United States v. Khan Mohammed , 693 F.3d 192 ( 2012 )

    United States Court of Appeals
    Argued November 17, 2011            Decided September 4, 2012
    No. 09-3001
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:06-cr-00357-1)
    Shardul S. Desai argued the cause for appellant. With him
    on the briefs was Peter S. Spivack, appointed by the court.
    Vijay Shanker, Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice,
    argued the cause for appellee. With him on the brief were Lanny
    A. Breuer, Assistant Attorney General, and Matthew Robert
    Stiglitz, Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice. Kevin R. Gingras
    and Teresa A. Wallbaum, Attorneys, U.S. Department of Justice,
    and Roy W. McLeese III, Assistant U.S. Attorney, entered
    Before: SENTELLE, Chief            Judge,    GRIFFITH     and
    KAVANAUGH, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge GRIFFITH.
    Opinion concurring in part and concurring in the judgment
    filed by Circuit Judge KAVANAUGH.
    GRIFFITH, Circuit Judge1: Khan Mohammed challenges his
    conviction and life sentence for narcoterrorism. He also claims
    that his trial counsel provided ineffective assistance. We affirm
    Mohammed’s conviction and sentence but remand for the
    district court to hold an evidentiary hearing on the claim of
    ineffective assistance.
    While living in Pakistan in 2006, a man named Jaweed,
    who hailed from the village of Geratak in Afghanistan’s
    Nangarhar province, fell in with Abdul Rahman, a former
    Taliban official for the Jalalabad province of Afghanistan also
    living in Pakistan. Rahman was plotting an attack on the
    Jalalabad airfield, a strategic NATO airbase in eastern
    Afghanistan, and instructed Jaweed to return to Geratak and
    contact a fellow villager, Khan Mohammed, who was also
    involved in the plot and needed help. Jaweed did as he was told
    and visited Mohammed, who brought him into the planning of
    the attack, directing him to obtain the missiles that would be
    used in the strike.
    NOTE: Portions of this opinion contain Sealed Information,
    which has been redacted.
    But Jaweed soon turned against Rahman and Mohammed
    and disclosed the plot to Afghan authorities. The Afghan police
    persuaded Jaweed to continue his role in the plot, but to become
    their informant. When primary responsibility for the
    investigation was turned over to agents of the U.S. Drug
    Enforcement Administration (DEA) deployed in Nangarhar,
    Jaweed worked with them as well. The DEA agents wired
    Jaweed and recorded several of his conversations with
    Mohammed in August and September 2006.
    In the first of those conversations, Mohammed discussed
    with Jaweed details of the attack on the airfield and claimed that
    he had not only the same purpose as Rahman, but the same
    authority. Hearing his plans and his boast, the DEA decided to
    arrest Mohammed soon after Jaweed had given him the missiles.
    Concern about losing control of the missiles once they were in
    Mohammed’s hands, however, led to a different strategy. The
    DEA would arrest Mohammed for narcotics trafficking.
    Following this plan, Jaweed told Mohammed he had a friend
    looking for opium. Mohammed replied that he knew a source
    who could supply as much as Jaweed’s friend needed. Jaweed
    and Mohammed met three more times to iron out details, such as
    the price for the opium and Mohammed’s commission. These
    discussions also included plans for the attack on the airfield.
    For example, during one of the meetings Mohammed said they
    needed a car to secure the missiles. See Government Trial Ex.
    2C (Mohammed, stating that they would “tightly and firmly load
    [the missiles] in our car”). Eleven days later, Mohammed
    announced at another meeting that he would use the profits from
    the drug sale to buy a car, which could help carry out more drug
    The opium deal went off without a hitch. Jaweed
    accompanied Mohammed to a local bazaar where Mohammed
    negotiated the sale with his source. The next day, Jaweed
    accompanied Mohammed to the seller’s home and secretly
    videotaped Mohammed inspecting, paying for, and taking away
    the opium he then sold to Jaweed. Pleased with the results, the
    DEA agents told Jaweed to orchestrate another sale, this time
    for heroin. When Jaweed raised the idea, Mohammed readily
