Pharaon, Ghaith R. v. FRS ( 1998 )

  •                         United States Court of Appeals
    Argued December 8, 1997 Decided February 10, 1998
    No. 97-1114
    Ghaith R. Pharaon,
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
    On Petition for Review of an Order of the
    Federal Reserve System
    Richard F. Lawler argued the cause for petitioner.  With
    him on the briefs were Philip M. Smith and John C. Canoni.
    Stephen H. Meyer, Senior Attorney, Board of Governors of
    the Federal Reserve System, argued the cause for respon-
    dent.  With him on the brief were James V. Mattingly, Jr.,
    General Counsel, Richard M. Ashton, Associate General
    Counsel, and Katherine H. Wheatley, Assistant General
    Counsel.  Douglas B. Jordan, Senior Counsel, entered an
    Before:  Ginsburg, Henderson and Tatel, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court by Circuit Judge Tatel.
    Tatel, Circuit Judge:  Petitioner challenges the Board of
    Governors' conclusion that he participated in violations of the
    Bank Holding Company Act by the Bank of Credit and
    Commerce International.  He also challenges the Board's
    decision to fine him thirty-seven million dollars and bar him
    permanently from the U.S. banking industry.  Because sub-
    stantial evidence supports the Board's findings of fact and
    because petitioner's challenges to the Board's procedures,
    conclusions of law, and choice of sanctions lack merit, we
    Section 3(a) of the Bank Holding Company Act makes it
    unlawful for a company to become a bank holding company
    without approval of the Board of Governors of the Federal
    Reserve System.  12 U.S.C. s 1842(a)(1) (1994).  In a Sep-
    tember 1991 Notice of Assessment, the Board charged peti-
    tioner Ghaith R. Pharaon, a prominent Saudi Arabian busi-
    nessman and major shareholder in the Bank of Credit and
    Commerce International ("BCCI"), with participating in a
    scheme through which BCCI, using Pharaon as an undis-
    closed "nominee" or front, secretly acquired control of Inde-
    pendence Bank, a medium-sized California lender, in violation
    of section 3(a) of the Act.  According to the Board, the
    scheme was intended to solve two problems BCCI faced in
    the mid-1980's:  accumulated losses of over a billion dollars
    and pressure from Luxembourg, BCCI's nominal home coun-
    try, to find a new country capable of regulating an institution
    operating in nearly seventy nations.  Ownership of Indepen-
    dence would solve the first problem by generating profits for
    BCCI and the second by laying the groundwork for transfer-
    ring BCCI's oversight to U.S. banking agencies.  Pharaon's
    participation in the scheme, the Board asserted, allowed
    BCCI to mask its control of Independence from federal
    regulators, preventing them from obtaining an accurate view
    of Independence's true management and resources.  The
    Board charged that from 1985, when BCCI secretly pur-
    chased Independence, until 1991, when bank regulators from
    several countries seized BCCI, BCCI controlled Indepen-
    dence, infusing capital into the bank, approving selection of
    its directors, and actively participating in its management.
    In addition to charging Pharaon with participating in
    BCCI's section 3(a) violation, the Notice of Assessment
    charged that during the period BCCI secretly controlled
    Independence the annual reports (known as Y-7s) that BCCI
    was required to submit to the Board as a foreign bank with
    U.S. branches, see id. s 3106(a), concealed its control of the
    bank in violation of section 5(c) of the Act, id. s 1844(c), and
    its implementing regulation, Regulation Y, 12 C.F.R. s 225.5
    (1997).  The Notice held Pharaon responsible for BCCI's
    violations under the Act's individual liability provision, section
    8(b), 12 U.S.C. s 1847(b), and proposed a thirty-seven million
    dollar civil penalty.  Considering Pharaon "institutional[ly]-
    affiliated" with BCCI under 12 U.S.C. s 1813(u), the Notice
    also sought an order of prohibition pursuant to section 8(e) of
    the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, id. s 1818(e)(1), perma-
    nently barring him from participating in the affairs of any
    federally insured depository.
    Shortly after the Board issued its Notice, a federal grand
    jury sitting in Washington, D.C., indicted Pharaon for crimi-
    nal offenses relating to BCCI's purchase of Independence.
