Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. ( 2018 )

  •        NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    2015-2021, 2015-2022, 2015-2023, 2015-2024, 2015-2025,
    2015-2026, 2015-2028, 2015-2031, 2015-2033, 2015-2034,
    2015-2035, 2015-2041, 2015-2042, 2015-2046, 2015-2047,
    2015-2049, 2015-2059, 2015-2060, 2016-1025, 2016-1060,
    2016-1117, 2016-1118
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the
    Southern District of New York in Nos. 1:12-cv-08060-
    TPG-GWG, 1:12-cv-08115-TPG-GWG, 1:12-cv-08317-TPG-
    USA, INC.
    GWG,     1:12-cv-08985-TPG-GWG,      1:13-cv-00435-TPG-
    GWG, 1:13-cv-00436-TPG-GWG, 1:13-cv-03288-TPG, 1:13-
    cv-04343-TPG, 1:13-cv-08597-TPG, Senior Judge Thomas
    P. Griesa.
    Decided: May 16, 2018
    MARTIN JAY BLACK, Dechert LLP, Philadephia, PA,
    argued for plaintiff-cross-appellant Endo Pharmaceuticals
    Inc. Also represented by SHARON K. GAGLIARDI; BLAKE
    GREENE, Austin, TX; JONATHAN LOEB, Mountain View,
    CA; ROBERT RHOAD, Princeton, NJ.
    JOHN C. O’QUINN, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Washington,
    DC, argued for all defendants-appellants. Defendant-
    appellants Actavis Inc., Actavis South Atlantic LLC,
    Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. also represented by
    ERIC H. YECIES, Holland & Knight, LLP, New York, NY.
    CHARLES E. LIPSEY, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,
    Garrett & Dunner, LLP, Reston, VA, for plaintiff-cross-
    appellant Grunenthal GMBH.      Also represented by
    MCGEEHAN SOMMERS, Washington, DC.
    JACOB M. HOLDREITH, Robins Kaplan LLP, Minneap-
    olis, MN, for defendants-appellants Amneal Pharmaceuti-
    cals of New York, LLC, Amneal Pharmaceuticals, LLC.
    Also represented by BRENDA L. JOLY, JAMIE R. KURTZ;
    OREN D. LANGER, New York, NY.
    ELIZABETH HOLLAND, Goodwin Procter LLP, New
    York, NY, for defendants-appellants Barr Laboratories,
    USA, INC.
    Inc., Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. Also represented
    MAUREEN L. RURKA, Winston & Strawn LLP, Chicago,
    IL, for defendants-appellants Impax Laboratories, Inc.,
    Thorx Laboratories, Inc. Also represented by GEORGE C.
    WILLIAM R. ZIMMERMAN, Knobbe, Martens, Olson &
    Bear, LLP, Washington, DC, for defendants-appellants
    Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ranbaxy, Inc., Sun
    Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. Also represented by
    ALAN B. CLEMENT, Locke Lord LLP, New York, NY,
    for defendant-appellant Roxane Laboratories, Inc. Also
    represented by HUGH S. BALSAM, SCOTT B. FEDER, MYOKA
    KIM GOODIN, Chicago, IL.
    Before MOORE, BRYSON, and HUGHES, Circuit Judges.
    HUGHES, Circuit Judge.
    Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Grünenthal GmbH
    sued generic drug manufacturers under the Hatch-
    Waxman Act in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
    District of New York, alleging infringement of, among
    other patents, U.S. Patent Nos. 8,309,122 B2 and
    8,329,216 B2. 1 These patents relate to a controlled re-
    1    We grant the motions to voluntarily dismiss ap-
    peal nos. 15-2022, 15-2023, 15-2025, 15-2028, 15-2033, 15-
    2034, 15-2035, 15-2041, 15-2042, 15-2047, 15-2049, 15-
    2059, 15-2060, and 16-1118.
    Earlier, we granted Grünenthal’s motion to stay ap-
    peal nos. 15-2021, 15-2022, 15-2024, 15-2025, 15-2026, 15-
    USA, INC.
    lease formulation of the painkiller opioid oxymorphone.
    The generic drug manufacturers argued generally that
    the asserted patents’ claims were invalid or not infringed.
    The district court rejected those arguments and found all
    asserted claims of the ’122 and ’216 patents not invalid,
    and all but two asserted claims infringed. Because there
    is no reversible error in the district court’s findings, we
    Endo holds the approved new drug application for
    OPANA®ER, a controlled release formulation of the
    painkiller opioid oxymorphone. Endo also owns the ’122
    and ’216 patents, each reciting a controlled release formu-
    lation of oxymorphone suitable for twelve-hour dosing and
    claimed to cover OPANA®ER. 2
    2028, 15-2031, and 15-2033, pending action by the U.S.
    Food and Drug Administration related to Endo’s con-
    trolled release crush resistant formulation of the painkill-
    er opioid oxymorphone. Grünenthal now requests that we
    maintain the stay until 30 days after the pending FDA
    action has completed. We have granted Endo’s request to
    voluntarily dismiss its appeals, so Grünenthal’s request
    for a continued stay is applicable only as to appeal nos.
