Belden Inc. v. Berk-Tek LLC , 610 F. App'x 997 ( 2015 )

  •         NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark
    Office, Patent Trial and Appeal Board in No. IPR2013-
    2                              BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC
    Appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark
    Office, Patent Trial and Appeal Board in No. IPR2013-
    Decided: April 17, 2015
    MATTHEW B. LOWRIE, Foley & Lardner LLP, Boston,
    MA, argued for appellant. Also represented by AARON W.
    JAMES S. BLANK, Kaye Scholer LLP, New York, NY,
    argued for appellee. Also represented by BENJAMIN C.
    New York, NY.
    Before LOURIE, REYNA, and CHEN, Circuit Judges.
    LOURIE, Circuit Judge.
    Belden Inc. (“Belden”) appeals from two related inter
    partes review decisions of the United States Patent and
    Trademark Office, Patent Trial and Appeal Board
    (“Board”). In the first, Belden appeals from the Board’s
    decision cancelling claims 1–34 of U.S. Patent 7,977,575
    (“the ’575 patent”) as anticipated under 35 U.S.C. § 102
    and/or obvious under 35 U.S.C. § 103. 1 See Belden, Inc. v.
    Berk-Tek, LLC, IPR2013-00058, Paper No. 29 (P.T.A.B.
    Apr. 28, 2014) (“Board Decision I”). In the second, Belden
    1   Because the applications of the ’575 and ’061 pa-
    tents were filed before March 16, 2013, the pre-Leahy-
    Smith America Invents Act versions of §§ 102 and 103
    apply. See Pub L. No. 112-29, 125 Stat. 284 (2011); 35
    U.S.C. §§ 102, 103 (2006).
    BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC                                  3
    appeals from the Board’s decision cancelling claims 1–21
    of U.S. Patent 7,663,061 (“the ’061 patent”), the parent of
    the ’575 patent, as anticipated under § 102 or obvious
    under § 103. See Belden, Inc. v. Berk-Tek, LLC, IPR 2013-
    00069, Paper No. 24 (P.T.A.B. Apr. 28, 2014) (“Board
    Decision II”). Because the Board did not err, we affirm.
    Belden is the assignee of the ’575 and the ’061 patents
    (“the patents”), which relate to high performance data
    cables utilizing twisted pairs of conductors. According to
    the patents, high performance data cables must meet
    “exacting specifications” relating to data speed and elec-
    trical characteristics, such as controlling near-end cross-
    talk. ’575 patent col. 1 ll. 39–41. 2 To overcome the cost
    and process constraints frustrating prior art attempts to
    satisfy those “exacting specifications,” e.g., individually
    shielded twisted pairs, the patents use “an interior sup-
    port with grooves” that can “accommodate at least one
    signal transmission conductor.” 
    Id. col. 2
    ll. 1–3. The
    patents suggest that using an “interior support with
    grooves” imparts structural stability, improves near-end
    cross-talk control, and is “lighter, cheaper, and easier to
    terminate than [prior art] designs.” 
    Id. col. 2
    ll. 5–15.
    The claimed data cable incorporates an interior sup-
    port 10 consisting of a central region 12 and a plurality of
    prongs 14 that extend along the length of the interior
    support 10 and radiate outward from the central region
    Id. col. 4
    ll. 21–33; see 
    id. fig. 1.
    Each pair of prongs
    14 defines a groove 22 that also extends along the length
    of the interior support 10. 
    Id. col. 4
    ll. 51–55; see 
    id. fig. 4.
    Within each groove resides a twisted pair of conductors 34
    2  The patents share an identical specification, in
    relevant part. We therefore refer only to the ’575 patent
    when discussing the specification.
    BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC                             5
    non-conductive interior support to form the
    data communications cable, the outer jacket
    being formed of a non-conductive material;
    wherein the outer jacket in combination
    with the non-conductive interior support
    maintains the plurality of twisted pair con-
    ductors within the channels defined by the
    surface of the non-conductive interior sup-
    port; and
    wherein the unshielded data cable does not
    include a shield between the outer jacket
    and the twisted pair conductors and the
    non-conductive interior support.
