Koninklijke Kpn N v. v. Gemalto M2m Gmbh ( 2019 )

  •   United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    2018-1863, 2018-1864, 2018-1865
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the
    District of Delaware in Nos. 1:17-cv-00086-LPS, 1:17-cv-
    00091-LPS, 1:17-cv-00092-LPS, Chief Judge Leonard P.
    Decided: November 15, 2019
    ANDRES HEALY, Susman Godfrey LLP, Seattle, WA, ar-
    gued for plaintiff-appellant. Also represented by HUNTER
    2               KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH
    LAWRENCE PERLEY COGSWELL, III, Hamilton, Brook, Smith
    & Reynolds, PC, Boston, MA; TIMOTHY JOSEPH MEAGHER,
    Concord, MA.
    BRIAN ROSENTHAL, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP,
    New York, NY, argued for all defendants-appellees and in-
    tervenor. Defendants-appellees Gemalto M2M GmbH, Ge-
    malto Inc., Gemalto IOT LLC, also represented by BRIAN
    ANDREA, Washington, DC.
    WILLIAM R. PETERSON, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP,
    Houston, TX, for defendants-appellees TCL Communica-
    tion Technology Holdings Limited, TCL Communication,
    Inc., TCT Mobile (US) Holdings, Inc., TCT Mobile (US) Inc.,
    TCT Mobile, Inc.       Also represented by JULIE S.
    ZHENG, Washington, DC.
    DAVID A. LOEWENSTEIN, Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer
    LLP, New York, NY, for defendant-appellee Telit Wireless
    Solutions, Inc. Also represented by CLYDE SHUMAN, GUY
    ington, DC, for intervenor. Also represented by RYAN C.
    MORRIS; PETER H. KANG, Palo Alto, CA.
    Before DYK, CHEN, and STOLL, Circuit Judges.
    CHEN, Circuit Judge.
    Plaintiff-Appellant Koninklijke KPN N.V. (KPN) owns
    U.S. Patent No. 6,212,662 (’662 patent). KPN sued Ge-
    malto M2M GmbH, Gemalto Inc., Gemalto IOT LLC, TCL
    Communication Technology Holdings Limited, TCL Com-
    munication, Inc., TCT Mobile, Inc., TCT Mobile (US) Inc.,
    TCT Mobile (US) Holdings, Inc., and Telit Wireless
    KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH                    3
    Solutions, Inc. (collectively “Appellees”) for infringement of
    the ’662 patent in the United States District Court for the
    District of Delaware. Appellees moved for judgment on the
    pleadings under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(c) al-
    leging that all four claims (claims 1–4) of the ’662 patent
    were ineligible under 35 U.S.C. § 101. The district court
    granted Appellees’ motion with respect to all four claims,
    concluding that the claims recite no more than mere ab-
    stract data manipulation operations, such as “reordering
    data and generating additional data.” J.A. 23. On appeal,
    KPN only challenges the district court’s ineligibility deci-
    sion with respect to dependent claims 2–4. As to these ap-
    pealed claims, we reverse. Rather than being merely
    directed to the abstract idea of data manipulation, these
    claims are directed to an improved check data generating
    device that enables a data transmission error detection sys-
    tem to detect a specific type of error that prior art systems
    could not.
    In data transmission systems, it is common to generate
    something called “check data” to check whether data was
    accurately transmitted over a communications channel.
    Check data is generated based on the original data and
    thus serves as a shorthand representation of a particular
    block of data. By comparing the check data generated at
    both ends of the communication channel, error detection
    systems may be able to infer whether errors occurred dur-
    ing transmission. For example, if the check data from both
    ends match, the system infers that the content of the re-
    ceived data block is the same as what was transmitted and
    thus concludes that no errors occurred during transport.
