Secretary of Labor v. Westfall Aggregate & Materials, Inc. (AMENDED OPINION) ( 2023 )

  •  United States Court of Appeals
    Submitted January 12, 2023             Decided April 7, 2023
    Reissued June 6, 2023
    No. 22-1088
    On Petition for Review of an Order of the
    Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
    Emily Toler Scott, Counsel for Appellate Litigation, U.S.
    Department of Labor, and Jennifer A. Ledig, Attorney, were on
    the briefs for petitioner.
    Cary W. Purcell was on the brief for respondents.
    Before: PILLARD and PAN, Circuit Judges, and EDWARDS,
    Senior Circuit Judge.
    Opinion for the Court filed by Senior Circuit Judge
    EDWARDS, Senior Circuit Judge: The Mine Safety and
    Health Administration (“MSHA”) is an agency within the
    Department of Labor whose mission is to administer the
    provisions of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act (“Mine
    30 U.S.C. § 801
     et seq. The Mine Act authorizes the
    Secretary of Labor (“Secretary”), acting through MSHA, to
    promulgate mandatory safety and health standards, inspect
    mines, issue citations and orders for violations of the Act or
    mandatory standards, and propose penalties for those
    violations. The Mine Act established the Federal Mine Safety
    and Health Review Commission (“Commission”), an
    independent agency with the authority to adjudicate disputes
    over citations, orders, and penalties issued by MSHA that mine
    operators contest. This case involves a petition filed by the
    Secretary to review a decision issued by the Commission
    denying as moot a request filed by a mine operator, Westfall
    Aggregate & Materials, Inc. (“Westfall”), to reopen a penalty
    assessment issued against the operator more than a decade ago.
    In February 2011, an inspector for MSHA discovered a
    crane at Westfall operating on site with no working service
    brakes. The inspector issued Westfall a withdrawal order
    commanding the crane’s immediate removal, as well as a
    citation for the incident. Westfall immediately complied with
    the withdrawal order. A citation was issued and a penalty was
    assessed against Westfall. The penalty was deemed a final
    order after thirty days when Westfall failed to contest it. See
    30 U.S.C. § 815
    (a). On October 6, 2011, MSHA mailed a
    delinquency notice to Westfall, notifying the operator that
    interest on the penalty would accrue. Westfall did not respond
    to this notice.
    In July 2019, eight years after the penalty was deemed a
    final order, and only after MSHA had begun enforcement
    proceedings against the operator for failing to pay its
    delinquent penalties, Westfall filed a motion to reopen the
    matter. It claimed that its untimely challenge “resulted from
    excusable neglect, mistake, inadvertence and other good
    causes[.]” Joint Appendix (“J.A.”) 1. The operator argued that
    because MSHA did not include a duplicate copy of the citation
    with its penalty assessment, Westfall staff misinterpreted it to
    be related instead to the “closed” withdrawal order, J.A. 2, and
    archived both documents in a “closed file.” J.A. 14. Westfall
    claimed that it failed to raise a timely challenge because its
    managers never reviewed the citation penalty. J.A. 2-3.
    Westfall thus contended that its neglect was excusable, its
    misunderstanding was in good faith, and justice weighed in
    favor of granting its motion. See J.A. 5. The Secretary opposed
    the motion to reopen, asserting that the penalty assessment was
    properly issued by MSHA and received by Westfall, that the
    motion to reopen was untimely, and that there was no good
    cause to justify reopening the matter. See J.A. 19-25.
    In 2022, a two-member majority of the Commission found
    that, because Westfall “claims not to have received a written
    citation for the assessment, and the Secretary [of Labor] failed
    to provide sufficient evidence of a citation,” “there is no final
    order in this case.” J.A. 53. Over a strong dissent, the
    Commission “dismiss[ed] the operator’s request to reopen as
    moot.” J.A. 53. It is clear from the record in this case that the
    Commission’s decision cannot withstand review. We note in
    particular that the Commission’s majority opinion relies
    principally on an assumption that Westfall “claims not to have
    received a written citation for the assessment.” However,
    Westfall has made no such claim. The majority opinion also
    rests on a finding that “the Secretary failed to provide sufficient
    evidence of a citation.” The record belies this assertion.
    In sum, the Commission’s decision relies on a ground not
    raised or addressed by the parties, is devoid of substantial
    evidence to support its principal findings, and ignores the
    potential applicability of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60(b)
    covering motions to reopen. We are therefore constrained to
    reverse and remand the case for further proceedings.
    A. Statutory and Regulatory Background
    As noted above, the Mine Act was enacted to “protect the
    health and safety of the Nation’s coal or other miners.”
    30 U.S.C. § 801
    (g). It empowers the Secretary of Labor, acting
    through MSHA, to promulgate mandatory safety and health
    standards, inspect mines, and enforce the Mine Act by issuing
    citations, civil penalties, and other orders. 
     §§ 811(a), 813(a),
    814(a), 815(a), 817(a), 820(a). The Mine Act also established
    the Commission, an independent agency empowered to review
    citation, penalty, and order decisions adjudicated by
    administrative law judges. Id. §§ 816(a)(1), 823.
    Citations and Penalties. “If, upon inspection or
    investigation” of a worksite, MSHA finds that an operator has
    violated the Mine Act, it shall, “with reasonable promptness,”
    issue a citation to the operator that describes “in writing,” “with
    particularity,” the nature of the violation. Id. § 814(a) (“section
    814 citation”). The default process for calculating penalties is
    through a regular assessment process, which entails applying a
    formula to six statutory penalty criteria. Id. § 820(i); 
    30 C.F.R. § 100.3
    (a)(1). For regular proposed penalty
    assessments, “MSHA’s Office of Assessments provides
    operators and, in turn, Judges with an ‘Exhibit A’ that consists
    of a penalty report detailing the penalty points assessed under
    each statutory factor”; the “exhibit provides the operator . . . an
    explicit explanation of the bases for the proposed penalty.”
    Sec’y of Lab., MSHA v. Am. Coal Co., 
    38 FMSHRC 1987
    , 1991
    (2016), aff’d sub nom. Am. Coal Co. v. FMSHRC, 
    933 F.3d 723
    (D.C. Cir. 2019).
    “MSHA may elect to waive the regular assessment under
    § 100.3 if it determines that conditions warrant a special
    30 C.F.R. § 100.5
    (a). This will result in a higher
    penalty than would be associated with a regular assessment.
    (2021). “When MSHA determines that a special assessment is
    appropriate, the proposed penalty [is] based on the six criteria
    set forth in § 100.3(a).” 
    30 C.F.R. § 100.5
    (b). However, “[a]ll
    findings shall be in narrative form.” 
    “Special assessments . . . take longer to formulate and
    finalize” than regular assessments, so “[t]here is often a gap
    between the issuance of the citation and the operator’s receipt
    of the special assessment.” Petitioner’s Br. 8. In any event,
    MSHA must notify a cited operator by certified mail “within a
    reasonable time” of any proposed penalty assessment. 
    30 U.S.C. § 815
    (a). MSHA is not required to send the operator a
    duplicate copy of the section 814 citation alongside its mailed
    penalty assessment. See 
    29 C.F.R. § 2700.25
    30 C.F.R. §§ 100.7
    (a), 100.8(a).
    If the mine operator does not respond within thirty days to
    MSHA’s proposed penalty assessment by either paying the fine
    or notifying the agency of its intention to contest, the proposed
    penalty is deemed a final order of the Commission and not
    subject to review by any court or agency.
    30 U.S.C. § 815
    Reopening a final order. The Commission may at its
    discretion reopen a final order, using the Federal Rules of Civil
    Procedure for guidance. See Jim Walter Res., Inc., 
    15 FMSHRC 782
    , 787 (1993) (explaining that, “[i]n reopening
    final orders, the Commission has found guidance in, and has
    applied, ‘so far as practicable,’ Rule 60(b) [of the Federal Rules
    of Civil Procedure], dealing with relief from judgments or
    orders.” (citing 
    29 C.F.R. § 2700.1
    (b))). Rule 60(b) motions to
    reopen may be based on “mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or
    excusable neglect;” or “any other reason that justifies relief.”
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(1), 60(b)(6). Such motions must be made
    “within a reasonable time,” or – if for reasons of “mistake,
    inadvertence, or excusable neglect” – not more than one year
    after the order was entered. Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(c)(1).
    Withdrawal orders. In addition to issuing citations and
    penalties, MSHA inspectors may issue a withdrawal order,
    requiring immediate, on-site action to address any “imminent
    danger” to workers’ safety. 
    30 U.S.C. § 817
    (a). Withdrawal
    orders compel all but exempted persons “to be withdrawn
    from” the designated area until the agency “determines that
    such imminent danger and the conditions or practices which
    caused such imminent danger no longer exist.” 
     MSHA is
    not precluded from also issuing citations and proposing
    penalties after issuing a withdrawal order. See 
    B. Factual Background
    On February 28, 2011, MSHA inspected Westfall’s
    operating site. J.A. 22. MSHA issued six citations for various
    violations – all of which were assigned regular assessment
    penalties and paid in full. The MSHA inspector also discovered
    a Pettibone 30 crane operating on site with no working service
    brakes and issued two orders: (1) Withdrawal Order No.
    6559329, mandating the crane’s immediate removal, J.A. 12;
    and (2) Citation No. 6559330, a section 814 citation describing
    the safety violation, Petitioner’s Br. Addendum (“add.”) C.
    Westfall immediately complied with Withdrawal Order No.
    6559329 by removing the Pettibone 30 crane from the
    worksite. J.A. 13. That order clearly states, “Citation NO.
    6559330 is being issued in conjunction with this order.” J.A.
    12. Five minutes later, MSHA served a Westfall manager with
    the referenced citation. Petitioner’s Br. add. C. The citation
    explains that it was issued in response to the same event as the
    withdrawal order. See 
     And it describes the non-working
    brakes as a “hazard” that could result in “[c]rushing fatal
    Finding that “[t]he gravity of the violation was considered
    serious,” MSHA determined that the proposed penalty
    warranted a special assessment. J.A. 11. “Based on the six
    criteria set forth in 30 C.F.R. l00.3(a)” and information
    provided to it, MSHA “proposed that [Westfall] be assessed a
    civil penalty of $16,400.” J.A. 11. MSHA sent the proposed
    penalty to the operator via FedEx. A Westfall employee signed
    for the FedEx package on July 20, 2011. See J.A. 28. The
    mailing explained to Westfall that it had “30 days from receipt
    of [the] proposed assessment” to pay or contest the fee before
    it was deemed a final order of the Commission. J.A. 7, 8.
    Westfall did not contest the Citation No. 6559330 proposed
    penalty assessment. Thus, it was deemed a final order thirty
    days later, on August 19, 2011 (“2011 Final Order”). See
    30 U.S.C. § 815
    Two months later, on October 6, 2011, MSHA notified
    Westfall that interest on the 2011 Final Order penalty would
    accrue if Westfall remained delinquent. On June 13, 2019,
    MSHA issued Westfall an additional citation for its ongoing
    failure to pay for its mounting civil penalties. Westfall did not
    C. Procedural Background
    Eight years after the proposed penalty assessment was
    deemed a final order of the Commission, Westfall entered into
    a payment plan with MSHA and filed a motion to reopen with
    the Commission. As explained above, Westfall contended that
    “excusable neglect, mistake, inadvertence, and other good
    causes” justified reopening. J.A. 1. The operator conceded that
    it had received the proposed penalty. But it claimed that
    members of the Westfall staff “mistakenly and inadvertently
    interpreted [it] as a non issue or error” because they believed it
    to be associated with the long-resolved Withdrawal Order No.
    6559329. J.A. 4, 14. Westfall claimed that its staff “placed the
    Citation #6559330 [penalty assessment] in the [Withdrawal
    Order] #6559329 ‘closed file.’” J.A. 14. Westfall also claimed
    that “[t]he clear absence of the ‘Mine Citation/Order’ form
    from the Citation #6559330 [proposed penalty assessment]
    compounded the confusion.” J.A. 36. Due to the operator’s
    “mistake[s], Petitioner’s management never saw or reviewed
    Citation #6559330 and therefore was not in a position to or
    aware of the need to timely contest Citation #6559330.” J.A. 2.
    In further support of its motion, Westfall pointed to its
    “clear history of timely contesting MSHA citations” as
    evidence that it would have timely contested the citation “[i]f
    Petitioner’s management had been aware of Citation
    #6559330.” J.A. 4. It pointed to its immediate compliance with
    the withdrawal order and subsequent reforms to internal
    “procedures and protocol[s]” as indicative of its good faith.
    J.A. 5. And it explained that its lack of familiarity with MSHA
    enforcement procedures contributed to its staff’s “inadvertent
    and mistaken interpretation and treatment of [Withdrawal
    Order] #6559329 and Citation #6559330.” J.A. 5.
    In response to Westfall’s motion, the Secretary argued that
    the “extraordinary remedy” of reopening should not be granted.
    The Secretary contended that Westfall’s Rule 60(b)(1) motion
    alleging “mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable
    neglect,” should have been raised “not more than one year after
    final judgment.” J.A. 19-20, 22-25. In response, Westfall
    disavowed any claim for relief under Rule 60(b)(1) and instead
    rested on the catch-all language of Rule 60(b)(6) (which
    provides that a motion to reopen may be granted for “any other
    reason justifying relief”). J.A. 48. The operator reiterated the
    claim that its “failure to be aware of [and respond to] the
    assessment at an earlier date was a direct result of the confusing
    language and the presentation of the initial citation[.]” J.A. 49.
    In 2022, a two-member Commission majority dismissed
    Westfall’s motion to reopen as moot and effectively vacated
    the contested final order. It ignored Westfall’s actual
    allegations and found instead that the operator had “claim[ed]
    not to have received a written citation for the [penalty]
    assessment.” J.A. 53. The majority cited nothing in the record
    to support this assertion. The majority also concluded that the
    Secretary did not provide evidence that Citation No. 6559330
    existed and therefore concluded that it could not “find that the
    assessment for violation No. 6559330 ever became a final
    Commission order” from which relief could be granted. J.A.
    53. In support of its decision, the majority cited one case,
    Dittrich Mechanical and Fabrication, Inc., 
    32 FMSHRC 1599
    (2010), in which the Commission held that “if the Secretary
    fails to provide [evidence of a properly issued citation],” then
    the Commission “cannot find that the assessment was ever
    effective.” J.A. 52 (citation and internal quotation marks
    The dissenting member of the Commission objected to the
    majority’s disposition of the case because, in his view, “the
    record establishes that a citation was validly issued pursuant to
    section 104(a) of the Mine Act, there is a final order, and the
    motion to reopen was filed out of time.” J.A. 57. The dissent
    also pointed out that this case “is readily distinguishable from
    Dittrich” because “Westfall concedes that it received a citation
    in writing from MSHA.” J.A. 55.
    The Secretary now petitions for review of the
    Commission’s decision. For the reasons explained below, we
    grant the Secretary’s petition, reverse the decision of the
    Commission, and remand the case for further proceedings.
    A. Standard of Review
    The Secretary filed a petition for review with this court on
    May 23, 2022, within 30 days of the Commission’s order, as
    required by the Mine Act. 
    30 U.S.C. § 816
    (b). This court has
    jurisdiction to review the final order of the Commission. 
    “Upon such filing, the court . . . shall have the power to make
    and enter upon the pleadings, testimony, and proceedings set
    forth in such record a decree affirming, modifying, or setting
    aside, in whole or in part, the order of the Commission and
    enforcing the same to the extent that such order is affirmed or
     § 816(a)(1); see also id. § 816(b) (“[T]he
    provisions of subsection (a) shall govern [petitions for review
    filed by the Secretary] to the extent applicable.”).
    The Mine Act states that, “[e]xcept as otherwise
    provided[,] . . . sections 551 to 559 and sections 701 to 706 of
    [the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”), 
    5 U.S.C. §§ 551
    559, 701-706] shall not apply to [Commission orders], or to
    any proceeding for the review thereof.” 
    30 U.S.C. § 956
    . The
    standards controlling judicial review of Commission orders are
    therefore governed by the Mine Act and general administrative
    law principles. See Sec’y of Lab. v. Twentymile Coal Co., 
    456 F.3d 151
    , 159 (D.C. Cir. 2006) (“[T]he fact that § 701(a)(2) [of
    the APA] itself is inapplicable does not mean that the principles
    underlying it are also inapplicable.”); see also KenAmerican
    Res., Inc. v. United States Sec’y of Lab., 
    33 F.4th 884
    , 888 (6th
    Cir. 2022).
    “We review the factual findings of the Commission to
    ascertain if they are supported by substantial evidence; we
    review questions of law de novo; and we review the ALJ’s
    evidentiary rulings for an abuse of discretion.” Mach Mining,
    LLC v. Sec’y of Lab., MSHA, 
    728 F.3d 643
    , 659 (7th Cir. 2013)
    (internal citations omitted). “The findings of the Commission
    with respect to questions of fact, if supported by substantial
    evidence on the record considered as a whole, shall be
    30 U.S.C. § 816
    (a)(1); see Marshall Cnty. Coal
    Co. v. FMSHRC, 
    923 F.3d 192
    , 201 (D.C. Cir. 2019);
    Cumberland Coal Res., LP v. FMSHRC, 
    717 F.3d 1020
    , 1028
    (D.C. Cir. 2013); Sec’y of Lab. v. Keystone Coal Mining Corp.,
    151 F.3d 1096
    , 1104 (D.C. Cir. 1998). “Substantial evidence is
    determined by evaluating whether there is such relevant
    evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
    support the [Commission’s] conclusion.” Nat’l Cement Co. v.
    27 F.3d 526
    , 530 (11th Cir. 1994) (quoting Chaney
    Creek Coal Corp. v. FMSHRC, 
    866 F.2d 1424
    , 1431 (D.C. Cir.
    1989) (internal quotation marks omitted)). “Substantial
    evidence requires more than a scintilla but less than a
    preponderance.” Plateau Mining Corp. v. FMSHRC, 
    519 F.3d 1176
    , 1194 (10th Cir. 2008) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Although the APA does not apply in judicial review of
    Commission orders, we are nonetheless guided by general
    administrative law principles in reviewing the Commission’s
    orders for abuse of discretion. Noranda Alumina, LLC v. Perez,
    841 F.3d 661
    , 664 (5th Cir. 2016). For example, as the Fifth
    Circuit pointed out in Noranda Alumina, “[i]n both judicial and
    administrative contexts, courts review denials of motions to
    reopen for abuse of discretion.” 
     And this court has made it
    clear that the Commission is bound by the principles of
    reasoned decision-making when adjudicating cases before it.
    See Leeco, Inc. v. Hays, 
    965 F.2d 1081
    , 1085 (D.C. Cir. 1992)
    (“It is especially important in cases where the [Commission]
    has taken a sharp turn from prior holdings that its actions be
    supported by reasoned decision-making.”). Thus, we have
    found that the Commission abused its discretion by departing
    from its own precedent without explanation. See Lone
    Mountain Processing, Inc. v. Sec’y of Lab., 
    709 F.3d 1161
    1163 (D.C. Cir. 2013).
    It is also clear that a party may challenge an adverse order
    issued against it if it did not have a “full and fair opportunity to
    litigate” an important issue in an agency adjudication. See, e.g.,
    First Nat’l Bank of Gordon v. Dep’t of Treasury, Off. of
    Comptroller of Currency, 
    911 F.2d 57
    , 62 (8th Cir. 1990).
    When an agency has failed to consider “conspicuous issues”
    that were before it, its failure “raises doubts about whether the
    agency appreciated the scope of its discretion or exercised that
    discretion in a reasonable manner.” Dep’t of Homeland Sec. v.
    Regents of the Univ. of Cal., 
    140 S. Ct. 1891
    , 1916 (2020). In
    such situations, the appropriate recourse is to remand the case
    to the agency “so that it may consider the problem anew.” 
    B. The Commission Erred in Deciding This Case on
    Grounds That Were Never Raised or Litigated by
    the Parties
    As a rule, “we rely on the parties to frame the issues for
    decision” because “[o]ur adversary system is designed around
    the premise that the parties know what is best for them[.]”
    Greenlaw v. United States, 
    554 U.S. 237
    , 243-44 (2008)
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). Furthermore,
    “[i]t is a basic tenet of administrative law that each party to a
    formal adjudication must have a full and fair opportunity to
    litigate the issues to be decided by the agency.” Trident
    Seafoods, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    101 F.3d 111
    , 116 (D.C. Cir. 1996).
    In this case, the Commission clearly ignored the facts and
    arguments presented by Westfall. Instead, it sua sponte
    purported to resolve this case on grounds that were not raised
    or litigated by the parties and pursuant to findings not
    supported by the record. This is the antithesis of reasoned
    decision-making. See Fred Meyer Stores, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    865 F.3d 630
    , 638 (D.C. Cir. 2017) (“Having carefully examined
    both the Board’s findings and its reasoning, we conclude the
    Board’s opinion is more disingenuous than dispositive; it
    evidences a complete failure to reasonably reflect upon the
    information contained in the record and grapple with contrary
    evidence—disregarding entirely the need for reasoned
    decisionmaking.”); see also Nat’l Mining Ass’n v. Dep’t of
    292 F.3d 849
    , 871 (D.C. Cir. 2002) (reasoned decision-
    making requires consideration of relevant evidence in the
    The Commission majority opinion says that Westfall
    “claim[ed] not to have received a written citation for the
    [penalty] assessment.” J.A. 53. There is nothing in the record
    to support this assertion. Rather, the record indicates that
    Westfall claimed that “excusable neglect, mistake,
    inadvertence, and other good causes” justified reopening this
    matter eight years after the disputed citation was deemed a final
    order of the Commission. J.A. 1. As discussed above, Westfall
    argued that its failure to raise a timely challenge was due to a
    “perfect storm of unintended and unfortunate events” resulting
    from its own staff’s confusion and filing errors. J.A. 2, 5. In
    other words, the operator argued only that its failure to file a
    timely challenge should be excused – not that it had never
    received a citation.
    What is worse is that the Commission never put the parties
    on notice that there was any issue regarding whether Westfall
    “claim[ed] not to have received a written citation.” As a result,
    the parties never litigated this matter in the adjudication before
    the Commission. Indeed, the Secretary has made it clear to this
    court that had he been on notice that “the question of the
    issuance of Citation 6559330 was before the Commission,” he
    “would have attached it to his response[.]” Petitioner’s Br. 42-
    43. He has done so here. See 
     add. C. And in reviewing the
    relevant materials, we have no doubt that the record supports
    the Secretary, not the Commission.
    Not only did the Commission attribute to Westfall a claim
    that the operator never made, but it failed to address claims that
    Westfall did make in support of its motion to reopen. Westfall’s
    motion may or may not have merit. This remains to be seen.
    What is clear here, however, is that the Commission erred in
    holding that the operator’s request to reopen was “moot.” J.A.
    53. We amplify this point below.
    C. The Commission’s Decision Finds No Support in the
    Record or in Any Applicable Precedent
    As explained above, the Commission’s decision relies on
    an unfounded assumption that Westfall claimed not to have
    received a written citation for the special assessment. Not only
    did Westfall not make the claim attributed to it by the
    Commission, but there is also nothing in evidence submitted by
    the parties to support the Commission’s decision. This error
    completely distorted the Commission’s judgment. What the
    record shows is that Westfall claimed only that its
    “management never saw or reviewed Citation #6559330”;
    however, the operator readily conceded that its “office staff
    received Citation #6559330[.]” J.A. 2 (emphasis added).
    The simple point here is that there can be no reasoned
    decision-making when an agency relies on findings that are not
    supported by the record. See Dep’t of Com. v. New York, 
    139 S. Ct. 2551
    , 2575-76 (2019) (affirming “remand[] to the
    agency” where “the evidence tells a story that does not match
    the explanation” given by the agency); FERC v. Elec. Power
    Supply Ass’n, 
    577 U.S. 260
    , 295 (2016) (a reasoned decision is
    one that rests on “adequate support in the record”); Prairie
    State Generating Co. LLC v. Sec’y of Lab., MSHA, 
    792 F.3d 82
    , 94 (D.C. Cir. 2015) (review must be “limited to assessing
    the record that was actually before the agency” (quoting Ass’n
    of Private Sector Colls. & Univs. v. Duncan, 
    681 F.3d 427
    , 441
    (D.C. Cir. 2012))); Gilbert v. FMSHRC, 
    866 F.2d 1433
    , 1440,
    1443 (D.C. Cir. 1989) (remanding where the court could find
    no basis in the record to support the Commission’s judgment).
    In this same vein, the Commission’s finding that the
    Secretary “failed to provide sufficient evidence of a citation,”
    J.A. 53, is baseless. The citation was absent from the case
    record not because it was not delivered to Westfall, but because
    no party believed it was at issue in the adjudication before the
    Commission. As already discussed, the record is replete with
    references to the citation, and the Secretary attached it to his
    briefings before this court. Petitioner’s Br. add. C. And it is of
    no moment that the citation was absent from “MSHA’s special
    assessment.” J.A. 53. The law is clear that MSHA is not
    obligated to include a copy of its citations in its penalty
    assessments, see 
    29 C.F.R. § 2700.25
    30 C.F.R. § 100.7
    (a), so
    it does not matter that the citation was absent from MSHA’s
    special assessment. As the dissent points out, what matters here
    is that “Westfall unambiguously concedes that it received a
    copy of Citation No. 6559330 in writing[.]” J.A. 54.
    In an effort to bolster its disposition, the majority opinion
    cites Dittrich, 
    32 FMSHRC 1599
    . According to the majority,
    Dittrich makes it clear that “if an operator claims not to have
    received a written citation, . . . the Secretary must provide
    evidence that such a citation had been issued. And if the
    Secretary fails to provide such evidence, the Commission
    ‘cannot find that the assessment was ever effective.’” J.A. 52
    (quoting Dittrich, 32 FMSHRC at 1600). In Dittrich, the
    operator argued that “it never received a copy of the . . .
    citations that [were] the subject of the proposed penalty
    assessment at issue.” 32 FMSHRC at 1599. However, Westfall
    has made no such claim in this case. Additionally, as the
    dissenting opinion aptly explains, the decision in Dittrich is
    plainly distinguishable from this case on every other score:
    Westfall concedes that it received a citation in
    writing from MSHA[.] . . . Additionally, the record also
    contains a copy of Order No. 6559329 which states that
    “Citation N[O]. 6559330 is being issued in conjunction
    with this order.” Westfall Ex. B [J.A. 12]. The order
    and citation were issued after a[] MSHA inspector
    observed a crane operating at the mine without service
    brakes. Id.; Westfall Ex. A[] [J.A. 11].
    Furthermore, this proceeding, unlike Dittrich,
    involves the issuance of a specially assessed penalty.
    Typically, the Secretary of Labor proposes civil
    penalties     pursuant    to     his  regulations    at
    30 C.F.R. § 100.3
    . If the Secretary determines that
    conditions warrant a specially assessed penalty, he
    may waive the regular assessment process.
    30 C.F.R. § 100.5
    [a]. For special assessments, “[a]ll
    findings shall be in narrative form.” 
    30 C.F.R. § 100.5
    (b). The Secretary’s narrative findings for the
    citation and special assessment received by Westfall in
    this proceeding contain all the information that MSHA
    is required to provide according to section 104(a),
    30 U.S.C. [§] 814(a), of the Mine Act. . . . Thus, the
    record demonstrates that the Secretary’s section 104(a)
    obligations were fully satisfied.
    In Dittrich, the only evidence that a citation had
    been issued was a print-out from MSHA’s website. 32
    FMSHRC at 1601. The Commission found that
    “internal MSHA documentation regarding the
    violations” does not evidence that the citations were
    issued to the operator. Dittrich, 32 FMSHRC at 1600,
    1600 n.1. Here, of course, the operator concedes that it
    was issued the narrative findings for a specially
    assessed penalty. Westfall Ex. A [] [J.A. 11]. My
    colleagues wrongly assert that the special assessment
    is “an internal MSHA document.” Slip op. at 3. [J.A.
    53.] The record reflects not only that the document was
    issued to Westfall as required by 
    30 C.F.R. § 100.5
    , but
    also that it was received and signed for by Westfall.
    Westfall Ex. A [] [J.A. 11, 28-30].
    J.A. 55-57. We agree with the dissenting opinion’s analysis of
    Dittrich and with the distinctions drawn between that case and
    this one.
    Considering the record before us, the Secretary’s petition
    for review must be granted. The Commission dismissed
    Westfall’s motion to reopen as moot after concluding that there
    was no final order in this case. There is no substantial evidence
    or legitimate legal basis to justify this conclusion. We therefore
    reverse the Commission’s decision. The record plainly shows
    that, after receiving proper notice, Westfall failed to timely
    contest the Citation No. 6559330 proposed penalty assessment.
    As a result, the penalty assessment was deemed a final order of
    the Commission in August 2011. It was not until eight years
    after the disputed penalty assessment was deemed a final order
    that Westfall filed a motion with the Commission to reopen the
    matter. It is unclear whether Westfall’s motion has merit; it is
    quite clear, however, that it is not moot.
    The issue before the Commission was whether to grant or
    deny Westfall’s motion to reopen filed nearly a decade after the
    special assessment was deemed a final order. The Commission
    has never addressed this issue. The matter is live and will
    remain so until the Commission considers the motion on its
    merits and addresses the issues raised by Westfall and the
    Secretary. We therefore remand the case so that Westfall’s
    motion can be properly adjudicated before the Commission.
    D. The Case Will Be Remanded to the Commission for
    Review and Proper Disposition
    Both parties have suggested that the court should resolve
    this dispute on the merits. See Petitioner’s Reply Br. 17;
    Respondent’s Br. 47. We decline the invitation. The
    Commission has the authority and responsibility to consider a
    matter such as this in the first instance, see
    29 C.F.R. § 2700.1
    (b); Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(1), (6), subject to
    judicial review, 
    30 U.S.C. § 816
    . There is nothing for the court
    to review with respect to any disposition of Westfall’s motion
    to reopen because the Commission has yet to address the merits
    of the matter as required by the Mine Act and the applicable
    In addressing motions to reopen, the Commission has
    explained “that default is a harsh remedy and that, if the
    defaulting party can make a showing of good cause for a failure
    to timely respond, the case may be reopened and appropriate
    proceedings on the merits permitted.” Sec’y of Lab., MSHA v.
    Copenhaver Constr., Inc., 
    43 FMSHRC 113
    , 113 (2021).
    Factors considered include: whether “the operator acted at all
    times in good faith and without any purpose of evasion or
    delay,” Sec’y of Lab., MSHA v. Lone Mountain Processing,
    35 FMSHRC 3342
    , 3346 (2013); “whether errors were
    within the operator’s control,” id.; whether the errors “reflect
    indifference, inattention, inadequate or unreliable office
    procedures or general carelessness,” Sec’y of Lab., MSHA v.
    Noranda Alumina, LLC, 
    39 FMSHRC 441
    , 443 (2017)
    (internal quotation marks omitted); whether “the error resulted
    from mistakes that the operator typically does not make,” id.;
    and whether “procedures to prevent, identify and correct such
    mistakes have been adopted or changed, as appropriate.” 
    While the Commission’s “good cause” test is flexible, it is
    by no means lenient. The Commission has strictly observed the
    one-year time limit relating to Rule 60(b) motions and
    narrowly interpreted the “reasonable time” constraint imposed
    by Rule 60(c). See, e.g., Wayne J. Sand & Gravel Inc. v. Sec’y
    of Lab., MSHA, 
    43 FMSHRC 386
    , 387 (2021) (denying a
    motion filed more than 16 months after the issuance of a default
    order); Sec’y of Lab., MSHA v. Highland Mining Co., 
    31 FMSHRC 1313
    , 1316-17 (2009) (only motions to reopen filed
    within thirty days are “presumptively considered as having
    been filed within a reasonable time”). And it has rejected
    motions to reopen where petitioners cite flaws with their own
    internal processes for managing citations. See Lone Mountain
    Processing, Inc., 35 FMSHRC at 3346 (“We have repeatedly
    and unequivocally held that a failure to contest a proposed
    assessment as a result of an inadequate or unreliable internal
    processing system does not establish grounds for reopening an
    assessment”); Sec’y of Lab., MSHA v. Moose Lake Aggregates,
    34 FMSHRC 1
    , 2 (2012) (“[I]t is the operator’s
    responsibility to make sure that its employees receiving
    mail . . . are properly instructed regarding the significance and
    correct processing of MSHA correspondence.”).
    In this case, the Commission did not conduct a multi-factor
    good cause analysis. Nor did it explain the extent to which the
    commands of Rule 60 are relevant in a case such as this. These
    are telling omissions given that the Commission has “much
    discretion” to apply the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure “so
    far as practicable.” Lone Mountain Processing, Inc., 
    709 F.3d at 1163
     (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). And
    the Commission failed to assess whether Westfall could
    “carr[y] the burden of establishing its entitlement to
    extraordinary relief.” Sec’y of Lab., MSHA v. Left Fork Mining
    Co., Inc., 
    31 FMSHRC 8
    , 11 (2009).
    We “cannot do [the Commission’s] work for it.” Children’s
    Hosp. & Research Ctr. of Oakland, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    793 F.3d 56
    59 (D.C. Cir. 2015). As the agency statutorily empowered to
    adjudicate a case of this sort, the Commission “can bring its
    expertise to bear upon the matter; it can evaluate the evidence;
    it can make an initial determination; and, in doing so, it can,
    through informed discussion and analysis, help a court later
    determine whether its decision exceeds the leeway that the law
    provides.” I.N.S. v. Orlando Ventura, 
    537 U.S. 12
    , 17 (2002).
    Therefore, remand is the appropriate recourse. Regents, 
    140 S. Ct. at 1916
    For the foregoing reasons, we grant the Secretary’s petition
    for review, reverse the Commission’s decision dismissing
    Westfall’s motion to reopen as moot, and remand the case for
    a prompt disposition of this matter consistent with this opinion.
    So ordered.

Document Info

Docket Number: 22-1088

Filed Date: 6/6/2023

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 6/6/2023

Authorities (20)

Plateau Mining Corp. v. Federal Mine Safety & Health Review ... , 519 F.3d 1176 ( 2008 )

Noranda Alumina, L.L.C. v. Fed Mine Sfty & Hlth Re , 841 F.3d 661 ( 2016 )

Am. Coal Co. v. Fed. Mine Safety & Health Review Comm'n & ... , 933 F.3d 723 ( 2019 )

First National Bank of Gordon v. Department of the Treasury,... , 911 F.2d 57 ( 1990 )

Mach Mining, LLC v. Secretary of Labor , 728 F.3d 643 ( 2013 )

John A. Gilbert v. Federal Mine Safety & Health Review ... , 866 F.2d 1433 ( 1989 )

Secretary of Labor v. Twentymile Coal Co. , 456 F.3d 151 ( 2006 )

Association of Private Sector Colleges & Universities v. ... , 681 F.3d 427 ( 2012 )

Leeco, Inc. v. Ricky Hays and Federal Mine Safety and ... , 965 F.2d 1081 ( 1992 )

Cumberland Coal Resources, LP v. Federal Mine Safety & ... , 717 F.3d 1020 ( 2013 )

Lone Mountain Processing, Inc. v. Secretary of Labor , 709 F.3d 1161 ( 2013 )

Trident Seafoods, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board , 101 F.3d 111 ( 1996 )

Prairie State Generating Com. v. Secretary of Labor , 792 F.3d 82 ( 2015 )

Children's Hosp. and Research v. NLRB , 793 F.3d 56 ( 2015 )

Fred Meyer Stores, Inc. v. NLRB , 865 F.3d 630 ( 2017 )

Immigration & Naturalization Service v. Ventura , 123 S. Ct. 353 ( 2002 )

Greenlaw v. United States , 128 S. Ct. 2559 ( 2008 )

Marshall County Coal Company v. MSHR , 923 F.3d 192 ( 2019 )

Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of Univ. of Cal. , 207 L. Ed. 2d 353 ( 2020 )

Department of Commerce v. New York , 204 L. Ed. 2d 978 ( 2019 )

View All Authorities »