    Id. col. 6
    l. 51–col. 7 l. 3 (emphases added). Claim 12,
    which is also representative and depends from claim 1,
    further requires “the plurality of twisted pair conductors
    and the non-conductive interior support [to be] twisted
    together about a common axis to close the cable.” 
    Id. col. 7
    ll. 50–53 (emphasis added).
    Of the challenged claims of the ’061 patent, independ-
    ent claim 1 is representative and reads as follows:
    1. A communications cable comprising:
    a plurality of twisted pairs that carry com-
    munications signals;
    a pair separator disposed among the plurali-
    ty of twisted pairs, the pair separator com-
    prising a central body portion and a
    plurality of arms radially extending from
    the central body portion, each pair of adja-
    cent arms defining a channel;
    a cable covering surrounding the plurality of
    twisted pairs and the pair separator along
    the length of the cable;
    6                                BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC
    wherein at least one twisted pair of the plu-
    rality of twisted pairs is respectively located
    in the channel defined by each pair of adja-
    cent arms;
    wherein the plurality of twisted pairs and
    the pair separator are helically twisted to-
    gether along the length of the cable; and
    wherein the cable covering does not include
    an electrically conductive shield.
    ’061 patent col. 6 ll. 42–59 (emphases added). Claim 6,
    which depends from claim 1, requires “the communica-
    tions cable [to be] about 0.300 to 0.400 is [sic] diameter.”
    Id. col. 7
    ll. 3–5 (emphasis added). And claim 21, which
    depends from claim 7, further requires “the pair separator
    and the plurality of twisted pairs [to be] cabled in an S-Z
    Id. col. 8
    ll. 46–48 (emphasis added).
    In November 2012, Berk-Tek, LLC (“Berk-Tek”) filed
    a petition for inter partes review, challenging claims 1–34
    of the ’575 patent. One month later, Berk-Tek filed a
    second petition for inter partes review, challenging claims
    1–21 of the ’061 patent. The Board instituted the reviews
    and consolidated the oral hearings. Board Decision I at 2.
    The Board first construed the two claim limitations
    raised in the reviews: 3 “channels” and “twisted together.” 4
    3    The two Board decisions have a substantially sim-
    ilar claim construction analysis for each of the disputed
    terms. We therefore refer only to Board Decision I when
    discussing claim construction.
    4    The ’061 patent recites “helically twisted togeth-
    er,” but neither party suggests that adding “helically”
    makes any meaningful difference, and the Board ulti-
    mately construed the two limitations similarly. Compare
    Board Decision I at 18, with Board Decision II at 17.
    BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC                            7
    It determined that “a channel, as a long gutter, groove, or
    furrow, is a type of open space defined by the interior
    support within which at least one of the plurality of
    twisted pairs is located.” 
    Id. at 10.
    After noting that the
    specification neither defines nor uses the term “channels,”
    the Board relied on the term’s dictionary definitions and
    U.S. Patent 7,339,116 (“the ’116 patent”), the parent of
    the ’061 patent and the consequent grandparent of the
    ’575 patent, which the patents incorporated by reference.
    Id. at 8–9.
    The Board then rejected Belden’s argument
    that “channels” had to be “substantially enclosed passag-
    es” defined by the interior support and the jacket as
    inconsistent with the ordinary meaning and the claims’
    explicit requirement that only the contours of the interior
    support define the claimed “channels.” 
    Id. at 12–13.
    In so
    doing, the Board dismissed Belden’s expert testimony as
    merely conclusory and irrelevant in light of the “unam-
    biguous” intrinsic record. 
    Id. at 14.
          The Board next determined that “twisted together”
    simply requires “the twisted pairs and the interior sup-
    port twisted together about a common axis along the
    length of the cable. The claims are not limited to a struc-
    ture produced by a certain method of manufacture.” 