    The following year, another federal grand jury, this one
    sitting in Miami, Florida, and a state grand jury in New York,
    each indicted Pharaon in connection with his larger involve-
    ment with BCCI.  Bench warrants for Pharaon's arrest were
    issued in connection with the Washington and Miami indict-
    ments.  Pharaon responded to neither.
    In the meantime, from his home in Saudi Arabia and acting
    through U.S. counsel, Pharaon answered the Board's Notice
    of Assessment, denying all charges and requesting a hearing.
    Citing Pharaon's decision to remain beyond the reach of
    federal prosecutors and relying on fugitive disentitlement, a
    doctrine allowing courts to sanction parties where their fugi-
    tive status has "some connection" to the proceeding,
    Daccarett-Ghia v. Commissioner, 
    70 F.3d 621
    , 624 (D.C. Cir.
    1995), the Administrative Law Judge recommended ruling
    summarily for the Board.  In a 1994 decision, the Board
    declined to adopt the ALJ's recommendation, rejecting the
    use of fugitive disentitlement because Pharaon's physical
    presence was unnecessary to a hearing, because the Board
    had no responsibility to vindicate any affront to the courts
    that had indicted Pharaon, and because any judgment against
    Pharaon could be satisfied from his frozen assets.  The Board
    made clear, however, that on remand the ALJ could use his
    "express and implicit procedural powers" to ensure that
    Pharaon's fugitive status not disrupt the proceedings.
    Following a nineteen-day hearing, the ALJ issued a recom-
    mended decision finding in favor of the Board and approving
    the penalties sought in the Notice of Assessment.  Filing 179
    pages of exceptions challenging virtually all of the ALJ's
    findings of fact and conclusions of law, Pharaon appealed to
    the Board.  Board enforcement counsel also appealed, argu-
    ing that the ALJ should have imposed the maximum statuto-
    ry penalty of $111.5 million (calculated by totaling the days
    each violation had been outstanding at the time the Board
    issued the Notice--8299 days--and assessing a penalty of
    $1000 for each day prior to August 10, 1989, when Congress
    amended the Act to increase its penalties, and $25,000 per
    day thereafter, see Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery,
    and Enforcement Act of 1989, Pub. L. No. 101-73, s 907(j)(2),
    103 Stat. 183
    , 475 (1989) ("FIRREA") (codified at 12 U.S.C.
    s 1847(b)(1))).  The Board adopted the ALJ's recommended
    Pharaon now petitions for review.  Applying the standards
    set forth in the Administrative Procedure Act, see 12 U.S.C.
    ss 1818(h), 1847(b)(3) (APA applies to penalty assessment
    hearings under the Bank Holding Company Act), we will set
    aside the Board's factual findings only if unsupported by
    substantial evidence on the record as a whole, 5 U.S.C.
    s 706(2)(E) (1994); we will set aside the Board's legal conclu-
    sions only if "arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or
    otherwise not in accordance with law," 
      s 706(2)(A).
    We begin with Pharaon's challenges to the Board's finding
    that BCCI violated the Bank Holding Company Act.  The Act
    makes it "unlawful, except with the prior approval of the
    Board ... for any action to be taken that causes any compa-
    ny to become a bank holding company."  12 U.S.C. s 1842(a).
    A company becomes a bank holding company if, among other
    things, "(A) the company directly or indirectly ... owns,
    controls, or has power to vote 25 per centum or more of any
    class of voting securities of the bank or company;  [or] (B) the
    company controls in any manner the election of a majority of
    the directors or trustees of the bank or company."  
    s 1841(a)(2)(A)-(B).  The Act provides for bank holding com-
    panies to file periodic reports with the Board to facilitate
    Board oversight.   
     s 1844(c); 12 C.F.R. s 225.5.  Find-
    ing that BCCI controlled more than twenty-five percent of
    Independence's voting stock, as well as the election of a
    majority of its directors, the Board concluded that BCCI had
    become a holding company within the meaning of both sub-
    sections (A) and (B) and that it concealed its unlawful control
    by filing Y-7s that flatly denied controlling any U.S. banks.
    For its subsection (A) finding, the Board relied primarily
    on a May 17, 1985, agreement between Pharaon and the
    International Credit and Investment Company (Overseas)
    Ltd. ("ICIC"), a BCCI-controlled company.  Titled "Acquisi-
    tion of Shares of Independence Bank," and signed by Phar-
    aon and Swaleh Naqvi, BCCI's then-second-in-command, the
    agreement provides in relevant part as follows:
    1. [Pharaon and ICIC] have agreed to acquire 100% of
    shares capital of the Bank (the said shares) from the
    present shareholders thereof....
