Mohammed Jibril v. Alejandro Mayorkas ( 2021 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued September 20, 2021         Decided December 21, 2021
    No. 20-5202
    ET AL.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:19-cv-02457)
    Christina A. Jump argued the cause for appellants. With
    her on the briefs was Charles D. Swift.
    Joshua Waldman, Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice,
    argued the cause for appellees. With him on the brief were
    Brian M. Boynton, Acting Assistant Attorney General, and
    Sharon Swingle, Attorney.
    Before: HENDERSON and WALKER, Circuit Judges, and
    EDWARDS, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Senior Circuit Judge
    EDWARDS, Senior Circuit Judge: In 2018, during extended
    airline trips, the members of the Jibril family (“Jibrils” or
    “Appellants”), a family of U.S. citizens, were forced to endure
    extensive and intrusive security screenings at domestic and
    international airports. As a result of these encounters with
    Government agents, the Jibrils believed that they were on a
    terrorist watchlist maintained by the U.S. Government. They
    initially invoked an administrative redress process to challenge
    their alleged inclusion on the watchlist. However, Government
    officials refused to disclose the family’s watchlist status.
    Finding the Government’s response inadequate to
    safeguard them from similar treatment in the future, the Jibrils
    filed suit in the District Court against the Secretary of the
    Department of Homeland Security and various other federal
    Government officials (collectively, “Government”). Their
    complaint alleges violations of the Fourth and Fifth
    Amendments and the Administrative Procedure Act, and it
    seeks declaratory and injunctive relief. The Government filed
    a motion to dismiss, which the District Court granted, with
    prejudice, on the ground that Appellants lacked Article III
    standing. Jibril v. Wolf, No. 19-cv-2457, slip op. at 6-10
    (D.D.C. May 9, 2020), reprinted in Joint Appendix (“J.A.”)
    161-65. The Jibrils now appeal.
    Before this court, the Government contends that the
    judgment of the District Court should be affirmed because the
    Jibrils’ complaint fails to adequately allege any imminent
    threat of future injury. We disagree. The Jibrils have plausibly
    alleged that they have future travel plans. We easily infer from
    the family’s travel history that they will soon fly again,
    particularly if they secure the relief they now seek.
    Furthermore, the Jibrils’ uncontested factual allegations,
    combined with the reasonable inferences we draw from them,
    plausibly indicate that the family likely appeared on a terrorist
    watchlist in 2018. The Jibrils also plausibly allege that the
    treatment they endured went well beyond what typical travelers
    reasonably expect during airport screenings. Finally, the
    Jibrils’ factual allegations lead to the reasonable inference that
    the family’s watchlist status remains the same today. Any
    information to the contrary is within the Government’s
    exclusive control, and we must draw all reasonable inferences
    in the Jibrils’ favor at this stage of the litigation.
    Because the Jibrils plausibly allege that they will travel
    again soon and that they will again endure the alleged
    illegalities, they have established an imminent threat of future
    injury. Therefore, for the reasons that we explain below, we
    conclude that the Jibrils have standing to pursue most of their
    claims for prospective relief. However, we hold that the Jibrils
    lack standing to pursue prospective relief relating to certain
    actions taken by Government agents who detained them during
    their travel in 2018. The Jibrils claim that these actions violated
    established federal policies, but they lack standing because
    they have not plausibly alleged any impending or substantial
    risk of future harm. Accordingly, we affirm in part and reverse
    in part the District Court’s judgment and remand the case for
    further proceedings.
    A.   Statutory and Regulatory Framework
    The Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) administers
    the multi-agency Terrorist Screening Center, which manages
    and operates the Terrorist Screening Database (“Database”).
    Terrorist Screening Center, FBI,
    leadership-and-structure/national-security-branch/tsc     (last
    visited Nov. 29, 2021). The Database has at least two subsets
    intended to identify individuals who may pose a threat to civil
    aviation: the “No Fly List” and the “Selectee List.” See Matar
    v. Transp. Sec. Admin., 
    910 F.3d 538
    , 540 (D.C. Cir. 2018).
    “Individuals on the No Fly [L]ist are prohibited from boarding
    airplanes that are traveling to the United States, while
    individuals on the Selectee List” may fly but “are subject to
    more rigorous screening” than most passengers. 
    appearing on the Selectee List are not notified about their
    placement on or removal from the list. Compl. ¶ 76, J.A. 14.
    Selectee List travelers almost always receive enhanced
    screening at border crossings, including airports. 
    Id. ¶ 61,
    12. They typically have “SSSS” printed on their boarding
    passes, which stands for Secondary Screening Security
    Id. ¶¶ 62-63,
     J.A. 12; see also 49 C.F.R.