    15-2021, 15-2024, 15-2026, and 15-2031. Because the
    generic drug manufacturers party to those appeals repre-
    sent that they have withdrawn their abbreviated new
    drug applications, we exercise our discretion to lift the
    stay and dismiss appeal nos. 15-2021, 15-2024, 15-2026,
    and 15-2031, but do so without prejudice. We thus do not
    address Grünenthal’s arguments or its patents in this
    2    The two patents essentially have a common speci-
    fication. The ’122 patent issued from the U.S. Patent
    USA, INC.
    Generic manufacturers Amneal Pharmaceuticals of
    New York, LLC, Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC, Impax
    Laboratories, Inc., ThoRx Laboratories, Inc., Ranbaxy,
    Inc., Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Sun Pharmaceutical
    Industries, Ltd., and Roxane Laboratories, Inc. (collective-
    ly, Amneal) as well as Actavis Inc., Actavis South Atlantic
    LLC, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., Barr Laboratories,
    Inc., Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (collectively, Actavis)
    filed abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) with the
    U.S. Food and Drug Administration, seeking its approval
    to market generic versions of OPANA®ER. 3 Endo then
    sued them for infringement of the ’122 and ’216 patents,
    asserting four claims of the ’122 patent and sixteen claims
    of the ’216 patent during a consolidated bench trial.
    The asserted claims of the two patents generally re-
    cite the following categories of limitations:
    (1) A “dissolution” or “release rate” limitation, which
    describes the release of oxymorphone at a specified rate
    and is measured using the “USP Paddle Method at 50
    rpm in 500 ml media.” See, e.g., ’122 patent, col. 26 l. 59–
    col. 27 l. 7.
    (2) A pharmacokinetic limitation, which describes
    how OPANA®ER tablets affect the human body once
    Application No. 11/680,432. Unsurprisingly, both the ’432
    application and the ’216 patent trace priority to the same
    parent application. The ’432 application was also the
    subject of an earlier appeal here. See In re Huai-Hung
    639 F.3d 1057
    , 1061–63, 1065–70, 1074 (Fed. Cir.
    3   At the time the district court decided this case,
    the FDA had approved Actavis’s ANDA for a generic
    version of OPANA®ER, and Actavis had been actively
    marketing that generic.
    USA, INC.
    ingested—where the limitation can be further grouped
    into four broad subcategories:
    (a) an analgesic effect limitation, which provides that
    the tablet will provide pain relief for a certain duration;
    (b) a food effect limitation, which describes blood con-
    centration level of oxymorphone (recited in the patents as
    AUC(0-inf), area under the drug concentration-time curve
    from time zero hours to infinity, or as Cmax, maximum
    observed drug concentration) upon dosing of controlled
    release oxymorphone in fed versus fasting conditions (the
    effect refers to a patient’s physiological response to the
    drug after having eaten—a pronounced food effect means
    a patient experiences much higher concentrations of the
    active ingredient if he has recently eaten);
    (c) a detectable level limitation, which states that in-
    gesting the tablets claimed in the patents will produce
    detectable levels of oxymorphone and its metabolite 6-OH
    oxymorphone; and
    (d) a multiple peaks limitation, which describes when
    and how often patients’ blood will exhibit peak concentra-
    tions of oxymorphone and 6-OH oxymorphone (multiple
    peaks help prevent patients from building tolerance to the
    Claim 1 of the ’216 patent includes an analgesic effect
    limitation, a detectable level limitation, and a multiple
    peaks limitation:
    1. An oral controlled release oxymorphone formu-
    lation, comprising:
    a. about 5 mg to about 80 mg of oxymorphone or a
    pharmaceutically acceptable salt of oxymorphone;
    b. a hydrophilic material,
    USA, INC.
    wherein upon oral administration of the formula-
    tion to a subject in need of an analgesic effect:
    (i) the formulation provides detectable blood
    plasma levels of 6-OH oxymorphone and oxy-
    (ii) the blood plasma levels of 6-OH oxymorphone
    and oxymorphone peak within about 1 hour to
    about 8 hours after administration;
    (iii) the blood plasma levels of 6-OH oxymorphone
    and oxymorphone exhibit a ratio of area under the
    curve (AUC(0 to inf)) of blood plasma level versus
    time for 6-OH oxymorphone compared to oxy-
    morphone in a range of about 0.5 to about 1.5;
    (iv) the duration of the analgesic effect is through
    at least about 12 hours after administration; and
    (v) the blood plasma levels of oxymorphone exhibit
    two or three peaks within about 12 hours after
    ’216 patent, col. 26 ll. 35–55 (emphases added).
    Claim 38, a method claim from which the asserted
    claim 40 of the ’216 patent depends, exemplifies a dissolu-
    tion limitation and a Cmax-related food effect limitation:
    38. A method for treating pain in a human sub-
    ject in need of acute or chronic pain relief, com-
    prising the steps of:
    (a) Providing a solid oral dosage form comprising
    about 5 mg to about 80 mg oxymorphone or a
    pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof in a con-
    trolled release delivery system with a release rate
    profile designed to provide adequate blood plasma
    levels over at least 12 hours to provide sustained
    pain relief over this same period, wherein oxy-
    morphone is the sole active ingredient, and where-
    USA, INC.
    in upon placement of the composition in an in
    vitro dissolution test comprising USP Paddle
    Method at 50 rpm in 500 ml media having a pH of
    1.2 to 6.8 at 37°C., about 15% to about 50%, by
    weight, of the oxymorphone or salt thereof is re-
    leased from the tablet at about 1 hour in the test,
    about 45% to about 80%, by weight, of the oxy-
    morphone or salt thereof is released from the tablet
    at about 4 hours in the test, and at least about
    80%, by weight, of the oxymorphone or salt thereof
    is released from the tablet at about 10 hours in the
    test; and
    (b) administering a single dose of the dosage form
    to the subject, wherein the oxymorphone Cmax is at
    least 50% higher when the dosage form is admin-
    istered to the subject under fed versus fasted con-
    Id. at col.