    Id. at 17.
    The Board thus rejected Belden’s argument that the
    claims recite a structure produced by a specific method,
    i.e., “twisted along with,” because the claims at issue are
    apparatus claims, not product-by-process claims. 
    Id. The Board
    further noted that Belden failed to produce evi-
    dence that “twisting the pairs along with the interior
    support,” rather than “separately twisting the compo-
    nents and [then] intertwining them,” generated different
    Id. at 18.
        In light of those constructions, the Board found claims
    1–34 of the ’575 patent unpatentable under § 102 and/or
    § 103. 
    Id. at 35.
    First, the Board found claims 1–9, 12–
    15, 17, 20, 21, 23, and 24 anticipated by Canadian Patent
    Application 2,058,046 (“Tessier”). The Board noted that
    8                              BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC
    Tessier, like the ’575 patent, discloses a data cable com-
    prising three elements: twisted pairs of conductors, “a
    spacer means” defining “recess regions in which the
    conductors are disposed,” and an outer jacket. 
    Id. at 19.
    The Board then found that Tessier’s “recess regions,”
    defined by the “spacer means,” satisfied the “open space
    defined by the interior support” construction of “channels”
    in the ’575 patent. 
    Id. at 21.
    The Board further found
    that Tessier’s “projections 24 and thus the recesses 26
    extend in helical fashion along the core member 20 to
    allow the pairs 14 to lie within the recesses in stranded
    fashion,” satisfying the as-construed “twisted together”
    limitation of the ’575 patent. 
    Id. at 20.
        The Board next concluded that claims 9–11, 16, 18,
    19, 22, 23, and 25–34 would have been obvious over
    Tessier and other references, for similar reasons. See 
    id. at 24–33
    (stating that Belden only repeated its arguments
    relating to Tessier’s disclosure of the “channels” and
    “twisted together” limitations and failed to raise any
    additional challenges to the obviousness-based grounds).
    The Board lastly found claims 29, 31, and 33 anticipated
    by Japanese Patent No. Sho43(1968)-15470 (“JP ’470”),
    noting that JP ’470 also discloses a data cable with twist-
    ed pair conductors lying disposed within channels, where-
    in the twisted pair conductors and the support are twisted
    Id. at 34.
        In its second decision, the Board found claims 1–21 of
    the ’061 patent unpatentable under either § 102 or § 103.
    Board Decision II at 25. The Board first found claims 1–
    5 and 7–20 anticipated by Tessier, for the reasons noted
    Id. at 20–22.
    The Board then concluded that
    claim 6 would have been obvious over Tessier and Cana-
    dian Patent Application 2,071,417 (“Meer”), which the
    Board found teaches “the desirability of minimizing the
    outside diameter” of data cables and specifically discloses
    a data cable with a diameter between 0.27 and 0.43
    Id. at 23.
    The Board lastly concluded that claim
    BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC                             9
    21 would have been obvious over Tessier and Japanese
    Patent No. Sho56(1981)-7307 (“JP ’307”), which the Board
    found “discloses S-Z stranding of cable components.” 
    Id. at 24–25.
       Belden timely appealed from both decisions, and we
    have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1295(a)(4)(A).
    We review the Board’s legal conclusions de novo, In re
    381 F.3d 1125
    , 1127 (Fed. Cir. 2004), and the
    Board’s factual findings underlying those determinations
    for substantial evidence, In re Gartside, 
    203 F.3d 1305
    1316 (Fed. Cir. 2000). “Substantial evidence . . . means
    such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept
    as adequate to support a conclusion.” Consol. Edison Co.
    v. NLRB, 
    305 U.S. 197
    , 217 (1938). Anticipation is a
    question of fact, which we review for substantial evidence.
    In re Gleave, 
    560 F.3d 1331
    , 1334–35 (Fed. Cir. 2009).
