Barr, Bob v. Clinton, William ( 2004 )

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    United States Court of Appeals
    Argued April 12, 2004                           Decided June 11, 2004
    No. 03-7047
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 02cv00437)
    Paul J. Orfanedes argued the cause for appellant. With
    him on the briefs was Larry E. Klayman.
    Suzanne H. Woods argued the cause for appellees. With
    her on the brief were David E. Kendall, Roger W. Wilcox Jr.,
    and William Alden McDaniel Jr. John G. Perazich and
    Paul J. Cambria Jr. entered appearances.
    Bills of costs must be filed within 14 days after entry of judgment.
    The court looks with disfavor upon motions to file bills of costs out
    of time.
    Before: EDWARDS, RANDOLPH, and TATEL, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge TATEL.
    TATEL, Circuit Judge: In this lawsuit, Congressman Bob
    Barr charges that President Clinton and one of his political
    advisors unlawfully conspired with Larry Flynt, publisher of
    Hustler magazine, to gather and disseminate disparaging
    information about Barr in order to retaliate for his role in the
    Clinton impeachment proceedings. The district court dis-
    missed the complaint, finding it time barred and, alternative-
    ly, that it failed to state a claim upon which relief could be
    granted. We affirm, but on different grounds. We affirm
    the dismissal as to Clinton and his advisor because the
    complaint fails to allege that either took any action within the
    statute of limitations to further the conspiracy, and as to
    Flynt because the complaint fails to allege that the disparag-
    ing information was either false or published with reckless or
    knowing disregard for its falsity, as required by the First
    Because the district court dismissed the complaint pursuant
    to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6), we
    construe the complaint ‘‘liberally,’’ granting plaintiff ‘‘the
    benefit of all inferences that can be derived from the facts
    alleged.’’ Kowal v. MCI Communications Corp., 
    16 F.3d 1271
    , 1276 (D.C.Cir.1994) (reviewing 12(b)(6) dismissal); ac-
    cord Artis v. Greenspan, 
    158 F.3d 1301
    , 1305–06 (D.C. Cir.
    1998) (reviewing 12(b)(1) dismissal). Viewed through that
    lens, the complaint relates the following facts:
    Congressman Bob Barr, who represented the seventh dis-
    trict of Georgia from 1995 until 2003, ‘‘was the first Congress-
    man to call for [an] impeachment inquiry of former President
    TTT William Jefferson Clinton.’’ Compl. ¶ 9. Barr ‘‘repeated-
    ly and aggressively pressed’’ that position, 
     and also
    served as a House Manager during the U.S. Senate impeach-
    ment trial. Id. ¶ 17.
    On October 4, 1998, Larry Flynt ran an advertisement in
    the Washington Post offering one million dollars to anyone
    who would admit to having had an affair with a member of
    Congress. Id. ¶ 15. Acknowledging that Flynt’s professed
    objective was to ‘‘expose the hypocrisy of members of Con-
    gress,’’ the complaint alleges that ‘‘[i]n reality,’’ Flynt was
    acting ‘‘in concert with [defendants Clinton and James Car-
    ville, a senior member of Clinton’s 1992 campaign staff, to]
    gather[ ] information from FBI and/or other government files
    about TTT Plaintiff Barr, and disseminate[ ] information from
    those files to the media in an attempt to intimidate, impede
    and/or retaliate against Plaintiff to prevent him from per-
    forming his official duties TTT and to harm Plaintiff Barr’s
    reputation.’’ Id.
    In support of this allegation, the complaint asserts that
    Carville maintained files containing information about Barr
    which he had obtained from confidential government sources
    and ‘‘routinely disseminated this material to the media.’’ Id.
