Nuvio Corp v. FCC ( 2006 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued September 12, 2006         Decided December 15, 2006
    No. 05-1248
    Consolidated with
    05-1345, 05-1346, 05-1347
    On Petitions for Review of an Order of the
    Federal Communications Commission
    Russell M. Blau argued the cause for petitioners. With
    him on the briefs were Richard M. Rindler and Joshua M.
    James M. Carr, Counsel, Federal Communications
    Commission, argued the cause for respondents. With him on the
    brief were Peter D. Keisler, Assistant Attorney General, U.S.
    Department of Justice, Douglas N. Letter, Appellant Litigation
    Counsel, Scott R. McIntosh, Special Counsel, Samuel L. Feder,
    General Counsel, Federal Communications Commission, and
    Jacob M. Lewis and Daniel M. Armstrong, Associate General
    Counsel. John E. Ingle, Deputy Associate General Counsel, and
    Nandan M. Joshi, Counsel, entered appearances.
    Michael E. Glover, Karen Zacharia, Leslie V. Owsley,
    Joseph R. Guerra, David L. Lawson, and Gary L. Phillips were
    on the brief for intervenors AT&T Corporation and Verizon
    Telephone Companies. David W. Carpenter entered an
    Before: GINSBURG, Chief Judge, and GRIFFITH and
    KAVANAUGH, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge GRIFFITH in
    which Chief Judge GINSBURG joins and Circuit Judge
    KAVANAUGH joins with the exception of footnote five.
    Concurring opinion filed by Circuit Judge KAVANAUGH.
    GRIFFITH, Circuit Judge: Petitioners, providers of the
    newly-emerging technology of Internet telephone service,
    challenge an order of the Federal Communications Commission
    (“Commission” or “FCC”) that gave them only 120 days to do
    what is already required of providers of traditional telephone
    service: transmit 911 calls to a local emergency authority. We
    deny their consolidated petition for review1 because we conclude
    Nuvio Corporation; Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC;
    Primus Telecommunications, Inc.; Lingo, Inc.; and i2 Telecom
    International, Inc. (collectively “petitioners”) have all petitioned
    that the Commission adequately considered not only the
    technical and economic feasibility of the deadline, inquiries
    made necessary by the bar against arbitrary and capricious
    decision-making, but also the public safety objectives the
    Commission is required to achieve.
    One of the many dramatic changes the Internet has
    brought to telecommunications has been the development of
    interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (“VoIP”) service,
    which allows a caller using a broadband Internet connection to
    place calls to and receive calls from other callers using either
    VoIP or traditional telephone service. E911 Requirements for
    IP-Enabled Service Providers, First Report and Order and
    Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 20 F.C.C.R. 10245, 10246 n.1
    (2005) (“Order”). From a caller’s perspective, interconnected
    VoIP service is, for the most part, similar to traditional
    telephone service, and its users reasonably expect it to function
    the same. But two additional capabilities of VoIP service
    undermine those expectations when callers try to use 911
    emergency services. VoIP service allows callers to choose what
    are called “non-native” area codes. For example, a customer
    living in the District of Columbia can use an area code from
    anywhere in the country. Some interconnected VoIP providers
    (“IVPs”) also offer “nomadic” service, which allows a VoIP
    telephone call to be made and received from wherever the user
    can establish a broadband connection. (By contrast, “fixed”
    VoIP telephone service can only be used from a dedicated, fixed
    connection—typically in a home or office.) As attractive as
    these two features may be, each makes it difficult for IVPs to
    provide the local callers the 911 emergency service they expect
    for review.
    and upon which they rely. Routers designed to direct 911 calls
    cannot recognize non-native area codes, and unlike traditional
    and wireless telephone service, there are no means yet available
    to easily determine the location of a caller using interconnected
    VoIP service. IVPs, which were not required to do otherwise,
    failed to use dedicated trunks (communications paths connecting
    two switching systems, used to establish an end-to-end
    connection) set aside for routing calls to a local emergency call
    center (known as a public safety answering point or “PSAP”)
    and instead routed 911 calls to administrative lines that had not
    been designed and were not staffed to handle emergency calls.