    But, as the ’662 patent recognizes, matching check data
    is not always a reliable indicator of accurate data transmis-
    sions. According to the patent, certain generating func-
    tions coincidentally produce the same check data for a
    corrupted data block and an uncorrupted data block. When
    this happens, the check data is functionally defective, be-
    cause the system will mistakenly believe that there were
    4                KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH
    no errors in the data transmission. The problem of defec-
    tive check data is aggravated for a particular type of per-
    sistent error, i.e., “systematic error,” that repeats across
    data blocks in the same way. According to the ’662 patent,
    prior art error detection systems were unable to reliably
    detect systematic errors. Once the prior art system gener-
    ated defective check data for an initial data block with a
    given systematic error, the system would continue to gen-
    erate defective check data for subsequent data blocks with
    the same systematic error, thus allowing these types of er-
    rors to persist in the system.
    The ’662 patent solves this problem by varying the way
    check data is generated by varying the permutation ap-
    plied to different data blocks. Varying the permutation for
    each data block reduces the chances that the same system-
    atic error will produce the same defective check data across
    different data blocks. Claims 2–4 thus replace the prior art
    check data generator with an improved, dynamic check
    data generator that enables increased detection of system-
    atic errors that recur across a series of transmitted data
    blocks. As with other claims we have found to be patent-
    eligible in prior cases, the appealed claims represent a non-
    abstract improvement in the functionality of an existing
    technological process and not simply an abstract idea of
    manipulating data. Accordingly, we reverse the district
    court’s grant of Appellees’ Rule 12(c) motion that claims 2–
    4 are ineligible on the pleadings.
    In order to physically transmit information over the air
    from a transmitter to a receiver, that information is en-
    coded as a series of electromagnetic pulses representing
    “0s” and “1s” of binary code, packaged into a series of indi-
    vidual data blocks. As the information travels through the
    air, different types of environmental factors may impact
    the transmission of data in different ways. Whereas vari-
    able changes in the environment may cause random errors
    KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH                       5
    to appear in different data blocks, persistent properties in
    the environment, such as an “interference signal with a
    certain frequency” or “equipment error,” may cause certain
    errors to repeat themselves across each data block in the
    same way. ’662 patent at col. 1, ll. 48–52. This type of
    persistent error, called a “systematic error,” is the focus of
    the ’662 patent.
    A. Prior Art Check Data Generators
    Conventional prior art systems detected errors in data
    transmissions by generating something called “check data”
    (or “supplementary data”). 
    Id. at col.
    1, ll. 10–46, col. 3, ll.
    32–33. Check data is a short piece of information that is
    generated from the original data using a generating func-
    Id. at col.
    1, ll. 55–56, col. 2, ll. 31–34. As such, check
    data effectively serves as a short-hand representation of
    the content of the original data prior to transmission. Dur-
    ing a data transmission, check data is attached to the orig-
    inal data of each data block as a “redundant” piece of
    information to enable the detection of transmission errors
    by the receiver. 
    Id. at col.
    1, ll. 34–37. Since a receiver
    cannot easily tell whether a received transmission has
    been corrupted by looking at the data directly, it uses the
    appended check data as a reference point for determining
    whether errors were introduced during transport. See 
    id. at col.
    1, ll. 37–46. To do so, the receiver compares the ap-
    pended check data generated based on the original data
    (which we refer to as “d1”) with the check data generated
    based on the received transmission (which we refer to as
    Id. at col.
    3, ll. 39–41. If check data d1 does not
    match check data d2, the receiver infers that the data used
    to generate check data d2 has changed during transmission
    from the uncorrupted data used to generate check data d1.
    Id. at col.
    3, ll. 43–46. This means that errors were intro-
    duced into the original data during transmission. 
    Id. How- ever,
    if check data d1 matches check data d2, the system
    infers that there were no errors. 
    Id. at col.
    3, ll. 41–43.
    6                KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH
    But a match in check data does not necessarily mean
    that the original data was accurately transmitted. As
    noted by the ’662 patent, “there is always a probability that
    erroneous data are considered to be correct data because
    the [check] data may be correct by coincidence.” 