    agreed and acquired almost two kilograms of heroin, which he
    then sold to Jaweed. Mohammed was enthused by the prospect
    of how much money their newly formed drug business could
    make. When Jaweed told Mohammed that his friend would send
    the opium and heroin to the United States, Mohammed declared,
    “Good, may God turn all the infidels to dead-corpses.”
    Government Trial Ex. 2H. Their “common goal,” Mohammed
    told Jaweed, was to eliminate the “infidels” either “by opium or
    by shooting.” Id.
    On October 29, 2006, the DEA and Afghan police arrested
    Mohammed at a roadside checkpoint. They blindfolded and
    handcuffed him and drove him to a DEA base at the Jalalabad
    airfield. He was briefly held in a detention cell without
    handcuffs or blindfold and then taken to a room to be questioned
    about the drug deals and the planned attack on the airfield.
    During his interrogation, Mohammed was neither blindfolded
    nor shackled. The record is unclear whether he was handcuffed.
    Three DEA agents conducted the questioning, one wearing a
    visible sidearm.
    Speaking through an interpreter, DEA Special Agent
    Jeffrey Higgins read Mohammed the Miranda warnings, which
    Taliban. Hearing that, Mohammed, through his counsel, agreed
    to withdraw his motion for a continuance and proceed to trial.
    The government put on its case in four days. Two of these
    days were taken up with Jaweed’s testimony. Mohammed’s
    counsel called no witnesses and offered no evidence, and
    Mohammed did not take the stand. On May 15, 2008, a jury
    found Mohammed guilty of international drug trafficking, 21
    U.S.C. §§ 959(a)(1), (2), and drug trafficking with intent to
    provide financial support to a terrorist, id. § 960a. At
    sentencing, Mohammed objected to the recommendation in the
    Presentencing Report that the court apply the terrorism
    enhancement of the Sentencing Guidelines. The court found no
    basis for the objection and applied the enhancement, but
    explained that it could have exercised its discretion under
    § 960a to impose the same sentence even without the
    enhancement. The district court sentenced Mohammed to two
    concurrent life sentences.
    Mohammed does not challenge his conviction for
    international drug trafficking. He appeals only his conviction
    and sentencing for narcoterrorism. He also raises a claim of
    ineffective assistance of counsel. We take jurisdiction under 28
    U.S.C. § 1291 and 18 U.S.C. § 3742.
    We consider first Mohammed’s argument that his Miranda
    waiver was invalid and that the district court erred by denying
    his motion to suppress the statements he made during his
    interrogation at the Jalalabad airfield. We need not resolve the
    novel question whether Miranda applies to the overseas
    custodial interrogation of a person who is not a U.S. citizen.
    Even if we assume it does, any alleged error by the district court
    was harmless because the government made no effort to use the
    statements at trial. See, e.g., United States v. Patane, 
    542 U.S. 630
    , 641 (2004) (plurality opinion) (“Potential [Miranda]
    violations occur, if at all, only upon the admission of unwarned
    statements into evidence at trial.”); Oregon v. Elstad, 
    470 U.S. 298
    , 306-07 (1985) (noting that the Fifth Amendment prohibits
    using compelled statements in the prosecution’s case-in-chief).
    On appeal, Mohammed maintains that his statements were
    used against him because Higgins was only able to identify
    Mohammed’s voice on the recordings at trial from having heard
    it first during the interrogation. But voice identification is not
    the type of incriminating information Miranda protects:
    “Requiring a suspect to reveal the physical manner in which he
    articulates words, like requiring him to reveal the physical
    properties of the sound produced by his voice, does not, without
    more, compel him to provide a ‘testimonial’ response for
    purposes of the [Fifth Amendment] privilege.” Pennsylvania v.
    496 U.S. 582
    , 592 (1990) (citation omitted); see also
    Elstad, 470 U.S. at 317 (noting that Miranda ensures a suspect’s
    unwarned answers may be excluded from the government’s
    Mohammed also asserts that what he said during
    interrogation was used against him indirectly. The government’s
    ability to rely on his statements for impeachment purposes, so