    Id. at 10246 ¶ 1 n.2 (documenting various instances in which
    consumers were unable to contact emergency help after dialing
    911 using an interconnected VoIP service). The resulting
    tragedies gave rise to the Order at issue.
    The Commission, which had previously been reluctant
    to regulate this nascent industry for fear of hindering its
    development, see, e.g., IP-Enabled Services, Notice of
    Proposed Rulemaking, 19 F.C.C.R. 4863, 4864 ¶ 1 (2004)
    (“Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” or “NPRM”) (noting that IP-
    enabled services had developed “in an environment that is free
    of many of the regulatory obligations applied to traditional
    telecommunication services”), decided that an immediate
    solution was required to “discharge[] the Commission’s
    statutory obligation to promote an effective nationwide
    911/E911 emergency access system,” Order, 20 F.C.C.R. at
    10266 ¶ 36.2 The Commission thus ordered that
    E911 is a more advanced version of the traditional 911
    system, which merely routes an emergency call to the local
    PSAP, because it provides additional information about the
    within 120 days of the effective date of this
    Order,[3] an interconnected VoIP provider must
    transmit all 911 calls, as well as a call back
    number and the caller’s “Registered Location”
    for each call, to the PSAP, designated statewide
    default answering point, or appropriate local
    emergency authority that serves the caller’s
    Registered Location.
    Id. ¶ 37 (citations omitted).
    In effect, the Order requires that all IVPs, including
    those that offer nomadic service using non-native area codes,
    ensure that their users are able to reach local emergency services
    when making 911 calls. To do so, IVPs must route all 911 calls
    using the technology known as Automatic Number Identification
    (“ANI”) or pseudo-ANI, if necessary. ANI “identifies the
    E911 systems route 911 calls through the use of
    a Selective Router to a geographically
    appropriate PSAP based on the caller’s location.
    E911 also provides the call taker with the caller’s
    call back number, referred to as Automatic
    Numbering Information (ANI), and, in many
    cases, location information—a capability
    referred to as Automatic Location Identification
    Order, 20 F.C.C.R. at 10251 ¶ 13 (citations omitted).
    This Order became effective on July 29, 2005, see 
    70 Fed. Reg. 43,323
    , 43,323 (July 27, 2005) (to be codified at 
    47 C.F.R. § 9.5
    ), thereby requiring compliance by November 28,
    calling party and may be used as a call back number.” 
    47 C.F.R. § 20.3
    . A pseudo-ANI is “[a] number, consisting of the same
    number of digits as ANI, that is not a North American
    Numbering Plan telephone directory number and may be used
    in place of an ANI to convey special meaning.” 
    local selective routers are not capable of delivering non-native
    numbers to a local PSAP, pseudo-ANIs are used to temporarily
    mask the true number with a local number to facilitate
    processing by the local selective router for delivery to the PSAP.
     The Commission was less stringent in requiring the use
    of Automatic Location Information (ALI), which provides an
    emergency dispatcher with the geographic location of the caller,
    because it is not yet technologically feasible to detect
    automatically the location of nomadic VoIP callers. The Order
    only requires, therefore, that IVPs ensure that 911 calls are
    routed to the registered and not the actual location of each 911
    caller. See Order, 20 F.C.C.R. at 10271 ¶ 46. IVPs, however,
    must provide a way for consumers to update their registered
    locations in a timely fashion. See 
     These interconnected IVP
    911 calls must also be routed through the Wireline E911
    network.4 See 
     at 10269 ¶ 40.
    The Commission did not dictate a specific manner for
    IVPs to provide E911 access. Instead, the Commission noted
    that IVPs could satisfy these requirements by interconnecting
    directly with the E911 network through incumbent local
    “The core of the existing wireline E911 network is a
    dedicated, redundant, highly reliable wireline network (Wireline
    E911 Network), which is interconnected with but largely
    separate from the PSTN [public switched telephone network].”
