TNA Merchant Projects, Inc. v. FERC , 857 F.3d 354 ( 2017 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued March 21, 2017                           May 19, 2017
    No. 13-1008
    Consolidated with 15-1320, 16-1009
    On Petitions for Review of Orders of the
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
    James K. Mitchell argued the cause and filed the cause for
    Susanna Y. Chu, Attorney, Federal Energy Regulatory
    Commission, argued the cause for respondent. With her on the
    brief was Robert H. Solomon, Solicitor.
    J. Courtney Olive, Special Assistant U.S. Attorney,
    Bonneville Power Administration, argued the cause for
    intervenor. With him on the brief was Jennifer A. Gingrich,
    Attorney Advisor. Barbara C. Biddle and Jeffrey A. Clair,
    Attorneys, U.S. Department of Justice, and Mary K. Jensen,
    Attorney, Bonneville Power Administration, entered
    Before: PILLARD, Circuit Judge, and EDWARDS and
    SENTELLE, Senior Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Senior Circuit Judge
    EDWARDS, Senior Circuit Judge: In 2008 the Federal
    Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC” or “Commission”)
    invoked Section 205 of the Federal Power Act (the “Act” or
    “FPA”) to order Chehalis Power Generating, L.P., (“Chehalis”)
    to refund a portion of the rates it had charged a customer
    because they were not just and reasonable. Several years later,
    FERC had second thoughts. It determined that Chehalis should
    not, after all, have been required to pay these funds and held
    that Chehalis ought to recover funds with interest. But
    Bonneville Power Administration (“Intervenor”), the customer
    to whom Chehalis had paid the refund, had no interest in
    voluntarily returning the money. Chehalis sought relief from
    FERC by filing a Motion for an Order Requiring Recoupment
    of Payments. FERC, however, in a perplexing decision, held
    that it could not order recoupment because the Commission’s
    refund authority does not extend to exempt public utilities such
    as the Intervenor Bonneville. We hold that FERC erred when
    it held that it lacked the authority to grant the Order Requiring
    Section 309 of the FPA, which permits FERC to “perform
    any and all acts . . . [as may be] necessary or appropriate to
    carry out [the Act’s] provisions,” 16 U.S.C. § 825h, clearly
    affords FERC the authority necessary to make Chehalis whole.
    In concluding otherwise, FERC looked to §§ 201(f) and 205
    which prohibit it from ordering governmental entities, such as
    Bonneville, to refund “rates or charges” that FERC determines
    are “not justified.” 16 U.S.C. § 824d(e); see 16 U.S.C. § 824(f).
    FERC determined that because it could not require Bonneville
    to grant “refunds” under § 205, it was also barred from granting
    “recoupment” of a refund in favor of Chehalis. This reasoning
    does not hold up. The strictures of §§ 201(f) and 205 place no
    limits on FERC’s ability to grant this form of relief.
    FERC clearly had jurisdiction over the subject of this
    dispute – i.e., the funds that it ordered Chehalis to pay to
    Bonneville in refunds pursuant to § 205 of the FPA. Therefore,
    FERC retained the authority to order Bonneville to return the
    funds when the agency acknowledged that its initial order was
    mistaken. Section 309 vests the Commission with broad
    remedial authority, including the authority to grant recoupment
    when it is justified. And § 201(f) does not limit the authority of
    FERC to grant relief under § 309 with respect to matters that
    are beyond the strictures of § 201(f) and § 205. An order of
    recoupment, as distinguished from an order to refund under §
    205, is beyond the strictures of § 201(f) and § 205.
    We uphold FERC’s determination that, on the record of
    this case, recoupment of funds by Chehalis is appropriate. We
    reverse the Commission’s determination that the Act does not
    grant the agency authority to order Bonneville to repay the
    funds that it should not have received. However, we remand
    the case to allow the Commission to determine whether it
    should apportion its recoupment order. FERC amply explained
    why recoupment is justified in this case, but in assessing the
    equities the Commission did not consider whether something
    less than full recoupment might be warranted.
    Chehalis operates an electric generating plant that is
    interconnected with the electric transmission system of
    Intervenor, a federal agency within the Department of Energy.
