Florent Bayala v. DHS , 827 F.3d 31 ( 2016 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued November 18, 2015              Decided June 28, 2016
    No. 14-5279
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:14-cv-00007)
    David Cleveland argued the cause and filed the briefs for
    Kenneth A. Adebonojo, Assistant U.S. Attorney, argued
    the cause for appellee. With him on the brief were Vincent H.
    Cohen, Jr., Acting U.S. Attorney at the time the brief was
    filed, and R. Craig Lawrence, Assistant U.S. Attorney.
    Before: GRIFFITH, SRINIVASAN, and MILLETT, Circuit
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge MILLETT.
    MILLETT, Circuit Judge: Florent Bayala filed a Freedom
    of Information Act (“FOIA”) lawsuit when the Department of
    Homeland Security failed to disclose many of the immigration
    documents he had requested and gave no particularized
    explanation for its withholding decision. Shortly after Bayala
    filed suit, however, the Department reversed course and
    spontaneously released a number of previously withheld
    documents, while offering a heavily revamped explanation for
    its remaining withholdings. After it made that voluntary
    release, the Department turned around and argued that
    Bayala’s case should be dismissed because he failed to
    exhaust the administrative appeal process for the
    Department’s original and now-displaced withholding
    decision. The district court agreed and dismissed the case.
    That was incorrect. The only live FOIA decision now under
    review is the one the Department chose to make for the first
    time in litigation, and for which there was no administrative
    avenue to exhaust. We accordingly reverse and remand this
    case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    Florent Bayala is a citizen of Burkina Faso. After
    entering the United States in 2012, he applied for asylum and
    was interviewed at the Arlington, Virginia Asylum Office.
    During that interview, the asylum officer took five pages of
    notes and then subsequently wrote a three-page
    “Assessment.” In November 2013, Bayala filed a FOIA
    request with the Department of Homeland Security asking for
    copies of the asylum officer’s notes, the Assessment, and
    “any material used by the officer, but not given to him.” J.A.
    Approximately a month later, the Department responded
    to Bayala’s FOIA request.     In a two-page letter, the
    Department advised Bayala that it had identified 157 pages
    that were responsive to his request. Of those, the Department
    enclosed 119 pages in their entirety and ten pages in part.
    J.A. 26. The Department also withheld eleven pages in full,
    including the notes and the Assessment from Bayala’s asylum
    interview. The Department broadly asserted that all of the
    withheld documents “contain[ed] no reasonably segregable
    portion(s) of non-exempt information.” 
    Id. The Department
    then provided a laundry list of “applicable” exemptions that it
    believed justified its withholding, citing without further
    elaboration 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(5) (exempting inter-agency or
    intra-agency memoranda or letters); 
    id. § 552(b)(6)
    (exempting individual information in personnel, medical, and
    similar files if disclosure would constitute an unwarranted
    invasion of personal privacy); 
    id. § 552(b)(7)(C)
    personal information in law enforcement records where
    disclosure could constitute an unwarranted invasion of
    personal privacy); and 
    id. § 552(b)(7)(E)
    (exempting law
    enforcement records involving techniques and procedures for
    law enforcement investigations or prosecutions).          The
    Department did not specify which exemptions applied to
    which portions of which withheld pages or why.
    The Department also referred fourteen pages “in their
    entirety to the State Department for their direct response” to
    Bayala. J.A. 26. The Department further noted that it had
    located “a potentially responsive document(s) that may have
    originated from U.S. Immigration and Customs
    Enforcement,” and had “sent the document(s) and a copy of
    [Bayala’s] FOIA request to the [Immigration and Customs
    Enforcement] FOIA Office for consideration and direct
    response” to Bayala. 
    Id. Lastly, the
    letter advised Bayala
    how      to    appeal   the    Department’s      determination
    Bayala did not exhaust that avenue for administrative
    appeal. Instead, he proceeded straight to district court with a
    lawsuit alleging that the Department’s failure to explain its
    reasons for non-disclosure left Bayala unable “to make a
    meaningful administrative appeal,” and that the Department
    had “not provide[d] any reasons or facts for its conclusion that
    nothing is segregable.” J.A. 19, 21. The complaint further
    explained that the Department’s “vague and cryptic” response
    to his FOIA request “thwart[ed]” Bayala’s right to appeal by
    making any appeal “illusory and a waste of time.” 
