Society of Lloyds v. Siemon-Netto, G. , 457 F.3d 94 ( 2006 )

  • United States Court of Appeals
    Argued October 28, 2005                Decided August 8, 2006
    No. 04-7214
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 03cv01524)
    Russel H. Beatie argued the cause and filed the briefs for
    Stephen J. Jorden argued the cause and filed the brief for
    Before: SENTELLE and GARLAND, Circuit Judges, and
    WILLIAMS, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the court filed by Circuit Judge GARLAND.
    GARLAND, Circuit Judge: Defendants Gillian and Uwe
    Siemon-Netto are two among the hundreds of “Names” whom
    the Society of Lloyd’s has sued for nonpayment of reinsurance
    premiums. The English High Court of Justice, Queen’s Bench
    Division, entered money judgments in favor of Lloyd’s against
    the Siemon-Nettos. Lloyd’s then sued to enforce those
    judgments in the United States District Court for the District of
    Columbia. The district court granted summary judgment in
    favor of Lloyd’s, and we now affirm.
    Eight circuit courts have set forth the background
    information that is relevant to this appeal.1 Seeing no need to
    reinvent the wheel, we take our description of the context of this
    litigation from the Fifth Circuit’s clear explications in Society of
    Lloyd’s v. Turner, 
    303 F.3d 325
     (5th Cir. 2002), and
    Haynsworth v. The Corporation, 
    121 F.3d 956
     (5th Cir. 1997).
    See also Society of Lloyd’s v. Reinhart, 
    402 F.3d 982
    , 988 (10th
    Cir. 2005) (“Numerous courts have summarized the basic facts
    applicable to the underlying litigation, and these facts are not in
    The Parliament of the United Kingdom authorized the
    Society of Lloyd’s to regulate a London insurance market
    through a series of Parliamentary Acts, known as the “Lloyd’s
    See Society of Lloyd’s v. Reinhart, 
    402 F.3d 982
     (10th Cir.
    2005); Lipcon v. Underwriters at Lloyd’s, 
    148 F.3d 1285
     (11th Cir.
    1998); Richards v. Lloyd’s of London, 
    135 F.3d 1289
     (9th Cir. 1998);
    Haynsworth v. The Corporation, 
    121 F.3d 956
     (5th Cir. 1997); Allen
    v. Lloyd’s of London, 
    94 F.3d 923
     (4th Cir. 1996); Shell v. R.W.
    Sturge, Ltd., 
    55 F.3d 1227
     (6th Cir. 1995); Bonny v. Soc’y of Lloyd’s,
    3 F.3d 156
     (7th Cir. 1993); Roby v. Corp. of Lloyd’s, 
    996 F.2d 1353
    (2d Cir. 1993).
    Acts,” passed between 1871 and 1982. In Haynsworth, the Fifth
    Circuit explained the structure of the Lloyd’s market as follows:
    Lloyd’s is a 300-year-old market in which
    individual and corporate underwriters known as
    “Names” underwrite insurance. The Corporation of
    Lloyd’s, which is also known as the Society of
    Lloyd’s, provides the building and personnel necessary
    to the market’s administrative operations. The
    Corporation is run by the Council of Lloyd’s, which
    promulgates “Byelaws,” regulates the market, and
    generally controls Lloyd’s administrative functions.
    Lloyd’s does not underwrite insurance; the Names
    do so by forming groups known as syndicates. Within
    each syndicate, participating Names underwrite for
    their own accounts and at their own risk. . . . Each
    syndicate is managed and operated by a Managing
    Agent, who owes the Names a contractual duty to
    conduct the syndicate’s affairs with reasonable care. .
    Names must become members of Lloyd’s in order
    to participate in the market. Prospective members are
    solicited and assisted in the process of joining by
    Member’s Agents, whose duties to the Names are
    fiduciary in nature. Names must pass a means test to
    ensure their ability to meet their underwriting
    obligations, post security (typically, a letter of credit),
    and personally appear in London before a
    representative of the Council of Lloyd’s to
    acknowledge their awareness of the various risks and
    requirements of membership, and in particular the fact
    that underwriting in the Lloyd’s market subjects them
    to unlimited personal liability.
    Participation in the market also requires the
    execution of a number of contracts and agreements, the
    most important of which is the General Undertaking,
    the standardized contract between Lloyd’s and the
    individual Names. Names additionally must enter into
    a Member’s Agent’s agreement, the contract that
    defines the relationship between the Name and his
    chosen Member’s Agent, and one or more Managing
    Agent’s agreements, which define the relationships
    between the Name and the Managing Agents of the
    syndicates he wishes to join. Under the present version
    of Lloyd’s Byelaws, each of these agreements must
    contain clauses designating England as the forum in
    which disputes are to be resolved and choosing English
    law as the law governing such disputes.
