Lisa Milice v. CPSC ( 2021 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Argued May 10, 2021                      Decided July 2, 2021
    No. 21-1071
    On Petition for Review of an Order
    of the Consumer Products Safety Commission
    Jared McClain argued the cause for Milice. With him on
    the briefs was Peter L. Strauss.
    Courtney L. Dixon, Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice,
    argued the cause for respondent. With her on the brief were
    Ethan P. Davis, Acting Assistant Attorney General at the time
    the brief was filed, Scott R. Mcintosh, Attorney, and J. Gibson
    Mullan, then-General Counsel, Consumer Product Safety
    Kelly M. Klaus, Rose Leda Ehler, Rachel G. Miller-
    Ziegler, and J. Blake Cunningham were on the brief for amici
    curiae American National Standards Institute, et al. in support
    of respondent. Gary D. Sesser entered an appearance.
    J. Kevin Fee and Michael E. Kenneally were on the brief
    for amicus curiae American Society for Testing and Materials
    in support of respondent.
    Nina A. Mendelson, Allison M. Zieve, and Adina H.
    Rosenbaum were on the brief for amici curiae Administrative
    Law Professors in support of neither party.
    Before: ROGERS, MILLETT and WILKINS, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion for the Court by Circuit Judge ROGERS.
    ROGERS, Circuit Judge: This case comes to the court as a
    broadside attack on the practice of federal agencies
    incorporating privately drafted technical standards into their
    regulations by reference. In September 2019, the Consumer
    Product Safety Commission revised its safety standard for
    infant bath seats, stating: “Each infant bath seat shall comply
    with all applicable provisions of ASTM F1967–19, Standard
    Consumer Safety Specification for Infant Bath Seats.”
    Revisions to Safety Standard for Infant Bath Seats, 
    84 Fed. Reg. 49,435
    , 49,439 (Sept. 20, 2019) (the “2019 Rule”). When
    Lisa Milice, a then-expectant mother, and her counsel
    contacted Commission staff about inspecting the ASTM
    standard, they were told they would have to purchase the
    standard from its developer. Milice eventually challenged the
    2019 Rule on the grounds that it violated the Administrative
    Procedure Act and the First and Fifth Amendments to the U.S.
    Constitution because its content is not freely available to the
    public. The court is unable to address Milice’s arguments,
    however, because her petition for review is untimely.
    The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008,
    Pub. L. No. 110-314, 
    122 Stat. 3016
    , was enacted to, among
    other things, “establish consumer product safety standards and
    other safety requirements for children’s products,” H.R. Rep.
    No. 110-787, at 1 (2008) (Conf. Rep.). The Act requires the
    Commission to “consult[] with representatives of consumer
    groups, juvenile product manufacturers, and independent child
    product engineers and experts” regarding “the effectiveness of
    any voluntary consumer product safety standards for durable
    infant or toddler products.” 15 U.S.C. § 2056a(b)(1)(A). After
    consultation, the Commission is to “promulgate consumer
    product safety standards” for such products on an expedited
    basis that were either “substantially the same as” the voluntary
    standards or “more stringent” if “more stringent standards
    would further reduce the risk of injury associated with such
    products.” Id. § 2056a(b)(1)(B), (b)(2).
    The Act includes a procedure for revising the
    Commission’s durable infant and toddler product standards. If
    the Commission’s standard “is based, in whole or in part, on a
    voluntary standard,” the Commission must alert the developer
    and that organization must inform the Commission of any
    revisions. Id. § 2056a(b)(4)(A)-(B). The revised voluntary
    standard “shall be considered to be a consumer product safety
    standard issued by the Commission” effective 180 days after
    the Commission is notified, “unless . . . the Commission
    notifies the organization that it has determined that the
    proposed revision does not improve the safety of the consumer
    product covered by the standard.” Id. § 2056a(b)(4)(B). Thus,
    the revised voluntary standard replaces the Commission’s
    standard by operation of law unless the Commission
    affirmatively rejects it.
    In 2009, the Commission proposed a safety standard for
    infant bath seats that was “substantially the same as a voluntary
    standard developed by ASTM International.” Safety Standard
    for Infant Bath Seats, 
    74 Fed. Reg. 45,719
    , 45,719 (Sept. 3,
    2009).      Following an opportunity for comment, the
    Commission published a rule that was “almost the same as the
    proposed standard.” Safety Standard for Infant Bath Seats:
    Final Rule, 
    75 Fed. Reg. 31,691
    , 31,691 (June 4, 2010).