    2. All the said shares of the Bank on their purchase as
    aforesaid shall be transferred to and held in the name of
    [Pharaon] but only 15% of the said shares of the Bank
    will be held by [Pharaon] as beneficial owner thereof.
    3. For the balance of 85% of the said shares of the
    Bank, ICIC shall have the right to purchase them at
    their cost price from [Pharaon] either in its own name or
    in the name or names of its nominee or nominees and, till
    [sic] such purchase is effected and the shares transferred
    to the name of ICIC and/or its nominee or nominees,
    [Pharaon] will hold them in a fiduciary capacity for ICIC.
    4. ICIC will provide funds to, or otherwise procure a
    loan for [Pharaon] of the cost of 85% of the said shares of
    the Bank and in consideration of the premises mentioned
    in 3 above, ICIC will itself pay or discharge all interest,
    costs, charges, commission and/or expenses of and inci-
    dental to the said loan and repayment thereof and hold
    [Pharaon] indemnified and harmless in respect thereof.
    The agreement also entitled ICIC to dividends issued on its
    shares, gave ICIC the right to possess Independence's share
    certificates, and prohibited Pharaon from disposing of ICIC's
    Relying on the "right to purchase" language in paragraph
    three, Pharaon argues that the agreement merely gave ICIC
    an option to purchase, vesting it with no actual control.  The
    Board rejected this argument, as do we.  The agreement
    plainly states that Pharaon will hold only fifteen percent of
    Independence beneficially (paragraph two), and that ICIC
    will fund Pharaon's purchase of the remaining eighty-five
    percent (paragraph four).  Not only does paragraph three
    itself specifically provide that Pharaon "will hold" the eighty-
    five percent "in a fiduciary capacity for ICIC," but Naqvi
    testified that the "right to purchase" language simply clarified
    BCCI's right to become nominal as well as beneficial owner of
    the shares.
    Pharaon also claims the parties neither effectuated nor
    followed the agreement, but the record contains substantial
    evidence to support the Board's contrary finding.  The Board
    pointed to evidence that BCCI provided over $10 million of
    Independence's $23 million initial purchase price, that BCCI
    issued a $5 million guarantee to support a $12.6 million loan
    Pharaon obtained from the Bank of Boston for the remaining
    amount of the purchase, and that BCCI later refinanced the
    Bank of Boston loan, taking physical possession of Pharaon's
    Independence stock certificates in accordance with the agree-
    ment.  Additional evidence that the parties implemented the
    agreement comes from a June 1986 meeting at which Pharaon
    proposed to Naqvi and Agha Hasan Abedi, then-head of
    BCCI, to increase his share of Independence from fifteen
    percent to fifty percent.  Subsequently changing his mind,
    Pharaon sent Naqvi a handwritten note stating that "I would
    suggest that for the time being the 15/85 arrangement be
    maintained until we can determine the course we want Inde-
    pendence to take."
    Pharaon's other arguments provide no basis for overturn-
    ing the Board's subparagraph (A) finding.  Although he
    claims that BCCI's financing of Pharaon's purchase of Inde-
    pendence cannot by itself support a finding of control under
    the Act, the Board's determination that BCCI controlled
    Independence rested not just on BCCI's financial support,
    but also on the entire record, including the plain language of
    the 1985 agreement, the 1986 meeting with Abedi and Naqvi,
    and Pharaon's follow-up note.  Pharaon points to evidence in
    the record that he too helped manage Independence and
    contributed to its capital requirements.  Because we must
    consider the entire record before us, however, such evidence
    in no way undermines the Board's conclusion that BCCI, not
    Pharaon, controlled Independence.  Pharaon claims that the
    ALJ improperly relied on allegations that he acted as a
    nominee for BCCI in transactions not at issue in the Indepen-
    dence proceeding.  At the beginning of his recommended
    decision, however, the ALJ made quite clear that he consid-
    ered such matters only for background and to demonstrate
    Pharaon's financial condition, not to prove the violations
    relating to Independence.