    Haynsworth, 121 F.3d at 958-59.
    The Turner court described the insurance crisis that led to
    lawsuits like the one now before us:
    In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Lloyd’s
    underwriters incurred billions of dollars of losses, due
    in large part to toxic tort cases. Because of the
    enormity of the outstanding liabilities and because of
    the Names’ inability to satisfy their underwriting
    obligations, the very existence of Lloyd’s was
    threatened. To ensure both the survival of the market
    and the payment of policyholders’ claims, as well as to
    protect the Names, Lloyd’s devised the Reconstruction
    and Renewal (R&R) plan, which provided reinsurance
    for all the Names’ pre-1993 liabilities from an
    independent company, Equitas Reinsurance Ltd.
    (“Equitas”). Equitas was funded, in part, by the
    reinsurance premiums paid by the Names.
    According to Lloyd’s, 95% of the Names accepted
    the offer and paid the reinsurance premium.[2] The
    remaining 5% . . . refused to accept the offer and
    refused to pay. As Lloyd’s was contractually
    authorized to do, Lloyd’s appointed a substitute agent
    for the non-accepting Names. The substitute agent
    signed and accepted the Equitas reinsurance contract
    on behalf of the resistant Names.
    303 F.3d at 327-28
    The Turner court further explained the genesis of the
    referenced “contractual[] authoriz[ation]” that permitted Lloyd’s
    to appoint a substitute agent for the recalcitrant Names:
    All Names signed a General Undertaking in which
    they agreed to “comply with the provisions of Lloyd’s
    Acts 1871-1982, any subordinate legislation made
    thereunder, [and any] requirement made or imposed by
    the Council [of Lloyd’s].” Pursuant to Lloyd’s Acts
    1982, Schedule 2, § (18)(b), Lloyd’s obtained the
    power to appoint substitute agents when the Council
    deemed it necessary. Through a series of bylaws and
    resolutions under this Act, the Council was authorized
    to appoint a substitute agent on behalf of Names
    specifically “to execute the Reinsurance Contract for
    itself and on behalf of the Members in such form as the
    As the Seventh Circuit explained, “Lloyd’s levied an assessment
    (the reinsurance premium) against all the names [and then] offered a
    discount on the assessment to induce the names to go along with this
    plan voluntarily.” Society of Lloyd’s v. Ashenden, 
    233 F.3d 473
    , 478
    (7th Cir. 2000).
    council may direct . . . .” Lloyd’s Byelaw No. 20 of
    1983; Byelaw No. 82 of 1995; AUA9 Resolution of
    303 F.3d at
    328 n.3.
    Finally, the Fifth Circuit described the English litigation
    against the recalcitrant Names, upon which the English
    judgments in this case are ultimately founded:
    Lloyd’s paid the Equitas premiums for those
    Names, and Equitas assigned its right to collect the
    premiums to Lloyd’s. In late 1996, Lloyd’s brought
    collection proceedings in England against the
    recalcitrant Names . . . .
    The lengthy litigation that followed in England
    took place in a series of test cases. First, the English
    courts tried the Leighs case, [Society of Lloyd’s v.
    Leighs, [1997] C.L.C. 759 (Q.B.)], to determine
    whether Lloyd’s was entitled to appoint substitute
    agents to bind the non-settling Names to the R&R Plan,
    to enforce the Equitas contact, and to collect the
    premiums. The court found for Lloyd’s, but allowed
    the plaintiffs to pursue their claims of fraudulent
    inducement against Lloyd’s in a separate action. The
    English Court of Appeal upheld the trial court’s
    decision, [see Society of Lloyd’s v. Leighs, [1997]
    EWCA (Civ) 2283], and leave to appeal was denied by
    the Judicial Committee of the House of Lords, the
    English equivalent of the United States Supreme Court.
    The Names’ claims for fraud were brought all
    together in the Jaffray action, [Society of Lloyd’s v.
    Jaffray, [2000] EWHC (Comm) 51], . . . [in which] the
    English courts found in favor of Lloyd’s . . . .
    . . . Lloyd’s sought summary judgment against the
    Names for the Equitas premium amount in the Fraser
    litigation. In this litigation, the Names challenged
    Lloyd’s calculation of the reinsurance premium . . . .
    After lengthy review, the trial court ruled against the
    Names on this claim, and the English Court of Appeal
    denied leave to appeal. [See Society of Lloyd’s v.
    Fraser, [1998] EWCA (Civ) 1378.]