    ASTM’s standard was incorporated by reference: “[E]ach
    infant bath seat shall comply with all applicable provisions of
    ASTM F 1967–08a, Standard Consumer Safety Specification
    for Infant Bath Seats, approved November 1, 2008.” 
    Id. at 31,698
    . Interested persons could purchase a copy of the
    standard from ASTM or inspect a copy on a read-only basis at
    the Commission’s Office in Bethesda, Maryland or at the
    National Archives in Washington, D.C. 
    ASTM revised its standard for infant bath seats in 2012
    and 2013, and each time the Commission published notices in
    the Federal Register incorporating the revised standards by
    reference. See 
    77 Fed. Reg. 45,242
     (July 31, 2012); 
    78 Fed. Reg. 73,692
     (Dec. 9, 2013). When ASTM notified the
    Commission in June 2019 that it had again updated its infant
    bath seat standard, the Commission published a notice in the
    Federal Register on September 20, 2019, summarizing
    ASTM’s changes. 84 Fed. Reg. at 49,436–37. Finding
    ASTM’s changes had either a positive or neutral impact on
    product safety, id. at 49,436, the Commission announced that
    the revision would take effect December 22, 2019, unless
    “significant” adverse comments were received within thirty
    days, id. at 49,439. In that event, the Commission would
    withdraw the 2019 Rule before its effective date and publish
    notice in the Federal Register. Id. at 49,435. As before, the
    Commission incorporated ASTM’s standard by reference:
    “Each infant bath seat shall comply with all applicable
    provisions of ASTM F1967–19, Standard Consumer Safety
    Specification for Infant Bath Seats, approved May 1, 2019.”
    Id. at 49,439. And as before, the Director of the Federal
    Register had approved the incorporation by reference as
    conforming to the requirements of Section 552(a)(1) of the
    Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”). Id. Again, the
    standard could be purchased from ASTM or viewed on a read-
    only basis at the Commission’s Bethesda headquarters or the
    National Archives. Id.
    On October 21, 2019, the New Civil Liberties Alliance
    (“NCLA”) wrote to the Commission what it “intended to serve
    as [] significant adverse commentary.” Letter of Caleb
    Kruckenberg, Litigation Counsel, NCLA, to Robert S. Adler,
    Act’g Chairm’n, CPSC, at 2 (Oct. 21, 2019). NCLA stated that
    the 2019 Rule was unconstitutional and needed to be
    withdrawn because the incorporation of ASTM’s standards by
    reference “hid[] the binding law behind a paywall” in violation
    of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. Id. at 1, 4–7. NCLA
    suggested that the Commission “could avoid these problems by
    simply publishing the legal standard instead of incorporating it
    by reference,” noting that, in its view, the Commission “has no
    obligation to adopt . . . ASTM standards,” and “has the option
    of reproducing those standards in full in the Code of Federal
    Regulations.” Id. at 7.
    The Commission responded by letter of February 6, 2020,
    stating that it did not consider NCLA’s letter a significant
    adverse comment because NCLA’s constitutional concerns did
    not implicate product safety, and that the 2019 Rule had taken
    effect on December 22, 2019. Letter from J. Gibson Mullan,
    Gen’l Counsel, CPSC, to Caleb Kruckenberg, Litigation
    Counsel, NCLA (Feb. 6, 2020). The Commission advised that
    because the decision whether to publish the text of ASTM’s
    standards in the Federal Register is “limited both by [its] own
    organic statute and by the Office of the Federal Register,” id.
    at 1, it “does not have the option of publishing the revised
    mandatory standard instead of incorporating it by reference,”
    id. at 3. First, its authority to veto a change to a voluntary
    standard that it had previously adopted is “limit[ed]” by
    Congress to “reject[ing] the revision only if it determines that
    the change does not improve safety.” Id. at 2. Second, “nearly
    all voluntary standards [are] protected by copyright,” which the
    Commission can neither ignore nor publish without permission
    of the copyright holder. Id. at 2–3.