    Id. at 7.
    The complaint requested that the district court declare that the
    Department’s response violated FOIA and order the
    Department to “re-write” its letter (i) to “describe what
    documents were sent to the State Department, and describe
    what documents were sent to ICE,” (ii) to “give the real
    reasons, and facts, why the notes are exempt, and why
    nothing is segregable, so that plaintiff may make a meaningful
    administrative appeal,” and (iii) to “give the real reasons, and
    facts, why the Assessment is exempt, and why nothing is
    segregable, so that plaintiff may make a meaningful
    administrative appeal.” 
    Id. at 21.
    Bayala also sought to
    enjoin the Department “from issuing such a letter in the
    future,” as well as an award of attorney’s fees. 
    Id. Less than
    three months after Bayala filed suit and before
    the Department had responded to the complaint, the
    Department voluntarily released the asylum officer’s notes
    and a number of other documents it had previously withheld.
    The Department continued, however, to withhold the
    Assessment, offering for the first time in its district court
    papers a new and far more detailed, five-page explanation for
    its withholding decision. The parties filed cross-motions for
    summary judgment.
    The district court dismissed Bayala’s case for failure to
    exhaust administrative remedies. In so ruling, the court
    rejected Bayala’s argument that the Department’s scant and
    unfocused response to his FOIA request precluded any
    meaningful administrative appeal. The court reasoned that an
    administrative appeal would have provided an opportunity for
    the Department to provide the more detailed reasoning that
    Bayala sought.
    The government argues that we lack jurisdiction because
    the entire FOIA appeal is moot. Article III’s limitation of
    federal-court jurisdiction to cases and controversies requires
    that “an actual controversy * * * be extant at all stages of
    review, not merely at the time the complaint is filed.”
    Genesis Healthcare Corp. v. Symczyk, 
    133 S. Ct. 1523
    , 1528
    (2013) (quotation marks omitted).         As such, “[i]f an
    intervening circumstance deprives the plaintiff of a personal
    stake in the outcome of the lawsuit, at any point during
    litigation, the action can no longer proceed and must be
    dismissed as moot.” 
    Id. (quotation marks
    omitted) (citing
    Lewis v. Continental Bank Corp., 
    494 U.S. 472
    , 477–478
    In the FOIA context, that means that once all the
    documents are released to the requesting party, there no
    longer is any case or controversy. See Perry v. Block, 
    684 F.2d 121
    , 125 (D.C. Cir. 1982) (“[H]owever fitful or delayed
    the release of information under the FOIA may be, once all
    requested records are surrendered, federal courts have no
    further statutory function to perform.”). But where the
    government has released only a portion of the requested
    documents, the case is moot only with regard to those
    documents. See Williams & Connolly v. SEC, 
    662 F.3d 1240
    1244 (D.C. Cir. 2011). While the Department is correct then
    that any dispute over the earlier withholding of the documents
    that the Department has now turned over is moot, the entire
    FOIA case is not moot because Bayala has not received all of
    the documents that he requested. Bayala’s FOIA request
    sought, among other things, “a copy of the Assessment to
    Refer of the Asylum Officer.” J.A. 23. As of this date,
    Bayala has not yet received that document and, accordingly,
    there is still a live controversy over whether the Department
    may lawfully withhold that document.
    Of course, in district court, the Department defended its
    decision to omit the Assessment from its more recent tranche
    of disclosures. The Department cited the exemption for
    internal agency memoranda privileged by law from public
    disclosure, 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(5). It is well-settled that “[a]n
    agency [may] prevail on an exemption that it has * * * raised
    either at the agency level or in the district court, [although not
    an exemption] that it has invoked for the first time in the
    appellate court.” Jordan v. U.S. Department of Justice, 
    591 F.2d 753
    , 779 (D.C. Cir. 1978) (emphasis added). But the
    propriety of that withholding determination has not yet been
    adjudicated and is very much contested, so this FOIA case is
    not moot.
    The government nevertheless argues that the case is moot
    because, in Bayala’s opposition to summary judgment, Bayala
    said that he is “not now seeking the release of documents: he
    is challenging the administrative appeal process employed by
    the [Department].” J.A. 135 (emphasis added). That
    overreads Bayala’s submission. His use of “now” indicates
    that Bayala still wants disclosure of the Assessment. Indeed,
    Bayala confirmed at oral argument that he still “very much
    contest[s] that the Assessment is not exempt.” Oral Arg. Tr.
