Aron Dibacco v. United States Army , 795 F.3d 178 ( 2015 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued December 12, 2014               Decided July 31, 2015
    No. 13-5353
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 1:87-cv-03349)
    James H. Lesar argued the cause and filed the briefs for
    Fred Elmore Haynes, Assistant U.S. Attorney, argued the
    cause for appellees. With him on the brief were Ronald C.
    Machen Jr., U.S. Attorney at the time the brief was filed, and
    R. Craig Lawrence, Assistant U.S. Attorney.
    Before: GARLAND, Chief Judge, and ROGERS and
    MILLETT, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge MILLETT.
    MILLETT, Circuit Judge: Removing the cloak from the
    cloak-and-dagger business of spying can be a lengthy and
    arduous process. Understandably so, given the competing
    needs to protect national security and to ensure appropriate
    governmental transparency. The 30-year odyssey of this
    Freedom of Information Act case attests to the complex twists
    and turns that the disclosure process can take.
    In 1985, Carl Oglesby filed a request under the Freedom
    of Information Act with six federal agencies, seeking
    information on Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi general
    through whom the United States engaged in clandestine
    espionage after World War II. Thirty years, an intervening
    Act of Congress, and two appeals later, more than ten
    thousand pages of documents have been released and the
    quest for information has narrowed substantially. With Mr.
    Oglesby’s passing in 2011, his daughter, Aron DiBacco, and
    partner, Barbara Webster, have now taken up Oglesby’s
    cause. In this third appeal, DiBacco and Webster challenge
    the adequacy of the Army’s and CIA’s searches for and
    disclosures of documents, as well as the CIA’s justification
    for withholding certain information on national security
    The district court concluded that the Army and CIA have
    done what the Freedom of Information Act requires. We
    agree, except that we must remand for the district court to
    address in the first instance DiBacco’s and Webster’s
    challenges to redactions in a batch of records that the Army
    disclosed to them while this appeal was pending.
    Statutory Framework
    The Freedom of Information Act
    Congress enacted the Freedom of Information Act
    (“FOIA”), 5 U.S.C. § 552, to promote the “broad disclosure
    of Government records” by generally requiring federal
    agencies to make their records available to the public on
    request. Department of Justice v. Julian, 
    486 U.S. 1
    , 8 (1988)
    (internal quotation marks omitted). But Congress also
    “realized that legitimate governmental and private interests
    could be harmed by release of certain types of information.”
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted). Accordingly, FOIA
    “balance[s] the public’s need for access to official information
    with the Government’s need for confidentiality,” Weinberger
    v. Catholic Action of Hawaii, 
    454 U.S. 139
    , 144 (1981), by
    exempting nine categories of records from disclosure, see 5
    U.S.C. § 552(b). While those exemptions “must be narrowly
    construed,” Milner v. Department of Navy, 
    562 U.S. 562
    , 565
    (2011) (internal quotation marks omitted), they still must be
    given “meaningful reach and application,” John Doe Agency
    v. John Doe Corp., 
    493 U.S. 146
    , 152 (1989).
    FOIA Exemptions 1 and 3 are at issue in this case.
    Exemption 1 authorizes the withholding of “matters” that are
    “specifically authorized under criteria established by an
    Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national
    defense or foreign policy” if they “are in fact properly
    classified pursuant to such Executive order.” 5 U.S.C.
    § 552(b)(1).
    Exemption 3 excludes “matters” that are “specifically
    exempted from disclosure by statute” if that statute “requires
    that the matters be withheld from the public in such a manner
    as to leave no discretion on the issue” or “establishes
    particular criteria for withholding or refers to particular types
    of matters to be withheld[.]” 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3). Courts
    have held that a provision of the National Security Act of
    1947, which calls for the Director of National Intelligence to
    protect “intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized
    disclosure,” 50 U.S.C. § 3024(i)(1), is a valid Exemption 3
    statute. CIA v. Sims, 
    471 U.S. 159
    , 167 (1985); accord
    Larson v. Department of State, 
    565 F.3d 857
    , 865 (D.C. Cir.
    Under FOIA, agencies may charge reasonable fees to
    help defray their costs in responding to a FOIA request, but
    they must waive or reduce their fees if disclosure of the
    requested information “is in the public interest because it is
    likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of
    the operations or activities of the government and is not
    primarily in the commercial interest of the requester.” 5
    U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(iii).
    When an agency subject to FOIA receives a request for
    records, it must determine within twenty days whether to
    comply with that request and, once it does, must immediately
    notify the requester of its determination and reasoning. 5
    U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(A)(i). Upon receipt of that determination,
    the requester may administratively appeal the agency’s
    decision, and the agency must decide the appeal within twenty
    days.     See 
    id. § 552(a)(6)(A)(ii).
         Exhaustion of that
    administrative appeal process is a prerequisite to seeking
    judicial relief, unless the agency has not responded within the
    statutory time limits. See 
    id. § 552(a)(6)(C);
    Oglesby v.
    Department of Army (Oglesby I), 
    920 F.2d 57
    , 61–62 (D.C.
    Cir. 1990).
    Federal district courts have jurisdiction under FOIA “to
    enjoin [an] agency from withholding agency records and to
    order the production of any agency records improperly
    withheld from the complainant.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(B). In
    a FOIA suit, the burden is “on the agency to sustain its
    action,” and the district court must “determine the matter de
    Id. The Nazi
    War Crimes Disclosure Act
    Congress enacted the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act
    (“Disclosure Act”), Pub. L. No. 105-246, 112 Stat. 1859
    (1998) (codified as amended at 5 U.S.C. § 552 note), to spur
    disclosure of millions of pages of government records from
    the World War II era. See Nazi War Crimes & Japanese
    Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group,
    Final Report to the United States Congress 1 (April 2007)
    (“Interagency Report”). To that end, the Disclosure Act
    required federal agencies to “locate, identify, inventory,
    recommend for declassification, and make available to the
    public at the National Archives and Records Administration,”
    with few exceptions, any remaining classified records
    concerning war crimes committed by Nazi Germany and its
    allies. Pub. L. No. 105-246, § 2(c)(1).
    The Disclosure Act also directed the President to
    establish the “Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency
    Working Group,” Pub. L. No. 105-246, § 2(b)(1), composed
    of various high-level government officials and three members
    of the public. The Working Group was tasked with
    coordinating agencies’ efforts to fulfill the Disclosure Act’s
    mandate. See Interagency Report, at 1. 1 Those efforts led to
    This group, as constituted by the President, included
    representatives from the Holocaust Museum, National Archives,
    the declassification and public release of over 8.5 million
    pages of World War II and post-war records. See Interagency
    Report, at 2.
    Factual and Procedural Background
    General Reinhard Gehlen served as Hitler’s senior
    military intelligence officer on the Eastern Front. See
    I, 920 F.2d at 60
    . After the war, Gehlen became an
    intelligence asset for the United States, secretly agreeing to
    operate an extensive spy network in Europe under United
    States command. See 
    id. at 60.
    Gehlen operated this spy
    network, known as the Gehlen Organization, until 1956, at
    which point it became part of the newly formed intelligence
    service of the Federal Republic of Germany. Gehlen led the
    latter until his retirement in 1968. Interagency Report, at 11,
    13, 30, 48; CIA Biographic Sketch on General Reinhard
    Gehlen, NWC-002652 (declassified and approved for release
    under the Disclosure Act in 2001), J.A. 1084–1085.
    Carl Oglesby was a journalist interested in the
    intelligence relationship between the United States and
    Gehlen. His rounds of effort over many years to obtain
    information under FOIA contributed materially to the
    disclosure of the Gehlen Organization’s covert relationship
    with the federal government.
    Department of State, Department of Defense, FBI, CIA, National
    Security Council, and Department of Justice. Interagency Report,
    at 1. In 2000, Congress renamed this group the “Nazi War Crimes
    and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working
    Group,” and clarified that its disclosure mandate extended to all
    classified records concerning war crimes committed by the
    Japanese Imperial Government. See Japanese Imperial Government
    Disclosure Act of 2000, Pub. L. No. 106-567, Title VIII, 114 Stat.
    Round One
    In 1985, Oglesby submitted FOIA requests seeking