    his argument goes, made him hesitant to testify in his own
    defense. But this argument has no constitutional weight.
    Statements taken in violation of Miranda are admissible as
    impeachment evidence unless they are, in very fact, involuntary.
    See, e.g., Elstad, 470 U.S. at 307; Oregon v. Hass, 
    420 U.S. 714
    723 (1975) (holding that unwarned statements are admissible for
    impeachment purposes unless an “officer’s conduct amount[ed]
    to an abuse,” in which case admissibility is governed by “the
    traditional standards for evaluating voluntariness and
    trustworthiness”). And whatever one might conclude about the
    merits of Mohammed’s Miranda claim, he certainly has not
    shown the egregious facts necessary to establish that the
    statements he made during questioning were involuntary. See,
    e.g., Berghuis v. Thompkins, 
    130 S. Ct. 2250
    , 2263 (2010)
    (finding no coercion in a three-hour interrogation — longer than
    Mohammed’s — without evidence “that police threatened or
    injured [the defendant] during the interrogation or that he was in
    any way fearful”); Mincey v. Arizona, 
    437 U.S. 385
    , 398-99
    (1978) (finding a confession involuntary when the defendant
    had been shot and paralyzed a few hours before questioning,
    was in intense pain, and gave confused and incoherent
    We have been given no reason to disturb the district court’s
    findings that the DEA agents did not threaten or intimidate
    Mohammed, that he was treated well during his relatively brief
    interrogation, and that he seemed eager to talk and comfortable
    enough to ask questions when he needed clarification. See Tr.
    Status & Mots. Hr’g 10:10-12:22. Mohammed emphasizes that
    he was blindfolded and handcuffed at times and perhaps even
    handcuffed during questioning. But no court has found that
    waivers made while a suspect is handcuffed are invalid for that
    reason alone, see, e.g., United States v. Adams, 
    583 F.3d 457
    467-68 (6th Cir. 2009) (upholding an implicit Miranda waiver
    even though the defendant was handcuffed while he was read
    his rights and during questioning); United States v. Doe, 149
    F.3d 634, 639 (7th Cir. 1998) (finding a Miranda waiver
    voluntary despite questioning the defendant in a remote location
    while handcuffed in the back of a squad car, with some officers
    wearing masks), much less that statements obtained while
    handcuffed are themselves involuntary. And although an agent
    lied to Mohammed that his hands tested positive for heroin,
    misleading a suspect during interrogation is only one factor in
    the totality of the circumstances analysis that governs our
    inquiry into voluntariness. See Frazier v. Cupp, 
    394 U.S. 731
    739 (1969). Just as telling a defendant, falsely, that his co-
    defendant had already confessed to murder is “relevant,” yet not
    enough to render an “otherwise voluntary confession
    inadmissible,” id., the lie here is insufficient to outweigh the rest
    of the evidence showing that Mohammed’s statements were
    voluntary. Within the full context of the interrogation, we would
    be hard pressed to conclude that the possibility Mohammed was
    handcuffed combined with the agent’s lie was enough to render
    his statements involuntary.
    Mohammed next argues that the evidence at trial cannot
    sustain his conviction under 21 U.S.C. § 960a. This statute
    criminalizes conduct abroad that would violate domestic drug
    laws if “committed within the jurisdiction of the United States”
    when the actor “know[s] or intend[s] to provide, directly or
    indirectly, anything of pecuniary value to any person or
    organization that has engaged or engages in terrorist
    activity . . . or terrorism.” Id. Mohammed does not dispute that
    the evidence was sufficient to prove he engaged in a qualifying
    drug offense, that he met the statutory definition of a person
    who engages in terrorism, or that he knew the transaction would
    result in financial gain to himself. Instead, he urges us to graft
    an additional, unwritten intent requirement onto the statutory
    text, which he calls a “drug-terror nexus.” Appellant’s Br. 46.
    Under this theory, it is not enough that Mohammed committed a
    drug offense with intent to provide pecuniary value to a terrorist
    or terrorist organization; the government must also show he