    Obviousness, on the other hand, is a question of law based
    on underlying factual findings, including what a reference
    teaches. In re Baxter Int’l, Inc., 
    678 F.3d 1357
    , 1361 (Fed.
    Cir. 2012); Rapoport v. Dement, 
    254 F.3d 1053
    , 1060–61
    (Fed. Cir. 2001).
    During an inter partes review, the Board construes
    disputed limitations according to their broadest reasona-
    ble interpretation consistent with the specification. In re
    Cuozzo Speed Techs., LLC, 
    778 F.3d 1271
    , 1281 (Fed. Cir.
    2015). We then review that construction according to the
    standard set forth in Teva Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. v.
    Sandoz, Inc., 574 U.S. __, 
    135 S. Ct. 831
    Id. at 1282.
    We review the ultimate construction de novo and
    the underlying factual determinations involving extrinsic
    evidence for substantial evidence. 
    Id. at 1282–83.
        Belden fundamentally argues that the Board erred in
    construing “channels” and “twisted together,” and there-
    fore erred in finding (1) claims 1–9, 12–15, 17, 20, 21, 23,
    10                               BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC
    and 24 of the ’575 patent anticipated by Tessier; (2)
    claims 9–11, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, and 25–34 of the ’575
    patent obvious over Tessier and other references; (3)
    claims 29, 31, and 33 of the ’575 patent anticipated by JP
    ’470; and (4) claims 1–5 and 7–20 of the ’061 patent
    anticipated by Tessier. Belden also disputes the Board’s
    obviousness conclusions relating to claims 6 and 21 of the
    ’061 patent on additional grounds. Belden does not con-
    test, however, the anticipation findings or the obviousness
    conclusions based on the Board’s claim constructions. We
    address each of those arguments in turn.
    Belden first argues that the Board erred by constru-
    ing “channels” to mean “grooves.” According to Belden,
    the patents exclusively use the term “groove” to refer to
    the area between prongs, as shown in Figure 4, and the
    term “channels” to refer to the substantially enclosed
    spaces that form after the jacket envelops the prongs and
    twisted pairs, as shown in Figure 1. Belden contends that
    that distinction permeates the intrinsic record and, more-
    over, that the Board had no justifiable reason to ignore its
    unrebutted expert testimony on that point. Belden fur-
    ther argues that the Board incorrectly relied on the ’116
    patent for a rationale that was neither presented in the
    petition for review nor addressed in the Board’s decision
    to institute.
    Berk-Tek responds that the ordinary meaning and the
    intrinsic record compel the Board’s construction. Berk-
    Tek first notes that the specification does not recite, much
    less define, the term “channels.” Thus, according to Berk-
    Tek, the Board necessarily relied on dictionaries, provided
    by Belden, and correctly adopted the broadest reasonable
    interpretation. Berk-Tek further argues that the claims,
    which require the interior support to define the bounda-
    ries of the “channels,” also support the Board’s construc-
    tion. Finally, Berk-Tek contends that the Board correctly
    BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC                            11
    relied on the ’116 patent because it is part of the prosecu-
    tion history and the patents incorporate it by reference.
    We agree with Berk-Tek that the Board correctly con-
    strued “channels” according to its ordinary meaning and
    the intrinsic record. When construing claim terms, the
    Board may rely on dictionaries “so long as the dictionary
    definition does not contradict any definition found in or
    ascertained by reading the patent document.” Phillips v.
    AWH Corp., 
    415 F.3d 1303
    , 1322–23 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en
    banc) (citations omitted). Here, the specification does not
    recite, much less define, “channels.” The dictionaries thus
    provide an adequate starting point, and simply define
    “channels” as “a long gutter, groove, or furrow.” Board
    Decision I at 8. Nothing in the intrinsic record conflicts
    with that ordinary meaning.
