Eric Sheptock v. Adrian Fenty , 707 F.3d 326 ( 2013 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued November 20, 2012           Decided February 8, 2013
    No. 11-7018
    ET AL.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:09-cv-00672)
    George E. Rickman argued the cause and filed the briefs
    for appellants.
    Stacy L. Anderson, Assistant Attorney General, Office of
    the Attorney General for the District of Columbia, argued the
    cause for appellees. With her on the brief were Irvin B.
    Nathan, Attorney General, Todd S. Kim, Solicitor General,
    and Donna M. Murasky, Deputy Solicitor General.
    Before: ROGERS and TATEL, Circuit Judges, and
    EDWARDS, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge TATEL.
    TATEL, Circuit Judge: This case stems from the closure
    of the Franklin Shelter, an overnight facility for homeless men
    in downtown Washington, D.C. In two prior suits filed in the
    Superior Court for the District of Columbia, former shelter
    residents alleged that the closure violated D.C. law and the
    Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In a third
    case, filed in federal court and on appeal here, plaintiffs allege
    that the closure also violated federal and D.C.
    antidiscrimination statutes. Because plaintiffs could have
    raised these latter claims in the Superior Court cases, we
    affirm the district court’s dismissal on res judicata grounds.
    At the time the Franklin Shelter was operating,
    approximately 2,200 single adults were chronically homeless
    in the District of Columbia. See Second Am. Fed. Compl.
    ¶ 20; see also Nader v. Democratic National Committee, 
    567 F.3d 692
    , 694 (D.C. Cir. 2009) (“Because the district court
    granted defendants’ motion to dismiss, [plaintiffs’] allegations
    must be taken as true.” (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    Because the Franklin Shelter served as an emergency facility,
    residents were permitted to stay there only between 4 P.M.
    and 7 A.M. Although required to leave during the day,
    residents could keep their personal belongings in small
    lockers. Mirroring the District’s homeless population,
    Franklin Shelter residents were disproportionately African
    American. See Second Am. Fed. Compl. ¶¶ 20, 28. Many
    suffered from psychological disorders and substance abuse
    problems. See id. ¶¶ 24, 28.
    In mid-2008, Mayor Adrian Fenty and the D.C. City
    Council began making plans to close the Franklin Shelter. On
    September 16, the City Council passed the Franklin Shelter
    Closing Requirements Emergency Act of 2008, which
    required the mayor to make certain detailed certifications
    before closing the facility. See D.C. Act 17-518. Before
    signing the Emergency Act, however, the Mayor closed the
    shelter and made none of the required certifications. See
    Second Am. Fed. Compl. ¶¶ 14–16.
    Evicted residents were informed that their personal
    belongings had been moved to a homeless shelter in
    Anacostia and that they could receive transportation there if
    they wished. They were also encouraged to relocate to
    shelters outside Northwest Washington—the city’s rapidly
    gentrifying commercial and residential area. See id. ¶¶ 14, 28,
    33–37. And to “mitigate any loss of shelter space,” id. ¶ 38,
    the District created the Permanent Supportive Housing
    Program to provide long-term housing and services to the
    chronically homeless.
    The Franklin Shelter closing sparked a flurry of litigation.
    Specifically, former Franklin Shelter residents—including
    named plaintiff Eric Sheptock—and the Committee to Save
    Franklin Shelter brought three separate suits, two in D.C.
    Superior Court and one in the United States District Court for
    the District of Columbia. Because the outcome of this case
    turns on the application of res judicata, we describe each of
    these suits in detail.
    The first case, Sheptock I, was filed in D.C. Superior
    Court on September 26, 2008, the day the Franklin Shelter
    closed. Plaintiffs brought two D.C. law claims, as well as a
    Fifth Amendment procedural due process claim premised on
    the District’s failure to provide advance notice and an
    opportunity to be heard before closing the shelter. Shortly
    after initiating the case, plaintiffs filed a notice of dismissal,
    which terminated the suit.
    While Sheptock I was pending, plaintiffs filed a second
    suit, Sheptock II, in D.C. Superior Court. The Sheptock II
    plaintiffs raised eight claims: a Fifth Amendment procedural
    due process claim; a Takings Clause challenge to the
    appropriation of the former residents’ personal belongings;
