Fluor Tec, Corp. v. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office , 499 F. App'x 35 ( 2012 )

  •        NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    (Reexamination No. 95/001,168)
    Appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark
    Office, Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences.
    Decided: December 11, 2012
    ROBERT D. FISH, Fish & Associates, PC, of Irvine,
    California, argued for appellant. With him on the brief
    was MEI TSANG.
    FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS                                    2
    RAYMOND T. CHEN, Solicitor, United States Patent
    and Trademark Office, of Arlington, Virginia, argued for
    appellee, United States Patent and Trademark Office.
    With him on the brief were AMY J. NELSON and KRISTI
    L.R. SAWERT, Associate Solicitors.
    JEFFREY S. BERGMAN, Osha Liang LLP, of Houston,
    Texas, argued for appellee, Lummus Technology, Inc.
    Before LOURIE, BRYSON, and WALLACH, Circuit Judges.
    LOURIE, Circuit Judge.
    Fluor Tec, Corp. (“Fluor”) appeals from the decision of
    the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (the
    “Board”) in an inter partes reexamination affirming the
    Examiner’s decision not to reject claims 1–9, 11, 13, 25–
    29, 31, 33, 37–47, 55, 56, and 58 of U.S. Patent 6,712,880
    (the “’880 patent”) owned by Lummus Technology, Inc.
    (“Lummus”). See Fluor Tec, Corp. v. Patent of Lummus
    Tech. Inc., No. 2011-013099 (B.P.A.I. Dec. 15, 2011)
    (“Board Decision”). Because substantial evidence sup-
    ports the Board’s conclusion that the claimed invention
    would not have been obvious in view of the cited prior art,
    we affirm.
    This appeal arises from an inter partes reexamination
    of the ’880 patent in the U.S. Patent and Trademark
    Office (the “PTO”), assigned Patent Reexamination Con-
    trol Number 95/001,168, which was initiated by third
    party requester Fluor under 35 U.S.C. § 311 and 37
    C.F.R. § 1.913.
    The ’880 patent is directed to cryogenic processes for
    separating   multi-component     gaseous    hydrocarbon
    3                                       FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS
    streams to recover both gaseous and liquid compounds
    using a high pressure absorber. ’880 patent col.1 ll.10–15.
    The abridged claim 1 recited below, as amended during
    the reexamination proceeding, is representative of the
    claimed elements in dispute:
    1. A process for separating a heavy key compo-
    nent from an inlet gas stream containing a mix-
    ture of methane, C2 compounds, C3 compounds,
    and heavier compounds, comprising the following
    (a) at least partially condensing and separat-
    ing the inlet gas into a first liquid stream
    and a first vapor stream;
    (b) expanding at least a portion of the first
    liquid stream, at least a portion of which
    is then designated as a first fractionation
    feed stream;
    (c) supplying a fractionation column the first
    fractionation feed stream and a second
    fractionation feed stream, the fractiona-
    tion column produces a fractionation over-
    head vapor stream and a fractionation
    bottom stream;
    (d) expanding at least a portion of the first
    vapor stream, such expanded portion then
    designated as an expanded vapor stream;
    (e) supplying an absorber the expanded vapor
    stream and an absorber feed stream, the
    absorber produces an absorber overhead
    stream and an absorber bottom stream,
    the absorber having an absorber pressure
    that is substantially greater than and at a
    FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS                                      4
    predetermined differential pressure from
    a fractionation column pressure; . . .
    J.A. 325–326 (bracketing and underlining showing
    changes relative to the original patent claim omitted).
    Figure 1, reproduced below, depicts a flow diagram of
    a separation process according to the ’880 patent:
    ’880 patent fig. 1.