    303 F.3d at 328-29
    This brings us to the present litigation. Gillian and Uwe
    Siemon-Netto were among the Names who neither accepted
    their settlement offers nor paid the reinsurance premium for
    their outstanding underwriting liabilities. Nor did they take the
    opportunity afforded by the English courts to pursue separate
    fraud claims against Lloyd’s. See Society of Lloyd’s v. Siemon-
    Netto, No. 03-1524, Mem. Op. at 3 (D.D.C. Aug. 20, 2004).
    On March 24, 1997, Lloyd’s sued the Siemon-Nettos in
    England for breach of their contractual obligations to pay the
    reinsurance premiums. The Siemon-Nettos’ counsel entered an
    appearance on their behalf. The English courts granted
    summary judgment against the Siemon-Nettos in the Fraser
    case, see Society of Lloyd’s v. Fraser, [1998] EWCA (Civ)
    1378, and on December 21, 1998, entered individual money
    judgments against Gillian Siemon-Netto for ^280,055.72 and
    against Uwe Siemon-Netto for ^87,109.97, see Society of
    Lloyd’s v. Gillian Mary Siemon-Netto, Judgment (J.A. 116);
    Society of Lloyd’s v. Uwe Siemon-Netto, Judgment (J.A. 119).
    On July 15, 2003, Lloyd’s filed suit against the Siemon-
    Nettos in the United States District Court for the District of
    Columbia, seeking recognition and enforcement of the English
    judgments under the District’s Uniform Foreign Money
    Judgments Recognition Act of 1995 (“Recognition Act”), 
    D.C. Code § 15-381
     et seq. Venue was based on the Siemon-Nettos’
    status as District residents and jurisdiction on diversity of
    citizenship. See Compl. ¶¶ 6, 7. The Siemon-Nettos answered
    Lloyd’s complaint and asserted a number of affirmative defenses
    and counterclaims. Lloyd’s filed motions to strike the
    affirmative defenses under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(f)
    and to dismiss the counterclaims pursuant to Rule 12(b).
    The district court granted Lloyd’s motions to strike and to
    dismiss. See Society of Lloyd’s v. Siemon-Netto, No. 03-1524,
    Order at 1 (D.D.C. Aug. 20, 2004). Lloyd’s then moved for
    summary judgment on its claims for recognition and
    enforcement of the English judgments, which the district court
    granted. See Society of Lloyd’s v. Siemon-Netto, No. 03-1524,
    Order at 1 (D.D.C. Oct. 28, 2004). The Siemon-Nettos noted a
    timely appeal.
    We consider the Siemon-Nettos’ affirmative defenses in
    Part II and their counterclaims in Part III. Because the district
    court struck the former and dismissed the latter solely on
    grounds of legal insufficiency, we review those decisions de
    novo. See Singletary v. District of Columbia, 
    351 F.3d 519
    , 523
    (D.C. Cir. 2003); Fund for Animals, Inc. v. Norton, 
    322 F.3d 728
    , 732 (D.C. Cir. 2003). The defendants “concede that
    without their affirmative defenses and counterclaims there
    [would be] no genuine issues of material fact,” and that in such
    event summary judgment would be appropriate. Appellants’ Br.
    Section 15-382 of the Recognition Act provides, in
    pertinent part, that “[e]xcept as provided in section 15-383,” a
    “foreign-money judgment is enforceable in the same manner as
    the judgment of a sister jurisdiction which is entitled to full faith
    and credit.” 
    D.C. Code § 15-382.3
     Section 15-383 contains a
    list of specific exceptions, only one of which the Siemon-Nettos
    claim here:
    A foreign-money judgment need not be recognized if:
    . . . (3) [t]he cause of action on which the judgment is
    based is repugnant to the public policy of the District
    of Columbia.
    D.C. Code § 15-383
    (b)(3). Concluding that none of the Siemon-
    Nettos’ four affirmative defenses came within that exception,
    the district court struck them all as legally insufficient to bar
    enforcement of the English judgments. We consider the first
    defense in subpart A, and the remaining defenses in subpart B.
    As their first affirmative defense, the Siemon-Nettos’
    contend that “the foreign-money judgment[s] obtained by
    Lloyd’s in the courts of the United Kingdom [are] repugnant to
    the public policy of the District of Columbia and should not be
    recognized because the cause of action on which [they were]
    The Recognition Act is based on the Uniform Foreign Money-
    Judgments Recognition Act. See UNIF. FOREIGN MONEY-JUDGMENTS
    RECOGNITION ACT, 13 U.L.A. 261 (1991). The alert reader will note
    that, for no apparent reason, different authorities cited in this opinion
    insert a hyphen at different places (or not at all) within the phrase
    “foreign money judgments.”
    based conflicts with the public policy of the District of
    Columbia.” Am. Answer ¶ 69. The defendants list three
    grounds for finding repugnancy: (1) “a contract cannot be
    enforced against the party who did not knowingly assent to its
    terms”; (2) “the legislation on which the foreign cause of action
    was based (Lloyd’s Act 1982) and [the] Reconstruction and
    Renewal Byelaw were unenforceable and voidable as a result of
    Lloyd’s failure to satisfy the conditions imposed on it by the
    Parliament in exchange for the legislation”; and (3) “the Lloyd’s
    Act 1982 constituted an unlawful delegation of legislative and
    governmental power to Lloyd’s, a private business entity.” Id.