    information on that relationship to six federal agencies: the
    Department of the Army, the Department of State, the Federal
    Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the
    National Archives and Records Administration, and the
    National Security Agency (“NSA”).            See DiBacco v.
    Department of Army, 
    983 F. Supp. 2d 44
    , 49 (D.D.C. 2013).
    Oglesby specifically sought:
    (i)     Records of World War II German General
    Reinhard Gehlen and his relationship with any
    United States officials during the period 1944
    through 1956;
    (ii)    Records of the meetings held at Fort Hunt,
    Virginia, in the summer of 1945 between
    Gehlen and American officials including U.S.
    Army General George V. Strong and Office of
    Strategic Services officer Allen Welsh Dulles;
    (iii)   Records of U.S. Army “Operation Rusty,”
    carried out in Europe between 1945 and 1948;
    (iv)    Records      of   post-war     Nazi    German
    underground organizations such as Odessa,
    Kamaradenwerk, Bruderschaft, Werewolves,
    and Die Spanne; and
    (v)     Records of the Office of Strategic Services’
    “Operation Sunrise” in 1945.
    Complaint ¶¶ 5, 23, 34, 40, 57, 63; J.A. 54 (request to CIA);
    J.A. 79 (request to FBI); J.A. 97 (request to National
    Archives); see also Oglesby v. Department of Army (Oglesby
    79 F.3d 1172
    , 1175–1176 (D.C. Cir. 1996). Oglesby also
    sought a waiver of search and copying fees from each agency
    under 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A). Oglesby 
    I, 920 F.2d at 60
    The agencies collectively released 384 pages of
    documents (many redacted) in response, invoking various
    FOIA exemptions as a basis for refusing further disclosures.
    See Oglesby 
    I, 920 F.2d at 66
    –71. The Army, CIA, and
    National Archives also rejected Oglesby’s fee-waiver
    requests. The NSA in due course agreed to waive its fees. 
    Id. In 1987,
    Oglesby filed suit under FOIA in the United
    States District Court for the District of Columbia, arguing that
    the agencies had performed inadequate searches for
    responsive documents, failed to properly support their
    exemption claims, and wrongly refused to waive their fees.
    I, 920 F.2d at 61
    . The district court granted summary
    judgment to the agencies on all issues. 
    Id. This court
    reversed. We first held that only claims
    against one agency—the State Department—were before us,
    because Oglesby had failed to exhaust his claims with the
    other five agencies.      We further held that the State
    Department had provided insufficient details about its search
    for documents to support summary judgment. Oglesby 
    I, 920 F.2d at 71
    . We vacated and remanded for further proceedings
    on the adequacy of the State Department’s search and for
    Oglesby to exhaust his claims with the other agencies. 
    Id. We did
    not reach Oglesby’s fee-waiver arguments, but
    suggested that the Army reconsider its denial of a waiver in
    light of the NSA’s decision to grant one. Oglesby 
    I, 920 F.2d at 66
    Round Two
    Several years later, having exhausted his administrative
    remedies with the other five agencies without satisfactory
    resolution, Oglesby returned to district court. See Oglesby 
    II, 79 F.3d at 1175
    . Shortly after Oglesby filed his complaint
    seeking further disclosures by all six agencies, the Army and
    CIA granted Oglesby fee waivers, and the Army, CIA, and
    NSA released additional documents. See 
    id. at 1179–1184.
    All six agencies filed affidavits describing their searches for
    documents, and those agencies that had withheld documents
    included Vaughn indices to justify their withholdings. See 
    id. at 1176.
    2 The district court again granted summary judgment
    for all six agencies. 
    Id. We, again,
    reversed in part. Oglesby 
    II, 79 F.3d at 1175
    We held that the Army, CIA, and NSA had failed to
    adequately justify their withholdings in their Vaughn indices,
    and that the Army and CIA had failed to establish the
    adequacy of their searches. 
    Id. With respect
    to all claims
    against the State Department, FBI, and National Archives, we
    affirmed the district court’s grant of summary judgment. 
    Id. Round Three
    While the case against the Army, CIA, and NSA was
    pending on remand, intervening legislation—the 1998
    Disclosure Act—significantly altered the legal landscape.
    That Act led the CIA to revisit its stance toward records
    In a Vaughn index, an agency “indicates in some descriptive way
    which documents the agency is withholding and which FOIA
    exemptions it believes apply.” American Civil Liberties Union v.
    710 F.3d 422
    , 432 (D.C. Cir. 2013). The name comes from
    Vaughn v. Rosen, which first established the process by which an
    agency may discharge its burden to justify withholding information
    under FOIA exemptions. See 
    484 F.2d 820
    , 826–828 (D.C. Cir.
    1973). Although agencies frequently rely on Vaughn indices, “[t]he
    materials provided by the agency may take any form so long as they
    give the reviewing court a reasonable basis to evaluate the claim of
    privilege.” American Civil Liberties 
    Union, 710 F.3d at 433
    (quoting Gallant v. NLRB, 
    26 F.3d 168
    , 173 (D.C. Cir. 1994)).
    concerning General Gehlen. Previously, because the CIA’s
    relationship with Gehlen had been classified, the agency
    issued so-called Glomar responses “neither confirm[ing] nor
    deny[ing] the existence or nonexistence of responsive
    records” to Oglesby’s requests. McNair Decl. ¶¶ 2–4 (Sept.
    20, 2000), J.A. 594–596. 3
    In the wake of the Disclosure Act, the CIA filed a
    declaration in this case publicly acknowledging its
    relationship with General Gehlen for the first time. See
    McNair Decl. ¶¶ 4–10. The declaration explained that, even
    though the United States government did not consider General
    Gehlen to be a Nazi war criminal, the agency’s Disclosure
    Act searches uncovered other Nazi war criminal records that
    revealed the United States’ intelligence relationship with
    Gehlen. See 
    id. ¶ 7;
    Interagency Report, at 48. Rather than
    withhold such information as beyond the purview of the
    Disclosure Act, the agency decided to declassify it.
    That declassification, the CIA explained, would “have a
    significant impact upon this case” because the agency could
    now process Oglesby’s FOIA request on Gehlen. McNair
    Decl. ¶¶ 2, 10. A series of status reports followed in which
    the CIA, NSA, and Army laid bare the time-consuming task
    A Glomar response is permitted “only when confirming or
    denying the existence of records would itself ‘cause harm
    cognizable under a[] FOIA exception.’” Roth v. Department of
    642 F.3d 1161
    , 1178 (D.C. Cir. 2011) (quoting Wolf v. CIA,
    473 F.3d 370
    , 374 (D.C. Cir. 2007)); see also American Civil
    Union, 710 F.3d at 426
    n.1 (“The name [Glomar
    response] is derived from the facts of Phillippi v. CIA, in which this
    court addressed the CIA’s refusal to confirm or deny whether it had
    documents relating to Howard Hughes’ ship, the Glomar Explorer,
    which had reputedly been used in an attempt to recover a lost
    Soviet submarine.”) (citing 
    546 F.2d 1009
    (D.C. Cir. 1976)).
    in front of them. In one early report, the CIA advised that
    recent searches had turned up “approximately 251 boxes of
    material, and 2,901 folders, with documents that likely
    contain records regarding General Gehlen.” Defendants’
    Status Report 1–2 (Dec. 11, 2000), J.A. 622–623.
    The CIA proposed consolidating its response to
    Oglesby’s FOIA request with its ongoing efforts under the
    Disclosure Act. Defendants’ Status Report at 2. Estimating
    that it would take a year to complete its Disclosure Act
    process, the CIA asked for two years to finish action on
    Oglesby’s FOIA request because it anticipated finding and
    processing “additional documents that go beyond the scope of
    the [Disclosure] Act[.]” 
    Id. The Army,
    for its part, joined the
    CIA’s request, advising that it, too, would need to review
    additional materials. 
    Id. at 2–3.
    During a status hearing in January 2001, agency counsel
    again indicated that the CIA “now has 251 boxes,” each “one
    cubic foot in size” and expected to be “full” “of material
    regarding the Gehlen organization,” totaling “anywhere
    between 251,000 and 775,000 pages[.]” Tr. of Hearing 4:15–
    23 (Jan. 9, 2001), J.A. 630.
    In a subsequent status report, the agency explained that,
    through extensive search efforts, it had “identified [a]
    potential universe of over 25,000 responsive documents.”
    Defendants’ Status Report 2 (Feb. 5, 2001), J.A. 648. After
    reviewing those documents, the CIA would forward them to
    the National Archives for public release. 
    Id. Once the
    National Archives provided the CIA with a final release copy
    of the documents, the CIA would provide Oglesby with any
    documents responsive to his FOIA request. 
    Id. at 3.
    The CIA
    reiterated its two-year estimate for the project’s completion.
    Id. at 4.
    After that flurry of activity, the case languished for over a
    decade, with no substantive action by the court, the agencies,
    or Oglesby. Oglesby passed away in September 2011.
    Round Four
    In December 2011, Oglesby’s daughter, Aron DiBacco,
    and domestic partner, Barbara Webster (collectively,
    “DiBacco”), filed a motion to substitute themselves as
    plaintiffs, which the district court granted. DiBacco, 983 F.