    Id. at col.
    1, ll. 52–55. That is because check data is “restricted in
    length and therefore a finite number of [check] data can be
    Id. at col.
    1, ll. 55–57. As a result, the same
    check data may be generated for a transmission with errors
    and another transmission without. This problem of defec-
    tive check data is aggravated for a particular type of error
    called a “systematic error.” Unlike random errors, system-
    atic errors are “errors that repeat themselves” due to a per-
    sistent property in the channel, such as an “interference
    signal with a certain frequency” or “equipment error.” 
    Id. at col.
    1, ll. 48–52. According to the ’662 patent, prior art
    methods did not reliably detect systematic errors, which
    “may result in all decompressed data becoming unusable.”
    Id. at col.
    1, ll. 47–48, col. 2, ll. 12–16.
    B. Solution of the ’662 Patent
    The inventors of the ’662 patent recognized that the rea-
    son why systematic errors were able to persist undetected
    was because the prior art used the same, or “fixed,” gener-
    ating function to process every block of data. 
    Id. at col.
    ll. 48–50. If a fixed generating function produced defective
    check data for a transmission that was corrupted with a
    given systematic error (e.g., first and fourth bit is errone-
    ous in every data transmission), that fixed generating func-
    tion would likely continue to produce the same defective
    check data every time that systematic error appeared. As
    a result, a “[systematic] error once not recognized as such,
    [wa]s continually not detected.” 
    Id. at col.
    1, ll. 57–59.
    To solve the problem of undetected systematic errors in
    the prior art systems, the inventors of the ’662 patent de-
    veloped a method that varies the way check data is gener-
    ated from time to time so that the same defective check
    KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH                     7
    data does not continue to be produced for the same type of
    persistent systematic error. 
    Id. at col.
    2, ll. 42–47. This
    way, “a variable checking function can almost always pre-
    vent the non-detection of repetitive errors.” 
    Id. at col.
    ll. 51–53.
    The ’662 patent discusses different ways of varying the
    way check data is generated to achieve this increased de-
    tection capability. One way is by varying the generating
    function used to produce the check data. For example, “[i]t
    is possible to vary the function completely for every n bits”
    by “loading a new algorithm (function f).” 
    Id. at col.
    4, ll.
    56–57. Another way to vary the generated check data is to
    vary the original data before it is fed into the generating
    device. The ’662 patent discusses different ways to accom-
    plish this. In one embodiment, a “random number genera-
    tor” is used that “adds random numbers to the user data.”
    Id. at col.
    3, l. 66 – col. 4, l. 2. In another embodiment, the
    original data is varied through “permutation,” which “in-
    terchange[s] the bit position in a data block.” 
    Id. at col.
    ll. 60–61. One example of a permutation may involve the
    following: “bit 1 to position 2, bit 2 to position 4, bit 3 to
    position 1 and bit 4 to position 3.” 
    Id. at col.
    5, ll. 60–63.
    Based on this permutation, a data block of “1100” would
    transform into “0101.”
    The appealed claims are limited to this last embodi-
    ment. Given that they all incorporate independent claim
    1, all four claims of the ’662 patent are reproduced below.
    1. A device for producing error checking based on
    original data provided in blocks with each block
    having plural bits in a particular ordered se-
    quence, comprising:
    a generating device configured to generate
    check data; and
    8                KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH
    a varying device configured to vary original
    data prior to supplying said original data to
    the generating device as varied data;
    wherein said varying device includes a per-
    mutating device configured to perform a
    permutation of bit position relative to said
    particular ordered sequence for at least
    some of the bits in each of said blocks mak-
    ing up said original data without reorder-
    ing any blocks of original data.
    2. The device according to claim 1, wherein the
    varying device is further configured to modify
    the permutation in time.
    3. The device according to claim 2, wherein the
    varying is further configured to modify the per-
    mutation based on the original data.
    4. The device according to claim 3, wherein the
    permutating device includes a table in which
    subsequent permutations are stored.