    29 l. 49–col. 30 l. 5 (emphases added).
    Claim 40 of the ’216 patent depends from claim 38,
    and recites an AUC-related food effect limitation: “the
    difference in the oxymorphone area under the curve
    AUC(0-inf) between fed and fasted conditions is less than
    Id. at col.
    30 ll. 10–12 (emphasis added).
    Endo asserted claims 2–3 and 19–20 of the ’122 patent
    against all defendants. J.A. 18. Three of the four
    claims—claims 2–3 and 19—recite a dissolution limita-
    tion. Claim 20 recites a food effect limitation.
    Endo also asserted sixteen claims of the ’216 patent,
    claims 1, 22, 40, 42, 50, 54, 57, 62, 64, 71, 73–74, 78–80,
    and 82, but not all claims were asserted against all de-
    fendants. J.A. 28. Fifteen of the sixteen asserted claims
    recite dissolution limitations; claim 1 is the only asserted
    claim without a dissolution limitation. Claims 40, 42, 50,
    54, 78, 80, and 82 also recite food effect limitations.
    USA, INC.
    The district court concluded that the generic drug
    manufacturers failed to show that the asserted claims of
    the two patents are invalid. J.A. 128–29. Specifically, the
    court found that the asserted claims of the two patents
    are not invalid for obviousness; that the asserted claims
    with the dissolution limitations are not invalid for lack of
    written description; and that the asserted claims reciting
    the multiple peaks limitations are not invalid for indefi-
    niteness. The court also found that Endo carried its
    burden to show that defendants infringe or will infringe
    all but two of the asserted claims of the ’122 and ’216
    patents. J.A. 72–73. The court then issued a permanent
    injunction against Actavis’s manufacture, use, offer to
    sell, or sale of its generic version of OPANA®ER prior to
    the expiration of the ’122 and ’216 patents. J.A. 182.
    Both Amneal and Actavis appeal the district court’s
    conclusions on invalidity. Amneal also appeals the court’s
    infringement determination, and Actavis additionally
    challenges the permanent injunction against it. 4 We have
    jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1295(a)(1).
    Obviousness is a question of law that we review de
    novo, and we review any underlying factual questions for
    clear error. Honeywell Int’l, Inc. v. United States, 
    609 F.3d 1292
    , 1297 (Fed. Cir. 2010). “Whether a claim
    satisfies the written description requirement is a question
    4    Endo cross-appeals the district court’s determina-
    tion that the relief Endo requested under 35 U.S.C.
    § 271(e)(4) is not warranted. But Endo conceded at oral
    argument that its cross-appeal is conditional on our
    vacating the district court’s grant of a permanent injunc-
    tion. We affirm the district court in toto; thus, we need
    not reach Endo’s cross-appeal.
    USA, INC.
    of fact that, on appeal from a bench trial, we review for
    clear error.” Alcon Research Ltd. v. Barr Labs., Inc., 
    745 F.3d 1180
    , 1190 (Fed. Cir. 2014). Indefiniteness is a
    question of law that we review de novo, although any
    factual findings by the district court based on extrinsic
    evidence are reviewed for clear error. UltimatePointer,
    L.L.C. v. Nintendo Co., 
    816 F.3d 816
    , 826 (Fed. Cir. 2016).
    Infringement is a question of fact that we review for clear
    error. Alcon 
    Research, 745 F.3d at 1186
    . “The decision to
    grant or deny permanent injunctive relief is an act of
    equitable discretion by the district court, reviewable on
    appeal for abuse of discretion.”       eBay Inc. v. Mer-
    cExchange, L.L.C., 
    547 U.S. 388
    , 391 (2006).
    Appellants first argue that the district court erred in
    concluding that the asserted claims are not invalid as
    obvious. We disagree. Appellants fail to carry their
    burden to show, by clear and convincing evidence, that
    the asserted claims would have been obvious because,
    among other things, the prior art references in the record
    strongly discourage a controlled release formulation of
    opioids with low bioavailability, such as oxymorphone,
    and, more critically, do not suggest the dissolution and
    pharmacokinetic limitations recited in the asserted claims
    of the ’122 and ’216 patents.
    A claim is invalid if, at the time of invention, a person
    having ordinary skill in the art would have found the
    patented invention obvious in light of the prior art. See
    35 U.S.C. § 103; 5 KSR Int’l Co. v. Teleflex Inc., 
    550 U.S. 5
     Congress amended 35 U.S.C. § 103 in 2011 as part
    of the America Invents Act (AIA). See Leahy-Smith
    America Invents Act, Pub. L. No. 112-29, § 35, 125 Stat.
    84, 341 (2011). References to § 103 and other sections of
    Title 35 of the United States Code in this opinion refer to
    USA, INC.