    Order, 20 F.C.C.R. at 10251 ¶ 14. This network is generally
    implemented and operated by incumbent local exchange carriers
    exchange carriers (“ILECs”), see 
     at 10268 ¶ 39, by
    interconnecting indirectly through a third party, see 
     at 10267
    ¶ 38, or by any other solution that results in E911 access, see 
    Finally, the Order requires that interconnected VoIP providers
    notify every customer, new and existing, about “the
    circumstances under which E911 service may not be available
    through the interconnected VoIP service or may be in some way
    limited by comparison to traditional E911 service.” 
     at 10272
    ¶ 48.
    Under the Administrative Procedure Act, which governs
    our review of this challenge, petitioners’ burden is to show that
    the Order is “arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or
    otherwise not in accordance with law,” see 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    (2)(A). They rely upon three arguments to meet that
    burden. First, petitioners assert that the Order’s 120-day
    deadline for IVPs to provide E911 service to their users of
    nomadic, non-native VoIP service is an unexplained departure
    from the Commission’s precedent made without adequate regard
    to economic and technological obstacles. Petitioners also fault
    the Order for requiring that IVPs connect to the Wireline E911
    network but failing to impose a corresponding duty on ILECs to
    permit this connection. Finally, petitioners contend that the
    Commission did not give adequate notice of the substance of the
    Order. We consider these arguments in turn and find each
    A.      The FCC decision to require all IVPs—including
    providers of nomadic, non-native VoIP
    service—to provide E911 access within 120
    Petitioners assert that the Commission disregarded
    record evidence that the 120-day deadline was not feasible
    because there was no demonstrated way to overcome the
    technical and practical obstacles to implement E911 for
    providers of nomadic, non-native VoIP service. But this
    argument fails in the face of substantial contrary record evidence
    that the nation’s largest interconnected VoIP provider had
    already procured a technical solution to meet the deadline.5 The
    Commission noted that Intrado, a third-party competitive local
    exchange carrier, was already prepared to offer a technological
    Our concurring colleague reads the Order to suggest
    that “the 911 requirement would be justified even if VoIP
    providers could not feasibly meet the 120-day deadline.”
    Concurring Op. at [1-2]. But he quotes no language in the
    Order stating that, and we find none suggesting that. The Order
    makes reference to the Commission’s statutory duty to consider
    safety, a factor that is an important element in our analysis, but
    we do not think these references can support the suggestion that
    the Commission has ever justified the 120-day deadline on the
    basis of any authority to ban VoIP service outright. We note
    that if such authority exists, the Commission has not clearly
    relied on it in its briefs or at oral argument. In fact, when asked
    to clarify whether the deadline was appropriate even if it was not
    feasible, counsel for the Commission replied, “No. No, Your
    Honor. The Commission believed that the deadline was
    aggressive, but that it was something that could be met, and it
    recognized the need to try to force these parties to get going, to
    get moving.” Transcript of Oral Argument at 19, Nuvio Corp.
    v. FCC, No. 05-1248 (D.C. Cir. Sep. 12, 2006). Because we
    “cannot sustain [the Commission’s] action on some other basis
    the [Commission] did not mention,” Point Park Univ. v. NLRB,
    457 F.3d 42
    , 50 (D.C. Cir. 2006) (citing SEC v. Chenery Corp.,
    332 U.S. 194
    , 196-97 (1946)), we need not consider whether
    safety concerns alone would justify the deadline.
    solution that met the Order’s requirements, even for providers
    of nomadic, non-native service. Order, 20 F.C.C.R. at 10267
    ¶ 38. At the time the Order was promulgated and in advance of
    the 120-day deadline, Intrado was already offering a service that
    “enables the delivery of a VoIP subscribers [sic] address and call
    back number to the most geographically relevant [PSAP] . . . ,
    thereby accommodating the nomadic capability inherent in their
    VoIP service.” Ex Parte Letter from M. Boyd, Intrado, to M.H.
    Dortch, FCC, WC Docket No. 04-36 (Apr. 25, 2005); see also
    Ex Parte Letter from M. Boyd, Intrado, to M.H. Dortch, FCC,
    WC Docket No. 04-36 (Apr. 19, 2005). Vonage, the nation’s
    largest VoIP provider, agreed with Verizon, the ILEC
    controlling the Wireline E911 network in its territory, that it
    would use Intrado’s service “to deliver both caller’s location and
    call back number to emergency services personnel for 911 calls
    placed throughout Verizon’s [28-state] territory,” and would do
    so by November 4, before the November 28, 2005 deadline. Ex
    Parte Letter from W.B. Wilhelm, Vonage, to K.J. Martin, FCC,
    WC Docket No. 04-36 (May 9, 2005).