    Id. at claims
    1–4 (emphases added).
    As recited above, the device of claim 2 varies the way
    check data is generated by applying a different permuta-
    tion to different data blocks. Claim 3, which depends from
    claim 2, further recites how the permutation is modified
    (i.e., “based on the original data”). Claim 4, which depends
    from claim 3, even further specifies that different permu-
    tations are stored in a table. By varying the original data
    supplied to the check data generator in different ways, the
    device of the appealed claims significantly decreases the
    likelihood that defective check data will be generated for
    successive data blocks such that a given systematic error
    would continue to escape detection. See 
    id. at col.
    2, ll. 42–
    KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH                    9
    The district court granted Appellees’ motion for judg-
    ment on the pleadings under Rule 12(c) alleging that all
    four claims (claims 1–4) of the ’662 patent are ineligible un-
    der § 101. J.A. 9. Applying the two-step framework laid
    out in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, 
    573 U.S. 208
    (2014), the district court found all claims of the ’662 patent
    to be ineligible because they are directed to an abstract
    idea and contain no saving inventive concept. Though KPN
    now appeals the ineligibility decision only for dependent
    claims 2–4, the focus of the district court’s analysis was on
    independent claim 1.
    At step one of Alice, the district court found that the
    claims were directed to the “abstract idea of reordering
    data and generating additional data,” likening the asserted
    claims to data manipulation claims found ineligible in Two-
    Way Media Ltd. v. Comcast Cable Communications, LLC,
    874 F.3d 1329
    (Fed. Cir. 2017), RecogniCorp, LLC v. Nin-
    tendo Co., 
    855 F.3d 1322
    (Fed. Cir. 2017), Intellectual Ven-
    tures I LLC v. Capital One Financial Corp., 
    850 F.3d 1332
    (Fed. Cir. 2017) (“Intellectual Ventures”), and Digitech Im-
    age Technologies, LLC v. Electronics for Imaging, Inc., 
    758 F.3d 1344
    (Fed. Cir. 2014). J.A. 23. Based on these cases,
    the district court explained that the claims of the ’662 pa-
    tent are abstract because they do “not say how data is re-
    ordered, how to use reordered data, how to generate
    additional data, how to use additional data, or even that
    any data is transmitted.” J.A. 8. The district court re-
    peated a similar concern for the dependent claims, explain-
    ing that they do “not say how the permutations are
    modified in time or modified based on the data.” J.A. 24.
    At step two of Alice, the district court entertained the
    possibility that patent-eligible subject matter is recited in
    the specification, but ultimately concluded that the claims
    are ineligible because KPN’s “purported inventive concept
    10               KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH
    [was] not captured in the claims.” J.A. 26–27 (emphasis in
    KPN timely appealed the district court’s ineligibility
    decision with respect to dependent claims 2–4, not inde-
    pendent claim 1. 1 We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C.
    § 1295(a)(1).
    We review the district court’s grant of judgment on the
    pleadings under Rule 12(c) by following the procedural law
    of the regional circuit. Allergan, Inc. v. Athena Cosmetics,
    640 F.3d 1377
    , 1380 (Fed. Cir. 2011). Under Third
    Circuit law, we have “plenary review” of the district court’s
    order dismissing KPN’s claims pursuant to Rule 12. Green
    v. Fund Asset Mgmt., L.P., 
    245 F.3d 214
    , 220 (3d Cir. 2001).
    Under this standard, we must “view the facts presented in
    the pleadings and the inferences to be drawn therefrom in
    the light most favorable to the . . . non-moving party”
    (KPN) and “affirm the [d]istrict [c]ourt’s judgment only if
    the plaintiffs would not be entitled to relief under any set
    of facts that could be proved.” 
    Id. Patent eligibility
    under § 101 is a question of law that
    may contain underlying issues of fact. Interval Licensing
    LLC v. AOL, Inc., 
    896 F.3d 1335
    , 1342 (Fed. Cir. 2018) (cit-
    ing Berkheimer v. HP Inc., 
    881 F.3d 1360
    , 1365 (Fed. Cir.