    knew that the money would support terrorist acts.
    But Mohammed overlooks the straightforward terms of the
    statute. Section 960a requires proof that the defendant intended
    to support a “person or organization that has engaged or
    engages in terrorist activity,” not that he intended his funds to be
    used for any particular activity. 21 U.S.C. § 960a (emphasis
    added). The first step in statutory interpretation considers the
    statute’s plain language, see United States v. Villaneuva-Sotelo,
    515 F.3d 1234
    , 1237 (D.C. Cir. 2008), and we decline
    Mohammed’s invitation to ignore the words Congress chose.
    The text is abundantly clear that Congress intended to target
    drug offenses the defendant knows will support a “person or
    organization” engaged in terrorism, with no additional
    requirement that the defendant intend his drug trafficking to
    advance specific terrorist activity. In other words, Mohammed
    need not have planned for his drug proceeds to fund terrorist
    ends. It is sufficient that the proceeds went to a terrorist — him.
    Mohammed argues that we must look past this plain
    language because only his proposed intent requirement saves
    § 960a from merely duplicating the work of statutes that already
    criminalize drug trafficking overseas, see 21 U.S.C. § 959, and
    material support of terrorism, see 18 U.S.C. §§ 2332d, 2339A,
    2339B, 2339C. But the premise that § 960a is redundant is
    suspect. Congress could have reasonably determined that
    international drug trafficking combined with the intent to
    support a terrorist is a different crime — more blameworthy,
    more dangerous, or both — than drug trafficking overseas and
    material support of terrorism committed separately. Or Congress
    could have decided that the ability to charge one crime instead
    of two was a valuable, perhaps necessary, tool for prosecutors
    that warranted creating a new crime. In any event, Congress
    need not act with the sort of precision Mohammed’s argument
    assumes: “Redundancies across statutes are not unusual events
    in drafting,” and courts must give effect to overlapping statutes
    unless there is “positive repugnancy” between them. Conn. Nat’l
    Bank v. Germain, 
    503 U.S. 249
    , 253 (1992) (quoting Wood v.
    United States, 41 U.S. (16 Pet.) 342, 363 (1842)) (internal
    quotation marks omitted). Mohammed emphasizes that § 960a’s
    penalty is greater than those for drug trafficking and material
    support combined, but that alone does not establish “positive
    repugnancy.” See Wood, 41 U.S. (16 Pet.) at 363 (defining
    “manifest and total repugnancy” as more than “merely
    affirmative, or cumulative or auxiliary” provisions, but
    divergence between statutes so strong as “to lead to the
    conclusion that the latter laws abrogated, and were designed to
    abrogate the former”); see also United States v. Batchelder, 
    442 U.S. 114
    , 123 (1979) (“So long as overlapping criminal
    provisions clearly define the conduct prohibited and the
    punishment authorized, the notice requirements of the Due
    Process Clause are satisfied.”). At most, Mohammed highlights
    some congressional overlap among statutes directed at
    international drug trafficking and support of terrorism. That is
    no reason for us to depart from the clear text of a statute.
    But absurd results will follow unless we do, Mohammed
    argues. As an example, he offers the hypothetical of a father
    who sells drugs to pay a ransom to the Revolutionary Armed
    Forces of Columbia for his kidnapped child. Mohammed
    contends that this father, whose paternal love and not any
    support of terrorism drove him to crime, risks life imprisonment
    under the government’s reading of § 960a. Appellant’s Br. 46-
    47. But finding § 960a absurd based on this possibility would
    have broad implications for criminal law writ large. We can
    imagine similar problems for any sympathetic defendant forced
    by his circumstances to break the law. The criminal justice
    system deals with such unusual fact patterns through
    prosecutorial discretion and traditional defenses such as the
    duress defense, but not by rewriting criminal statutes that are
    uncontroversial in the overwhelming majority of their
    Similarly, Mohammed argues that, limited to its text,
    § 960a could reach an individual who donates some portion of
