Oral Arg.
    Tape at 21:30-:40. Plainly, there is value to obtaining something
    earlier than one otherwise would. That is why people
    commonly pay -- and delivery services commonly charge -- a
    premium for next-day delivery of important documents. Cf.
    H.R. REP . NO. 93-876, at 6 (1974) (report on the 1974 FOIA
    amendments) (“[I]nformation is often useful only if it is timely.
    Thus, excessive delay by the agency in its response is often
    tantamount to denial.”).          The 1996 FOIA amendments
    underlined Congress’ recognition of the value in hastening
    release of certain information, by creating a statutory right to
    expedited processing and providing for judicial review of its
    denial. When, pursuant to court order, the FBI finished
    processing Edmonds’ request two months earlier than it would
    have in the absence of the order, she vindicated that statutory
    3. That the district court’s order vindicated Edmonds’ right
    to expedited processing midway through the proceeding, rather
    than at its end, is of no import. The government reads our
    Amicus curiae Public Citizen suggests that, even where a
    plaintiff does not rely on FOIA’s expedited processing provision,
    court-ordered disclosure of nonexempt documents can make the
    plaintiff eligible for attorney’s fees. See Public Citizen Br. at 13 (“[A]
    plaintiff who obtains an enforceable court order that . . . denies the
    government’s request for an Open America stay to allow additional
    time to respond, and that accordingly compels the government to
    respond to her request on an accelerated basis, satisfies the
    Buckhannon/OCAW standard for recognition as a prevailing party.”);
    id. at 8 (“FOIA requesters, even in the ordinary case, [have] an
    enforceable substantive entitlement to have their requests acted upon
    as promptly as possible . . . .”). Because Edmonds does rely on the
    statute’s expedited review provision, we have no need to address this
    opinion in Thomas v. National Science Foundation, 
    330 F.3d 486
     (D.C. Cir. 2003), as foreclosing the award of attorney’s fees
    based on a grant of partial summary judgment or a preliminary
    injunction. But that is a misreading. What failed to suffice in
    Thomas was “partial summary judgment [that] did not afford
    appellees any concrete relief, beyond [a] mere legal
    declaration”; what was necessary for a fee award, we said, was
    a declaration that “requir[ed] some action . . . by the defendant.”
    Id. at 493-94
     (internal quotation marks omitted). Similarly, the
    deficiency in the Thomas injunction was not that it was
    preliminary, but that it did nothing more than “preserve[] the
    status quo pending final adjudication of the case,” after which
    it was vacated and its existence adjudged by this court to have
    had no consequence. 
    Id. at 493
    . The case was “easily
    distinguishable,” we said, from those in which the “specific
    relief granted . . . was concrete and could not be reversed.” 
    Our recent decision in Select Milk Producers, Inc. v.
    400 F.3d 939
     (D.C. Cir. 2005), confirms this reading.
    There, we rejected the government’s suggestion that Thomas
    established a “per se rule that a preliminary injunction can never
    serve as the basis for deeming a plaintiff a ‘prevailing party’”
    under a fee-shifting statute. 
    Id. at 946
    . “Rather,” we said,
    “Thomas held that, in the particular circumstances of that case,
    plaintiffs could not satisfy the ‘prevailing party’ requirement,
    because the preliminary injunction at issue had not changed the
    legal relationship between the parties.” 
     As we explained,
    “Thomas did not suggest that, in a dispute such as the one [in
    Select Milk], where a preliminary injunction effected a
    substantial change in the legal relationship between the parties
    and provided plaintiffs with concrete and irreversible relief,
    plaintiffs could not be considered ‘prevailing parties.’” 
    Edmonds’ eligibility for fees is consistent with Thomas and
    Select Milk. Here, the plaintiff received not just a declaration of
    her right to expedited processing, but an order that “changed the
    legal relationship between the parties.” 
     And unlike the
    preliminary injunction in Thomas, the December 16, 2002 order
    in this case “requir[ed] some action . . . by the defendant,”
    330 F.3d at 493-94
    , and “provided plaintiffs with
    concrete and irreversible relief,” Select Milk, 
    400 F.3d at 946
    Indeed, this is an easier case than Select Milk because there was
    nothing “preliminary” about the order requiring the FBI to
    release all nonexempt documents by February 10; on the
    contrary, the order granted Edmonds a portion of the ultimate
    relief she sought in her complaint. The government is thus
    wrong in contending that “‘[t]his type of judicial decree is not
    enough to warrant a fee award, because it represents not the end
    but the means of the litigation.’” Appellee’s Br. at 17 (quoting
    330 F.3d at 494
    ) (internal quotation marks omitted). In
    this case, expedited processing was not just the means but an
    end sought by the plaintiff. See Role Models America, Inc. v.
    353 F.3d 962
    , 966 (D.C. Cir. 2004) (concluding that
    a plaintiff that obtained an injunction allowing it to compete for
    excess military property was a “prevailing party,” because the
    injunction “gave [the plaintiff] the precise relief it sought”).
    4. Finally, the government insists that Edmonds is not a
    prevailing party because the December 16, 2002 order set a date
    for disclosure (initially January 31, subsequently extended to
    February 10) that was later than a deadline the FBI “had earlier
    agreed to meet.” Appellee’s Br. at 2. In response to Edmonds’
    motion for an order compelling expedited processing, the
    government did send her a letter offering to “advance the release
    date” for responsive documents to January 20, 2003 -- “in order
    to moot out [the] Motion.” Letter from V. Mei to D. K.