    398, 415–16 (2007). A determination of obviousness is
    based on underlying factual findings, including what a
    prior art reference teaches, whether a person of ordinary
    skill in the art would have been motivated to combine
    references, and any relevant objective indicia of nonobvi-
    ousness. Apple Inc. v. Samsung Elecs. Co., 
    839 F.3d 1034
    1047–48, 1051 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (en banc). Patents are
    presumed to be valid and overcoming that presumption
    requires clear and convincing evidence. 35 U.S.C.
    § 282; Microsoft Corp. v. i4i Ltd. P’ship, 
    564 U.S. 91
    , 95
    Appellants argue that the district court failed to
    acknowledge that explicit disclosures in the prior art
    teach the use of oxymorphone in a controlled release
    formulation. They mainly rely on the following prior art
    references in the record:
    (1) Maloney, a published patent application that dis-
    closes controlled release opioid formulations. The refer-
    ence specifically discloses a dissolution profile for a
    controlled release formulation containing oxycodone, an
    opioid with markedly better bioavailability than oxy-
    morphone, and teaches that its dosage form provides a
    dissolution rate of 60–80% active agent released after 12
    hours. It also lists oxymorphone as a preferred opioid for
    use in its invention, alongside heroin, opium, and fenta-
    (2) Oshlack, a U.S. patent which teaches that “disso-
    lution time and . . . bioavailability . . . are two of the most
    significant fundamental characteristics for consideration
    when evaluating sustained-release compositions.” J.A.
    92. In describing suitable active ingredients, the refer-
    the pre-AIA version of the statute, the version that ap-
    plies here.
    USA, INC.
    ence includes opioid analgesics, listing 72 molecules
    including oxymorphone, heroin, opium, and fentanyl.
    (3) Penwest S-1, a registration statement on Form S-
    1 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
    in 1997 by Penwest Pharmaceuticals, which discloses that
    Penwest was co-developing controlled release oxy-
    morphone with Endo using Penwest’s TIMERx system.
    (4) Baichwal, a U.S. patent which teaches the use of
    the TIMERx system (the controlled release system Endo
    used in OPANA®ER) with a wide variety of active ingre-
    dients, including the analgesics aspirin, codeine, mor-
    phine, dihydromorphone, and oxycodone.
    (5) Cleary, a research article published in 2000 in the
    “Cancer Control” journal that discloses that oxymorphone
    was under development in “sustained-release” formula-
    Amneal contends that the court erred by finding that
    oxymorphone’s low bioavailability teaches away from
    attempting a controlled release formulation. Overwhelm-
    ing evidence at trial, however, supports that factual
    finding. Expert testimony showed that a skilled artisan
    would not have been motivated to select oxymorphone for
    use in a controlled release setting because of its “excep-
    tionally low bioavailability.” J.A. 98. As the district court
    noted, the Oshlack reference also taught that “bioavaila-
    bility is a significant, even crucial, factor in evaluating a
    drug’s suitability for placement in a controlled release
    vehicle.” J.A. 92. The court also observed that “[t]he
    notion that low-bioavailability drugs were considered
    unsuitable for extended-release formulation is reinforced
    by the fact that, until Endo’s development of OPANA®ER,
    there were remarkably few such examples.” J.A. 94. For
    example, the existence of another low-bioavailability
    drug, oxybutynin—a non-opioid analgesic, unlike oxy-
    morphone—which had previously been developed into a
    controlled release formulation, served to underscore “the
    USA, INC.
    fact that low bioavailability drugs were remarkably rare
    in controlled-release settings.” J.A. 95. Indeed, “its total
    absence from the expert reports of both sides, impressed
    on the court that low-bioavailability drugs were, at the
    time of the invention, perceived as unsuited for develop-
    ment into controlled release forms.” 
    Id. Tellingly, Appel-
    lants’ own expert maintained the view that active
    ingredients with poor bioavailability would not be good
    candidates for controlled release dose forms. J.A. 2769.
    Appellants contend that the low bioavailability of ox-
    ymorphone could be addressed by increasing the dosage.
    The district court did not err in rejecting that argument.
    The court found, based on published research, that such
    an approach “risk[ed] toxicity.” J.A. 93. As such, one of
    ordinary skill in the art would have been strongly dis-
    couraged from using a low bioavailability opioid like
    oxymorphone as the main ingredient in a controlled
    release formulation versus viable candidates such as
    oxycodone with reasonably high bioavailability.         See
    Allergan, Inc. v. Sandoz Inc., 
    796 F.3d 1293
    , 1305 (Fed.
    Cir. 2015) (explaining that the prior art teaches away
    when “a person of ordinary skill, upon reading the refer-
    ence, would be discouraged from following the path set
    out in the reference, or would be led in a direction diver-
    gent from the path that was taken by the applicant”
    (quoting In re Gurley, 
    27 F.3d 551
    , 553 (Fed. Cir. 1994))).
    Relatedly, a skilled artisan would not have had a reason-
    able expectation that beneficial results could be achieved
    using a controlled release formulation of oxymorphone.
    Cf. In re Merck & Co., Inc., 
    800 F.2d 1091
    , 1097 (Fed. Cir.
    1986) (concluding that obviousness does not require
    absolute predictability, only a reasonable expectation that
    the beneficial result will be achieved).