    On February 20, 2020, Milice, an expectant mother, filed
    a petition for review of the 2019 Rule in the United States Court
    of Appeals for the Third Circuit, invoking 
    15 U.S.C. § 2060
    Section 2060(g)(1)(c), however, provides an expedited
    procedure for “any standard promulgated by the Commission
    under section 20656a of this title (relating to durable infant and
    toddler products)”:
    Not later than 60 days after the promulgation, by the
    Commission, of a rule or standard to which this
    subsection applies, any person adversely affected . . .
    may file a petition with the United States Court of
    Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for
    judicial review of such rule.
    15 U.S.C. § 2060
    (g)(2). By Order of February 18, 2021, the
    Third Circuit transferred the case to this court.
    The parties’ briefs focus on the lawfulness of the 2019
    Rule. In response to Milice’s objections relating to the
    availability of ASTM’s standard in view of its incorporation by
    reference, the Commission maintains that the Rule complies
    with the APA’s incorporation by reference requirements and
    presents no constitutional concerns, noting that there are three
    ways to access ASTM’s infant bath seat standard: (1) inspect it
    in-person at the Commission’s reading room in Bethesda, or at
    the Office of the Federal Register in Washington D.C.; (2)
    purchase the standard for $56 from ASTM; or (3) view the
    standard on ASTM’s website in read-only format (i.e., the text
    on the webpage cannot be copied or printed). Resp’t’s Br. 13–
    14. Milice responds that her only interest is to ensure that the
    Commission provides public access to its binding standards.
    The frustrated efforts experienced by Milice and NCLA to
    view ASTM’s standard in the Commission’s Bethesda reading
    room, see Lisa Milice Decl. ¶¶ 6–7 (May 11, 2020); Jared
    McClain, Esq., Decl. ¶¶ 4–9 (May 11, 2020), illustrate one
    limitation to the incorporation by reference format, and she
    maintains that the Commission and ASTM “remain free to
    contemplate a licensing arrangement, litigate ASTM’s
    copyright claim, or negotiate compensation for ASTM’s
    copyright,” Reply Br. 19.
    A month before the scheduled oral argument, amicus
    ASTM notified the court that it may lack jurisdiction over the
    petition for review because it was filed more than 60 days after
    the 2019 Rule was published in the Federal Register. Milice
    responded through NCLA counsel that her petition is properly
    before the court because it was filed within 60 days of the
    Commission’s rejection of NCLA’s comment or, alternatively,
    the effective date of the 2019 Rule. The court directed the
    parties to be prepared at oral argument to address the petition’s
    timeliness. Per Curiam Order (May 3, 2021).
    Notwithstanding the parties’ legal dispute over the
    availability of ASTM’s standard to the public, the court must
    first determine whether it has subject matter jurisdiction to
    consider Milice’s petition for review. See Arbaugh v. Y&H
    546 U.S. 500
    , 514 (2006); Steel Co. v. Citizens for a
    Better Env’t, 
    523 U.S. 83
    , 94–95 (1998).
    Section 2060(g)(2) of Title 15 of the U. S. Code provides
    that a petition for review of a consumer product safety standard
    for infant and toddler products must be filed “[n]ot later than
    60 days after [its] promulgation, by the Commission.” In
    Laminators Safety Glass Association v. Consumer Product
    Safety Commission, 
    578 F.2d 406
     (D.C. Cir. 1978), the court
    held that the petitioner’s failure to comply with an identically
    worded filing deadline under the Consumer Product Safety Act
    “depriv[ed] this Court of jurisdiction,” 
    id. at 408
    . It follows
    that meeting Section 2060(g)(2)’s filing deadline is a
    jurisdictional prerequisite to suit. Notably, Milice has never
    argued to the contrary, thereby forfeiting any claim that Section
    2060(g)(2) is not a jurisdictional bar. See Int’l Longshore &
    Warehouse Union v. NLRB, 
    971 F.3d 356
    , 363 (D.C. Cir.
    2020). Here, the 60-day period began on September 20, 2019,
    when the Commission published the 2019 Rule in the Federal
    Register. Where “the agency does not define the term by
    regulation and if the statute supports (or at least does not
    foreclose) the interpretation, ‘promulgation’ is accorded its
    ‘ordinary meaning’ — i.e., publication in the Federal Register.”
    Horsehead Resource Dev. Co., Inc. v. EPA, 
    130 F.3d 1090
    1093 (D.C. Cir. 1997). Milice, however, did not file her
    petition until February 20, 2020 — 153 days after the 2019
    Rule’s promulgation. Her petition is therefore time barred and
    must be dismissed.
    Milice’s efforts to render her tardy petition timely are
    unpersuasive. Relying on Bennett v. Spear, 
    520 U.S. 154
    (1997), she maintains that the 2019 Rule was not final agency
    action subject to challenge until December 22, 2019, because
    the Commission stated in the preamble that it would withdraw
    the 2019 Rule before its effective date if it received significant
    adverse comment. Oral Arg. Rec. 1:30–3:00, 9:00–9:51.
    Milice’s reliance on Bennett is misplaced. “Agency actions are
    final if two independent conditions are met: (1) the action
    ‘marks the consummation of the agency’s decisionmaking
    process’ and is not ‘of a merely tentative or interlocutory
    nature;’ and (2) it is an action ‘by which rights or obligations
    have been determined, or from which legal consequences will
    flow.’” Soundboard Ass’n v. FTC, 
    888 F.3d 1261
    , 1267 (D.C.
    Cir. 2018) (alteration adopted) (quoting Bennett, 
    520 U.S. at
    177–78). The 2019 Rule satisfies both conditions.
    Far from speaking tentatively, the Commission stated in
    the preamble of the 2019 Rule that “the changes made in
    ASTM F1967–19 will either improve the safety of infant bath
    seats or are neutral with respect to safety,” and “[t]herefore, the
    Commission will allow the revised voluntary standard to
    become effective as a mandatory consumer product safety
    standard under the statute.” 84 Fed. Reg. at 49,436. Indeed,
    the Commission designated the revised infant bath seat
    standard as a “direct final rule.” Id. at 49,435. Nor is there any
    question of the 2019 Rule’s legal effect: a person who
    knowingly makes, distributes, or sells a product that does not
    conform to the Commission’s standards faces potential civil
    and criminal penalties under 
    15 U.S.C. §§ 2068
    –70. The 2019
    Rule was final agency action in September 2019,
    notwithstanding the possibility that the Commission might
    reconsider and change its standard in the future. See Nat’l
    Envtl. Dev. Assoc.’s Clean Air Project v. EPA, 
    752 F.3d 999
    1006–07 (D.C. Cir. 2014).
    Alternatively, Milice maintains that the 2019 Rule was not
    final agency action under the incurable-prematurity doctrine
    until the Commission rejected NCLA’s comment on February
    6, 2020. Because “finality with respect to agency action is a
    party-based concept,” Bellsouth Corp. v. FCC, 
    17 F.3d 1487
    1489 (D.C. Cir. 1994) (quoting United Transp. Union v. ICC,
    871 F.2d 1114
    , 1118 (D.C. Cir. 1989)), the “reviewability of
    an agency action turns in part on the conduct of the petitioning
    parties,” ICG Concerned Workers Ass’n v. United States, 
    888 F.2d 1455
    , 1457 (D.C. Cir. 1989). If a party asks an agency to
    reconsider its decision, the request “renders [the] agency’s
    otherwise final action non-final with respect to the requesting
    party.” Clifton Power Corp. v. FERC, 
    294 F.3d 108
    , 110–11
    (D.C. Cir. 2002). As a result, a petition filed by that party while
    its request remains pending is “incurably premature.” 
    contrast, “[i]f a party has sought only judicial review, the
    agency action can be deemed final and hence reviewable as to
    that party, regardless of whether other parties have moved for
    administrative reconsideration.” ICG Concerned Workers
    888 F.2d at
    1457–58; see, e.g., Petrol. Commc’ns, Inc.
    v. FCC, 
    22 F.3d 1164
    , 1171 n.6 (D.C. Cir. 1994). Even
    assuming the incurable prematurity doctrine applies in this
    context as Milice supposes, it is of no help to her because she
    never asked the Commission to reconsider the 2019 Rule, nor
    did NCLA purport to write its October 21, 2019, comment
    letter on her behalf. Oral Arg. Rec. 4:25–5:08.
    Accordingly, because Milice’s petition for review of the
    2019 Rule is untimely, the court lacks jurisdiction and must
    dismiss her petition.