    § 1560.105(b)(2) (2018) (requiring airlines to identify
    passengers selected by the Transportation Security
    Administration (“TSA”) for enhanced screening). Usually,
    Selectee List travelers cannot obtain boarding passes at kiosks
    or on their cell phones and instead must speak with airline staff
    at ticketing counters, who then must contact government agents
    before issuing the passes. Compl. ¶¶ 64-65, J.A. 13.
    An individual who “believes he or she has been improperly
    or unfairly delayed or prohibited from boarding an aircraft”
    because he or she appears on the Selectee List may seek redress
    through the Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (“TRIP”)
    administered by the Department of Homeland Security
    (“DHS”). 49 C.F.R. § 1560.205(a), (b) (2018). The individual
    must submit “personal information and copies of the specified
    identification documents” to the TRIP office, and TSA may
    request additional information as needed. Id. § 1560.205(c).
    “[I]n coordination with the [Terrorist Screening Center]
    and other appropriate Federal law enforcement or intelligence
    agencies, if necessary,” TSA then “review[s] all the
    documentation and information requested from the individual,
    correct[s] any erroneous information, and provide[s] the
    individual with a timely written response.” Id. § 1560.205(d).
    The response neither confirms nor denies the individual’s
    inclusion on the Selectee List. Compl. ¶ 83, J.A. 15. According
    to the Government, an individual’s Selectee List status is
    covered by the law enforcement privilege and statutorily
    protected as Sensitive Security Information restricted from
    public access. Final Br. for Appellees 11 (citing 49 U.S.C.
    § 114(r) and 49 C.F.R. § 1520.5(a)); see also Matar, 910 F.3d
    at 540 (citing § 1520.5(b)(9)(ii)).
    B.   Facts and Procedural History
    “Because we review the adequacy of the complaint as a
    matter of pleading, and not the truth of its allegations, the facts
    recited here are as [the Jibrils] allege[] them, with reasonable
    inferences drawn in the [Jibrils’] favor. We take no position on
    what might ultimately be proved.” VoteVets Action Fund v.
    U.S. Dep’t of Veterans Affs., 
    992 F.3d 1097
    , 1102 (D.C. Cir.
    Appellants are the married couple Mohammed Jibril (“Mr.
    Jibril”) and Aida Shahin (“Ms. Shahin”) and their adult and
    minor children: Ala’a Jibril, Khalid Jibril, Hamza Jibril, Y.J.,
    and O.J. Compl. ¶¶ 1-7, J.A. 6; Final Br. in Chief for Appellants
    ii. The Jibrils have sued the following federal officials in their
    official capacities: Secretary of DHS, Administrator of TSA,
    Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”),
    Attorney General, Director of the FBI, and Director of the
    Terrorist Screening Center. Compl. ¶¶ 8-13, J.A. 6.
    Ms. Shahin and Mr. Jibril are U.S. citizens of Jordanian
    national origin. 
    Id. ¶¶ 1-2,
     J.A. 6. Their children are also U.S.
    Id. ¶¶ 3-7,
     J.A. 6. The Jibrils live in California. 
    Id. ¶¶ 1-7,
     J.A. 6. The Jibril family has routinely traveled to Jordan
    every two to three years, 
    id. ¶ 140,
     J.A. 20, and Mr. Jibril has
    visited relatives in Jordan between twelve and fifteen times
    over the past twenty-five years, 
    id. ¶ 141,
     J.A. 20. The Jibrils
    are Muslims with sincerely held religious beliefs that require
    traveling to Saudi Arabia to complete Hajj and pilgrimage
    Id. ¶ 122,
     J.A. 18. In addition to needing to travel
    overseas to fulfill these obligations, “the Jibril family wishes to
    travel to Jordan to see family in the near future, as consistent
    with their prior travel patterns.” 
    Id. ¶ 139,
     J.A. 20.
    In 2018, the Jibrils traveled to the Middle East to visit
    family in Jordan. 
    Id. ¶ 94,
     J.A. 16. After arriving at the airport
    in Los Angeles for their departing flight, they waited about one
    hour to receive their boarding passes, all of which had “SSSS”
    printed on them. 
    Id. ¶ 96,
     J.A. 16. The family members were
    then searched for about two hours. 
    Id. ¶ 97,
     J.A. 16. During the
    searches, all members of the family – including the minor
    children – were subject to pat-down searches. 
     Neither Mr.
    Jibril nor Ms. Shahin was asked for permission prior to the
    minor children’s pat-down searches. 
    Id. ¶ 98,
     J.A. 16. DHS
    agents then met the Jibrils at the gate for their departing flight.