    While we can uphold the Board's conclusion that BCCI
    controlled Independence solely on the basis of its subsection
    (A) finding, we note that the record also contains substantial
    evidence to support the Board's subsection (B) finding that
    BCCI controlled the election of at least three members of
    Independence's five-member board of directors.  Abedi se-
    lected Kemal Shoaib to serve as Independence's CEO and
    chairman, Shoaib received pension and other fringe benefits
    from BCCI, and Shoaib remained in active contact with BCCI
    while at Independence.  A Shoaib letter to Naqvi states that
    another director, a Morrison & Foerster partner, was "nomi-
    nated by us."  When a third board position opened, Shoaib
    wrote to Naqvi seeking approval for two potential candidates.
    Although Pharaon points to some genuine inconsistencies in
    other ALJ findings about BCCI's involvement in the selection
    of Independence personnel, the Board's finding that BCCI
    controlled a majority of the Independence board finds firm
    support in the record.
    Challenging the Board's interpretation of the Act's penalty
    provisions, Pharaon argues that regardless of BCCI's viola-
    tions, he cannot be penalized for acting as BCCI's undisclosed
    nominee.  The Board found Pharaon personally liable under
    section 8(b) of the Act, which authorizes the Board to levy
    civil penalties against "[a]ny company which violates, and any
    individual who participates in a violation of, any provision of
    this chapter, or any regulation or order issued pursuant
    thereto."  12 U.S.C. s 1847(b)(1).  Comprehensively over-
    hauling the regulation of financial institutions in 1989, Con-
    gress added a new subsection 1847(d), which provides three
    tiers of penalties for "any company" that commits a reporting
    violation.  FIRREA s 911(e), 103 Stat. at 481 (codified at 12
    U.S.C. s 1847(d)).  According to Pharaon, because subsection
    (d) mentions only companies, individuals are no longer liable
    for reporting violations under subsection (b).  Although the
    Board responds that repeals by implication are disfavored, we
    need not invoke that familiar canon of statutory interpreta-
    tion because we cannot even discern a basis for implying a
    repeal.  Establishing a range of penalties for reporting viola-
    tions by companies, FIRREA has no bearing on section
    1847(b)'s long-standing and still-existing provision for indi-
    vidual liability other than to increase maximum penalties
    from $1000 to $25,000 per day.  See Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v.
    Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    , 842
    (1984) ("If the intent of Congress is clear, that is the end of
    the matter....").  Congress passed FIRREA to strengthen
    "the enforcement powers of Federal regulators of depository
    institutions" and "the civil sanctions and criminal penalties for
    defrauding or otherwise damaging depository institutions and
    their depositors."  FIRREA s 101(9), (10), 103 Stat. at 187.
    We cannot imagine that Congress would have exempted
    individuals from liability for false reports without saying so.
    We are equally unpersuaded by Pharaon's argument that
    the Board lacked evidence to connect him to BCCI's scheme.
    Sweeping broadly, section 1847(b) reaches any action "caus-
    ing, bringing about, participating in, counseling, or aiding or
    abetting" a violation of the Act.  12 U.S.C. s 1847(b)(5).
    Nothing in the Act requires that Pharaon have known the
    details of BCCI's plan to conceal its ownership of Indepen-
    dence.  Interamericas Invs., Ltd. v. Board of Governors of
    the Fed. Reserve Sys., 
    111 F.3d 376
    , 384 (5th Cir. 1997).  It is
    enough, as the Board found, that Pharaon agreed to act as
    BCCI's nominee.  As BCCI's nominee, he could be held
    responsible for acts undertaken by BCCI to further its secret
    purchase of Independence, such as filing false reports with
    U.S. regulators.
    Having thus upheld the Board's twin findings that BCCI
    violated the Act by secretly acquiring Independence and that
    Pharaon, serving as the scheme's lynchpin, is personally liable
    as a participant, we turn to Pharaon's procedural challenges.
    He claims principally that the ALJ improperly denied him
    discovery and excluded testimony by misapplying the fugitive
    disentitlement doctrine.