    2018)). We review an ultimate conclusion on patent eligi-
    bility de novo. 
    Id. DISCUSSION Section
    101 defines patent-eligible subject matter as
    “any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or
    composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement
    1  KPN states that it “statutorily disclaimed Claim 1
    for reasons unrelated to this appeal.” Appellant’s Br. at 15
    KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH                   11
    thereof.” 35 U.S.C. § 101. Laws of nature, natural phe-
    nomena, and abstract ideas, however, are not patentable.
    Mayo Collaborative Servs. v. Prometheus Labs., Inc., 
    566 U.S. 66
    , 70–71 (2012). These categories of subject matter
    have been excluded from patent-eligibility because they
    represent “the basic tools of scientific and technological
    work.” Ass’n for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics,
    569 U.S. 576
    , 589 (2013). The “concern that drives
    this exclusionary principle [is] one of pre-emption.” 
    Alice, 573 U.S. at 216
    . To determine whether claimed subject
    matter is patent-eligible, we apply the two-step framework
    explained in Alice, 
    id. at 218.
    First, we “determine whether
    the claims at issue are directed to a patent-ineligible con-
    cept” such as an abstract idea. 
    Id. Second, if
    so, we “exam-
    ine the elements of the claim to determine whether it
    contains an ‘inventive concept’ sufficient to ‘transform’ the
    claimed abstract idea into a patent-eligible application.”
    Id. at 221
    Mayo, 566 U.S. at 72
    , 80).
    At step one of the Alice framework, we “look at the fo-
    cus of the claimed advance over the prior art to determine
    if the claim’s character as a whole is directed to excluded
    subject matter.” Affinity Labs of Tex., LLC v. DIRECTV,
    838 F.3d 1253
    , 1257 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (internal quota-
    tion marks omitted). “In cases involving software innova-
    tions, this inquiry often turns on whether the claims focus
    on ‘the specific asserted improvement in computer capabil-
    ities . . . or, instead, on a process that qualifies as an ab-
    stract idea for which computers are invoked merely as a
    tool.’” Finjan, Inc. v. Blue Coat System, Inc., 
    879 F.3d 1299
    1303 (Fed. Cir. 2018) (quoting Enfish, LLC v. Microsoft
    822 F.3d 1327
    , 1335–36 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (internal
    quotation marks omitted)). Since Alice, we have found soft-
    ware inventions to be patent-eligible where they have
    made non-abstract improvements to existing technological
    processes and computer technology. See McRO, Inc. v.
    Bandai Namco Games Am. Inc., 
    837 F.3d 1299
    , 1313–16
    (Fed. Cir. 2016) (claims directed to a process for lip-
    12               KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH
    synching animated characters that used specific rules to
    automate a previously subjective manual process); 
    Enfish, 822 F.3d at 1337
    –39 (claims directed to a self-referential
    database that improved the way computers stored and re-
    trieved data in memory); 
    Finjan, 879 F.3d at 1304
    (claims directed to generating a security profile that im-
    proved the ability of a computer system to identify poten-
    tially suspicious operations that it could not previously
    identify before); Ancora Techs. Inc. v. HTC America Inc.,
    908 F.3d 1343
    , 1347–49 (Fed. Cir. 2018) (claims directed to
    storing a verification structure in a part of computer
    memory that is less vulnerable to hacking to improve secu-
    rity against unauthorized use of licensed software).