    Id. ¶ 99,
     J.A. 16. The agents took the family to a private area
    and searched their luggage. 
    Id. ¶ 100,
     J.A. 16. Due to this
    extensive screening, the Jibrils nearly missed their flight. 
    Id. ¶ 101,
     J.A. 16. Once the family arrived in Jordan, they “were
    interrogated for about two hours,” 
    id. ¶ 102,
     J.A. 16, although
    the complaint does not specify by whom.
    The Jibrils remained in Jordan for two months and then
    began their trip home to California. 
    Id. ¶ 103,
     J.A. 17. “At the
    Jordanian airport, [Mr.] Jibril was told that American officials
    ha[d] an issue with him, and that the family’s names would
    need to be cleared prior to the family boarding the plane.” 
    Id. ¶ 104,
     J.A. 17. All family members again had “SSSS” printed
    on their boarding passes. 
    Id. ¶ 105,
     J.A. 17.
    The family’s trip home involved a layover in Abu Dhabi,
    United Arab Emirates. 
    Id. ¶ 103,
     J.A. 17. “After arriving in
    United Arab Emirates, the family was interrogated for roughly
    [forty-five] minutes by Abu Dhabi officials.” 
    Id. ¶ 106,
     J.A. 17.
    Customs and Border Protection “agents at the Preclearance
    location in Abu Dhabi” then detained the Jibrils, separated
    them from one another, and interrogated them for at least four
    Id. ¶ 107,
     J.A. 17. Mr. Jibril, Ms. Shahin, and Khalid
    Jibril were interrogated by themselves. 
    Id. ¶¶ 108-10,
     J.A. 17.
    Hamza Jibril, who was a minor at the time, was interrogated by
    himself. See 
    id. ¶ 111,
     J.A. 17. O.J., a minor, remained in the
    waiting room without his parents at several points. 
    Id. ¶ 112,
    J.A. 17. All electronic devices, including the Jibrils’ cell
    phones, were searched. 
    Id. ¶ 113,
     J.A. 17. The food and spices
    the Jibrils had packed were searched and thrown out. 
    Id. ¶ 116,
    J.A. 18. The minor children were not offered any food upon
    their arrival in the CBP holding room. 
    Id. ¶ 117,
     J.A. 18.
    Due to their prolonged detention by CBP officials, the
    Jibrils missed their scheduled flight to Los Angeles and stayed
    in Abu Dhabi overnight. 
    Id. ¶ 118,
     J.A. 18. No members of the
    family were asked that night if they had any medical conditions
    requiring treatment. 
    Id. ¶ 119,
     J.A. 18. After returning to the
    Abu Dhabi airport the next day, the Jibrils’ electronic devices
    were searched again. 
    Id. ¶ 120,
     J.A. 18. The security measures
    involved a delay of at least one hour. 
    Id. ¶ 121,
     J.A. 18.
    The Jibrils believe the extensive and intrusive security
    screenings they endured are consistent with the Government’s
    treatment of Selectee List travelers. See 
    id. ¶ 123,
     J.A. 18. In
    March 2019, all family members initiated redress inquiries
    through the Traveler Redress Inquiry Program. 
    Id. ¶¶ 126-34,
    J.A. 18-19. In June 2019, Ala’a Jibril received a response
    stating, in part:
    DHS has researched and completed our review of
    your case. DHS TRIP can neither confirm nor deny
    any information about you which may be within
    federal watchlists or reveal any law enforcement
    sensitive information. However, we have made any
    corrections to our records that our inquiries
    determined were necessary, including, as appropriate,
    notations that may assist in avoiding incidents of
    Id. ¶ 135,
     J.A. 19. According to the Jibrils, this is the standard
    response sent to people who are not on the No Fly List, but who
    could be on the Selectee List. 
     The next month, Mr. Jibril,
    Ms. Shahin, Khalid Jibril, and Y.J. received similar responses.
    id. ¶¶ 136-37,
     J.A. 19-20. O.J. received a slightly different
    response, which stated, in relevant part, that O.J.’s experience
    “was most likely caused by a misidentification against a
    government record or by random selection.” 
    Id. ¶ 137 n.13,
    J.A. 20. According to the Jibrils, the response O.J. received “is
    consistent with persons who are either taken off the No Fly
    List, or who never were on the No Fly List, but is not standard
    for persons who believe they are on the Selectee List.” 
    Hamza Jibril did not receive a responsive determination letter.
    Id. ¶ 138,
     J.A. 20.