    intentional infliction of emotional distress; conversion;
    negligence; and violations of the Emergency Act, the Frigid
    Temperature Protection Amendment Act of 1988, 
    D.C. Code § 4-753.01
    , and the Homeless Services Reform Act of 2005,
    D.C. Code § 4-754.22
    . Plaintiffs twice amended their
    complaint to add new facts and allegations concerning the
    fallout from the Franklin Shelter closure.
    Significantly for our purposes, on March 9, 2009, the
    Sheptock II plaintiffs filed a motion entitled “Motion to Stay
    Proceedings Pending Discovery and Pending Submission of
    Federal Claims in the United States District Court for the
    District of Columbia or in the Alternative Motion to Amend
    Complaint for Preliminary and Permanent Injunctions.” In
    this motion, plaintiffs notified the Superior Court that they
    would be bringing claims in federal court under the
    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 
    42 U.S.C. §§ 12101
    et seq., the Fair Housing Act (FHA), 
    42 U.S.C. §§ 3601
    seq., and the D.C. Human Rights Act, 
    D.C. Code §§ 2
    1401.01 et seq. According to plaintiffs, further investigation
    had uncovered evidence concerning the Franklin Shelter’s
    racial demographics and the widespread presence of
    disabilities in the homeless community. Based on these facts,
    plaintiffs alleged race and disability discrimination under
    theories of disparate treatment and disparate impact. Plaintiffs
    “move[d] [the Superior Court] to stay proceedings on
    defendant’s motion for dismissal or summary judgment . . .
    pending plaintiffs’ submission of federal [antidiscrimination]
    claims” in federal court. The motion included a seventeen-
    page discussion of the merits of plaintiffs’ antidiscrimination
    claims. Acknowledging that the Superior Court had
    jurisdiction to hear their federal antidiscrimination claims,
    plaintiffs nonetheless asserted that “[w]hile the splitting of
    claims is disfavored, the federal claims raised here are ones of
    a special nature and are claims of first impression, and
    warrant federal jurisdiction.” In the alternative, plaintiffs
    moved to amend their complaint, attaching a third amended
    complaint that included the ADA, FHA, and D.C. Human
    Rights Act claims. Plaintiffs subsequently withdrew that
    request, reserving the right to re-file an amended complaint.
    On May 11, 2009, the Superior Court granted the
    District’s motion for summary judgment and denied all other
    pending motions, including plaintiffs’ motion to stay. A year
    and a half later, the D.C. Court of Appeals affirmed. See
    Baltimore v. District of Columbia, 
    10 A.3d 1141
     (D.C. 2011).
    In a footnote, the Court of Appeals held that the Superior
    Court had not abused its discretion in denying the motion to
    stay and that the antidiscrimination claims “could have been
    filed in the instant action and [plaintiffs] offer no persuasive
    reason why they were not.” 
     at 1156 n.23.
    While Sheptock II was pending in the D.C. Superior
    Court, plaintiffs initiated their third suit, Sheptock III, by
    filing a complaint in the United States District Court alleging
    violations of the ADA, FHA, and D.C. Human Rights Act.
    The Sheptock III plaintiffs also alleged procedural and
    substantive due process violations. Unlike in Sheptock II,
    plaintiffs brought no claims under the Takings Clause, the
    Emergency Act, or D.C. tort law. The Sheptock III plaintiffs
    named as defendants then-Mayor Fenty and three other
    officials, each in their individual and official capacities.
    In early July 2009, the district court, responding to a
    motion to dismiss based on res judicata, stayed Sheptock III
    “pending a decision by the District of Columbia Court of
    Appeals in a matter arising out of the same event that is the
    subject of this litigation.” At the same time, the district court
    permitted plaintiffs to file a second amended complaint that
    added antidiscrimination counts challenging the District’s
    Permanent Supportive Housing Program. As set forth in that
    complaint, plaintiffs’ claims can be divided into three
    categories: Counts I through X allege that the Franklin Shelter
    closure violated the ADA, FHA, and D.C. Human Rights Act;
    Counts XI and XII allege that the closure violated plaintiffs’
    procedural and substantive due process rights; and Counts
    XIII through XVIII allege that the Permanent Supportive
    Housing Program violates the ADA, FHA, and D.C. Human
    Rights Act. After the D.C. Court of Appeals issued its
    decision in Sheptock II, the district court dismissed Sheptock
    III on res judicata and collateral estoppel grounds.
