Xcel Energy Services Inc. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission , 510 F.3d 314 ( 2007 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued October 5, 2007            Decided December 14, 2007
    No. 06-1174
    On Petition for Review of Orders of the
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
    Floyd L. Norton, IV argued the cause for petitioner. With
    him on the briefs were Heath K. Knakmuhs and William M.
    Carol J. Banta, Attorney, Federal Energy Regulatory
    Commission, argued the cause for respondent. With her on
    the brief were John S. Moot, General Counsel, and Robert H.
    Solomon, Solicitor.
    Before: GARLAND and GRIFFITH, Circuit Judges, and
    WILLIAMS, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Senior Circuit Judge
    WILLIAMS, Senior Circuit Judge: Section 205 of the
    Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. § 824d, and FERC regulations,
    18 C.F.R. § 35.3
    , require that utilities provide 60 days prior
    notice to the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission before a
    rate takes effect. FERC may waive that requirement,
    however, “for good cause shown.” 
     at § 35.11. Xcel
    Energy Services, Inc. challenges FERC’s decision not to
    waive the prior notice requirement for four interconnection
    agreements that Xcel filed more than four years after the
    effective date chosen by the parties. Xcel’s challenge to the
    ruling on one of the four agreements fails for want of
    standing; as to the other three, we find FERC’s decision
    neither arbitrary nor capricious.
    * * *
    Four interconnection agreements are at issue here, but the
    four share origins with a fifth, on which the four disputed ones
    pivot. Public Service Company of Colorado—an affiliate of
    Xcel (and, for simplicity’s sake, also referred to here as
    “Xcel”)—conducted a competitive bidding process that
    resulted in power purchase agreements and five
    interconnection agreements with four companies. Xcel
    entered into all five interconnection agreements at various
    times between January 26, 2001 and October 26, 2001. Xcel
    filed an agreement with Plains End, LLC—the one of the five
    that is not directly at issue here—on August 22, 2001, but a
    dispute arose between the two over the calculation of the
    facilities charge as set forth in the agreement. See Xcel
    Energy Servs., Inc., 
    100 FERC ¶ 61,267
     at 62,
    016 P 9
    FERC conditionally accepted the Plains End agreement on
    September 13, 2002, made it effective as of August 23, 2001,
    and held the facilities charge dispute in abeyance in order to
    permit settlement negotiations between the parties. 
    Id. at 62
    019 P 33
    . The parties reached an agreement on March 12,
    2004, which FERC accepted on May 27, 2004. See Xcel
    Energy Servs., Inc., 
    107 FERC ¶ 61,198
    Of the four remaining transactions, an agreement was
    initially filed for one in July 2001 (an agreement with
    Fountain Valley Power, LLC), providing for a charge of about
    $31,000 a month. FERC accepted it and granted a waiver
    allowing a retroactive date of February 21, 2001. Agreements
    for the remaining three transactions—two with Black Hills
    Colorado, LLC, and another with BIV Generation Co., LLC—
    were also signed in 2001 but not filed with FERC. For about
    three of the next four years, service proceeded while the
    parties awaited resolution of the Xcel-Plains End dispute. As
    we have seen, that wrapped up in March 2004 and FERC
    accepted the result in May.
    Just shy of a year-and-a-half later, on November 14,
    2005, Xcel filed the four “Amended and Restated”
    interconnection agreements now at issue.            Each new
    agreement provided for a new facilities charge calculated
    pursuant to the terms of the Plains End settlement agreement.
    We note, and will return to the point later, that the Fountain
    Valley agreement filed in 2005 provided for a charge of about
    $6500 a month; the new rate represented about an 80%
    reduction from the prior filing, presumably due to the
    influence of the Plains End settlement. Xcel requested waiver
    of the 60-day prior notice requirement, asking that each
    agreement be effective as of the 2001 date of the initial
    interconnection agreements. FERC declined to waive the
    prior notice requirement and instead accepted the four
    interconnection agreements with an effective date of January
    13, 2006. Xcel Energy Servs., Inc., Letter Order, Docket Nos.
    ER06-207-000, ER06-208-000. ER06-209-000, ER06-210-
    000 (Dec. 23, 2005).
    Xcel requested rehearing. In an order denying rehearing,
    FERC found that Xcel had failed to show either that the
    agreements fit within the narrow situations in which it was
    willing to grant waiver as a matter of course, or that there
    were “extraordinary circumstances” justifying waiver. Xcel
    Energy Servs. Inc., 
    114 FERC ¶ 61,295
     at 62,
    048 P 9
    (“Order Denying Reh’g”). FERC explicitly rejected the idea
    that the multi-year provision of service under unfiled
    agreements, while the parties awaited resolution of the Plains
    End matter, presented extraordinary circumstances. 
    petition followed.