    As we read the record, the ALJ mentioned Pharaon's
    absence as a consideration in connection with just one ruling
    Pharaon challenges:  a July 1995 decision allowing only live
    testimony at the hearing.  Pharaon treats this ruling as a
    form of fugitive disentitlement.  We think the Board offers a
    more accurate interpretation:  The ALJ did not punish Phar-
    aon for his fugitive status, but merely relied on what the
    Board referred to in its 1994 decision as his "express and
    implicit procedural powers" to ensure that Pharaon's fugitive
    status not adversely affect the hearing.  Later making this
    point explicit, the ALJ explained that "the importance of
    visual observations of witnesses" significantly influenced his
    ruling requiring Pharaon to appear in person.  Given the
    significance of personal observation to credibility determina-
    tions, we cannot say that this ruling amounted to an abuse of
    discretion.  We reach the same conclusion with respect to
    another ruling, also challenged by Pharaon, in which the ALJ
    "similarly order[ed]" that a witness Pharaon proposed on the
    eve of the hearing could only appear in person.
    Citing fugitive disentitlement, Pharaon challenges several
    other discovery rulings.  See Pet'r Br. at 53 ("Pharaon was
    thus denied the basic rudiments of due process, apparently
    based on the disentitlement doctrine.").  Because none of the
    rulings rested on fugitive disentitlement, however, we need
    not consider them further.
    Pharaon also claims that the Board failed to disclose 127
    unspecified files of relevant documents and an agreement
    with the New York District Attorneys' Office immunizing
    Naqvi for his testimony.  Offering no grounds to support
    these challenges, Pharaon has waived them.  Terry v. Reno,
    101 F.3d 1412
    , 1415 (D.C. Cir. 1996), cert. denied, 
    117 S. Ct. 2431
    Next, Pharaon claims ALJ bias, relying chiefly on a state-
    ment made by the ALJ in his 1993 ruling on fugitive disen-
    titlement.  Claims of bias must "be raised as soon as practica-
    ble after a party has reasonable cause to believe that grounds
    for disqualification exist."  Marcus v. Director, Office of
    Workers' Compensation Programs, 
    548 F.2d 1044
    , 1051 (D.C.
    Cir. 1976) (footnote omitted).  Aware of the ALJ's alleged
    bias when he appealed the recommended decision to the
    Board, Pharaon failed to raise the issue or argue that the
    case should be remanded to a different ALJ.  He has thus
    waived his principal ground for asserting bias.  Other evi-
    dence of alleged bias--the ALJ's record of ruling in favor of
    the Board in other proceedings and his allegedly incorrect
    rulings against Pharaon in this case--falls far short of demon-
    strating that the ALJ had "a fixed opinion--'a closed mind on
    the merits of the case.' "  Throckmorton v. NTSB, 
    963 F.2d 441
    , 445 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (quoting United States v. Haldeman,
    559 F.2d 31
    , 136 (D.C. Cir. 1976)).  "Almost invariably, [such
    rulings] are proper grounds for appeal, not for recusal."
    Liteky v. United States, 
    510 U.S. 540
    , 555 (1994).
    Pharaon's final procedural challenge, presented only in a
    sparse footnote, invokes 5 U.S.C. s 557(c), which states that
    "[b]efore ... a decision on agency review of the decision of
    subordinate employees, the parties are entitled to a reason-
    able opportunity to submit ... exceptions to the ... recom-
    mended decision[ ] ... [and][t]he record shall show the ruling
    on each ... exception presented."  Pharaon faults the Board
    for failing to respond with specificity to each of his many
    exceptions to the ALJ's recommended decision.  Section
    557(c) functions as a bedrock of judicial review of agency
    action.  We have long held, however, that agencies need only
    indicate that they have considered and rejected a party's
    exceptions, see Human Dev. Ass'n v. NLRB, 
    937 F.2d 657
    668 (D.C. Cir. 1991), and that they have no obligation to
    respond at all to entirely insubstantial arguments, Interna-
    tional Ass'n of Bridge, Structural & Ornamental Iron Work-
    ers v. NLRB, 
    792 F.2d 241
    , 247-48 (D.C. Cir. 1986).  "As-
    sum[ing]" Pharaon to be challenging the ALJ's recommended
    decision "in its entirety," the Board said that it had reviewed
    Pharaon's submission and denied his exceptions.  From our
    own review of the Board's decision and Pharaon's exceptions,
    we are satisfied that the agency in fact considered and
    rejected all of them.  To be sure about this, at oral argument
    we asked Pharaon's counsel to identify any significant excep-
    tions to which the Board failed to respond.  He offered none.