    Oxymorphone’s inclusion in Maloney’s and Oshlack’s
    lists of candidate molecules does not alter this conclusion.
    Those lists mention oxymorphone among a vast number of
    other molecules, including drugs such as heroin, opium,
    USA, INC.
    and fentanyl, so the district court doubted that the lists
    would be taken seriously as indicating suitability for
    controlled release treatment. J.A. 96–98. The court
    noted, for example, that fentanyl was widely understood
    as suitable only for transdermal, not oral, delivery. J.A.
    96–97. Given that context, the district court reasonably
    found that a skilled artisan would not have viewed oxy-
    morphone as suitable for a controlled release setting.
    Moreover, neither Penwest S-1 nor Cleary discloses any
    technical details, such as dosing interval or twelve-hour
    efficacy, for achieving the claimed inventions. J.A. 3144–
    45. Accordingly, a person of ordinary skill, upon reading
    those references, would have been strongly discouraged
    from using oxymorphone in a controlled release setting.
    The district court did not clearly err in finding that the
    references taught away from the claimed invention.
    Actavis argues next that claim 1 of the ’216 patent,
    which does not recite a dissolution limitation, claims no
    more than the combination of a known drug (oxy-
    morphone) with a known controlled release platform
    (TIMERx), and recites pharmacokinetic observations from
    the administration of the obvious combination. The
    district court properly rejected that argument by crediting
    expert testimony demonstrating that a comparison of two
    controlled release drugs using the same controlled release
    technology exhibits significantly different formulations.
    J.A. 101–02; J.A. 3117–19. Although Actavis offered its
    own expert testimony, the district court found Endo’s
    expert testimony more persuasive. We will not disturb
    the court’s weighing of the evidence.
    We also reject the argument that the district court
    erred in finding that no prior reference of record teaches
    the dissolution limitations. The Endo patents express the
    measurement of dissolution profile for controlled release
    oxymorphone using the USP Paddle Method at 50 rpm.
    See ’122 patent, col. 25 l. 57. But the prior art references
    produced at trial measured dissolution in a different
    USA, INC.
    manner. Maloney, for instance, measured dissolution of
    controlled release oxycodone using the USP Basket Meth-
    od at 100 rpm. See J.A. 103. Oshlack measured dissolu-
    tion using the USP Paddle Method, but did so at twice the
    speed, at 100 rpm, and in nearly twice the aqueous buffer
    (900 ml compared to Endo’s 500 ml of media). See 
    id. As the
    district court found, a person of ordinary skill in the
    art would not have expected a correlation between results
    obtained using the Paddle and Basket methods at differ-
    ent speeds because a significant body of art shows no such
    relationship. J.A. 104–07. In light of that finding and
    because there was no way to equate the results obtained
    from the different testing methods, a person of ordinary
    skill in the art would not have been able to extrapolate
    the dissolution limitations claimed in the ’122 and ’216
    patents from the prior art.
    Appellants argue further that the district court erred
    by giving patentable weight to the pharmacokinetic
    limitations inherent to the formulations disclosed by the
    prior art. 6 The district court found that none of the prior
    6     Amneal relatedly asserts that the court legally
    erred by ignoring our relevant precedent in Kao in which,
    according to Amneal, we examined the Maloney reference
    and held, among other things, that the pharmacokinetic
    limitations are “inherent” properties of oxymorphone that
    add “nothing of patentable consequence.” Kao is inappo-
    site for two reasons. First, as an appeal from the Board of
    Patent Appeals and Interferences (BPAI), Kao involved a
    less fulsome record and a different evidentiary burden for
    showing obviousness. Second, the portion Amneal refer-
    ences in support of its argument pertains to a different
    application, not the ’432 application that issued as the
    ’122 patent. Indeed, Amneal glosses over our discussion
    in Kao that addressed the BPAI’s factual findings related
    to the ’432 application. The BPAI had found claims of the
    USA, INC.
    art references in the record discloses the analgesic effec-
    tiveness of oxymorphone over a twelve-hour period; the
    claimed food effect limitations; the multiple peaks in
    blood concentration levels exhibited by controlled release
    oxymorphone over a twelve-hour period; or the detectable
    level limitations of the Endo patents. J.A. 113–15.
    By arguing that the pharmacokinetic properties are
    inherent in the controlled release formulation, Appellants
    put the cart before the horse: Endo does not claim any
    controlled release oxymorphone dosage for administration
    that results in the observed pharmacokinetic properties
    upon administration; it instead claims only those specific
    controlled release oxymorphone dosages that are config-
    ured to result in the observed pharmacokinetic properties
    upon administration. In other words, Endo does not claim
    any controlled release configuration of oxymorphone
    dosage, rather only those which have been specifically
    calibrated to produce the pharmacokinetic properties
    recited in the claims—excluding those that do not exhibit
    such properties. See also J.A. 111–12. Because the prior
    art did not give any indication to a person of ordinary skill
    that oxymorphone could have been developed into a
    controlled release formulation providing effective analge-
    ’432 application reciting dissolution limitations obvious in
    light of Maloney. See 
    Kao, 639 F.3d at 1061
    –63. We
    vacated and remanded, holding that the BPAI’s factual
    findings in pertinent parts were unsupported by substan-
    tial evidence. 