    The Commission also relied on IVP trials that
    demonstrated E911 access was possible for providers of
    nomadic, non-native VoIP service. For example, Qwest and
    Vonage conducted a test of VoIP E911 access in King County,
    Washington. This test included both an experimental means of
    PSTN access and a messaging component used to deliver the
    calling party’s location automatically. Petitioners’ focus on the
    failed experimental access component ignores the successful
    messaging component of the trial that demonstrated VoIP E911
    access was in fact possible. In recounting the results of this trial,
    Qwest noted that, rather than using this failed experimental
    access, an IVP could provide E911 service using a combination
    of Qwest’s tarriffed access to the Wireline E911 network and
    third party support services.6 Ex Parte Letter from C.
    O’Connell, Qwest, to M.H. Dortch, FCC, WC Docket No. 04-36
    (Apr. 12, 2005). Vonage had also successfully tested E911
    access for nomadic VoIP in Newport, Rhode Island. See Ex
    Parte Letter from W.B. Wilhelm, Vonage, to M.H. Dortch, FCC,
    WC Docket No. 04-36 (May 9, 2005). Petitioners seize upon
    two elements of this Newport test to argue that it is an unreliable
    basis for the Order. First, there is only one PSAP in small
    Rhode Island and so this test could not address the critical issue
    of routing calls to the wrong PSAP. Second, the state and not an
    ILEC owns the selective router and so there is no issue of
    providing access to the E911 Wireline network. Petitioners have
    no doubt identified elements in this test that provide some
    grounds to distinguish them from what the Order demands, but
    the general success of the Rhode Island test, combined with the
    substantial deference we owe the FCC’s predictive judgments,
    overcomes the petitioners’ objections. See, e.g., Int’l Ladies’
    Garment Workers’ Union v. Donovan, 
    722 F.2d 795
    , 821 (D.C.
    Cir. 1983) (“Predictive judgments about areas that are within the
    agency’s field of discretion and expertise” are entitled to
    “particularly deferential” treatment.); see also Charter
    Commc’ns, Inc. v. FCC, 
    460 F.3d 31
    , 44 (D.C. Cir. 2006) (“That
    To provide E911 connectivity for its “nomadic”
    VoIP users, the VoIP provider can purchase the
    dedicated access component in the form of
    Qwest’s tarriffed E911 service and, in addition,
    they can purchase the E2 interface (the
    messaging component) from a VoIP Positioning
    Center provider. This is consistent with the
    NENA I2 standard.
    Ex Parte Letter from C. O’Connell, Qwest, to M.H. Dortch,
    FCC, WC Docket No. 04-36 (Apr. 12, 2005).
    is a predictive judgment that the FCC is entitled to make and to
    which we defer.”).
    Petitioners’ argument that the submission of the National
    Emergency Number Association (“NENA”) undermines the
    Commission’s conclusion that the 120-day deadline was
    reasonable also fails to account for the deference we give to an
    agency’s predictive judgments. NENA opined that “the bulk of
    national access to [E911]” could be reached within 120 days, but
    noted that “[f]ull national access” could take “another 4-6
    months.” Ex Parte Letter from J.R. Hobson, NENA, to M.
    Dortch, FCC, WC Docket No. 04-36 (May 11, 2005) (emphasis
    added). The Commission was acting well within its authority to
    use its expertise to make predictive judgments when it
    concluded that if the “bulk of national access” could be achieved
    within 120 days, it was reasonable to use that time period.