    Supp. 2d at 52. Both the agencies and DiBacco then filed for
    summary judgment.         DiBacco also moved to compel
    disclosure of classified declarations referenced in the
    agencies’ summary judgment briefing the previous decade.
    The district court granted summary judgment for the
    agencies. As a preliminary matter, the court ruled that the
    Interagency Report (prepared by the Disclosure Act’s
    Interagency Working Group to document its efforts under the
    Act) was a “record” of a “public office” admissible under
    Federal Rule of Evidence 803(8). 
    DiBacco, 983 F. Supp. 2d at 54
    –55. The court also declined to compel disclosure of the
    previously filed classified declarations because it had neither
    reviewed nor relied on them in any proceeding. 
    Id. at 53.
    The court next ruled that the CIA had conducted an
    adequate search for documents. 
    DiBacco, 983 F. Supp. 2d at 55
    –58. Relying on the Interagency Report and on the CIA’s
    declarations, the court determined that the CIA’s Disclosure
    Act searches were reasonably calculated to locate records
    responsive to Oglesby’s FOIA request. 
    Id. at 56.
    The court also upheld the CIA’s withholdings under
    Exemptions 1 and 3. 
    DiBacco, 983 F. Supp. 2d at 58
    With regard to Exemption 1, the court concluded that,
    contrary to DiBacco’s claim, certain documents were properly
    classified decades ago, with markings required under the
    then-governing Executive Orders. 
    Id. As for
    Exemption 3,
    the court concluded that the CIA retained the power to
    withhold documents to protect intelligence sources and
    methods under the National Security Act. 
    Id. at 61.
    Turning to the Army, the district court ruled that its
    search for responsive records was proper. DiBacco, 983 F.
    Supp. 2d at 61–64. While DiBacco argued that the Army had
    transferred responsive documents to the National Archives to
    evade its FOIA obligations, the district court ruled that, in
    fact, the transfer facilitated public access to the documents as
    required by the Disclosure Act. 
    Id. at 63–64.
    The district
    court also rejected DiBacco’s challenge to the Army’s search,
    relying again on the Interagency Report and declarations
    describing the search. 
    Id. at 62–64.
    As for the NSA, the district court ruled that it had
    adequately justified its withholding of records. 
    DiBacco, 983 F. Supp. 2d at 64
    –66. DiBacco has not challenged that ruling.
    The district court had jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1331
    and 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(B). We have jurisdiction over the
    district court’s final judgment under 28 U.S.C. § 1291.
    Claims Against the Army
    DiBacco contends that the Army failed to conduct an
    adequate search for documents. She also maintains that the
    Army violated FOIA by transferring relevant documents to
    the National Archives. Neither argument succeeds.
    The Army’s Search for Records
    We review de novo the adequacy of the Army’s search.
    See Valencia-Lucena v. United States Coast Guard, 
    180 F.3d 321
    , 326 (D.C. Cir. 1999). The burden is on the agency to
    demonstrate that it made a “good faith effort to conduct a
    search * * * using methods which can be reasonably expected
    to produce the information requested.” Oglesby 
    I, 920 F.2d at 68
    . Courts may rely on a “reasonably detailed affidavit,
    setting forth the search terms and the type of search
    performed, and averring that all files likely to contain
    responsive materials (if such records exist) were searched.”
    Valencia-Lucena, 180 F.3d at 326
    (internal quotation marks
    omitted). Summary judgment must be denied “if a review of
    the record raises substantial doubt, particularly in view of well
    defined requests and positive indications of overlooked
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    The Army relies mainly on its search efforts under the
    Disclosure Act to demonstrate the adequacy of its search for
    documents responsive to Oglesby’s FOIA request. Much of
    that process is described in the Interagency Report that the
    Interagency Working Group submitted to Congress. The
    district court relied on that report in granting summary
    DiBacco, 983 F. Supp. 2d at 54
    –55. The court
    also relied on the Army’s declarations—one from Martha
    Wagner Murphy, Chief of the Special Access and FOIA
    Branch at the National Archives, and two from Bradley
    Dorris, Director of the FOIA and Investigative Records Office
    at the United States Army Intelligence and Security
    Command (“INSCOM”). See Murphy Decl. (Dec. 14, 2012),
    J.A. 689–700; First Dorris Decl. (Nov. 27, 2012), J.A. 701–
    702; Second Dorris Decl. (March 20, 2013), J.A. 1050–1052.
    According to DiBacco, the district court should not have
    relied on the Interagency Report because it was inadmissible.
    Not so. Federal Rule of Evidence 803(8), an exception to the
    hearsay bar, allows as evidence a “record or statement of a
    public office” where, as relevant here, (i) the document “sets
    out the office’s activities,” and (ii) “neither the source of
    information nor other circumstances indicate a lack of
    The Interagency Report easily fits that bill: It is an
    official document prepared by the Interagency Working
    Group that sets out the Group’s activities, as statutorily
    required by the Disclosure Act. See Pub. L. 105–246,
    § 2(c)(3) (requiring the Interagency Working Group to
    “submit a report to Congress” describing all Nazi war
    criminal records that it found, “the disposition of such
    records, and the activities of the [Interagency Working
    Group] and agencies under this section”).
    DiBacco, in fact, does not dispute that the Interagency
    Report is a “record” of a “public office” that sets out “the
    office’s activities” within the meaning of Rule 803(8). She
    argues only that the Interagency Report is untrustworthy. But
    all that she points to is a statement in the report indicating that
    the Interagency Working Group “did not seek unanimous
    agreement on a single ‘official’ version of the[]
    declassification effort.” Interagency Report, at v.
    DiBacco needs to read on. That statement goes on to say
    that that any personal or institutional perspectives from Group
    members would be included in a separate chapter.
    Interagency Report, at v. Nothing in that chapter casts any
    reasonable doubt on the Report’s account of the agencies’
    search efforts. See 
    DiBacco, 983 F. Supp. 2d at 54
    Interagency Report, at 81–101.
    The Army’s search effort focused on classified
    intelligence and counterintelligence records maintained by
    INSCOM. See Interagency Report, at 52. Those files
    generally     concerned     (i)    “foreign     personnel   and
    organizations,” (ii) “intelligence and counterintelligence
    sources,”      and    (iii)     “counterintelligence    security
    Id. The records
    consisted of 13,000 reels of
    35mm microfilm (holding approximately 1.3 million files),
    and approximately 460,000 individual paper files. 
    Id. The Army
    created digitized images of the microfilm files, which it
    then searched electronically for responsive information using
    a database containing the names of Nazi officers and other
    individuals connected to Nazi war crimes. 
    Id. at 29,
    54. After
    reviewing and declassifying the relevant files under the
    Disclosure Act, the Army turned them over to the National
    Id. at 54.
    The Army also conducted a manual
    review of its remaining paper files.
    Between 2000 and 2001, the Army transferred over
    20,000 digitized and paper files to the National Archives.
    Interagency Report, at 54. The vast majority of those files
    were fully declassified, although some contained limited
    Id. The Army
    undertook further searches using
    additional relevant terms discovered by the Interagency
    Working Group and participating agencies. 
    Id. The Army
    eventually transferred, in 2005, the original 13,000 reels of
    microfilm and a full set of about 1.3 million scanned
    microfilm files to the National Archives. Murphy Decl.
    ¶ 12(d); Interagency Report, at 54. The Army did not retain
    any copies of those files. Second Dorris Decl. ¶ 5.
    Upon receipt, the National Archives “accept[ed] full
    responsibility for administering the files both technically and
    for reference purposes.”       Murphy Decl. ¶ 11.         As a
    consequence, the National Archives, rather than the Army,
    conducted the most recent searches of those files for records
    responsive to Oglesby’s FOIA request. In so doing, the
    National Archives used a variety of keywords to locate
    records concerning or related to General Gehlen. See Murphy
    Decl. ¶¶ 13, 15–16. Also included within the scope of the
    search were common misspellings of various codenames,
    along with pseudonyms and codewords the CIA had
    separately created for Gehlen and the Gehlen Organization.
    id. ¶¶ 15–16.
    The search yielded no records regarding
    meetings held at Fort Hunt in the summer of 1945 between
    General Gehlen and high-level United States officials,
    including George Strong or Allen Dulles. But the search did
    locate 2,863 pages of records responsive to other aspects of
    Oglesby’s FOIA request, all but 11 pages of which were fully
    declassified and have since been provided to DiBacco.
    Murphy Decl. ¶ 17–18; Letter from Vincent H. Cohen, Jr.,
    Acting United States Attorney for the District of Columbia