    Id. at 1065–70,
    1074. On remand, the
    BPAI found the claims reciting dissolution limitations not
    invalid as obvious, reasoning that “the Examiner ha[d]
    not provided evidence or sound technical reasoning suffi-
    cient to show that the prior art would have directed those
    skilled in the art to a composition having the claimed
    dissolution rate.” Ex Parte Huai-Hung Kao, 
    2012 WL 3307358
    , at *4 (B.P.A.I. Aug. 9, 2012). The ’432 applica-
    tion then issued as the ’122 patent.
    USA, INC.
    sia over a twelve-hour period, the pharmacokinetic limita-
    tions were neither “necessarily . . . present” nor “the
    natural result of the combination of elements explicitly
    disclosed by the prior art.” PAR Pharm., Inc. v. TWI
    Pharm., Inc., 
    773 F.3d 1186
    , 1195–96 (Fed. Cir. 2014).
    For instance, Maloney teaches the analgesic effectiveness
    of a different molecule, oxycodone, but gave no indication
    of oxycodone’s dosing interval. J.A. 97. It also does not
    indicate the dosing interval of sustained release oxy-
    Id. Indeed, the
    inventor of the invention
    disclosed in Maloney herself acknowledged that her
    patent “application provides no clinical evidence that the
    formulations described in the application could be used to
    deliver oxymorphone in a manner sufficient to provide 12
    hours of analgesia.” J.A. 8926. The same is true of the
    other prior art references, which show dissolution, and in
    some instances sustained analgesia, for molecules other
    than oxymorphone.        J.A. 114 (citing Oshlack and
    Baichwal, among other references).
    Nor do any of the prior art references disclose the
    claimed food effect limitations. The district court noted
    that defendants made no attempt at trial to show some
    teaching in the prior art of the food effect of controlled
    release oxymorphone. J.A. 109. Indeed, Appellants fail to
    identify any prior art that discloses developing oxy-
    morphone into a controlled release formulation based on
    the claimed AUC and Cmax values under fed and fasted
    conditions. As the district court aptly noted,
    oxymorphone, when administered in an immedi-
    ate release formulation, produces a total blood
    concentration (AUC) of 30% under fed conditions.
    This is considerably higher than the food effect of
    controlled release oxymorphone, which when tak-
    en under fed conditions produces total blood con-
    centration (AUC) of 20%. If the food effect of
    oxymorphone was merely a result of natural pro-
    cesses, then one would expect the same total blood
    USA, INC.
    concentration (AUC) after eating for both the im-
    mediate release and controlled release formula-
    J.A. 109–10 (citations omitted).
    The district court also relied on secondary considera-
    tions, which “strongly indicate[d]” the non-obviousness of
    the invention. J.A. 129. Endo’s expert on commercial
    success established that OPANA®ER achieved tremen-
    dous sales growth since its launch. J.A. 120–21. The
    expert also demonstrated a clear nexus between the
    asserted claims of the two patents and the market success
    of OPANA®ER. See, e.g., J.A. 2438–39. It was undisputed
    that OPANA®ER embodied the asserted claims.
    Endo’s expert on long-felt need separately testified
    that the medical community had long sought to effectively
    combat chronic pain, but the numerous immediate release
    opioids on the market had a short duration of effective-
    ness and often involved inconvenient routes of admin-
    istration. J.A. 121, 1354–55, 1369. Moreover, after Endo
    demonstrated significant growth in sales and prescrip-
    tions, other companies decided to develop their own
    controlled release oxymorphone products. J.A. 2419.
    On balance, Appellants fail to carry their burden to
    show, by clear and convincing evidence, that claims
    reciting the dissolution and pharmacokinetic limitations
    are fairly suggested by any prior art of record or combina-
    tion thereof. The district court therefore did not err by
    concluding that the asserted claims of the ’122 and ’216
    patents are not invalid as obvious.
    Appellants next argue that the district court erred by
    concluding that the asserted claims of the ’122 and ’216
    patents that recite the dissolution limitations are not
    invalid for lack of written description in the specification.
    Because the specification provides adequate support for
    USA, INC.
    the dissolution or release rate limitations recited in the
    relevant claims, we disagree.
    The written description requirement provides that a
    patentee’s application for a patent must “clearly allow
    persons of ordinary skill in the art to recognize that [he]
    invented what is claimed.” Ariad Pharm., Inc. v. Eli Lilly
    & Co., 
    598 F.3d 1336
    , 1351 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (en banc)
    (quoting Vas-Cath Inc. v. Mahurkar, 
    935 F.2d 1555
    , 1563
    (Fed. Cir. 1991)). “[T]he test for sufficiency is whether the
    disclosure of the application relied upon reasonably
    conveys to those skilled in the art that the inventor had
    possession of the claimed subject matter as of the filing
    Id. Actavis argues
    that the asserted claims reciting the
    dissolution limitations claim a much broader range of
    release rates (15–50% of the drug after one hour, 45–80%
    after four hours, and more than 80% after ten hours), but
    the specification discloses much narrower ranges of
    release rates (27.8–32.3% at one hour, 58.1–66.9% at four
    hours, and 85.3–95.8% at ten hours) for formulations
    having 12 hours of analgesic efficacy. The allegedly
    expansive claims Actavis refers to in its argument—claim
    1 of the ’122 patent, for instance—recite “[a]n analgesical-
    ly effective controlled release pharmaceutical composition
    with a twelve hour dosing interval in the form of a tablet,
    comprising oxymorphone or a pharmaceutically accepta-
    ble salt thereof as the sole active ingredient in the tablet .