    See TNA Merchant Projects, Inc. v. FERC, 
    616 F.3d 588
    , 589–
    90 (D.C. Cir. 2010); Br. for FERC at 4. Since the
    commencement of this litigation, Chehalis’s corporate parent,
    TNA Merchant Projects, Inc., the Petitioner in this case, has
    sold its equity ownership interests in Chehalis but retained the
    right to litigate this matter. Br. for Petitioner at 8. For
    convenience’s sake we, like the parties, will refer to Petitioner
    as Chehalis.
    Prior to 2005, Chehalis supplied reactive power to
    Intervenor pursuant to an Interconnection Agreement that did
    not provide for Chehalis to be compensated for this service.
    TNA Merchant Projects, 
    Inc., 616 F.3d at 590
    . In May 2005,
    Chehalis filed a proposed rate schedule with FERC, which set
    forth “Chehalis’ rates for the provision of Reactive Power
    Service,” that would allow it to charge Intervenor for its
    services for the first time. See 
    id. (quoting Chehalis
    Schedule, Joint Appendix (“JA”) 10). The accompanying letter
    informed FERC that these rates were “initial rates” because
    Chehalis had “never sought to charge for this service before.”
    JA 6.
    This initial rate designation was significant. FERC
    “regulates rates for wholesale interstate sales of electricity
    pursuant to sections 205 and 206 of the Federal Power Act.”
    Middle S. Energy, Inc. v. FERC, 
    747 F.2d 763
    , 765 (D.C. Cir.
    1984). As relevant here, § 205(a)–(c) require that “all rates for
    jurisdictional sales of electricity . . . be reasonable and just,”
    that there be no “undue preferences and discrimination among
    customers,” and that sellers file “all rate schedules” with
    Id. To ensure
    that these requirements are met, § 205(e)
    permits FERC to suspend a rate schedule for up to five months
    after it is filed so that it can hold a hearing regarding the
    proposed rates. See 
    id. If FERC
    deems the rates to be “unjust
    and unreasonable” it “may require refunds of any rates
    collected” during this time period. 
    Id. This refund
    however, applies only to “changed,” as opposed to “initial”
    rates. See TNA Merchant Projects, 
    Inc., 616 F.3d at 590
    In spite of Chehalis’s protestations to the contrary, in July
    of 2005 FERC found that its proposed rate schedule was a
    “changed rate[].” Order, JA 101. The Commission reasoned
    that “[a]n initial rate schedule must involve a new customer and
    a new service” and Chehalis was not offering either, simply
    continuing to “provid[e] reactive power to [Intervenor].” 
    Id. FERC then
    exercised its authority under § 205(e) to suspend
    these rates “for a nominal period, to become effective August
    1, 2005 . . . subject to refund.” Id.; TNA Merchant Projects,
    Inc., 616 F.3d at 590
    . FERC denied Chehalis’s request for
    rehearing and, on April 17, 2008, concluded that Chehalis’s
    proposed rates were excessive and ordered it to refund
    Intervenor “a portion of the revenues it had collected for
    supplying reactive power service to [Intervenor] from August
    1, 2005 through September 30, 2006,” an amount totaling
    approximately $2 million. Order on Rehearing, JA 330.
    Chehalis appealed FERC’s initial order and denial of
    rehearing, arguing that its May 2005 proposed rate schedule
    was not a “changed rate” subject to suspension and refund. See
    TNA Merchant Projects, 
    Inc., 616 F.3d at 590
    –91. This court
    vacated and remanded FERC’s orders because we found that
    FERC had failed to explain why Chehalis was required to file
    an initial rate schedule when it was providing Intervenor with
    power gratis, a claim which was essential to FERC’s argument
    that Chehalis’s May 2005 proposed rate schedule constituted a
    changed rate. See 
    id. at 592–93.
    On remand, FERC issued an
    order addressing this matter, which again held that Chehalis’s
    May 2005 proposed rate schedule constituted a changed rate.
    See Order, JA 251. After FERC denied its request for
    rehearing, Chehalis once more appealed FERC’s determination
    to this court. See Br. for FERC at 8.