    1. As their first ground, the defendants contend that the
    English judgments are repugnant to District public policy
    because they enforce a contract to which they did not assent.
    The contract at issue, they argue, is the Equitas reinsurance
    contract. That contract was not signed by them, but rather by
    the substitute agent appointed by Lloyd’s to negotiate and sign
    for all Names who rejected the Reconstruction and Renewal
    (R&R) Plan. Recognition of such a contract, they insist, is
    repugnant to the general contract law principle that a contract
    requires mutual assent.
    Section 15-383(b)(3) of the Recognition Act permits
    nonrecognition of a foreign judgment only if “the cause of
    action on which [it] is based” is repugnant to public policy.
    D.C. Code § 15-383
    (b)(3) (emphasis added). A cause of action
    is the legal authority (here, English contract law) that permits a
    court to provide redress for a particular kind of claim (here,
    Lloyd’s contention that the defendants breached their
    obligations to pay the reinsurance premiums). See Trudeau v.
    FTC, No. 05-5363, slip op. at 18 n.15 (D.C. Cir. July 28, 2006).
    Accordingly, the dispositive question is whether the core
    principles of English contract law are repugnant to the public
    policy of the District of Columbia, not whether any particular
    application of that cause of action is repugnant.4
    That question is easily answered. As the district court
    noted, the Siemon-Nettos “have not suggested that English
    contract law principles differ substantively from those in the
    District of Columbia.” Mem. Op. at 7 (Aug. 20, 2004). Indeed,
    District of Columbia contract law, like American contract law
    in general, is historically derived from (and similar to) the
    English common law of contract.5 That being the case, it would
    be hard to regard the latter as repugnant to the former, and no
    federal court has done so. See Reinhart, 
    402 F.3d at 995
    (holding that an English “breach of contract action” is not
    “repugnant to New Mexico public policy”); Turner, 
    303 F.3d at 333
     (holding the same with respect to Texas public policy).
    See Reinhart, 
    402 F.3d at 995
     (“reiterat[ing] that we must focus
    on the ‘cause of action’ and the ‘claim for relief’ underlying the
    English Judgment, not the differences in the bodies of law, because
    slight differences between England’s and New Mexico’s laws do not
    trigger the public policy exception”); Turner, 
    303 F.3d at 332
    that the Texas Recognition Act “does not refer to the judgment itself,
    but specifically to the ‘cause of action on which the judgment is
    based,’” and thus that “the fact that a judgment offends Texas public
    policy does not, in and of itself, permit” refusal of recognition).
    See, e.g., Williams v. Walker-Thomas Furniture Co., 
    350 F.2d 445
    , 450 n.7 (D.C. Cir. 1965) (citing English common law in
    concluding that unconscionable contracts are unenforceable under
    District of Columbia law); 1 E. ALLAN FARNSWORTH, FARNSWORTH
    ON CONTRACTS §§ 1.5-1.7 (3d ed. 2004) (describing the development
    of American contract law from its English common law roots); see
    also North Am. Graphite Corp. v. Allan, 
    184 F.2d 387
    , 389 n.1 (D.C.
    Cir. 1950); Meyer v. Washington Times Co., 
    76 F.2d 988
    , 992 (D.C.
    Cir. 1935).
    The defendants do not suggest, for example, that English
    contract law principles permit parties to be bound to a contract
    without their consent. Rather, they contend only that this is the
    “practical effect” of the English judgments holding them
    responsible for a reinsurance contract they refused to sign.
    Appellant’s Br. 18. But even if we were to consider repugnancy
    on such an “as applied” basis, we still could not find the
    judgments repugnant to public policy, because the English court
    did not bind the Siemon-Nettos to a contract to which they did
    not assent. To the contrary, it held them to a contract to which
    they did assent: the General Undertaking.