    . . .” ’122 patent, col. 26 ll. 59–63. Actavis contends that
    nothing in the specification explains or supports the
    dramatic extrapolation from the narrow range tested by
    the inventors during the clinical trials.
    Actavis, however, plucks the release rates out of the
    cabined context in which the rates are disclosed: those
    specific release rates reflect the results from the admin-
    istration of a 20 mg oxymorphone hydrochloride dosage.
    Id. at col.
    10 ll. 21–64. As the district court noted, the
    USA, INC.
    specification is replete with additional examples of dosag-
    es satisfying each of the claimed limitations. J.A. 126–27.
    The specification clearly explains that an analgesically
    effective dosage could contain as low as about 5 mg to as
    high as about 80 mg of oxymorphone hydrochloride. ’122
    patent, col. 4 ll. 37–39. Accordingly, Endo is entitled to
    claim not just the narrower range based on a 20 mg
    dosage, but a broader range based on 5 mg to 80 mg
    dosage—and that is exactly what it did in the claims
    reciting the dissolution limitations.
    The specification also discloses several different tech-
    niques for producing the oxymorphone controlled release
    oral solid dosage form of Endo’s invention. See 
    id. at col.
    5 l. 44–col. 9 l. 28. The district court found, for in-
    stance, that the specification gives detailed descriptions of
    the in vitro and in vivo testing methods employed by Endo
    in developing the controlled release tablets. J.A. 127.
    Based on such disclosures, a person of ordinary skill in
    the art would recognize that Endo possessed the invention
    claimed. Nothing in our controlling precedent requires
    patent owners to test release rates for each dosage level
    before claiming such rates in the patents. Accordingly,
    the inventors chose ranges encompassing the invention
    while allowing for variations, as the court correctly noted.
    The district court therefore did not err by concluding
    that the asserted claims of the ’122 and ’216 patents that
    recite the dissolution limitations are not invalid for inad-
    equate written description.
    Appellants next argue that the district court erred in
    concluding that the asserted claims that recite the multi-
    ple peaks limitations are not invalid for indefiniteness.
    Because the specification sufficiently describes the mean-
    ing and scope of the multiple peaks limitations, we disa-
    USA, INC.
    Claims are indefinite when “read in light of the speci-
    fication delineating the patent, and the prosecution
    history,” they “fail to inform, with reasonable certainty,
    those skilled in the art about the scope of the invention.”
    Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc., 
    134 S. Ct. 2120
    2124 (2014). “Even if a claim term’s definition can be
    reduced to words, the claim is still indefinite if a person of
    ordinary skill in the art cannot translate the definition
    into meaningfully precise claim scope.” Halliburton
    Energy Servs., Inc. v. M-I LLC, 
    514 F.3d 1244
    , 1251 (Fed.
    Cir. 2008).
    Amneal argues that claims 1, 71, and 78 of the ’216
    patent are invalid for indefiniteness because the claims
    recite the term “peaks,” contending that the patents
    contain no explanation of how peaks should be measured
    or what constitutes peaks. That argument lacks merit.
    The district court noted that the specification refers to
    peaks of curves drawn on charts. J.A. 29 (referencing ’216
    patent, col. 12 ll. 58–67). Upon looking at the charts in
    the specification, the court found a skilled artisan would
    recognize a peak as occurring where blood concentration
    of oxymorphone reaches a high-point before declining.
    J.A. 29–30 (referencing ’216 patent, fig. 5). In fact, the
    court’s definition of the term peaks is no different from
    that offered by Appellants’ own expert at trial. See J.A.
    1997. Amneal cannot turn their back on that simple
    meaning and claim now that “‘peak’ as used in the patent
    had some special meaning representing a level of some
    particular sufficient magnitude,” Amneal’s Br. 68, not
    apparent from the specification, which renders the term
    Indeed, peaks are readily ascertainable as plotted in
    Figure 5 of the ’216 patent based on a plain inspection.
    First, that chart is plotted on the basis of specific set of
    data tabulated in the specification, see ’216 patent, tbl. 5,
    so each peak on the chart is tied to a numerical value of
    the plasma concentration of oxymorphone specified in
    USA, INC.
    Table 5. Second, each peak is easily identifiable contex-
    tually from the set of lower values adjacent to it as shown
    on the chart in Figure 5. Accordingly, Appellants merely
    fish for far more precision than “reasonable certainty”
    requires under our precedent. See 
    Nautilus, 134 S. Ct. at 2124
    ; see also 
    id. at 2123
    (“[S]ome modicum of uncertainty
    is the ‘price of ensuring the appropriate incentives for
    innovation’ . . . .” (citation omitted)).
    In sum, the district court did not err by concluding
    that the asserted claims that recite the multiple peaks
    limitations are not invalid for indefiniteness.
    Appellants also argue that the district court erred in
    finding that Endo showed infringement of all but two
    asserted claims of the ’122 and ’216 patents. Because the
    court properly credited the testimony of Endo’s expert
    who relied on information on package inserts of the pro-
    posed generics, we disagree.