    Finding the TRIP responses inadequate to guarantee that
    they will not face similar treatment during their future travels,
    the Jibrils filed the instant action. They bring the following
    Count I: violations of the Jibrils’ Fourth Amendment
    rights due to unreasonable pat-down searches and
    prolonged detentions;
    Count II: violations of the Jibrils’ Fourth
    Amendment rights due to warrantless searches of cell
    phones without probable cause;
    Count III: violations of the Jibrils’ Fifth Amendment
    procedural rights to due process;
    Count IV: violations of the Administrative Procedure
    Act due to detention conditions; and
    Count V: violations of the Administrative Procedure
    Act due to lack of adequate procedural due process
    through policies and available administrative remedy.
    Id. ¶¶ 146-200,
     J.A. 21-27. Counts I, II, and IV describe events
    that occurred during the 2018 trip. The Jibrils allege that, in
    some instances, Government agents failed to follow their own
    detention-related policies, which prohibit most pat-down
    searches of minors and require that family units with juveniles
    remain together in most instances. 
    Id. ¶¶ 151, 184, 190,
    22, 25, 26. Counts III and V allege the Jibrils lack an adequate
    mechanism to challenge their apparent inclusion on the
    Selectee List because the TRIP procedures are insufficient. 
    Id. ¶¶ 164-79, 194-200,
     J.A. 23-25, 26-27. The complaint also
    contains a sixth count, which seeks attorneys’ fees. 
    Id. ¶¶ 201
    03, J.A. 27.
    The Jibrils seek declaratory and injunctive relief. See
    Compl. 24-25, J.A. 28-29. First, they ask the court to declare
    that the Government’s actions, policies, practices, and customs
    violate the Constitution and the Administrative Procedure Act.
    Compl. 24, J.A. 28; see 5 U.S.C. §§ 701–706. Second, they ask
    the court to order the Government to revise its TRIP policies
    and then re-examine the Jibrils’ inquiries. Compl. 24, J.A. 28.
    Third, they seek an injunction barring the Government from
    conducting warrantless pat-down searches of them or searching
    their cell phones absent a warrant or probable cause. Id.
    Finally, they seek attorneys’ fees and any additional relief the
    court deems proper. Compl. 25, J.A. 29.
    Before the District Court, the Government moved to
    dismiss the complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction and
    failure to state a claim. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1), (6). The
    trial court concluded that the Jibrils lacked Article III standing
    because they did not plausibly allege a risk of future injury.
    Jibril v. Wolf, No. 19-cv-2457, slip op. at 6-10 (D.D.C. May 9,
    2020), reprinted in J.A. 161-65. In the District Court’s view,
    the Jibrils failed to establish that they would soon travel again
    or that they would receive comparable treatment when they did.
    Id. at 6, J.A. 161. The court dismissed the case with prejudice
    for lack of subject matter jurisdiction and did not reach the
    Government’s argument that the complaint failed to state a
    claim. Id. at 10, J.A. 165; see id. at 6-10, J.A. 161-65.
    The Jibrils timely challenged the District Court’s
    judgment, and we have jurisdiction over their appeal. 28 U.S.C.
    § 1291.
    A.    Standard of Review
    We review de novo the District Court’s standing
    determination. Nat’l Council for Adoption v. Blinken, 
    4 F.4th 106
    , 110-11 n.3 (D.C. Cir. 2021) (citing Arpaio v. Obama, 
    797 F.3d 11
    , 19 (D.C. Cir. 2015)).
    B.   The Jibrils’ Standing
    We begin our analysis by noting that, because the
    Government neither confirmed nor denied the Jibrils’ Selectee
    List status, the Government’s responses to the Jibrils’ TRIP
    inquiries did not moot the family’s requests for declaratory and
    injunctive relief to safeguard them against alleged threats of
    future injuries. See Cause of Action Inst. v. U.S. Dep’t of Just.,
    999 F.3d 696
    , 703-04 (D.C. Cir. 2021) (holding that even if a
    party receives relief on a particular claim, this does not moot the
    party’s challenge to the policy or practice that gave rise to the
    lawsuit) (citing Payne Enters., Inc. v. United States, 
    837 F.2d 486
    491 (D.C. Cir. 1988))); see also Super Tire Eng’g Co. v.
    416 U.S. 115
    , 121-22 (1974); Cierco v. Mnuchin, 
    857 F.3d 407
    , 416-17 (D.C. Cir. 2017). The Government maintains,
    however, that the Jibrils lack standing to pursue prospective
    relief because they have failed to allege any imminent risk of
    future injury.