    The Sheptock III plaintiffs raise two arguments on appeal.
    First, they contend that the motion to stay filed in Sheptock II
    insulates their claims from res judicata. Second, insisting that
    their challenges to the closure of the Franklin Shelter and to
    the District’s Permanent Supportive Housing Program are
    factually distinct, plaintiffs contend that Counts XIII through
    XVIII fall outside Sheptock II’s preclusive effect. “We review
    a dismissal for failure to state a claim under Federal Rule of
    Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) de novo.” Atherton v. D.C. Office of
    the Mayor, 
    567 F.3d 672
    , 681 (D.C. Cir. 2009). Similarly, we
    review the application of res judicata de novo. See Ibrahim v.
    District of Columbia, 
    463 F.3d 3
    , 7 (D.C. Cir. 2006).
    We begin with familiar principles. “The federal courts
    have traditionally adhered to the . . . doctrine[] of res
    judicata.” Allen v. McCurry, 
    449 U.S. 90
    , 94 (1980). Under
    that doctrine, also known as claim preclusion, “a final
    judgment on the merits . . . precludes relitigation in a
    subsequent proceeding of all issues arising out of the same
    cause of action between the same parties or their privies,
    whether or not the issues were raised in the first trial.”
    Faulkner v. GEICO, 
    618 A.2d 181
    , 183 (D.C. 1992)
    (emphasis added). For res judicata purposes, a “ ‘cause of
    action’ is determined by the factual nucleus, not the theory on
    which a plaintiff relies.” 
     (internal quotation marks
    omitted). “If there is a common nucleus of facts, then the
    actions arise out of the same cause of action.” 
    determining whether the two actions arise out of the same
    cause of action, [courts] consider[] the nature of the two
    actions and the facts sought to be proved in each one.” 
    (internal quotation marks omitted). Res judicata serves “the
    dual purpose of protecting litigants from the burden of
    relitigating an identical issue with the same party or his privy
    and of promoting judicial economy by preventing needless
    litigation.” Parklane Hosiery Co. v. Shore, 
    439 U.S. 322
    , 326
    Less familiar in this Circuit is the related doctrine of
    abstention. Cf. John G. Roberts, Jr., What Makes the D.C.
    Circuit Different? A Historical View, 
    92 Va. L. Rev. 375
    387–88 (2006) (noting the rarity of state law cases in the D.C.
    Circuit and detailing the creation of the District of Columbia’s
    local court system in the 1970s). Under that doctrine, “a
    District Court may decline to exercise or postpone the
    exercise of its jurisdiction.” Allegheny County v. Frank
    Mashuda Co., 
    360 U.S. 185
    , 188 (1959). But as with many
    legal concepts, abstention, as this case well illustrates, “is not
    one doctrine but several.” Adrian Energy Associates v.
    Michigan Public Service Commission, 
    481 F.3d 414
    , 423 (6th
    Cir. 2007).
    Plaintiffs contend that this case is governed by the
    abstention principles articulated in Railroad Commission of
    Texas v. Pullman Co., 
    312 U.S. 496
     (1941). There, a group of
    African American porters and the Pullman railroad company
    brought a constitutional challenge in federal court against a
    Texas regulation mandating that Pullman sleeping cars always
    have at least one conductor—which at the time meant a white
    conductor. The Supreme Court recognized that this complaint
    “undoubtedly tendered a substantial constitutional issue. . . . It
    touches a sensitive area of social policy upon which the
    federal courts ought not to enter unless no alternative to its
    adjudication is open.” 
    Id. at 498
    . The Court further explained
    that it would be unnecessary to reach the constitutional
    question if the Texas Railroad Commission lacked authority
    under state law to promulgate the challenged regulation.
    Accordingly, the Court endorsed a “doctrine of abstention”
    whereby a federal court must withhold ruling on a federal
    claim so that plaintiffs may obtain a state court ruling on an
    antecedent state law question. 
    Id. at 501
    . Given preclusion
    doctrine, Pullman abstention raises the question—central to
    the Sheptock III plaintiffs’ argument—of how parties
    compelled to litigate their state law claims in state court can
    protect their right to return to federal court.
    The Supreme Court answered this question in England v.
    Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners, 
    375 U.S. 411
    (1964), where it fashioned a mechanism—known as an
    England reservation—by which parties forced into state court