    When the Siemon-Nettos became Names, they (not their
    agents) personally signed a “standardized contract between
    Lloyd’s and the individual Names” known as the General
    Undertaking. Haynsworth, 121 F.3d at 959; see J.A. 25-26
    (showing the signature of Gillian Siemon-Netto on a copy of the
    General Undertaking dated Sept. 9, 1986); J.A. 28-29 (showing
    the signature of Uwe Siemon-Netto on a copy of the General
    Undertaking dated Jan. 1, 1988).         Under the General
    Undertaking, the Siemon-Nettos agreed to be bound by the
    Lloyd’s Acts 1871-1982, as well as by current and future
    Lloyd’s Byelaws. See General Undertaking ¶ 1; Oral Arg. Tr.
    at 11-12. The Lloyd’s Act 1982 specifically authorized Lloyd’s
    to make Byelaws for the purpose of appointing substitute agents
    to bind Names, see Lloyd’s Act, 1982, Sched. 2, § 18(b), and
    such a “Substitute Agents Byelaw” was in existence when the
    defendants signed the General Undertaking, see J.A. 32-33.
    Thereafter, Lloyd’s issued another series of Byelaws that
    authorized the appointment of “substitute agent[s] on behalf of
    Names specifically ‘to execute the Reinsurance Contract for
    itself and on behalf of the Members.’” Turner, 
    303 F.3d at
    n.3 (citing Lloyd’s Byelaw No. 20 of 1983; Byelaw No. 82 of
    1995; AUA9 Resolution of 1996).
    It was no doubt risky for the defendants to agree to be
    bound by future Byelaws in this way. But the General
    Undertaking was no contract of adhesion. The Siemon-Nettos
    were investors who qualified for status as Lloyd’s Names under
    a set of stringent criteria, and who presumably thought the
    upside potential was worth the downside risk (including the
    express risk of unlimited personal liability6). Regardless of
    whether we would reach the same disposition under District of
    Columbia contract law, we cannot say that the English courts’
    decision to bind the defendants under these circumstances is
    repugnant to the public policy of this jurisdiction.7
    The defendants press upon us the case of Matusevitch v.
    877 F. Supp. 1
     (D.D.C. 1995), aff’d, No. 97-7138,
    To be more precise: “Names bear unlimited liability for their
    proportionate losses in each syndicate they join. Their liability is
    several, not joint; no Name is ever responsible for the losses of those
    fellow Names who comprise the syndicate.” Roby, 996 F.2d at 1357.
    See Siemon-Netto, Mem. Op. at 13 (Aug. 20, 2004) (“Unequal
    bargaining power is not a factor in a case like this one, where the
    Siemon-Nettos, as investors, had the free choice to become Names or
    not.”); see also Reinhart, 
    402 F.3d at 996-97
     (holding that binding the
    Names to the Equitas reinsurance contract did not violate New Mexico
    public policy because (inter alia) the Names were “highly
    sophisticated investor[s] who had to pass a ‘means’ test,” the Equitas
    contract “was the implementation of specific provisions to address the
    unlimited liability undertaken by all Names pursuant to the General
    Undertaking Agreement’s broad powers,” and the Names were “not
    in a weaker bargaining position nor did Lloyd’s compel [their]
    investment”); cf. Ashenden, 
    233 F.3d at 480-81
     (ruling that “the
    English court[’s] holding that Lloyd’s was authorized by its contract
    with the names to appoint agents to negotiate a contract that would
    bind the names without the names’ consent. . . . is not so unreasonable
    that it could be thought a denial of international due process even if
    international due process had a substantive component”).
    1998 WL 388800
     (D.C. Cir. May 5, 1998), in which a district
    court declined to recognize an English libel judgment on the
    ground that enforcement would be repugnant to the public
    policy of the State of Maryland and of the United States. 
    877 F. Supp. at 4
    . But in Matusevitch, unlike this case, the district
    court noted substantial differences between a cause of action for
    libel in England and in the United States, including differences
    in both substantive law and burdens of proof. 
    Id. at 4-6
    . Indeed,
    the subsequent history of that case, which neither the Siemon-
    Nettos nor Lloyd’s mention, only sharpens the point. On appeal,
    this Court certified to the Maryland Court of Appeals the
    question of whether enforcement of the English judgment would
    be repugnant to the public policy of Maryland. See Matusevitch,
    1998 WL 388800
    , at *1. We then affirmed the district court’s
    judgment after receiving the following answer:
    A comparison of English and present Maryland
    defamation law does not simply disclose a difference
    in one or two legal principles. Instead, present
    Maryland defamation law is totally different from
    English defamation law in virtually every significant
    respect. Moreover, the differences are rooted in
    historic and fundamental public policy differences
    concerning freedom of the press and speech.