    Colapinto (Oct. 8, 2002). But Edmonds declined the offer,
    advancing a counterproposal seeking, inter alia, the
    government’s agreement to entry of a judicial consent decree a
    and payment of attorney’s fees. Letter from Colapinto to Mei
    (Oct. 11, 2002).
    Thereafter, the government did not voluntarily proceed to
    expedite the process and meet the proffered January 20 date. To
    the contrary, it effectively withdrew its offer, filing a motion to
    stay the proceedings until April 1 and representing to the court
    that it would take until then to process Edmonds’ request. See
    Def.’s Opp’n to Mot. for Partial Summ. J. & Cross Mot. for
    Open America Stay at 3 (Oct. 23, 2002); C. Kiefer Decl. ¶¶ 45-
    46 (Oct. 23, 2002). Accordingly, once the court granted
    Edmonds’ motion and compelled production by February 10, the
    government’s production on that date could not be regarded as
    Still, the government sees Edmonds as having gamed the
    system in a way that courts should prevent. Citing a 1976
    opinion by Judge Friendly, the government complains that
    granting attorney’s fees under these circumstances would
    “create perverse incentives to litigate solely for the sake of a fee
    award.” Appellee’s Br. at 16 (citing Vermont Low Income
    Advocacy Council, Inc. v. Usery, 
    546 F.2d 509
    , 513 (2d Cir.
    1976)). In the government’s view, “Edmonds’ rejection of the
    proffered January 20 date was not based on any principled
    reason -- the avowed and only purpose of litigating the motion
    was an effort to obtain attorneys’ fees.” 
     Edmonds begs to
    differ. She insists that she declined to accept the offer primarily
    because the government refused to agree to make it judicially
    enforceable, a proviso she thought necessary in light of what she
    describes as the government’s “prior failure to address her
    expedited processing requests . . . and [its] prior misleading and
    inconsistent statements . . . as to a possible release date.”
    Appellant’s Reply Br. at 5-6.
    This dispute is beside the point. Indeed, it is ironic that the
    government presses Judge Friendly’s opinion upon us, since in
    OCAW it successfully urged this court to reject that same
    opinion -- which had reasoned (inter alia) that the government
    should not be allowed to “abort any award of attorney fees by an
    eleventh hour tender of the information requested” after
    “developments made it apparent that the judge was about to rule
    for the plaintiff.” OCAW, 
    288 F.3d at 456
     (quoting Vermont
    Low Income Advocacy Council, 
    546 F.2d at 513
    ). Accepting the
    government’s view, the OCAW court read Buckhannon as
    holding that “policy arguments could not carry the day because
    the meaning of ‘prevailing party’ was clear.” 
     And in
    Alegria v. District of Columbia, 
    391 F.3d 262
     (D.C. Cir. 2004),
    we similarly recognized that Buckhannon had given “short
    shrift” to policy arguments about the impact its “judicially
    sanctioned change” requirement would have on litigation
     at 265 (citing Buckhannon, 
    532 U.S. at 607-08
    For that reason, we felt ourselves likewise obliged to give short
    shrift to the Alegria plaintiffs’ policy argument that refusing to
    permit fee awards for private settlements would lead to
    unnecessarily protracted litigation. See id. at 269.
    In Buckhannon, the Supreme Court determined that,
    “[g]iven the clear meaning of ‘prevailing party’ in the fee-
    shifting statutes, . . . Congress ha[s] not extended any roving
    authority” to the courts to consider policy arguments in
    determining eligibility for attorney’s fees. 
    532 U.S. at 610
    (internal quotation marks omitted).        There is nothing in
    Buckhannon or our own cases that would permit us to assume
    such a roving authority when the policy arguments are made by
    the government, rather than the plaintiff.
    We therefore conclude that Edmonds “prevailed” in her
    FOIA action by obtaining court-ordered, expedited processing
    of her request, which culminated in the release of 343
    nonexempt pages. Generally, “plaintiffs may be considered
    prevailing parties for attorney’s fees purposes if they succeed on
    any significant issue in litigation which achieves some of the
    benefit the parties sought in bringing the suit.” Farrar v. Hobby,
    506 U.S. 103
    , 109 (1992) (internal quotation marks omitted); see
    Texas State Teachers Ass’n v. Garland Indep. Sch. Dist., 
    489 U.S. 782
    , 790 (1989) (“[T]he degree of the plaintiff’s success in
    relation to the other goals of the lawsuit is a factor critical to the
    determination of the size of a reasonable fee, not to eligibility
    for a fee award at all.”). The same holds true in FOIA cases,
    given our determination that “the ‘substantially prevail’
    language in FOIA [is] the functional equivalent of the
    ‘prevailing party’ language found in other statutes.” OCAW,
    288 F.3d at 455-56
    . Accordingly, Edmonds is eligible for an
    award of attorney’s fees whether or not she also substantially
    prevailed by obtaining the release of an additional three pages,
    and we need not decide that issue.
    That is not the end of the matter, however. Our case law
    makes clear that a FOIA plaintiff who “substantially prevail[s]”
    becomes eligible for attorney’s fees; whether the plaintiff is
    actually entitled to a fee award is a separate inquiry that requires
    a court to consider a series of factors. See, e.g., Tax Analysts v.
    965 F.2d 1092
    , 1093-94 (D.C. Cir. 1992); see also 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    (a)(4)(E) (providing that “[t]he court may assess .
    . . reasonable attorney fees . . . in any case under this section in
    which the complainant has substantially prevailed” (emphasis
    added)). Because the district court found Edmonds ineligible for
    fees, it did not address the second step of the inquiry, Edmonds,
    310 F. Supp. 2d at
    58 n.2, which both parties agree is not before
    us. We therefore remand for the district court to consider that
    Reversed and remanded.