    An improved result, without more stated in the claim,
    is not enough to confer eligibility to an otherwise abstract
    Finjan, 879 F.3d at 1305
    (stating that as a “founda-
    tional patent law principle,” “a result, even an innovative
    result, is not itself patentable”). To be patent-eligible, the
    claims must recite a specific means or method that solves
    a problem in an existing technological process. Compare
    Labs, 838 F.3d at 1258
    (finding claims related to
    wirelessly communicating regional broadcast content were
    directed to an ineligible abstract idea because “nothing in
    claim 1 . . . is directed to how to implement out-of-region
    broadcasting on a cellular telephone”), and Intellectual
    Ventures I LLC v. Symantec Corp., 
    838 F.3d 1307
    , 1316
    (Fed. Cir. 2016) (finding claims related to email filtering
    were directed to an ineligible abstract idea where there was
    “no restriction on how the result is accomplished” and the
    “mechanism . . . is not described”), with 
    McRO, 837 F.3d at 1307
    , 1313–14 (finding claims to be directed to a patent-
    eligible non-abstract improvement in an existing techno-
    logical process because the claims recited “specific” rules
    that allowed automation of a previously manual process of
    lip synching three-dimensional animated characters).
    In accordance with the above precedents, we conclude
    that appealed claims 2–4 of the ’662 patent are patent-
    KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH                   13
    eligible because they are directed to a non-abstract im-
    provement in an existing technological process (i.e., error
    checking in data transmissions). By requiring that the per-
    mutation applied to original data be modified “in time,”
    claim 2, which is incorporated into all appealed claims, re-
    cites a specific implementation of varying the way check
    data is generated that improves the ability of prior art er-
    ror detection systems to detect systematic errors. See ’662
    patent at col. 2, ll. 51–53.
    This claimed technological improvement is akin to the
    type of non-abstract improvement we found to be patent-
    eligible in Finjan. In Finjan, the claims at issue recited a
    method of providing computer security by generating a “se-
    curity profile” that identifies suspicious code that performs
    “potentially hostile 
    operations.” 879 F.3d at 1303
    –04. Un-
    like traditional systems that “simply look[ed] for the pres-
    ence of known viruses,” the claimed method was able to
    identify “potentially dangerous or unwanted operations.
    Id. at 1304
    (emphases added). Thus, we concluded that the
    claimed method was directed to a “non-abstract improve-
    ment” over the prior art because it employed “a new kind
    of file that enable[d] a computer security system to do
    things it could not do before.” 
    Id. at 1305.
    Here, as in Fin-
    jan, the claimed invention is also directed to a non-abstract
    improvement because it employs a new way of generating
    check data that enables the detection of persistent system-
    atic errors in data transmissions that prior art systems
    were previously not equipped to detect.
    Appellees argue that the claims are ineligible because
    they fail to recite a last application step that uses the gen-
    erated check data to actually perform error detection. Ac-
    cording to Appellees, without this last step tying the claims
    to a “concrete application,” the claims are doomed to ab-
    straction. Appellees’ Br. at 18–21. We disagree.
    A claim that is directed to improving the functionality
    of one tool (e.g., error checking device) that is part of an
    14               KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH
    existing system (e.g., data transmission error detection
    system) does not necessarily need to recite how that tool is
    applied in the overall system (e.g., perform error detection)
    in order to constitute a technological improvement that is
    patent-eligible. Rather, to determine whether the claims
    here are non-abstract, the more relevant inquiry is
    “whether the claims in th[is] patent[ ] focus on a specific
    means or method that improves the relevant technology or
    are instead directed to a result or effect that itself is the
    abstract idea and merely invoke processes and machinery.”
    McRO, 837 F.3d at 1314
    ; cf. Electric Power Group, LLC v.
    Alstom S.A., 
    830 F.3d 1350
    , 1354 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (finding
    claims to be directed to a patent-ineligible abstract idea be-
    cause “the focus of the claims [wa]s not on such an improve-
    ment in computers as tools, but on certain independently
    abstract ideas that use computers as tools”).