    (April 1, 2015); Letter from James H. Lesar, Counsel for
    Appellants (April 8, 2015).
    The Army’s declarations from Bradley Dorris at
    INSCOM confirm that the “records most likely responsive to
    the FOIA requests would have been in the Investigative
    Records Repository at INSCOM[,]” which had been
    transferred to the National Archives. First Dorris Decl. ¶ 6.
    To be certain, INSCOM had conducted “an exhaustive
    search” of its hard copy and electronic files, which turned up
    Id. ¶ 5.
    In another declaration, Dorris clarified that
    “the records which would be responsive to the FOIA requests
    would have been in the Investigative Records Repository at
    INSCOM,” and that he was “unaware of any other locations
    of any records related to [Oglesby’s] FOIA request.” Second
    Dorris Decl. ¶ 7. The requested documents, Dorris explained,
    “were intelligence files,” and so “the only location the
    documents would be located would be at INSCOM,” the
    Army’s sole “intelligence records repository.” 
    Id. DiBacco levels
    five challenges to the Army’s search,
    which did not produce certain materials she believes exist and
    had hoped to find. But FOIA is not a wishing well; it only
    requires a reasonable search for records an agency actually
    First, relying on the initial Dorris declaration, DiBacco
    asserts that the Army improperly searched only the locations
    “most likely” to contain responsive documents, while FOIA
    requires it to search all locations “likely” to contain such
    documents. DiBacco is correct that “most likely” is not the
    relevant metric. See Oglesby 
    I, 920 F.2d at 68
    (“[T]he agency
    cannot limit its search to only one record system if there are
    others that are likely to turn up the information requested.”).
    But the point gains her nothing because Dorris clarified that
    the only place containing records “responsive to the FOIA
    requests would have been in the Investigative Records
    Repository at INSCOM,” and that he knew of no other
    locations that might contain responsive records. Second
    Dorris Decl. ¶ 7. That declaration attests that the Army
    applied the proper search standard.
    Second, DiBacco argues that the Army’s failure to turn
    up documents on secret meetings at Fort Hunt—documents
    that DiBacco feels certain must exist—demonstrates the
    inadequacy of the Army’s search. We put that losing claim to
    bed twenty-five years ago, see Oglesby 
    I, 920 F.2d at 67
    and age has not improved it. Oglesby’s (now DiBacco’s)
    “conviction that the Fort Hunt meeting was of such
    importance that records must have been created is pure
    speculation,” and “[s]uch hypothetical assertions are
    insufficient to raise a material question of fact with respect to
    the adequacy of the agency’s search.” 
    Id. DiBacco maintains
    that this time is different because the
    CIA has disclosed the Gehlen relationship and because “new
    evidence has emerged.” Appellants’ Br. 37. Those are not
    differences of any consequence. That the CIA has now
    acknowledged the Gehlen relationship does nothing to show
    that meetings at Fort Hunt ever took place. Moreover,
    DiBacco’s “new evidence”—two Washington Post articles—
    establishes only that prisoners were held and interrogated at
    Fort Hunt. The articles do not even hint at secret meetings.
    Absent a more substantial showing, the Army’s “failure to
    turn up a particular document, or mere speculation that as yet
    uncovered documents might exist, does not undermine the
    determination that the agency conducted an adequate search
    for the requested records.” Wilbur v. CIA, 
    355 F.3d 675
    , 678
    (D.C. Cir. 2004) (per curiam).
    Third, DiBacco assails the adequacy of the Army’s
    search for records conducted before the CIA disclosed its
    relationship with Gehlen. That argument is moot, long since
    overtaken by the comprehensive searches undertaken under
    the Disclosure Act. Those searches have looked further and
    wider than FOIA requires. The declarations from the Army
    and the National Archives describe searches of Army records
    reasonably calculated to discover all documents responsive to
    Oglesby’s request. That additional Army documents were
    found at the National Archives through those efforts further
    substantiates the search’s adequacy. And adequacy—not
    perfection—is the standard that FOIA sets. See Oglesby 
    I, 920 F.2d at 68
    . Beyond that, DiBacco provides no reason
    why the Army’s decades-old search would be germane to any
    remaining material issue, so we need not address that
    Fourth, DiBacco cites a book on General Gehlen, written
    by Mary Ellen Reese, in which the author claimed to have
    filed FOIA requests yielding “well over a thousand
    documents” about Gehlen. Appellants’ Br. 48. That figure,
    DiBacco urges, far exceeds the number of documents the
    Army disclosed in response to Oglesby’s FOIA request.
    Oglesby made that precise argument in Oglesby II, and
    we held that further explication of the Army’s search was
    needed. 79 F.3d at 1185
    . But a lot has changed in the
    intervening nineteen years.     Most relevantly, following
    Oglesby’s success in the second appeal, the Army released
    9,000 additional pages of responsive material to Oglesby,
    including thousands of pages related to Gehlen. And the
    Army has since provided 2,863 additional pages of responsive
    documents to DiBacco. DiBacco, for her part, has provided
    no further information on Reese’s request—such as its scope
    or the number of pages received—or any other basis for
    concluding that the Army is holding back documents.
    Fifth and finally, DiBacco suggests two additional search
    terms that, in her view, the Army should have used: “GO,” an
    abbreviation for the “Gehlen Organization,” and “PO Box
    1142,” a codename for Fort Hunt. Appellants’ Br. 48–49.
    But it is undisputed that the agencies searched for records
    pertaining to the Gehlen Organization and employed relevant
    codenames. The Army’s burden was to show that its search
    efforts were reasonable and logically organized to uncover
    relevant documents; it need not knock down every search
    design advanced by every requester. See SafeCard Services,
    Inc. v. SEC, 
    926 F.2d 1197
    , 1201 (D.C. Cir. 1991) (“When a
    plaintiff questions the adequacy of the search an agency made
    in order to satisfy its FOIA request, the factual question it
    raises is whether the search was reasonably calculated to
    discover the requested documents, not whether it actually
    uncovered every document extant.”).
    The Army’s Transfer of Documents
    DiBacco contends that we cannot affirm summary
    judgment for the Army, no matter how thorough its search,
    because its transfer of documents to the National Archives
    under the Disclosure Act casts doubt on its motives. In
    DiBacco’s view, there is a genuine dispute over whether the
    Army transferred documents to avoid disclosing them to
    Oglesby. That argument beggars belief.
    FOIA generally obligates covered agencies to disclose
    their records, unless they are exempted. But “possession or
    control is a prerequisite to FOIA disclosure duties[.]”
    Kissinger v. Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press,
    445 U.S. 136
    , 152 (1980). Accordingly, when an agency does
    not possess or control the records a requester seeks, the
    agency’s non-disclosure does not violate FOIA because it has
    not “withheld” anything. 
    Id. at 150.
    “[A]n agency has no
    duty to retrieve and release documents it once possessed but
    that it legitimately disposed of prior to the date a FOIA
    request was received.” Chambers v. Department of Interior,
    568 F.3d 998
    , 1004 (D.C. Cir. 2009) (quoting McGehee v.
    697 F.2d 1095
    , 1103 n.33 (D.C. Cir. 1983)).
    This case, though, is a bit more complicated because the
    Army transferred its documents to the National Archives after
    receiving Oglesby’s FOIA request. The general rule is that an
    agency may not avoid a FOIA request by intentionally ridding
    itself of a requested document. 
    Chambers, 568 F.3d at 1004
    (“[A]n agency is not shielded from liability if it intentionally
    transfers or destroys a document after it has been requested
    under FOIA[.]”). The critical issue, then, in a dispute over a
    document that an agency no longer has, is the agency’s
    motivation for disposing of or transferring that document. If
    “the agency is no longer in possession of the document, for a
    reason that is not itself suspect,” FOIA does not compel the
    agency “to take further action in order to produce” that
    SafeCard, 926 F.2d at 1201
    (emphasis added).
    There is no genuine dispute that the Army satisfied that
    standard. To begin with, the Army’s transfer of documents to
    the National Archives was done for a proper and eminently
    sensible reason: to fulfill the Army’s obligations under the
    Disclosure Act to disclose all relevant materials and “make
    them available to the public at the National Archives[.]” Pub.
    L. No. 105-246, § 2(c)(1). That is the antithesis of a suspect
    motive; following the law is exactly what agencies are
    supposed to do.
    Beyond that, the Army, by complying with the
    Disclosure Act, already had to declassify and disclose most of
    the records that DiBacco seeks. Unlike FOIA, the Disclosure
    Act mandated wholesale disclosure by the agency itself, with
    no general exemption for classified information and without
    any request having to be filed or potentially limiting the scope