    Indeed, the specification and prosecution history only
    elaborate upon that understanding. The patents both
    derive from the ’116 patent, which describes the term
    “channel” as a type of “open space.” Because the Board
    should construe claims consistently across a family of
    related patents, NTP Inc. v. Research in Motion, Ltd., 
    418 F.3d 1282
    , 1293 (Fed. Cir. 2005), the Board correctly
    understood “channels” to further mean an “open space.”
    Belden argues that the Board incorrectly relied on the
    ’116 patent because it was neither raised in the petition
    for review nor addressed in the Board’s decision to insti-
    tute. We find that argument unpersuasive. The ’116
    patent is the parent of the ’061 patent and the consequent
    grandparent of the ’575 patent, and the patents have
    incorporated it by reference. The ’116 patent is thus part
    of the prosecution history and the specification; the Board
    appropriately relied on it for guidance.
    Moreover, the Board’s construction is consistent with
    the claim language, which simply describes a channel as
    an open space defined by the interior support. See, e.g.,
    ’575 patent col. 6 ll. 55–57 (“[A] non-conductive interior
    12                                BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC
    support . . . having a surface that defines a plurality of
    channels.”); ’061 patent col. 6 ll. 53–54 (describing the
    channel as “defined by each pair of adjacent arms” of the
    interior support). Belden argues that “channels” should
    instead be substantially enclosed spaces defined by the
    interior support and the jacket. We find that argument
    unpersuasive, however. Not only does it contradict the
    plain language of the claims, see, e.g., ’575 patent col. 6 ll.
    64–67 (“[W]herein the outer jacket in combination with
    the conductive interior support maintains the plurality of
    twisted pair conductors within the channels defined by
    the non-conductive interior support.”) (emphases added),
    but it also ignores the specification, which offers no guid-
    ance to one of ordinary skill as to what “substantially
    enclosed” would mean.
    We also reject Belden’s argument that the Board
    should have accepted its expert testimony. As an initial
    matter, a tribunal is not required to accept expert testi-
    mony simply because it was not challenged and the de-
    clarant was not deposed. See Applied Med. Res. Corp. v.
    U.S. Surgical Corp., 
    147 F.3d 1374
    , 1379 (Fed. Cir. 1998)
    (“The fact that Applied Medical did not contest this point
    with testimony from one of its own experts no more re-
    solves the factual question in Surgical’s favor . . . .”).
    Nonetheless, the Board correctly rejected Belden’s expert
    testimony proffered by the co-inventor, finding that it was
    “conclusory” and “not supported by a citation to the Speci-
    fication or an ordinary meaning,” Board Decision I at 14,
    as we have held that “conclusory, unsupported assertions
    by experts as to the definition of a claim term are not
    useful to a [tribunal],” 
    Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1318
    tions omitted).
    Accordingly, we affirm the Board’s construction that
    “a channel, as a long gutter, groove, or furrow, is a type of
    open space defined by the interior support within which
    at least one of the plurality of twisted pairs is located.”
    BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC                             13
    Belden additionally argues that Tessier does not dis-
    close prongs extending far enough towards the jacket to
    create substantially enclosed channels, and thus it cannot
    anticipate or be used to render the claims obvious. That
    argument, however, relies exclusively on Belden’s prof-
    fered construction of “channels,” which we have rejected.
    Belden does not question the Board’s finding that Tessier
    teaches the “channels” limitation as construed by the
    Board. Accordingly, we do not disturb the Board’s antici-
    pation findings and obviousness conclusions relying on
    that construction of “channels.”
    Belden next argues that the Board erred by allowing
    “twisted together” to be achieved by any method. Accord-
    ing to Belden, the structure required by the patents is the
    product of twisting the interior support along with the
    twisted pairs. That structure, Belden contends, necessari-
    ly differs from a cable derived from a preformed helix.
    Thus, Belden continues, Tessier, which only discloses
    preformed helixes, does not teach the “twisted together”
    limitation of the patents. Belden also argues that the
    Board erred in requiring Belden to prove that the result-
    ing structures differ, and that the Board unjustifiably
    ignored its unrebutted expert testimony.