    by federal court abstention can reserve their federal claims
    and avoid the preclusive effect of a state court judgment. The
    England plaintiffs wanted to practice in Louisiana without
    satisfying the educational requirements of the Louisiana
    Medical Practice Act. They first brought suit in federal court
    seeking to have the Act invalidated under the Fourteenth
    Amendment. Invoking Pullman abstention, the federal court
    entered an order staying proceedings and retaining
    jurisdiction pending resolution of a state law question in a
    Louisiana state court. Plaintiffs then brought suit in state court
    and “did not restrict those proceedings to the question
    whether the Medical Practice Act applied to chiropractors.
    They unreservedly submitted for decision, and briefed and
    argued, their contention that the Act, if applicable to
    chiropractors, violated the Fourteenth Amendment.” 
    Id. at 413
    (footnote omitted). After losing both claims in the Louisiana
    courts, they returned to federal court and the issue of res
    judicata came to the fore.
    In considering this issue, the Supreme Court expressed a
    “fundamental objection[] to any conclusion that a litigant who
    has properly invoked the jurisdiction of a Federal District
    Court to consider federal constitutional claims can be
    compelled, without his consent and through no fault of his
    own, to accept instead a state court’s determination of those
    Id. at 415
     (footnote omitted). The Court also
    acknowledged that in the “typical” abstention case—“where
    the state courts are asked to construe a state statute against the
    backdrop of a federal constitutional challenge,” 
     at 420—
    plaintiffs may feel compelled to alert the state court to the
    pending federal challenge to fully argue their case. Indeed, in
    Government and Civic Employees Organizing Committee v.
    353 U.S. 364
     (1957), the Court had required
    plaintiffs to notify a state court about pending claims in
    federal court. Thus, to avoid res judicata, the England Court
    instructed plaintiffs to put
    on the state record the reservation to the disposition
    of the entire case by the state courts . . . . That is,
    [plaintiff] may inform the state courts that he is
    exposing his federal claims there only for the
    purpose of complying with Windsor, and that he
    intends, should the state courts hold against him on
    the question of state law, to return to the District
    Court for disposition of his federal contentions.
    375 U.S. at 421
     (internal quotation marks omitted).
    In other words, if a party asks a state court not to adjudicate
    its federal claims because it intends to return to federal court,
    then it can escape the preclusive effect of a state court
    judgment. Conversely, “if a party freely and without
    reservation submits his federal claims for decision by the state
    courts, litigates them there, and has them decided there, then
    . . . he has elected to forgo his right to return to the District
    Id. at 419
    Assuming, as plaintiffs insist, that the district court
    stayed the case under Pullman, the parties contest whether a
    litigant must first file suit in federal court to obtain an
    England reservation—a question that has sparked a circuit
    split. Compare United Parcel Service v. California Public
    Utilities Commission, 
    77 F.3d 1178
    , 1185 (9th Cir. 1996)
    (“[W]e decline to limit England’s application to cases where
    the litigant files first in federal court and is remitted to state
    court pursuant to Pullman.”), with Fuller Co. v. Ramon I. Gil,
    782 F.2d 306
    , 312 (1st Cir. 1986) (“In order to make an
    England reservation, a litigant must establish its right to have
    its federal claims adjudicated in a federal forum by properly
    invoking the jurisdiction of the federal court in the first
    instance.”). The parties also disagree about whether the
    Supreme Court’s decisions in Williamson County Regional
    Planning Commission v. Hamilton Bank of Johnson City, 
    473 U.S. 172
     (1985), and San Remo Hotel v. City and County of
    San Francisco, 
    545 U.S. 323
     (2005), required the Sheptock II
    plaintiffs to litigate their Takings Clause claim in D.C.
    Superior Court.
    More fundamentally, the District of Columbia disagrees
    with plaintiffs’ contention that the district court stayed the
    case under Pullman abstention principles. According to the
    District, the court stayed the case pursuant to Colorado River
    Water Conservation District v. United States, 
    424 U.S. 800
    (1976), which allows a district court to abstain “due to the
    presence of a concurrent state proceeding.” 