    his drug proceeds to a person or organization that engaged in
    terrorist acts in the past, but no longer does so.3 Appellant’s
    Reply Br. 21-22. Although the statute’s use of the past and
    present tense — “has engaged or engages in . . . terrorism” —
    increases its potential breadth, such a result is by no means
    absurd. It neither defies “rationality” nor “common sense.”
    Landstar Express America, Inc. v. Fed. Mar. Comm’n, 
    569 F.3d 493
    , 498 (D.C. Cir. 2009); Suburban Transit Corp. v. I.C.C.,
    784 F.2d 1129
    , 1130 (D.C. Cir. 1986). Wide-reaching criminal
    statutes are common, and while reasonable minds may differ
    This concern does not arise in Mohammed’s case, where the
    government did not introduce evidence of his past terrorist
    involvement at trial, but instead relied on evidence that he was
    planning a terrorist attack.
    about the wisdom of § 960a’s scope, “debatable policy . . . is
    hardly irrational,” Landstar, 569 F.3d at 499; cf. United States v.
    165 F.3d 980
    , 990 (D.C. Cir. 1999) (rejecting a
    proposed interpretation for its “obvious absurdities” of ending
    “a centuries-old practice” in the criminal justice system and
    exposing federal prosecutors and judges to liability for entering
    into and approving plea agreements).
    Moreover, even if we were persuaded that the statute is
    redundant or leads to absurd results that justify a departure from
    its plain meaning, Mohammed’s proposed solution is utterly
    without support. The text lends no aid, as we have already
    discussed, and even his resort to legislative history is unavailing.
    He leans on three statements from some of the statute’s
    supporters to argue that some members of Congress believed
    § 960a’s purpose is to punish those who use proceeds from drug
    sales to support terrorism. Appellant’s Br. 47-48 (quoting Rep.
    Hyde’s statement that Congress intended § 960a to “address and
    punish those who would use . . . illegal narcotics to promote and
    support terrorism,” 151 CONG. REC. H6292 (daily ed. July 21,
    2005), and statements from Reps. Hyde and Souder that § 960a
    would address the overlapping links between drug trafficking
    and global terrorism, id.; id. at H6293). Putting to one side the
    usual concerns about using legislative history, especially to
    avoid the plain meaning of a statute, these statements do not
    even contradict what the statute says. It is clear that Congress
    intended to punish those who support terrorism directly, as the
    Congressmen said, as well as indirectly, as the statute provides.
    If we sustain his conviction, Mohammed argues that we
    should remand for resentencing because the district court erred
    by applying the terrorism enhancement in the Sentencing
    Guidelines to calculate his sentencing range. We disagree.
    The terrorism enhancement, found in Guidelines
    § 3A1.4(a), increases by twelve the base offense level for
    calculating a sentencing range if the defendant was convicted of
    a crime that “involved, or was intended to promote, a federal
    crime of terrorism.” “Federal crime of terrorism” is defined in
    18 U.S.C. § 2332b(g)(5) as an offense in violation of certain
    enumerated statutes that is “calculated to influence or affect the
    conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to
    retaliate against government conduct.” Mohammed concedes
    that § 960a is among the enumerated statutes, but argues that
    fact alone does not make his offense a “federal crime of
    terrorism.” In his view, only the mens rea requirement he has
    urged us to read into the statute — an intent to finance
    terrorism — would justify including § 960a as a “federal crime
    of terrorism.” And as Mohammed points out again, the jury was
    not asked whether he had that intent.
    But 18 U.S.C. § 2332b(g)(5) offers no support for
    Mohammed’s theory. The definition of “federal crime of
    terrorism” contains its own intent element, with an additional
    requirement only that the offense of conviction appear on the
    statutory list, as § 960a does. The only question remaining, then,
    is whether we can sustain the district court’s finding that
    Mohammed had the requisite intent under § 2332b(g)(5). The
    district court found two alternate bases to conclude that he did:
    he “specifically intend[ed] to use the commission from the drug