    ¶ 10. In a January 7, 1999 press conference, Flynt’s es-
    tranged daughter ‘‘stated that Flynt had likely been supplied
    by Defendant Carville with confidential FBI files to assist
    Flynt in his search for ‘dirt’ on Congressmen, including
    [Barr], in an on-going effort TTT to prevent them from
    performing their official duties.’’ Id. ¶ 19. As to Clinton, the
    complaint alleges that he ‘‘approved and ratified’’ Flynt’s
    efforts to intimidate Barr. Id. ¶ 18. The complaint cites a
    1998 Los Angeles Times article stating: ‘‘[Clinton] laughed
    about the fact that Larry Flynt, publisher of Hustler maga-
    zine, had become the latest influence on the Washington
    political debate TTT [and] regaled his listeners with a descrip-
    tion of a letter that Flynt wrote to independent counsel
    Kenneth W. Starr TTT congratulating Starr for aiding the
    cause of pornography.’’ Elizabeth Shogren, ‘‘Clinton Puts
    His Faith in History,’’ L.A. Times, Dec. 22, 1998, at A1.
    On January 11, 1999, Flynt appeared on a television news
    program and, according to the complaint, divulged informa-
    tion from the government files, including that Barr ‘‘had not
    told the truth, under oath, in divorce proceedings, and that he
    had pressured his former wife into having an abortion.’’
    Compl. ¶ 21. During a interview on February 23,
    1999, Flynt not only repeated those accusations, but also
    announced that he intended to publish a one-time issue called
    The Flynt Report, which would contain additional improperly
    obtained information about Barr and other officials. Id.
    ¶ ¶ 29–30.
    On several occasions during the impeachment proceedings,
    Barr expressed his concern about defendants’ alleged efforts
    to gather and disseminate negative information about him.
    He wrote to President Clinton on March 30, 1998, seeking
    access to all White House documents relating to him. Id.
    ¶ 13. On March 3 and April 2, 1999, he also wrote to
    Attorney General Janet Reno. Alleging that the attacks and
    threatened attacks by Carville, Flynt, and others amounted to
    ‘‘a deliberate and concerted effort to impede’’ the impeach-
    ment process, Barr requested a formal Justice Department
    investigation. Id. ¶ ¶ 32, 34. In response, the Justice De-
    partment informed Barr that it had reviewed the matter and
    determined that an investigation was unwarranted. Id.
    ¶ ¶ 33, 35.
    Finally, on April 5, 1999, Flynt and L.F.P., Inc., his pub-
    lishing company, released The Flynt Report. Id. ¶ 31. At-
    tached to the complaint, the report states, among other
    things, that Barr ‘‘failed to tell the truth about adulterous sex
    while under oath in a 1986 deposition,’’ and that, in contrast
    to his ‘‘public opposition to abortion,’’ he ‘‘drove [his wife] to
    the clinic to have [an] abortion performed [and l]ater he
    returned to the facility to pick her up and paid for the
    procedure.’’ The Flynt Report 20–24 (L.F.P., Inc. 1999).
    On March 7, 2002, Barr filed suit in the United States
    District Court for the District of Columbia against defendants
    Clinton, Carville, Flynt, and L.F.P., Inc. In the only count at
    issue in this appeal, Barr claimed that the defendants violated
    42 U.S.C. § 1985
    (1) by conspiring to prevent him from per-
    forming his official duties. Section 1985(1) makes it unlawful
    for ‘‘two or more persons TTT [to] conspire to prevent, by
    force, intimidation, or threat, any person TTT from discharg-
    ing any duties [of public office]; TTT or to injure him in his
    person or property on account of his lawful discharge of the
    duties of his office.’’ 
    42 U.S.C. § 1985
    (1) (2000). Among
    other things, section 1985 plaintiffs must allege the elements
    of civil conspiracy, including: ‘‘an agreement to take part in
    an unlawful action or a lawful action in an unlawful manner.’’
    Hall v. Clinton, 
    285 F.3d 74
    , 83 (D.C. Cir. 2002). Seeking
    damages in excess of $30 million, see Compl. ¶ 41, Barr
    alleged that defendants:
    tacitly or explicitly agreed, in violation of 
    42 U.S.C. § 1985
    (1), to participate in a common scheme and
    unlawful on-going conspiracy TTT in furtherance [of
    which they] recommended, agreed to, and participat-
    ed in obtaining information from Plaintiff’s confiden-
    tial FBI and/or other government files, in violation
    of [federal law], then disclosing that information to
    the public TTT [such that] Plaintiff was hindered in
    the lawful discharge of his duties TTT and suffered
    substantial damages, including, but not limited to
    loss of reputation and emotional distress.