    Id. at 818
    Premised on “reasons of wise judicial administration,” 
    Colorado River abstention “does not rest on a mechanical
    checklist, but on a careful balancing of . . . important factors.”
    Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital v. Mercury Construction
    460 U.S. 1
    , 16 (1983). These considerations include
    which court “first assum[ed] jurisdiction over property”
    involved in the case; “the inconvenience of the federal forum;
    the desirability of avoiding piecemeal litigation; and the order
    in which jurisdiction was obtained by the concurrent forums.”
    Colorado River, 
    424 U.S. at 818
     (internal citations omitted).
    As the District sees it, Colorado River governs because
    Sheptock III was stayed pending the appeal in Sheptock II. An
    England reservation, the District further argues, has no place
    when a case is stayed pursuant to Colorado River abstention.
    Fortunately for us, this is not a federal courts exam, and
    we have no need to pass on all of these arguments. For even
    assuming that plaintiffs are correct about Pullman, their
    motion to stay failed to qualify as an adequate England
    reservation. In that motion, plaintiffs asked the Superior Court
    to “stay proceedings on defendant’s motion for dismissal or
    summary judgment . . . pending plaintiffs’ submission of
    federal [antidiscrimination] claims” in federal court. In plain
    English, plaintiffs asked the Superior Court to stay all
    pending claims, both D.C. and federal. This was not an
    England reservation. Under England, a party asks the state
    court to resolve an antecedent state law issue so that it can
    return to federal court and have its federal claims heard. Here,
    by contrast, the Sheptock II plaintiffs asked the Superior Court
    to stay all claims and never signaled a desire to proceed in
    federal court after the Superior Court ruled on any claim,
    much less an antecedent question of D.C. law.
    Reinforcing our view that plaintiffs’ motion to stay fails
    to qualify as an England reservation, the parties’ briefs on that
    motion repeatedly frame the issue as one of removal. See 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 1441
     & 1446 (removal jurisdiction). In fact, the
    briefs make no reference at all to England. In opposing the
    motion to stay, the District was uncertain as to what plaintiffs
    had actually requested of the Superior Court. “It is not clear,”
    the District wondered, “whether plaintiffs seek some sort of
    bifurcation or removal of claims plaintiffs initiated before this
    Court.” Indeed, the Sheptock II plaintiffs took inconsistent
    and incoherent positions in their reply brief. Although they
    claimed that they were not seeking removal under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1441
    , they nonetheless framed their request as a “removal”
    of their antidiscrimination claims—claims never formally
    filed in Superior Court. Plaintiffs also disavowed “removal”
    of “previously pending claims,” which included claims under
    the Fifth Amendment. On this point, the Sheptock II plaintiffs
    appear to have contradicted their own motion, in which they
    sought to stay all claims. Given this confusion, it is difficult to
    ascertain what exactly the Sheptock II plaintiffs were seeking
    in their motion to stay. But what is clear is that plaintiffs
    themselves appear not to have believed they were filing an
    England reservation.
    Plaintiffs acknowledge that absent a valid England
    reservation, Counts I through XII are precluded. See Oral Arg.
    Rec. 6:55–7:40, 16:49–17:05. These counts include the ADA,
    FHA, D.C. Human Rights Act, and due process claims tied
    directly to the Franklin Shelter closure.
    Plaintiffs insist that Counts XIII through XVIII are not
    barred by res judicata because they stem from a nucleus of
    facts distinct from Sheptock II. These counts raise race and
    disability discrimination claims under the ADA and FHA.
    Although it is not entirely clear from their second amended
    federal complaint, plaintiffs contend that these counts
    challenge the District of Columbia’s continuing failure to
    provide housing for the homeless in the wake of the Franklin
    Shelter closure. Specifically, they point to the District’s
    failure to adequately implement its Permanent Supportive
    Housing Program. To the extent this program has been
    implemented, plaintiffs contend that the District has done so
    in a discriminatory fashion and with the goal of moving the
    homeless population to the “poorest and most violent parts of
    town.” Second Am. Fed. Compl. ¶ 39. According to plaintiffs,