    We agree with the Government that, “[f]or claims seeking
    prospective relief, a plaintiff must show a threatened injury that
    is certainly impending or a substantial risk that the future harm
    will occur.” Final Br. for Appellees 24; see also, e.g., Union of
    Concerned Scientists v. U.S. Dep’t of Energy, 
    998 F.3d 926
    929 (D.C. Cir. 2021) (quoting Susan B. Anthony List v.
    573 U.S. 149
    , 158 (2014)). However, contrary to the
    Government’s position, we find that Appellants’ complaint
    adequately alleges facts sufficient to support most of their
    claims for redress against a substantial risk of future harm. This
    includes Appellants’ claims that their cell phones were
    searched without probable cause, that they experienced
    unreasonable treatment and prolonged detention in violation of
    their constitutional rights, and that the TRIP redress process is
    inadequate and violates the Administrative Procedure Act and
    their constitutional rights.
    The Jibrils’ factual allegations, taken as true, lead to the
    reasonable inference that the family will again be subjected to
    many of the alleged illegalities they challenge in this action.
    The Jibrils’ allegations plausibly support their claim that they
    will soon fly again and that they remain on a terrorist watchlist.
    This exposes them to an imminent risk of invasive and undue
    Government actions that they plausibly allege the TRIP process
    will not prevent. The Jibrils easily satisfy the remaining aspects
    of our standing analysis. Therefore, for the reasons that we
    explain below, we conclude that Appellants have standing to
    pursue most of their claims for prospective relief.
    There is one caveat, however. The Jibrils lack standing to
    pursue certain claims for prospective relief relating to
    Government agents allegedly violating established federal
    policies when they detained Appellants during their travel in
    2018. In particular, Count I alleges that under CBP policies,
    “juveniles should not be subject to pat-down searches in almost
    any circumstance, and not without prior supervisory
    authorization, unless they are immediate pat-down searches
    akin to Terry frisks,” and that “TSA states that it should keep
    pat-down searches of minors to a minimum.” Compl. ¶¶ 151-
    52, J.A. 22. Count IV alleges that Government policies “require
    that family units with juveniles remain together unless they
    must be separated, such as if the family members have different
    immigration statuses.” 
    Id. ¶ 184,
     J.A. 25. The Jibrils claim that
    these policies were violated by Government agents in 2018.
    However, because the Jibrils do not plausibly allege that these
    alleged violations will recur, Appellants fail to establish any
    imminent injuries with respect to these purported policy
    violations. See Cruz v. Am. Airlines Inc., 
    356 F.3d 320
    , 329
    (D.C. Cir. 2004) (relying on City of Los Angeles v. Lyons, 
    461 U.S. 95
     (1983), to conclude that plaintiffs challenging the
    prospective enforcement of American Airlines’ lost-baggage
    policy lacked standing because it was “not likely” they
    “w[ould] again lose their luggage on an international American
    [Airlines] flight, much less again be denied compensation as a
    result of the misapplication of [American Airlines’ lost-
    baggage] rule”). Accordingly, the District Court did not err by
    dismissing these claims.
    Nevertheless, as the Government concedes, the District
    Court’s dismissal of these claims should have been without
    prejudice, as dismissal of the claims for lack of standing is not
    an adjudication on the merits. See Havens v. Mabus, 
    759 F.3d 91
    , 98 (D.C. Cir. 2014) (“A jurisdictional dismissal—which is
    not an adjudication on the merits under Rule 41(b)—is, then, a
    dismissal without prejudice.”).
    Finally, it should be noted that, although the Jibrils may
    have had standing to seek damages – including nominal
    damages – to redress the alleged harms they suffered during
    their travels in 2018, they have not sought such relief. See
    Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski, 
    141 S. Ct. 792
    , 801-02 (2021)
    (discussing the possibility of an award of nominal damages to
    redress a past injury). Accordingly, in our analysis below, we
    focus only on the Jibrils’ standing to seek declaratory and
    injunctive relief to safeguard against cognizable alleged future
    1. Legal Framework
    Article III of the United States Constitution “confines the
    federal judicial power to the resolution of ‘Cases’ and
    ‘Controversies.’ For there to be a case or controversy under
    Article III, the plaintiff must have a ‘personal stake’ in the
    case—in other words, standing.” TransUnion, 141 S. Ct. at
    2203 (quotation marks omitted) (quoting Raines v. Byrd, 
    521 U.S. 811
    , 819 (1997)).
    The party invoking federal jurisdiction bears the burden of
    demonstrating Article III standing. 
    Id. at 2207-08
     (citing Lujan
    v. Defs. of Wildlife, 
    504 U.S. 555
    , 561 (1992)). The plaintiff
    must demonstrate standing for each claim that is being pressed
    and for each form of relief that is being sought. 