     ¶ ¶ 38–40.
    All defendants filed motions to dismiss under rules 12(b)(1)
    and 12(b)(6). See Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1) (lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction); 12(b)(6) (failure to state a claim). They
    argued that the complaint was barred by the three-year
    statute of limitations applicable to section 1985 claims. Alter-
    natively, they argued that the complaint failed to state a claim
    for relief because (1) it pleaded insufficient facts to support
    the allegation that the defendants had entered an agreement
    and (2) it nowhere alleged that the information about Barr
    was either false or published with knowing or reckless disre-
    gard for its falsity, as required by the First Amendment.
    The district court granted the defendants’ motions, ruling
    that the suit was untimely, and, in the alternative, that Barr
    failed to state a claim because the complaint insufficiently
    alleged the agreement element of conspiracy. See Barr v.
    Clinton, No. 02–437 (D.D.C. March 19, 2003).
    Barr now appeals. Because the district court dismissed the
    complaint pursuant to rules 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6), our review
    is de novo. See Hall, 
    285 F.3d at 81
    ; Browning v. Clinton,
    292 F.3d 235
    , 242 (D.C. Cir. 2002).
    We begin with the district court’s dismissal of the com-
    plaint on the basis of the statute of limitations. As mentioned
    above, ‘‘the relevant statute of limitations for a section 1985(1)
    violation in this jurisdiction is three years.’’ Hall, 
    285 F.3d at 82
    . In Lawrence v. Acree, 
    665 F.2d 1319
     (D.C. Cir. 1981), we
    explained that ‘‘the statute of limitations in a civil damages
    action for conspiracy runs separately from each overt act that
    is alleged to cause damage to the plaintiff.’’ 
    Id. at 1324
    Because Barr filed his complaint on March 7, 2002, every
    alleged act that occurred prior to March 7, 1999 is time-
    barred. Although acknowledging that the April 5, 1999 publi-
    cation of The Flynt Report occurred within the limitations
    period, the district court nonetheless dismissed the entire
    complaint as untimely, relying largely on our statement in
    Hall v. Clinton that the three-year period begins ‘‘when the
    plaintiff has sufficient notice of the conduct TTT which is now
    asserted as the basis for [his] lawsuit.’’ 
    285 F.3d at 82
    (omission in original) (internal quotation marks omitted). Ap-
    plying that rule, the district court concluded that Barr had
    sufficient prior notice of the report’s publication, pointing to
    Flynt’s February statements to announcing that
    the report would be published and to Barr’s March 3 letter to
    the Attorney General requesting an investigation of Flynt.
    We cannot agree with the district court’s analysis. In Hall,
    all allegedly unlawful conduct occurred outside the statute of
    limitations, and the question was whether the case could
    nevertheless go forward because the plaintiff filed suit within
    three years of discovering the allegedly unlawful conduct. 
    Here, by contrast, the allegedly unlawful conduct—The Flynt
    Report’s publication—occurred inside the three-year period.
    To be sure, Barr had prior notice of Flynt’s intent to publish
    the report, but Flynt’s threat to do so gave Barr no knowl-
    edge of exactly what the report would contain, to whom it
    would be distributed, or even whether it would ever be
    published. The complaint, moreover, alleges that publication
    of The Flynt Report represented a separate and distinct overt
    act in furtherance of the conspiracy—an act that, under
    Lawrence, triggered a new three-year limitations period. As
    Barr points out, dismissing his suit just because he had prior
    notice would be ‘‘the same as finding that a threat to assault
    someone, occurring outside the limitations period, would bar
    an action for a subsequent actual assault that occurred within
    the limitations period.’’ Appellant’s Br. at 15.
    That said, our decision in Lawrence nevertheless requires
    affirmance of the district court’s dismissal of the claims
    against two defendants—Clinton and Carville. In Lawrence,
    as here, all but one of the acts alleged in furtherance of a
    section 1985(1) conspiracy occurred outside the limitations
    665 F.2d at 1323
    . Because the period runs separate-
    ly from each overt act, we held that the statute of limitations
    ‘‘confine[d] our focus, for purposes of considering damages’’ to
    the single overt act within the limitations period, in that case,
    a negative performance evaluation. 