    these “post-judgment events give rise to new claims, so that
    claim preclusion is no bar.” Stanton v. District of Columbia
    Court of Appeals, 
    127 F.3d 72
    , 78 (D.C. Cir. 1997); see also
    Drake v. FAA, 
    291 F.3d 59
    , 67 (D.C. Cir. 2002) (“The [res
    judicata] doctrine does not bar a litigant from doing in the
    present what he had no opportunity to do in the past.”).
    To recap, res judicata bars a subsequent suit “involving
    the same parties or their privies based on the same cause of
    action.” Parklane Hosiery Co., 
    439 U.S. at
    326 n.5. To
    ascertain if “two cases implicate the same cause of action” we
    look to whether “they share the same ‘nucleus of facts.’ ”
    291 F.3d at 66
     (quoting Page v. United States, 
    729 F.2d 818
    , 820 (D.C. Cir. 1984)).
    Contrary to plaintiffs’ argument, Counts XIII through
    XVIII flow directly from the closure of the Franklin Shelter,
    the same event that formed the basis of Sheptock II. The
    second amended federal complaint’s factual allegations
    repeatedly link the Permanent Supportive Housing Program
    and the closure of the Franklin Shelter. For example, the
    complaint alleges that the harms associated with the
    Permanent Supportive Housing Program impact “[m]any
    former residents of Franklin Shelter.” Second Am. Fed.
    Compl. ¶ 42; see also id. ¶ 38 (“The Permanent Supportive
    Housing Program, previously identified by the District as the
    means to mitigate any loss of shelter space because for [sic]
    the closing of Franklin Shelter, fails to keep pace with the
    demand.”). The complaint further asserts that the
    discriminatory provision of services continues because the
    Franklin Shelter remains closed. “Since the closing of
    Franklin Shelter,” the complaint alleges, “defendants’
    repeated failures directly and proximately denied plaintiffs
    needed services.” Id. ¶ 148; see also id. ¶ 117 (“Defendants
    intentionally denied plaintiffs housing, continued failures [sic]
    to provide adequate shelter space and placement in permanent
    supportive housing, because of plaintiffs’ race.”). Indeed, the
    requested relief—the reopening of the Franklin Shelter—
    demonstrates that the allegedly discriminatory provision of
    services is inextricably tied to the Franklin Shelter closure.
    See id. ¶ 40 (“Plaintiffs seek temporary and permanent
    injunctive relief compelling the District Government to re-
    open Franklin Shelter and return the status quo . . . .”).
    To be sure, the events alleged in Counts XIII through
    XVIII occurred after the Franklin Shelter was closed. But a
    quick glance at the Sheptock II complaint confirms that the
    events now alleged in Sheptock III were known to plaintiffs
    during the Sheptock II litigation. For one thing, the second
    amended complaint refers to the Permanent Supportive
    Housing Program’s inability to keep up with demand. See,
    e.g., Second Am. D.C. Compl. ¶ 86 (“It is also unclear what
    priorities were used to determine placement in the Permanent
    Supportive Housing Initiative, since the most vulnerable of
    the Franklin Shelter inhabitants are not currently part of the
    program, but are now sleeping in the parks and streets near
    Franklin Shelter.”). The complaint also alludes to the
    District’s alleged policy of moving the homeless population
    out of the downtown commercial area. See, e.g., id. ¶ 80
    (“Currently designated warming centers are as many as five
    miles away from the downtown area . . . .”); id. ¶ 84 (“Most
    placements are occurring in the poorest and most violent parts
    of town, and with the least services available for the
    vulnerable and the homeless.”). And most significantly, the
    complaint acknowledges the disproportionate rates of
    substance abuse and mental illness amongst the city’s
    homeless population—a key premise of the Sheptock III
    plaintiffs’ disability discrimination claims. See id. ¶ 94 (“In
    DC, an estimated 71% of the homeless individuals suffer from
    either substance abuse or mental illnesses.”).
    Counts XIII through XVIII thus share the same nucleus
    of facts as Sheptock II. True, the Sheptock II plaintiffs
    marshaled these facts in support of constitutional and D.C.
    law claims, rather than antidiscrimination claims. But res
    judicata turns on a suit’s factual context, “not the theory on
    which a plaintiff relies.” Faulkner, 
    618 A.2d at 183
    quotation marks omitted). Because these claims “could have
    been raised” in Sheptock II, they are precluded. Allen, 
    449 U.S. at 94
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm.
    So ordered.

