Colorado River Indian Tribes v. National Indian Gaming Commission , 466 F.3d 134 ( 2006 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued September 8, 2006            Decided October 20, 2006
    No. 05-5402
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Columbia
    (No. 04cv00010)
    Todd S. Aagaard, Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice,
    argued the cause and filed the briefs for federal appellants.
    Edward J. Passarelli, Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice,
    entered an appearance.
    Gwenellen P. Janov argued the cause for appellee. With her
    on the brief were Samuel D. Gollis and Kim Hoyt Sperduto.
    Thomas M. Brownell and Scott D. Crowell were on the brief
    for amici curiae National Indian Gaming Association, et al. in
    support of appellee.
    Before: RANDOLPH and TATEL, Circuit Judges, and
    EDWARDS, Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge RANDOLPH.
    RANDOLPH, Circuit Judge: This is an appeal from an order
    of the district court, Bates, J., granting summary judgment in
    favor of the Colorado River Indian Tribes and against the
    National Indian Gaming Commission, the Commission’s
    Chairman, and two of its members. Colo. River Indian Tribes
    v. Nat’l Indian Gaming Comm’n, 
    383 F. Supp. 2d 123
    2005). The issue is whether the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act,
    25 U.S.C. §§ 2701-2721
    , gives the Commission authority to
    promulgate regulations establishing mandatory operating
    procedures for certain kinds of gambling in tribal casinos.
    Congress enacted the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act in the
    wake of the Supreme Court’s decision that state gaming laws
    could not be enforced on Indian reservations within states
    otherwise permitting gaming, California v. Cabazon Band of
    Mission Indians, 
    480 U.S. 202
     (1987). The Act established the
    Commission as an agency within the Department of the Interior.
    25 U.S.C. § 2704
    (a). The Commission has the authority to
    investigate and audit certain types of Indian gaming, to enforce
    the collection of civil fines, and to “promulgate such regulations
    and guidelines as it deems appropriate to implement the
    provisions” of the Act. 
     § 2706; see Cabazon Band of
    Mission Indians v. Nat’l Indian Gaming Comm’n, 
    14 F.3d 633
    634 (D.C. Cir. 1994).
    The Tribe operates the BlueWater Resort and Casino on
    Indian lands in Parker, Arizona. The casino offers what the Act
    defines as “class II” and “class III” gaming. Class II gaming
    includes bingo; “non-banking” card games; and pull-tabs, lotto,
    and other games similar to bingo, if played in the same location.
    25 U.S.C. § 2703
    (7)(A), (B). Class III gaming includes most
    conventional forms of casino gaming such as slot machines,
    roulette, and blackjack. 
     § 2703(8); 
    25 C.F.R. § 502.4
    . Class
    I gaming consists of social gaming for minimal prizes and
    traditional forms of Indian gaming in connection with tribal
    25 U.S.C. § 2703
    The Act treats each gaming class differently. “Class I
    gaming on Indian lands is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the
    Indian tribes,” and is not subject to the Act. 
     § 2710(a)(1).
    As to class II gaming, the Commission and the tribes share
    regulatory authority: the tribes must enact a gaming ordinance
    applying the Act’s minimum regulatory requirements; and the
    Commission’s Chairman must approve the tribal ordinance
    before gaming may occur. Id. § 2710(a)(2), (b). The Act
    regulates how tribes engaging in class II gaming may make
    payments to tribal members, id. § 2710(b)(3), and it requires an
    annual outside audit of the gaming and various contracts, id.
    § 2710(b)(2)(C), (D).
    Like class II gaming, class III gaming is lawful only if it
    takes place on Indian land “in a State that permits such gaming
    for any purpose by any person, organization, or entity . . ..” Id.
    § 2710(d)(1)(B). But unlike class II gaming, a tribe conducts
    class III gaming pursuant to a compact with the state. Id.
    § 2710(d)(1)(C). The Secretary of the Interior must approve any
    such compact before it may become effective.                   Id.
    § 2710(d)(3)(B). Thereafter, the “Tribal-State compact
    govern[s] the conduct of gaming activities,” id. § 2710(d)(3)(A),
    and the tribe’s class III gaming operations must be “conducted
    in conformance” with the compact, id. § 2710(d)(1)(C). Tribal-
    state compacts may contain provisions related to “standards for
    the operation of such activity” and “any other subjects that are
    directly related to the operation of gaming activities.” Id.
    § 2710(d)(3)(C)(vi), (vii). The Commission must approve any
    tribal ordinances for regulating and conducting class III gaming
    and any contracts the tribe enters into for the management of its
    class III gaming. Id. § 2710(d)(1)(A)(iii), (d)(9).