    In the present case, the appealed claims recite a suffi-
    ciently specific implementation (i.e., modifying the permu-
    tation applied to the original data “in time”) of an existing
    tool (i.e., check data generating device) that improves the
    functioning of the overall technological process of detecting
    systematic errors in data transmissions. See 
    McRO, 837 F.3d at 1313
    Ancora, 908 F.3d at 1348
    –49. Im-
    portantly, the claims do not simply recite, without more,
    the mere desired result of catching previously undetectable
    systematic errors, but rather recite a specific solution for
    accomplishing that goal—i.e., by varying the way check
    data is generated by modifying the permutation applied to
    different data blocks. 
    Id. at 1349;
    Finjan, 879 F.3d at
    –06; SAP America Inc. v. InvestPic, LLC, 
    898 F.3d 1161
    , 1167 (Fed. Cir. 2018). In so doing, the claims suffi-
    ciently capture the inventors’ asserted technical contribu-
    tion to the prior art by reciting how the solution specifically
    improves the function of prior art error detection systems.
    Importantly, Appellees do not dispute that varying the
    way check data is generated provides an improvement to
    an existing technological process. Rather, their main
    KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH                    15
    argument is that this improvement is not adequately cap-
    tured in the claims because the claims fail to tie the per-
    mutated data with the generation of new check data. Oral
    Arg. at 23:02–32; Appellees’ Br. at 29–34. We disagree.
    The appealed claims require that a “varying device” be
    configured to “vary original data prior to supplying said
    original data to the generating device as varied data,” and
    that the “generating device” be configured to “generate
    check data.” ’662 patent at claim 1 (emphasis added). In a
    “wherein” clause, claim 1 specifies how the original data is
    varied by the varying device: by including a “permutating
    device configured to perform a permutation” on the bits in
    each block making up “said original data.” 
    Id. Thus, con-
    trary to Appellees’ proposed reading, claim 1 logically re-
    quires that original data be varied by permutation before
    being supplied to the generating device as “varied data.”
    Appellees further contend that even if the claims con-
    nect the permutated data with the generation of check
    data, the appealed claims are not directed to a patent-eli-
    gible technological improvement because the specification
    does not mention any technological benefit of using permu-
    tations to generate check data. 2 But, even assuming that
    the law required the specification to discuss a technological
    benefit of the purported invention, as Appellees suggest,
    Appellees’ argument still fails because it does not account
    for the specification as a whole. The specification states
    that “a variable checking function,” as opposed to a “normal
    (fixed) checking function,” “can almost always prevent the
    non-detection of repetitive errors.” ’662 patent at col. 2, ll.
    2    Though Appellees contend that KPN waived its ar-
    gument that the specification discusses the technological
    benefits of the dependent limitations of claims 2–4, Appel-
    lees’ Br. at 35, we believe that it was adequately preserved
    in KPN’s Opposition Brief to Defendant’s 12(c) motion. See
    J.A. 428–49, 438.
    16                KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH
    48–53. In a later section, it states that one way of providing
    a “variation value” is to use “different permutations.” 
    Id. at col.
    5, l. 65 – col. 6, l. 2. Thus, a review of the specifica-
    tion makes clear that modifying the permutation in time
    provides the technological benefit of preventing non-detec-
    tion of repetitive errors, just like other variable generating
    Appellees contend that the district court correctly
    found that the claims on appeal are similar to the abstract
    “data manipulation” claims that we have held to be ineligi-
    ble in prior cases. Appellees’ Br. at 27–29. We disagree.
    While the claims in those cases were arguably related to
    advances in computer technology, none were limited to a
    specific improvement in computer functionality. Absent
    sufficient recitation of how the purported invention im-
    proved the functionality of a computer, the “improvement”
    captured by those claims was recited at such a level of re-
    sult-oriented generality that those claims amounted to a
    mere implementation of an abstract idea on a computer,
    not the specific way to improve the functionality of a com-
    puter. See Electric Power Group, LLC v. Alstom S.A., 
    830 F.3d 1350
    , 1354 (Fed. Cir. 2016). While the patents in
    these cases may have claimed an improved result in a tech-
    nical field, the claims failed to recite a specific enough so-
    lution to make the asserted technological improvement
    For example, in Digitech, the patented invention pur-
    portedly solved the problem of distortion that occurred
    when translating the display of an image from a source de-
    vice to a different output 
    device. 758 F.3d at 1347
    –48. The
    claimed solution took various device-dependent infor-
    mation and “combin[ed]” them into a “device profile.” 