    Id. at 2208
    (citations omitted). “[T]o establish standing, a plaintiff must
    show (i) that he suffered an injury in fact that is concrete,
    particularized, and actual or imminent; (ii) that the injury was
    likely caused by the defendant; and (iii) that the injury would
    likely be redressed by judicial relief.” 
    Id. at 2203
     (citing Lujan,
    504 U.S. at 560-61
    As discussed above, an alleged future injury may suffice to
    establish standing if the threatened injury is “certainly
    impending” or there is a “substantial risk” it will occur. New
    Jersey v. EPA, 
    989 F.3d 1038
    , 1047 (D.C. Cir. 2021) (quoting
    Attias v. Carefirst, Inc., 
    865 F.3d 620
    , 626-27 (D.C. Cir. 2017))
    (citing Dep’t of Com. v. New York, 
    139 S. Ct. 2551
    , 2565
    (2019)); see also TransUnion, 141 S. Ct. at 2210 (“[A] person
    exposed to a risk of future harm may pursue forward-looking,
    injunctive relief to prevent the harm from occurring, at least so
    long as the risk of harm is sufficiently imminent and
    substantial.” (citing Clapper v. Amnesty Int’l USA, 
    568 U.S. 398
    , 414 n.5 (2013) and Lyons, 
    461 U.S. at 102
    )). Although a
    plaintiff seeking prospective declaratory and injunctive relief
    “may not rest on past injury” alone, Arpaio, 797 F.3d at 19,
    “‘[p]ast wrongs’ may serve as ‘evidence bearing on whether
    there is a real and immediate threat of repeated injury,’” N.B.
    ex rel. Peacock v. District of Columbia, 
    682 F.3d 77
    , 84 (D.C.
    Cir. 2012) (alteration in original) (quoting Lyons, 
    461 U.S. at 102
    Each element of the standing analysis “must be supported
    in the same way as any other matter on which the plaintiff bears
    the burden of proof, i.e., with the manner and degree of
    evidence required at the successive stages of the litigation.”
    504 U.S. at 561
     (collecting cases). At the pleading stage,
    “plaintiffs are required only to ‘state a plausible claim’ that
    each of the standing elements is present.” Attias, 865 F.3d at
    625-26 (quoting Food & Water Watch, Inc. v. Vilsack, 
    808 F.3d 905
    , 913 (D.C. Cir. 2015)) (citing Lujan, 
    504 U.S. at 561
    “Accordingly, ‘[t]o survive a motion to dismiss, a complaint
    must contain sufficient factual matter, accepted as true, to state
    a claim [of standing] that is plausible on its face.” Kareem v.
    986 F.3d 859
    , 866 (D.C. Cir. 2021) (alterations in
    original) (quotation marks omitted) (quoting Ashcroft v. Iqbal,
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678 (2009)), cert. denied, --- S. Ct. ---, 
    2021 WL 5284636
     (Nov. 15, 2021). And the court “assume[s], for
    purposes of the standing analysis, that plaintiffs will prevail on
    the merits of their claim[s].” Attias, 865 F.3d at 629.
    2. The Jibrils Have Standing to Pursue Their Claims for
    Relief to Safeguard Them from Substantial Risks of
    Future Harm
    a. Future Travel Plans
    The Jibrils’ history of traveling to Jordan every two years
    to visit family, combined with their professed desire to
    continue that pattern, strongly suggests that they will travel
    internationally within the next year or two. See In re Navy
    697 F.3d 1171
    , 1176 (D.C. Cir. 2012) (concluding
    that plaintiffs who “w[ould] probably appear” “in the near
    future” “before selection boards” employing challenged
    policies and procedures sufficiently alleged they would
    “engage in the conduct they claim will cause them injury”). Mr.
    Jibril’s history of visiting relatives in Jordan between twelve
    and fifteen times over the past twenty-five years provides
    support for this inference. It is also noteworthy that the family’s
    sincerely held religious beliefs require them to travel to Saudi
    Arabia to fulfill religious obligations. These allegations lead to
    the reasonable inference that the Jibrils will soon travel again,
    particularly if their names are removed from the Selectee List
    and they can secure protection from the court against undue
    searches and interrogations.
    In opposing Appellants’ position, the Government points
    out that, in Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 
    504 U.S. 555
    , 564
    (1992), the Supreme Court stated that plaintiffs’ “‘some day’
    intentions” to travel are insufficient to support standing. Final
    Br. for Appellees 29-30 (quoting Lujan, 
    504 U.S. at 564
    However, the facts in Lujan are quite different from the facts
    in this case. The plaintiffs in Lujan – “organizations dedicated
    to wildlife conservation and other environmental causes” –
    sought to prove future travel plans by pointing to affidavits
    from two members. Lujan, 
    504 U.S. at 559, 563
    . The first
    stated she had once visited Egypt and “intend[ed] to do so
    Id. at 563
    . The second averred she had once travelled
    to Sri Lanka and “intend[ed] to go back” but “had no current
    plans” to do so. 