    The Colorado River Indian Tribes regulates gaming at its
    BlueWater casino pursuant to a tribal ordinance and rules
    contained in a tribal-state class III gaming compact with the
    State of Arizona. See Gaming Ordinance of the Colo. River
    Indian Tribes, Ord. No. 94-1 (Aug. 31, 1994); Colo. River
    Indian Tribes and State of Ariz. Gaming Compact (Jan. 31,
    2003) (Gaming Compact). Both the ordinance and the compact
    contain their own internal control standards. The most recent
    version of the compact requires the Tribe’s gaming agency to
    create standards governing operating procedures that are at least
    as stringent as those contained in the rules the Commission
    promulgated in 1999. Gaming Compact § 3(b)(3)(B). The State
    of Arizona monitors the Tribe’s compliance with the standards,
    for which the Tribe reimburses the state about $250,000 per
    year. The Tribe’s gaming agency employs twenty-nine
    employees and has an annual budget of $1.2 million.
    In 1999 the Commission promulgated regulations, which it
    termed “Minimum Internal Control Standards,” governing class
    II and class III gaming. See 
    64 Fed. Reg. 590
     (Jan. 5, 1999)
    (codified as amended at 25 C.F.R. pt. 542). The regulations take
    up more than eighty pages in the Code of Federal Regulations.
    No operational detail is overlooked. The rules establish
    standards for individual games, see, e.g., 
    25 C.F.R. § 542.7
    , .8,
    .10, customer credit, 
     § 542.15, information technology, id.
    § 542.16, complimentary services, id. § 542.17, and many other
    aspects of gaming. To illustrate, tribes must establish “a
    reasonable time period” not to exceed seven days for removing
    playing cards from play, but “if a gaming operation uses plastic
    cards (not plastic-coated cards), the cards may be used for up to
    three (3) months if the plastic cards are routinely inspected, and
    washed or cleaned in a manner and time frame approved by the
    Tribal gaming regulatory authority.” Id. § 542.9(d), (e). To take
    another example the district court mentioned, coin drops are
    regulated differently according to the size of the gaming facility.
    See id. § 542.21, .31, .41. There are rules prescribing the
    number and type of employees who must be involved in the
    removal of the coin drop, id. § 542.21(g)(1), the timing of the
    removal of the coin drop, id. § 542.21(g)(2), the tagging and
    transportation of the coin drop, id. § 542.21(g)(4), the manner in
    which the coin drop must be housed while in the machine, id.
    § 542.21(g)(5), and the purposes for which a coin drop may be
    used, id. § 542.21(g)(6).
    In January 2001, the Commission sought to audit the
    Tribe’s class III gaming at the BlueWater casino in order to
    determine whether the Tribe was complying with the
    regulations. The Tribe protested on the ground that the rules
    exceeded the Commission’s authority under the Act. The
    auditors departed and the Commission issued a notice of
    violation. After administrative hearings, the Commission fined
    the Tribe $2,000 for terminating the audit. Colo. River, 
    383 F. Supp. 2d at 130
    . The Commission denied the Tribe’s objection,
    citing its authority to “promulgate such regulations and
    guidelines as it deems appropriate to implement the provisions”
    of the Act, 
    25 U.S.C. § 2706
    (b)(10), among which is the
    provision stating that one of the Act’s purposes is to protect the
    integrity of gaming revenue, 
     § 2702. In re Colo. River
    Indian Tribes, NOV/CFA 01-01, 5-6 (Nat’l Indian Gaming
    Comm’n May 30, 2002) (NIGC Final Order). The Commission
    located its power to audit the casino in § 2706(b)(4), which
    authorizes the Commission to “audit all papers, books, and
    records respecting gross revenues of class II gaming conducted
    on Indian lands and any other matters necessary to carry out the
    duties of the Commission under this chapter . . ..” See NIGC
    Final Order at 7. The Tribe brought an action in federal district
    court challenging the decision and the Commission’s statutory
    authority to regulate class III gaming. The district court reached
    the “inescapable conclusion” that Congress did not intend to
    give such broad authority to the Commission, and therefore
    vacated the Commission’s decision and declared the regulations
    unlawful as applied to class III gaming. Colo. River, 
    383 F. Supp. 2d at 132
    There was a time when the Commission agreed with the
    district court’s view of the Act. The first Chairman of the
    Commission notified the Inspector General of the Department
    of the Interior in 1993 that “the regulation of class III gaming
    was not assigned to the Commission but was left to the tribes
    and the states . . ..” Memorandum from Anthony J. Hope,
    Chairman, Nat’l Indian Gaming Comm’n to the Assistant
    Inspector General for Audits, Dep’t of the Interior 2 (Oct. 18,
    1993). He explained that this was why the Commission had not
    imposed “gaming control standards” on class III gaming: “the
    Act assigns those responsibilities to the tribes and/or the states.”