    of disclosure. Indeed, the whole point of the Disclosure Act
    was to spur federal agencies themselves, regardless of any
    individual request, to declassify and publicly release decades-
    old classified records that had been kept secret on national
    security and foreign policy grounds. See Interagency Report,
    at 1; Pub. L. No. 105-246, § 3(a) (defining “‘Nazi war
    criminal records’” to “mean[] [certain] classified records or
    portions of records”) (emphasis added); 
    id. § 3(b)(1)
    (requiring the Interagency Working Group to “release in their
    entirety Nazi war criminal records that are described” in the
    statute, subject to certain exemptions).
    The Army’s transfer thus bears no colorable resemblance
    to FOIA-evasion cases, where an agency tries to thwart
    disclosure by intentionally moving or destroying responsive
    documents. See, e.g., Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Department of
    34 F. Supp. 2d 28
    , 41 (D.D.C. 1998) (designating
    discovery on whether agency illegally destroyed or discarded
    responsive information); cf. 
    Chambers, 568 F.3d at 1005
    (triable issue of fact on whether agency intentionally
    destroyed records responsive to a Privacy Act request). Quite
    the opposite, as a result of the Disclosure Act’s operation, the
    National Archives has a cache of 1.3 million Army files that it
    thoroughly searched for records responsive to Oglesby’s
    FOIA request, netting an additional 2,863 pages of relevant
    Army records. Murphy Decl. ¶¶ 17–18. The agency has
    made those records available for public inspection, and
    DiBacco received copies of them while this appeal was
    pending. Id.; Letter from Vincent H. Cohen, Jr., Acting
    United States Attorney for the District of Columbia (April 1,
    2015); Letter from James H. Lesar, Counsel for Appellants
    (April 8, 2015).
    DiBacco also attacks the Army’s declarations discussing
    the transfer and search of documents under the Disclosure
    Act. She asserts that a discrepancy in the dates attributed to
    the transfers casts doubt on the declarants’ trustworthiness.
    DiBacco is making a mountain out of a molehill. The
    Army’s declarant, Bradley Dorris, states in one declaration
    that the Army transferred all World War II files to the
    National Archives “on or about 26 and 29 September 2000,”
    First Dorris Decl. ¶ 4, while in another he indicates a transfer
    date of “on or about 23 April 2001,” Second Dorris Decl. ¶ 5.
    The National Archives’ declarant, Martha Murphy, explains
    that the transfers were completed in phases, with transfers
    occurring in September 2000, summer 2001, and 2005.
    Murphy Decl. ¶ 12. The first two dates Murphy provides
    coincide with the two dates the Dorris declarations reference,
    which suggests that the Dorris declarations were largely
    accurate but omitted the last date. That is insufficient to
    suggest bad faith or dissembling by Dorris or the Army.
    More to the point, that discrepancy has nothing to do with
    the Army’s motivation for the document transfer. What
    matters is that, under the Disclosure Act, the Army transferred
    all of its potentially responsive files to the National Archives
    and did not retain any copies. The Interagency Report
    confirms as much. See Interagency Report, at 54. DiBacco,
    for her part, is silent as to how publicly available documents
    at the National Archives—copies of which have always been
    offered to her for a fee and which she has now in fact
    received—could plausibly be considered improperly withheld.
    Trying another tack, DiBacco argues, for the first time in
    her reply brief, that the Army violated an Executive Order by
    failing to sufficiently declassify information of permanent
    historical value before transferring the documents to the
    National Archives. We do not ordinarily consider arguments
    raised for the first time in a reply brief, and we see no good
    reason for doing so here. See Abdullah v. Obama, 
    753 F.3d 193
    , 199 (D.C. Cir. 2014).
    At bottom, DiBacco’s main concern is that the transfer
    allowed the Army to circumvent the fee waiver it granted
    Oglesby nearly three decades ago. But the Army has
    assumed, and accordingly so do we, that Oglesby’s fee waiver
    extends to DiBacco, and, following oral argument, the Army
    provided her with free copies of the 2,863 pages of Army
    records identified as responsive by the National Archives.
    See supra p. 23. The issue is therefore moot.
    That, however, is not the last chapter on those recently
    released documents. Some were redacted or indicated that
    pages had been removed, with no accompanying justification
    for that withholding of information. Letter from James H.
    Lesar, at 2–3 & nn.1–2. The National Archives’ declaration
    confirms that some of the documents had redacted
    information that remains classified. Murphy Decl. ¶ 17a
    nn.2–3. We accordingly remand to allow the parties to create
    a record and the district court to decide in the first instance the
    narrow question of whether those withholdings were
    permissible under FOIA.
    Claims Against the CIA
    DiBacco levels attacks against the CIA’s search for and
    withholding of responsive records. None has merit.
    The CIA’s Search for Records
    Like the Army, the CIA maintains that its Disclosure Act
    search efforts were reasonably calculated to locate documents
    responsive to Oglesby’s FOIA request. The CIA filed the
    Interagency Report and four declarations from Martha Lutz,
    Chief of its Litigation Support Unit, detailing those efforts.
    First Lutz Declaration (Dec. 14, 2012), J.A. 709–749; Second
    Lutz Declaration (March 21, 2013), J.A. 1055–1083; Third
    Lutz Declaration (May 10, 2013), J.A. 1121–1126; Fourth
    Lutz Declaration (June 20, 2013), J.A. 1147–1156.
    The CIA instructed all of its directorates to search for
    relevant documents, using name and codeword searches. First
    Lutz Decl. ¶¶ 14–15. With respect to documents concerning
    Gehlen and his organization, the CIA searched for files
    retrievable by name, codewords, aliases, and cryptonyms. 
    Id. The CIA’s
    searches included operational files exempt from
    The CIA initially sought and disclosed records “only if
    they contained either direct information about war crimes or
    information suggesting that there were grounds to believe that
    the subject was involved in war crimes, acts of persecution, or
    looting.” Interagency Report, at 47. That approach led to the
    declassification and release of approximately 50,000 pages of
    documents, many of which were redacted. 
    Id. at 49.
    In 2005, the CIA adopted the Interagency Working
    Group’s broader interpretation of the Disclosure Act, and
    accordingly “[d]eclassif[ied] and release[d] information on
    individuals connected to the Nazis whether war criminals or
    not,” “[d]eclassif[ied] and release[d] operational project files
    where Nazis were involved,” and “[u]ndert[ook] additional
    searches that the [Interagency Working Group] historians or
    CIA thought necessary.” Interagency Report, at 50. As a
    result, the agency narrowed redactions in 47,400 pages of the
    previously released documents, and released over 65,000 new
    Id. Of relevance
    here, 2,100 of those pages related to
    General Gehlen, and the CIA authorized release of another
    2,100-page Army file concerning Gehlen. First Lutz Decl.
    ¶ 13. Continuing its efforts, in May 2012, the CIA provided
    DiBacco’s counsel with seven discs containing all CIA
    records released under the Disclosure Act, with information
    explaining how the records were organized and where records
    relating to Gehlen and the Gehlen Organization’s relationship
    with the United States could be located. 
    Id. ¶ 12.
    Those efforts discharged the CIA’s FOIA duty to
    undertake reasonable search efforts. “[A] search need not be
    perfect, only adequate, and adequacy is measured by the
    reasonableness of the effort in light of the specific request.”
    Meeropol v. Meese, 
    790 F.2d 942
    , 956 (D.C. Cir. 1986). The
    Lutz declarations adequately explain the congruence between
    the CIA’s Disclosure Act search and Oglesby’s FOIA request.
    See Second Lutz Decl. ¶¶ 3–4. Lutz identified in detail the
    locations searched within the CIA, expressly noting that the
    search included all directorates and even encompassed
    operational files not subject to FOIA. 
    Id. ¶¶ 6–7.
    DiBacco raises a number of specific challenges to the
    adequacy of the CIA’s search, but none holds water.
    First, DiBacco’s arguments regarding the absence of
    documents concerning secret meetings at Fort Hunt and the
    failure to use her preferred search terms fail here, just as they
    did when leveled against the Army. See supra pp. 18–21.
    Second, DiBacco points to a December 2000 status
    report, in which the CIA anticipated locating documents
    potentially responsive to Oglesby’s request that exceeded the
    Disclosure Act’s scope. Lutz explained, however, that the
    statement was based on the CIA’s pre-2005 view that the
    Disclosure Act did not encompass records pertaining to
    General Gehlen. Second Lutz Decl. ¶ 4. Five years after
    filing that status report, the CIA adopted a more expansive
    view of the Disclosure Act and, under that standard, it
    reviewed, declassified, and disclosed information on all Nazis
    (rather than just war criminals), and undertook additional
    searches that were equivalent to or broader than what FOIA
    Id. As a
    consequence, “all Gehlen related records