    This brings us finally to Pharaon's statutory and constitu-
    tional challenges to the penalties.  In keeping with our limit-
    ed review of agency penalty assessments, we will not overturn
    the Board's choice of sanctions unless they are either " 'un-
    warranted in law or ... without justification in fact.' "  Blue-
    stone Energy Design, Inc. v. FERC, 
    74 F.3d 1288
    , 1294 (D.C.
    Cir. 1996) (quoting Butz v. Glover Livestock Comm'n Co., 
    411 U.S. 182
    , 185-86 (1973)) (ellipsis in original).
    Citing the difference between his thirty-seven million dollar
    penalty and the range of penalties set out in a Board Civil
    Money Penalty Assessment Matrix and claiming the Board
    failed to follow a thirteen-factor test set forth in an Inter-
    agency Policy Regarding the Assessment of Civil Money
    Penalties by the Federal Financial Institutions Regulatory
    45 Fed. Reg. 59,423
    , 59,424-25 (1980), Pharaon
    urges us to set aside the penalty as arbitrary and capricious
    in violation of the APA.  According to the Board, neither the
    matrix nor the interagency policy limits its discretion.
    We agree with the Board about the matrix.  An internal,
    staff-level guideline, the matrix cautions that "because the
    facts and circumstances of each penalty case are different, the
    assessment of a civil money fine cannot be completely re-
    duced to the mechanical application of a formula or purely
    numerical index.  The exercise of judgment based on exper-
    tise and experience is important and necessary."  Because
    the matrix does not constrain the Board's discretion, the
    agency had no obligation to explain any departure from it.
    See, e.g., Vietnam Veterans of Am. v. Secretary of the Navy,
    843 F.2d 528
    , 539 (D.C. Cir. 1988) (where no indication that
    agency intended to bind itself by staff memorandum, docu-
    ment not binding).
    In contrast to the matrix, the Board has expressly adopted
    the interagency policy.  See In re Cedar Vale Bank Holding
    Co., 82 Fed. Res. Bull. 871 (1996), aff'd sub. nom. Long v.
    Board of Governors of the Fed. Reserve Sys., 
    117 F.3d 1145
    (10th Cir. 1997).  Considering the factors listed in the inter-
    agency policy, the ALJ concluded that Pharaon's violations
    would yield a penalty of slightly over $151 million, well above
    the statutory maximum.  Although the Board's January 1997
    final decision does not review each factor in turn, a compari-
    son of the Board's decision with the interagency policy indi-
    cates that the Board in fact considered each factor relevant to
    this case.  When we asked Pharaon's counsel about this at
    oral argument, he was unable to point to any relevant factor
    the Board ignored.
    Pharaon correctly observes that the Board nowhere tells us
    how its enforcement counsel originally selected thirty-seven
    million dollars.  But we will "uphold a decision of less than
    ideal clarity if the agency's path may reasonably be dis-
    cerned."  Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass'n v. State Farm Mut.
    Auto. Ins. Co., 
    463 U.S. 29
    , 43 (1983); see also Detroit/Wayne
    County Port Auth. v. ICC, 
    59 F.3d 1314
    , 1317 (D.C. Cir.
    1995).  This is just such a case.  Thirty-seven million dollars
    reflects the approximate amount the Board found BCCI
    invested in Independence, as well as approximating the mag-
    nitude of the gains sought and the potential harm posed by
    Pharaon's facilitation of BCCI's secret takeover of a bank
    worth several hundred million dollars.  After weighing the
    mitigating factors set forth in 12 U.S.C. s 1818(i)(G)(i)-(iv)--
    "(i) the size of financial resources and good faith of the ...
    person charged; (ii) the gravity of the violation; (iii) the
    history of previous violations; and (iv) such other matters as
    justice may require"--the Board found the penalty "in line
    with the gravity of the offenses, the intentional nature of the
    actions, [and] the attempts to conceal the nature of the
    transactions."  Under all of these circumstances, we find
    nothing arbitrary and capricious in the Board's selection of
    the penalty.  Indeed, had the Board applied the penalty
    standards set forth in 12 U.S.C. s 1847(b), as Board enforce-
    ment counsel urged, it could have imposed a penalty of over
    $111 million, three times the amount it actually assessed.
    Although Pharaon challenged the calculation of this maximum
    penalty before the Board, he does not do so here.