    sales to purchase a car to facilitate attacks against U.S. and
    foreign forces in Afghanistan,” and he “specifically intend[ed]
    and [was] motivated by the drugs’ destructive powers on U.S.
    civilian populations as a means of violent jihad against
    Americans who have fighting forces in Afghanistan against the
    Taliban.” Sentencing Tr. 17:8-15, Dec. 22, 2008. We conclude
    that the first finding was sufficient to apply the terrorism
    Mohammed maintains that the evidence does not establish
    that he intended to use the drug proceeds to buy a car to aid in
    the Jalalabad attack. In one meeting with Jaweed, Mohammed
    stated that they would “tightly and firmly load [the missiles] in
    our car and bring [them]” for use in the planned attack.
    Government Trial Ex. 2C. Eleven days later, he told Jaweed he
    intended to use his portion of the proceeds of the drug sales to
    purchase a car. Government Trial Ex. 2D Mohammed argues
    that his statements about buying a car indicate nothing more
    than that he intended to buy the car for his personal use or to
    help in his drug trafficking. He claims that his statements cannot
    be read to support the conclusion of the district court that he was
    referring to the same car that he said earlier would carry the
    Although Mohammed’s objection may show that the record
    can support alternate interpretations, it is far from proof that the
    district court’s reading of these conversations is clearly
    erroneous. See United States v. Erazo, 
    628 F.3d 608
    , 611 (D.C.
    Cir. 2011) (holding that we review factual findings underlying a
    decision to apply a sentencing enhancement for clear error, and
    give due deference to the district court’s application of the
    Guidelines to the facts). Clear error review is exacting: to
    reverse a district court’s findings of fact “we must be ‘left with
    the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been
    committed.’” Am. Soc’y for the Prevention of Cruelty to
    Animals v. Feld Entm’t, Inc., 
    659 F.3d 13
    , 22 (D.C. Cir. 2011)
    (quoting Anderson v. City of Bessemer City, 
    470 U.S. 564
    , 573
    (1985)). Mohammed’s objection does not reach this level of
    certainty. The district court pointed to specific statements in the
    record — which Mohammed does not dispute he made — from
    which it drew plausible inferences. That Mohammed may have
    intended the car for personal use does not mean he could not
    also have planned to use the car in the attack, and he identifies
    no evidence directly contradicting the district court’s conclusion
    that he did. Especially given the district court’s superior vantage
    point to make credibility determinations and glean “insights not
    conveyed by the record,” Gall v. United States, 
    552 U.S. 38
    , 51
    (2007), we cannot conclude that its findings are clearly wrong.4
    Finally, Mohammed claims that his trial counsel was
    ineffective because he failed to adequately explore the
    possibility that evidence was available that would have
    significantly strengthened Mohammed’s defense. Prior to trial,
    Mohammed identified for his attorney certain witnesses from his
    In light of this conclusion, we need not consider the district
    court’s second basis for applying the terrorism enhancement, nor the
    government’s alternate argument that any error would have been
    harmless because the district court stated it would have imposed the
    same sentence without the enhancement.
    village in Afghanistan who he claimed could bolster his
    character and impugn Jaweed’s. Mohammed’s attorney admits
    he did not try to locate or interview any of them. See, e.g., Tr.
    Status Hr’g 14:1-7, Feb. 25, 2008. Mohammed now claims that
    these witnesses could have shown that Jaweed had a reputation
    as a liar and was biased against him. Failing to introduce their
    testimony prejudiced his defense, Mohammed argues, because
    Jaweed was the government’s star witness, and his credibility
    was central to the prosecution.
    When advancing an ineffective assistance argument on
    direct appeal, an appellant must present “factual allegations that,
    if true, would establish a violation of his [S]ixth [A]mendment
    right to counsel.” United States v. Poston, 
    902 F.2d 90
    , 99 n.9
    (D.C. Cir. 1990). These allegations must satisfy both prongs of
    Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
     (1984): deficient
    representation and prejudice. Id. at 687. Presented with a
    colorable claim, we remand for an evidentiary hearing unless the
    “record alone conclusively shows that the defendant either is or
    is not entitled to relief.” United States v. Burroughs, 
    613 F.3d 233
    , 238 (D.C. Cir. 2010) (quoting United States v. Rashad, 
    331 F.3d 908
    , 910 (D.C. Cir. 2003)) (internal quotation marks
    omitted). We do not “reflexively remand,” United States v.
    491 F.3d 440
    , 443 (D.C. Cir. 2007), but neither will we
    hesitate to remand when a trial record is insufficient to assess
    the full circumstances and rationales informing the strategic
    decisions of trial counsel, see Massaro v. United States, 
    538 U.S. 500
    , 505 (2003).
    To raise a colorable claim that his trial counsel was
    deficient, Mohammed must allege errors “so serious that
    counsel was not functioning as the ‘counsel’ guaranteed the
    cars, Trial Tr. 46:9-20, May 9, 2008, and that plans to “fire
    missiles toward the airport,” referenced the Jalalabad airfield, id.
    at 48:25-49:3. Jaweed’s testimony arguably shaped how the jury
    understood Mohammed’s words. Without the additional
    information Jaweed provided that Mohammed was discussing
    government targets, a juror conceivably could conclude that
    Mohammed was violent, but not a terrorist as required to
    convict under § 960a. Errors that have “a pervasive effect on the
    inferences to be drawn from the evidence” have a greater
    probability of influencing the verdict, Strickland, 466 U.S. at
    695-96, and Mohammed has raised a colorable claim that his
    attorney’s failure to introduce evidence challenging Jaweed’s
    credibility was such an error. The district court is best
    positioned to answer in the first instance whether this colorable
    claim rises to the level of actual prejudice. See Massaro, 538
    U.S. at 506 (explaining that the district court has an
    “advantageous perspective” to assess prejudice within the full
    context of a trial, especially when the same judge from trial
    Because Mohammed has raised colorable claims under both
    Strickland prongs and the trial record does not conclusively
    show whether he is entitled to relief, we remand his claims to
    the district court to test his allegations further.5
    We agree with our concurring colleague that precedent and
    sound policy mark the district court as the best forum to litigate a
    claim of ineffective assistance, and we express no view on the merits
    of Mohammed’s claim. Our discussion seeks only to explain the
    reasons for our conclusion that the trial record is insufficient to
    resolve his claim on direct appeal.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm Mohammed’s
    judgment of conviction and sentence in all respects, but remand
    for an evidentiary hearing on his ineffective assistance claim.
    So ordered.
    In most cases, the need for an evidentiary hearing is readily
    apparent because the trial record contains little of the information
    necessary to assess trial counsel’s performance. In such cases we may
    well “owe no special explanation when we remand.” Concurring Op.
    at 2. But this is not the typical case, because the performance of trial
    counsel was an issue before the district court. In such an unusual
    circumstance, we see nothing amiss with explaining why the trial
    record is insufficient to weigh the merits of a claim of ineffective
    assistance on direct appeal. In order to respect our charge to avoid a
    “reflexive[] remand,” we must “interrogate the trial record according
    to Strickland’s familiar two prongs.” Harris, 491 F.3d at 443.
    KAVANAUGH, Circuit Judge, concurring in part and
    concurring in the judgment: I concur in the judgment and in
    all but Part V of the Court’s excellent opinion. I write
    separately with respect to Part V only to express my
    respectful view that this Court should not ordinarily delve into
    the merits of an ineffective-assistance claim before the district
    court has done so. The Supreme Court has stated that
    “ineffective-assistance claims ordinarily will be litigated in
    the first instance in the district court, the forum best suited to
    developing the facts necessary to determining the adequacy of