    Berk-Tek responds that the Board correctly recog-
    nized that “twisted together” is not the product of a specif-
    ic method of manufacture. Rather, Berk-Tek argues, the
    claims are drawn to a twisted structure generally. More-
    over, Berk-Tek notes, the patents do not disclose a meth-
    od of twisting the interior support along with the twisted
    pairs of conductors, as Belden suggests. Berk-Tek also
    contends that Tessier is not limited to preformed helixes,
    but instead generally discloses projections and recesses
    that extend in helical fashion along the core member.
    Finally, Berk-Tek argues that the record lacked evidence
    suggesting that the method of manufacture generates
    14                               BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC
    different resulting structures; that the Board correctly
    discounted Belden’s expert testimony; and that the Board
    did not incorrectly shift the burden to Belden—Belden
    simply failed to rebut the prima facie case.
    We agree with Berk-Tek and the Board that “twisted
    together” simply connotes a twisted structure; it does not
    further require twisting by a certain method of manufac-
    ture. As Berk-Tek notes, the claims are product claims
    drawn to a data cable. See, e.g., ’575 patent col. 6 ll. 51–
    id. col. 8
    ll. 3–5. They require several structural
    features, including twisted pair conductors and an interi-
    or support. See, e.g., 
    id. col. 6
    ll. 55–59. Some claims also
    require the interior support and twisted pairs “twisted
    together” about a common axis.” See, e.g., col. 7 l. 53. Yet
    no claim recites a specific method by which the “twisted
    together” structure must be achieved. And as we have
    held, a product claim does not automatically become a
    product-by-process claim simply because a limitation
    recites a process characteristic, like “twisted together.”
    3M Innovative Props. Co. v. Avery Dennison Corp., 
    350 F.3d 1365
    , 1371–72 (Fed. Cir. 2003). Indeed, the specifi-
    cation does not purport to describe a specific method of
    twisting the support and the conductors to achieve the
    claimed “twisted together” structure. The Board was
    correct not to require one here. We therefore affirm the
    Board’s construction of “twisted together.”
    Belden then argues that, despite the Board’s construc-
    tion, the claims nevertheless require the interior support
    to be twisted along with the twisted pairs, and that the
    resulting structure differs from that disclosed in Tessier.
    We find that argument unpersuasive. Again, the claims
    do not require a specific method of manufacture. Moreo-
    ver, Belden’s argument presupposes that Tessier only
    discloses preformed helixes, and that a preformed helix
    necessarily imparts a different structure than a cable
    formed by Belden’s proposed twisted-along-with method.
    Tessier is not so limited. Rather, as the Board correctly
    BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC                            15
    found, Tessier recites that “the projections 24 and thus
    the recesses 26 extend in helical fashion along the core
    member.” ’575 Joint Appendix 187. It does not recite a
    two-step process, whereby the support is first formed into
    a helical structure and the conductors are then placed
    within the channels, as Belden contends.          In fact,
    Tessier’s disclosure echoes that of the patents, where the
    “[prongs] extend helically along the length of the star
    separator.” ’575 patent col. 5 ll. 28–32. Furthermore, the
    Board correctly rejected Belden’s expert testimony as
    conclusory and unsupported, for the reasons noted above,
    and simply held that the record lacked evidence that the
    structures of a preformed helix and a twisted-along-with
    cable differ. The Board did not place a heavy burden on
    Belden; Berk-Tek simply established a prima facie case,
    which Belden failed to rebut.
    Belden only contests the Board’s anticipation findings
    and obviousness conclusions based on its proffered under-
    standing of “twisted together,” which we have rejected.
    Accordingly, we do not disturb the Board’s anticipation
    findings and its obviousness conclusions relying on the
    Board’s correct construction of “twisted together.”