    Relevant to the issues argued in this appeal, Lum-
    mus’s separation apparatus is a two-column system that
    includes an absorber column [18] and a downstream
    fractionation column [22], wherein the absorber column is
    operated at a pressure substantially greater than the
    fractionation column. ’880 patent col.6 ll.52–60, col.3
    ll.48–54. Inlet gas [40] is first cooled or condensed in heat
    exchanger [12] and separated in separator [14] into first
    5                                       FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS
    liquid stream [44] and first vapor stream [42]. Id. col.7
    ll.18–27. The first liquid stream [44] is expanded in
    expander [24], heated in exchanger [12], and supplied to a
    middle tray of fractionation column [22] as first fractiona-
    tion feed stream [58]. Id. col.7 ll.31–35. A portion of first
    liquid stream [44] may be fed to overhead exchanger [20],
    as well as exchanger [12], before being supplied to frac-
    tionation column [22]. Id. col.8 ll.5–11. The first vapor
    stream [42] is expanded in turboexpander [16] to the
    operating pressure of absorber [18]. Id. col.7 ll.29–31.
    The expanded first vapor stream [42a] is then fed into the
    lower end of absorber [18]. Id. col.7 ll.34–36. In the
    absorber, heavier compounds in the vapor stream are
    absorbed by the falling liquid stream to produce absorber
    bottom stream [45], and lighter compounds rise to the top
    of the column to produce absorber overhead stream [46].
    Id. col.7 ll.50–59. Absorber bottom stream [45] is cooled
    (condensed) in exchangers [20] and [12], and fed into the
    middle of fractionation column [22] as second fractiona-
    tion feed stream [48]. Id. col.7 ll.60–62, col.8 ll.17–21.
    In requesting reexamination, Fluor relied on Interna-
    tional Patent Publication Number WO 02/14763 of Mak
    (the “Mak application”) as evidence of unpatentability.
    The Mak application discloses gas processing methods
    and configurations suitable for the recovery of propane or
    ethane that include an absorber and a fractionation
    column where the absorber is operated at a pressure
    higher than the fractionation column. Mak Appl. 2–3.
    The Mak application discloses two different configura-
    tions for gas separation, which depend on the pressure of
    the feed gas. One configuration, designed for use with
    low-pressure feed gas, does not involve expanding the first
    vapor stream, and is depicted in a flow diagram in Figure
    5, reproduced below:
    FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS                                   6
    Mak Appl. fig. 5.
    In this low-pressure design, the feed gas [1] is sepa-
    rated in separator [101] into a liquid portion [5] and a
    gaseous portion [2]. Id. at 8. The liquid portion [5] is
    expanded in Joules-Thompson valve [115] and fed directly
    into the fractionation column [106], and the gaseous
    portion [2] is cooled in heat exchanger [100] and fed into
    absorber [103] without expansion in a turboexpander. Id.
    The absorber overhead stream [9] is heated in exchanger
    [100] and fed into the gas pipeline without recompression,
    and the absorber bottom stream [7] is expanded in Joules-
    Thompson valve [104], which reduces the pressure and
    temperature, then heated in exchanger [105] and fed into
    the top of fractionation column [106]. Id.
    The other configuration disclosed in the Mak applica-
    tion, designed for use with high-pressure feed gas, is
    depicted in a flow diagram in Figure 2, reproduced below:
    7                                      FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS
    Mak Appl. fig. 2.
    In this high-pressure design, the feed gas [1], [2] is
    cooled in heat exchanger [100] and separated in separator
    [101] into a liquid portion [5] that is fed into the upper
    end of absorber [103], and a gaseous portion [4] that is
    expanded in turboexpander [102] and fed into a lower
    section of absorber [103]. Id. at 6. The absorber bottom
    stream [7] is expanded in Joules-Thompson valve [104],
    which lowers the pressure and significantly cools the
    stream, then heated in exchangers [100] and [105] and
    then fed into the top of fractionation column [106]. Id.
    During reexamination, the Examiner rejected some of
    the patent claims as anticipated under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e)
    by the Mak application, and some of the claims as obvious
    under 35 U.S.C. § 103 in view of the Mak application.
    Thereafter, Lummus amended the independent claims to
    incorporate limitations from the dependent claims.
    Specifically, claim 1 was amended as excerpted above.