    Before we had a chance to rule on this matter, however,
    FERC requested, and was granted, a voluntary remand in order
    to “more fully consider” the arguments raised in Chehalis’s
    opening brief. Order on Voluntary Remand, JA 296. FERC
    then issued a new order on October 17, 2013, which reaffirmed
    its finding that “Chehalis should have earlier filed a rate
    schedule for its provision of reactive power service, making its
    later filing . . . a changed rate.” 
    Id. It noted,
    however, that its
    precedents on this point had not been entirely clear and thus
    stated that its determination that entities should file “rates,
    terms and conditions for the provision of reactive power
    service . . . for which there is no compensation” was a
    prospective policy, inapplicable to Chehalis. 
    Id. at 299.
    Therefore, it reasoned, “it would be appropriate for Chehalis to
    recover the amounts previously refunded to [Intervenor], with
    Id. On July
    16, 2015, FERC issued a new order addressing
    both Chehalis and Intervenor’s requests for rehearing as well
    as a motion for an order requiring recoupment of payments
    filed by Chehalis. See Order on Rehearing, JA 319. It denied
    the parties’ requests for rehearing and emphasized that, “after
    balancing the equities of [this] case,” it believed that
    recoupment would be appropriate because “Chehalis should
    not be penalized given the need for clarification of the policy
    governing the filing of rates, terms and conditions for the
    provision of reactive power service.” 
    Id. at 328;
    id. at 325.
    In response to Chehalis’s motion for an Order Requiring
    Recoupment, FERC “affirm[ed] [its] prior determination that
    recoupment of funds by Chehalis would be appropriate,” but
    held that the Act did not “grant [it] authority to order
    [Intervenor] to repay the funds at issue.” 
    Id. at 332.
    In an Order
    on Rehearing issued on November 19, 2015, FERC reiterated
    this position. It reasoned that it could not draw on § 309 of the
    Act to order Intervenor to return Chehalis’s refund, as using
    this provision “to order recoupment would be an overreach,
    because the Commission’s refund authority under section 205
    does not extend to exempt public utilities such as [Intervenor]
    . . . . [and § 309] does not grant the Commission any broader
    authority than that provided by section 205.” Order on
    Rehearing, JA 339. Chehalis then petitioned this court for
    review of FERC’s July 16, 2015 and November 19, 2015
    Orders. This petition was consolidated with two other petitions
    previously filed by Chehalis, which effectively placed before
    this court every order issued after our decision in TNA
    Merchant Projects, Inc. described above.
    A. Standard of Review
    In general, this court will “set aside a decision [by FERC]
    only if it is arbitrary and capricious or otherwise contrary to
    law.” Envtl. Action, Inc. v. FERC, 
    939 F.2d 1057
    , 1061 (D.C.
    Cir. 1991). FERC’s interpretation of the FPA, including its
    “jurisdictional provisions,” however, “enjoy[s] Chevron
    deference.” Nat’l Ass’n of Regulatory Util. Comm’rs v. FERC,
    475 F.3d 1277
    , 1279 (D.C. Cir. 2007); see S.C. Pub. Serv. Auth.
    v. FERC, 
    762 F.3d 41
    , 54 (D.C. Cir. 2014). When FERC has
    taken action pursuant to its delegated authority under the Act,
    “unless Congress has directly spoken to the contrary, or FERC
    has unreasonably or impermissibly interpreted the statute, we
    must defer to the Commission’s construction of ambiguous
    provisions of the FPA.” Transmission Access Policy Study Grp.
    v. FERC, 
    225 F.3d 667
    , 694 (D.C. Cir. 2000).
    B. FERC Has the Authority to Issue An Order of
    As noted above, FERC concluded that it could not “order
    recoupment . . . because the Commission’s refund authority
    under section 205 does not extend to exempt public utilities”
    such as Bonneville. Order on Rehearing, JA 339 (emphasis
    added). The Commission’s refund authority under § 205 does
    not extend to Bonneville because it is an exempt public utility
    under § 201(f) of the FPA. FERC thus concluded that because
    it could not require Bonneville to grant “refunds” under § 205,
    it was also barred from granting “recoupment” of a refund in
    favor of Petitioner. This is a tortured interpretation of the
    statute that finds no support in the words of the Act or in the
    case law.