    4; see also 
    id. at 11
    (Q: “[T]hey’re still withholding the
    Assessment and you want that?” A: “Indeed.”); J.A. 7
    (Complaint ¶ 4) (“Plaintiff is desirous of obtaining the
    documents * * *.”); 
    id. at 20
    (Complaint ¶ 42) (“There must
    be some parts of the Assessment which are segregable.”); 
    id. at 21
    (seeking in prayer for relief a declaration that the
    Department’s decision “violates the FOIA”). In short,
    because “all requested records are [not] surrendered,” 
    Perry, 684 F.2d at 125
    , and Bayala still contests that withholding,
    this appeal is not moot.
    While the FOIA case itself is not moot, the dispute over
    administrative exhaustion is. To be sure, FOIA “specifically
    provides for an administrative appeal process following an
    agency’s denial of a FOIA request.” Oglesby v. U.S.
    Department of Army, 
    920 F.2d 57
    , 61 (D.C. Cir. 1990); see 5
    U.S.C. § 552(a)(6). That requirement, however, is not
    jurisdictional. See Hidalgo v. FBI, 
    344 F.3d 1256
    , 1258 (D.C.
    Cir. 2003) (“[T]he exhaustion requirement is not jurisdictional
    because the FOIA does not unequivocally make it so.”);
    Department of Justice, Guide to the Freedom of Information
    Act 96 (2016 ed.) (“[F]ailure to file an administrative appeal
    is not an absolute bar to judicial review.”). Exhaustion,
    instead, can be a substantive ground for rejecting a FOIA
    claim in litigation.
    The Department’s argument that exhaustion of its
    original administrative decision was required, however,
    became moot once it chose to abandon its previous
    determination, make a sua sponte disclosure of documents,
    and craft a new, five-page-long explanation for this different
    withholding decision in the district court, the content and
    specificity of which went far beyond the original, perfunctory
    administrative decision. 1 That new FOIA determination
    rendered the propriety of the original agency decision—and
    any administrative challenges to it—an entirely academic
    question.     The lawfulness of the initial administrative
    disclosure and explanation for withholding, in other words,
    were no longer live controversies. Nor were Bayala’s
    arguments about the legal necessity of exhausting what he
    deemed to be a grossly insufficient agency response.
    Accordingly, the district court erred in dismissing the case for
    failing to exhaust.
    Instead, once the government abandoned its original
    FOIA decision, the dispute between the parties centered on
    the correctness of the Department’s materially novel and
    different in-court disclosure decision. There is no required
    administrative exhaustion process for that in-court litigation
    decision.     Tellingly, FOIA’s text provides only for
    administratively exhausting an “adverse determination” made
    It bears noting that the Department did not move at the immediate
    outset of this case, before its voluntary disclosure, to dismiss for
    failure to exhaust under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6).
    That is the typical course of action because exhaustion is generally
    considered to be an element of a FOIA claim. See, e.g., 
    Hidalgo, 344 F.3d at 1260
    (vacating the summary judgment order of the
    district court and remanding the case with instructions to dismiss
    the complaint under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) for
    failure to exhaust). Rather, the Department here chose to make a
    new FOIA determination and then push for summary judgment on
    the merits of that new withholding decision—arguing under Federal
    Rule of Civil Procedure 56 that it was “entitled to judgment as a
    matter of law” in the case because it “(1) conducted a reasonable
    search; (2) produced all documents responsive to [Bayala’s] request
    and subject to FOIA; and (3) properly withheld information
    pursuant to valid invocation of FOIA statutory exemptions.” J.A.
    by the agency within its statutorily required administrative
    process. See 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(A)(i) & (ii). The
    government, for its part, cites no authority—and we can
    conceive of none—for compelling a FOIA claimant to
    administratively exhaust a decision that the agency no longer
    stands by and that has been overtaken by new and different
    in-court disclosures and explanations. Nor can Bayala be
    compelled to administratively exhaust this new agency
    decision because that decision was the byproduct of litigation,
    not of the pre-litigation administrative decision-making
    process to which FOIA’s exhaustion requirement textually
    For those reasons, the question of administrative
    exhaustion is moot. We accordingly reverse and remand to
    the district court for further proceedings consistent with this
    So ordered.