    “[T]he infringement inquiry called for by § 271(e)(2) is
    ‘whether, if a particular drug were put on the market, it
    would infringe the relevant patent’ in the usual, non-
    artificial sense.” Acorda Therapeutics Inc. v. Mylan
    Pharm. Inc., 
    817 F.3d 755
    , 760 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (citations
    omitted), cert. denied sub nom. Mylan Pharm. v. Acorda
    137 S. Ct. 625
    (2017). The inquiry therefore
    focuses on a comparison of the asserted patent claims
    against the ANDA product that is likely to be sold follow-
    ing FDA approval. Warner-Lambert Co. v. Apotex Corp.,
    316 F.3d 1348
    , 1365–66 (Fed. Cir. 2003) (citing Glaxo, Inc.
    v. Novopharm, Ltd., 
    110 F.3d 1562
    , 1567–68 (Fed. Cir.
    1997)). Infringement exists if the defendants’ product, as
    described in their ANDAs, meets each and every element
    of the asserted claims. Sunovion Pharm., Inc. v. Teva
    Pharm. USA, Inc., 
    731 F.3d 1271
    , 1278 (Fed. Cir. 2013).
    USA, INC.
    Amneal argues that the district court erred in finding
    infringement because the ANDA products do not infringe
    the “food effect” limitations. But the court found that
    “[d]efendants’ package inserts expressly state that their
    products satisfy the AUC and Cmax limitations of the ’122
    and ’216 patents.” J.A. 64–65 (citing to the package
    inserts). There is no basis to disregard the information
    contained on the package inserts, which are representa-
    tions made to the FDA to establish that the proposed
    generics possess the same characteristics, including the
    food effect limitations, present in Endo’s approved prod-
    ucts. Thus, the court did not clearly err by finding in-
    fringement of all but two of the asserted claims of the
    Actavis finally argues that the district court abused
    its discretion by entering a permanent injunction against
    the manufacture, use, offer to sell, or sale of its generic
    version of OPANA®ER prior to the expiration of the ’122
    and ’216 patents. Because Endo presented evidence of
    irreparable harm as well as other factors supporting an
    injunction, we conclude that the district court did not
    abuse its discretion by enjoining Actavis.
    35 U.S.C. § 283 provides that a district court may
    grant an injunction “to prevent the violation of any right
    secured by patent, on such terms as the court deems
    reasonable.” A plaintiff seeking a permanent injunction
    “must demonstrate: (1) that it has suffered an irreparable
    injury; (2) that remedies available at law, such as mone-
    tary damages, are inadequate to compensate for that
    injury; (3) that, considering the balance of hardships
    between the plaintiff and defendant, a remedy in equity is
    warranted; and (4) that the public interest would not be
    disserved by a permanent injunction.” 
    eBay, 547 U.S. at 391
    USA, INC.
    Actavis mainly argues that the district court abused
    its discretion in enjoining Actavis’s original formulation of
    controlled release oxymorphone because Endo presented
    no evidence at trial of irreparable harm. That is inaccu-
    rate. The district court found that Endo will likely suffer
    irreparable harm relying on, among other things, its
    subsidiary findings that: (1) Actavis’s generic version of
    OPANA®ER infringed Endo’s patents; (2) Endo and
    Actavis are direct competitors in the oxymorphone mar-
    ket; and (3) the introduction of additional generics into
    the market has led Endo to suffer past harms (losing its
    market share, cutting its sales force, reducing its promo-
    tional expenses, and changing its research and develop-
    ment strategies)—which would continue unabated in the
    absence of an injunction—and, relatedly, that Endo is also
    at risk of intangible harms such as “reputational, organi-
    zational, and administrative.” J.A. 178–79. Among other
    evidence, the court credited trial testimony to that end.
    See J.A. 1272–73; see also J.A. 1306. Indeed, “[i]t was
    proper for the district court to consider evidence of past
    harm” to assess irreparable injury to Endo. i4i Ltd.
    P’ship v. Microsoft Corp., 
    598 F.3d 831
    , 861 (Fed. Cir.
    2010), aff’d, 
    564 U.S. 91
    (2011); see also Broadcom Corp.
    v. Emulex Corp., 
    732 F.3d 1325
    , 1338 (Fed. Cir. 2013)
    (“The district court determined that Broadcom and
    Emulex were competitors and that Broadcom lost market
    share while Emulex gained it—thus Broadcom estab-
    lished irreparable harm.” (citation omitted)).
    Endo relatedly demonstrated, mainly through trial
    testimony, that it had to lay off its sales force, which may
    damage its reputation in the market segment and make
    the company less attractive to potential new hires. The
    court found that such irreparable harm cannot be ade-
    quately addressed without an injunction. J.A. 179–80.
    Actavis, on the other hand, made no affirmative argument
    that it would suffer hardship from an injunction to coun-
    ter Endo’s likely hardship. J.A. 180–81. Finally, the
    USA, INC.
    court also found that public interest favors Endo’s right to
    exclude others as the rightful patent owner. J.A. 181–82.
    On balance, it cannot be said that the district court
    abused its discretion in weighing these factors in Endo’s
    favor and granting permanent injunctive relief.
    We have considered the remaining arguments and
    find them unpersuasive. Accordingly, we affirm the
    district court’s final judgment on invalidity, infringement,
    and permanent injunction.