    * * *
    Standing. Before we can reach the substance of Xcel’s
    petition for review, we must address two issues related to its
    Xcel describes a financial arrangement underlying all
    four interconnection agreements that seems—at least at first
    glance—somewhat odd. Those interconnection agreements
    provide for Xcel to collect monthly facilities charges from its
    counterparts, but power purchase agreements between the
    parties require Xcel to reimburse its counterparts for those
    charges in the same amount. Thus it would seem that what
    Xcel takes it then gives away, resulting in a net gain of
    nothing (or, more important for our purposes, a loss of
    nothing from FERC’s decision not to waive the prior notice
    requirement). But Xcel explains that this odd arrangement is
    in fact a stepping stone to a financial recovery: collection and
    reimbursement are a predicate to Xcel’s recovering the
    amounts of its reimbursements from its retail customers. So
    while the net effect between Xcel and its counterparts is zero,
    Xcel’s net injury is not. As a direct effect of FERC’s refusal
    to waive the prior notice requirement and permit an earlier
    effective date for these agreements, Xcel cannot recover those
    amounts from its retail customers. FERC offers nothing to
    contradict this analysis. Thus Xcel has an injury-in-fact—
    except as to one agreement.
    As to the fourth agreement the math fails. Xcel admits
    that one of its interconnection agreements with Black Hills
    Colorado, one related to the Valmont Generating Facility,
    establishes a $0 monthly facilities charge. Because Xcel
    collects nothing, it also reimburses nothing, so the agreement
    gives it no ability to recover any amounts from retail
    customers. Xcel essentially concedes that FERC’s decision
    not to waive the prior notice requirement for this agreement
    caused it no harm, but it nonetheless asks that we review the
    decision simply because FERC addressed this interconnection
    agreement in the same orders in which it addressed the others.
    That coincidence provides no substitute for injury-in-fact, and
    thus we dismiss the petition for review for lack of subject-
    matter jurisdiction insofar as it challenges FERC’s orders in
    Docket No. ER06-208.
    Merits. The filing and prior notice requirements of
    section 205 of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. § 824d, and
    FERC regulations, 
    18 C.F.R. § 35.3
    , provide FERC with
    timely information from which it can “monitor[] the
    reasonableness of prices and undue discrimination in the
    marketplace” and “assist the public in filing complaints” by
    providing it with “good information about energy
    transactions.” Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, 
    99 FERC ¶ 61,107
     P 46 (2002). The interconnection agreements
    at issue here should have been filed with FERC not less than
    60 days before going into effect, but FERC can waive that
    prior notice requirement “[u]pon application and for good
    cause shown.” 
    18 C.F.R. § 35.11
    . Xcel argues that it was
    entitled to a waiver under existing precedent.
    In a matter decided well before the transactions here,
    Central Hudson Gas & Elec. Corp., 
    60 FERC ¶ 61,106
    , reh’g
    61 FERC ¶ 61,089
     (1992), FERC reconsidered and
    explained its policy towards waiver of the 60-day prior notice
    requirement. FERC stated that it would generally grant
    waivers for: (1) “uncontested filings that do not change rates,”
    (2) “filings that reduce rates and charges,” and (3) “filings that
    increase rates when the rate change and the effective date are
    prescribed by contract.” 
    Id. at 61338
    . But “absent a strong
    showing of good cause” FERC would “deny requests for
    waiver of notice for rate increases that do not implement a
    contract requirement.” 
    Id. at 61339
    For filings that provide for new service, as here, Central
    Hudson gives great weight to whether the agreement was filed
    before or after the commencement of that service. If the
    agreement was filed prior to the commencement of service
    FERC will grant a waiver “if good cause is shown,” but if an
    agreement was filed on or after the day service has
    commenced, FERC will not grant a waiver “[a]bsent
    extraordinary circumstances.” 
     A year after Central
    Hudson, FERC decided to eliminate the extraordinary
    circumstances test “for waiver for the filing of service
    agreements under umbrella tariffs” and to grant waiver of
    notice “if service agreements are filed within 30 days after
    service commences.” Prior Notice and Filing Requirements
    Under Part II of the Federal Power Act, 
    64 FERC ¶ 61,139
    61984, order on reh’g, 
    65 FERC ¶ 61,081
     (1993) (“Prior
    Notice”). FERC expressly reaffirmed, however, that it would
    “not relax the ‘extraordinary circumstances’ standard of
    waiver for any other type of agreement for new service.” 