    Id. at 1324
    . We there-
    fore dismissed the claim with respect to two defendants who
    had not participated in the evaluation because ‘‘[t]here [wa]s
    no allegation that [they] furthered the conspiracy against’’ the
    plaintiff at any time during the statute of limitations. 
    Lawrence is indistinguishable from this case. The com-
    plaint here alleges that only ‘‘Flynt and L.F.P. published The
    Flynt Report.’’ Compl. ¶ 31. It does not allege that either
    Clinton or Carville participated in the report’s publication or
    in any other act in furtherance of the conspiracy within the
    limitations period; Clinton’s alleged approval rests on com-
    ments he made in 1998, and Carville’s alleged disclosure of
    secret files to Flynt occurred sometime before January or
    February 1999.
    Because the statute of limitations bars the claim against
    both Clinton and Carville, we confine our review of the
    district court’s alternative basis for dismissing the complaint
    to the single overt act not barred by the statute of limita-
    tions—Flynt’s and L.F.P.’s publication of The Flynt Report.
    We affirm a district court’s dismissal under Rule 12(b)(6)
    only if the ‘‘plaintiff can prove no set of facts in support of his
    claim which would entitle him to relief.’’ Browning, 
    292 F.3d at 242
    . In this case, the district court granted the Rule
    12(b)(6) motion because ‘‘Congressman Barr’s allegations as-
    sociated with The Flynt Report are bereft of any details
    substantiating the principal and essential element of a con-
    spiracy, a ‘meeting of the minds’ between Defendants.’’
    Barr, slip op. at 17. Challenging that ruling, Barr insists that
    his allegations meet the minimal notice pleading standards of
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(a)(2)
    (requiring only a ‘‘short and plain statement of the claim’’);
    see also Swierkiewicz v. Sorema, 
    534 U.S. 506
    , 512 (2002)
    (‘‘Such a statement must simply give the defendant fair notice
    of what the plaintiff’s claim is and the grounds upon which it
    rests.’’ (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    We need not resolve this question, however, for Flynt
    persuasively argues that the relief Barr seeks is precluded by
    the First Amendment. See EEOC v. Aramark Corp., 
    208 F.3d 266
    , 268 (D.C. Cir. 2000) (‘‘[B]ecause we review the
    district court’s judgment, not its reasoning, we may affirm on
    any ground properly raised.’’). In New York Times Co. v.
    376 U.S. 254
     (1964), the Supreme Court held that
    under the First Amendment, public officials claiming defama-
    tion must allege that the published information was both false
    and published with actual malice, i.e., with knowing or reck-
    less disregard for its falsity. See 
     at 279–80. Flynt argues
    that the New York Times standards apply to Barr’s section
    1985(1) claim insofar as it seeks damages for loss of reputa-
    tion and emotional distress resulting from the actual publica-
    tion of The Flynt Report. Barr responds only that he need
    not allege that the report was defamatory in order to state a
    section 1985(1) claim.
    Although Barr is correct, see Lawrence, 
    665 F.2d at 1324
    (section 1985(1) plaintiff is not required to allege that ‘‘each
    overt act TTT [is] independently actionable’’), the fact that his
    complaint alleges something other than a traditional defama-
    tion action does not mean that First Amendment protections
    are inapplicable. Both the Supreme Court and this court
    have made clear that the constitutional protections available
    to defendants charged with defaming public officials may
    extend to other civil actions alleging reputational or emotional
    harm from the publication of protected speech. In Hustler
    Magazine v. Falwell, 
    485 U.S. 46
     (1988), where a public figure
    plaintiff sought damages for intentional infliction of emotional
    distress against the publisher (also Larry Flynt) of a lewd
    cartoon parody of the plaintiff, the Supreme Court extended
    the New York Times standards to the intentional infliction
    claim, finding such safeguards ‘‘necessary to give adequate
    ‘breathing space’ to the freedoms protected by the First
    Id. at 56
    ; cf. Cohen v. Cowles Media Co., 
    501 U.S. 663
    , 671 (1991) (holding that New York Times does not
    apply to a promissory estoppel claim seeking damages for
    economic rather than emotional or reputational harm). We
    followed a similar path in Moldea v. New York Times Co., 
    22 F.3d 310
     (D.C. Cir. 1994), where an author sued a newspaper
    for the publication of a negative book review, alleging defama-
    tion and false light invasion of privacy. We held that because
    the plaintiff had failed to meet the burdens of proof associat-
    ed with his defamation claim, the ‘‘related claim for false light
    invasion of privacy must also fail.’’ 