    responsive to Oglesby’s request fell within the scope of [the
    Disclosure Act] and all were released in whole or in part
    under the [Act] and provided to Plaintiffs.” 
    Id. 28 Third,
    DiBacco asserts that there is a discrepancy
    between the number of responsive documents the CIA
    predicted in 2000–2001 that it would disclose and what it
    eventually released. In December 2000 and January 2001, the
    CIA reported finding “approximately 251 boxes of material,
    and 2,901 folders” with potentially responsive documents,
    and that, if the boxes were full, they would likely contain a
    total of “anywhere between 251,000 and 775,000 pages” of
    documents. Defendants’ Status Report 1–2, J.A. 622–623; Tr.
    of Hearing 4:15–23, J.A. 630.
    DiBacco seizes on the gap between that prediction and
    the roughly 115,000 pages the CIA ultimately released. But
    that differential is no surprise. The CIA based its estimated
    page count in 2000–2001 on the volume of each box—one
    cubic foot—and an assumption that all were full of documents
    responsive to Oglesby’s request. The boxes had not yet been
    searched. That the CIA’s later search turned up less than its
    back-of-the-napkin estimate, which was based on figures and
    assumptions untethered to the actual contents of the
    documents, does not impugn the agency’s search.
    The CIA’s Exemption Claims
    The CIA redacted protected national security information
    from approximately 475 pages of its disclosure, pursuant to
    Exemptions 1 and 3, as detailed in its Vaughn index. See First
    Lutz Decl., Attachment. DiBacco presses global attacks on
    the use of both exemptions. But neither challenge holds up.
    “An agency withholding responsive documents from a
    FOIA release bears the burden of proving the applicability of
    claimed exemptions[,]” which it typically does “by affidavit.”
    American Civil Liberties Union v. Department of Defense,
    628 F.3d 612
    , 619 (D.C. Cir. 2011). We “review the district
    court’s decision on the adequacy of the agency’s showing de
    novo,” and “must accord substantial weight to an agency’s
    affidavit concerning the details of the classified status of the
    disputed record.” 
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    Summary judgment is warranted based on the agency’s
    affidavit if it “describes the justifications for withholding the
    information with specific detail, demonstrates that the
    information withheld logically falls within the claimed
    exemption, and is not contradicted by contrary evidence in the
    record or by evidence of the agency’s bad faith[.]” 
    Id. FOIA Exemption
    1 excludes from the agency’s general
    disclosure obligation national defense or foreign policy
    records “properly classified pursuant to [an] Executive
    order[.]” 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(1). In making the Exemption 1
    withholdings in this case, the CIA relied on President
    Clinton’s Executive Order 12958, as amended by President
    Bush, which was in effect at the time the classifications were
    made in 2005–2007. See Second Lutz Decl. ¶ 8 & n.6; Exec.
    Order No. 12958, 60 Fed. Reg. 19,825 (April 17, 1995),
    amended by Exec. Order No. 13292, 68 Fed. Reg. 15,315
    (March 25, 2003). DiBacco maintains that President Obama’s
    Executive Order currently in effect—Executive Order
    13526—governs. 75 Fed. Reg. 707 (Dec. 29, 2009).
    The CIA has it right. A district court may allow an
    agency to apply a superseding Executive Order during
    pending FOIA litigation if the agency so requests. Campbell
    v. Department of Justice, 
    164 F.3d 20
    , 29 (D.C. Cir. 1998).
    But “absent [such a request,] the district court may not require
    the agency to apply the new order; instead, the court must
    evaluate the agency’s decision under the executive order in
    force at the time the classification was made.” 
    Id. A court
    will compel an agency to revisit its classifications only if the
    superseding Executive Order “calls prior classification
    decisions” under the earlier order “into question.” 
    Id. Nothing in
    the Obama Executive Order calls the CIA’s
    classification decisions into question. Quite the opposite, the
    Obama Order explicitly defines properly classified
    information to include information classified under prior
    Executive Orders, see Exec. Order 13526, § 6.1(i), and it
    “does not contain any provision that requires an agency to
    reconsider classification decisions in pending FOIA
    Campbell, 164 F.3d at 30
    . To be sure, as DiBacco
    observes, the Obama Order significantly changes the
    automatic declassification process for information that is
    more than fifty years old. See Exec. Order 13526, § 3.3(h)(1).
    But what matters for purposes of reviewing the CIA’s
    classification decisions is that “nothing in the Order requires
    the district court to apply the new standards in a pending
    FOIA action.” 
    Campbell, 164 F.3d at 30
    DiBacco separately argues that the withheld documents
    lack markings required to properly classify documents under
    the Clinton/Bush Order. That too is wrong. The documents
    at issue were classified decades ago, with the markings
    required under the then-governing Executive Orders. See
    Fourth Lutz Decl. ¶¶ 8–9 & n.9. That is all the Clinton/Bush
    Order requires. Exec. Order 12958, amended by Exec. Order
    13292, § 1.6(f) (“Information assigned a level of classification
    under this or predecessor orders shall be considered as
    classified at that level of classification despite the omission of
    other required markings.”).
    DiBacco also challenges the CIA’s reliance on
    Exemption 3, which generally excludes from disclosure
    matters that are “specifically exempted from disclosure by
    statute.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3). The CIA relied on the
    National Security Act of 1947, 50 U.S.C. §§ 3001 et seq., to
    justify withholding information that would reveal intelligence
    sources and methods. See First Lutz Decl. ¶¶ 30–32, 35–51.
    “Exemption 3 differs from other FOIA exemptions in that
    its applicability depends less on the detailed factual contents
    of specific documents; the sole issue for decision is the
    existence of a relevant statute and the inclusion of withheld
    material within the statute’s coverage.” Morley v. CIA, 
    508 F.3d 1108
    , 1126 (D.C. Cir. 2007) (internal quotation marks
    omitted). The National Security Act provision invoked by the
    CIA provides that “[t]he Director of National Intelligence
    shall protect intelligence sources and methods from
    unauthorized disclosure.” 50 U.S.C. § 3024(i)(1).
    DiBacco does not dispute, nor could she, that Section
    3024(i)(1) is a valid Exemption 3 statute. 
    Sims, 471 U.S. at 167
    . Nor does DiBacco challenge the CIA’s determination
    that the withheld material contains “intelligence sources and
    methods” within the National Security Act’s coverage.
    Instead, DiBacco focuses on language in that same
    statutory subsection providing that “[t]he Director [of
    National Intelligence] may only delegate a duty or authority
    given the Director under this subsection to the Principal
    Deputy Director of National Intelligence.”        50 U.S.C.
    § 3024(i)(3). That language was added by the Intelligence
    Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, Pub. L. No.
    108-458, § 102(A)(i)(1), 118 Stat. 3638. Prior to 2004, the
    Director of Central Intelligence bore responsibility for
    protecting intelligence sources and methods, and had the
    authority to invoke the National Security Act to prevent the
    unauthorized disclosure of such information under FOIA. See
    Sims, 471 U.S. at 167
    DiBacco argues that the 2004 amendment stripped the
    CIA of that power, at least absent an express authorization
    from the Director of National Intelligence.          Although
    DiBacco’s reading of the amended statute is not entirely clear,
    she does concede that the Director of National Intelligence
    may delegate the authority to protect intelligence sources and
    methods to the Director of the CIA. Oral Arg. Rec. 13:20–
    13:30. She asserts, however, that the delegation must be done
    on a case-by-case basis and that the absence of such a
    particularized delegation here dooms the CIA’s Exemption 3
    Id. at 13:30–15:50.
    DiBacco’s argument misunderstands the governing
    statutory scheme. First, even if the Director of the CIA needs
    authorization to protect intelligence sources and methods
    from unauthorized disclosure, that authorization is already in
    place. Both the President and the Director of National
    Intelligence have provided it. In Executive Order 12333, as
    amended, President Obama ordered the Director of the CIA to
    “[p]rotect intelligence and intelligence sources, methods and
    activities from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with
    guidance from the Director [of National Intelligence].” Exec.
    Order 12333, 46 Fed. Reg. 59,941 (Dec. 4, 1981), amended
    by Exec. Order 13470, § 1.6(d), 73 Fed. Reg. 45,325, 45,332
    (July 30, 2008). Pursuant to that Executive Order and the
    National Security Act, the Director of National Intelligence
    has issued such guidance, ordering heads of intelligence
    agencies—such as the Director of the CIA—to “[p]rotect
    national intelligence and intelligence sources, methods and
    activities from unauthorized disclosure[.]”         Intelligence
    Community Directive 700, at 3 (June 7, 2012), available at
    Second, statutory language must always be read “in [its]