    Xcel claims that the monthly access charges reflected in
    the late-filed interconnection agreements hinged on the
    negotiations and eventual settlement between Xcel and Plains
    End, and that therefore extraordinary circumstances existed:
    earlier filing would have merely resulted in more time-
    consuming dispute resolution at the expense of FERC
    resources. Further, Xcel invokes the value of private
    contracts; the parties have agreed to an effective date in each
    of the interconnection agreements, and Xcel reasons that
    FERC’s refusal to grant waivers under such circumstances
    conflicts with precedents—FERC’s, ours, and the Supreme
    Court’s (the Mobile-Sierra doctrine, see United Gas Pipe Line
    Co. v. Mobile Gas Serv. Corp., 
    350 U.S. 332
    favor enforcement of contractual commitments.
    “Our review of the Commission’s waiver rulings is ‘quite
    limited,’ as ‘Congress, through § 205, has clearly delegated
    waiver discretion to the Commission and not to the Courts.”
    NSTAR Elec. & Gas Corp. v. FERC, 
    481 F.3d 794
    , 799 (D.C.
    Cir. 2007) (quoting City of Girard v. FERC, 
    790 F.2d 919
    925 (D.C. Cir. 1986)). Since Xcel could readily have filed all
    four disputed agreements pending the outcome of the Plains
    End negotiations (or agency and court proceedings if
    necessary), it seems far from arbitrary for the Commission to
    find that the pendency of those discussions, and the parties’
    apparent intent to use their outcome as a model, were not
    extraordinary circumstances.
    This is all the more evident from the strange case of
    Xcel’s agreements with Fountain Valley. Xcel did file the
    initial agreement in that case; the rates contained in the
    amended agreement, which FERC refused to make
    retroactive, included rates about 80% lower than those in the
    initial filing. So a simple mechanism for handling the parties’
    problem was obviously available.
    As to Fountain Valley, of course, the amended agreement
    appears to fit within the second of Central Hudson’s examples
    of waivers that are granted readily—“filings that reduce rates
    and charges.” In its reply brief, Xcel claims for the first time
    that FERC should have considered waiver of the prior notice
    requirement for its amended Fountain Valley agreement under
    that relaxed standard. (Xcel’s Reply Br. 16). Xcel has twice
    waived this argument, Consol. Edison Co. of N.Y. v. FERC,
    347 F.3d 964
    , 970 (D.C. Cir. 2003), by failing to present it to
    FERC as required by § 313(b) of the Federal Power Act, 16
    U.S.C. § 825l(b), and by failing to raise it in its opening brief
    here, see Power Co. of Am. v. FERC, 
    245 F.3d 839
    , 845 (D.C.
    Cir. 2001). We are perplexed at the net result of FERC’s
    delaying the filing of a rate-reducing amended agreement, but
    Xcel’s quest for review suggests strongly that the initial filing
    at the far higher rate yielded no revenue that Xcel has been
    able to keep. In any event, we have no jurisdiction over the
    Perhaps recognizing the weakness of its efforts to fit its
    claim within the precepts of Central Hudson or Prior Notice,
    Xcel points us to cases that predate Central Hudson. See City
    of Holyoke Gas & Elec. Dep’t v. FERC, 
    954 F.2d 740
    Cir. 1992); City of Girard, 
    790 F.2d 919
    ; City of Piqua v.
    610 F.2d 950
     (D.C. Cir. 1979). We are uncertain
    whether these cases provide much support for Xcel’s claims,
    and in any event we don’t see how any such support survives
    the express reconsideration and restatement of FERC policy in
    Central Hudson and Prior Notice.
    Finally, we have no jurisdiction to address Xcel’s
    separate argument that FERC’s decision not to waive the prior
    notice requirement imposed a penalty that departed
    dramatically from agency precedent. In Prior Notice, FERC
    determined that “if waiver is denied and [a proposed just and
    reasonable] rate goes into effect after service has commenced,
    we will require the utility to refund to its customers the time
    value of the revenues collected . . . for the entire period that
    the rate was collected without Commission authorization.” 
    64 FERC ¶ 61,139
     at 61979 (footnote omitted). Because Xcel
    never collected charges under its late-filed agreements,
    however, it argues that FERC’s decision not to waive the prior
    notice requirement has effectively deprived Xcel of the ability
    to collect those charges at all—a greater penalty than mere
    refund of the time value of those charges. But this is an
    argument that Xcel needed to urge first before FERC, and
    Xcel’s failure to raise the objection in an application for
    rehearing deprives us of jurisdiction under § 313(b) of the
    Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. § 825l(b). See also Pub. Serv.
    Elec. & Gas Co. v. FERC, 
    485 F.3d 1164
    , 1169-70 (D.C. Cir.
    * * *
    As to the Black Hills Colorado agreement relating to the
    Valmont facility, we dismiss the petition for lack of standing.
    As to the other three disputed agreements, we uphold FERC’s
    orders and deny Xcel’s petition for review.
    So ordered.