    Telnikoff v. Matusevitch, 
    702 A.2d 230
    , 248 (Md. 1997)
    (internal citations omitted); see Matusevitch, 
    1998 WL 388800
    at *1. The defendants have noted no similarly substantial
    differences between England and the District of Columbia with
    respect to the law of contract.8
    Among the differences found by the Maryland court were that,
    in contrast to Maryland law, under English law: “it is unnecessary for
    the plaintiff to establish fault, either in the form of conscious
    wrongdoing or negligence”; “defamatory statements are presumed to
    2. The defendants’ second ground for claiming that the
    English judgments are repugnant to District policy begins with
    their contention that the legislation (the Lloyd’s Act 1982) that
    permitted Lloyd’s to promulgate Byelaws -- particularly the
    Byelaws that authorized Lloyd’s to appoint substitute agents to
    execute the reinsurance contract on behalf of the Names -- also
    imposed certain conditions on Lloyd’s (i.e., the provision of
    better quality information to Names about the status of the
    Lloyd’s market). See Am. Answer ¶¶ 40-43. The defendants
    argue that, because Lloyd’s assertedly failed to satisfy those
    conditions, the Byelaws passed pursuant to that legislation
    “were unenforceable and voidable.” Id. ¶ 69.
    But the question of whether the Lloyd’s Byelaws were valid
    under English law is itself a question of English -- not District
    of Columbia -- law. And it is a question that the English courts
    have already answered, concluding that the pertinent Byelaws
    are indeed valid. See Society of Lloyd’s v. Leighs, [1997] C.L.C.
    759 (Q.B.). We cannot reconsider that decision here. See
    Medellin v. Dretke, 
    544 U.S. 660
    , 670 (2005) (“[W]here ‘comity
    of this nation’ calls for recognition of a judgment rendered
    abroad, ‘the merits of the case should not . . . be tried afresh . .
    . upon the mere assertion . . . that the judgment was erroneous in
    law or in fact.’” (quoting Hilton v. Guyot, 
    159 U.S. 113
    , 202-03
    (1895)). Certainly the defendants have pointed to nothing about
    be false unless a defendant proves them to be true”; “a qualified
    privilege can be overcome without establishing that the defendant
    actually knew that the publication was false or acted with reckless
    disregard”; a statement is presumed to be “one of fact, and the burden
    is on the defendant to prove ‘fair comment’”; and there is “no special
    protection for defamation actions arising from critiques of public
    figures or public officials, [or] involving what American courts would
    characterize as core political discourse.” Telnikoff, 702 A.2d at 247-
    the principles applied by the English courts in reaching that
    decision that would render repugnant the contractual cause of
    action on which Lloyd’s judgments are based.
    3. The third ground advanced by the defendants is their
    claim that “the Lloyd’s Act 1982 [itself] constituted an unlawful
    delegation of legislative and governmental power to Lloyd’s, a
    private business entity.” Am. Answer ¶ 69. But whether the
    Lloyd’s Act constituted an “unlawful delegation” under English
    law is again a question that only the English courts can answer;
    in fact, it is a question that the act of state doctrine bars us from
    even asking. See World Wide Minerals, Ltd. v. Republic of
    296 F.3d 1154
    , 1164 (D.C. Cir. 2002) (noting that
    the “act of state doctrine ‘precludes the courts of this country
    from inquiring into the validity of the public acts a recognized
    foreign sovereign power committed within its own territory’”
    (quoting Banco Nacional de Cuba v. Sabbatino, 
    376 U.S. 398
    401 (1964)).9 Moreover, there is once again nothing in the
    defendants’ argument to support the only ground the defendants
    advance for nonrecognition of Lloyd’s English judgments: that
    As we have further explained:
    The act of state doctrine . . . . is applicable when “the relief
    sought or the defense interposed would [require] a court in
    the United States to declare invalid the official act of a
    foreign sovereign performed within” its boundaries. W.S.
    Kirkpatrick & Co., Inc. v. Envtl. Tectonics Corp., 
    493 U.S. 400
    , 405 (1990). When it does apply, the doctrine serves as
    “‘a rule of decision for the courts of this country,’” 
    (quoting Ricaud v. Am. Metal Co., 
    246 U.S. 304
    , 310
    (1918)), which requires that, “in the process of deciding [a
    case], the acts of foreign sovereigns taken within their own
    jurisdictions shall be deemed valid,” 
    id. at 409
    World Wide Minerals, 
    296 F.3d at 1164-65
    the contractual cause of action on which those judgments are
    based is repugnant to District policy.
    The district court struck the defendants’ second, third, and
    fourth affirmative defenses as well as the first. Because the
    defendants do not appeal the loss of their second defense, see
    Appellants’ Br. 14 n.10, we address only the third and fourth.
    The third affirmative defense states: “Lloyd’s does not
    have standing to enforce the judgments” because “neither
    Lloyd’s nor Equitas paid the duty required by English law upon
    the transfer of the supposed R&R debt” from Equitas to Lloyd’s.