    Id. at 319
    . As we
    explained, ‘‘a plaintiff may not use related causes of action to
    avoid the constitutional requisites of a defamation claim.’’ 
    at 319–20.
    Although we have not previously addressed the First
    Amendment issue in the section 1985(1) context, the Sixth
    Circuit, in Windsor v. The Tennessean, 
    719 F.2d 155
     (6th Cir.
    1983), recognized that ‘‘the New York Times case dealt with
    state tort law,’’ but saw ‘‘no reason not to apply that [constitu-
    tional] test to [a] section 1985(1) action[ ]’’ alleging conspiracy
    to injure a public official through the publication of disparag-
    ing newspaper articles. 
    Id. at 162
    . In this circuit, District
    Judge Kollar–Kotelly reached the same conclusion in Sculim-
    brene v. Reno, 
    158 F. Supp. 2d 8
     (D.D.C. 2001), explaining
    that ‘‘[l]ike the libel statute at issue in New York Times v.
    Sullivan and the Sedition Act of 1789, Section 1985 of Title 42
    carries the potential to infringe upon a speaker’s First
    Amendment right if certain safeguards are not imposed.’’ 
    Id. at 18
    . Judge Kollar–Kotelly concluded that ‘‘the constitution-
    al considerations and protections afforded to defendants in a
    defamation action seem equally applicable’’ to a section 1985
    claim alleging that defendants conspired to publish informa-
    tion injuring a plaintiff’s reputation. 
    Persuaded by the reasoning of the Sixth Circuit and Judge
    Kollar–Kotelly, we hold that First Amendment protections
    apply to section 1985 claims like the one presented here.
    Barr’s cause of action rests entirely on his claim that Flynt’s
    conspiratorial publication of The Flynt Report injured his
    reputation and mental state. Indeed, ruling otherwise would
    allow public officials to recast defamation claims barred by
    New York Times as section 1985(1) conspiracies, thus choking
    off the ‘‘breathing space’’ necessary to safeguard ‘‘the free-
    doms protected by the First Amendment.’’ Hustler, 
    485 U.S. at 56
    . Because Barr’s complaint alleges neither that the
    information in The Flynt Report is false nor that the report
    was published with actual malice, Barr cannot obtain damages
    for the report’s publication.
    In affirming the district court’s 12(b)(6) ruling on this
    ground, we emphasize that we have not reached an issue that
    arose at oral argument in response to questions from the
    court, i.e., whether or how Flynt’s First Amendment defense
    might be affected by the complaint’s allegation that he partic-
    ipated in illegally obtaining the published materials. Cf.
    Bartnicki v. Vopper, 
    532 U.S. 514
    , 528–29 (2001) (leaving open
    the question of whether the First Amendment would permit
    the punishment of the publication of truthful information
    obtained unlawfully); Fla. Star v. B.J.F., 
    491 U.S. 524
    , 535
    n.8 (1989) (same). Barr neither raised this issue in response
    to Flynt’s First Amendment arguments nor cited any of the
    relevant authority either before the district court or here.
    Indeed, nothing in Barr’s appellate briefs can arguably be
    read as encompassing the issue. Because Barr failed to raise
    the issue and because Flynt has had no opportunity to
    respond, we will not address it. See Carducci v. Regan, 714
    11 F.2d 171
    , 177 (D.C. Cir. 1983) (‘‘[A]ppellate courts do not sit
    as self-directed boards of legal inquiry and research, but
    essentially as arbiters of legal questions presented and ar-
    gued by the parties before themTTTT [W]here counsel has
    made no attempt to address the issue, we will not remedy the
    defect, especially where, as here, important questions of far-
    reaching significance are involved.’’ (internal quotation marks
    The district court’s judgment is affirmed.
    So ordered.