    To be clear: § 201(f) states that “[n]o provision in
    [subchapter II] shall apply to, or be deemed to include” certain
    non-jurisdictional entities, such as Intervenor, “unless such
    provision makes specific reference thereto.” 16 U.S.C.
    § 824(f). Because § 205 also appears in subchapter II of the
    FPA and it does not expressly authorize FERC to order “non-
    jurisdictional entities” to pay refunds, the Commission
    concluded that § 201(f) bars it from making Chehalis whole.
    The case law is clear that § 205, when read in conjunction
    with § 201(f), bars FERC from ordering a non-jurisdictional
    entity to provide a refund to another entity. See, e.g.,
    Transmission Agency of N. Cal. v. FERC, 
    495 F.3d 663
    , 673–
    75 (D.C. Cir. 2007); Bonneville Power Admin. v. FERC, 
    422 F.3d 908
    , 914–26 (9th Cir. 2005). These decisions are
    inapposite, however, because this case does not involve a
    request for a refund under § 205. This case concerns
    recoupment, which is an entirely distinct remedy from a refund.
    See Black Oak Energy, LLC v. FERC, 
    725 F.3d 230
    , 243–44
    (D.C. Cir. 2013). FERC does not doubt that it has the authority
    to order recoupment, and it does not claim that the authority to
    do this comes from § 205. Therefore, § 201(f) and § 205,
    together, do not limit FERC’s authority to order a recoupment
    where a non-jurisdictional entity improperly received a refund.
    The starting point for our analysis of FERC’s authority to
    issue an order of recoupment in this case must thus be § 309,
    not § 205. Section 309 permits FERC to “perform any and all
    acts . . . [as may be] necessary or appropriate to carry out [the
    Act’s] provisions.” 16 U.S.C. § 825h. This provision vests
    FERC with broad remedial authority, and we have held that it
    allows FERC to “use means of regulation not spelled out in
    detail [in the Act].” Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. v. FPC, 
    379 F.2d 153
    , 158 (D.C. Cir. 1967). Obviously, any actions that
    FERC takes under § 309 must “conform[] with the purposes
    and policies of Congress” and cannot “contravene any terms of
    the Act.” 
    Id. Thus, §
    309 cannot be used to supersede specific
    statutory strictures, such as §§ 201(f) and 205’s prohibition on
    requiring a non-jurisdictional entity to provide a refund to
    another entity. However, beyond strictures of this sort, that
    plainly limit FERC’s authority, § 309 affords the agency broad
    authority to “remedy its errors” and correct unjust situations.
    Xcel Energy Servs. Inc. v. FERC, 
    815 F.3d 947
    , 956 (D.C. Cir.
    FERC says that § 309 does not grant the Commission any
    broader authority than that provided by § 205. That may be so,
    but it is beside the point. Section 205, as relevant in this case,
    addresses refunds and the issue here is recoupment. Chehalis is
    not seeking a refund pursuant to § 205, so the limits imposed
    on FERC’s § 205 refund authority are not in play.
    Our case law makes it clear that both § 309 and FERC’s
    implicit remedial authority under the Act provide the agency
    with considerable latitude when it is prescribing remedies for
    violations of the FPA and attempting to undo harms caused by
    its own mistaken or unlawful acts. A good example is the
    decision in Xcel. In that case, the court addressed a situation in
    which FERC had improperly permitted the rates filed by a
    regional transmission organization or “RTO” (an umbrella
    organization that manages the transmission facilities of its
    members, which can include both public and non-public
    utilities) to take effect without securing an agreement that one
    of its members, a non-jurisdictional entity, would voluntarily
    “make refunds in the event the Commission determines the rate
    as filed is not just and 
    reasonable.” 815 F.3d at 950
    ; see 
    id. at 950–51;
    Transmission Agency of N. 
    Cal., 495 F.3d at 667
    . In
    spite of the fact that FERC admitted that this action was
    unlawful, it nonetheless held that it lacked the authority to
    order the RTO to issue refunds due to its longstanding policy
    that “rate schedules cannot be suspended after they take effect.”