     The Commission’s Chairman took the same position when
    he testified before Congress the following year. See Manner in
    which Gaming Activities Are Regulated by the Several States
    and the Role of the Federal Government in the Regulation of
    Indian Gaming Activities: Hearing Before the S. Comm. on
    Indian Affairs, 103d Cong. 7-8 (1994) (testimony of Chairman
    Hope, Nat’l Indian Gaming Comm’n). Despite many legislative
    efforts since then, all of which are cited in Judge Bates’s careful
    383 F. Supp. 2d at
    142 n.13, Congress has never
    amended the Act to confer any such express power on the
    Even now the Commission concedes that no provision of
    the Act explicitly grants it the power to impose operational
    standards on class III gaming. Section 2706 grants the
    Commission authority over several aspects of class II regulation.
    Thus, the Commission “shall monitor class II gaming,” and
    “inspect and examine all premises located on Indian lands on
    which class II gaming is conducted . . ..” 
    25 U.S.C. § 2706
    (b)(1), (2). It “may demand access to and inspect,
    examine, photocopy, and audit all papers, books, and records
    respecting gross revenues of class II gaming conducted on
    Indian lands and any other matters necessary to carry out the
    duties of the Commission under this chapter . . ..” 
    § 2706(b)(4). While the statute grants the Commission audit
    authority over “any other matters necessary to carry out [its]
    duties,” the statute does not indicate that these duties extend to
    class III regulation. Instead, the main provision dealing with the
    regulation of class III gaming – § 2710(d) – contemplates joint
    tribal-state regulation. The Act describes tribal-state compacts
    as agreements “governing the conduct of [class III] gaming
    activities.” Id. § 2710(d)(3)(A). A compact may contain
    provisions relating to “the application of the criminal and civil
    laws and regulations of the Indian tribe or the State that are
    directly related to, and necessary for, the licensing and
    regulation of” class III gaming, id. § 2710(d)(3)(C)(i),
    “standards for the operation of such activity,” id.
    § 2710(d)(3)(C)(vi), and “any other subjects that are directly
    related to the operation of [class III] gaming activities,” id.
    § 2710(d)(3)(C)(vii). That the Act sets up concurrent tribal-state
    regulation of class III gaming, not tribal-state-Commission
    regulation, is evident from § 2710(d)(5): “Nothing in this
    subsection shall impair the right of an Indian tribe to regulate
    class III gaming on its Indian lands concurrently with the State,
    except to the extent that such regulation is inconsistent with, or
    less stringent than” – not Commission regulations, but – “the
    State laws and regulations made applicable by any Tribal-State
    compact entered into by the Indian tribe under paragraph (3) that
    is in effect.” Contrast this provision with § 542.4(c) of the
    regulations, which states that if a standard in the Commission’s
    regulations is more stringent than a standard in a tribal-state
    compact, the Commission’s regulation “shall prevail.” 
    25 C.F.R. § 542.4
    (c). There are other indications that Congress
    intended to leave the regulation of class III gaming to the tribes
    and the states, including the fact that the Secretary of the Interior
    – rather than the Commission – approves (or disapproves) tribal-
    state compacts regulating class III gaming. 
    25 U.S.C. § 2710
    (d)(3)(B). The significance of this provision and others
    is thoroughly discussed in Judge Bates’s opinion in the district
    383 F. Supp. 2d at 135-38
    , and need not be repeated here.
    As against this, the Commission offers three main
    arguments. One is that the Commission has “oversight”
    authority over class III gaming, that the dictionary defines
    “oversight” to mean “supervision,” and that the Commission’s
    regulation of class III gaming falls within that definition. The
    trouble is that the Act does not use the word “oversight.” The
    Commission relies not on statutory language, but on a sentence
    from the Senate committee report on the Act: “The Commission
    will have a regulatory role for class II gaming and an oversight
    role with respect to class III gaming.” S. REP. NO. 100-446, at
    1 (1988), reprinted in 1988 U.S.C.C.A.N. 3071, 3071. But just
    two sentences before the “oversight” passage, the report states
    that the Senate bill “provides for a system for joint regulation by
    tribes and the Federal Government of class II gaming on Indian
    lands and a system for compacts between tribes and States for
    regulation of class III gaming.” 