    Am. Answer ¶¶ 91, 93. The defendants contend that any debts
    they owed for nonpayment of reinsurance premiums were owed
    to Equitas, not Lloyd’s. They further assert that, because the
    transfer tax required to assign those debts to Lloyd’s has never
    been paid, the assignment is invalid under English law and
    Lloyd’s cannot enforce the judgments against them.
    As the district court correctly noted, “this challenge to the
    validity of the assignment comes too late and is made in the
    wrong court.” Mem. Op. at 9 (Aug. 20, 2004). The English
    judgments that Lloyd’s seeks to enforce were entered in Lloyd’s
    own name as plaintiff, not in the name of Equitas. They order
    the Siemon-Nettos to “pay the Plaintiff,” not to pay Equitas.
    Society of Lloyd’s v. Gillian Mary Siemon-Netto, Judgment (J.A.
    116); Society of Lloyd’s v. Uwe Siemon-Netto, Judgment (J.A.
    119). Moreover, the English complaints on which those
    judgments were entered expressly asserted that Equitas had
    assigned its rights to the Siemon-Nettos’ premiums to Lloyd’s,
    and that the premiums were “due and owing from the
    Defendant[s] to Lloyd’s.” E.g., Society of Lloyd’s v. Gillian
    Mary Siemon-Netto, Points of Claim ¶ 10 (J.A. 35). Proof of
    that assignment was thus a part of Lloyd’s English cause of
    action and, as we have noted, that cause of action is not
    repugnant to the law of the District. Nor have the defendants
    asserted anything about English principles of assignment of
    claims that would make it so.
    Finally, the defendants’ fourth affirmative defense merely
    states that “the amount alleged by plaintiff as due and owing is
    incorrect.” Am. Answer ¶ 96. The district court struck this
    defense on the ground that it did “not even arguably fit into any
    of the specific exceptions enumerated in the [Recognition Act]
    and appear[ed], rather, to be an improper attempt to relitigate the
    merits of the underlying claims.” Mem. Op. at 8-9 (Aug. 20,
    2004). The court was obviously correct. The amount due and
    owing was an element of Lloyd’s cause of action in contract,
    and as there is nothing repugnant about that cause of action, the
    fourth affirmative defense does not state a ground for failing to
    recognize it.
    In sum, we conclude that the district court committed no
    error in striking any of the Siemon-Nettos’ affirmative defenses
    under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(f).
    The defendants’ answer also asserts four counterclaims
    against Lloyd’s: “negligent misrepresentation,” Countercls. ¶
    152; “fraud,” id. ¶ 155; “consumer fraud,” id. ¶ 159; and “breach
    of fiduciary duty,” id. ¶ 165. Each asserts, in haec verba, that
    Lloyd’s failed to disclose and/or concealed “the extent of the
    losses generated by the asbestos and environmental claims,”
    “the financial condition of the syndicates,” and Lloyd’s
    “accounting and financial controls for the syndicates.” Id. ¶¶
    152, 155, 159, 165. The district court dismissed the
    counterclaims on the ground that the Siemon-Nettos had agreed,
    by contract, that only English courts could hear such claims.
    See Mem. Op. at 10-15 (Aug. 20, 2004). We concur.
    The General Undertaking, personally signed by each of the
    Siemon-Nettos, contains the following forum selection clause:
    Each party hereto irrevocably agrees that the courts of
    England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any
    dispute and/or controversy of whatsoever nature arising
    out of or relating to the Member’s membership of,
    and/or underwriting of insurance business at, Lloyd’s
    and that accordingly any suit, action or proceeding . .
    . arising out of or relating to such matters shall be
    brought in such courts . . . .”
    General Undertaking § 2.2 (J.A. 25). Eight circuits have found
    the clause enforceable, see supra note 1 (citing cases), and the
    defendants do not contest its validity here, see Appellant’s Br.
    The forum selection clause provides that the English courts
    shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute “of
    whatsoever nature arising out of or relating to the Member’s
    membership of, and/or underwriting of insurance business at,
    Lloyd’s.” We perceive no room for doubt that the defendants’
    misrepresentation, fraud, consumer fraud, and breach of
    fiduciary duty counterclaims all fall well within those confines.10
    See, e.g., Haynsworth, 121 F.3d at 961, 970 (dismissing, on the
    basis of the forum selection clause, suits against Lloyd’s by Names
    alleging fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, and violations of the Texas
    consumer fraud statute); Bonny, 
    3 F.3d at 157, 159
     (same for suits
    alleging, inter alia, fraud, negligence, and breach of duty); Roby, 996
    F.2d at 1358, 1366 (same for suits alleging violations of federal
    securities and racketeering laws).
    As the district court noted, the “Siemon-Nettos’ central claim
    [is] that they would not have become Names or renewed their
    memberships if they had known the truth about Lloyd’s losses.”