Document Info

Docket Number: 11-7018

Citation Numbers: 404 U.S. App. D.C. 28, 707 F.3d 326

Judges: Edwards, Rogers, Tatel

Filed Date: 2/8/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/6/2023

Authorities (21)

Fuller Company v. Ramon I. Gil, Inc. , 782 F.2d 306 ( 1986 )

Adrian Energy Associates v. Michigan Public Service ... , 481 F.3d 414 ( 2007 )

Nader v. Democratic National Committee , 567 F.3d 692 ( 2009 )

Darrell R. Page v. United States , 729 F.2d 818 ( 1984 )

Ibrahim v. District of Columbia , 463 F.3d 3 ( 2006 )

96-cal-daily-op-serv-1284-96-daily-journal-dar-2200-united-parcel , 77 F.3d 1178 ( 1996 )

Railroad Comm'n of Tex. v. Pullman Co. , 61 S. Ct. 643 ( 1941 )

John Stanton v. District of Columbia Court of Appeals , 127 F.3d 72 ( 1997 )

Atherton v. District of Columbia Office of the Mayor , 567 F.3d 672 ( 2009 )

Faulkner v. Government Employees Insurance Co. , 618 A.2d 181 ( 1992 )

Richard Drake v. Federal Aviation Administration , 291 F.3d 59 ( 2002 )

Baltimore v. District of Columbia , 10 A.3d 1141 ( 2011 )

Parklane Hosiery Co. v. Shore , 99 S. Ct. 645 ( 1979 )

Allen v. McCurry , 101 S. Ct. 411 ( 1980 )

Government & Civic Employees Organizing Committee v. Windsor , 77 S. Ct. 838 ( 1957 )

County of Allegheny v. Frank Mashuda Co. , 79 S. Ct. 1060 ( 1959 )

England v. Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners , 84 S. Ct. 461 ( 1964 )

Colorado River Water Conservation District v. United States , 96 S. Ct. 1236 ( 1976 )

Williamson County Regional Planning Commission v. Hamilton ... , 105 S. Ct. 3108 ( 1985 )

San Remo Hotel, L. P. v. City & County of San Francisco , 125 S. Ct. 2491 ( 2005 )

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