    representation during an entire trial.” Massaro v. United
    538 U.S. 500
    , 505 (2003). The district court “may
    take testimony from witnesses for the defendant and the
    prosecution and from the counsel alleged to have rendered the
    deficient performance.” Id.
    For that reason, ineffective-assistance claims arising out
    of federal criminal cases are most appropriately brought in
    § 2255 collateral proceedings. (The Supreme Court has said
    that procedural default rules do not preclude a defendant from
    bringing an ineffective-assistance claim for the first time in a
    § 2255 proceeding. See id. at 504.) To be sure, this Court has
    also permitted ineffective-assistance claims to be raised on
    direct appeal. 1 But even so, when an ineffective-assistance
    argument is asserted on direct appeal, our usual practice is to
    remand the claim to the district court without substantial
    analysis by this Court of the merits of the claim. See, e.g.,
    United States v. Laureys, 
    653 F.3d 27
    , 34 (D.C. Cir. 2011).
    Our circuit is alone in permitting this procedure. At some
    point, we perhaps should conform our practice to that of all of the
    other circuits and require most ineffective-assistance claims to be
    raised in § 2255 proceedings, not on direct appeal. Cf. Martinez v.
    132 S. Ct. 1309
    , 1318 (2012) (“there are sound reasons for
    deferring consideration of ineffective-assistance-of-trial-counsel
    claims until the collateral-review stage”). Regardless of whether
    we take that logical step, however, we should still give the district
    court the first opportunity to consider such claims.
    Whether it be in a § 2255 proceeding or on direct appeal, the
    key procedural principle remains the same: The district court
    should take the first crack at the merits of ineffective-
    assistance claims.
    Two principles of sound appellate decisionmaking
    support that district-court-first practice. First, as the Supreme
    Court has explained, the district court is the forum “best
    suited to developing the facts.” Massaro, 538 U.S. at 505.
    Otherwise, “appellate counsel and the court must proceed on a
    trial record not developed precisely for the object of litigating
    or preserving the claim and thus often incomplete or
    inadequate for this purpose.” Id. at 504-05. Second, by
    remanding to the district court as a matter of course when an
    ineffective-assistance claim is raised on direct appeal, we
    avoid wasting scarce resources as appellate counsel (and
    judges) fruitlessly and pointlessly squabble over ineffective-
    assistance claims based on an incomplete record. We have
    acknowledged that the court of appeals can resolve an
    ineffective-assistance issue in the first instance when the
    record “conclusively” shows that the defendant either is or is
    not entitled to relief. United States v. Rashad, 
    331 F.3d 908
    911 (D.C. Cir. 2003). But given the fact-bound nature of
    ineffective-assistance claims, that exception arises only rarely.
    If there is any doubt or difficulty, if it is not obvious from the
    face of the record whether relief is warranted, the appropriate
    course is simply to remand.
    Applying those principles to this case, I do not see the
    need for the Court’s detailed analysis of Mohammed’s
    ineffective-assistance claim. We owe no special explanation
    when we remand an ineffective-assistance claim. We owe a
    special explanation only in the rare situations when we
    resolve the ineffective-assistance claim here at the appellate
    level. In this case, I would remand the ineffective-assistance
    claim to the district court without the lengthy evaluation of
    the claim’s merits.

Document Info

Docket Number: 09-3001

Citation Numbers: 402 U.S. App. D.C. 330, 693 F.3d 192

Judges: Griffith, Kavanaugh, Sentelle

Filed Date: 9/4/2012

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/5/2023

Authorities (25)

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Martinez v. Ryan , 132 S. Ct. 1309 ( 2012 )

Mincey v. Arizona , 98 S. Ct. 2408 ( 1978 )

United States v. Batchelder , 99 S. Ct. 2198 ( 1979 )

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Pennsylvania v. Muniz , 110 S. Ct. 2638 ( 1990 )

Strickland v. Washington , 104 S. Ct. 2052 ( 1984 )

Oregon v. Elstad , 105 S. Ct. 1285 ( 1985 )

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