    Id. at 563-64
    . The instant case is easily
    distinguishable, as the Jibrils allege an extensive travel history
    supporting their future plans, which evince an imminence the
    Lujan plaintiffs’ “‘some day’ intentions” lacked. See Ghedi v.
    16 F.4th 456
    , 465 (5th Cir. 2021) (concluding that
    a plaintiff who purportedly appeared on the Selectee List and
    “allege[d] both a professional need for habitual travel and that
    his injuries [we]re tied to the act of flying, not his destination”
    plausibly alleged “that his next flight, and thus, injury, [wa]s
    both real and immediate”).
    b. 2018 Selectee List Status
    The Jibrils also plausibly allege that they appeared on a
    terrorist watchlist in 2018. We infer from the inclusion of
    “SSSS” on the Jibrils’ boarding passes and the extensive
    searches and interrogation the Jibrils endured during their
    international travels in 2018 that the family members appeared
    on a terrorist watchlist during that trip.
    The Government does not dispute that the Jibrils’ 2018
    experience is consistent with its treatment of Selectee List
    passengers. It maintains, however, that the Jibrils’ allegations
    are merely “compatible with,” but not “more likely explained
    by,” the family’s Selectee List inclusion. Final Br. for
    Appellees 37 (quoting Kareem, 986 F.3d at 869). In support of
    this argument, the Government relies on: (1) declarations from
    Government officials purporting to establish that the majority
    of passengers designated for enhanced screening are so
    designated for reasons other than inclusion in the Database and
    (2) a Government report stating that 98% of TRIP inquires have
    no connection to any Database identity. See, e.g., Final Br. for
    Appellees 4 n.1; J.A. 94-104. This material falls far short of
    justifying a rejection of Appellants’ complaint at the pleading
    stage of this litigation on a motion to dismiss.
    First, the declarations, which were filed in an unrelated out-
    of-circuit action, were not before the District Court, and we
    decline to take judicial notice of them. See Fed. R. Evid. 201(b)
    (“The court may judicially notice a fact that is not subject to
    reasonable dispute because it: (1) is generally known within the
    trial court’s territorial jurisdiction; or (2) can be accurately and
    readily determined from sources whose accuracy cannot
    reasonably be questioned.”); Hurd v. District of Columbia, 
    864 F.3d 671
    , 686 (D.C. Cir. 2017) (“[A] court cannot take judicial
    notice of the truth of a document simply because someone put
    it in the court’s files.” (alteration in original) (quoting 21B Fed.
    Prac. & Proc. Evid. § 5106.4 (2d ed.))).
    Second, the government report containing the 98% statistic
    is devoid of any meaningful context. See Overview of the U.S.
    Government’s Watchlisting Process and Procedures as of
    January 2018, reprinted in J.A. 94-104. Although the report
    states that approximately 98% of TRIP inquiries have no
    connection to any watchlist identity, it does not indicate what
    proportion of the redress inquiries the Government receives are
    from travelers who experienced treatment as severe and time-
    delaying as what the Jibrils encountered. See id. at 8, J.A. 102.
    The Government also argues that the Jibrils’ extensive
    travel history undermines their purported inclusion on the
    Selectee List, as the family apparently traveled without
    incident before 2018. Final Br. for Appellees 35. This is a
    specious argument. The Jibrils’ factual allegations lead to the
    reasonable inference that the Government placed the Jibrils on
    the watchlist after their pre-2018 travels but before their 2018
    c. Current Selectee List Status
    Finally, the Jibrils’ factual allegations lead us to the
    reasonable inference that the family members remain on the
    Selectee List today. The Jibrils allege that although they have
    completed the only redress process available to them, they
    cannot determine their watchlist status because this
    information is in the Government’s exclusive control, and the
    Government refuses to disclose it. Drawing all reasonable
    inferences in favor of the Jibrils, we presume that the family
    members’ watchlist status “remains the same” “[u]nless the
    [G]overnment provides documentation” to the contrary. See
    Shearson v. Holder, 
    725 F.3d 588
    , 593 (6th Cir. 2013). Because
    the Government has provided no information to the contrary,
    we infer from the Jibrils’ factual allegations that the family
    members remain on the watchlist.