    context,” and that context supports the ability of the Director
    of National Intelligence to delegate to the CIA Director
    subject to the former’s guidance. King v. Burwell, No. 14-
    114, slip op. at 15 (U.S. June 25, 2015) (internal quotation
    marks omitted); see Association of Civilian Technicians, Inc.
    v. United States, 
    603 F.3d 989
    , 992 (D.C. Cir. 2010)
    (“[W]ords are to be read in the context in which they are used
    and in the broader context of the statutory scheme.”). The
    paragraph that precedes the delegation limitation mandates
    that “the Director of National Intelligence shall establish and
    implement guidelines for the intelligence community”
    addressing, among other things, the “[c]lassification of
    information” and “[a]ccess to and dissemination of
    intelligence,” “[c]onsistent with” the Director’s duty to
    protect intelligence sources and methods.           50 U.S.C.
    § 3024(i)(2)(A)–(B). The statute thus expressly envisions the
    National Intelligence Director giving guidance to intelligence
    agencies, which necessarily is guidance for those agencies to
    The Director of National Intelligence has exercised that
    authority. Intelligence Community Directive 700 establishes
    the intelligence community’s “policy for the protection of
    national intelligence” and provides a “framework” for
    oversight of classified information and “protection of national
    intelligence and intelligence sources, methods, and activities.”
    Intelligence Community Directive 700, at 1. By ordering the
    heads of components of the intelligence community to
    “[p]rotect national intelligence and intelligence sources,
    methods and activities from unauthorized disclosure,” 
    id. at 3,
    the Director of National Intelligence exercised his power to
    issue guidelines in a manner “consistent with” his statutory
    duty, 50 U.S.C. § 3024(i)(2).
    Third, the National Security Act’s structuring of the
    intelligence community likewise confirms the authority of the
    Director of National Intelligence to provide rules and
    guidance for intelligence agencies to implement on a case-by-
    case basis. The Act provides that, “[s]ubject to the authority,
    direction, and control of the President,” the Director of
    National Intelligence “serve[s] as head of the intelligence
    community” and “oversee[s] and direct[s] the implementation
    of the National Intelligence Program,” 50 U.S.C. § 3023(b),
    which consists of “all programs, projects, and activities of the
    intelligence community,” 
    id. § 3003(6).
    The statute thus
    expressly contemplates that the Director of National
    Intelligence, under the President’s direction, will issue general
    directives that control the manner in which the intelligence
    community as a whole carries out its mission.
    Underscoring the point, the provision of the National
    Security Act listing the Director of National Intelligence’s
    “[r]esponsibilities and authorities” is chock full of provisions
    tasking the Director with formulating and issuing guidance to
    govern the intelligence community writ large. 50 U.S.C.
    § 3024. Notably absent are provisions suggesting that the
    Director must—or even feasibly could—have his fingers
    perpetually in the day-in-and-day-out operations of each and
    every one of the sixteen components of the intelligence
    community. 4 To the contrary, the National Security Act
    assigns the CIA Director responsibility for the day-to-day
    conduct of the agency’s mission. See 50 U.S.C. § 3036(b)–
    Finally, we would require far more explicit statutory
    direction before concluding that Congress meant to saddle the
    highest-level official in the intelligence community (other
    See Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Members of
    the IC,
    members-of-the-ic (last visited July 24, 2015).
    than the President) with such micromanagement, or meant to
    so ossify the ability of the intelligence community to protect
    its most vital intelligence information.             DiBacco’s
    interpretation “overlooks the practical necessities of modern
    intelligence gathering,” and would improperly narrow the
    Director of National Intelligence’s “very broad authority to
    protect all sources of intelligence information from
    Sims, 471 U.S. at 168
    –169. Nothing in the 2004
    amendment to the National Security Act indicates a
    congressional intent to hamstring the Director in that fashion. 5
    Further, the overall scheme for protecting such sensitive
    information leaves it to the President to dictate the duties (in
    addition to those statutorily enumerated) of the Director of
    National Intelligence, and the President and the Director of
    National Intelligence do the same for the Director of the CIA.
    See 50 U.S.C. § 3024(f)(8) (“The Director of National
    Intelligence shall perform such other functions as the
    President may direct.”); 
    id. § 3036(d)(4)
    (The Director of the
    CIA’s statutory responsibilities include “such other functions
    and duties related to intelligence affecting the national
    security as the President or the Director of National
    Intelligence may direct.”).
    Executive Order 12333, in turn, requires the Director of
    the CIA to protect intelligence sources and methods from
    unauthorized disclosure in accordance with guidance issued
    We have affirmed the CIA’s exercise of the authority to prevent
    unauthorized disclosure of intelligence sources and methods
    following the 2004 amendment to the National Security Act. See
    American Civil Liberties 
    Union, 628 F.3d at 625
    –626; Moore v.
    666 F.3d 1330
    , 1331 n.2 (D.C. Cir. 2011); 
    Larson, 565 F.3d at 865
    . Other courts have done the same. See American Civil
    Liberties Union v. Department of Justice, 
    681 F.3d 61
    , 72–75 (2d
    Cir. 2012); Berman v. CIA, 
    501 F.3d 1136
    , 1140 (9th Cir. 2007).
    by the Director of National Intelligence. Exec. Order 12333,
    amended by Exec. Order 13470, § 1.6(d). The Order also
    requires the Director of National Intelligence to “ensure that
    programs are developed to protect, intelligence sources,
    methods, and activities from unauthorized disclosure.” 
    Id. § 1.3(b)(8).
    Intelligence Community Directive 700 provides
    the guidance contemplated by Executive Order 12333, and
    likewise gives the Director of the CIA the duty to protect
    intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized
    disclosure. The CIA Director’s exercise of that authority
    consistent with the National Intelligence Director’s guidance
    falls naturally within the “other functions and duties related to
    intelligence” that the President or the Director of National
    Intelligence may grant the Director of the CIA under the
    National Security Act. 50 U.S.C. § 3036(d)(4).
    Accordingly, when read in context, the statutory
    limitation on delegation on which DiBacco relies, 50 U.S.C.
    § 3024(i)(3), does not unravel either the President’s or the
    Director of National Intelligence’s authority to assign
    responsibility to intelligence agency heads to protect
    intelligence sources and methods. Instead, the anti-delegation
    provision means that the Director of National Intelligence
    must hold close those critical responsibilities for
    superintending and guiding the work of members of the
    intelligence community. The Director has done that through
    the guidance issued, and DiBacco does not dispute that the
    CIA made its withholding decisions in this case under the
    framework that guidance provides.
    DiBacco’s Motion to Compel
    DiBacco makes a glancing challenge to the district
    court’s denial of her motion to compel disclosure of the
    Army’s and CIA’s classified declarations referenced in their
    summary-judgment papers filed nearly two decades ago.
    DiBacco’s argument focuses on when a district court may rely
    upon such declarations to decide FOIA exemption claims.
    See Plaintiffs’ Motion for an Order Compelling Defendants
    Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of the Army
    to Disclose Ex Parte Declarations 4–6 (April 25, 2013), ECF
    No. 249.
    But the district court never ruled on the agencies’ earlier
    motion for summary judgment because they withdrew it after
    the 1998 passage of the Disclosure Act. Those declarations
    thus played no role in resolving that summary judgment
    motion, nor did the district court rely on them in deciding any
    other issue. On top of that, the district court concluded that
    the unclassified declarations filed in the case were sufficient
    to enable DiBacco to oppose, and the court to resolve, the
    agencies’ current motion for summary judgment. 
    DiBacco, 983 F. Supp. 2d at 53
    . DiBacco has not challenged that
    conclusion. Nor has she provided any reason to disturb the
    district court’s exercise of its “broad discretion regarding
    whether to conduct in camera review,” let alone to second-
    guess its refusal to disclose classified declarations that it
    appropriately declined to review. 
    Larson, 565 F.3d at 870
    We affirm the district court’s grant of summary judgment
    to the Army and CIA with respect to (i) the Army’s transfer of
    documents to the National Archives, (ii) both agencies’
    searches for responsive documents, and (iii) the CIA’s
    withholding of information under Exemptions 1 and 3. Our
    remand is limited to issues arising from the Army’s release to
    DiBacco during the appeal of responsive but redacted Army
    documents that had been held by the National Archives.
    So ordered.