    Xcel, 815 F.3d at 952
    ; see 
    id. at 955.
    We rejected this decision,
    holding that FERC’s “position that its section 205 error of law
    is irremediable beyond prospective relief” appeared to be
    “irreconcilable with the authority Congress granted it in section
    309 to remedy its errors.” 
    Id. at 956.
    FERC argues on appeal that Xcel has no bearing on this
    case because “it addressed the Commission’s authority to
    correct an acknowledged legal error” whereas here the
    “Commission merely stated that it would be ‘appropriate’ for
    Chehalis to recover the refunds it had paid to Bonneville in
    light of the Commission’s policy clarification.” Br. for FERC
    at 19. This is a fairly tortured interpretation of the events that
    took place in the proceeding below. Indeed, this claim is hard
    to square with FERC counsel’s cogent defense of the
    Commission’s decision explaining why recoupment is
    appropriate in this case:
    [After FERC sought remand of this case from the
    court], the Commission clarified its policy regarding
    the filing requirements for reactive power service.
    Recognizing that its precedents had not been entirely
    clear, the Commission determined that, in fairness, its
    clarified policy should apply prospectively only.
    Accordingly, the Commission found that it would be
    appropriate for Chehalis to recover refunds it had
    issued to Bonneville prior to the agency’s policy
    clarification, thus absolving Chehalis of refund
    liability arising from the May 2005 filing.
    Br. for FERC at 2. This statement recognizes that FERC’s
    regulatory policy was unclear and that it rejected a retroactive
    application of the new policy because “[a] fundamental
    principle in our legal system is that laws which regulate persons
    or entities must give fair notice of conduct that is forbidden or
    required.” FCC v. Fox Television Stations, 
    132 S. Ct. 2307
    2317 (2012). An agency cannot enforce a rule against a party
    if it is unduly vague or if the party did not otherwise have fair
    notice of the rule. See, e.g., Christopher v. SmithKline Beecham
    132 S. Ct. 2156
    , 2167 (2012) (agency’s interpretation of
    an ambiguous regulation will not be upheld if it results in
    “unfair surprise” to regulated parties). In other words, agencies
    must provide regulated parties fair warning of the conduct a
    regulation prohibits or requires. 
    Id. In this
    case, FERC has conceded that, because the agency’s
    precedents were confusing, Petitioner did not have good reason
    to know that its rate filing would be treated as a “changed rate”
    under § 205 and, thus, be subject to refunds under § 205. These
    circumstances offer enough, pursuant to Xcel, to justify an
    order of recoupment under § 309. Indeed, FERC’s orders make
    clear it does not doubt that Chehalis is entitled to recoupment;
    it merely worries that it may not have the authority to order
    recoupment because of the statutory strictures of §§ 201(f) and
    205. As explained above, FERC is wrong with respect to the
    application of §§ 201(f) and 205 in this case.
    The decision in Xcel makes it clear that FERC enjoys broad
    authority when its past actions are determined to be wrong. See
    Xcel, 815 F.3d at 954
    –56; Nat. Gas Clearinghouse v. FERC,
    965 F.2d 1066
    , 1073–75 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (per curiam) (noting
    with approval the Commission’s decision to order “retroactive
    recoupment of refunds that were found on judicial review to
    have been improperly ordered”). This authority emanates from
    an understanding that an “agency, like a court, can undo what
    is wrongfully done by virtue of its order.” United Gas
    Improvement Co. v. Callery Props., Inc., 
    382 U.S. 223
    , 229
    (1965). “Without such corrective power, [regulated parties]
    would be substantially and irreparably injured by FERC errors,
    and judicial review would be powerless to protect them from
    much of the losses so incurred.” Nat. Gas 
    Clearinghouse, 965 F.2d at 1074
    –75; see also United Gas Improvement 
    Co., 382 U.S. at 229
    ; Pub. Utils. Comm’n of Cal. v. FERC, 
    988 F.2d 154
    , 162–63 (D.C. Cir. 1993).