    Mem. Op. at 11 (Aug. 20, 2004). Indeed, at oral argument, the
    defendants conceded that their counterclaims are compulsory
    under the Federal Rules, see Oral Arg. Tr. at 15-16, which by
    definition means that they “arise[] out of the transaction or
    occurrence that is the subject matter of the opposing party’s
    claim,” FED. R. CIV. P. 13(a). The subject matter of that claim
    is the debt owed by the defendants arising out of their
    membership in, and underwriting of insurance business at,
    The defendants seek to avoid the effect of the General
    Undertaking’s forum selection clause by contending that their
    counterclaims do not relate to their membership in Lloyd’s, but
    rather to “Lloyd’s handling of” the Lloyd’s American Trust
    Funds (LATF) -- the funds into which all insurance premiums
    paid in U.S. dollars are deposited. Appellant’s Br. 25. But that
    is simply not the case. Each of the counterclaims expressly
    “repeat[s] and reallege[s],” Countercls. ¶¶ 151, 154, 157, 164,
    the allegation of the defendants’ second affirmative defense that:
    “Defendants would not have become Names and would not have
    renewed their memberships if they had known about the losses
    attributable to asbestos claims, the financial condition of the
    syndicates, or the lack of proper accounting and financial
    controls for the syndicates.” Id. ¶ 85 (emphasis added).
    In support of their contention that this case should be
    governed by the LATF deed, rather than the General
    Undertaking,11 the defendants cite In re Lloyd’s American Trust
    The LATF deed contains a choice of law clause (providing that
    disputes shall be governed by New York law), but does not contain a
    forum selection clause.
    Fund Litigation, 954 F. Supp 656 (S.D.N.Y. 1997). That case
    involved claims brought by Names against Citibank, the trustee
    of the LATF. There, the court denied Citibank’s motion to
    dismiss the case based on the forum selection clause of the
    General Undertaking. The court held that, because Citibank was
    neither a party to the General Undertaking nor “closely related”
    to one, it could not rely upon the clause. 954 F. Supp. at 670.
    But as the district court in this case correctly noted, unlike
    Citibank, Lloyd’s “is more than ‘closely related’ to a signatory
    to the [General Undertaking] -- it is itself a signatory.” Mem.
    Op. at 12 (Aug. 20, 2004). Accordingly, “it may invoke the
    forum selection clause to insist upon litigation in the United
    Kingdom.” Id.
    At oral argument, counsel for the defendants made clear
    that the underlying basis of their defense is their belief that the
    English courts are biased in favor of Lloyd’s: that is, that those
    courts have a “bias and prejudice in favor of Lloyd’s under
    circumstances which make it impossible for a Name to win.”
    Oral Arg. Tr. at 7. The Recognition Act includes an exception
    for this kind of defense to a foreign judgment, but it requires
    proof that the “judgment was rendered under a system that does
    not provide impartial tribunals or procedures compatible with
    the requirements of due process of law.” 
    D.C. Code § 15
    The defendants do not assert that English courts fall within
    that category and could not prove it if they did.12 Indeed, the
    See Ashenden, 
    233 F.3d at 476
     (“Any suggestion that [the
    English] system of courts does not provide impartial tribunals or
    procedures compatible with the requirements of due process of law
    borders on the risible.” (internal quotation marks omitted));
    Siemon-Nettos’ only evidence of the English courts’ asserted
    “bias and prejudice” is that other Names in their position --
    whose arguments they believe had merit -- lost their cases in
    those courts. But the fact that the Names’ arguments did not
    prevail hardly establishes the partiality of the courts that heard
    them. Indeed, if it did, the fact that Names have lost similar
    (albeit not identical) cases in eight United States Courts of
    Appeals, see supra note 1, would require us to reach the same
    conclusion regarding American courts.
    The judgment of the district court is
    Haynsworth, 121 F.3d at 967 (noting that England is “a forum that
    American courts repeatedly have recognized to be fair and impartial”);
    Riley v. Kingsley Underwriting Agencies, Ltd., 
    969 F.2d 953
    , 958
    (10th Cir. 1992) (holding that “the courts of England are fair and
    neutral forums”); British Midland Airways Ltd. v. Int’l Travel, Inc.,
    497 F.2d 869
    , 871 (9th Cir. 1974) (“United States courts which have
    inherited major portions of their judicial traditions and procedure from
    the United Kingdom are hardly in a position to call the Queen’s Bench
    a kangaroo court.”).

Document Info

Docket Number: 04-7214

Citation Numbers: 372 U.S. App. D.C. 448, 457 F.3d 94

Judges: Garland, Sentelle, Williams

Filed Date: 8/8/2006

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/3/2023

Authorities (21)

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