    Following the amendment, the Examiner withdrew the
    rejections of the claims in view of the Mak application. In
    particular, the Examiner found that the vapor stream in
    Mak’s low-pressure configuration (i.e., stream [2], [6] in
    Figure 5) is not expanded prior to entering the absorber,
    FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS                                    8
    as required by the claims. Right of Appeal Notice dated
    Jan. 20, 2011 in Control No. 95/001,168, 20–21. Further,
    the Examiner noted that, according to Lummus’s
    amended claims, the first fractionation feed stream in the
    ’880 patent has the same chemical composition as the first
    liquid stream, which is merely renamed after being
    warmed in the heat exchangers en route to the fractiona-
    tion column. Id. at 14–15. In contrast, the first liquid
    stream in Mak’s high-pressure configuration (i.e., stream
    [5] in Figure 2) is initially fed to the absorber, where it
    undergoes chemical processing, and it is the chemically
    altered absorber bottom stream that is fed into the frac-
    tionation column as the first fractionation feed stream.
    Id. at 15–16.
    Fluor then appealed to the Board under 35 U.S.C. §
    134(c). The Board affirmed the Examiner’s finding that
    the Mak application failed to anticipate the claims, and
    Fluor does not challenge that holding on appeal. See
    Board Decision at 12. The Board, like the Examiner, also
    found that it would not have been obvious to add an
    expander to the low-pressure configuration taught by the
    Mak application and depicted in Figure 5 because that
    system was specifically designed and labeled not to in-
    clude turboexpansion. Id. at 12–13. The Board also
    concluded that the Examiner was correct in finding that
    there was no motivation for a skilled artisan to modify the
    high-pressure configuration taught by Mak and depicted
    in Figure 2 by rerouting the liquid stream to the frac-
    tionation column. Id. at 13. Accordingly, the Board
    affirmed the Examiner’s decision not to reject the claims.
    Fluor timely appealed. We have jurisdiction pursuant
    to 28 U.S.C. § 1295(a)(4)(A).
    9                                       FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS
    A claim is invalid for obviousness if, to one of ordinary
    skill in the pertinent art, “the differences between the
    subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are
    such that the subject matter as a whole would have been
    obvious at the time the invention was made.” 35 U.S.C.
    § 103(a) (2006); see also KSR Int’l Co. v. Teleflex Inc., 
    550 U.S. 398
    , 406–07 (2007). Obviousness is a legal conclu-
    sion based on underlying factual findings. In re Kao, 
    639 F.3d 1057
    , 1065 (Fed. Cir. 2011). We review the Board’s
    legal conclusions de novo and its factual determinations
    for substantial evidence. In re Am. Acad. Sci. Tech. Ctr.,
    367 F.3d 1359
    , 1363 (Fed. Cir. 2004). Substantial evi-
    dence means “such relevant evidence as a reasonable
    mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.”
    Consol. Edison Co. v. Nat’l Labor Relations Bd., 
    305 U.S. 197
    , 229 (1938).
    The claims of the ’880 patent require either “expand-
    ing” or an “expansion means” for expanding at least a
    portion of the first vapor stream, which the specification
    discloses are to “be effectuated with a turbo-expander,
    Joules-Thompson expansion valves, a liquid expander, a
    gas or vapor expander or the like.” J.A. 325–326; ’880
    patent col.6 ll.35–39. Fluor contends that the Board
    incorrectly determined that it would not have been obvi-
    ous to add an expander to the low-pressure configuration
    depicted in Figure 5 of the Mak application. Fluor argues
    that it would have been a mere design choice for a skilled
    artisan to add an expander when utilizing Mak’s low-
    pressure system with a high-pressure feed gas in order to
    improve the efficiency of the absorber, since the need to
    match the feed gas pressure with the absorber pressure
    FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS                                       10
    was well-known in the prior art.1 We disagree because
    substantial evidence supports the Board’s factual findings
    underlying its conclusion that the claims would not have
    been obvious.