    We must also address the petitioners’ claim that the
    Commission erred by failing to distinguish between the
    technological obstacles faced by nomadic or non-native VoIP
    providers and those faced by fixed, native providers. They
    allege the Commission based the Order on the technological
    capabilities associated with fixed VoIP service and overlooked
    the unique challenges posed by nomadic, non-native VoIP
    service. But the Commission in fact considered the unique
    technological challenges of nomadic VoIP, see Order, 20
    F.C.C.R. at 10259 ¶ 25 (noting that “certain [nomadic or
    portable] VoIP services pose significant E911 implementation
    challenges”), and taking stock of those challenges, did not
    require that IVPs determine the actual location of nomadic VoIP
    users because it “is not always technologically feasible for
    providers of interconnected VoIP service to automatically
    determine the location of their end users without end users’
    active cooperation,” 
     at 10271 ¶ 46. Instead, the Commission
    determined that IVPs must provide only the registered location
    of the nomadic VoIP user making a 911 call, see 
     and called
    for comment on the feasibility of automatically determining the
    geographic location of nomadic VoIP users, see 
     at 10276-77
    ¶¶ 56-57.
    Petitioners’ argument that the Commission overlooked
    the economic cost of implementing the Order’s 120-day
    deadline highlights that our task under the arbitrary or capricious
    standard is to determine only whether an agency’s decision
    “‘was based on a consideration of the relevant factors and
    whether there has been a clear error of judgment,’” Motor
    Vehicles Mfrs. Ass’n of U.S., Inc. v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins.
    463 U.S. 29
    , 43 (1983) (quoting Bowman Transp., Ind. v.
    Ark.-Best Freight System, Inc., 
    491 U.S. 281
    , 285 (1974)).
    Petitioners overlook a countervailing interest that the
    Commission must consider and we must respect—the threat to
    public safety. When, as is the case with the FCC, Congress has
    given an agency the responsibility to regulate a market such as
    the telecommunications industry that it has repeatedly deemed
    important to protecting public safety, the agency’s judgments
    about the economic cost of its regulations must take into account
    its duty to protect the public. The Commission is required to
    consider public safety by both its enabling act, see
    Communications Act of 1934 § 1, 
    47 U.S.C. § 151
     (“so as to
    make available, so far as possible . . . [a] world-wide wire and
    radio communication service with adequate facilities at
    reasonable charges . . . for the purpose of promoting safety of
    life and property through the use of wire and radio
    communications”) (emphasis added), and the Wireless
    Communication and Public Safety Act of 1999 § 3, 
    47 U.S.C. § 615
     (“shall encourage and support efforts by States to deploy
    comprehensive end-to-end emergency communications
    infrastructure and programs, based on coordinated statewide
    plans, including seamless, ubiquitous, reliable wireless
    telecommunications networks and enhanced wireless 9-1-1
    service”). The Commission here weighed public safety against
    the economic cost of compliance with the Order and found that,
    “[w]hile 120 days is an aggressively short amount of time in
    which to comply with these requirements, the threat to public
    safety if we delay further is too great and demands near
    immediate action.” Order, 20 F.C.C.R. at 10266-67 ¶ 37
    (emphasis added).
    Because the Commission has reasonably determined that
    nomadic, non-native VoIP E911 access is technologically
    feasible, any argument about the time period required for
    implementation is nothing more than a quarrel over relative
    costs and benefits. In this case, the Commission has weighed
    the cost of an “aggressive” implementation scheme—a 120-day
    deadline—against the cost in human lives, and found in favor of
    public safety. See 
     at 10266 ¶ 36 (“We find that this
    requirement most appropriately discharges the Commission’s
    statutory obligation to promote an effective nationwide
    911/E911 emergency access system by recognizing the needs of
    the public safety community to get call back and location
    information and balancing those needs against existing
    technological limitations of interconnected VoIP providers.”);
    cf. Public Citizen v. Auchter, 
    702 F.2d 1150
    , 1157 (D.C. Cir.
    1983) (“Delays that might be altogether reasonable in the sphere
    of economic regulations are less tolerable when human lives are
    at stake.”). We may not disturb its determination where, as here,
    the Commission has considered relevant factors and has
    articulated a reasoned basis for its conclusion. See State Farm,
    463 U.S. at 42-43
    . When viewed in this light, we cannot agree
    that the 120-day deadline is arbitrary or capricious.