    Pharaon's principal constitutional challenge to the thirty-
    seven million dollar penalty rests on the Eighth Amendment's
    Excessive Fines Clause, U.S. Const. amend. VIII ("Excessive
    bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor
    cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.").  Protecting indi-
    viduals against government power to extract payments as
    punishment, Austin v. United States, 
    509 U.S. 602
    , 609-10
    (1993), the Excessive Fines Clause requires us to consider the
    " 'value of the fine in relation to the offense.' "  United States
    v. Emerson, 
    107 F.3d 77
    , 80 (1st Cir. 1997) (quoting Austin,
    509 U.S. at 627
     (Scalia, J., concurring)), cert. denied, 
    118 S. Ct. 61
     (1997).  Reviewing the question de novo, see Lam-
    precht v. FCC, 
    958 F.2d 382
    , 391 (D.C. Cir. 1992), we discern
    no Eighth Amendment violation.  As we have already indicat-
    ed in rejecting Pharaon's APA challenge, the penalty is
    proportional to his violation and well below the statutory
    Pharaon's Fifth Amendment claim has even less merit.  He
    relies on the Supreme Court's statement in BMW of North
    Am. v. Gore, 
    116 S. Ct. 1589
     (1996), that "[e]lementary
    notions of fairness enshrined in our constitutional jurispru-
    dence dictate that a person receive fair notice not only of the
    conduct that will subject him to punishment but also of the
    severity of the penalty that a State may impose."  
    Id. at 1598
    Here, section 1847(b)'s maximum penalty provisions provided
    just that notice.  Because the assessed penalty falls far below
    the statutory maximum, Pharaon cannot claim that he lacked
    constitutionally adequate notice.  Cf. Long, 
    117 F.3d at 1156
    (upholding a $717,941 penalty against due process challenge
    when statute authorized Board to assess a maximum penalty
    of $45.6 million).  We need not consider Pharaon's Double
    Jeopardy claim because he failed to include it in his excep-
    tions to the ALJ's recommended decision.  See 12 C.F.R.
    s 263.39(b)(1) (1997) (failure to raise exception constitutes
    For his final argument, Pharaon claims that the Board had
    no basis under 12 U.S.C. s 1818(e)(1)(A)-(C) for its order
    permanently barring him from participating in the affairs of
    any federally insured depository.  He offers no challenge to
    the Board's subsections (A) and (C) findings, and for good
    reason:  It is undeniable that he "violated [the] law," 
    s 1818(e)(1)(A)(i), and that his violation at least "involve[d]
    personal dishonesty," 
     s 1818(e)(1)(C).  Pharaon claims
    only that the record contains insufficient evidence to support
    the Board's finding under subsection (B), the so-called effects
    prong, see Oberstar v. FDIC, 
    987 F.2d 494
    , 502 (8th Cir.
    1993), which requires that the Board establish that:
    by reason of the violation ... (i) such insured depository
    institution or business institution has suffered or will
    probably suffer financial loss or other damage; (ii) the
    interests of the insured depository institution's deposi-
    tors have been or could be prejudiced; or (iii) such party
    has received financial gain or other benefit by reason of
    such violation, practice, or breach.
    12 U.S.C. s 1818(e)(1)(B).
    According to Pharaon, subsection (B) requires the Board to
    demonstrate the exact amount of harm caused by Pharaon's
    participation in BCCI's scheme.  The plain language of the
    statute provides to the contrary, however.  Section
    1818(e)(1)(B) allows the Board to impose an order of prohibi-
    tion not only if the insured institution "suffered ... financial
    loss or other damage" or if the interests of its depositors
    "have been ... prejudiced," but also if the institution "will
    probably suffer financial loss or other damage" or if its
    depositors "could be prejudiced."  
      Under all the circum-
    stances of this case, we think the Board had ample basis for
    concluding that as a result of BCCI's secret takeover of
    Independence and Pharaon's participation in the scheme,
    BCCI "will probably suffer financial loss or other damage"
    and its depositors "could be prejudiced."  Indeed, BCCI's
    unrecoverable investment in the now-defunct Independence
    represents adequate "financial loss or other damage" for
    purposes of the prohibition order.
    Because the Board's findings of fact are supported by
    substantial evidence in the record and because we discern no
    reversible errors in the Board's procedures, legal conclusions,
    or choice of sanctions, we affirm.
    So ordered.

Document Info

Docket Number: 97-1114

Filed Date: 2/10/1998

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (18)

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