    Id. at 1351.
    Though the specification discussed using this de-
    vice profile to correct for device-specific image distortions,
    id. at 1347–48,
    this asserted improvement in image pro-
    cessing was not specifically captured in the claims. In the
    KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH                 17
    preamble, the claimed method stated that the “device pro-
    file” was used “for capturing, transforming, or rendering an
    Id. at 1351.
    But in the body, the claimed method
    failed to explain how the device-dependent information
    was actually used by the recited mathematical correlation
    to accomplish image distortion correction. 
    Id. at 1350–51.
    Absent further elaboration, the claims were too abstract to
    capture the inventors’ purported technical contribution in
    correcting image distortion. As such, the claims amounted
    to no more than “taking existing information . . . and or-
    ganizing this information into a new form.” 
    Id. at 1351.
        In RecogniCorp, the inventors purported to solve the
    problem of encoding images in a way that required “less
    memory and 
    bandwidth.” 855 F.3d at 1324
    . While the
    claims used an “image code” to reproduce an image based
    on a mathematical operation, 
    id., they did
    not adequately
    capture the inventors’ asserted technical contribution, be-
    cause the claims recited no more than “standard encoding
    and decoding, an abstract concept long utilized to transmit
    Id. at 1326
    (emphasis added). Thus, we
    found that the claims merely amounted to an ineligible ab-
    stract process “for which computers are invoked merely as
    a tool,” not a software invention that actually improved the
    functioning of a computer. 
    Id. at 1327
    (emphasis added)
    Enfish, 822 F.3d at 1336
    The ineligible claims in Two-Way Media and Intellec-
    tual Ventures, which are even less similar to the appealed
    claims, also fail to concretely capture any improvement in
    computer functionality. In Two-Way Media, we found that
    the claimed solution merely recited a series of abstract
    steps (“converting,” “routing,” “controlling,” “monitoring,”
    and “accumulating records”) using “result-based functional
    language” without describing how the goal of real-time load
    balancing was 
    achieved. 874 F.3d at 1337
    . In Intellectual
    Ventures, the asserted technological improvement ap-
    peared to be accomplished by a user interacting with a
    18               KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. v. GEMALTO M2M GMBH
    generic user interface, and the claims recited nothing that
    “improve[d] the functions of the computers itself” or “pro-
    vide[d] specific programming, tailored software,” or other
    guidance.” 850 F.3d at 1339
    Like the ineligible claims discussed above, the ap-
    pealed claims also process data (by reordering information
    via permutation). However, because these claims specifi-
    cally recite how this permutation is used (i.e., modifying
    the permutation applied to different data blocks), and this
    specific implementation is a key insight to enabling prior
    art error detection systems to catch previously undetecta-
    ble systematic errors, ’662 patent at col. 2, ll. 48–53, we
    conclude that the appealed claims are not directed to an
    abstract idea because they sufficiently capture the specific
    asserted improvement in detecting systematic errors con-
    tributed by the inventors of the ’662 patent.
    Having decided that all claims on appeal are not di-
    rected to an abstract idea at step one of Alice, we need not
    proceed to a step two analysis. Visual 
    Memory, 867 F.3d at 1262
    For the foregoing reasons, we hold that claims 2–4 are
    not directed to an abstract idea at step one of Alice. We
    have considered Appellees’ remaining arguments and find
    them unpersuasive. Accordingly, we reverse the district
    court’s grant of Appellees’ Rule 12(c) motion finding that
    claims 2–4 are ineligible on the pleadings.

Document Info

Docket Number: 18-1863

Filed Date: 11/15/2019

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 11/15/2019