    Petitioners’ final challenge to the 120-day deadline is
    that it represents an unexplained departure from long-standing
    precedent. The precedent, so the argument goes, was
    established when the FCC gave more time for wireless and
    satellite phones and other new technologies to implement 911
    capabilities than the aggressive deadline it has imposed on the
    new VoIP telephone service market. Petitioners are right that an
    agency departing from precedent “must provide a principled
    explanation for its change of direction.” Nat’l Black Media
    Coalition v. FCC, 
    775 F.2d 342
    , 355 (D.C. Cir. 1985); see also
    Airmark Corp. v. FAA, 
    785 F.2d 685
    , 692 (D.C. Cir. 1985). But
    surely different technologies may reasonably bear different
    regulatory burdens. It is not apparent to us that the regulation of
    satellite or wireless phones is clear precedent for the regulation
    of information technology service providers. No doubt each
    involves telephone communications, but the differences between
    satellite and wireless phone service on the one hand and VoIP
    service on the other are such that the Commission has previously
    refused to classify IP-enabled services as telecommunications
    carriers. We give deference to agency expertise used to
    distinguish its prior cases from present controversies. See PPL
    Montana, LLC v. Surface Transp. Bd., 
    437 F.3d 1240
    , 1247
    (D.C. Cir. 2006) (“[T]he [agency’s] attempt to distinguish its
    prior cases, while terse, is entitled to deference.” (quoting Inland
    Lakes Mgmt., Inc. v. NLRB, 
    987 F.2d 799
    , 805 (D.C. Cir.
    1993))). Even if the Commission’s regulatory approach to these
    other telecommunications services provided a precedent for
    VoIP service, the Commission provided a reasoned explanation
    for adopting a different approach by expressly noting that “the
    record indicates that the network components that have been
    developed to make wireless E911 possible can also be used for
    VoIP E911, which should make the implementation process
    simpler and far less expensive than the initial upgrades
    necessary for wireless E911.” Order, 20 F.C.C.R. at 10274
    ¶ 53; see also Ex Parte Letter from W.B. Wilhelm, Vonage, to
    K.J. Martin, FCC, WC Docket No. 04-36 (May 9, 2005) (stating
    that Vonage “does not anticipate that it will face the same issues
    that have made [wireless] E-9-1-1 such a daunting challenge”).
    Because petitioners acknowledge that some type of E911
    regulation is necessary, see Petitioners’ Br. at 19, this petition
    for review is, in essence, a challenge only to where the FCC has
    drawn the regulatory “line,” and we have previously and
    repeatedly given the Commission “wide discretion to determine
    where to draw administrative lines.” AT&T Corp. v. FCC, 
    220 F.3d 607
    , 627 (D.C. Cir. 2000). Based on the record evidence,
    the demonstrated safety concerns, and our deference to the
    Commission’s predictive judgments, we conclude that the
    Order’s 120-day deadline was neither arbitrary nor capricious.
    B.      The FCC requirement for IVP connectivity to the
    Wireline E911 network without a corresponding
    obligation on ILECs.
    The Order requires IVPs to utilize the Wireline E911
    network generally owned by the ILECs, but it failed to impose a
    duty on ILECs to provide that access. Petitioners argue that this
    different treatment of the ILECS was error. We find no error for
    the simple reason that the record contained evidence that major
    ILECs were cooperating with nomadic IVPs and “increasingly
    offering E911 solutions that allow VoIP providers to interconnect
    directly to the Wireline E911 network through tariff, contract, or
    a combination thereof.” Order, 20 F.C.C.R. at 10268 ¶ 39. There
    is record evidence, for example, that Qwest, Bellsouth, and
    Verizon were cooperating with IVPs to provide access to the
    Wireline E911 network. See, e.g., Ex Parte Letter from C.
    O’Connell, Qwest, to M.H. Dortch, FCC, WC Docket No. 04-36
    (Apr. 12, 2005); Ex Parte Letter from B.L. Ross, Bellsouth, to
    M.H. Dortch, FCC, WC Docket No. 04-36 (May 12, 2005); Ex
    Parte Letter from K. Grillo, Verizon, to M.H. Dortch, FCC, WC
    Docket No. 04-36 (May 11, 2005). Although there is some
    evidence to suggest that a few ILECs were not always
    cooperative, see Petitioners’ Reply Br. at 10 n.15, there was
    ample evidence of significant and increasing ILEC cooperation
    with IVPs and, in the Commission’s view, that cooperation
    removed any need to impose a duty upon ILECs to permit
    connectivity. That is a judgment we wisely leave alone as
    “predictions regarding the actions of regulated entities are
    precisely the type of policy judgments that courts routinely and
    quite correctly leave to administrative agencies,” Public Util.