     One might wonder why the
    Committee would rely on tribal-state compacts to regulate class
    III gaming. The report gives this explanation: “the Committee
    notes that there is no adequate Federal regulatory system in
    place for class III gaming, nor do tribes have such systems for
    the regulation of class III gaming currently in place. Thus a
    logical choice is to make use of existing State regulatory
    systems, although the adoption of State law is not tantamount to
    an accession to State jurisdiction. The use of State regulatory
    systems can be accomplished through negotiated compacts but
    this is not to say that tribal governments can have no role to play
    in regulation of class III gaming – many can and will.” Id. at 13.
    In addition to the point that a committee report is not law, it is
    perfectly clear that whatever the Senate committee thought
    “oversight” might entail, the committee did not foresee the
    Commission regulating class III gaming.
    The Commission’s other arguments proceed from the text
    of the Act. The Commission is funded by a percentage of each
    tribe’s gross gaming revenues from class II and class III gaming.
    25 U.S.C. § 2717
    (a). To this end, tribes must submit annual
    “outside audits” to the Commission of their class II and class III
    gaming operations. 
     § 2710(b)(2)(C), (d)(1)(A)(ii). From this
    the Commission infers that it has the authority to regulate the
    handling and accounting of gaming receipts in order to ensure
    the integrity of audits. We cannot see how the right to receive
    an outside audit, presumably conducted in accordance with
    Generally Accepted Auditing Standards, translates into a power
    to control gaming operations. Under the Securities Exchange
    Act of 1934, public companies must file reports necessary to the
    protection of investors. See 15 U.S.C. § 78m(a). If the public
    company happened to be in the casino business, such as
    Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc., the Commission’s logic here
    would entitle the SEC to dictate the details of how Harrah’s
    conducts its casino operations because the SEC receives reports
    from the company. The SEC obviously has no such authority,
    and neither does the Commission.
    This brings us to the Commission’s third argument –
    namely, that its regulations are valid in light of its authority to
    “promulgate such regulations and guidelines as it deems proper
    to implement the provisions of [the Act].” 
    25 U.S.C. § 2706
    (b)(10). Mourning v. Family Publications Service, Inc.,
    411 U.S. 356
     (1973), the Commission tells us, states a canon of
    statutory interpretation for general rulemaking provisions such
    as this – regulations promulgated pursuant to such statutes are
    valid so long as they are “reasonably related to the purposes of
    the enabling legislation.” 
    Id. at 369
     (quoting Thorpe v. Housing
    Auth. of Durham, 
    393 U.S. 268
    , 280-81 (1969)). Judge Bates
    rejected this argument and so do we. An agency’s general
    rulemaking authority does not mean that the specific rule the
    agency promulgates is a valid exercise of that authority. See
    Goldstein v. SEC, 
    451 F.3d 873
    , 878 (D.C. Cir. 2006). So here.
    See Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc., 
    535 U.S. 81
    , 92
    (2002) (“Our previous decisions, Mourning included, do not
    authorize agencies to contravene Congress’ will in this
    In arguing that the regulations implement the provisions of
    the Act, the Commission points to § 2702, the Act’s general
    declaration of policy, which it says embodies the congressional
    purpose to promote integrity in Indian gaming, a purpose the
    Commission’s regulations further. But this cannot carry the
    Commission as far as it needs to go. We have observed before
    that “[a]ll questions of government are ultimately questions of
    ends and means.” Nat’l Fed’n of Fed. Employees v. Greenberg,
    983 F.2d 286
    , 290 (D.C. Cir. 1993); see Bd. of Governors of the
    Fed. Reserve Sys. v. Dimension Fin. Corp. 
    474 U.S. 361
    , 373-74
    (1986). Agencies are therefore “bound, not only by the ultimate
    purposes Congress has selected, but by the means it has deemed
    appropriate, and prescribed, for the pursuit of those purposes.”
    MCI Telecomms. Corp. v. AT&T, 
    512 U.S. 218
    , 231 n.4 (1994).
    The Commission is correct that Congress wanted to ensure the
    integrity of Indian gaming, but it is equally clear that Congress
    wanted to do this in a particular way. The declared policy is
    therefore not simply to shield Indian tribes “from organized
    crime and other corrupting influences” and “to assure that
    gaming is conducted fairly and honestly by both the operator
    and players,” 
    25 U.S.C. § 2702
    (2), but to accomplish this
    through the “statutory basis for the regulation of gaming”
    provided in the Act, 
     This leads us back to the opening
    question – what is the statutory basis empowering the
    Commission to regulate class III gaming operations? Finding
    none, we affirm.
    So ordered.