    Belden lastly argues that the Board erred in conclud-
    ing that claims 6 and 21 of the ’061 patent would have
    been obvious. With respect to claim 6, Belden contends
    that the Board erred by failing to identify a reason to
    combine Tessier and Meer, and, moreover, by relying on a
    proposed combination of prior art references that was not
    raised in the petition or in the decision to institute. With
    respect to claim 21, Belden argues that the Board failed to
    appreciate that Tessier’s preformed core would not as-
    sume the S-Z stranded configuration disclosed in JP ’307.
    Berk-Tek responds that, with respect to claim 6, Meer
    not only teaches the benefits of decreasing cable diameter,
    i.e., reducing cable congestion, but also discloses a cable
    16                             BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC
    with a diameter between 0.27 and 0.43 inches. Thus,
    according to Berk-Tek, the Board correctly concluded that
    it would have been obvious to apply the improvement of
    Meer to the cable of Tessier. In addition, Berk-Tek notes
    that its petition raised the proposed combination and,
    moreover, that Belden never argued otherwise before the
    Board. With respect to claim 21, Berk-Tek argues that
    Belden’s position presupposes that Tessier only teaches
    preformed helixes, which it does not.
    We agree with Berk-Tek that it would have been obvi-
    ous to apply the improvement of Meer to the data cable of
    Tessier, and therefore sustain the Board’s conclusion that
    claim 6 would have been obvious. First, and contrary to
    Belden’s assertion, Berk-Tek raised the Tessier and Meer
    combination in its petition for review, see ’061 Joint
    Appendix (’061 J.A.) 76; Belden thus had ample oppor-
    tunity to respond, and the Board did not err in relying on
    that combination to reject claim 6. Second, the Board’s
    findings regarding Meer’s disclosures are supported by
    substantial evidence. Meer recites that “cable congestion
    is presenting an ever increasing problem which is exacer-
    bated by the large cable diameters,” ’061 J.A. at 200, and
    offers reducing cable diameter to between 0.27 and 0.43
    inches as the solution, see 
    id. at 200–02.
    The Board thus
    correctly found that it was obvious to apply the improve-
    ment of Meer to the data cable of Tessier. Lastly, the
    Board found that Belden only recycled its “channels” and
    “twisted together” arguments, Board Decision II at 23,
    and thus failed to raise new arguments disputing the
    Meer-based obviousness rejection, see ’061 J.A. at 530
    (“[Belden] gives no independent argument for the validity
    of claim 6.”). For the reasons we noted above, the Board
    correctly rejected those arguments again here. We there-
    fore conclude that the Board did not err in holding that
    claim 6 would have been obvious over Tessier and Meer.
    We also agree with Berk-Tek that the Board correctly
    concluded that claim 21 would have been obvious over
    BELDEN INC.   v. BERK-TEK LLC                            17
    Tessier and JP ’307. First, the Board’s finding that JP
    ’307 discloses S-Z stranding of cable components is sup-
    ported by substantial evidence. ’061 J.A. at 188 (“Herein,
    the rotation direction of rotation frame 12 is reversed, and
    synchronized with wire storing length l of wire storing
    component 13; thus, SZ stranded wire in which stranded
    part S and stranded part Z are alternated, is fed from
    stranding component 11 at every length of l.”). Second, as
    with the Tessier and Meer rejection, the Board noted that
    Belden only recited its “channels” and “twisted together”
    arguments to dispute the JP ’307-based rejection. Board
    Decision II at 24. Compare ’061 J.A. at 480–82, with 
    id. at 483.
    We again find that the Board correctly rejected
    those arguments. Lastly, we agree with Berk-Tek that
    Belden’s argument assumes that Tessier only teaches
    preformed helixes. As we noted above, however, Tessier
    is not so limited. We therefore find that argument unper-
    suasive. Accordingly, the Board correctly held that claim
    21 would have been obvious over Tessier and JP ’307.
    We have considered the remaining arguments, but we
    find them unpersuasive. For the foregoing reasons, the
    Board’s decisions cancelling claims 1–34 of the ’575 patent
    and claims 1–21 of the ’061 patent are affirmed.