    Comm’n of State of Cal. v. FERC, 
    24 F.3d 275
    , 281 (D.C. Cir.
    C.      The FCC’s notice and comment procedures.
    Petitioners’ final argument faults the Commission because
    the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that led to the Order lacked
    proposed rules or even tentative conclusions. The APA requires
    notice of “either the terms or substance of the proposed rule or a
    description of the subjects and issues involved.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 553
    (b)(3). “Since the public is generally entitled to submit their
    views and relevant data on any proposals, the notice must be
    sufficient to fairly apprise interested parties of the issues involved,
    but it need not specify every precise proposal which [the agency]
    may ultimately adopt as a rule.” Action for Children’s Television
    v. FCC, 
    564 F.2d 458
    , 470 (D.C. Cir. 1977) (internal quotation
    marks and citations omitted). The Commission fairly apprised the
    parties and the public of the issues covered by the Order. In our
    view, the Commission notified the parties of the purpose, see
    NPRM, 19 F.C.C.R. at 4900 ¶ 56 (“how best to achieve our policy
    objectives for ensuring the availability of 911 and E911
    capability”), the extent, see 
     (“the effectiveness of alternatives
    to direct regulation”), the form, see 
     at 4901 ¶ 56
    (“technological flexibility so that our rules allow for the
    development of new and innovative technologies”), and the time
    frame, see id. ¶ 57 (“time frame in which we should consider 911
    and E911 regulatory issues in the IP context”) of any potential
    regulation. The NPRM gave “interested parties a reasonable
    opportunity . . . to present relevant information” on the central
    issues. WJG Tel. Co. v. FCC, 
    675 F.2d 386
    , 389 (D.C. Cir. 1982)
    (internal quotation marks and citations omitted). Indeed, many of
    the parties submitted comments on all aspects of VoIP access.
    For the foregoing reasons, the petition for review is
    So ordered.
    KAVANAUGH, Circuit Judge, concurring: In 2005, the
    Federal Communications Commission required voice-over-
    Internet-protocol (VoIP) providers to ensure adequate 911
    connections – a requirement already imposed on wireline and
    wireless telephone providers. The FCC set a 120-day deadline
    for the VoIP providers to meet the requirement. See Order, 20
    F.C.C.R. 10,245 (2005). The Court upholds the Order because
    the Commission reasonably predicted that VoIP providers
    (including nomadic VoIP providers) could meet the 120-day
    deadline and the Order was otherwise justified and explained.
    I agree with the Court’s analysis and join its opinion.
    The FCC also candidly recognized, however, the potential
    difficulties that nomadic VoIP providers would face in meeting
    a 120-day deadline – and acknowledged that the deadline was
    “aggressively short.” Id. at 10,266-10,267 ¶ 37; see also id. ¶ 25
    (“[W]e recognize that certain VoIP services pose significant
    E911 implementation challenges.”). The FCC nonetheless said
    that “the threat to public safety if we delay further is too great
    and demands near immediate action.” Id.; see also FCC Brief at
    31 (“[T]he FCC made a reasonable judgment that any possible
    risk that expedited 911 implementation posed to [VoIP
    providers’] commercial viability was outweighed by the
    growing threat to public safety if [VoIP providers] continued to
    route 911 calls in a systematically unsatisfactory manner.”); id.
    at 26 (“Given the tragedies that have already resulted from
    inadequate VoIP 911 service, and given the projected tenfold
    increase in the number of VoIP 911 calls in the near future, the
    Commission reasonably concluded that the public could not
    tolerate any further delay in the implementation of VoIP E911
    service.”); id. (“[G]iven the profound public safety concerns
    weighing in favor of rapid 911 deployment here, petitioners
    have not come close to showing that the balance struck by the
    Commission was unreasonable.”).