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-5353

Citation Numbers: 417 App. D.C. 441, 795 F.3d 178

Filed Date: 7/31/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (28)

American Civil Liberties Union v. Dept. of Justice , 681 F.3d 61 ( 2012 )

Berman v. Central Intelligence Agency , 501 F.3d 1136 ( 2007 )

Moore v. Central Intelligence Agency , 666 F.3d 1330 ( 2011 )

Roth Ex Rel. Bower v. United States Department of Justice , 642 F.3d 1161 ( 2011 )

Michael Meeropol, A/K/A Rosenberg v. Edwin Meese Iii, ... , 790 F.2d 942 ( 1986 )

Carl Oglesby v. The United States Department of the Army , 79 F.3d 1172 ( 1996 )

Carl Oglesby v. The United States Department of the Army , 920 F.2d 57 ( 1990 )

Valencia-Lucena v. United States Coast Guard , 180 F.3d 321 ( 1999 )

Morley v. Central Intelligence Agency , 508 F.3d 1108 ( 2007 )

Campbell v. United States Department of Justice , 164 F.3d 20 ( 1998 )

Robert G. Vaughn v. Bernard Rosen, Executive Director, ... , 484 F.2d 820 ( 1973 )

Karl Gallant v. National Labor Relations Board , 26 F.3d 168 ( 1994 )

American Civil Liberties Union v. United States Department ... , 628 F.3d 612 ( 2011 )

Wolf v. Central Intelligence Agency , 473 F.3d 370 ( 2007 )

Harriet Ann Phillippi v. Central Intelligence Agency and ... , 546 F.2d 1009 ( 1976 )

Association of Civilian Technicians, Inc. v. United States , 603 F.3d 989 ( 2010 )

Safecard Services, Inc. v. Securities and Exchange ... , 926 F.2d 1197 ( 1991 )

Wilbur v. Central Intelligence Agency , 355 F.3d 675 ( 2004 )

Chambers v. United States Department of the Interior , 568 F.3d 998 ( 2009 )

Larson v. Department of State , 565 F.3d 857 ( 2009 )

View All Authorities »