    The breadth of FERC’s remedial authority is also evident
    in Black Oak Energy, in which our court accepted the
    proposition that FERC may issue an order of recoupment in
    circumstances that are very similar to those in this 
    case. 725 F.3d at 243
    –44. In Black Oak Energy, an organization, PJM,
    had accumulated a surplus of funds that it was required to
    disburse to market participants. See 
    id. at 234–35.
    It took “the
    first crack” at determining who should receive this surplus and,
    in so doing, excluded “virtual marketers” from the list of
    potential recipients. 
    Id. at 235–36.
    FERC initially approved this
    proposed distribution system, but later determined that PJM’s
    failure to disburse a portion of the surplus to these marketers
    was unlawful, and ordered PJM to refund them “surplus
    allocations . . . amounting to $37 million.” 
    Id. at 241;
    id. at 236,
    243; Black Oak Energy, LLC v. PJM Interconnection,
    LLC, 128 FERC ⁋ 61,262, 62,221–22 (2009). After PJM paid
    this refund, however, “FERC took another look at the matter of
    refunds and changed its view, effectively ordering PJM to
    recoup the refunds it had paid the virtual marketers.” Black Oak
    LLC, 725 F.3d at 241
    . On appeal, this court remanded
    without vacating FERC’s recoupment orders because we found
    it plausible that FERC could correct its failure to explain why
    recoupment was appropriate in the case “while reaching the
    same result.” 
    Id. at 244.
    The parallels between this case and Black Oak Energy are
    striking. In both cases, FERC responded to a purported
    violation of the FPA – PJM’s failure to disburse some of the
    surplus to virtual marketers and FERC’s determination that
    Chehalis’s May 2005 rate schedule was subject to review as a
    changed rate – by ordering a jurisdictional entity to pay a
    refund. And in each case FERC later changed its mind and
    determined that the jurisdictional entity should be permitted to
    recoup the refund it had issued. Black Oak Energy thus
    provides strong support for the position that FERC retained the
    authority to amend its decision to require Chehalis to refund a
    portion of its rates and order recoupment. See Black Oak
    LLC, 725 F.3d at 242
    The Commission has no answer for the decision in Black
    Oak Energy. In its brief to this court, FERC attempts to
    distinguish Black Oak Energy by simply saying that the case
    “concerned the recoupment of refunds previously ordered by
    the Commission, but did not involve governmental entities.”
    Br. for FERC at 18. This is an entirely unsatisfactory answer
    because it rests on the assumption that Petitioner is seeking a
    refund under § 205 and, thus, FERC is barred by § 201 from
    granting any relief. But, as explained above, this case is not
    about a refund under § 205. It is about FERC’s remedial
    authority under § 309. Xcel and Black Oak Energy make it clear
    that FERC has authority to order recoupment in this case.
    Intervenor has been a party throughout this case. It would
    be the height of irony if Intervenor was permitted to urge FERC
    to order Chehalis to provide them with a refund in the
    proceeding below and then deny Chehalis the right to recoup
    these monies after FERC determined they should never have
    been disbursed in the first place. There is nothing in the statute
    to indicate that Congress intended such a result.
    We thus find that FERC erred in determining that it lacked
    the authority to issue an order of recoupment. In so holding, we
    vacate FERC’s November 19, 2015 Order on Rehearing and
    the portion of FERC’s July 16, 2015 Order regarding
    Chehalis’s Motion for an Order Requiring Recoupment and
    remand this case to FERC for further proceedings regarding
    Chehalis’s request for recoupment. FERC clearly had
    jurisdiction over the funds that it ordered Chehalis to pay to the
    Intervenor in refunds pursuant to § 205 of the FPA. Therefore,
    it retained authority under § 309 to order Intervenor to return
    the funds when the agency acknowledged that its initial order
    was mistaken.
    C. Chehalis’s Remaining Claims
    Nothing in this decision is meant to disturb FERC’s finding
    that a utility providing reactive power “has an obligation to file
    a rate schedule,” regardless of whether it receives
    compensation for this service. Order Denying Rehearing, JA
    285–86. Chehalis seeks to challenge FERC’s determination on
    this point, but the matter is not properly before us.