    The system depicted in Figure 5 of the Mak applica-
    tion does not include expanding at least a portion of the
    first vapor stream as required by the claims; rather, vapor
    stream [2], [6] is fed into absorber [103] after cooling in
    heat exchanger [100], but without passing through an
    expander. Indeed, Mak’s low feed pressure configuration
    specifically excludes an expander: Figure 5 is expressly
    labeled as a “No Turboexpansion Design,” and the Mak
    specification recites (i) that “[t]he gaseous portion of [2] is
    cooled in a heat exchanger [100] and the cooled gaseous
    portion [6] is then fed into absorber [103] without expan-
    sion in a turboexpander,” Mak Appl. 8 (emphasis added);
    (ii) that “Figure 5 is a . . . configuration for a gas process-
    ing plant without turboexpander,” id. at 4 (emphasis
    1   To support its argument, Fluor relies, in part, on
    U.S. Patent 4,657,571 issued to Gazzi (“Gazzi”), which is
    cited in the background section of the ’880 patent, but is
    not incorporated by reference into the patent specification
    or part of the prosecution history of the reexamination
    application. Fluor admits that Gazzi was never refer-
    enced in arguments to the Examiner or the Board and
    was not part of the administrative record considered by
    the Board, but nevertheless contends that it was within
    the knowledge of a person of ordinary skill in the art and
    therefore the Board’s failure to consider it warrants
    vacating and remanding the Board’s decision. Appellant
    Reply. Br. 9. However, because 35 U.S.C. § 144 provides
    that we “review the decision from which an appeal is
    taken on the record before the [PTO],” Gazzi is not prop-
    erly before us for consideration on appeal. In re Watts,
    354 F.3d 1362
    , 1367 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (“[R]eview of the
    Board’s decision is confined to the ‘four corners’ of that
    11                                      FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS
    added); and (iii) that “the feed gas is fed into the absorber
    without passing through a turboexpander,” id. at 8 (em-
    phasis added).
    We agree with the Board’s determination that it
    would not have been obvious to modify Mak’s disclosure to
    add an expander. See DePuy Spine, Inc. v. Medtronic
    Sofamor Danek, Inc., 
    567 F.3d 1314
    , 1326 (Fed. Cir. 2009)
    (“An inference of nonobviousness is especially strong
    where the prior art’s teachings undermine the very reason
    being proffered as to why a person of ordinary skill would
    have combined the known elements.”). The Mak applica-
    tion discloses two different configurations, one designed
    for high-pressure feed gas and one designed for low-
    pressure feed gas, and that Mak specifically discusses the
    advantages of the “no turboexpander design” for low-
    pressure feed gas. See Mak Appl. 8–9. In Mak’s system,
    depicted in Figure 5, the gaseous portion is cooled in a
    heat exchanger before being fed into the absorber, but if
    high-pressure feed gas could be accommodated simply by
    adding an expander to the low-pressure configuration,
    then there would be no need for the separate high-
    pressure configuration. See In re Gal, 
    980 F.2d 717
    , 719
    (Fed. Cir. 1992) (holding that different structure to
    achieve different purpose was not an obvious design
    choice). Adding an expander to Mak’s low-pressure
    configuration is not simply a design choice that one would
    Moreover, a skilled artisan desiring to utilize a high-
    pressure feed gas would have been directed to follow the
    alternative systems disclosed in the Mak application that
    are specifically designed to accommodate a high-pressure
    feed gas, rather than attempt to modify Mak’s low-
    pressure configuration. See In re Gurley, 
    27 F.3d 551
    , 553
    (Fed. Cir. 1994) (a reference teaches away “when a person
    of ordinary skill, upon reading the reference . . . would be
    FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS                                     12
    led in a direction divergent from the path that was taken
    by the applicant”). Accordingly, viewing the teachings of
    the Mak application as a whole, a skilled artisan would
    not have been motivated to add an expander to the low-
    pressure configuration depicted in Figure 5 to arrive at
    the claimed invention. Because the Board’s fact-finding is
    supported by substantial evidence, we affirm its conclu-
    sion of nonobviousness. In re Jolley, 
    308 F.3d 1317
    , 1320
    (Fed. Cir. 2002).