    I write separately only to express my agreement with the
    FCC Order’s suggestion that the 911 requirement would be
    justified even if VoIP providers could not feasibly meet the 120-
    day deadline. In my judgment, the FCC possesses the statutory
    authority, which the Commission may reasonably choose to
    exercise, to address the public safety threat by banning providers
    from selling voice service until the providers can ensure
    adequate 911 connections. And the FCC’s greater authority to
    ban sales of voice service without adequate 911 capability
    necessarily includes the lesser power to ban such sales
    beginning in 120 days.
    Congress established the FCC in part “for the purpose of
    promoting safety of life and property through the use of wire
    and radio communications.” 
    47 U.S.C. § 151
    . Through the
    Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999,
    Congress charged the FCC with ensuring that 911 service is
    available throughout the country. Pub. L. No. 106-81, 
    113 Stat. 1286
     (codified at scattered sections of 47 U.S.C.). The Act
    instructs that “[t]he Commission . . . shall designate 9-1-1 as the
    universal emergency telephone number within the United States
    for reporting an emergency to appropriate authorities and
    requesting assistance.” 
    47 U.S.C. § 251
    (e)(3). Five years later,
    Congress enacted the ENHANCE 911 Act. Pub L. No. 108-494,
    118 Stat. 3986
     (2004) (codified at 
    47 U.S.C. § 942
    ). In that Act,
    Congress found that “for the sake of our Nation’s homeland
    security and public safety, a universal emergency telephone
    number (911) that is enhanced with the most modern and
    state-of-the-art telecommunications capabilities possible should
    be available to all citizens in all regions of the Nation.” 
    § 102. Congress made clear that “enhanced 911 is a high
    national priority.” Id.
    As these statutes indicate, as the FCC has recognized in
    prior orders, and as the record before the Commission in this
    proceeding demonstrates, 911 service saves lives and helps
    prevent or reduce injuries that occur as a result of violent crime
    or accidents. See, e.g., Revision of the Commission’s Rules to
    Ensure Compatibility with Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling
    Systems, 11 F.C.C.R. 18,676, 18,679 ¶ 5 (1996) (911 service
    “saves lives and property”); Order, 20 F.C.C.R. at 10,246 ¶ 1 n.2
    (describing recent incidents involving home burglary and where
    children needed immediate help); id. at 10,248 ¶ 4 n.11 (citing
    comments that explain why 911 service is critical and that
    describe various incidents involving 911 service); Revision of
    the Commission’s Rules to Ensure Compatibility with Enhanced
    911 Emergency Calling Systems, 17 F.C.C.R. 8481, 8482 ¶ 4
    (2002) (considering 911 issues for victims of domestic
    Adequate 911 service is important, moreover, for our
    Nation to quickly respond to terrorist attacks or natural disasters.
    See Order, 20 F.C.C.R. at 10,247-10,248 ¶ 4 (“911 service is
    critical to our nation’s ability to respond to a host of crises”); id.
    at 10,249 ¶ 6 n.16 (citing DALE N. HATFIELD, A REPORT ON
    HATFIELD REPORT at ii (“the tragic events of September 11,
    2001 and growing dependence on wireless networks[] serve to
    further emphasize the importance of E911 in general, and
    wireless E911 in particular, to the safety of life and property and
    homeland security”); id. at 15 (timely response to call of
    suspicious activity “could make the difference between a foiled
    or successful attack”); Recommendations of the Independent
    Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on
    Communications Networks, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 21
    F.C.C.R. 7320, 7326 ¶¶ 16-17 (2006) (summarizing proposed
    ways to ensure adequate 911 service during natural disasters); cf.
    ATTACKS UPON THE UNITED STATES 318 (2004) (discussing
    importance of 911 in emergency responses to terrorist attacks);
    64 (2006) (inoperability of 911 can impede emergency services
    in response to natural disasters).
    In sum, the evidence establishes that adequate 911 service
    is vital to the personal security of American citizens and the
    homeland security of our Nation. The broad public safety and
    911 authority Congress has granted the FCC therefore includes
    the authority to prevent providers from selling voice service that
    lacks adequate 911 capability.