    “Courts ‘may not decide questions that cannot affect the
    rights of litigants in the case before them or give opinions
    advising what the law would be upon a hypothetical state of
    facts.’” Daimler Trucks N. Am. LLC v. EPA, 
    745 F.3d 1212
    1216 (D.C. Cir. 2013) (quoting Chafin v. Chafin, 
    133 S. Ct. 1017
    , 1023 (2013)). But that is just what Chehalis would have
    us do here. See Br. for Petitioner at 18–37. Because FERC
    determined that Chehalis’s May 2005 rate schedule was a
    changed rate in an order issued on July 2005, and denied
    Chehalis’s request for rehearing on this matter in December
    2005, FERC determined that it had the authority to require that
    Chehalis provide Intervenor with the refund at issue in this
    case. See TNA Merchant Projects, 
    Inc., 616 F.3d at 590
    Chehalis paid Intervenor these funds on May 15, 2008. Refund
    Report, JA 242. We subsequently vacated both of these
    decisions in 2010. See TNA Merchant Projects, 
    Inc., 616 F.3d at 589
    . Therefore, the orders that Chehalis now contests have
    had no impact on its interests. FERC’s determination, on
    remand from TNA Merchant Projects, Inc., that Chehalis
    should have filed a rate schedule prior to May 2005 occurred
    long after Chehalis paid the refund. See Order on Remand, JA
    251–52. And its subsequent decision to exempt Chehalis from
    this policy by applying it prospectively certainly caused
    Chehalis no harm. Thus, in the absence of any cognizable
    injury caused by the orders that it challenges on appeal, we hold
    that Chehalis lacks standing to contest FERC’s determination
    that the FPA requires the filing of a rate schedule, even when
    an organization does not charge for the provision of reactive
    power. See Summers v. Earth Island Inst., 
    555 U.S. 488
    , 494–
    95 (2009).
    D. The Scope of Our Remand
    To avoid any confusion going forward, it will be useful for
    us to summarize the precise terms of this decision. First, we
    reverse and vacate FERC’s determination that it lacks the
    authority to issue an order of recoupment in this case. Second,
    we do not disturb FERC’s holding that recoupment of funds is
    appropriate in this case. That holding is now the law of the case.
    Third, we deny the petitions for review of the remaining orders
    challenged on appeal. Fourth, we remand the case so that FERC
    can more carefully balance the equities of this case to
    determine the amount of recoupment to which Chehalis is
    Our decision in Black Oak Energy emphasized that FERC
    must “consider[] all the [relevant] factors” before concluding
    “that recoupment [is] the proper 
    path.” 725 F.3d at 244
    . The
    same principle applies here. On remand, FERC should evaluate
    the relevant equities, including Chehalis’s possible confusion
    regarding the necessity of filing a rate schedule prior to May
    2005 and the fact that it charged Intervenor a rate which FERC
    deemed to be unjust and unreasonable, when determining how
    much of the refund Chehalis will be permitted to recoup.
    The Intervenor claims that if it is required to return the
    entire amount that it received in refunds, plus interest, it would
    unjustly enrich Chehalis by “compensating [it] for reactive
    power at a rate over 250% of what the just and reasonable rate
    should have been.” Br. for Intervenor at 32. Intervenor also
    argues that, if Chehalis is correct that the rate was new and so
    not subject to § 205, Bonneville would have been entitled to a
    refund under FPA § 206, 16 U.S.C. § 824e, which applies to
    new as well as changed rates. Section 206 authorizes FERC to
    examine a new rate and order a refund if FERC determines that
    it is not just and reasonable. Thus, Bonneville contends, even
    if Chehalis could not have predicted that FERC would treat
    Chehalis’s rate filing as a changed rate under § 205, it should
    have reasonably anticipated that its rate filing would be
    reviewable under § 206. Under § 206, Intervenor adds,
    “Chehalis would have owed nearly the same amount of refunds
    to Bonneville,” and Chehalis concedes as much. Br. for
    Intervenor at 32. We express no views on these claims. We will
    leave it to FERC to address Intervenor’s arguments when it
    weighs the equities of recoupment on remand.
    As explained in the opinion above, we grant in part and
    deny in part Chehalis’s petitions for review, and remand this
    case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.