    The Government argues that even assuming the Jibrils
    appeared on a watchlist in 2018, there is no indication they
    remain on such a list today, as the family has completed the
    TRIP redress process and Government agents consistently
    audit and update the Selectee List. Final Br. for Appellees 41-
    43. The Government maintains that presuming the Jibrils
    remain on such a list today is tantamount to finding standing
    based solely on the fact that necessary information is within a
    defendant’s exclusive control. 
    Id. at 47 n.11
    . We disagree.
    In support of their argument, the Government points to our
    decision in Kareem v. Haspel, 986 F.3d at 861, in which a U.S.
    citizen journalist working in Syria claimed that he was
    mistakenly placed on a list of individuals the United States had
    determined were terrorists it could target and kill. The
    journalist, who sought prospective relief, claimed he had
    narrowly missed being hit by military strikes five times, and he
    believed he was the target of those strikes. Id. at 862. The court
    in Kareem noted that, although “[w]e have recognized that
    ‘pleadings on information and belief are permitted when the
    necessary information lies within defendants’ control,”’ “we
    also require that the allegations based on information and belief
    ‘be accompanied by a statement of the facts upon which the
    allegations are based.’” Id. at 866 (quotation marks omitted)
    (quoting Kowal v. MCI Commc’ns Corp., 
    16 F.3d 1271
    , 1279
    n.3 (D.C. Cir. 1994)) (citing Tooley v. Napolitano, 
    586 F.3d 1006
    , 1007-08, 1010 (D.C. Cir. 2009)). We concluded that the
    journalist’s factual allegations were insufficient to establish
    standing, as they did not “create a plausible inference that the
    described missile attacks were attributable to the United States
    and specifically targeted” him. 
    Id. at 865
    The situation in this case is quite different. As explained
    above, the Jibrils allege facts supporting the conclusion that
    they appeared on the Selectee List during their 2018 travels.
    We simply draw the reasonable inference from those facts that
    this remains the case today, particularly since the Government
    has provided no evidence to the contrary.
    At oral argument, Government counsel suggested that if the
    Jibrils would like to determine whether they remain on a
    terrorist watchlist, some or all members of the family can book
    another trip to see whether they endure the same problems that
    they faced in 2018. Whether this suggestion was meant to be a
    tongue-in-cheek quip or simply a heartless argument, it makes
    no sense. As explained above, the Supreme Court has made it
    clear that “a person exposed to a risk of future harm may pursue
    forward-looking, injunctive relief to prevent the harm from
    occurring, at least so long as the risk of harm is sufficiently
    imminent and substantial.” TransUnion, 141 S. Ct. at 2210
    (emphasis added) (citations omitted). A plaintiff is not required
    to wait for an injury to occur in order to satisfy Article III
    standing requirements. On the record before us, we find that
    the Jibrils’ complaint plausibly alleges a risk of harm that is
    sufficiently imminent and substantial. Therefore, they have
    standing to pursue a number of their claims for prospective
    In sum, the Jibrils’ future travel plans, combined with the
    reasonable inference that they remain on the Selectee List,
    indicate they will soon be subjected to the challenged
    Government actions again. Accordingly, the Jibrils adequately
    allege an imminent threat of future injury for those claims
    challenging the Government’s policies and the alleged lack of
    adequate redress process. See In re Navy Chaplaincy, 697 F.3d
    at 1178 (holding that plaintiffs plausibly alleged a future injury
    where the defendant “neither dispute[d] plaintiffs’ claims that
    they w[ould] expose themselves to potential injury . . . nor
    argue[d] that it ha[d] any plans to change the procedures
    alleged to injure plaintiffs”). This feared injury is concrete and
    particularized, as the harm is real, rather than abstract, and it
    affects the Jibrils “in a personal and individual way.” Spokeo,
    Inc. v. Robins, 
    578 U.S. 330
    , 339 (2016) (collecting cases).
    The Jibrils also satisfy the remaining aspects of our
    standing inquiry. The imminent injury is plainly traceable to
    the Government’s actions, and the prospective relief the Jibrils
    seek, including revisions to the TRIP policies, would
    ameliorate the alleged future harms with respect to which they
    complain. We note, however, that because Selectee List status
    constitutes Sensitive Security Information, see 49 U.S.C.
    § 114(r); 49 C.F.R. § 1520.5(a), and the Government maintains
    that watchlist-status disclosure raises weighty national security
    concerns, Final Br. for Appellees 11, revisions to the TRIP
    policies may not exist that would allow the Jibrils to discover
    whether they are – or ever were – on the Selectee List.
    Accordingly, the Jibrils have standing to pursue their
    claims for prospective relief discussed above.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm in part and reverse in
    part the District Court’s judgment and remand the case for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion.