Sunoco Partners Marketing v. U.S. Venture, Inc. ( 2022 )

  • Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 1   Filed: 04/29/2022
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    2020-1640, 2020-1641
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois in No. 1:15-cv-08178, Judge
    Rebecca R. Pallmeyer.
    Decided: April 29, 2022
    JOHN R. KEVILLE, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hamp-
    ton LLP, Houston, TX, argued for plaintiff-cross-appellant.
    Also represented by MICHAEL C. KRILL, MICHELLE
    REPLOGLE; RICHARD L. STANLEY, Law Office of Richard L.
    Stanley, Houston, TX.
    WILLIAM M. JAY, Goodwin Procter LLP, Washington,
    DC, argued for defendants-appellants. Also represented by
    DODD, Foley & Lardner LLP, Milwaukee, WI.
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62      Page: 2    Filed: 04/29/2022
    Before PROST, REYNA, and STOLL, Circuit Judges.
    PROST, Circuit Judge.
    U.S. Venture, Inc. and U.S. Oil Co., Inc. (collectively,
    “Venture”) appeal the judgment of the Northern District of
    Illinois that Venture infringed patents owned by Sunoco
    Partners Marketing & Terminals L.P. (“Sunoco”). Sunoco
    cross-appeals. As to Venture’s appeal, we first reverse the
    district court’s determination that the experimental-use
    doctrine insulates a subset of asserted patent claims from
    the on-sale bar, vacate the infringement judgment as to
    those claims, and remand for the district court to analyze
    the second prong of the on-sale bar. Second, we vacate the
    infringement judgment with respect to patent claims that
    we affirmed are invalid in a separate appeal. Third, we
    adopt the district court’s claim constructions and affirm its
    infringement judgment regarding two patent claims.
    Fourth, we vacate the district court’s decision to treble the
    damages award, remanding for further proceedings. On
    the cross-appeal, we affirm the district court’s decisions to
    deny lost-profits damages and to award a $2 million rea-
    sonable royalty.
    I. Butane Blending
    Gasoline producers blend butane into gasoline before
    selling it. They do that for at least two reasons: (1) butane
    makes gasoline more volatile, helping vehicles start more
    readily in colder temperatures, and (2) butane is cheaper
    than gasoline, so adding butane increases profitability. Ef-
    forts to achieve these benefits, however, are complicated by
    the need to comply with environmental regulations. Be-
    cause butane contributes to air pollution in warmer tem-
    peratures, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    (“EPA”) regulates the volatility of gasoline. Sunoco’s pa-
    tented technology seeks to maximize butane content while
    Case: 20-1640     Document: 62      Page: 3    Filed: 04/29/2022
    complying with these regulations, which vary depending on
    season and location.
    Gasoline distribution is a multi-stage process. At a re-
    finery, crude oil is refined into gasoline. After that, it goes
    through a pipeline to a storage facility called a tank farm,
    or terminal. There, it is dispensed from a “rack” into
    trucks, which deliver it to gas stations. While butane
    blending can be done anywhere along the line, doing it at
    the last possible point—the tank farm—lets producers
    maximize butane content based on the time of year and the
    gasoline’s destination. If, by contrast, producers blend “at
    refineries and in pipelines that serve several regions with
    varying [volatility] limits,” they “can add only the amount
    of butane permissible in the region with the strictest bu-
    tane regulations.” Sunoco Partners Mktg. & Terminals
    L.P. v. U.S. Venture, Inc., No. 15 C 8178, 
    2017 WL 1550188
    at *2 (N.D. Ill. Apr. 28, 2017) (“Claim Construction Op.”).
    Sunoco’s patents, accordingly, “describe a system and
    method for blending butane with the gasoline at a point
    close to the end of the distribution process: immediately be-
    fore being distributed to the tanker trucks that take gaso-
    line to consumer gas stations.” 
     That way, producers
    can “blend the maximum allowable butane into each batch
    based on where the truck is going and what month it is.”
    Id. at *1.
    II. Procedural History
    Sunoco sued Venture, alleging that its operation of bu-
    tane-blending systems infringed claims of U.S. Patent
    Nos. 7,032,629 (“the ’629 patent”), 6,679,302 (“the ’302 pa-
    tent”), 9,494,948 (“the ’948 patent”), and 9,606,548 (“the
    ’548 patent”). Venture counterclaimed that the asserted
    patents are not infringed, are invalid, and are unenforcea-
    ble. After construing the claims, the district court ruled on
    Case: 20-1640     Document: 62      Page: 4     Filed: 04/29/2022
    various summary judgment motions 1 and held a bench
    trial—ultimately awarding Sunoco $2 million in damages,
    which it trebled to $6 million. Sunoco P’ship Mktg. & Ter-
    minals L.P. v. U.S. Venture, Inc., 
    436 F. Supp. 3d 1099
    1107 (N.D. Ill. 2020) (“Post-Trial Op.”). Venture appeals.
    Sunoco cross-appeals.       We have jurisdiction under
    28 U.S.C. § 1295
    On appeal, Venture challenges the district court’s
    (I) rejection of its on-sale-bar defense, (II) determination
    that it infringed two patents we have since held invalid,
    (III) construction of two claim terms, and (IV) decision to
    enhance damages. On cross-appeal, Sunoco challenges the
    district court’s decision not to grant lost-profits damages
    and its reasonable-royalty award. We address each issue
    in turn.
    I. On-Sale Bar
    We first address Venture’s on-sale-bar defense. If suc-
    cessful, this defense would render invalid claim 2 of the
    ’629 patent and claims 2, 3, and 16 of the ’302 patent under
    the principle that “no person is entitled to patent an ‘inven-
    tion’ that has been ‘on sale’ more than one year before filing
    a patent application” (i.e., before the critical date). Pfaff v.
    Wells Elecs., Inc., 
    525 U.S. 55
    , 57 (1998) (quoting 
    35 U.S.C. § 102
    (b) (2006)2). To prevail, however, Venture needed to
    show that, before the critical date, Sunoco’s patented in-
    vention was both (1) “the subject of a commercial offer for
    1  Sunoco Partners Mktg. & Terminals L.P. v. U.S.
    Venture, Inc., 
    339 F. Supp. 3d 803
    , 822 (N.D. Ill. 2018)
    (“Summary Judgment Op.”); Sunoco Partners Mktg. & Ter-
    minals L.P. v. U.S. Venture, Inc., No. 15 C 8178, 
    2017 WL 4283946
    , at *10 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 27, 2017).
    2  This version of § 102 also applies here. Summary
    Judgment Op., 339 F. Supp. 3d at 816.
    Case: 20-1640     Document: 62     Page: 5    Filed: 04/29/2022
    sale” and (2) “ready for patenting.” Helsinn Healthcare
    S.A. v. Teva Pharms. USA, Inc., 
    139 S. Ct. 628
    , 630 (2019)
    (quoting Pfaff, 
    525 U.S. at 67
    ). And Venture had to “prove
    the facts underlying both prongs . . . by clear and convinc-
    ing evidence.” Allen Eng’g Corp. v. Bartell Indus., Inc.,
    299 F.3d 1336
    , 1352 (Fed. Cir. 2002).
    A patent owner like Sunoco can negate an on-sale bar
    by demonstrating that the sale occurred “primarily for pur-
    poses of experimentation.” 
     This experimental-use doc-
    trine draws a “distinction between inventions put to
    experimental use and products sold commercially,” in the
    interest of protecting both “the public’s right to retain
    knowledge already in the public domain and the inventor’s
    right to control whether and when he may patent his in-
    vention.” Pfaff, 
    525 U.S. at 64
    . As the Supreme Court
    explained long ago, inventors may delay patenting to en-
    gage in “bona fide effort[s] to bring his invention to perfec-
    tion, or to ascertain whether it will answer the purpose
    intended.” City of Elizabeth v. Am. Nicholson Pavement
    97 U.S. 126
    , 137 (1877). At the same time, “[a]ny at-
    tempt to use [the invention] for a profit[] and not by way of
    experiment” before the critical date will “deprive the inven-
    tor of his right to a patent.” 
     Otherwise, patent owners
    could “acquire[] an undue advantage over the public” by
    “preserv[ing] the[ir] monopoly . . . for a longer period than
    is allowed.” 
    From this framework, it follows that “[i]f there is ade-
    quate proof that a device was sold primarily for experimen-
    tation, the first prong of Pfaff would not be met and it
    would be unnecessary to consider” Pfaff’s second prong. Al-
    299 F.3d at 1353
    . That is how the district court pro-
    ceeded here. It denied summary judgment of invalidity
    because, in its view, Sunoco “demonstrated the requisite
    experimental intent.”        Summary Judgment Op.,
    339 F. Supp. 3d at 817. And it did so “on [that] basis alone,
    even though the parties also dispute[d] whether the inven-
    tion was ready for patenting.” Id. After trial, the district
    Case: 20-1640     Document: 62      Page: 6    Filed: 04/29/2022
    court “adhere[d] to its previous analysis,” again rejecting
    the defense. Post-Trial Op., 436 F. Supp. 3d at 1120.
    “Application of the on-sale bar . . . is ultimately a ques-
    tion of law that we review de novo.” Helsinn Healthcare
    S.A. v. Teva Pharms. USA, Inc., 
    855 F.3d 1356
    , 1363
    (Fed. Cir. 2017), aff’d, 
    139 S. Ct. 628
     (2019). “The factual
    findings underlying the district court’s conclusion are re-
    viewed for clear error.” 
     For the reasons below, we
    (A) reverse the district court’s determination that Ven-
    ture’s on-sale-bar defense is negated by the experimental-
    use doctrine and (B) remand for the district court to evalu-
    ate the ready-for-patenting prong of the on-sale bar.
    A. Commercial Sale
    Two days before February 9, 2000, the critical date, the
    inventors’ company, MCE Blending (“MCE”), offered to sell
    an automated butane-blending system to a company called
    Equilon Enterprise LLC (“Equilon”) and install it at Equi-
    lon’s terminal in Detroit. Summary Judgment Op.,
    339 F. Supp. 3d at 816. MCE offered this system “in con-
    sideration for” Equilon’s commitment to purchase at least
    500,000 barrels of butane from MCE over roughly five
    years. J.A. 9049. The district court decided that this trans-
    action occurred primarily for experimental, rather than
    commercial, purposes. Post-Trial Op., 436 F. Supp. 3d
    at 1120. We disagree.
    Whether the Equilon transaction was for primarily ex-
    perimental or commercial purposes “is a question of law to
    be analyzed based on the totality of the surrounding cir-
    cumstances.” Petrolite Corp. v. Baker Hughes Inc., 
    96 F.3d 1423
    , 1426 (Fed. Cir. 1996). We assess the Equilon sale
    “under the law of contracts as generally understood,” focus-
    ing on “those activities that would be understood to be com-
    mercial sales and offers for sale ‘in the commercial
    community.’” Meds. Co. v. Hospira, Inc., 
    827 F.3d 1363
    1373 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (en banc) (quoting Grp. One, Ltd. v.
    Hallmark Cards, Inc., 
    254 F.3d 1041
    , 1046 (Fed. Cir.
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 7    Filed: 04/29/2022
    2001)). Accordingly, we begin by analyzing the Equilon
    agreement. The agreement begins by expressly describing
    the transaction as a sale, without reference to any experi-
    mental purpose. And as “consideration,” it identifies “the
    purchase” of butane:
    MCE agrees to sell to Equilon, and Equilon agrees
    to purchase, the Equipment (as hereinafter de-
    fined) along with a license to use certain technology
    and software owned by MCE pertaining to the com-
    puterized blending of Butane and gasoline stocks,
    in consideration for the purchase and sale of Butane
    as set forth herein.
    J.A. 9049 (emphases added). As the agreement later spec-
    ifies, Equilon “agree[d] to purchase a minimum of 500,000
    barrels of Butane.” J.A. 9060.
    The recitals section of the agreement reinforces the
    sale’s commercial character. It states that MCE already
    “developed” the relevant technology and equipment, that
    Equilon wanted to purchase it, and that MCE was willing
    to sell it, install it, and supply butane for it:
    Whereas MCE has developed certain technology
    and Equipment for the blending of butane and sim-
    ilar components into gasolines in refined product
    terminals utilizing butane to maximize the Reid
    Vapor Pressure of the gasolines;
    Whereas Equilon desires to utilize such blending
    technology and have installed and purchase such
    Equipment for blending butane in the refined pe-
    troleum products terminal facility owned and oper-
    ated by Equilon in Detroit, Michigan (the
    “Terminal”); and
    Whereas MCE is willing to install or cause to have
    installed said blending Equipment and to supply
    the butane to Equilon required for such blending at
    the Terminal.
    Case: 20-1640     Document: 62     Page: 8    Filed: 04/29/2022
    J.A. 9049 (emphases added).
    This agreement in some respects resembles a contract
    we analyzed in Helsinn, in which a distributor “agreed to
    purchase exclusively from Helsinn, and Helsinn agreed to
    supply [its] requirements” of certain drugs. 855 F.3d
    at 1361. Similarly here, the Equilon agreement bears “all
    the hallmarks of a commercial contract for sale.” Id.
    at 1364. As in Helsinn, it represents “a ‘contract between
    parties to give and to pass rights of property for considera-
    tion which the buyer pays or promises to pay the seller for
    the thing bought or sold.’” Id. (quoting Trading Techs. Int’l,
    Inc. v. eSpeed, Inc., 
    595 F.3d 1340
    , 1361 (Fed. Cir. 2010)).
    Specifically, the Equilon agreement obligated Equilon “to
    purchase a minimum of 500,000 barrels of butane from
    MCE at set prices over roughly five years” in exchange for
    MCE providing and installing the butane-blending system.
    Summary Judgment Op., 339 F. Supp. 3d at 816.
    Additionally, as in Helsinn, there is here “no sugges-
    tion” that the agreement “did not involve transfer of title.”
    855 F.3d at 1364. Rather “it expressly contemplate[s] it.”
    Id. Ownership of MCE’s system would pass to Equilon via
    a bill of sale attached to the agreement:
    The ownership and title to the Equipment shall be
    conveyed to Equilon by MCE upon completion of the
    Equipment installation and training, as verified by
    written confirmation to Equilon, and subject to the
    provisions below. At such time, MCE shall execute
    a bill of sale in the form attach[ed] hereto as Sched-
    ule 1.04 to effectuate the conveyance of ownership of
    the Equipment to Equilon.
    J.A. 9051 (emphases added); see also J.A. 9076 (bill of sale).
    The district court saw things differently. In its view,
    “the contract did not require Equilon to pay MCE anything
    in exchange for the system in the normal course of events.”
    Summary Judgment Op., 339 F. Supp. 3d at 818; see also
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 9    Filed: 04/29/2022
    Cross-Appellant’s Br. 26 (asserting that “Equilon paid
    nothing for” the system). But while it is true that the
    agreement allocated the cost of installation to MCE (up to
    $450,000), Summary Judgment Op., 339 F. Supp. 3d
    at 818, that does not mean Equilon “exchanged no value for
    the equipment it received,” Appellants’ Br. 34. Rather,
    Equilon purchased MCE’s equipment by committing to buy
    MCE’s butane. That’s a sale. See Netscape Commc’ns
    Corp. v. Konrad, 
    295 F.3d 1315
    , 1324–25 (Fed. Cir. 2002)
    (concluding that an offer to make a “remote database object
    . . . in exchange for four months full time employment or no
    more than $48,000” was a “commercial offer for sale”).
    The district court discounted Equilon’s butane-buying
    commitment because “butane is not the invention.” Sum-
    mary Judgment Op., 339 F. Supp. 3d. at 820. According to
    the district court, the Equilon agreement had “two distinct
    sections,” one for “the installation of the butane blending
    system” and another that was a “butane supply agree-
    ment.” Id. at 821. But the provisions quoted above inter-
    twine the sale of the equipment with the butane-supply
    commitment. Indeed, without Equilon’s agreement to buy
    butane in exchange for the equipment, it could hardly be
    called a “sale”—but that is how the agreement describes
    itself. Moreover, other provisions expressly interrelate the
    cost of the blending system with Equilon’s purchase of bu-
    tane. Under one scenario, if there is a “change in applica-
    ble laws and regulations” resulting in “the inability to
    lawfully blend Butane into gasoline at the Terminal using
    the Equipment” but Equilon “has not purchased” a “mini-
    mum [of] 450,000 barrels” of butane, the agreement pro-
    vides Equilon the option to “(1) purchase the balance of
    450,000 barrels of Butane minus the Butane theretofore
    purchased . . . , or (2) pay a termination fee (representing
    the balance of the purchase price of the Equipment) to be
    invoiced by MCE, based on a percentage of the contract Bu-
    tane quantities not lifted.” J.A. 9065–66.
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62      Page: 10    Filed: 04/29/2022
    Sunoco’s principal hook for asserting a primarily exper-
    imental purpose is a section of the agreement entitled
    “Equipment Testing.” J.A. 9056–57. That section de-
    scribes two sets of testing: pre-installation testing and
    post-installation testing. But neither persuades us that
    this sale was primarily experimental, rather than commer-
    cial. First, the contract describes the pre-installation test-
    ing as follows:
    Prior to commencing installation of the Equipment,
    MCE shall conduct such testing of the Equipment
    as is necessary to determine whether the Equip-
    ment satisfies minimum operating standards es-
    tablished by MCE. In the event that MCE
    determines, as a result of such testing, for what-
    ever reason, that the Equipment does not satisfy
    minimum operating standards established by
    MCE, then MCE shall have the right to unilater-
    ally terminate this Agreement without any further
    obligation whatsoever, except that MCE shall be
    obligated to remove at its cost and expense any
    Equipment theretofore installed at the Terminal.
    J.A. 9056. This provision does not necessarily evidence in-
    tent to experiment with the system’s design. Rather, it
    states MCE’s obligation to ensure that “the Equipment sat-
    isfies minimum operating standards,” J.A. 9056—which in-
    dicates merely that the sale was conditioned upon testing
    to ensure satisfactory operation. Accordingly, this provi-
    sion standing alone is inconclusive and insufficient to show
    a primarily experimental purpose.
    The testing that actually happened pursuant to this
    provision, however, bears out that this pre-installation
    testing does not indicate a primarily experimental purpose.
    While Sunoco argues that MCE wanted “to experiment at
    an actual tank farm and determine whether their idea was
    capable of performing its intended purpose in its intended
    environment,” Summary Judgment Op., 339 F. Supp. 3d
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 11    Filed: 04/29/2022
    at 817, and that it therefore entered the agreement “for ac-
    cess to Equilon’s facility to test under actual conditions,”
    Cross-Appellant’s Br. 28, the pre-installation testing that
    occurred did not need to be done at Equilon. Oral Arg.
    at 31:02–10,           No. 20-1640,         https://oralargu-
    21.mp3 (Sunoco’s Counsel: “[W]hen you’re talking about
    software and whether two pieces of equipment will com-
    municate, there’s no reason that has to be done at Equi-
    lon.”). Indeed, the testing was not done at Equilon. Rather,
    the only pre-installation testing that occurred (which was
    done to determine whether the system could communicate
    with a component called a Grabner analyzer) was done by
    a third party, Wheatland Systems, in Kansas. Summary
    Judgment Op., 339 F. Supp. 3d at 819. On top of that, it
    could have been done before or without the agreement.
    J.A. 6447–48 (Q: “[Y]ou could have done it at any time prior
    to you entering into the deal with Equilon in January of
    2000, right?” A: “Right.”). The need to perform this testing,
    therefore, cannot have been the primary purpose for the
    Equilon sale.
    And that is why Sunoco’s analogy to the Supreme
    Court’s seminal City of Elizabeth case falls flat. While “the
    nature of a street pavement,” the invention in that case, “is
    such that it cannot be experimented upon satisfactorily ex-
    cept on a highway, which is always public,” City of Eliza-
    beth, 97 U.S. at 134, Sunoco does not dispute that MCE’s
    pre-installation testing was conducted at Wheatland, and
    could have been performed before offering to sell the sys-
    tem, Oral Arg. at 30:28–50 (Q: “Why was that testing nec-
    essary to a contract for sale? . . . Why couldn’t it be done
    before there was any kind of offer for sale? A: “There’s no
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62      Page: 12    Filed: 04/29/2022
    reason, I guess, that it couldn’t have been—it was just part
    of the experimentation.”). 3
    The district court recognized that the pre-installation
    testing did not take place at Equilon, but it reasoned none-
    theless that this testing “reflect[ed] the inventors’ need to
    experiment with their invention to determine whether it
    would work as intended as of the moment they offered the
    system to Equilon.” Summary Judgment Op., 339 F. Supp.
    3d at 819. If the district court was reasoning that this test-
    ing sufficiently showed a primarily experimental purpose,
    we disagree, for the reasons articulated above. If the dis-
    trict court was instead considering “whether the invention
    was under development, subject to testing, or otherwise
    still in its experimental stage at the time of the asserted
    sale,” that is not the question Pfaff prong 1 asks. Allen,
    299 F.3d at 1354
    . “Instead,” it is “whether the primary
    purpose of the inventor at the time of the sale, as deter-
    mined from an objective evaluation of the facts surround-
    ing the transaction, was to conduct experimentation.” 
    Although we have “recogniz[ed] an overlap of the experi-
    mental use negation” and the prong 2 “ready for patenting
    standard,” Invitrogen Corp. v. Biocrest Mfg., L.P., 
    424 F.3d 1374
    , 1379–80 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (citing EZ Dock, Inc. v.
    Schafer Sys., Inc., 
    276 F.3d 1347
    , 1352 (Fed. Cir. 2002)),
    here we think the district court’s “still under development”
    observation regarding the Wheatland testing is better con-
    sidered at prong 2.
    3  For similar reasons, this testing is distinguishable
    from Honeywell International Inc. v. Universal Avionics
    Systems Corp., in which “Honeywell entered into . . . nego-
    tiations to facilitate its programs to test” its terrain warn-
    ing system with “human pilots in a genuine cockpit
    488 F.3d 982
    , 996 (Fed. Cir. 2007).
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 13    Filed: 04/29/2022
    The post-installation testing provision fares no better
    than the pre-installation testing provision. It states:
    Upon completion of installation of the Equipment,
    MCE shall provide Equilon with written notice of
    such completion. Within three (3) days of said no-
    tice, Equilon shall (i) make all necessary arrange-
    ments within the Terminal to enable MCE to test
    the Equipment to determine whether the Equip-
    ment is properly blending butane, and (ii) provide
    notification to MCE that said arrangements have
    been made. MCE shall test the Equipment accord-
    ing to parameters set forth in Schedule 1.10. MCE
    shall proceed with testing in a timely manner and
    have a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from
    the date of said notification by Equilon to complete
    its testing.
    J.A. 9057. These tests are not experiments, but are ac-
    ceptance tests to confirm that the equipment “is properly
    blending butane”—that is, that it is working as promised.
    E.g., J.A. 9051 (“MCE represents and warrants that upon
    transfer of title to the Equipment, the Equipment . . . will
    at such time be fit for the purpose of blending Butane into
    gasoline products in compliance with all applicable laws.”).
    That is borne out by Schedule 1.10, the cross-refer-
    enced portion of the agreement that contains the testing
    “parameters.” J.A. 9057. Starting from the top, Sched-
    ule 1.10 is entitled “System Site Acceptance Test (‘SAT’) –
    Equipment Testing Parameters.” J.A. 9078 (capitalization
    normalized). It then states: “MCE shall test the Equip-
    ment according to the following parameters and confirm
    the Equipment is performing in accordance with MCE’s
    representations, warranties, and guarantees.” J.A. 9078
    (emphases added). Next, it lists various parameters for
    MCE to “[v]erify” (e.g., “[v]erify communication cables are
    properly installed and functioning”), subdivided by head-
    ings like “Installation of Hardware,” “Electrical Wiring,”
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 14    Filed: 04/29/2022
    and “Hardware Functionality.” J.A. 9078. At the end,
    Schedule 1.10 says: “Once verified, [the] system must run
    twelve consecutive loads with an accuracy within +/- 2% of
    the desired [Reid Vapor Pressure] with no system-related
    alarm conditions.” J.A. 9078. As Venture points out, MCE
    and Sunoco used the same set of tests in later commercial
    contracts. 4 Compare J.A. 9057, with J.A. 8392, and
    J.A. 11396. Simply put, these are “acceptance tests” to
    “[v]erify” and “confirm” that the installed system func-
    tioned as MCE warranted. J.A. 9057. They are not “exper-
    iments” in the way the experimental-use doctrine
    contemplates. Thus, neither of the agreement’s two “equip-
    ment testing” provisions undermines our conclusion that
    the Equilon agreement, on its face, memorializes a com-
    mercial, bargained-for sale.
    Although Sunoco also relies on the inventors’ testimony
    that their intent was experimental, the district court
    properly recognized that “the inventors’ subjective intent is
    of minimal importance,” pivoting to “the objective evi-
    dence” of the contract.         Summary Judgment Op.,
    339 F. Supp. 3d at 818 (citing Petrolite, 
    96 F.3d at 1427
    We, too, think this testimony carries little weight. See
    Electromotive Div. of Gen. Motors Corp. v. Transp. Sys. Div.
    of Gen. Elec. Co., 
    417 F.3d 1203
    , 1212 (Fed. Cir. 2005)
    (“Certain things are settled. Significantly, an inventor’s
    subjective intent to experiment cannot establish that his
    activities are, in fact, experimental.”). Rather, we “have
    generally looked to objective evidence to show that a pre-
    critical date sale was primarily for experimentation.” 5 
    4   This point was not among the “key differences” the
    district court noted between the Equilon agreement and
    these later agreements. See Post-Trial Op., 436 F. Supp.
    3d at 1119–20.
    5    For example, we previously have set forth a list of
    objective factors relevant to deciding whether a public use
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62      Page: 15     Filed: 04/29/2022
    Here, particularly in view of the agreement’s provisions
    discussed above, the record contains little to no objective
    evidence indicating such a purpose.
    Thwarting “an inventor’s attempt to commercialize his
    invention beyond the statutory term” is the “overriding
    concern of the on-sale bar.” Atlanta Attachment Co. v. Leg-
    gett & Platt, Inc., 
    516 F.3d 1361
    , 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2008).
    Here, the testing described in the Equilon agreement oc-
    curred to effectuate the sale, rather than the sale occurring
    to occasion the testing. Therefore, we conclude that the
    Equilon agreement was an offer for sale made to commer-
    cially exploit the invention rather than primarily for exper-
    imental purposes. On that basis, we reverse the district
    court’s experimental-use determination and vacate its in-
    fringement determination with respect to ’629 patent
    claim 2 and ’302 patent claims 2, 3, and 16.
    or sale was “primarily experimental and not commercial”:
    (1) “the necessity for public testing,” (2) “the amount of con-
    trol over the experiment retained by the inventor,” (3) “the
    nature of the invention,” (4) “the length of the test period,”
    (5) “whether payment was made,” (6) “whether there was a
    secrecy obligation,” (7) “whether records of the experiment
    were kept,” (8) “who conducted the experiment,” (9) “the
    degree of commercial exploitation during testing,”
    (10) “whether the invention reasonably requires evaluation
    under actual conditions of use,” (11) “whether testing was
    systematically performed,” (12) “whether the inventor con-
    tinually monitored the invention during testing,” and
    (13) “the nature of the contacts made with potential cus-
    tomers.” Electromotive, 
    417 F.3d at 1213
    . “This list is not
    exhaustive, and all of the experimentation factors may not
    apply in a particular case.” 
    Case: 20-1640     Document: 62      Page: 16    Filed: 04/29/2022
    B. Ready for Patenting
    As prefaced above, our conclusion on experimental use
    does not necessarily render any asserted claims invalid.
    Venture still must show that the system sold anticipated
    or rendered obvious the claimed invention and that it was
    ready for patenting. Allen, 
    299 F.3d at 1352
    . The latter
    showing can be made in “at least two ways: by proof of re-
    duction to practice before the critical date[,] or by proof that
    prior to the critical date the inventor had prepared draw-
    ings or other descriptions of the invention that were suffi-
    ciently specific to enable a person skilled in the art to
    practice the invention.” Pfaff, 
    525 U.S. at
    67–68. Accord-
    ingly, we remand for the district court to assess these dis-
    puted questions in the first instance.
    II. Invalid Patent Claims
    The district court also held that Venture infringed
    ’948 patent claim 7 and ’548 patent claims 1–3 and 6. Post-
    Trial Op., 436 F. Supp. 3d at 1121–24. But the Patent Trial
    and Appeal Board subsequently determined that those
    claims (indeed, all claims of those patents) were unpatent-
    able—a decision we later affirmed. Sunoco Partners Mktg.
    & Terminals L.P. v. Magellan Midstream Partners L.P.,
    853 F. App’x 668 (Fed. Cir. 2021). Given that Sunoco was
    “afforded the opportunity to exhaust [its] remedy of ap-
    peal,” Venture “should not have to continue defending a
    suit for infringement of an adjudged invalid patent.” See
    XY, LLC v. Trans Ova Genetics, 
    890 F.3d 1282
    , 1294
    (Fed. Cir. 2018) (cleaned up). Therefore, we vacate the in-
    fringement judgment as to those invalid claims.
    III. Claim Construction
    We now consider Venture’s claim-construction chal-
    lenges for ’302 patent claims 16–17 and ’629 patent
    claim 31. Although we vacate the infringement judgment
    with respect to ’302 patent claim 16 based on the on-sale-
    bar issue, Venture represents that ’302 patent claim 17
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62    Page: 17     Filed: 04/29/2022
    and ’629 patent claim 31 are “unaffected” by that issue.
    Appellants’ Br. 43. We therefore turn to Venture’s argu-
    ments that the district court’s infringement determina-
    tions regarding those claims rest on claim-construction
    errors. “Claim terms are generally accorded their ordinary
    meaning—that is, their meaning to a skilled artisan at the
    time of the invention.” Intel Corp. v. Qualcomm Inc.,
    21 F.4th 784
    , 791 (Fed. Cir. 2021). “This approach ‘pro-
    vides an objective baseline’ for our inquiry.” 
    Phillips v. AWH Corp., 
    415 F.3d 1303
    , 1313 (Fed. Cir. 2005)
    (en banc)). “We review claim construction based on intrin-
    sic evidence de novo and review any findings of fact regard-
    ing extrinsic evidence for clear error.” SpeedTrack, Inc. v., Inc., 
    998 F.3d 1373
    , 1378 (Fed. Cir. 2021) (cit-
    ing Teva Pharms. USA, Inc. v. Sandoz, Inc., 
    574 U.S. 318
    331–32 (2015)). For the reasons set forth below, we affirm
    with respect to both patent claims.
    A. ’302 Patent Claim 17
    The disputed claim phrase of the ’302 patent appears in
    claim 14, on which claim 17 depends. We reproduce the
    relevant claim language below, including claims 12 and 13
    for context. Independent claim 12 recites:
    12. A method for blending gasoline and butane at a
    tank farm comprising:
    a) drawing a gasoline stream from a tank of gaso-
    b) drawing a butane stream from a tank of butane;
    c) blending the butane and gasoline streams, at the
    tank farm, to form a blend; and
    d) dispensing the blend to gasoline transport vehi-
    cles using a dispensing unit located at a rack.
    Dependent claim 13, in turn, adds that this method further
    comprises the following two steps:
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 18    Filed: 04/29/2022
    a) determining a blend ratio of butane and gasoline
    in the butane and gasoline streams that will yield
    a desired vapor pressure, and
    b) blending the gasoline and butane streams at the
    blend ratio.
    Claim 14 then adds the disputed phrase (emphasis added):
    14. The method of claim 13, wherein the blend ra-
    tio is determined from a vapor pressure of the gas-
    oline stream and a vapor pressure of the butane
    Claims 16 and 17 add further limitations.
    During Markman proceedings, Venture argued that
    the phrase “a vapor pressure of the butane stream” means
    “vapor pressure determined by a measurement taken from
    the butane stream.” Claim Construction Op., 
    2017 WL 1550188
    , at *16. Sunoco, for its part, argued that the
    phrase did not need construction—proposing instead that
    it be construed according to its plain and ordinary mean-
     At the time, Venture focused on arguing that var-
    ious “vapor pressure” measurements of the gasoline and
    butane streams must be taken at particular locations in the
     at *16–17. The district court concluded that
    the phrase needed no construction and observed that “the
    parties do not appear to dispute the meaning of ‘a vapor
    pressure’ as a property of the stream.” Id. at *17.
    Later, at summary judgment, Venture argued that cer-
    tain of the accused systems did not infringe claim 16 “be-
    cause they used only an ‘assumed’ butane vapor pressure
    rather than ‘an actual butane vapor pressure.’” Summary
    Judgment Op., 339 F. Supp. 3d at 832. The district court
    disagreed, concluding that “[c]laim 16 does not expressly
    require the determination of such an ‘actual’ butane vapor
    pressure.” Id. The court added also that Venture’s con-
    struction “makes little sense in light of claim 15, which re-
    cites steps for determining butane vapor pressure by
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 19    Filed: 04/29/2022
    ‘drawing a sample of butane from the butane stream’ and
    ‘measuring the vapor pressure of the sample of butane.’”
    Id. (quoting ’302 patent claim 15). In the district court’s
    view, Venture’s construction “would make claim 15 redun-
    dant.” Id.
    After trial, the district court determined that Venture
    infringed the disputed claim phrase because it “used a
    value for butane vapor pressure—either determined from
    a sampling of the butane stream or through the use of an
    assumed value.” Post-Trial Op., 436 F. Supp. 3d at 1124.
    The court acknowledged Venture’s contention that the ac-
    cused systems “did not infringe if they used only a butane
    vapor pressure value that was assumed or added to the pro-
    grams by a human operator.” Id. at 1125. But it again
    reasoned that “[t]he plain language . . . does not require
    that butane vapor pressure be determined by sampling the
    butane stream, as Venture’s own invalidity expert inter-
    preted the claim.” Id. (citing J.A. 7881). It also reiterated
    that “such an interpretation would render other claims su-
    perfluous.” Id.
    Now, on appeal, the parties once again disagree
    whether the phrase “vapor pressure of the butane stream”
    requires an actual vapor-pressure measurement, as Ven-
    ture argued, or also covers an assumed vapor-pressure
    value, as Sunoco contends. We agree with the district
    court. The plain language of “a vapor pressure of the bu-
    tane stream” does not expressly require an actual measure-
    ment. Thus, the plain claim language strongly suggests
    that there is no measurement requirement. This is bol-
    stered by the construction of Venture’s invalidity expert.
    Indeed, as the district court observed, that is how Venture’s
    invalidity expert interpreted the phrase. J.A. 7881 (Q: “So
    in your invalidity analysis, determining a blend ratio from
    a vapor pressure of the gasoline stream and a vapor pres-
    sure of the butane stream can be done using known or as-
    sumed vapor pressure for the gasoline and the butane?”
    A: “Yes, that could be done.”).
    Case: 20-1640     Document: 62     Page: 20    Filed: 04/29/2022
    Venture argues that actual measurement is required
    because of the following passage in the patent specification:
    To calculate the blend ratio one must first have
    knowledge of the respective vapor pressures of the
    gasoline and butane streams. Therefore, the vapor
    pressures of the gasoline and butane streams are
    preferably measured in order to generate the data
    used in the blending ratio calculation. The meas-
    urement can be carried out in a number of ways.
    Because of the variability in[ ]vapor pressure of
    gasoline (due to the varying composition of gasoline
    delivered through pipelines) and butane (due to the
    difference in vapor pressure of n-butane and isobu-
    tane), the vapor pressure is preferably measured
    directly, by a unit specifically designed to make
    such measurements from samples of gasoline and
    ’302 patent col. 7 ll. 19–30. But this passage says merely
    that the vapor pressures “are preferably measured,” ex-
    pressing a preference but not a mandatory requirement for
    how to obtain “knowledge of the respective vapor pres-
    sures.” Id. at col. 7 ll. 19–20 (emphasis added). Ultimately,
    we see nothing in this specification passage (or anywhere
    else) that justifies limiting the claim to actual measure-
    ments. We therefore adopt the district court’s claim con-
    struction and affirm its judgment that Venture infringed
    ’302 patent claim 17.
    B. ’629 Patent Claim 31
    The parties also dispute the proper construction of
    ’629 patent claim 31, which recites (emphasis added):
    31. A computer-implemented method for blending
    a butane stream and a gasoline stream comprising
    the steps of:
    receiving a first measurement indicating a vapor
    pressure of the gasoline stream;
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 21    Filed: 04/29/2022
    calculating a blend rate at which the butane stream
    can be blended with the gasoline stream;
    transmitting an instruction to a programmable
    logic controller for adjusting the butane stream to
    the calculated blend rate for blending with the gas-
    oline stream and distributing at a rack; and
    receiving a second measurement indicating a vapor
    pressure of the blended gasoline stream and bu-
    tane stream.
    Specifically, the parties disagree on whether the re-
    ceived “first measurement” must be used in “calculating”
    the blend rate. Venture maintained that certain of its sys-
    tems do not infringe because “they collected the vapor pres-
    sure of unblended gasoline only for recordkeeping
    purposes” rather than using the measurement in the step
    of calculating a blend rate. Post-Trial Op., 436 F. Supp. 3d
    at 1126. The district court, however, concluded that
    “claim 31 does not require that the measurement actually
    be used to calculate the ratio.” Id. And although Venture
    argued that interpreting the preamble as limiting, as the
    district court did, “requires the court to conclude that the
    measurement must be used as part of the blending,” the
    court observed that “merely using the value for recordkeep-
    ing purposes is consistent with” the limiting preamble. Id.
    We agree with the district court’s ultimate conclusion.
    First, the plain language of the “receiving” step does not
    state that the first measurement must be used in the blend-
    rate calculation. Rather, it just requires “receiving a first
    measurement indicating a vapor pressure of the gasoline
    stream” without specifying the measurement’s ultimate
    purpose. Similarly, the “calculating” step does not specify
    that the calculation is based on the received first measure-
    ment. Simply put, the claim language does not tie these
    two steps together. Although it is true, as Venture notes,
    that the claim recites “no other means to calculate how
    much butane to add,” Appellants’ Br. 48, Sunoco correctly
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62      Page: 22     Filed: 04/29/2022
    notes that this is a “comprising” claim and therefore may
    cover unclaimed elements, e.g., Invitrogen Corp. v. Biocrest
    Mfg., L.P., 
    327 F.3d 1364
    , 1368 (Fed. Cir. 2003). Addition-
    ally, even if the preamble is limiting, it does not require a
    different result because using the measurement for record-
    keeping purposes can, in the context of this patent, be con-
    sidered part of the method described in the preamble. As
    the district court noted, this follows from dependent
    claims 32 and 33, which incorporate the preamble and
    specify a recordkeeping step: “generating a report that in-
    cludes the ‘first measurement.’”            Post-Trial Op.,
    436 F. Supp. 3d at 1126 (quoting ’629 patent claims 32
    & 33). Accordingly, we adopt the district court’s claim con-
    struction and affirm its judgment that Venture infringed
    ’629 patent claim 31.
    IV. Enhanced Damages
    Venture also challenges the district court’s decision to
    enhance damages. District courts enjoy discretion to “in-
    crease the damages up to three times the amount found or
    35 U.S.C. § 284
    . As the Supreme Court ex-
    plained, “[t]he sort of conduct warranting enhanced dam-
    ages has been variously described . . . as willful, wanton,
    malicious, bad-faith, deliberate, consciously wrongful, fla-
    grant, or—indeed—characteristic of a pirate.” Halo Elecs.,
    Inc. v. Pulse Elecs., Inc., 
    579 U.S. 93
    , 103–04 (2016). Stated
    differently, “such damages are generally reserved for egre-
    gious cases of culpable behavior.” Id. at 104.
    We have set forth the following factors to guide the en-
    hancement analysis: (1) whether the infringer deliberately
    copied the ideas or design of another, (2) whether the in-
    fringer investigated the scope of the patent and formed a
    good-faith belief that it was invalid or that it was not in-
    fringed, (3) the infringer’s behavior as a party to the litiga-
    tion, (4) the defendant’s size and financial condition, (5) the
    closeness of the case, (6) the duration of defendant’s mis-
    conduct, (7) remedial action by the defendant, (8) the
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62      Page: 23    Filed: 04/29/2022
    defendant’s motivation for harm, and (9) whether the de-
    fendant attempted to conceal its misconduct. Read Corp.
    v. Portec, Inc., 
    970 F.2d 816
    , 827 (Fed. Cir. 1992), abrogated
    in part on other grounds by Markman v. Westview Instru-
    ments, Inc., 
    517 U.S. 370
     (1996). These factors are nonex-
    clusive, and district courts are not required to discuss
    them. Presidio Components, Inc. v. Am. Tech. Ceramics
    875 F.3d 1369
    , 1382–83 (Fed. Cir. 2017). Rather,
    they must “consider the particular circumstances of the
    case.” Id. at 1383. We review “whether enhanced damages
    are appropriate” for abuse of discretion. Halo, 579 U.S.
    at 107.
    Although the district court noted that “several” of the
    factors “weigh in Venture’s favor,” Post-Trial Op.,
    436 F. Supp. 3d at 1131, it nonetheless enhanced dam-
    ages—for four reasons. First, the court noted “it appears
    that Venture effectively copied the [patented] system.” Id.
    at 1132. Second, the court concluded that an “opinion let-
    ter provided to Venture by attorney John Manion [‘Manion
    Opinion’],” on which Venture relied, “does not show that
    Venture had a good-faith belief that it was not infringing
    the patents.” Id. at 1133. Third, the court determined that
    “Venture’s litigation conduct,” which it described as “less-
    than-ideal,” “favors enhanced damages.” Id. at 1134–35.
    Last, the court expressed that “Venture’s expansion of its
    butane[-]blending business after this litigation began is
    troublesome.” Id. at 1135. We conclude that the district
    court abused its discretion in enhancing damages, based on
    a clear factual error in the district court’s treatment of the
    Manion Opinion—a ground that impacts its other enhance-
    ment grounds.
    “[A]n accused infringer’s reliance on an opinion of coun-
    sel regarding noninfringement or invalidity of the asserted
    patent remains relevant to the infringer’s state of mind
    post-Halo.” Omega Pats., LLC v. CalAmp Corp., 
    920 F.3d 1337
    , 1353 (Fed. Cir. 2019). But an opinion of counsel like
    the Manion Opinion “must be competent or it is of little
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 24    Filed: 04/29/2022
    value in showing the good faith belief of the infringer.” Co-
    mark Commc’ns, Inc. v. Harris Corp., 
    156 F.3d 1182
    , 1191
    (Fed. Cir. 1998) (internal quotation marks omitted). Thus,
    before considering “the exculpatory value of an opinion of
    counsel, the legal advice contained therein must be found
    on the totality of the circumstances to be competent such
    that the client was reasonable in relying upon it.” 
    Here, although the district court concluded that the Man-
    ion Opinion “does not show that Venture had a good-faith
    belief that it was not infringing the patents” and that
    Sunoco “established that critical premises of the [opinion]
    letter were flawed,” Post-Trial Op., 436 F. Supp. 3d
    at 1133, the court made a clear factual error along the way,
    as explained below.
    Manion’s noninfringement opinion relied on the fact
    that Venture’s system inserted an intermediate tank be-
    tween the blending unit and the rack (i.e., the location
    where gas is dispensed to trucks). Id. Noting that the pa-
    tent examiner described the patented invention as “blend-
    ing and dispensing . . . at a rack,” Manion opined that
    “[b]ecause the unblended gasoline in [Venture’s] system
    does not come from a tank and because the blended gaso-
    line is dispensed to a tank, these claims are not infringed.”
    J.A. 8273. A key reason the court discounted that opinion
    was its view that Manion did not know the blended gaso-
    line in Venture’s system could still flow immediately from
    the intermediate tank to the rack where it would be dis-
    pensed. Post-Trial Op., 436 F. Supp. 3d at 1133 (“At trial,
    Manion testified that he was unaware of Venture’s design
    for the blend to flow immediately from a tank to a truck
    rack.”). But as Venture demonstrates, Manion’s testimony
    makes clear that he did indeed understand this point. E.g.,
    J.A. 7467 (“As an engineer, I realized that there was prod-
    uct flowing in to the tank and there’s product flowing out
    of the tank, and it’s conceivable that that could be happen-
    ing simultaneously.”); J.A. 7473 (“[A]gain, the proposed
    system was blending to a tank; and as we talked about
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62      Page: 25     Filed: 04/29/2022
    before, you know, it’s very common for you to be filling a
    tank and emptying a tank at the same time. There’s noth-
    ing that says you can’t drain a tank while you’re filling a
    tank. . . . So, it’s very normal to be filling and dispensing
    at the same time.”). The district court disregarded that tes-
    timony because of other testimony that it saw as indicating
    that Manion “had never heard of the type of tank that Ven-
    ture used between the blending instrument and rack.”
    Post-Trial Op., 436 F. Supp. 3d at 1134. But the record
    shows that Manion was merely confused by an unfamiliar
    term—“online rack tank”—that Sunoco’s attorney was us-
    ing. E.g., J.A. 7459 (“I’m sorry, you said an online rack
    tank? . . . . I don’t know what an online rack tank is. . . . I
    would have to figure out what that means.”); J.A. 7468
    (“Like I said previously, I’d never heard of an online rack
    This error also undermines other grounds the district
    court relied on for enhancement. Specifically, Venture’s
    culpability (if any) for copying, as well as for its business
    expansion, depends in part on whether it had a good-faith
    belief that it was not infringing, which relates to the com-
    petence of the Manion Opinion. And although the district
    court’s finding regarding litigation conduct is not similarly
    tied to its Manion-Opinion findings, acts of litigation mis-
    conduct standing alone “are not sufficient for an increased
    damages award . . . because they are not related to the un-
    derlying act of infringement and say nothing about the cul-
    pability of the infringer.” Jurgens v. CBK, Ltd., 
    80 F.3d 1566
    , 1570–71 (Fed. Cir. 1996) (“Only a culpable infringer
    can be held liable for increased damages, not an innocent
    one.”); see also i4i Ltd. P’ship v. Microsoft Corp., 
    598 F.3d 831
    , 859 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (“[I]t would have been improper
    to enhance damages based solely on litigation miscon-
    duct . . . .”), aff’d, 
    564 U.S. 91
     (2011). As the Supreme
    Court explained in Halo, “[a]wards of enhanced damages
    . . . are not to be meted out in a typical infringement case,
    but are instead designed as a ‘punitive’ or ‘vindictive’
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 26    Filed: 04/29/2022
    sanction for egregious infringement behavior.” 579 U.S.
    at 103 (emphasis added). Accordingly, because the district
    court’s enhancement “is based on clearly erroneous find-
    ings of fact,” it amounts to an abuse of discretion. Cybor
    Corp. v. FAS Techs., Inc., 
    138 F.3d 1448
    , 1460 (Fed. Cir.
    1998) (en banc), abrogated on other grounds by Teva
    Pharms. USA, Inc. v. Sandoz, Inc., 
    789 F.3d 1335
     (Fed. Cir.
    2015). We therefore vacate the district court’s enhance-
    ment determination and remand for the district court to
    reassess enhancement.
    V. Cross-Appeal
    On cross-appeal, Sunoco challenges (A) the district
    court’s decision to deny lost-profits damages and (B) its
    reasonable-royalty award. We review the damages award,
    including the decision whether to grant lost profits, for
    clear error. Golden Blount, Inc. v. Robert H. Peterson Co.,
    438 F.3d 1354
    , 1372 (Fed. Cir. 2006). Because we discern
    no clear error in the district court’s decision to deny lost
    profits or its reasonable-royalty calculation, we affirm
    those aspects of the judgment.
    A. Lost-Profits Damages
    First, we address Sunoco’s argument that the district
    court should have granted lost-profits damages. “When a
    patentee proves it would have made additional sales but
    for a defendant’s infringement, the patentee is entitled to
    be made whole for the profits it proves it lost.” Mentor
    Graphics Corp. v. EVE-USA, Inc., 
    851 F.3d 1275
    , 1284
    (Fed. Cir. 2017). More specifically, “a patentee is entitled
    to lost[-]profit damages if it can establish four things:
    (1) demand for the patented product; (2) absence of ac-
    ceptable non-infringing alternatives; (3) manufacturing
    and marketing capability to exploit the demand; and
    (4) the amount of profit it would have made.” 
     at 1285
    (citing Panduit Corp. v. Stahlin Bros. Fibre Works,
    575 F.2d 1152
    , 1156 (6th Cir. 1978)).
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62      Page: 27     Filed: 04/29/2022
    At the district court, the parties focused on factor (2),
    contesting whether Venture’s accused system, if modified
    to be manually operated, was an available and acceptable
    non-infringing alternative. Post-Trial Op., 436 F. Supp. 3d
    at 1127–28. Although the court answered in the negative,
    it nonetheless declined to award lost profits—concluding
    that Sunoco had failed to prove factor (4), the amount of
    profit it would have made. On this factor, Sunoco had ar-
    gued it was entitled to $31.585 million, “the amount that
    Sunoco would have received, had Venture signed a bu-
    tane[-]supply agreement with Sunoco and the two parties
    split the resulting profits fifty-fifty.” Id. at 1128. The dis-
    trict court rejected this theory on the ground that butane-
    supply agreements do not accurately reflect the value of the
    patented invention—since “neither butane nor blended
    gasoline is the patented invention.” Id.
    That was not clear error. As Venture points out, the
    butane-supply agreements reflect a bundle of goods and
    services beyond just the patented invention—e.g., the pur-
    chase and sale of butane, equipment maintenance and
    monitoring, and a license to more than just the patented
    technology. Appellants’ Reply Br. 11–13 (discussing the
    particulars of agreements appearing at J.A. 11217–500).
    This means Sunoco’s “$31.585 million figure represents
    more than just the damage Sunoco incurred from Venture’s
    infringement” and “do[es] not translate into the value of
    the patent.” Post-Trial Op., 436 F. Supp. 3d at 1128. None
    of Sunoco’s arguments to the contrary leave us with “the
    definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been com-
    mitted.” United States v. U.S. Gypsum Co., 
    333 U.S. 364
    395 (1948). Rather, the reasons articulated by the district
    court satisfy us that it did not clearly err in denying lost
    profits. Accordingly, we decline to disturb the court’s deci-
    sion to deny lost-profits damages.
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62      Page: 28    Filed: 04/29/2022
    B. Reasonable Royalty
    Last, we turn to Sunoco’s challenge to the district
    court’s reasonable-royalty calculation. “The amount of
    damages determined by a district court is a question of fact
    that is reviewed for clear error on appeal, while the method
    used by a district court in reaching that determination is
    reviewed for an abuse of discretion.” Cybor, 
    138 F.3d at 1461
    . We discern no clear error or abuse of discretion in
    the reasonable-royalty award, as the district court rejected
    Sunoco’s reasonable-royalty analysis because it “suffers
    from the same flaw as [Sunoco’s] lost profits analysis: it re-
    lies in large part on a comparison with Sunoco’s butane
    supply agreements, which cover services beyond simply the
    value of the patents.” Post-Trial Op., 436 F. Supp. 3d
    at 1129. Venture’s reasonable-royalty analysis, in con-
    trast, was based on the difference between using a manual
    blending system and using Sunoco’s automated system to
    blend butane—calculating a $5.6 million royalty as the
    maximum royalty the parties would have hypothetically
    agreed upon. Id. The district court then credited the opin-
    ion of Venture’s expert that a more likely royalty would be
    a $2 million lump sum, and it checked that figure against
    a $1.714 million figure calculated from a prior license
    Sunoco granted to the previous owner of its patents, Texon,
    after buying Texon’s blending business. Id. at 1129–30.
    Because we see no clear error or abuse of discretion, we af-
    firm the reasonable-royalty award. 6
    6   Venture represents that damages would not need
    to be recalculated if we reject Sunoco’s arguments on cross-
    appeal (we do) and if Venture does not prevail on every ap-
    pealed issue regarding infringement and invalidity (it
    doesn’t). Oral Arg. at 1:40–2:53.
    Case: 20-1640    Document: 62     Page: 29    Filed: 04/29/2022
    We have considered the parties’ remaining arguments
    but find them unpersuasive. We vacate the district court’s
    infringement judgment with respect to ’629 patent claim 2
    and ’302 patent claims 2, 3, and 16, vacate its infringement
    judgment with respect to the ’948 and ’548 patents, adopt
    its claim constructions and affirm its infringement judg-
    ment with respect to ’302 patent claim 17 and ’629 patent
    claim 31, affirm its denial of lost-profits damages, and af-
    firm its reasonable-royalty analysis. Since we here affirm
    the judgment of infringement as to ’302 patent claim 17
    and ’629 patent claim 31, we affirm the $2 million royalty.
    The $2 million royalty is not subject to increase if the dis-
    trict court finds infringement of other claims. We remand
    for the district court to assess the ready-for-patenting
    prong of the on-sale-bar analysis and reassess enhance-
    ment for the reasons stated above and in light of the now
    restricted scope of infringement. The permanent injunc-
    tion entered by the district court is now expired due to the
    expiration of the patents and in any event should be va-
    cated except as to ’302 patent claim 17 and ’629 patent
    claim 31.
    The parties shall bear their own costs.

Document Info

Docket Number: 20-1640

Filed Date: 4/29/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 5/3/2022

Authorities (22)

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United States v. United States Gypsum Co. , 68 S. Ct. 525 ( 1948 )

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