    The claims of the ’880 patent also require that the
    inlet gas is separated into a first liquid stream and a first
    vapor stream, and that at least a portion of the first liquid
    stream is designated as a first fractionation feed stream,
    which is supplied to a fractionation column. J.A. 325–
    Fluor contends that the Board incorrectly determined
    that it would not have been obvious to modify the high-
    pressure configuration depicted in Figure 2 of the Mak
    application by rerouting the first liquid stream [5]—
    produced upon initial separation of feed gas [1], [2] in
    separator [101]—to the fractionation column [106] instead
    of to absorber [103] as disclosed. Fluor argues that a
    skilled artisan would have routed the liquid phase differ-
    ently depending on the composition of the feed gas itself,
    i.e., whether it was rich or lean.2 Fluor asserts that it
    would have been obvious to reroute the liquid phase to the
    2    A lean gas stream is one that contains a higher
    proportion of lighter hydrocarbons, such as methane (C1)
    and ethane (C2), and a lower percentage of heavier hydro-
    carbons, such as propane (C3) and butane (C4). In con-
    trast, a rich gas stream is one that contains a lower
    proportion of lighter hydrocarbons and a higher propor-
    tion of heavier hydrocarbon components.
    13                                     FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS
    fractionation column as claimed, rather than to the ab-
    sorber column as described in Mak’s high-pressure con-
    figuration, when the feed gas is rich because that would
    provide a more efficient separation in the system depicted
    in Figure 2, which is specifically designed for lean feed
    streams. We again disagree because substantial evidence
    supports the Board’s factual findings underlying its
    conclusion that the claims would not have been obvious.
    First, in the system depicted in Figure 2 of the Mak
    application, the liquid stream [5] is fed into the absorber
    [103] and undergoes chemical processing in the absorber,
    by interaction with gas stream [6] and reflux stream [19],
    to produce a liquid absorber bottom stream [7]. Mak
    Appl. 6, fig. 2. This chemically altered absorber bottom
    stream is subsequently expanded in Joules-Thompson
    valve [104], heated in exchangers [100] and [105], and
    then fed into fractionation column [106]. Id. In contrast,
    Lummus’s claims require that the expanded liquid stream
    be supplied directly to the fractionation column as a first
    fractionation feed stream without further chemical proc-
    essing. The ’880 patent specification discloses that, with
    reference to Figure 1, after the feed gas is separated in
    separator [12], “[t]he first liquid stream [44] is expanded
    in expander [24] and then supplied to front end exchanger
    [12] and warmed . . . then supplied to a mid-column feed
    tray of fractionation column [22] as a first fractionation
    feed stream [58].” ’880 patent col.7 ll.31–35.
    Second, Lummus’s claims at issue here are not limited
    only to a rich feed gas, but encompass any hydrocarbon
    stream. See, e.g., claim 1 (“inlet gas stream containing a
    mixture of methane, C2 compounds, C3 compounds, and
    heavier compounds”); see also ’880 patent abstract, col.1
    ll.11–15, col.5 l.65–col.6 l.16. Moreover, neither the
    claimed invention nor the Mak application discloses or
    suggests that the mixture of hydrocarbons in the feed gas
    FLUOR TEC   v. KAPPOS                                   14
    should have a direct bearing on the choice of which proc-
    ess should be employed for separation; on the contrary,
    the disclosure in Mak emphasizes that the choice of
    configuration should depend on the pressure of the feed
    gas, not the composition. Mak Appl. 3, 6, 8, 10–11.
    Finally, Fluor has provided no evidence or rationale to
    support its proposition that a skilled artisan would have
    been motivated to substantially modify Mak’s high-
    pressure configuration by rerouting the first liquid stream
    depending on the composition of the feed gas. KSR, 550
    U.S. at 418 (requiring “some articulated reasoning with
    some rational underpinning to support the legal conclu-
    sion of obviousness” (quoting In re Kahn, 
    441 F.3d 977
    988 (Fed. Cir. 2006))); see also Mintz v. Dietz & Watson,
    679 F.3d 1372
    , 1377 (Fed. Cir. 2012) (obviousness
    determination improper where “little more than an invo-
    cation of the words ‘common sense’ (without any record
    support showing that this knowledge would reside in the
    ordinarily skilled artisan)”). Therefore, again viewing the
    teachings of the Mak application as a whole, a skilled
    artisan would not have been motivated to modify the
    high-pressure configuration depicted in Figure 2 by
    rerouting the liquid stream to arrive at the claimed
    invention. Because the Board’s fact-finding is supported
    by substantial evidence, we affirm its conclusion of
    nonobviousness. Jolley, 308 F.3d at 1320.
    We have considered Fluor’s remaining arguments and
    find them unpersuasive. The Board’s judgment is af-